藝術家 人物列錶
啓功 Qi Gong陳丹青 Chen Danqing艾未未 Ai Weiwei
吳冠中 Wu Guanzhong尚小雲 Shang Xiaoyun豐子愷 Fengzikai
林𠔌芳 Lin Gufang張瑞芳 Zhang Ruifang黃宗洛 Huang Zongluo
羅中立 Luo Zhongli林散之 Lin Sanzhi張伯駒 Zhang Boju
邵琦 Shao Qi蔡誌忠 Cai Zhizhong
豐子愷 Fengzikai
藝術家  (1898年十一月9日1975年九月15日)
籍貫: 浙江崇德

散文集 leisurely corpus《豐子愷集》
隨筆 essay《靜觀人生》

閱讀豐子愷 Fengzikai在散文天地的作品!!!

  Feng (1898.11.9-1975.9.15) formerly rich, Feng Yan. Zhejiang Zonta people. Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 1914 were the first normal school, to learn from Shutong music and painting. Autumn 1918, and Tiger Temple in Hangzhou Li Shutong monk, on the great impact of his thought. After graduating from Normal School in 1919, and the number of students who specialized in Shanghai Shanghai Normal School was founded, and served as drawing teacher. Going to Japan in 1921, studying painting, music and foreign languages. 1922 returned to teach high school of Zhejiang on the Yu Chunhui pictures and music, and Ziqing, qian, who became friends. In 1924, literary publications, "our July" were first published in April and his paintings "were scattered after the new moon day of a hook such as water." Since then, his paintings in the "literary weekly" on been published, and as a "caricature" header. Since China began a "comic" the name. Founded 1924, Rieter Secondary School in Shanghai. Rieter Society was established in 1925, attended by Mao Dun, Chen Wang Tao, tao, Zheng Zhenduo, the more of Hu et al. 1929 was hired as an open book editor. In 1931, his first collection of essays "edge margin Hall Essay," published by the open book. Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the rate of the whole family to flee. After the liberation of former President of the Chinese Artists Association, Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, Vice President of Shanghai and other foreign cultural level.

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