Poet List of Authors
Wang BoWang FanzhiLu ZhaoLinLuo Binwang
Du ShenyanSu WeidaoYang JiongLiu Xiyi
Song ZhiwenShen QuanqiGuo ZhenHe Zhizhang
Yi JingSima ChengzhenShe FashanAl-Khansa
Robert Southey
Wang Bo
Poet  初唐(650 AD675 AD)
Name and Alias: 子安
Township: 绛州龙门

Parallel prose《滕王阁序》
Poetry《in the mountains》   《Farewell to Vice-prefect Du Setting out for his Official Post in Shu》   《noticeable, large He i be》   《Jiang had dinner on the floating words rhyme may address》   《春日宴乐游园赋韵得接字》   《山亭夜宴》   《Yong Feng》   《怀仙》   《ignore Sleepwalk immortal》   《potpourri》   More poems...

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  Wang Bo (649 or 650 ~ 676 or 675), Tang Dynasty poet. Han Chinese, the word child safety. Jiangzhou Dragon (now Hejin) people. Wang Bo and the Dragon by equally famous poem, saying, "Wong", also known as "the beginning of Tanger Jie." Yang Jiong Wang Bo also, Lu Zhaolin, par LUO, Qi said, "Four Heroes", which Wang Bo is the "Four Heroes," the highest. Wang Bo is the grandson of Wang Tong Sui Confucian scholars (Wang Tong is a famous scholar Sui, Wen No. neutron), Wang Tong two sons, a long fu rural, sub-name Fu Zhi, Fu Zhi Wang Bo is the father, has served as the norms of, Yongzhou Power Division, Cochin magistrate, the magistrate Luhe, Qi Zhou Zhangshi the rank of. Know that Wang Bosheng home longer than scholarly. Wang Bo is also the nephew of Wang Ji.
  Lu Wang Bo talent early, 14 years old, and third to be held later that his talent is even more hard-edged, at that time on and Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin, LUO par and called the Four Heroes. Qian Feng early (666 years) to sign for the Palace Shi Du Li Xian Pei Wang, two years later because of opera as "Xi King Chicken" Man, was expelled from the government Zong anger. Sichuan travel immediately. Xianheng three years (672 years) make up the state Guo joined the army, being absent without official slave killing when Zhu, Yu She removed. His father is also involved demoted to Cochin order. Lantern years (675 years) or three years (676 years), Wang Bonan next visit relatives, crossing drowning, horrified death. The poem seeks to get rid of Qi and the Pompous poetry, culture is also known, the famous "Preface to King" from his hands on. Today there are "Andy Wong collection."
  Birth and Death of Wang Bo, a different view. An argument according to Yang Jiong's "Wang Bo Preface." It says he Gaozong Lantern three years (676 years) and death, in 20-year-old. Accordingly concluded that Wang Bosheng on Tang Zhen Guan twenty three years (649 years). According to Wang Bo, another way of saying he has written "Spring thinking Fu": "Xianheng years, Yuchun Qiu 2 Shiyou Er." Xianheng years or 671 years. Accordingly, the first year when born Yong Hui Zong (650 years). Most scholars now prevail after an argument that the first year of Yonghui Wang Bosheng at (650), died Lantern three years (676 years), date of birth 27.
  Wang Bo's literary ideas advocating practical, popular literature was represented by Norm poetry, "micro-fiber competition structure, competition for the sculpture," "backbone and do the best, vigorous not heard," Wang Bo "thought reform Indeed, the run out of Chi" (Yang Jiong, "Wang Bo Preface"). He created "strong and not true, just and able to profit, rather than carved pieces, by and grow stronger," the poem, play a significant role on climate change. Wang Bo's poem this deposit more than 80 first, Fu and order, table, tablet, Chung and other text, this deposit more than 90 articles. Wang Bo's collected works, the earlier 20 volumes, 30 volumes, 27 book of three volumes, neither mass.
  Birth and Death of Wang Bo has Shangyou Qi said. Yang Jiong, "Wang Bo Preface" that he was Gaozong Lantern three years (676 years) and death, in 28 years. Accordingly, Wang Bo, Tang Zhen Guan 20 years to be born (649 years). And Wang Bo "Si Fu Chun" contains: "Xianheng years (671 years), Yu Chunqiu 2 Shiyou Er." Accordingly, projections, then when Zong Yong Hui was born in the first year (650 years). This is Wang Bo readme, as credible, so now most scholars believe that Wang Bosheng in Yonghui first year (650 years), died Lantern three years (676 years), date of birth 27. Tang poetry on Wang Bo is a very talented poet, lived only 27 years old, indeed deplorable.
