将官 人物列表
织田信长 Oda Nobunaga丰臣秀吉 Toyotomi Hideyoshi武田信玄 Takeda Shingen
丰臣秀吉 Toyotomi Hideyoshi
将官  (1537年3月17日1598年9月18日)


丰臣秀吉(日语:豊臣 秀吉豐臣 秀吉とよとみ (の) ひでよし Toyotomi (no) Hideyoshi;1537年3月17日-1598年9月18日)是日本战国时代末期至安土桃山时代大名,原姓木下,之后将丹羽长秀字和柴田胜家字各取一字将改姓羽柴。原为下级武士家庭出身,后来因事奉其主织田信长,富有才干而逐渐发迹,在主君织田信长死后,在内部斗争中胜出,于1582年山崎之战击败明智光秀、于1583年贱岳之战击败柴田胜家,篡夺织田家的家业,进成为织田信长实质的接班人。之后在1585年(天正十三年)担任关白,1586年(天正十四年)再兼任太政大臣等职位,获赐氏姓“丰臣”,并动工兴建大阪城,并透过不断征伐与收编各方势力,实现日本自15世纪中叶后首次的形式上的统一,是为丰臣政权,成为日本的最高统治者。掌权期间通过太阁检地刀狩令等政策强化武士阶层,稳固其统治基础;晚年发动朝鲜之役,在战事末期逝世,被日本朝廷赐封“丰国大明神”。在日本历史上,丰臣秀吉与其同时代的主君织田信长、及其家臣德川家康并称“战国三杰”。




天文六年二月初六日(1537年3月17日) 丰臣秀吉出生于尾张国爱知郡中村(今爱知县名古屋市中村区),父为贫困农户木下弥右卫门,母亲是(日语:なか Naka)。幼年时期取名为日吉丸(日语:日吉丸ひよしまる Hiyoshi-maru),仕于织田信长成为武士之后改名木下藤吉郎(日语:木下 藤吉郎きのした とうきちろう Kinoshita Tōkichirō)。

由于秀吉的出身并非显贵,有关于他早期的文献记载十分有限,仅大概知道他少年时曾在尾张三河骏河等地方活动,父亲曾在尾张地方国人众蜂须贺氏(蜂须贺正利)麾下当雇佣性质的杂兵,修理、锻造兵器。秀吉七岁父亲死亡,八岁母亲改嫁,只好出家,入光明寺当小沙弥,曾经在远江国引马城支城头陀寺城成为松下之纲[注 1]的部下,《太阁记》记载秀吉元服时由松下之纲为乌帽子亲并命名中村(的)秀吉,但离开原因不明。[注 2]后从远房姨妈伊都父亲清兵卫的锻冶屋拿针贩卖。



1554年(天文二十三年)以小者的身份成为了织田信长的家仆,[注 3],被信长唤为猿或秃鼠(禿げ鼠[注 4],地位在足轻与“中间”之下,作为小者中的“草履取”[注 5]的等级,若随信长上阵,“中间”可以持胁差或木刀,小者只能帮主公提武具或充当“人夫”。后来因帮信长拿草鞋时将草鞋放进怀里暖鞋获得信长的欢心。1555年(弘治元年)陪同信长侧室生驹吉乃回娘家小折城的生驹屋敷,经吉乃介绍认识生驹氏亲戚蜂须贺正胜与川并众。[来源请求]1561年(永禄四年)与浅野长胜的养女(浅野长政的义妹)宁宁结婚,[注 6]更名为木下秀吉。[注 7]1570年信长准备进攻朝仓义景的中途,在金崎遭到盟友浅井长政攻击从后包抄,此战秀吉为殿后军一员,保护信长安全撤离(金崎之战)。

元龟元年(1570年)在姊川之战后,秀吉担任此役夺取的近江国横山城城代,并以此领地可动员的兵力一千人及在地情报,陆续在箕浦之战横山城之战虎御前山之战中击败浅井军,天正元年(1573年)在小谷城之战从防御土垒最矮(约一米五)的中段京极丸,切断浅井父子俩的防守区域,因此信长击败了浅井长政,长政自尽,浅井的旧属归织田家所有,以此功秀吉支配(领有一小部分600贯约2400石~3000石)北近江三郡十二万石成为城主,将根据地移至近江国今滨城,利用小谷城的土石建材增建今滨城后易名为长滨城。后赐苗字“羽柴”(日语:羽柴はしば Hashiba)。[注 8]











