作者 人物列表
崔瑞德 Denis Twitchett多丽丝·莱辛 Doris Lessing韦恩·鲁尼 Wayne Rooney
迈克尔·欧文 Michael Owen玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔 Margaret Hilda Thatcher大卫·贝克汉姆 David Robert Joseph Beckham
安东尼·伯吉斯 Anthony Burgess乔安·罗琳 Joanne Rowling约翰·福尔斯 John Fowles
约翰·加德纳 John Edmund Gardner彼得·赖特 Peter Wright巴巴拉·卡特兰 Barbara Cartland
维多莉亚·荷特 Eleanor Hibbert芭芭拉·卡德兰 Barbara Cartland尼克·李森 Nick Leeson
大卫·奥格威 David Ogilvy哈罗德·品特 Harold Pinter尼尔·弗格森 Niall Ferguson
奈保尔 V. S. Naipaul阿瑟·克拉克 Sir Arthur Charles Clarke阿兰•德波顿 Alain de Botton
艾玛·沃特森 Emma Watson贝尔·格里尔斯 Edward Michael Grylls威廉·戈尔丁 William Golding
西蒙·凡·布伊 Simon Van Booy阿黛尔 Adele道格拉斯·亚当斯 Douglas Noël Adams
大卫·尼克斯 David Alan Nicholls
维多莉亚·荷特 Eleanor Hibbert
作者  (1906年9月1日1993年1月18日)

都市生活 urbanism《深宫孽海》

阅读维多莉亚·荷特 Eleanor Hibbert在小说之家的作品!!!
  关于维多莉亚‧荷特 (Victoria Holt) (或译为赫特)-- 作者:黄铃玲
  念高中时,我跟我姊姊有一阵子相当迷维多莉亚‧荷特 (Victoria Holt) 的书, 当时因为接触到的不多,只看过好时年跟皇冠出版社引进的几本。
  之后国际村文库书店虽然又陆续翻译了不少她的书, 但是我们是在这些书绝版后才注意到,因此也只买到几本回头书。
  幸好这两年因为网路拍卖盛行的关系, 她的绝版书又可以在网路上买到了,目前除了「王后的忏悔」外,我已经收集到其余的31本。
  不过,因国内没有「The Black Opal」(黑色猫眼石) 这本书的翻译,所以我是在博客来上买英文版的。
  又介绍许多英国人的想法及生活方式,以及十八九世纪时,一些英国人到澳洲印度等国开垦拓荒甚至采矿等情形, 以及当地人民的生活等,
  感觉内容丰富很多。 以下简介改写自丝绸血仇及孔雀庄上的译序:
  维多莉亚荷特是笔名,其原名为 Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert, 于1906年9月1日出生于伦敦,1993年过世,在长达五十年的创作生涯中用过十七个以上的笔名,
  发表了150余部小说, 是英国20世纪中作品最丰硕,最受欢迎的浪漫爱情历史传奇作家之一。她的小说承袭的是「简爱」、「咆哮山庄」或「蝴蝶梦」的传统,
   她以维多莉亚为笔名撰写一系列哥德派小说, 背景多为英国乡村的庄园,故事则由女主角以第一人称叙述,情节的组成主要有三大元素:
  1. 家庭女教师:女主角在一座府邸里工作(大部分是家庭教师,也可能是其他职业,通常男主角身份地位较女主角高,或比较富有),因此结识男主角并坠入爱河。
  2. 猜疑:女主角一方面深爱男主角,一方面又觉得男主角爱的是另一个更美的女人,而且从种种迹象怀疑男主角为了与那名女子结婚而企图谋害她。
  3. 冒险:主要背景是英国,不过通常主角也会因某些因素而到印度、德国、埃及、澳洲、纽西兰、南非等国家。
  当然,书的内容通常不只如此,有时会夹杂一些历史,最明显的就是「深宫孽海」里的女主角与伊丽莎白一世的情敌关系, 或是「王后的忏悔」里的玛丽安东尼,
  当地居民的暴动情形等,而且对这个国家及邻近锡兰的地理人文等描写得也蛮详细的。 比较特别的还有作者对于澳洲矿场的描写,除了金矿矿场、采矿工人的生活外,
  此外,她也以Jean Plaidy为笔名创作了不少英国历史小说,以Philippa Carr为笔名 写了一系列的家族故事。
  她的书有几家出版社引进台湾过(皇冠、小畅、好时年、长桥、可筑等), 目前常见的版本主要是国际村文库书店的「新译‧名家名著」系列(如下表),不过大概只能从二手书店或拍卖网站买到了。
  如果真的很想看的话,可以到一些大学的图书馆去看,一般大学的图书馆都开放民众用身份证或驾照换证入内浏览的。(全国图书馆馆藏联合查询:http://nbinet.ncl.edu.tw/search*chi~/t )
  出版年 英文书名 国际村文库
  编号 / 封面 / 书名 皇冠及
  的 封面及书名 内容简介 (有些取自国外网站,
  有些是我看过后自己写的) 书本上印的简介 亚马逊的评鉴
  / 表示半颗星 中部大学馆藏
  Mistress of Mellyn
  04. 米兰夫人
  米兰夫人 Martha Leigh and her sister has a happy childhood, but after their parent's death they go to live with an aunt. They have a "season" and Martha's sister manages to find a good husband. But Martha doesn't, and is forced to take up the job of a gove... 当她第一次见到那栋庄严高贵、矗立在峭壁平台上的米兰山庄、那个态度傲慢的男主人--------米兰‧康男,以及他那个不甚友善的女儿……艾芬,李玛莎旋即了解为何前面三个家庭教师都做不久的原因了。
  但她却不知道,自己正一步步迈向危险死亡的陷阱…… ***** 大叶
  Kirkland Revels
  逸园狂欢 Kirkland Revels loomed high above the wild and eerie Yorkshire moors like a brooding stone fortress. To some there was an atmosphere of evil about the place, but to innocent young bride Catherine Rockwell, the mansion seemed magnificently romantic. She did not know then of the terrible secrets imprisoned behind its massive walls. Or that at the moment she had entered her new home, she had crossed the threshold of terror . . . 高耸在荒芜阴森高原上科克兰逸园,像一座忧郁而邪恶的城堡,但是对于这位天真无邪的小新娘来说,巨大古老的逸园却充满难以名状的罗曼蒂克气氛...她并不知道那堵高大围墙后面,隐藏著一个可怕的秘密,她当然也不知道当她抵达这个新家的一刻... ***** 静宜
  Bride of Pendorric
  32. 潘庄新娘
  彭庄新娘 Favel Farington knew very little about her new husband. When they met in Capri, the dashing young heir to Pendorric had swept the lovely English girl into marriage with the sudden fierceness of a summer storm. It was all wonderfully exciting, until Favel discovered that someone was planning a very special place for her in the family -- in the crypt with the other legendary "brides of Pendorric" who had all died so mysteriously, so tragically, and so young.
