秦國 人物列錶
秦昭王 Qin Zhaowang秦孝文王 Qin Xiaowenwang秦莊襄王 Qin Zhuangxiangwang
秦武王 Qin Wuwang秦惠文王 Qin Huiwenwang秦孝公 Qin Xiaogong
秦獻公 Qin Xiangong秦出公 Qin Chugong秦惠公 Qin Huigong
秦簡公 Qin Jiangong秦靈公 Qin Linggong秦懷公 Qin Huaigong
秦躁公 Qin Zaogong秦厲共公 Qin Ligonggong秦悼公 Qin Daogong
秦惠公 Qin Huigong秦夷公 Qin Yigong秦哀公 Qin Aigong
秦景公 Qin Jinggong秦桓公 Qin Huangong秦共公 Qin Gonggong
秦康公 Qin Kanggong秦穆公 Qin Mugong秦成公 Qin Chenggong
秦宣公 Qin Xuangong秦德公 Qin Degong秦武公 Qin Wugong
秦出子 Qin Chuzi秦憲公 Qin Xiangong秦靜公 Qin Jinggong
秦文公 Qin Wengong秦襄公 Qin Xianggong秦莊公 Qin Zhuanggong
秦仲 Qin Zhong秦公伯 Qin Gongba秦侯 Qin Hou
秦非子 Qin Feizi
秦簡公 Qin Jiangong
秦國  (前428年前400年)
名: 悼子
網筆號: 簡公

  戰國時期秦國君主。嬴姓,趙氏,名悼子。懷公之子,靈公叔父。公元前 414~前400年在位。前413年,秦簡公出師攻魏,敗於鄭(今陝西華縣西南)。前409年,簡公令官吏帶劍以防身。這是秦人積極仿效華夏,革新禮製的一大措施;次年,又允許百姓帶劍。同年,魏伐秦,盡占河西地,築洛陰、縣兩城,秦退守洛水(今陝西境內洛水),為加強防禦,保障國內改革,簡公組織軍民在東境修築長城。這是戰國時期最早的長城,又稱秦東長城。長城南起今陝西華陰縣東南小張村附近,由此趨嚮東北越過渭河,沿洛河右岸北上,經大荔蒲城、白水等縣,北止於白水縣黃竜山南麓。今華陰縣城東、蒲城縣東南,尚有秦長城遺址。秦簡公在政治、經濟上有一定改革,他允許官吏、百姓帶劍,打破了衹有貴族才能帶劍的特權;實行按土地畝數徵收租稅的政策,則是承認了“私田”的合法性,表明秦國開始嚮封建制度轉化。

  Warring States period Qin Guojun Lord. Win last name, Zhao, were mourning son. Pregnant with the son of the public, the public spirit of his uncle. BC 414 ~ 400 years before the reign. 413 years ago, public apprenticeship Gong Wei Qin, defeated Zheng (now Shaanxi Hua county Southwest). 409 years ago, Jane Public Order officials to self-defense with a sword. This is a positive follow Qin China, a major reform measures ritual system; the following year, they allow people with a sword. In the same year, Wei Fa Qin, hold all the Hexi Corridor, the building Luo Yin, county two cities, Qin retreated to the Lo (now Shaanxi Luoshui), to strengthen the defense, protection of domestic reform, public organizations, military and civilian simple construction of the Great Wall in East territory. This is the Warring States period, the first Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall of Qin East. Great Wall Huayin County, Shaanxi Province, south from the southeast near the village of Xiao Zhang, thus tend to northeast across the Weihe River, north along the right bank of the Luo, by Dali Pucheng, White counties, the southern foot of the North beyond the Baishui Huanglong Hill. This Huayin County East, Southeast Pucheng County, there are ruins of Qin Great Wall. Qin public in the political, economic, there are some reforms, he allowed officials, people with a sword, broken sword only with the privilege of nobility can; implement tax levied by a few acres of land policy, it is recognition of the "private field" of legal nature of the feudal system that began to transform the state of Qin.
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