  Pei Wang Li Xian heard the name of Wang Bo, Wang Bo Zhao Pei House Xiuzhuan for the very love for him. Kings were always fighting cocks for pleasure, Wang Bo joke, wrote an article entitled "Xi King Chicken" But then, had gone to suffer abuse, Gaozong that is to make kings fall apart, will be out of Pei Wang Bo palace. In fact, Wang Bo the hit, not really for "Xi Chicken King" the wrath of Gojong, but because it was jealous of high, so Yang Jiong, "Wang Bo Preface" that he "can not be temporary show, look for anti-early service". Pei Wang Bo was out of the palace, they go to visit Sichuan, and Jiong Yang Kuang put such Poem, Chi love in art field. "Old Tang Chuan Yang Jiong," said: "Jiong and Wang Bo, Lu Zhaolin, LUO to text the word par, at home and called the Wang Yang Lu Luo, Jie is No. 4."
  This is bad, though Yu She did not lose their lives, but declared the end of his career, but also implicated his father. Wang Fu Zhi Wang Bo crime because of his son, was demoted to Cochin magistrate, far beyond the Exile to Minamiarai. Wang Bo travels to Cochin to visit his father, drowned on his way to the end of his young life. Wang Bo's death, was killed when Ferry unfortunate death, or suicide, unable to examine, I fear, are unhappy With a cavity died of anger.
  Wang Bo poetry is superb, worthy of the highest four-Kit, in reversing the Qi and Liang Yu Feng, Tang, Gong Lao You create a large, left for later read by a number of immortal. Five-character verses of his "government of sending any of Du Shu State," a masterpiece of the history of Chinese poetry, passed down by people for a long time, "Without a friend, everyone your neighbor" has become famous through the ages, people have often cited. The most praiseworthy Wang Bo, as the stories of thousands of years passed, and that he conferred on the spot in the Poetic, "Preface to King." On this matter, "The Corrections" is written the most detailed.
  Lantern years (675 years), in autumn, Wang Bo to Cochin to visit his father, when passed Nanchang, Peter Island are catching up with the new military governor repair Poetic Yan Cheng, Chung Yeung Festival banquet guests at the Poetic. Wang Bo to Meet, Yan Wen military governor of his early fame, could he please also attended the banquet. Yan captaincy this banquet is to boast to you son Mengxue Shi by a large margin. Son prepared in advance to a preface, written by the banquet as improvisation for all to see. Banquet, captaincy Yan people out pen and paper, pretend to please Morohito preface for this event. We all know his intentions, so do not write all decline, while Wang Bo, a young twenties, younger, Jing Bu decline, took the pen and paper, Getting to Know the book in public. Yan captaincy boss unhappy, Fu Yi sky, recorded after the turn, as people see Wang Bo what to write. I heard the beginning of Wang Bo wrote "Yuzhang so county, Science and the new government", the military governor then said: But is the cliché. Again the "star points wing Zhen, and the ground balance Cottage", pondered in silence. So hear the "falling clouds and lone joiner soar, youthful color were long-Sky", the military governor had to gasp in admiration: "The true genius of this, when the vertical immortal!." "Tang Chuan," the note said: "Boxin course on customer Caogu, instantly and on, Wenbujiadian, sold-out shocked."
  "The Corrections" and other books written, or exaggerated, but Wang Bo, "Preface to King," Famous indeed immortal. Yan Wang Bo in Nanchang, the military governor feast Fu "Preface to King," the stories. Exercise in the history of Chinese literature's most moving story. "New Book of Tang," The Legend of Wang Bo, "an article, not the beginning of precise thinking, first Surusumi few liters, Han Yin, lead coating surface lying, and Wu, Yuan Bi chapter, the word is not easy." Paragraph into Chinese-style "Youyang Miscellaneous ZU "said;" Wang Bo for the monument for each song, first Surusumi few liters of lead coating surface lying, suddenly from a number of, first point is not channeling, when people said that the package was. "Accordingly know that Angie Jie Wang Bowen, Poetic Masterpiece on improvisation and Fu through the ages, not virtual mass.