  Suddenly the words "till death do us part" took on a new and ominous meaning.... 自从菲芙儿成为洛克.潘的新娘的第一天起,她就被深深地陷入了这地方的一连串的恐怖事件中。
  百年以来,潘庄房子耸立在康沃尔的山崖上,俯视著大海,显得高贵何澳器,彷彿它不畏大海的彭湃巨浪,不畏天气的险恶,监视著任何一个进犯者,比房子本身更使菲芙儿感到恐惧的是,笼罩整栋房子关于潘庄新娘的咒语。菲芙儿的前一任新娘是美丽动人的芭芭林娜,她的幽灵乃至她的悲剧,如烟云一般弥漫在所有菲芙儿遇到的一件件令人毛骨悚然的事件中...... **** 大叶
  The Legend of the Seventh Virgin
  40. 第七个处女的传说 蓝庄佳人 克伦莎是个贫穷但美丽的乡村女孩, 她总是梦想著将来能成为圣朗斯顿庄园的主人。在家贫无以为继的情况下,十二三岁的她不得不外出谋职,好心的牧师女儿梅洛 拉收留她当侍女兼陪伴,又让她读书,使她成为教养良好的淑女。牧师过世后,年方十七的她俩同时进入圣朗斯顿庄园工作。 为了一直以来的梦想,她在心中并无爱意的情形下,嫁给了圣朗斯顿的二少爷。不同于荷特其他的小说的是,最终她失去爱情,付出了代价。 故事的背景在古老的英格兰康沃尔郡,那一带流著七位修女为了追求解放而违背誓言,果被变成石像的故事!
  作者在浪漫、浓烈的地方色彩描写中,我们彷彿在梦幻中听了一个古老的英格兰传说故事;但是,掩上书的同时,又情不自禁地会想想我们现代人的爱、婚姻、友谊、梦想、命运……是应该刻意追去求呢?还是一切随缘? ***/ 静宜
  Menfreya in the Morning  
  孟园疑云 娴丽是个长相平凡又微跛的女孩,因出生时难产,所以自小失去母亲,由于深爱她母亲的父亲对她只有怨恨与漠视,十三岁那年她离家出走,幸得孟园的收留,这段经历使她渐渐爱上孟园的少爷,英俊的孟博文。
    ****/ 静宜
  The King of the Castle
  46. 城堡之王   Dallas Lawson is a young woman who learns painting and other forms of art from her father. When her father dies, she decides to take over his business restoring old paintings. She arrives at Chateau Gaillard where her father had been hired to restore... 甚至当支线火车进站时,我还在对自己说:「不算迟,你现在还可以掉头回去。」
  抵达古堡后会发生什么事,我做不了主。可是,我告诉自己,一定要庄重自持,表现出自己从无绝望焦虑。若是他们拒绝我,我会隐藏自己,对未来的想法,我会面对痛若。我不让任何人知道,这个职务对我的意义…… ***** 大叶
  The Queen's Confession: The Story of Marie-Antoinette
  54. 王后的忏悔   The unforgettable story of Marie Antoinette(玛丽安东尼), from her pampered childhood in imperial Vienna, to the luxury and splendor of her days as Queen of France, to her tragic end upon the scaffold in the bloodbath of the Revolution . . . 有个人朝我走来──一个非常文雅的人,他脸颊红润,笑容满面,不禁使我想起我曾经养过的一只哈巴狗。
  「仁慈的陛下……」他笑著把我搂在怀里,他华丽的外衣上装饰我所见过的最美丽的宝石…… ***** 东海
  The Shivering Sands
  55. 庄园迷雾     卡罗琳有名的钢琴家丈夫突去世,因此搬去跟从事考古工作的姊姊暂住,在心情平静下来后返回家中,却接到姊姊失踪的消息。 为了尽快弄清事情的真相,她私下进行调查,由此引出了斯塔赛家族那不堪回首的往事: 庄主威廉先生有两个儿子,大儿子波蒙特英俊潇洒,颇受大家的喜爱,却在十九岁那年,意外地死在小儿子尼比的手中, 尔后他们的母亲又开枪自杀了,从此,这个家庭悲剧的阴影,一直笼罩著诺瓦特斯塔赛庄园。
  当卡罗琳拨开层层迷雾,将使一切真相大白时,自己却陷入了死亡的陷阱... ****/ 大叶
  The Secret Woman
  41. 神秘女人号
  Anna Brett is a quiet young woman who takes over her aunt's antique business when her aunt gets sick. Anna hires a nurse to take care of her aunt until her aunt has an accident and dies. Anna's antique business fails and her friend Nurse Loman gets h... 小说以英国一个小镇为背景,主要描写安娜‧布雷特小姐在女王故居里压抑个性的囚犯般的生活,以及她自遇见克里狄顿城堡里雷德弗斯之后,生活中所起的感情波澜……
  在本书里作者提出了这么一个问题:善恶是不是一对孪生姊妹?同一个人身上会不会同时存在著美丑? ****/ 静宜
  The Shadow of the Lynx  
  谭珞莱自幼失母,与父亲相依为命。在父亲赴澳洲寻金而丧失生命后,其父好友贺家礼(山猫)打算照顾她,便派自己的儿子德林接她到澳洲, 漫长的旅程中,两人不免互生情愫。
  山猫本是一个穷画家,因与白蕾地主人的女儿相恋,而为杜爵士所害,被流放到澳洲。在那里凭他的聪明毅力建立起一个很大的王国,但他忘不了当年的屈辱,一心想夺取白蕾地。他收容了珞莱,却爱 上她,并在他的强势下,德林退让了,山猫与珞莱便结为连理。 婚后他正准备启程回英国夺取白蕾地时,不幸遭到意外而过世。