秀吉于山崎建筑宝寺城,并在山崎及丹波国实施检地,私底下也与织田家的诸大名缔结联谊、盟友,引起柴田胜家的不满,致使双方愈显对立。 天正10年(1582年)10月,胜家与泷川一益织田信孝共同向诸大名发出弹劾秀吉的书状,指责秀吉违反清洲会议并私自建筑宝寺城。秀吉则在10月15日以养子羽柴秀胜(信长的四男)为丧主,在京都举办大规模的信长葬仪,由于未通知胜家,更引起胜家不满。柴田胜家派出的佐佐成政压制越中,上杉家鱼津城守将须田满亲只好与成政议和,退出鱼津城和小出城后,经海路退回越后,此外,胜家也与中国的毛利辉元联络,打算夹击秀吉;秀吉眼见与柴田胜家一战势所难免,于是联络越后的上杉景胜与美浓的稻叶一铁,并在中国地区的山阴配置宫部继润、山阳配置蜂须贺正胜,以防范毛利氏攻击。












1592年,将关白丰臣家家督之位让给外甥丰臣秀次,以太阁[注 9]自居。1592年秀吉进行他人生中最后一场日本国内战争,派遣了蒲生氏乡浅野长政及石田三成联同东北地方大名平定九户政实之乱。同年,秀吉命令茶人千利休切腹自尽,详细原因不明。一说是利休于寺庙摆设自己的雕像激怒到秀吉;另有一说是由于利休过于向秀吉进谏(例如反对秀吉意欲向明朝出兵)以致,但是迫名声很高的千利休自尽,让秀吉威望大为下降。









丰臣秀吉法名为国泰祐松院殿灵山俊龙大居士,自他死后至今日本各地仍存在不同的丰国神社,包括在滋贺县长滨市大阪府大阪市爱知县名古屋市[注 10],丰臣秀吉的男性子孙,在德川家康于1614年发动大坂冬之阵与1615年发动大坂夏之阵,以求斩草除根彻底将丰臣秀赖逼迫切腹自尽,并将丰臣国松斩首。





  • 相传丰臣秀吉曾被人称作“猿面冠者”,也就是形容他像穿载衣冠的猿猴。传教士弗洛伊斯记载秀吉“身材矮小,容貌丑陋,右手有六只手指”。朝鲜通信使黄允吉形容秀吉“容貌矮陋,面色皱黑,如猱玃状;深目星眸,闪闪射人”。秀吉也承认自己“相貌丑陋、五体贫弱”。
  • 前田利家弗洛伊斯的记载相关书籍,秀吉的右手有六只手指,拇指有多一只手指,但后来秀吉不欲丑闻发生,故意隐藏六只手指的事情。
  • 根据传教士佛洛伊斯于1593年的报告书中介绍秀吉的夜生活如下:“太阁(秀吉)极为好色而不知廉耻,经常沉迷于动物性的肉欲中,在他的宫廷内,拥有二百名以上的女人。这不幸的暴君年龄已经超过六十岁(外表看起来比实际年龄还老),但是他还派人出外搜寻美女,不管是商人或是工人的女儿,也不管是未婚或是寡妇,只要是容貌美丽,都被他召进城内。而且他都只留一二天,就让那些妇女回家,只有让他满意的,才长久留在城内。”
  • 秀吉的死因至今仍是个谜,官方对其死因保密。此外亦有不同说法,比如脑梅毒痢病(赤痢、疫痢之类)、尿毒症脚气等。秀吉在晚年因为衰老,曾出现无意识的状况。此外,也有秀吉被明朝使者沈惟敬谋害的传闻,不过现已被驳斥。[注 11]
  • 晚年不复年轻时的出色判断力,也是丰臣氏没落的原因,将知名茶人千利休及养子家督丰臣秀次一族赐死,以及发动侵略朝鲜半岛文禄·庆长之役是他最大的争议。有人认为他晚年做出许多荒谬暴戾的事情,且西方人也有此评价,许多来日基督教传教士们在记载中不断赞扬家督秀次而贬低太阁秀吉,在这些外国人眼中太阁秀吉是一个只顾满足个人私欲的贪暴之君。
  • 有不少日本学者认为秀吉本人无法生育,乃因秀吉个性好色是出了名的,自年轻到老宠幸过的女子非常多,但是全都没有生育,而且丰臣家灭亡后秀吉的妻妾们改嫁他人后还纷纷怀孕生子,因此秀赖跟3岁早夭的鹤松是茶茶外遇偷生的说法不绝于耳。



  • 戒名国泰裕松院殿灵山俊龙大居士































  • 真空路守 NO.8 秀吉张斩
  • Doyusha童友社1/3名刀二刀丰臣秀吉
  • Doyusha童友社 1/360 和歌山城
  • Doyusha童友社 samurai armet 丰臣秀吉
  • bb战士 NO.354 SD战国传 武神降临篇 丰臣秀吉顽駄无



