zuòzhě zuòzhělièbiǎo
'ā nuò L. S. Stavrianosjié luó · wèi · sài lín Jerome David Salingerhǎi lún · kǎi Helen Keller
léi · ā bān Hallett Edward Abend luó · luó shēng Harold R.Isaacsān · huò 'ěr Andy Warhol
. běn Ruth Benedictmíng · wèi lín Minnie Vautrin · J.Hillis Miller
nuò màn · sēn Norman Cousinsliú · màn Lewis Laphamqiáo zhì · suǒ luó George Soros
xùn · wéi Dixon Wecter · pài M. Scott Peckbǎo luó · hǎi 'ēn Paul Heyne
dài 'ěr · nài Dale Carnegieluó màn · wén sēn · 'ěr Norman Vincent Pealechá 'ěr · 'ěr Charls E. Haanel
qiáo zhì · sēn George S. Clasontáng · dùn Donald O. Cliftonwèi fěi Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.
yáng zhèn níng Chen Ning Yang · fèi 'ěr Mark Feltzhān · mài léi · 'ēn James MacGregor Burns
· Peter F. Drucker · · duō Keith Rupert Murdochhēng · Henry Ford
luó · bīn Robert Edward Rubinjié · wéi 'ěr Jack Welchdài wéi · luò fěi David Rockefeller
ān · Edna Annie Proulxāi 'ěr wén · · huái Elwyn Brooks Whitehǎi míng wēi Ernest Hemingway
· · fěi jié F. Scott Fitzgeraldwēi lián · William Faulkner lán · mài kǎo Frank McCourt
ài · Alex Haleyyuē · hǎi Joseph Hellerhēng · Henry Miller
ài · ài Isaac Asimovzhān · kǎi 'ēn James Mallahan Cainjié · kǎi Jack Kerouac
· jīn · luó lín Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings · qiē 'ěr Margaret Mitchellluó · zhān · Robert James Waller
luó · wèi · sài lín Jerome David Salinger lāi sài Theodore Dreiserhēng · wēi lián · fáng lóng Hendrik Willem van Loon
tānɡ · wēn Tom Godwinluó · mài táng nuò Ross MacDonaldōu wén · huá lāi shì Irving Wallace
'ào · zuǒ Mario Puzo lāi · jìn Clive Cussler 'ān · ài Riane Eisler
'ěr · jié Carl Djerassiāi jiā · nuò Edgar Snowshī lài Flora Rheta Schreiber
lāi · Leslie Waller luó · luó bīn Harold Robbins · xiè 'ěr dùn Sidney Sheldon
luó · zhān · Robert James Waller
zuòzhě  (1939niánbāyuè1rì)

yuèdòuluó · zhān · Robert James Wallerzài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!!
  luó - zhān - , 1939 nián shēng 'ài huá de luò shì wèi zuò jiāshè yǐng jiāyīnyuè jiā hái shì běi 'ài huá xué de guǎn xué jiào shòu。 1992 nián láng qiáo mèng》 (TheBridgesofMadisonCounty) chéng míng shū róng dēng měi guó 1993 nián chàng xiāo shū páiháng bǎng
   1968 nián yìn 'ān míng dùn xué de kǎi lāi shāng xué yuànhuò shì xué wèiér hòu zài běi 'ài huá xué rèn jiàobìng chéng wéi shāng xué yuàn de yuàn cháng
  1992 nián píng jièláng qiáo mèng》, luó . zhān . shēn quán qiú zuì chàng xiāo shū zuò jiā zhī liègāi shū shí zhǒng yán xiāo shòu liǎo 1200 duō wàn zhí de shì, 1992 nián zàiláng qiáo mèngde fēng miàn shàng shǐ yòng liǎo " láng qiáo " de zhào piànyóu zhè yòu chuán cǎi de 'ài qíng xiǎo shuō kōng qián jué hòu de chàng xiāo jiā hòu lái yòu bèi pāi chéng liǎo fēngmǐ shí de dòng rén diàn yǐngshǐ zhè zuò yuán běn tōng de qiáo yīn 'ér měi míng yuǎn yángměi yuè dōuyào yǐn shù qiān yóu rén míng qián lái zhān yǎnggāi qiáo shǐ jiàn 1883 nián, 1992 nián huǐ yīcháng huǒhòu 1998 nián huā fèi 12.8 wàn měi yuán jìn xíng liǎo yào de fān xīn gōng zuòbèi chēng wéi " měi guó shǐ míng shèng ", měi nián qiū tiān yào xíng nào fēi fán de " láng qiáo jié "。
   chú liǎoláng qiáo mèng wàizuò zhě zài de lìng zuò pǐn shù tiáo xiāng cūn gōng 》 (《 mèng láng qiáo》 ) zhōng xiáng miáo xiě liǎo lāi 'ěr - mài lún xún zhǎo shēng de jīng guò hòulán dēng shū 2005 nián 6 yuè tuī chūgāo yuán shàng de tàn 》, xiāo shòu 100 wàn bǎn quán shòu wǎng quán qiú 30 duō guó jiā bèi shì wéi de diān fēng zhī zuò
  1992 nián deláng qiáo mèng》、 2001 nián demèng láng qiáo》、 2005 nián degāo yuán shàng de tàn bèi chēng wéi " láng qiáo sān "。
   qián zhù zài zhōu

  Robert James Waller (b. August 1, 1939, Rockford, Iowa) is an American author also known for his work as a writer, photographer and musician.
  Waller received his B.A. ('62) and M.A. ('64) from University of Northern Iowa (then known as Iowa State Teachers College). He received his Ph.D. in business from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University Bloomington in 1968.
  Later that year he returned to UNI and began teaching management and economics, and in 1977 became a full professor. He became dean of the College of Business in 1980 and retired from that position in 1986. He made a "seven figure" donation to Indiana University.
  Several of his books have been on the New York Times bestseller list including 1992's The Bridges of Madison County which was the top best-seller in 1993. Both that novel and his 1995 novel, Puerto Vallarta Squeeze, have been made into motion pictures. Waller currently resides in Texas.
   * The Bridges of Madison County (1992) (original UK Title Love in Black and White)
   * Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend (1993) ISBN 0-446-51653-8
   * Puerto Vallarta Squeeze (1995)
   * Border Music (1995)
   * A Thousand Country Roads: An Epilogue to The Bridges of Madison County (2002)
   * High Plains Tango (2005)
   * The Long Night of Winchell Dear (2006)
   * Just Beyond the Firelight (1988)
   * One Good Road is Enough (1990)
   * Iowa: Perspectives on Today and Tomorrow (1991)
   * Old Songs in a New Café (1994)
   * Images (1994)
   * The Ballads of Madison County: A Collection of Songs (1993)

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