  Wang Bo, a very talented, as ancient writers, without having a thirty year old will be gone, it is a great loss to literature.
  Wang Bo, although only 27 survived the Spring and Autumn, but still a lot of writing, had written, "Flaws Han," XXX, "Book of play," five volumes, "plays the Analects of Confucius" XXX, "Compiling boat in order," five volumes, "Chitose Calendar, "a number of volumes, unfortunately all get lost. Those transmitted by this, the only "Andy Wong series" 16, nor all of this. Professor He Lintian points, finishing school, "re-set a new school Andy Wong", a collection of some of the Lost series from Japan, by the Shanxi People's Publishing House.
  Preface to King
  Author: [Don] Wang Bo
  Poetic Description: is the Emperor in Tang Immortal Infant son of Lee Teng Wang Hongzhou captaincy when any building, the site in Nanchang, Jiangxi Gan River this coast, Gojong, the military governor Yanmou Hongzhou rebuilt two years of this Court and in the Lantern (675) of the weight on the 9th, group of customers in the Poetic feast.
  Yuzhang (Han called "Cheong" so to say it is the county) so the county, Science and the new Government (Early renamed "Hongzhou" so say the new government). Star sub-wing Zhen, and the ground balance Cottage. Lapel with five lakes and three rivers, which cited Jing Ou Man charged more. Wu Hua Tian Bao, Long irradiating the buffaloes of the Market; outstanding people, and Xu Ru Chen Fan of the couch the next. Xiong Zhou fog column, Jun Cai-Xing Chi. Taiwan 隍 pillow at the turn of the foreign barbarians, both sides make the beauty of the southeast. Military governor of the Ya-Yan Wang Kung, Kai Ji Remote Pro; Yuwen new state of the Yi Fan, temporarily stationed in front of clothes hangings. 10 ten days vacation (leisure), win friends like clouds, thousands of miles ingratiation, almost a full house. Tengjiao from Phoenix, Meng Xueshi words were; purple electric blue cream, king of General arsenal. Jun slaughter house for the road known area; boy what I know, personally every victory preserves!
  When Victoria in September, is Sanqiu sequence. Clean water to make the Han Tan Liaohe, smoke purple mountain photocoagulation and evening. Yan Can Fei on the road, visiting scenic in the Sung Ah. Pro Royal Son of Cheung Chau, may Heaven (1 for "fairy") of the old building. Layer sets (1 for "endlessly rising) towering Tsui, on a re-Xiao; fly Court Xiang (1 for" flow "), Dan, beneath which no land. Hok Ting teal Example, poor islands hover, Guidian Lan Temple, column (a for" that ") Kang Crest of the body potential.
  Phi embroidered door of an inner room, overlooking the sculpture Ikara, Shan Kuang its earnings as the original, Kawasawa Yu Hai visions of its. Lu Yan flutter, the Zhongming Ding food home; Ge ship maze, Qingque Huanglong the shaft. Goes off (for a work to "eliminate") Rain Ji, Choi Ming Toru area. Falling clouds and isolated joiner soar, youthful total length Tianyi color. Boats, sound poor Peng Li, Goose cold shock, sound off Hengyang of Pu. Remote lapel (a for "Yin") Fu Chang, with lofty Trent fly. Shuang scoundrel made the breeze Health, condensate and clouds contain fiber songs. Sui green bamboo garden, gas Ling Pengze the bottles; Ye water stubs, light Linchuan the document.
  Sze Mei a, b and difficult. Poor and the Air ogle at the sky, a very entertaining tour in Xia Ri. Tin Heights Jiong, feel infinite universe; Xing Jin sad years, the knowledge of a number of empty or full. Wang Chang-an in the subsolar, Wu will head the clouds. Ming the south polar terrain of deep, high Beichen Tianzhu far. Passes and mountains, the person who is sad loss of road? Meet by chance and make the customer is foreign. Emperor Huai steel and gone, Feng Xuan room to what year?
