公元   阿拉伯帝國 Caliphate   阿拔斯王朝 Abbasids   
阿拔斯王朝 Abbasids  國號:巴格達 (750年1258年)   總朝代: 阿拉伯帝國

   * 阿布·阿拔斯-薩法赫 (Abu'l Abbas As-Saffah)750 - 754
   * 曼蘇爾 (Al-Mansur) 754 - 775
   * 邁赫迪 (Al-Mahdi) 775 - 785
   * 哈迪 (Al-Hadi) 785 - 786
   * 哈倫·拉希德 (Harun al-Rashid) 786 - 809
   * 阿明 (Al-Amin) 809 - 813
   * 馬蒙 (Al-Ma'mun) 813 - 833
   * 穆阿臺綏姆 (Al-Mu'tasim) 833 - 842
   * 瓦提剋 (Al-Wathiq) 842 - 847
   * 穆塔瓦基勒 (Al-Mutawakkil) 847 - 861
   * 蒙塔塞爾 (Al-Muntasir) 861 - 862
   * 穆斯塔因 (Al-Musta'in) 862 - 866
   * 穆塔茲 (Al-Mu'tazz) 866 - 869
   * 穆赫塔迪 (Al-Muhtadi) 869 - 870
   * 穆塔米德 (Al-Mu'tamid) 870 - 892
   * 穆塔迪德 (Al-Mu'tadid) 892 - 902
   * 穆剋塔菲 (Al-Muktafi) 902 - 908
   * 穆剋塔迪爾 (Al-Muqtadir) 908 - 932
   * 卡希爾 (Al-Qahir) 932 - 934
   * 拉迪 (Ar-Radi) 934 - 940
   * 穆塔基 (Al-Muttaqi) 940 - 944
   * 穆斯塔剋菲(Al-Mustakfi) 944 - 946
   * 穆提 (Al-Muti) 946 - 974
   * 塔伊 (At-Ta'i) 974 - 991
   * 卡迪爾(Al-Qadir) 991 - 1031
   * 卡伊姆 (Al-Qa'im) 1031 - 1075
   * 穆剋塔迪(Al-Muqtadi) 1075 - 1094
   * 穆斯塔齊爾 (Al-Mustazhir) 1094 - 1118
   * 穆斯塔爾希德 (Al-Mustarshid) 1118 - 1135
   * 賴世德 (Ar-Rashid) 1135 - 1136
   * 穆剋塔菲 (Al-Muqtafi) 1136 - 1160
   * 穆斯坦吉德 (Al-Mustanjid) 1160 - 1170
   * 穆斯塔迪 (Al-Mustadi) 1170 - 1180
   * 安-納賽爾 (An-Nasir) 1180 - 1225
   * 查希爾 (Az-Zahir) 1225 - 1226
   * 穆斯坦綏爾 (Al-Mustansir) 1226 - 1242
   * 穆斯臺綏木(Al-Musta'sim) 1242 - 1258
   * 穆斯坦綏爾 (Al-Mustansir) 1261
   * 哈基姆一世(Al-Hakim I) 1262-1302
   * 穆斯塔剋菲一世(Al-Mustakfi I) 1302-1340
   * 瓦提剋一世(Al-Wathiq I) 1340-1341
   * 哈基姆二世(Al-Hakim II) 1341-1352
   * 穆塔迪德一世 (Al-Mu'tadid I) 1352-1362
   * 穆塔瓦基勒一世(Al-Mutawakkil I) 1362-1383
   * 瓦提剋二世(Al-Wathiq II) 1383-1386
   * 穆阿臺綏姆(Al-Mu'tasim) 1386-1389
   * 穆塔瓦基勒一世(Al-Mutawakkil I)(復位) 1389-1406
   * 穆斯塔因(Al-Musta'in) 1406-1414
   * 穆塔迪德二世 (Al-Mu'tadid II) 1414-1441
   * 穆斯塔剋菲二世(Al-Mustakfi II) 1441-1451
   * 卡伊姆(Al-Qa'im) 1451-1455
   * 穆斯坦吉德(Al-Mustanjid) 1455-1479
   * 穆塔瓦基勒二世(Al-Mutawakkil II) 1479-1497
   * 穆斯塔姆西剋(Al-Mustamsik) 1497-1508
   * 穆塔瓦基勒三世(Al-Mutawakkil III) 1508-1517
   o 埃及被奧斯曼帝國徵服,哈裏發稱號歸奧斯曼帝國蘇丹
   o 馬木路剋:阿拉伯語奴隸的衊稱音譯,因其開國哈裏發為奴隸皇帝所得名。

  The Umayyad dynasty was overthrown by another family of Meccan origin, the Abbasids, in 750. The Abbasids had an unbroken line of Caliphs for over three centuries, consolidating Islamic rule and cultivating great intellectual and cultural developments in the Middle East. By 940 however the power of the Caliphate under the Abbasids was waning as non-Arabs, particularly the Berbers of the Maghrib, the Turks, and later, in the latter half of the 13th century, the Mamluks in Egypt, gained influence, and the various subordinate sultans and emirs became increasingly independent. However, the Caliphate endured as a symbolic position. During the period of the Abassid dynasty, Abassid claims to the caliphate did not go unchallenged. The Shiˤa Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi Billah of the Fatimid dynasty, which claimed descent from Muhammad through his daughter, claimed the title of Caliph in 909, creating a separate line of caliphs in North Africa. Initially controlling Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, the Fatimid caliphs extended their rule for the next 150 years, taking Egypt and Palestine, before the Abbassid dynasty was able to turn the tide, limiting Fatimid rule to Egypt. The Fatimid dynasty finally ended in 1171. The Umayyad dynasty, which had survived and come to rule over the Muslim provinces of Spain, reclaimed the title of Caliph in 929, lasting until it was overthrown in 1031.
  1258 saw the conquest of Baghdad and the execution of Abbasid caliph al-Musta'sim by Mongol forces under Hulagu Khan.

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