    **** 静宜
  On the Night of the Seventh Moon
  48. 第七月夜 第七个月圆夜
  圆梦曲 海莲娜少女时期曾在德国求学,在一次森林的远足时因大雾而迷了路,被一位英俊的男士所救,并在他的森林小屋过了一夜。 毕业回英国几年后,她受邀至德国探视表亲,并寄住了一阵子。在第七月夜的庆典上,两人再次相遇,迅即相恋并结为夫妻,两天后丈夫突然有事离开,便安排她暂回表亲家住。
  不料隔天一觉醒来,表亲却称她这些天来一直在床上陷入昏迷,结婚的事全是一场梦;她凭记忆找到森林小屋,却发现那里已被焚燬,一切似乎成了无法解开的谜 。后来她发现自己怀孕,表亲竟声称这是她在第七月夜的庆典被强暴的结果。后来虽然生下孩子,却被告知是死婴。心碎的她痛苦的回到英国家中,但始终觉得这些经历像一团迷雾。
  于是,我决定就我记忆所及,仔细回想陈年往事,希望能因此得知事实真相…… ***** 大叶
  The Curse of the Kings
  22. 法老咒语 法老咒语 Judith falls in love with Tybalt early on in her life. He's a young archaeologist with the dream of taking up the work of his father. Tybalt's father dies mysteriously when searching for an ancient Egyptian tomb believed to be untouched since the bu... 茱迪丝在教堂墓地偶然发现一块古代铜牌,于是渐渐开始和富裕乡绅拉尔夫爵士接触,并赢得他的喜爱。拉尔夫爵士死后,给茱迪丝一大笔遗产。年轻的考古学家狄鲍尔特突然向茱迪丝求婚,尽管她对他一见钟情,倾慕已久,可是周围却开始议论纷纷……
  小说故事连贯,情节紧凑,扣人心弦;人物性格不但突出,心理描写也很细腻。作品通过对考古学家喜怒哀乐的描写,展现了事业与爱情、金钱与爱情的矛盾。《法老咒语》是喜欢维多莉亚‧荷特作品的朋友,不可或缺的一部重要著作!! *** 静宜
  The House of a Thousand Lanterns
  30. 千灯屋 千灯屋 This story takes place in England and then in China in a beautiful house known as The House of a Thousand Lanterns. Jane heard stories of this enchanting house her whole life. When she finally gets to see it, she's thrilled. She doesn't realize all t... ……我又去推了推门,再打量了一下子,想找个办法来。哪知道我的眼睛看到屋里的精美作品之后,顿时忘了我现在进退两难的处境。我注意到一个象牙雕的女人像。
  除了她,我不喜欢那些带有痛苦眼神的肥佛像。这个佛像坐在一块莲花石上。他的眼神很凶,而且好像我走到哪儿,那双眼睛就是盯著我走到哪儿…… **** 大叶
  Lord of the Far Island
  10. 远岛之旅 远岛之爱
  远岛孤女 Ellen Kellaway was determined to learn about her past. Raised by her Cousins William and Agatha Loring, she was always treated as the poor relation. But with her unquenchable spirit and determination to get the most out of life, she soon starts on ... 许久、许久以来,爱伦就不断重复地做著一个相同的恶梦,总是同样的一个房间,同样的红地毯、红窗帘……一切摆设都是那么地清晰而令人印象深刻,而后,房门外响起了一阵脚步声,由远而近,其中,还掺杂著一种令人窒息的颤憟……
  爱伦于是踏上了她的远岛之旅,远岛距离英国大陆其实并不远,但由于海浪、岩石和流沙的关系,而使其感觉似乎很遥远,同样地,卡拉威城堡看似平凡朴实的外表下,却隐藏了许许多多不为人知的秘密!朋友们!欢迎您和爱伦一起来探索…… ****/ 大叶
  The Pride of the Peacock  
  孔雀庄上 婕西嘉从小就觉得自己跟家人间格格不入,与兄姐年龄差距 颇大,也感受不到母亲的爱。美丽的双橡园本来应该是她们家,却因为父亲好赌,将房子输给了专门开采猫眼石矿的韩尼克先生,因此他们只得迁至窄小的巧卢。不顾母亲对韩尼克的敌意,婕西嘉与韩尼克私下成了好友,也赫然发现自己其实有个死去的长姐,而那位长姐,其实才是她的生母, 至于自己的生父,据说偷了韩尼克的珍贵猫眼石「绿色之华」后,抛弃婕西嘉的母亲逃走了。
    ****/ 静宜
  The Devil on Horseback
  39. 魔鬼骑士 魔鬼骑士
  马背上的恶魔 From the moment that beautiful eighteen-year-old Minella Maddox saw Charles-Augueste, the haughty, arrogant Comte Fontaine Delibes, his satanic looks thrilled her with a sense of danger and excitement. The Comte, too, liked what he saw. He decided that he would marry Minella, and nothing would be allowed to stand in his way . . . not even his wife.