  Jie Hu! Fortune missing, drawn the short straw. Feng Tang Yi Lo, Guang difficult to seal. Qu Jia Yi to Cheung Sha, non-no Lord; channeling LIANG Hai song, not at the time lack clear? The Lai Junzi see opportunities (1 for "Poor"), Daren acceptance of fate. Healthy and strong, rather shift the heart of white first? Poor and a stronger, never give up and blog. Cool spring and feel the discretion of greed, a fine dry mistake to still Huan. Although the North Sea on credit, spread upward, which can be accessed; East corner gone, Sangyu non-late. Mengchang Gao Jie, left with patriotic feelings; Ruan furious, not at a dead effect of crying?
  Bo three feet micro-life, scholar. Have no other fraction, so the final army twenties; a pregnant cast pen love (1 as "Mu"), the winds were honest. House hairpin Wat in Bailing, Bong twilight in miles. Non-Gerald of Baoshu, then the neighbor Meng. He increasingly court, hundred accompany Lu (1 for "carp") on; this're holding sleeve of a robe, HI trust gantry. Yang agreed not every, ask the self-pity Lingyun; minutes of both the opportunity and played the water in what ashamed?
  Alas! Resort infrequently, can no longer feast. Lanting passed away, Azusa Zeciu Market. His parting words, fortunate Cheng'en in Wei preserves; climb for Fu, a group of public expectations in. 'm Exhausted despise pregnant, Christine sparse short argument, a word are assigned, all four into a rhyme. Please sprinkle Pan River, the dumping of Lu Haiyun Seoul!
  (With the text "Four Dance" below)
  Poetic Poetry
  Teng Wang shelf Riverside Example, Peiyu Ming Luan stop singing and dancing;
  Nampo-dong cloud flying towards painting, bead curtain twilight rain volume Nishiyama;
  Lonely Tan Ying on a lengthy, things changed several times in autumn;
  What child today in the Royal Court, the Yangtze River sill outer space Gravity!
  Three famous building of Jiangnan
  Poetic Yellow Crane Tower, Yueyang Tower
  Wang Bo's death
  Screenplay: peak
  Director: Zheng Story
  Main Cast: Liu Xiaofeng, Chi Hua Qiong
  Tang dynasty, the poet Wang Bo Cai Ming peak, were the highest "Four Heroes," the first place. Ink for a game of "Xi King Chicken" and renowned opposition. Gaozong that Cipian intended to sow discord, Qin Ming Chang him out. Six years later, Wang Bo Cao secretly hiding slaves up the crime, by his colleagues and denounced. Wang Bo Cao up to sudden death in the House, the "good at killing Officer slaves", according to Tang, a capital offense. Due to involve the father of Wang Bo, was banished to the official to Cochin (now northern Vietnam) to order.
  In the fall of 674 AD, Wang Bo imprisoned waiting chop. Fortunately, every emperor was an amnesty, to avoid over death, but he was permanently expelled from polite society. In 675 AD, Wang Bo travels to visit his father Cochin, which is the final chapter of his life.
  Vessels in the landscape between the Wang Bo met a wise Ingram Micro has a hidden wind Chivalrous old boatman youthful Lions, this short is life-long intimate Wangnianzhijiao Concert. Behind him, is closely tracking, is determined to avenge the CAO for the husband over the wife; his face falling clouds girl, is a result of Zhongai him a love song "Dongjak Kabuki" and was banished from court, living folk dancers. Falling clouds suppressed into the illness, the dying, Wang Bo desire to save her life but could not buy medicine for silver. Get the full assistance, the youthful Lions, Wang Bo, "borrowed" Yifan Nanchang Poetic wind rushed to participate in the Double Ninth reward platinum poetry.
  Poetic, the Suru meta-famous gathering, but most young uninvited guests, Wen Wang Bo really scared 4, write "falling clouds with a total length of water alone joiner Qi Feiqiu Tianyi color" of the eternal phrases made, won the reward. But the prescription has failed to revive the hardy falling clouds......
  Late the same year, Wang Bo-line to the South China Sea. Life is nothing but a long journey, after death and everything, feeling the flow of Qi Wang Bo mixed feelings...... uninhibited romantic poet generously Daohai himself, when he was only 26 years old. Future generations of people only knew, "Preface to King," the immortal literary grace, but I do not know at that time on the journey Wang Bo rank in memory of confidant.