  1. ^ 松下之纲,又名松下加兵卫,是城主饭尾连龙的部下。
  2. ^ 秀吉在1590年分配领地的时候,分封加兵卫远江国久野城1万6千石。
  3. ^ 明治以前成为土豪的私奴婢多半因为积欠地税或战时被“人狩”贩卖,成为“五色之贱”的贱民,多半是非自愿的,口份田只有良民的1/3。
  4. ^ 文献中,信长只有在写给宁宁的亲笔信中称秀吉为“那个秃鼠”一次
  5. ^ 草履是一种草制的夹脚脱鞋,草鞋则贴近凉鞋样式
  6. ^ 苗字,岳父未从妻族苗字前本来的苗字
  7. ^ 最早在1568年文书中有木下藤吉郎秀吉的副署记载。
  8. ^ 羽柴=端柴,与惟任、惟住、原田、别喜等赐姓同,叙官也同样是九州国司。也就是木材裁切后的废木料,根据《日本教会史》记载,木下藤吉郎为一樵夫。部分日本作家历史研究者倾向木下藤吉郎曾贩卖过端柴或恐因出身低微招人忌,故改此苗字。这说法与丰臣秀吉家族熟识的川并众从事的业务有很大关连性,秀吉认为木下此姓为自己流浪的时候的姓,为了匹配城主的地位,便改姓为羽柴(羽柴,取丹羽长秀柴田胜家姓中各一字,因为和长秀关系较好,固放前)。
  9. ^ 太阁是前关白的尊称。
  10. ^ 江户幕府统治时期并不存在丰国神社,改为东照神宫,到明治时代才续渐恢复。
  11. ^ 根据朝鲜李肯翊在《燃黎室记述》中的说法,丰臣秀吉被沈惟敬毒死。但沈于1596年出使日本,而秀吉则在1598年逝世,中间相差两年,故而被沈毒死的可能性极小。

Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豐臣 秀吉/豊臣 秀吉, 17 March 1537 – 18 September 1598) was a Japanese daimyō and politician of the late Sengoku period regarded as the second "Great Unifier" of Japan.

Hideyoshi rose from a peasant background as a retainer of the prominent lord Oda Nobunaga to become one of the most powerful men in Japan. Hideyoshi succeeded Nobunaga after the Honnō-ji Incident in 1582 and continued Nobunaga's campaign to unite Japan that led to the closing of the Sengoku period. Hideyoshi became the de facto leader of Japan and acquired the prestigious positions of Chancellor of the Realm and Imperial Regent by the mid-1580s. Hideyoshi launched the Japanese invasions of Korea in 1592 to initial success, but eventual military stalemate damaged his prestige before his death in 1598. Hideyoshi's young son and successor Toyotomi Hideyori was displaced by Tokugawa Ieyasu at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 which would lead to the founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Hideyoshi's rule covers most of the Azuchi–Momoyama period of Japan, partially named after his castle, Momoyama Castle. Hideyoshi left an influential and lasting legacy in Japan, including Osaka Castle, the Tokugawa class system, the restriction on the possession of weapons to the samurai, and the construction and restoration of many temples some of which are still visible in Kyoto.

Early life (1537–1558)

Nakamura Park in Nagoya, traditionally regarded as Hideyoshi's birthplace.

Very little is known for certain about Toyotomi Hideyoshi before 1570, when he begins to appear in surviving documents and letters. His autobiography starts in 1577, but in it, Hideyoshi spoke very little about his past.

According to tradition, Hideyoshi was born on 17 March 1537 in NakamuraOwari Province (present-day Nakamura WardNagoya), in the middle of the chaotic Sengoku period under the collapsed Ashikaga Shogunate. Hideyoshi had no traceable samurai lineage, and his father Yaemon was an ashigaru – a peasant employed by the samurai as a foot soldier. Hideyoshi had no surname, and his childhood given name was Hiyoshi-maru (日吉丸) ("Bounty of the Sun") although variations exist. Yaemon died in 1543 when Hideyoshi was 7-years-old, the younger of two children, his sibling being an older sister.

Many legends describe Hideyoshi being sent to study at a temple as a young man, but he rejected temple life and went in search of adventure. Under the name Kinoshita Tōkichirō (木下 藤吉郎), he first joined the Imagawa clan as a servant to a local ruler named Matsushita Yukitsuna (松下之綱). Hideyoshi traveled all the way to the lands of Imagawa Yoshimoto, the daimyō (feudal lord) based in Suruga Province, and served there for a time, only to abscond with a sum of money entrusted to him by Matsushita Yukitsuna.[citation needed]

Service under Nobunaga (1558–1582)

In 1558, Hideyoshi became an ashigaru for the powerful Oda clan, the rulers of his home province of Owari, now headed by the ambitious Oda Nobunaga. Hideyoshi soon became one of Nobunaga's sandal-bearers, a position of relatively high status, and was present at the Battle of Okehazama in 1560 when Nobunaga defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto to become one of the most powerful warlords in the Sengoku period. According to his biographers, Hideyoshi supervised the repair of Kiyosu Castle, a claim described as "apocryphal", and managed the kitchen.

