Author List of Authors
Wang ChanglingSeng JiaoranZhang ZhuoWu Jing
Du YouWang BingLiu YuZhang Huaiguan
Zhao RuiLiu SuAmoghavajraDharmacandra
VajrabodhiBai Yunzi
Wang Changling
Author  盛唐(698 AD757 AD)

poetry comment《诗中密旨》
Poetry《Attest Fourth row 7》   《Over the Border》   《Attest line 7 Second,》   《WITH MY BROTHER AT THE SOUTH STUDY THINKING IN THE MOONLIGHT OF VICE-PREFECT CUI IN SHANYIN》   《AT A BORDER-FORTRESS》   《UNDER A BORDER-FORTRESS》   《At Hibiscus Inn Parting with Xin Jian》   《In Her Quiet Window》   《A Song of the Spring Palace》   《A Sigh in the Court of Perpetual Faith》   More poems...

Read works of Wang Changling at 诗海
  Wang Changling (Chinese: 王昌龄; Pinyin: Wáng Chānglíng) (698-757). A major Tang Dynasty poet. Originally from Taiyuan in the Shanxi province of China, according to the editors of the Three Hundred Tang Poems, however other sources claim that he was actually from Jiangning near modern-day Nanjing. After passing the prestigious jinshi examination he became a secretarial official, he later held other imperial positions, including that of an official of the Sishui county(汜水尉) in what is currently Henan province. Near the end of his life he was appointed as a minister of Jiangning county. Is best-known for his poems describing battles in the frontier regions of western China.

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