赵国 人物列表
赵衰 Zhao Shuai赵盾 Zhao Dun赵朔 Zhao Shuo
赵语 Zhao Yu赵武 Zhao Wu赵成 Zhao Cheng
赵鞅 Zhao Yang赵毋恤 Zhao Wuxu赵嘉 Zhao Jia
赵浣 Zhao Huan赵籍 Zhao Ji赵武侯 Zhao Wuhou
赵章 Zhao Zhang赵种 Zhao Chong赵雍 Zhao Yong
赵何 Zhao He赵丹 Zhao Dan赵何 Zhao He
赵迁 Zhao Qian赵嘉 Zhao Jia
赵种 Zhao Chong
赵国  (?前374年前350年)
网笔号: 成侯


  Cho Sung-Hou (? - 350 BC), Warring States period of China's sovereign Zhao, Chao, were kind, Zhao Jing Hou's son. 372 years ago, Zhao Xing Hou in the land (today near the village of Xingtai Whey) is high and Tan Taiwan to North Korea princes. Tan Xing to build for the platform, named Xingtai. 353 years ago, Wei Pang Juan general leading troops sent to attack Zhao, Wai Chiu capital Handan. Sarkozy to Tian Ji, Sun Bin rescue Zhao, Wei defeated in Gui Ling. Cho Sung-Hou 20 years (before 351), King Hui of Wei and Zhao Hou zhang shui in the south of the city of Handan Alliance, Cho Sung-Hou was forced to accept the humiliating Treaty.
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