  本书以法国大革命为背景,描绘一个英国少女在大时代的环境下,如何秉持著勇气与毅力,对抗时代洪流;靠著无限的机智与禀慧,逆转一切情势,终于奔向情人的怀抱。整个故事的过程错综离奇、惊心动魄……而作者也别具巧思地在紧张之中,不断适时地点上温柔的烛光,阅读之下,令人感到无比沈醉与舒畅! **** 静宜
  My Enemy, the Queen  
  深宫孽海 讲述女王伊莉沙白一世、她的情人列斯特伯爵、以及美艳的伯爵夫人(女主角)和她的儿子四人错综复杂的关系, 衬托出权欲和情欲的交战、爱情的追逐和母子亲情的悲欢。故事以回忆为主,多旁及当时欧洲的政治风波, 政治婚姻的内情,以及英国政治及皇亲贵胄的家族关系。 十七世纪时代,英国女王伊丽沙白一世统率英国海军,击溃西班牙无敌舰队,巩固了英国海权,建起了赫赫声威。政治上的功业,可谓彪炳卓绝。然而,女王的千秋英名得来并不容易。
  The Spring of the Tiger
  47. 虎跃迷情 虎跳情挑
  跃虎情仇 After Sarah Ashington's actress mother dies, she is taken in by her father's family. When she finally meets her father, she becomes entranced by his stories of his plantation in Ceylon. She is also intrigued by his associate and friend Clinton Shaw. ... 那串珍珠项炼吸引著我,但却又令我感到厌恶;然而,无论如何我都无法抗拒它。我有时觉得,我对它的感觉就恰如我对克林顿的感觉一样:又爱又恨!
  我听见空中传来我母亲的声音:「它是被诅咒的,那串珍珠项炼。凡是持有它的人,都会被它带来噩运的!」…… ***/ 大叶
  The Mask of the Enchantress  
  化身女郎 From the moment young Suewellyn saw the Mateland family castle she wanted it. But how could she, an illegitimate beauty hidden away by her parents, have such a dream? A perilous deception seems her only hope. But the masquerade succeeds and, too late, she learns the true nature of the woman she has chosen to become. Suewellyn faces a desperate choice -- losing the man she loves or confronting the tragedy that haunts every Mateland bride. 苏艾伦是个举目无亲的小女孩,寄居在艾梅姨家接受严格的教养。六岁时,她才知道原来自己其实是私生女,父母仍健在,而且父亲决定抛弃原来的妻女带他们远走他乡,于是他们迁到了纽西兰的火神岛。
  ****/ 静宜
  The Judas Kiss
  03. 犹大之吻 犹大之吻
  最后一吻 贝贝美丽的姊姊爱上了德国一个小公国的王储,并在家人不可能允许的情形下决定与情人私奔,远赴政治纷扰不断的该国。 有一天,贝贝发现姊姊与姊夫竟然被谋杀了,唯一的儿子也下落不明;为了查出真相并找寻外甥,贝贝也来到那个风景雄伟秀丽的国家,并隐姓埋名地担任新王储未婚妻的英语家教。 在那里,她惊讶地发现,新王储正是她之前的恋人,而自己也步入了重重的危机…… 贝贝的姊姊与情人私奔,远走他乡。有一天,贝贝发现美丽的姊姊竟然被谋杀了,并卷入一场政治的纷争之中,于是,她决心查个水落石出。
  在那风景雄伟秀丽的国度里,她有了惊人的发现,因而步入重重的危机;情节也随之愈来愈扣人心弦…… ***** 大叶
  The Demon Lover
  23. 魔鬼情人 魔鬼恋人 Kate Collison of England has to take over the family trade of artistry, mostly minatures, due to her father's failing eyes. She ends up going to France to paint the evil Rollo de Centeville and his future bride. Rollo finds Kate extremly charming and perfect for revenge on his cousin. Disaster falls on Kate and she finds herself growing into immense hate for the Baron of Centeville. But, between love and war there is only one passage. 《魔鬼情人》讲的是一个奇异的爱情故事。作者以生动细腻的笔触描述了英国女画家凯特‧科利森在法国的一段极不平凡的经历。
  然而,却发生了一段始料未及的曲折过程…… *** 静宜
  The Time of the Hunter's Moon
  07. 狩猎月传奇 狩猎者之月 Cordelia Grant is a young woman who lives through very strange event. Back in Switzerland, in an exclusive girl school, Cordelia and her friends find out about and old legend. If a young women waits in the wood by the time of the Hunter's Moon, she... 一次森林的奇遇,一个神秘的狩猎月之夜,一连串谋杀阴谋。罗曼蒂克的传说太迷人了,尤其在传说中又有一个谜样的英俊、挺拔不群的男子。于是,憧憬于浪漫爱情的少女迷失了……
  精采的情节--------一波紧跟著一波,扣人心弦!本书之新颖与奇幻必能令读者咀嚼再三,不忍释手! **** 大叶
  The Landower Legacy
  42. 蓝厦惊梦 蓝厦惊梦 Green-eyed Caroline Tressidor has everything: beauty, a title, an inheritance -- and a secret that can destroy it all. Determined to discover the truth, Caroline begins a search that will take her from London to the wild moors of Cornwall . . . and into the arms of the mysterious Paul Landower, a man whose past may include a legacy of murder . . . 她无法理解:我为什么要离开——而且偏偏要去玛丽堂姑家,玛丽堂姑是个吃人魔鬼,是个对爸爸犯下滔天大罪的邪恶女人。我为什么要去她家呢?我心里弥漫著一种强烈的负罪感。我心里明白,是我带来了这个可怕的灾难。我出卖母亲;我泄露了该保密的事情。爸爸本来绝不会知道,我们在金典大庆那天去了滑铁卢场;除了告诉他这件事外,我还粗心地让他见了那个小金盒……
