金国 List of Authors
Wan Yanxun
金国  (1163 AD1224 AD)
Last Name: 完颜
First Name: 吾睹补
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 继天兴统述道勤仁英武圣孝皇帝
Temple Name: 宣宗
Tomb: 德陵
Reign1213 AD1224 AD
贞佑September, 1213 ADSeptember, 1217 AD
兴定September, 1217 ADAugust, 1222 AD
元光August, 1222 AD1223 AD

  Shizong Dading 18 years (in 1178), Feng Wen Guogong, 20 years Ci Ming Xun, Feng Feng Wang twenty nine years. Cheng-Yi Wang On the first year of closure. Taihe five years, the change Ciming from Kerry, and later changed its closure Xing Wang and Sheng Wang.
  Emperor Xuan Zong of external measures are inappropriate, a direct result of Jin die. Genghis Khan Mongolian humiliation he first sum, then broke off diplomatic relations with the Western Xia, not Guda Chen against both South Central and moved to the capital Bianjing, and launched invasion of Song war. Golden State on three sides by the enemy, coupled with internal discord, rebellion frequent, the state at stake.
  King Queen
  Fei Pang true
  Golden Isles were
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