In 1561, Hideyoshi married One, the adopted daughter of Asano Nagakatsu. Hideyoshi carried out repairs on Sunomata Castle with his younger half-brother, Toyotomi Hidenaga, along with Hachisuka Masakatsu, and Maeno Nagayasu. Hideyoshi's efforts were well-received because Sunomata was in enemy territory, and according to legend constructed a fort in Sunomata overnight and discovered a secret route into Mount Inaba, after which much of the local garrison surrendered.[citation needed]

100 Aspects of the Moon No. 7, by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi: "Mount Inaba Moon" 1885, 12th month. The young Toyotomi Hideyoshi (then named Kinoshita Tōkichirō) leads a small group assaulting the castle on Mount Inaba

In 1564, Hideyoshi was very successful as a negotiator. He managed to convince, mostly with liberal bribes, a number of Mino warlords to desert the Saitō clan. Hideyoshi approached many Saitō clan samurai and convinced them to submit to Nobunaga, including the Saitō clan's strategist, Takenaka Shigeharu.[citation needed]

Nobunaga's easy victory at the Siege of Inabayama Castle in 1567 was largely due to Hideyoshi's efforts, and despite his peasant origins, Hideyoshi became one of Nobunaga's most distinguished generals, eventually taking the name Hashiba Hideyoshi (羽柴 秀吉). The new surname included two characters, one each from Oda's two other right-hand men, Niwa Nagahide ( 長秀), Shibata Katsuie (田 勝家) and Mori Yoshinari (森 )

In 1570, Hideyoshi protected Nobunaga retreat from Azai-Asakura forces at Kanegasaki. Hideyoshi's rear defense for his lord's escape is one of his fabled accomplishments under Nobunaga. Later in June 1570, at the Battle of Anegawa, Hideyoshi was assigned to lead Oda troops into open battle for the first time in which Oda Nobunaga allied with Tokugawa Ieyasu to lay siege to two fortresses of the Azai and Asakura clans.

In 1573, after victorious campaigns against the Azai and Asakura, Nobunaga appointed Hideyoshi daimyō of three districts in the northern part of Ōmi Province. Initially, Hideyoshi based at the former Azai headquarters at Odani Castle but moved to Kunitomo and renamed the city "Nagahama" in tribute to Nobunaga. Hideyoshi later moved to the port at Imahama on Lake Biwa, where he began work on Imahama Castle and took control of the nearby Kunitomo firearms factory that had been established some years previously by the Azai and Asakura. Under Hideyoshi's administration, the factory's output of firearms increased dramatically. Hideyoshi participated in the 1573 Siege of Nagashima.

In 1575, Hideyoshi fought in the Battle of Nagashino against Takeda. In 1576, Nobunaga sent Hideyoshi to Himeji Castle to conquer the Chūgoku region from the Mori clan. Hideyoshi then fought in the Battle of Tedorigawa (1577), the Siege of Miki (1578), the Siege of Itami (1579), and the Siege of Takamatsu (1582).

Death of Nobunaga

On June 21, 1582, Oda Nobunaga was killed by the forces of the traitorous Akechi Mitsuhide. This occurred in Honnō-ji temple in Kyoto, ending Nobunaga's quest to consolidate centralized power in Japan under his authority.

After the assassinations at Honnō-ji of Oda Nobunaga and his eldest son Nobutada at the hands of Akechi Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi seeking vengeance for the death of his lord, made peace with the Mōri clan and thirteen days later Hideyoshi met Mitsuhide and defeated him at Battle of Yamazaki, avenging his lord (Nobunaga) and taking Nobunaga's authority and power for himself.:275–279

Rise to Power (1582–1585)

Japan around 1582

Construction of Osaka Castle

In 1582, Hideyoshi began construction of Osaka Castle. Built on the site of the temple Ishiyama Hongan-ji destroyed by Nobunaga, the castle would become the last stronghold of the Toyotomi clan after Hideyoshi's death.[citation needed]

Conflict with Katsuie

In 1583, Subsequently, Hideyoshi was in a very strong position. He summoned the powerful daimyo to Kiyosu so that they could determine Nobunaga's heir. Oda Nobukatsu and Oda Nobutaka quarreled, causing Hideyoshi to instead choose Samboshi, Nobu's grandson. Having won the support of the other two Oda elders, Niwa Nagahide and Ikeda Tsuneoki, Hideyoshi established Hidenobu's position, as well as his own influence in the Oda clan. He distributed Nobunaga's provinces among the generals and formed a council of four generals to help govern. Tension quickly escalated between Hideyoshi and Katsuie, and at the Battle of Shizugatake in the following year, Hideyoshi destroyed Katsuie's forces. Hideyoshi had thus consolidated his own power, dealt with most of the Oda clan, and controlled 30 provinces.:313–314 The famous kirishitan daimyō and samurai Dom Justo Takayama fought on his side at this epic battle.