  带著心中的一个又一个疑问,小小心灵的卡洛琳离开了生长的家,被父亲指定去投靠在家族颇具恶名昭彰的玛丽堂姑。尽管心中有著莫大的无奈,却也无法挽回既成的事实……当她抵达康沃尔堂姑家之后,才发觉这个地方并立了不太友善的两大家族。两个家族很少往来,而堂姑这边是较弱势的一方。好奇的她却忍不住想去了解在火车上认识的那两兄弟——此地历史最悠久、最强势的蓝多大厦继承者——蓝多兄弟。于是,有一天,她…… ****/ 静宜
  The Road to Paradise Island
  12. 天堂岛之路 天堂岛之恋 The book starts off in the 19th century in England with Annalice living with her grandma and brother Phillip. She trips over a grave with Annalice's name on it, which dates back a hundred years. Soon, a storm comes which forces them to open up an enc... 安娜莉丝‧马洛里是个年轻、动人的美丽少女。有一天,当她无意间发觉到一块镂刻著「安‧爱莉丝」已经有百年历史的斑剥墓碑时,她深深地被神秘不可解的氛围给震惊、迷惑住了!
  她也神差鬼遣、不由自主地往天堂岛出发…… ****/ 大叶
  Secret for a Nightingale
  20. 夜莺的秘密 天使与夜莺 As a young girl in India, beautiful Susanna Pleydell first realized that she had a gift for soothing the sick and injured. But a meeting between Susanna and the dashing Aubrey St. Clare changes Susanna's plans for a lifetime of 19th century medicine... 苏珊娜‧普莱德是位迷人的纯洁少女,有著一股特殊的力量--------治病的天赋,当她嫁给风流倜傥的欧伯瑞时,原以为可以永远过著幸福的日子;直到她发现他有个丑陋而邪恶的秘密。
  在苏珊娜认识谜样的戴米恩医生后,发生了更多不幸的事:父亲、一岁的儿子因病而死,欧伯瑞因吸毒而死,一切似乎都是戴米恩医生所害。直到她来到充满异国情调的君士坦丁堡,和斯库塔里可怕的医院病房,从此改变了她的命运,也发现戴米恩医生的真面目…… ****/ 静宜
  The Silk Vendetta
  44. 丝绸血仇   Lenore lives and grows up in the house of the Sallongers along with her grandmother whom is very skilled at dressmaking. The Sallongers have had a long time feud with an extended part of their family, the St. Allengeres, about which of the families i... 女主人公蕾娜生性倔强,寄人篱下而不甘蒙受欺凌,经历种种挫折,终于成为著名的时装设计师。
  蕾娜坚强聪颖、菲利普热情善良、查尔斯奸诈贪色、德拉图尔豪迈潇洒,均性格鲜明,跃然纸上。 ****/  
  The India Fan
  31. 孔雀羽毛扇   德鲁西拉是教区长的女儿,生活在弗拉姆林家统治的村子里,并与弗拉姆林家的女儿拉维妮亚结为好友,甚至一同求学。拉维妮亚是个美貌但轻浮又识见浅薄的女子,年纪轻轻就有了私生女,教养良好的德鲁西拉虽不苟同她的作为,仍然协助她瞒骗家人,并找到人抚养小孩。
    ****/ 大叶
  The Captive
  45 被俘虏的女人   Rosetta knew little of life beyond the schoolroom... until she found herself shipwrecked off the African coast. Saved from the raging seas by the ship's handsome, mysterious deckhand, she soon discovered her hero was fellow-Londoner Simon Perrivale, an infamous fugitive accused of murder. Her hopes of rescue were dashed when they were abducted by pirates...and the lovely fair-haired Rosetta was sold to a Turkish Pasha. Locked away in his harem, she would risk her life to save her virtue -- and to unravel the mystery that had wrongfully imprisoned Simon.
  But though she plotted her escape from the exotic Middle East to the elegant mansions of London, Rosetta was still bound by a consuming passion that would forever make her love's captive... 甚至对于路卡,我也不能对他说任何关于西蒙的事。
    ***/ 大叶
  Snare of Serpents
  13. 魔鬼的陷阱   Davina Glentyre has to deal with her father's marriage to her governess. Shortly after, she must deal with his murder and the evidence that pointed to her as the murderer. With the help of her new stepmother, she receives the verdict of "Not Proven" ... 戴维娜‧格伦泰因为涉嫌毒死自己的亲生父亲而被法院拘提、起诉,后来虽然因为「罪证不足」而被释放,但这样不名誉的审判,只要她活著,就不可避免的带著罪证不足的烙印。她为此深觉耻辱和抑郁不欢,因为她明白自己是清白的。
  她冀望藉由离开,接受新工作以及新环境来帮助她忘掉从前发生的种种可怖的事情,但谁又料到,远在地球另一端的国家--------南非--------也有另一个「魔鬼的陷阱」正在等待著她…… ***** 大叶
  Daughter of Deceit
  28. 背叛   诺伊蕾的母亲是美丽迷人的有名女演员黛丝绮,她待人非常好,一日因马车误撞伤了丽莎‧芬奈尔,又得知想当演员的她无处可去,便收留她同住,还帮她介绍了剧团的工作。
  命运弄人,她决心要查清楚自己真正的身世…她能重回罗德瑞克的怀抱吗? 母亲黛丝绮真正的死因又是什么呢?
