君主 人物列錶
斯蒂芬·哈珀 Stephen Joseph Harper赫爾穆特·施密特 Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt
赫爾穆特·科爾 Helmut Josef Michael Kohl馬英九 Ma Yingjiu
鬍錦濤 Hu Jintao江澤民 Jiang Zemin
伊麗莎白二世 Elizabeth II詹姆斯·厄爾·卡特 James Earl Carter, Jr
喬治·赫伯特·沃剋·布什 George Herbert Walker Bush比爾·剋林頓 William Jefferson Clinton
喬治·H·W·布什 George Herbert Walker Bush喬治·沃剋·布什 George Walker Bush
瓦勒裏·季斯卡·德斯坦 Valéry Giscard d'Estaing雅剋·希拉剋 Jacques René Chirac
十四世達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama戈爾巴喬夫
普京 Vladimir Putin梅德韋傑夫 Medvedev
普京 Vladimir Putin習近平 Xi Jinping
埃馬紐埃爾·馬剋竜 Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron賈斯廷·特魯多 Justin Pierre James Trudeau
安格拉·默剋爾 Angela Merkel喬·拜登 Joe Biden
斯蒂芬·哈珀 Stephen Joseph Harper
君主  (1959年四月30日~?2015年)
出生地: 加拿大多倫多裏塞區

斯蒂芬·哈珀 Stephen Harper
斯蒂芬·約瑟夫·哈珀 PC MP(英語:Stephen Joseph Harper /ˈstvən ˈhɑːrpər/,1959年4月30日),部分北美華文媒體譯為夏巴,是加拿大政治傢,曾任加拿大總理保守黨黨魁。


斯蒂芬·哈珀出生於一個中産家庭,三個兄弟中排行老大,他童年時成長於多倫多,少年時入讀當地的“Richview Collegiate Institute”,哈珀自小就成績優異,1978年(即哈珀畢業之年),是全校的頂尖學生;後來他入讀卡爾加裏大學,取得經濟學碩士的學位。哈珀和大學有頗強的關係:他是一個繁忙的講師,他日後的政治顧問湯·法蘭根,亦是這間大學的教授




哈珀最初接觸政治是在自己的童年,當時他加入了學校的“加拿大青年自由黨”;然而因為皮埃爾·特魯多自由黨政府的國傢能源政策(英語:National Energy Program,簡稱NEP)損害了阿爾伯達省的工業情況,所以他轉變了自己的政治立場,加入進步保守黨。1985年,他成為了進步保守黨議員占斯·哈基斯的首要助手,還成為了一些議院委員會成員,不過,哈珀與馬丁·布賴恩·馬爾羅尼領導的進步保守黨政府鬧得頗不愉快。最終哈珀於1986年離開進步保守黨。

後來不少黨員退出進步保守黨,另組中間偏右的改革黨(之後更名為加拿大改革保守聯盟,即加拿大聯盟)。哈珀被大學教授湯·法蘭根推薦給柏雷斯頓·萬寧(改革黨黨魁及創建者),哈珀被他深刻的記着,還被邀請入黨。在哈珀28歲之年,他在改革黨建黨會議上發表了一個頗重要的講話,這還鑄造了改革黨日後國會選舉(1988年)的競選口號“The West Wants In!”。








值得一提的是哈珀像前加拿大總理馬丁·布賴恩·馬爾羅尼等的保守黨總理一樣,成為總理前,從來未擔任過前任政府的內閣官員 (自由黨的總理擔任總理前皆擔任過部長),所以有人指斯蒂芬·哈珀沒有政治經驗,不能夠肩負總理一職。














根據加拿大新聞媒體CBC的報導,哈珀政府曾命其官員刻意冷落一組精選的被排斥的國傢,並要求加國各地使團,不要邀請這些國傢代表參與7月1日的加國國慶活動,這些國傢被列在加拿大外交部流通的一份“不歡迎對象”(persona non grata)名單上,且每年皆會選出新的名單。CBC聲稱已從另一當地媒體CP取得此名單2013年的版本,該報導也推測2014年的版本和2013年的或許會沒什麽改變,也可能列入俄羅斯。而被列入2013年名單的國傢有:朝鮮伊朗敘利亞斐濟白俄羅斯馬達加斯加幾內亞比紹蘇丹中華民國。朝鮮至幾內亞比紹等前七者會被列入名單,主要是因為其政府並非由民選産生。蘇丹的狀況則比較特殊,會入選是因為該國部分政治人物,受到國際刑事法庭通緝,但除此之外,其他官員可以被邀請。臺灣會在名單上,則是因加拿大不承認臺灣是一個國傢









Stephen Joseph Harper PC CC (born April 30, 1959) is a Canadian economist and politician who served as the 22nd prime minister of Canada for nearly a decade, from February 6, 2006, to November 4, 2015. Harper has served as the chairman of the International Democrat Union since February 2018.

Over his career, Stephen Harper was elected to the House of Commons seven times, and served nine years as prime minister of Canada, winning three elections as party leader. Harper was the first prime minister to come from the modern Conservative Party of Canada, though older centre-right conservative parties have been active since Canada's founding.

Harper was one of the founding members of the Reform Party of Canada and under that banner was first elected to the House of Commons of Canada in 1993 in Calgary West. He did not seek re-election in the 1997 federal election. Harper instead joined and later led the National Citizens Coalition, a conservative lobbyist group. In 2002, he succeeded Stockwell Day as leader of the Canadian Alliance, the successor to the Reform Party and returned to parliament as Leader of the Official Opposition by winning Preston Manning's former seat. In 2003, Harper reached an agreement with the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of CanadaPeter MacKay, for the merger of their two parties to form the Conservative Party of Canada. Harper was subsequently elected as the party's first leader in March 2004. From 2002 to 2015 as party leader, leader of the Official Opposition, and then prime minister, Harper represented the riding of Calgary Southwest in Alberta. He represented Calgary Heritage from 2015 until 2016 after the Conservatives lost the 2015 election.

The 2006 federal election resulted in a minority government led by the Conservative Party with Harper becoming the 22nd prime minister of Canada. This was to become Canada's longest-serving minority government, but by proportion of seats it was also the smallest minority government since Confederation. In the 2008 federal election, the Conservative Party outperformed and won a stronger minority, showing a moderate increase in the percentage of the popular vote and increased representation in the House of Commons of Canada, with 143 of 308 seats. The 40th Canadian Parliament was eventually dissolved in March 2011, after a no-confidence vote that deemed the Cabinet to be in contempt of parliament. In the federal election that followed, the Conservatives won a decisive majority government which was the first majority mandate since the 2000 federal election. In total, the Conservative Party won a majority of 166 seats in 2011, an increase of 23 seats from the October 2008 election.

In the 2015 federal election, Harper won his seat of Calgary Heritage but overall the Conservative Party lost power following nearly a decade of governance. Harper continued to serve as prime minister until November 4, 2015, when Justin Trudeau and a Liberal Party of Canada government was officially sworn in. Harper officially stepped down as party leader on October 19, 2015, and Rona Ambrose was subsequently chosen as interim leader on November 5, 2015. On May 26, 2016 he was named as a senior board member for the Conservative Party Fund. After 2015, Harper slowly began to step away from Canadian politics and took on a number of international business and leadership roles, founding a global consulting firm, appearing on US and British media, and being elected leader of the International Democrat Union. In 2017, Andrew Scheer, a former House of Commons speaker, was elected as Harper's successor as leader of the Conservative Party.

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