诗人 人物列表
贺铸 He Zhu朱敦儒 Zhu Dunru晏几道 Yan Jidao
周邦彦 Zhou Bangyan贺铸 He Zhu王安石 Wang Anshi
吕南公 Lv Nagong毛滂 Mao Pang韩缜 Han Zhen
晁补之 Chao Buzhi晁端礼 Chao Duanli李之仪 Li Zhiyi
王诜 Wang Shen王安中 Wang Anzhong韩嘉彦 Han Jiayan
舒亶 Shu Shan张伯端 Zhang Baduan韩维 Han Wei
韦骧 Wei Xiang张舜民 Zhang Shunmin晁元礼 Chao Yuanli
郑仅 Zheng Jin刘弇 Liu Yan谢逸 Xie Yi
苏庠 Su Xiang葛胜仲 Ge Shengzhong米友仁 Mi Youren
曾纡 Ceng Yu徐俯 Xu Fu李光 Li Guang
刘一止 Liu Yizhi汪藻 Wang Zao陈克 Chen Ke
王寀 Wang Cai苏过 Su Guo王庭珪 Wang Tinggui
曾巩 Zeng Gong王珪 Wang Gui章楶 Zhang Jie
黄裳 Huang Chang曾肇 Ceng Zhao时彦 Shi Yan
侯蒙 Hou Meng郭茂倩 Guo Maoqian王说 Wang Shui
谢景初 Xie Jingchu许景亮 Xu Jingliang陈瓘 Chen Guan
赵抃 Zhao Bian王珪 Wang Gui程颢 Cheng Hao
刘季孙 Liu Jisun蔡确 Cai Que王韶 Wang Shao
李诫 Li Jie
朱敦儒 Zhu Dunru
诗人  (1081年1159年)
名: 敦儒
字: 希真
网笔号: 岩壑; 伊水老人
籍贯: 洛阳

诗词《相见欢 Huan meet》   《聒龙谣》   《聒龙谣 guolongyao》   《雨中花(岭南作)》   《水调歌头(淮阴作)》   《水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou》   《水调歌头(和董弥大中秋) Shuidiaogetou And Dong Mi Great mid-autumn》   《水调歌头(和海盐尉范行之)》   《水调歌头(对月有感)》   《水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou》   更多诗歌...

阅读朱敦儒 Zhu Dunru在诗海的作品!!!

The Greek word really, Luoyang people. Jing Kang, Jian Yan, the repeated call can not afford. Shaoxing three years (1133) to recommend the right supplement Digong Lang, five years (1135) gives the Secretary of Provincial Scholars origin keep the original character (corrected text of the officials). Calendar Hyobu doctor, Lin'an government through negotiations, Mishu Lang, both official Yuanwai Lang, Liangzhe East Criminal Prison, retirement, home Golden Harvest. Laid retirement, except taken care of Shaoqing, Qin Hui dead, still Resignation. Shaoxing 20 years (1159) Death. Three volumes are words, names, "Qiao Song."
Ru from the early to lofty expectations, do not want to become officials. Northern Song Dynasty Great Rebellion took place, he fled to Guangdong and Guangxi by the Jiangxi Province, a period of living in the South. Ru life 70 years, the official time is very short and long-term seclusion among the lakes, known as the "talent Kuang Yi, a fairy wind," the poet. Therefore, a large part of his work reflects a life of leisure.

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