  Writing Background
  Poetic name for Teng Wang Lee Immortal Infant. Lee Immortal Infant is the Emperor in Tang Li Yuan's son, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin's brother, extravagance and dissipation, misconduct, there is no performance at all. But he master dance, good painting butterflies, great artistic talent. He built Poetic, is the need for singing and dancing pleasure. This famous building was built in the Tang Dynasty South prosperous period, because of Wang Bo's a "Preface to King," and quickly known. Han Yu in the "new revised Poetic mind," said: "The more is low, then heard more clinical view of the southern United States, and Poetic alone for the first, Guiwei never called special."
  "New Tang Literary Biography" in mind Poetic verse as: "Sept. 9 banquet Poetic military governor, the fate of their husband be ordered to boast off, because the pen over the entertaining, Mogan when, to Bo, the Pan-natural without any hesitation. Dudu anger, from the dressing, Qian Li Wen Zhe reported its server. has repeatedly reported that the beneficial language strange, is Jue however, saying: 'genius!' Please then written, very Huan strike. "It is obvious that Wang Bo, young, talented, brush ink, Yujingsizuo scenarios.
  Wang Bo, the word child safety, Jiangzhou Dragon (now Shanxi Hejin County) people, one of the Four Heroes. Wang Bo is the grandson of Wang Tong Sui Confucian scholars, Wang Tong two sons, a long fu rural, sub-name Fu Zhi, Fu Zhi Wang Bo is the father, has served as the norms of, Yongzhou Power Division, Cochin magistrate, the magistrate Luhe, Qi governor the rank of history. Know that Wang Bosheng home longer than scholarly.
  Birth and Death of Wang Bo has Shangyou Qi said. Yang Jiong, "Wang Bo Preface" that he was Gaozong Lantern three years (676 years) and death, in 28 years. Accordingly, Wang Bo, Tang Zhen Guan 20 years to be born (649 years). And Wang Bo "Si Fu Chun" contains: "Xianheng years (671 years), Yu Chunqiu 2 Shiyou Er." Accordingly, projections, then when Zong Yong Hui was born in the first year (65O years). This is Wang Bo readme, as credible, so now most scholars believe that Wang Bosheng in Yonghui first year (650 years), died Lantern three years (676 years), date of birth 27. Tang poetry on Wang Bo is a very talented poet, lived only 27 years old, indeed deplorable.
  Pei Wang Li Xian heard the name of Wang Bo, Wang Bo Zhao Pei House Xiuzhuan for the very love for him. Kings were always fighting cocks for pleasure, Wang Bo joke, wrote an article entitled "Xi Zhou King Chicken" But then, had gone to suffer abuse, Gaozong that is to make kings fall apart, will be out of Pei Wang Bo palace. In fact, Wang Bo the hit, not really for "Xi Zhou Wang chicken," the wrath of Gojong, but because it was jealous of high, so Yang Jiong, "Wang Bo Preface" that he "can not be temporary show, look for anti-early service". Pei Wang Bo was out of the palace, they go to visit Sichuan, and Jiong Yang Kuang put such Poem, Chi love in art field. "Old Tang Chuan Yang Jiong," said: "Jiong and Wang Bo, Lu Zhaolin, LUO to text the word par, at home and called the Wang Yang Lu Luo, Jie is No. 4."
  Four Heroes, in the history of Chinese literature is a very famous group. As a group, they are beautiful against the decadent atmosphere since the Six Dynasties, the views of some innovations and began to lead the marketplace from the court poetry, moving from the country and the frontier of Cabinet, subject matter expanded, more fresh and energetic style, to get rid of Qi Liang Yu Feng, Tang created a new atmosphere, played an important role. About Chinese literature, especially in the Tang Dynasty literature, no not mentioned Wang Yang Lu Luo's.
  This is bad, though Yu She did not lose their lives, but declared the end of his career, but also implicated his father. Wang Fu Zhi Wang Bo crime because of his son, was demoted to Cochin magistrate, far beyond the Exile to Minamiarai. Wang Bo travels to Cochin to visit his father, drowned on his way to the end of his young life. Wang Bo's death, was killed when Ferry unfortunate death, or suicide, unable to examine, I fear, are unhappy With a cavity died of anger.
