黄帝 List of Authors
Di Zhi
黄帝  (2409 BC2352 BC)
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Web/Pen/Nick Name: 少昊氏
Township: 清化
Reign2598 BC2352 BC
姬玄嚣2598 BC2514 BC

  About 2306 BC to 2298 BC.
  God loved the mother of the shift in the next four brothers and loved the longest, was an emperor. Half-closed as the Tang Emperor Xun Hou release. Loved nine-year reign, the government weak, and Tang Hou Desheng, return of the princes. Loved serving his righteousness, is the rate of the ministers made Zen Tang Er Zhi Tang Hou knew there fate, affected by the Buddhist emperor, is a high sealed Zhi Xin.
  About TANG Yao, Qing troops  "Relay History" Book Nine "Chi Tao Tang," cited Huangfu Mi "imperial century" Yao said: "God loved in 15 and Sato, a glimpse of the Tang, for the nobility, 20 and an emperor are Pingyang. "
  The reign of the Beginning: BC 2369 - the former in 2357.
  Legislation are: Qinyang (Henan Jiaozuo Qinyang this southeast).
  Jiang grandfather was Emperor Peter II's regime, 14 Qingyang loved Emperor Kang of any United States, his father was 16 then either Tai Jiang Williams, 15 Emperor Kang Si performance of any of his uncle.
  BC in 2369, Emperor Zhi's regime 16 Qingyang Emperor Kang Si then either died, testament mass of prey in the eldest son, is ginger Marina 2. As a result, Jiang Marina II inherited the throne in the palace Qinyang to Kimi years (before 2368) the first year of Emperor Zhi.
  Over all the people complaining have secretly curse Jiang Kuang two premature death.
  At this stage, living in places Tang Hou Ji Jiang Yao, active leadership of local people help themselves disaster, they weir dam, cited irrigated fields, over the drought, made harvest. No one on Tang's people starved to death, and no one out from hunger. Thus, local victims flock to Tang Hou. Rhodium people to buy into their own savings are all out, to help the victims, has won praise from the people. TANG Yao played in the national foster a good image of him in the fame, the further development and expansion of their power.
  The so-called ten suns appeared in heaven, but ancient people of drought in the "deification" interpretation of nine infants, wind, Jia gating, repair snake, seal pig and so on, are also ancient summary of the various natural disasters. These records are mainly TANG Yao led the people to prove that the great feat of self-help disaster. This was originally a real ancient history, but ancient historians were attributed mythology. Clearly, these great ancient historians who did not understand the situation of human thinking, wrong understanding of the ancient symbols of culture. The author's first book had already been introduced, the Chinese ancient history basically is exaggerated by the generation and the "deification" approach to totem, emblem Ming, symbols, and presentation to be recorded (such as "Shan Hai Jing"). This "deification" of the record is real, and we usually call "myth" is totally different legend. Since the establishment of new China, with the development of social and scientific progress, a large number of underground cultural relics and archaeological Shuju of Zheng Ming Xin Xia, Women have made it clear to Kandao of the ancient history of Zhenshi profile. Unfortunately, some of our historians today are still rigid, Confucius, and Sima Qian's history books as the golden rule, which is some pedantic ridiculous.
  Emperor Zhi years (Jia-chen, former 2357), Rhodium Group of the Joint National League a big big clan chiefs launched an attack to the ginger Marina II, forced him to abdicate. Although not willing to abdicate Jiang Kuang 2, but the face of a powerful clan Union camp and prime aggressive brother, knew unable to fight, had stepped down from the emperor's throne, the throne Abdication to Rhodium. Fortunately, the brothers and mutual affection on Rhodium read and did not give him, still sealed in the Xin-eup, his (now Shandong Liaocheng Shenxian), is Hou Xin (Xin Xin also be sen).
  Chronology of the reign of Emperor birds of prey (for reference)
  Before 2367 (Sino-Japanese) ... ... ... ... years
  Before 2364 (Ding) ... ... five years ... ...
  Before 2361 (Boxer) ... ... ... ... eight
  Before 2358 (mao) year ... ... ... ... 10
  Zhi Zhang of the body of the 31st founding of Christianity and Islam to the south of San Miao Tang Yao
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(2598 BC2352 BC)
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