    **/ 大叶
  Seven for a Secret
  53. 七鹊图之谜
    弗雷德莉卡的母亲病了,因此她搬去跟姨妈住,也得以与邻近富有的圣奥比家族之女同受教育,进一步又与该家族的独子克理斯派相恋。 但是克理斯派曾经结过婚,无法与弗雷德莉卡成婚,她在伤心之余远赴澳洲附近的卡克斯岛探访多年未见的父亲。 在克理斯派解决了婚约问题后,两人终能结为连理,却又从七鹊图中发现,克理斯派其实不是真的克理斯派... 一天,由于我提早到和瑞琪儿相约的地方,于是我便走入前庭,坐在椅子上等她。
  我突然有股强烈的冲动想立刻站起来,从他身边逃开。他的声音听起来很善良,但,为什么我会有这种反应? *** 大叶
  The Black Opal     Abandoned as a baby, her exotic beauty prompted hushed whispers of gypsy blood. But lovely Carmel March remained shrouded in mystery....
  When tragedy struck her adopted home of Commonwood House, little Carmel had been bundled off to Australia. Returning to England as a young woman, she became haunted by questions from her past, as well as the shocking revelation that she had been rushed from a murder scene those many years ago.
  Yet she was convinced that the wrong man had been sentenced for the crime. Was the answer locked away in her childhood memory--or in the dark, secretive behavior of her old childhood friend, Lucian? And what fateful role did the opals--always present at crucial moments of her life--play? For only when she released the dark secrets imprisoned at Commonwood would she find the freedom to love....
    ***/ 逢甲
  以Philippa Carr为笔名所写的小说中,有一本林白出版社的蔷薇颊系列有翻译:
  出版年 英文书名 林白的封面及书名 书本上印的简介
  The Return of the Gypsy 归来的吉普赛人 这是一个女人的传奇故事。傅珍茜迷迷糊糊的初恋,始自十二岁--那位黝黑、英俊的及普赛人抱著吉他坐在树下,以温柔的笑锁住了她的心。可惜,她还太小,他纵有满腔情意,却无法对她倾诉。

  Eleanor Hibbert (1 September 1906 – 18 January 1993) was a British author who wrote under various pen names. Her best-known pseudonyms were Jean Plaidy, Victoria Holt, and Philippa Carr; she also wrote under the names Eleanor Burford, Elbur Ford, Kathleen Kellow, Anne Percival, and Ellalice Tate. By the time of her death, she had sold over 100 million books.
  [edit]Personal life
  Hibbert was born Eleanor Alice Burford on 1 September 1906 in Canning Town, in what is now the London borough of West Ham. She inherited a love of reading from her father, Joseph Burford, a dock labourer.
  She was captivated by the city of her birth. "I consider myself extremely lucky to have been born and raised in London," she later wrote, "and to have had on my doorstep this most fascinating of cities, with so many relics of 2000 years of history still to be found in its streets. One of my greatest pleasures was, and still is, exploring London. Circumstances arose which brought my school life to an abrupt termination; and I went hastily to a business college, where I studied shorthand, typewriting, and languages. And so I had to set about the business of earning a living."
  Eleanor left school at the age of 16 and went to work for a jeweller in Hatton Garden, where she weighed gems and typed. In her early twenties she married George Percival Hibbert (c. 1886-1960s), a wholesale leather merchant about twenty years older than herself, who shared her love of books and reading. She later said, "I found that married life gave me the necessary freedom to follow an ambition which had been with me since childhood, and so I started to write in earnest."
  Eleanor Hibbert died on 18 January 1993 on the cruise ship Sea Princess, somewhere between Greece and Port Said, Egypt. A memorial service was held on 6 March 1993, at St Peter's Anglican Church, Kensington Park Road, London.
  [edit]Writing career
  At first Eleanor tried to emulate her literary heroes – the Brontës, George Eliot, Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, and Leo Tolstoy – and during the 1930s she completed nine long novels, all of them serious psychological studies of contemporary life. However, none of these were accepted for publication. Determined to succeed, she tried her hand at short stories for newspapers such as the Daily Mail and Evening News. The literary editor of the Daily Mail was credited with steering her writing in the right direction; he told her, "you're barking up the wrong tree: you must write something which is saleable, and the easiest way is to write romantic fiction."
  She published her first novel in 1941 under the name of Eleanor Burford, her maiden name, which she used for her contemporary novels. By 1961 she had published 32 novels under this name.
  She chose the pseudonym Jean Plaidy for her historical novels about the crowned heads of Europe. Her books written under this pseudonym were popular with the general public and were also hailed by critics and historians for their historical accuracy, quality of writing, and attention to detail.[citation needed] Her Borgia trilogy was among the first to show Lucrezia not as an amoral poisoner but as an innocent pawn and victim of her family's political machinations, an interpretation more in accordance with the historical record than the traditional one.
  From 1950 to 1953 she wrote four novels as Elbur Ford; from 1952 to 1960 she used the pseudonym Kathleen Kellow for eight novels; and from 1956 to 1961 she wrote five novels as Ellalice Tate.
  In 1960 she wrote her first Gothic romance under the name Victoria Holt, and also wrote one novel under the name Anne Percival.