  Wang Bo poetry is superb, worthy of the first of four outstanding, in reversing the Qi and Liang Yu Feng, Tang, Gong Lao You create a large, left for later read by a number of immortal. Five-character verses of his "government of sending any of Du Shu State," a masterpiece of the history of Chinese poetry, passed down by people for a long time, "Without a friend, everyone your neighbor" has become famous through the ages, people have often cited. The most praiseworthy Wang Bo, for thousands of years passed for the elephants, and is conferred in his Poetic impromptu "Preface to King." On this matter, "The Corrections" is written the most detailed.
  Lantern years (675 years), in autumn, Wang Bo to Cochin to visit his father, when passed Nanchang, Peter Island are catching up with the new military governor repair Poetic Yan Cheng, Chung Yeung Festival banquet guests at the Poetic. Wang Bo to Meet, Yan Wen military governor of his early fame, could he please also attended the banquet. Yan captaincy this banquet is to boast to you son Mengxue Shi by a large margin. Son prepared in advance to a preface, written by the banquet as improvisation for all to see. Banquet, captaincy Yan people out pen and paper, pretend to please Morohito preface for this event. We all know that was his intention, so do not write all decline, while Wang Bo, a young twenties, younger, Jing Bu decline, took the pen and paper, Getting to Know the book in public. Yan captaincy boss unhappy, Fu Yi sky, recorded after the turn, teach people to look Wang Bo, what to write. I heard the beginning of Wang Bo wrote that "ancient capital of Nanchang, Honduras New House", the military governor then said: But is commonplace. Again the "star points wing Zhen, and the ground balance Cottage", pondered in silence. So hear the "falling clouds and lone joiner soar, youthful color were long-Sky", the military governor had to gasp in admiration: "The true genius of this, when the vertical immortal!." "Tang Biography" is recorded: "The Boxin course on customer Caogu, instantly and on, Wenbujiadian, sold-out shocked."
  "The Corrections" and other books written, or exaggerated, but Wang Bo, "Preface to King," Famous indeed immortal. Yan Wang Bo in Nanchang, the military governor feast Fu "Preface to King," the stories. Exercise in the history of Chinese literature's most moving story. "New Book of Tang," The Legend of Wang Bo, "an article, not the beginning of precise thinking, first Surusumi few liters, Han Yin, lead coating surface lying, and Wu, Yuan Bi chapter, the word is not easy." Paragraph into Chinese-style "Youyang Miscellaneous ZU "said;" Wang Bo for the monument for each song, first Surusumi few liters of lead coating surface lying, suddenly from a number of, first point is not channeling, when people said that the package was. "Accordingly know that Angie Jie Wang Bowen, Poetic Masterpiece on improvisation and Fu through the ages, not virtual mass.
  Wang Bo, a very talented, as ancient writers, without having a thirty year old will be gone, it is a great loss to literature.
  Wang Bo, although only 27 survived the Spring and Autumn, but still a lot of writing, had written, "Flaws Han," XXX, "Book of play," five volumes, "plays the Analects of Confucius" XXX, "Compiling boat in order," five volumes, "Chitose Calendar, "a number of volumes, unfortunately all get lost. Those transmitted by this, the only "Andy Wong series" 16, nor all of this. Professor He Lintian points, finishing school, "re-set a new school Andy Wong", a collection of some of the Lost series from Japan, published by the Shanxi People's Publishing House
  Wang Bo the Cloud Gate offer the shanting imitation Orchid Pavilion "song flow Origin" and as "Lease Amendment Order"
  "March on the sequence had Fuxi," also known as "revised offer of shanting Figure Order of the Cloud Gate"
  "Jia Tai Chi Kuaiji" Volume 10 contains: "Six Song, Xie Hui Xie recreation and even the person from the younger brother, Xie, Ye have rafting river, on the poetry in Wang Zijing shanting." Xie Lingyun and benefits associated with words, engraved on the (lake alone ) tree-side "" Song of the Tang Dynasty poet in the Tang asked the more open the more romantic of the first of its kind. Yong Chun years (683) Four Heroes of the head of the poet Wang Bo rates of eastern Zhejiang Wang Zijing shanting in Yunmen Temple hosted a copy of Wang Xizhi Lanting Gathering of repair purification activities and imitation "Orchid Pavilion" wrote "Cloud Gate revised offer of shanting Figure Preface." Wang Bo may be enough, in the same year, again revised Figure this autumn, as a "state of the autumn feast shanting more order." Since then there sing eastern Zhejiang Dali (57 poets).
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