Conflict with Ieyasu

In 1584, Nobunaga's other son, Oda Nobukatsu, remained hostile to Hideyoshi. Nobukatsu allied himself with Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the two sides fought at the inconclusive Battle of Komaki and Nagakute. It ultimately resulted in a stalemate, although Hideyoshi's forces were delivered a heavy blow. Finally, Hideyoshi made peace with Nobukatsu, ending the pretext for war between the Tokugawa and Hashiba clans. Hideyoshi sent Tokugawa Ieyasu his younger sister Asahi no kata and mother Ōmandokoro as hostages. Ieyasu eventually agreed to become an ally of Hideyoshi.

Toyotomi clan

Like Nobunaga before him, Hideyoshi never achieved the title of shōgun. Instead, he arranged to have himself adopted by Konoe Sakihisa, one of the noblest men belonging to the Fujiwara clan and secured a succession of high court titles Chancellor (Daijō-daijin), including, in 1585, the prestigious position of Imperial Regent (kampaku). In 1586, Hideyoshi was formally given the new clan name Toyotomi (instead of Fujiwara) by the Imperial court. He built a lavish palace, the Jurakudai, in 1587 and entertained the reigning Emperor, Emperor Go-Yōzei, the following year.

Unification of Japan (1585–1592)

Hideyoshi's "Edict of expulsion of the Christian Padres" (吉利支丹伴天連追放令), 1587.
Letter from Duarte de Meneses, viceroy of Portuguese India, to Hideyoshi dated April 1588, concerning the suppression of Christians, a National Treasure of Japan

Negoro-ji campaign

Afterwards in 1585, Hideyoshi launch Siege of Negoro-ji and subjugated Kii Province. The Negoro-gumi, the warrior monks of Negoro-ji, were quite skilled in the use of firearms, and were devout followers of Shingi, a branch of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. They were allied with the Ikkō-ikki, and with Tokugawa Ieyasu, one of Toyotomi's chief rivals. In particular, they attracted Hideyoshi's ire for their support of Tokugawa in the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute the previous year. After attacking a number of other warrior monk outposts in the area, Hideyoshi's force turned to the Negoro-ji, attacking it from two sides. The complex was set aflame, beginning with the residences of the priests, and Hideyoshi's samurai cut down monks as they escaped the blazing buildings.

Shikoku Campaign

In the 1585 invasion of Shikoku, Toyotomi forces seized and conquered Shikoku island, the smallest of Japan's four main islands, from Chōsokabe Motochika. Toyotomi's forces arrived with 113,000 strength under Toyotomi HidenagaToyotomi HidetsuguUkita Hideie and Mori clan 'Two RiversKobayakawa Takakage and Kikkawa Motoharu, against 40,000 men of Chōsokabe's. Despite the overwhelming size of Hideyoshi's army, and the suggestions of his advisors, Motochika chose to fight to defend his territories. The battles culminated in the siege of Ichinomiya Castle, which lasted for 26 days. Chōsokabe made a half-hearted attempt to relieve his castle from the siege, but surrendered in the end. He was allowed to keep Tosa Province, while the rest of Shikoku was divided among Hideyoshi's generals.

Toyama campaign

During the late summer of August 1585, Hideyoshi launched an attack on Etchū Province. Toyotomi Hideyoshi laid Siege of Toyama castle. However, Toyama castle garrison is led under Sassa Narimasa, one of his former allies many years back. Hideyoshi led his army of around 100,000 soldiers against 20,000 men of the Sassa Narimasa forces; in the end, however, Narimasa's defense was shattered, thus allowing the Toyotomi supremacy over Etchu province.

Kyushu Campaign

In 1586, Toyotomi conquered Kyūshū against Shimazu clan. Toyotomi Hidenaga, half-brother to Hideyoshi, landed to the south of Bungo on Kyūshū's eastern coast. Meanwhile, Hideyoshi took his own forces down a more westerly route, in Chikuzen province. Later that year, with total 200,000 soldiers against 30,000 men of Shimazu forces, the two brothers would meet up in the Shimazu's home province of Satsuma laid Siege of Kagoshima, Shimazu home castle. the Shimazu surrendered, leaving Hideyoshi to return his attention to the Hōjō clan of the Kantō, the last major clan to oppose him.

In 1587, Hideyoshi banished Christian missionaries from Kyūshū to exert greater control over the Kirishitan daimyōs. However, since he made much of trade with Europeans, individual Christians were overlooked unofficially.