  She created her last pseudonym, Philippa Carr, in 1972.
  [edit]As Eleanor Burford
  [edit]Single novels
  Daughter of Anna, (1941)
  Passionate Witness, (1941)
  The Married Lover, (1942)
  When the Entire World Is Young, (1943)
  So the Dreams Depart, (1944)
  Not in Our Stars, (1945)
  Dear Chance, (1947)
  Alexa, (1948)
  The House at Cupid's Cross, (1949)
  Believe the Heart, (1950)
  Saint or Sinner, (1951)
  Bright Tomorrow, (1952)
  Dear Delusion, (1952)
  Leave Me My Love, (1953)
  When We Are Married, (1953)
  Castles in Spain, (1954)
  Heart's Afire, (1954)
  Two Loves in Her Life, (1955)
  When Other Hearts, (1955)
  Begin to Live, (1956)
  Married in Haste, (1956)
  To Meet a Stranger, (1957)
  Blaze of Noon, (1958)
  Pride in the Morning, (1958)
  Red Sky at Night, (1959)
  The Dawn Chorus, (1959)
  Night of Stars, (1960)
  Now That April's Gone, (1961)
  Who's Calling?, (1962)
  [edit]Daughters of England Series
  6. The Love Child, (1950) (later re-published under the Philippa Carr name)
  [edit]The Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots Series
  Royal Road to Fotheringhay, (1955) (later re-published under the Jean Plaidy name)
  [edit]As Jean Plaidy
  Many Jean Plaidy books were published under different titles in the United States. Her trilogies were also later republished as single books, often under different titles than those shown.
  [edit]Single novels
  Together They Ride (1945)
  Beyond the Blue Mountains (1948)
  The Goldsmith's Wife (1950) (aka The King's Mistress)
  Daughter of Satan (1952)
  Lilith (1954)
  Melisande (It Began in Vauxhall Gardens) (1955)
  The Scarlet Cloak (1957)
  Milady Charlotte (1959)
  Evergreen Gallant (1965)
  Defenders of the Faith* (1971)
  Madame du Barry* (1994)
  The King's Adventurer* (1996) (Originally This Was a Man by Ellalice Tate)
  [edit]The Tudor Saga
  Uneasy Lies the Head (1982)
  Katharine, the Virgin Widow (1961)
  The Shadow of the Pomegranate (1962)
  The King's Secret Matter (1962)
  Murder Most Royal (1949)
  Saint Thomas' Eve (1954)
  The Sixth Wife (1953)
  The Thistle and the Rose (1963)
  Mary, Queen of France (1964)
  The Spanish Bridegroom (1954)
  Gay Lord Robert (1955) (republished as Lord Robert (UK) in 2007 and A Favorite of the Queen (US) in 2010)
  Katharine of Aragon (omnibus of 2-4)
  [edit]The Catherine De Medici Trilogy
  Madame Serpent (1951)
  The Italian Woman (1952) (aka The Unholy Woman)
  Queen Jezebel (1953)
  Catherine De Medici (omnibus) (1969)
  [edit]The Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots Series
  Royal Road to Fotheringhay* (1955) (first published as by Eleanor Burford)
  The Captive Queen of Scots (1963)
  [edit]The Stuart Saga
  The Murder in the Tower (1964)
  The Wandering Prince (1956)
  A Health Unto His Majesty (1956)
  Here Lies Our Sovereign Lord (1957)
  The Three Crowns (1965)
  The Haunted Sisters (1966)
  The Queen's Favourites (1966)
  Charles II (omnibus of 2-4)
  [edit]The French Revolution Series
  Louis the Well Beloved (1959)
  The Road to Compiegne (1959)
  Flaunting, Extravagant Queen (1957)
  [edit]The Lucrezia Borgia Series
  Madonna of the Seven Hills (1958)
  Light on Lucrezia (1958)
  [edit]The Isabella and Ferdinand Trilogy
  Castile for Isabella (1960)
  Spain for the Sovereigns (1960)
  Daughter of Spain (1961)
  Isabella and Ferdinand (Omnibus) (1970)
  [edit]The Georgian Saga
  The Princess of Celle (1967)
  Queen in Waiting (1967)
  Caroline, the Queen (1968)
  The Prince and the Quakeress (1975)
  The Third George (1969)
  Perdita's Prince (1969)
  Sweet Lass of Richmond Hill (1970)
  Indiscretions of the Queen (1970)
  The Regent's Daughter (1971)
  Goddess of the Green Room (1971)
  Victoria in the Wings (1972)
  [edit]The Queen Victoria Series
  The Captive of Kensington Palace (1972)
  The Queen and Lord M (1973)
  The Queen's Husband (1973)
  The Widow of Windsor (1974)
  [edit]The Norman Trilogy
  The Bastard King (1974)
  The Lion of Justice (1975)
  The Passionate Enemies (1976)
  [edit]The Plantagenet Saga
  The Plantagenet Prelude (1976)
  The Revolt of the Eaglets (1977)
  The Heart of the Lion (1977)
  The Prince of Darkness (1978)
  The Battle of the Queens (1978)
  The Queen from Provence (1979)
  Edward Longshanks (1979) (republished as The Hammer of the Scots in 2008)
  The Follies of the King (1980)
  The Vow on the Heron (1980)
  Passage to Pontefract (1981)
  The Star of Lancaster (1981)
  Epitaph for Three Women (1981)
  Red Rose of Anjou (1982)
  The Sun in Splendour (1982)
  [edit]The Queens of England Series
  Myself My Enemy (1983)
  Queen of This Realm (1984)
  Victoria Victorious (1985)
  The Lady in the Tower (1986)
  The Courts of Love (1987)
  In the Shadow of the Crown (1988)
  The Queen's Secret (1989)
  The Reluctant Queen (1990)
  The Pleasures of Love (1991)
  William's Wife (1992)
  Rose Without a Thorn (1993)
  [edit]Children's novels
  Meg Roper, daughter of Sir Thomas More (1961)
  The Young Elizabeth (1961)
  The Young Mary Queen of Scots (1962)
  [edit]The Spanish Inquisition Series (non-fiction)
  The Rise of the Spanish Inquisition (1959)
  The Growth of the Spanish Inquisition (1960)
  The End of the Spanish Inquisition (1961)
  [edit]Historical non-fiction
  Mary Queen of Scots: The Fair Devil of Scotland (1975)
  A Triptych of Poisoners
  [edit]Three Rivers Press editions
  In the Spring of 2003 Three Rivers Press, an imprint of U.S.A. publisher Crown Publishing Group, started republishing Jean Plaidy's stories. Three Rivers Press published some of the books with new titles which are listed here:
  Royal Road to Fotheringhay (November 23, 2004, ISBN 0609810235) previously published as Royal Road to Fotheringhay (1955) by Eleanor Burford.
