中国经典 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions   》 第五十回 芦雪庵争联即景诗 暖香坞雅制春灯谜 CHAPTER L.      曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin    高鹗 Gao E

  话说薛宝钗道:“到底分个次序,让我写出来。”说着,便令众人拈阄为序。起首恰是李氏,然后按次各各开出。凤姐儿说道:“既是这样说,我也说一句在上头。”众人都笑说道:“更妙了!"宝钗便将稻香老农之上补了一个"凤"字,李纨又将题目讲与他听。凤姐儿想了半日, 笑道:“你们别笑话我。我只有一句粗话,下剩的我就不知道了。”众人都笑道:“越是粗话越好,你说了只管干正事去罢。”凤姐儿笑道::“我想下雪必刮北风。 昨夜听见了一夜的北风,我有了一句,就是‘一夜北风紧’,可使得?"众人听了,都相视笑道:“这句虽粗,不见底下的,这正是会作诗的起法。不但好,而且留了多少地步与后人。 就是这句为首,稻香老农快写上续下去。”凤姐和李婶平儿又吃了两杯酒,自去了。这里李纨便写了:
  谁家碧玉箫? 鳌愁坤轴陷,李纨笑道:“我替你们看热酒去罢。”宝钗命宝琴续联,只见湘云站起来道:
  翦翦舞随腰。 煮芋成新赏,一面说,一面推宝玉,命他联。宝玉正看宝钗‘宝琴‘黛玉三人共战湘云,十分有趣,那里还顾得联诗,今见黛玉推他,方联道:
  埋琴稚子挑。 湘云笑的弯了腰,忙念了一句,众人问"到底说的什么?"湘云喊道:
  不雨亦潇潇。湘云伏着已笑软了。众人看他三人对抢,也都不顾作诗,看着也只是笑。 黛玉还推他往下联,又道:“你也有才尽之时。我听听还有什么舌根嚼了!"湘云只伏在宝钗怀里,笑个不住。宝钗推他起来道:“你有本事,把‘二萧’的韵全用完了,我才伏你。 "湘云起身笑道:“我也不是作诗,竟是抢命呢。”众人笑道:“倒是你说罢。”探春早已料定没有自己联的了, 便早写出来,因说:“还没收住呢。”李纨听了,接过来便联了一句道:
  李纨笑道:“逐句评去都还一气,只是宝玉又落了第了。”宝玉笑道:“我原不会联句,只好担待我罢。”李纨笑道:“也没有社社担待你的。又说韵险了,又整误了,又不会联句了,今日必罚你。我才看见栊翠庵的红梅有趣,我要折一枝来插瓶。可厌妙玉为人,我不理他。如今罚你去取一枝来。”众人都道这罚的又雅又有趣。宝玉也乐为,答应着就要走。 湘云黛玉一齐说道:“外头冷得很,你且吃杯热酒再去。”湘云早执起壶来,黛玉递了一个大杯,满斟了一杯。湘云笑道:“你吃了我们的酒,你要取不来,加倍罚你。”宝玉忙吃了一杯,冒雪而去。李纨命人好好跟着。黛玉忙拦说:“不必,有了人反不得了。”李纨点头说:“是。”一面命丫鬟将一个美女耸肩瓶拿来,贮了水准备插梅,因又笑道:“回来该咏红梅了。”湘云忙道:“我先作一首。”宝钗忙道:“今日断乎不容你再作了。你都抢了去, 别人都闲着,也没趣。回来还罚宝玉,他说不会联句,如今就叫他自己作去。 "黛玉笑道:“这话很是。我还有个主意,方才联句不够,莫若拣着联的少的人作红梅。 "宝钗笑道:“这话是极。方才邢李三位屈才,且又是客。琴儿和颦儿云儿三个人也抢了许多, 我们一概都别作,只让他三个作才是。”李纨因说:“绮儿也不大会作,还是让琴妹妹作罢。 "宝钗只得依允,又道:“就用‘红梅花’三个字作韵,每人一首七律。邢大妹妹作‘ 红’字,你们李大妹妹作‘梅’字,琴儿作‘花’字。”李纨道:“饶过宝玉去,我不服。”湘云忙道:“有个好题目命他作。”众人问何题目?湘云道:“命他就作‘访妙玉乞红梅’,岂不有趣?"众人听了,都说有趣。