In 1588, Hideyoshi forbade ordinary peasants from owning weapons and started a sword hunt to confiscate arms. The swords were melted down to create a statue of the Buddha. This measure effectively stopped peasant revolts and ensured greater stability at the expense of freedom of the individual daimyōs.

Odawara campaign

In 1590, hideyoshi laid Siege of Odawara against the Hōjō clan in the Kantō region, With 220,000 men, the massive army of Toyotomi Hideyoshi surrounded the Odawara castle against 82,000 Hôjô garrison, in what has been called "the most unconventional siege lines in samurai history". The samurai were entertained by everything from concubines, prostitutes, and musicians to acrobats, fire-eaters, and jugglers. The defenders slept on the ramparts with their arquebuses and armor; despite their smaller numbers, they discouraged Hideyoshi from attacking. After three months, the Hōjō surrendered by losing the will to fight by the sudden appearance of Ishigakiyama Ichiya Castle.

Eliminated the last resistance to Hideyoshi's authority. His victory signified the end of the Sengoku period. During this siege, Hideyoshi offered Ieyasu the eight Hōjō-ruled provinces in the Kantō region in exchange for the submission of Ieyasu's five provinces. Ieyasu accepted this proposal.

Death of Sen no Rikyū

In February 1591, Hideyoshi ordered Sen no Rikyū to commit suicide, likely in one of his angry outbursts. Rikyū had been a trusted retainer and master of the tea ceremony under both Hideyoshi and Nobunaga. Under Hideyoshi's patronage, Rikyū made significant changes to the aesthetics of the tea ceremony that had a lasting influence over many aspects of Japanese culture. Even after Rikyū's death, Hideyoshi is said to have built his many construction projects based upon aesthetics promoted by Rikyū, perhaps suggesting that he regretted his actions.[citation needed]

Following Rikyū's death, Hideyoshi turned his attention from tea ceremony to Noh, which he had been studying since becoming Imperial Regent. During his brief stay in Nagoya Castle in what is today Saga Prefecture, on Kyūshū, Hideyoshi memorized the shite (lead roles) parts of ten Noh plays, which he then performed, forcing various daimyōs to accompany him onstage as the waki (secondary, accompanying role). He even performed before the emperor.

Korean Campaign (1592–1598)


The stability of the Toyotomi dynasty after Hideyoshi's death was put in doubt with the death of his son Tsurumatsu in September 1591. The three-year-old was his only child. When his half-brother Hidenaga died shortly after, Hideyoshi named his nephew Hidetsugu his heir, adopting him in January 1592. Hideyoshi resigned as kampaku to take the title of taikō (retired regent). Hidetsugu succeeded him as kampaku.[citation needed]

Toyotomi Hideyoshi's armor

With Hideyoshi's health beginning to falter, but still yearning for some accomplishment to solidify his legacy, he adopted Oda Nobunaga's dream of a Japanese conquest of China and launched the conquest of the Ming dynasty by way of Korea (at the time known as Koryu or Joseon).

Hideyoshi had been communicating with the Koreans since 1587 requesting unmolested passage into China. As an ally of Ming China, the Joseon government of the time at first refused talks entirely, and in April and July 1591 also refused demands that Japanese troops be allowed to march through Korea. The government of Joseon was concerned that allowing Japanese troops to march through Korea (Joseon) would mean that masses of Ming Chinese troops would battle Hideyoshi's troops on Korean soil before they could reach China, putting Korean security at risk. In August 1591, Hideyoshi ordered preparations for an invasion of Korea to begin.[citation needed]

First campaign against Korea

In the first campaign, Hideyoshi appointed Ukita Hideie as field marshal, and had him go to the Korean peninsula in April 1592. Konishi Yukinaga occupied Seoul, which had been the capital of the Joseon dynasty of Korea, on June 19. After Seoul fell easily, Japanese commanders held a war council in June in Seoul and determined targets of subjugation called Hachidokuniwari (literally, dividing the country into eight routes) by each corps (the First Division of Konishi Yukinaga and others from Pyeongan Province, the Second Division of Katō Kiyomasa and others from Hangyong Province, the Third Division of Kuroda Nagamasa and others from Hwanghae Province, the Fourth Division of Mōri Yoshinari and others from Gangwon Province; the Fifth Division of Fukushima Masanori and others from Chungcheong Province; the Sixth Division by Kobayakawa Takakage and others from Jeolla Province, the Seventh Division by Mōri Terumoto and others from Gyeongsang Province, and the Eighth Division of Ukita Hideie and others from Gyeonggi Province).

