英国 List of Authors
George II of Great Britain
英国 汉诺威王朝  (November 10, 1683 ADOctober 25, 1760 AD)
Tomb: 西敏寺
Reign1727 AD1760 AD

  George I and 索菲亚多鲁 Western Asia, the only son of Prince of Wales.
  1742, Walpole, the Prime Minister to the Prince of Wales Prince Frederick Louis under the pressure of the opposition, led by the resignation of George II cabinet opening Carteret. Hanover, George II of attention because even in Britain, to protect the safety of Hanover territory, in support of the Austrian Succession War Austrian and General, French, Spanish alliance operations. Also put himself on the European continent the domestic government, the coalition led by the German princes and a few British troops fighting with the French, in 1743 Battle of Dettingen great victory. 1744, the German parliament to the king the benefit of the grounds of damage to British interests, forcing the resignation of Prime Minister Carteret.
  The people
  As the nature of the German love of music, George II, also love music, a German musician Handel's patron.
  Former George I
  Royal House of Hanover
  Born November 10, 1683
  Khamsing Hamiya
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(1727 AD1760 AD)
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