  The Loves of Charles II (October 25, 2005, ISBN 140008248X) is an omnibus that collects The Wandering Prince (1956), A Health Unto His Majesty (1956), and Here Lies Our Sovereign Lord (1957).
  Loyal in Love (October 23, 2007, ISBN 0307346161) previously published as Myself My Enemy (1983).
  The Merry Monarch's Wife (January 22, 2008, ISBN 030734617X) previously published as The Pleasures of Love (1991).
  The Queen's Devotion (August 26, 2008, ISBN 0307346188) previously published as William's Wife (1990).
  To Hold the Crown (October 7, 2008, ISBN 0307346196) previously published as Uneasy Lies the Head (1982).
  The King's Confidante (April 7, 2009, ISBN 030734620X) previously published as Saint Thomas' Eve (1954).
  For a Queen's Love (March 2, 2010, ISBN 0307346226) previously published as The Spanish Bridegroom (1954).
  A Favorite of the Queen (March 2, 2010, ISBN 0307346234) previously published as Gay Lord Robert (1955).
  [edit]As Elbur Ford
  [edit]Single novels
  Poison in Pimlico, 1950
  The Flesh and the Devil, 1950
  Bed Disturbed, 1952
  Evil in the House*, 1953
  [edit]As Kathleen Kellow
  Some of these novels were re-published under the Jean Plaidy name
  [edit]Single novels
  Danse Macabre, 1952
  Rooms at Mrs. Oliver's, 1953
  Lilith, 1954
  It Began in Vauxhall Gardens, 1955
  Call of the Blood, 1956
  Rochester, the Mad Earl, 1957
  Milady Charlotte, 1959
  The World's a Stage, 1960
  [edit]As Ellalice Tate
  All these novels were later re-published under the Jean Plaidy name
  [edit]Single novels
  Defenders of the Faith, 1956
  The Scarlet Cloak, 1957
  The Queen of Diamonds, 1958
  Madame du Barry, 1959
  This Was a Man, 1961 (re-published as The King's Adventurer by Jean Plaidy)
  [edit]As Anna Percival
  [edit]Single novel
  Brides of Lanlory, 1960/01
  [edit]As Victoria Holt
  [edit]Single novels
  Mistress of Mellyn (1960)
  Kirkland Revels (1962)
  Bride of Pendorric (1963)
  The Legend of the Seventh Virgin (1965)
  Menfreya in the Morning (1966)
  The King of the Castle (1967)
  The Queen's Confession: The Story of Marie-Antoinette (1968)
  The Shivering Sands (1969)
  The Secret Woman (1970)
  Shadow of the Lynx (1971)
  On the Night of the Seventh Moon (1972)
  The Curse of the Kings (1973)
  The House of a Thousand Lanterns (1974)
  Lord of the Far Island (1975)
  The Pride of the Peacock (1976)
  Devil on Horseback (1977)
  My Enemy, the Queen (1978)
  Spring of the Tiger (1979)
  Mask of the Enchantress (1980)
  Judas Kiss (1981)
  The Demon Lover (1982)
  The Time of the Hunter's Moon (1983)
  The Landower Legacy (1984)
  The Road to Paradise Island (1985)
  Secret for a Nightingale (1986)
  Silk Vendetta (1987)
  The India Fan (1988)
  The Captive (1989)
  Snare of Serpents (1990)
  Daughter of Deceit (1991)
  Seven for a Secret (1992)
  The Black Opal (1993)
  Remember, Remember: The Selected Stories of Winifred Holtby (2000)
  [edit]Anthologies in collaboration
  "The Bride of Pendorric" in Three Great Romantic Stories (1972) (with Hebe Elsna and Lucy Walker)
  [edit]As Philippa Carr
  [edit]Daughters of England Series
  Miracle At St. Bruno's (1972)
  The Lion Triumphant (1973)
  Witch from the Sea (1975)
  Saraband for Two Sisters (1976)
  Lament for a Lost Lover (1977)
  The Love Child (1950) (first published under the name Eleanor Burford)
  The Song of the Siren (1980)
  The Drop of the Dice (1981)
  The Adulteress (1982)
  Zipporah's Daughter (1983)
  Voices in A Haunted Room (1984)
  The Return of the Gypsy (1985)
  Midsummer's Eve (1986)
  The Pool of Saint Branok (1987)
  The Changeling (1989)
  The Black Swan (1990)
  A Time for Silence (1991)
  The Gossamer Cord (1992)
  We'll Meet Again (1993)
  [edit]Single novels
  Daughters of England (1995)

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