In only four months, Hideyoshi's forces had a route into Manchuria and occupied much of Korea. The Korean king Seonjo of Joseon escaped to Uiju and requested military intervention from China. In 1593, the Wanli Emperor of Ming China sent an army under general Li Rusong to block the planned Japanese invasion of China and recapture the Korean peninsula. The Ming army of 43,000 soldiers headed by Li Ru-song proceeded to attack Pyongyang. On January 7, 1593, the Ming relief forces under Li recaptured Pyongyang and surrounded Seoul, but Kobayakawa Takakage, Ukita Hideie, Tachibana Muneshige and Kikkawa Hiroie won the Battle of Byeokjegwan in the suburbs of Seoul. At the end of the first campaign, Japan's entire navy was destroyed by Admiral Yi Sun-sin of Korea whose base was located in a part of Korea the Japanese could not control. This, in effect, put an end to Japan's dream of conquering China as the Koreans simply destroyed Japan's ability to re-supply their troops who were bogged down in Pyongyang.

Succession dispute

Toyotomi Hideyori

The birth of Hideyoshi's second son in 1593, Hideyori, created a potential succession problem. To avoid it, Hideyoshi exiled his nephew and heir Hidetsugu to Mount Kōya and then ordered him to commit suicide in August 1595. Hidetsugu's family members who did not follow his example were then murdered in Kyoto, including 31 women and several children.

Twenty-six martyrs of Japan

In January 1597, Toyotomi Hideyoshi had twenty-six Christians arrested as an example to Japanese who wanted to convert to Christianity. They are known as the Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan. They included five European Franciscan missionaries, one Mexican Franciscan missionary, three Japanese Jesuits and seventeen Japanese laymen including three young boys. They were tortured, mutilated, and paraded through towns across Japan. On February 5, they were executed in Nagasaki by public crucifixion.

The 26 Christian martyrs of Nagasaki, 18–19th-century, Choir of La Recoleta, Cuzco

Second campaign against Korea

After several years of negotiations (broken off because envoys of both sides falsely reported to their masters that the opposition had surrendered), Hideyoshi appointed Kobayakawa Hideaki to lead a renewed invasion of Korea, but their efforts on the peninsula met with less success than the first invasion. Japanese troops remained pinned down in Gyeongsang Province. In June 1598, the Japanese forces turned back several Chinese offensives in Suncheon and Sacheon, but they were unable to make further progress as the Ming army prepared for a final assault. While Hideyoshi's battle at Sacheon was a major Japanese victory, all three parties to the war were exhausted. He told his commander in Korea, "Don't let my soldiers become spirits in a foreign land."


Houkokubyo (Mausoleum of Toyotomi Hideyoshi) Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto

Toyotomi Hideyoshi died on September 18, 1598. He was delirious, with Sansom asserting that he was babbling of the distribution of fiefs. His last words, delivered to his closest daimyos and generals, were "I depend upon you for everything. I have no other thoughts to leave behind. It is sad to part from you." His death was kept secret by the Council of Five Elders to preserve morale, and they ordered the Japanese forces in Korea to withdraw back to Japan. Because of his failure to capture Korea, Hideyoshi's forces were unable to invade China. Rather than strengthen his position, the military expeditions left his clan's coffers and fighting strength depleted, his vassals at odds over responsibility for the failure, and the clans that were loyal to the Toyotomi name weakened. The dream of a Japanese conquest of China was put on hold, and was not tried again until the World War II period. The Tokugawa government later not only prohibited any further military expeditions to the Asian mainland but closed Japan to nearly all foreigners during the years of the Tokugawa shogunate. It was not until the late 19th century that Japan again fought a war against China through Korea, using much the same route that Hideyoshi's invasion force had used.

After his death, the other members of the Council of Five Regents were unable to keep the ambitions of Tokugawa Ieyasu in check. Two of Hideyoshi's top generalsKatō Kiyomasa and Fukushima Masanori, had fought bravely during the war but returned to find the Toyotomi clan castellan Ishida Mitsunari in power. He held the generals in contempt, and they sided with Tokugawa Ieyasu. Hideyoshi's underage son and designated successor Hideyori lost the power his father once held, and Tokugawa Ieyasu was declared shōgun following the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600.


Wives and concubines

Hideyoshi sitting with his wives and concubines.


Hashiba Hidekatsu (Ishimatsumaru)

Adopted sons

Adopted daughters


Cultural legacy

A replicated Osaka Castle has been created on the site of Hideyoshi's great donjon. The iconic castle has become a symbol of Osaka's re-emergence as a great city after its devastation in World War II.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi changed Japanese society in many ways. These include the imposition of a rigid class structure, restriction on travel, and surveys of land and production.

Class reforms affected commoners and warriors. During the Sengoku period, it had become common for peasants to become warriors, or for samurai to farm due to the constant uncertainty caused by the lack of centralized government and always tentative peace. Upon taking control, Hideyoshi decreed that all peasants be disarmed completely. Conversely, he required samurai to leave the land and take up residence in the castle towns. This solidified the social class system for the next 300 years.

Furthermore, he ordered comprehensive surveys and a complete census of Japan. Once this was done and all citizens were registered, he required all Japanese to stay in their respective han (fiefs) unless they obtained official permission to go elsewhere. This ensured order in a period when bandits still roamed the countryside and peace was still new. The land surveys formed the basis for systematic taxation.

In 1590, Hideyoshi completed construction of the Osaka Castle, the largest and most formidable in all Japan, to guard the western approaches to Kyoto. In that same year, Hideyoshi banned "unfree labour" or slavery in Japan, but forms of contract and indentured labour persisted alongside the period penal codes' forced labour.

Hideyoshi also influenced the material culture of Japan. He lavished time and money on the Japanese tea ceremony, collecting implements, sponsoring lavish social events, and patronizing acclaimed masters. As interest in the tea ceremony rose among the ruling class, so too did demand for fine ceramic implements, and during the course of the Korean campaigns, not only were large quantities of prized ceramic ware confiscated, many Korean artisans were forcibly relocated to Japan.

Inspired by the dazzling Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, he had the Golden Tea Room constructed, which was covered with gold leaf and lined inside with red gossamer. Using this mobile innovation, he was able to practice the tea ceremony wherever he went, powerfully projecting his unrivalled power and status upon his arrival.

Politically, he set up a governmental system that balanced out the most powerful Japanese warlords (or daimyōs). A council was created to include the most influential lords. At the same time, a regent was designated to be in command.[citation needed]

Just before his death, Hideyoshi hoped to set up a system stable enough to survive until his son grew old enough to become the next leader. A Council of Five Elders (五大老go-tairō) was formed, consisting of the five most powerful daimyōs. Following the death of Maeda Toshiie, however, Tokugawa Ieyasu began to secure alliances, including political marriages (which had been forbidden by Hideyoshi). Eventually, the pro-Toyotomi forces fought against the Tokugawa in the Battle of Sekigahara. Ieyasu won and received the title of Seii-Tai Shōgun two years later.

Hideyoshi is commemorated at several Toyokuni Shrines scattered over Japan.

Ieyasu left in place the majority of Hideyoshi's decrees and built his shogunate upon them. This ensured that Hideyoshi's cultural legacy remained. In a letter to his wife, Hideyoshi wrote:

I mean to do glorious deeds and I am ready for a long siege, with provisions and gold and silver in plenty, so as to return in triumph and leave a great name behind me. I desire you to understand this and to tell it to everybody.


Because of his low birth with no family name, to the eventual achievement of Imperial Regent, the highest title of Imperial nobility, Toyotomi Hideyoshi had quite a few names throughout his life. At birth, he was given the name Hiyoshi-Maru (日吉丸). At genpuku, he took the name Kinoshita Tōkichirō (木下 藤吉郎). Later, he was given the surname Hashiba and the honorary court office Chikuzen no Kami; as a result, he was styled Hashiba Chikuzen no Kami Hideyoshi (羽柴筑前守秀吉). His surname remained Hashiba even as he was granted the new Uji or sei ( or , clan name) Toyotomi by the Emperor.

The Toyotomi Uji was simultaneously granted to a number of Hideyoshi's chosen allies, who adopted the new Uji "豐臣朝臣/豊臣朝臣" (Toyotomi no some, courtier of Toyotomi).

The Catholic sources of the time referred to him as Cuambacondono (from kampaku and the honorific -dono) and "emperor Taicosama" (from taikō, a retired kampaku (see Sesshō and Kampaku), and the honorific -sama).

Toyotomi Hideyoshi had been given the nickname Kozaru, meaning "little monkey", from his lord Oda Nobunaga because his facial features and skinny form resembled that of a monkey. He was also known as the "bald rat" or a "naked mole rat".

In popular culture

In the 1949 Mexican hagiographic film Philip of JesusLuis Aceves Castañeda played the character "Emperor Iroyoshi Taikosama".

He was portrayed by Lee Hyo-jung in the 2004–2005 KBS1 TV series Immortal Admiral Yi Sun-sin.

Hyouge Mono (へうげもの, lit. "Jocular Fellow") is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Yamada. It was adapted into an anime series in 2011, and includes a fictional depiction of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's life.

In the Sengoku Basara game series and anime, he is described as a brutally strong man that killed his own wife to kill his heart, then raised an army to conquer Japan with conscripts and forced draftees. He was armed with only gauntlets, and was large in physique and so strong, that he can deflect a hail of arrows with a wave of his hand and drain a part of Seto Inland Sea to defeat Chosokabe Motochika

In The 39 Clues series, Toyotomi is a member of the Tomas branch of the Cahill family, the son of Thomas Cahill.



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