  一语未了,只见宝玉笑だだい了一枝红梅进来,众丫鬟忙已接过,插入瓶内。众人都笑称谢。宝玉笑道:“你们如今赏罢,也不知费了我多少精神呢。”说着,探春早又递过一钟暖酒来, 众丫鬟走上来接了蓑笠掸雪。各人房中丫鬟都添送衣服来,袭人也遣人送了半旧的狐腋褂来。李纨命人将那蒸的大芋头盛了一盘,又将朱橘‘黄橙‘橄榄等盛了两盘,命人带与袭人去。湘云且告诉宝玉方才的诗题,又催宝玉快作。宝玉道:“姐姐妹妹们,让我自己用韵罢,别限韵了。”众人都说:“随你作去罢。”
  一面说一面大家看梅花。 原来这枝梅花只有二尺来高,旁有一横枝纵横而出,约有五六尺长,其间小枝分歧,或如蟠螭,或如僵蚓,或孤削如笔,或密聚如林,花吐胭脂, 香欺兰蕙,各各称赏。谁知邢岫烟‘李纹‘薛宝琴三人都已吟成,各自写了出来。众人便依"红梅花"三字之序看去,写道是:
  前身定是瑶台种,无复相疑色相差。众人看了,都笑称赏了一番,又指末一首说更好。 宝玉见宝琴年纪最小,才又敏捷,深为奇异。黛玉湘云二人斟了一小杯酒,齐贺宝琴。 宝钗笑道:“三首各有各好。你们两个天天捉弄厌了我,如今捉弄他来了。”李纨又问宝玉:“你可有了?"宝玉忙道:“我倒有了,才一看见那三首,又吓忘了,等我再想。”湘云听了,便拿了一支铜火箸击着手炉,笑道:“我击鼓了,若鼓绝不成,又要罚的。”宝玉笑道:“我已有了。”黛玉提起笔来,说道:“你念,我写。”湘云便击了一下笑道:“一鼓绝。”宝玉笑道:“有了,你写吧。”众人听他念道,"酒未开樽句未裁",黛玉写了,摇头笑道:“起的平平。”湘云又道:“快着!"宝玉笑道:“寻春问腊到蓬莱。”黛玉湘云都点头笑道:“有些意思了。”宝玉又道:“不求大士瓶中露,为乞嫦娥槛外梅。”黛玉写了,又摇头道:“凑巧而已。”湘云忙催二鼓,宝玉又笑道:“入世冷挑红雪去,离尘香割紫云来。槎ぇ谁惜诗肩瘦, 衣上犹沾佛院苔。”黛玉写毕,湘云大家才评论时,只见几个小丫鬟跑进来道:“老太太来了。”众人忙迎出来。大家又笑道:“怎么这等高兴!"说着,远远见贾母围了大斗篷, 带着灰鼠暖兜,坐着小竹轿,打着青绸油伞,鸳鸯琥珀等五六个丫鬟,每个人都是打着伞,拥轿而来。李纨等忙往上迎,贾母命人止住说:“只在那里就是了。”来至跟前,贾母笑道:“我瞒着你太太和凤丫头来了。大雪地下坐着这个无妨,没的叫他们来踩雪。”众人忙一面上前接斗篷,搀扶着,一面答应着。贾母来至室中,先笑道:“好俊梅花!你们也会乐,我来着了。”说着,李纨早命拿了一个大狼皮褥来铺在当中。贾母坐了,因笑道:’你们只管顽笑吃喝。我因为天短了,不敢睡中觉,抹了一回牌想起你们来了,我也来凑个趣儿。”李纨早又捧过手炉来,探春另拿了一副杯箸来,亲自斟了暖酒,奉与贾母。贾母便饮了一口,问那个盘子里是什么东西。众人忙捧了过来,回说是糟鹌鹑。贾母道:“这倒罢了,撕一两点腿子来。”李纨忙答应了,要水洗手,亲自来撕。贾母又道:“你们仍旧坐下说笑我听。”又命李纨:“你也坐下,就如同我没来的一样才好,不然我就去了。”众人听了,方依次坐下,这李纨便挪到尽下边。贾母因问作何事了,众人便说作诗。贾母道:“有作诗的,不如作些灯谜,大家正月里好顽的。”众人答应了。说笑了一回,贾母便说:“这里潮湿,你们别久坐,仔细受了潮湿。”因说:“你四妹妹那里暖和, 我们到那里瞧瞧他的画儿,赶年可有了。”众人笑道:“那里能年下就有了?只怕明年端阳有了。”贾母道:“这还了得!他竟比盖这园子还费工夫了。”
  说着,仍坐了竹轿,大家围随,过了藕香榭,穿入一条夹道,东西两边皆有过街门,门楼上里外皆嵌着石头匾, 如今进的是西门,向外的匾上凿着"穿云"二字,向里的凿着" 度月"两字。来至当中,进了向南的正门,贾母下了轿,惜春已接了出来。从里边游廊过去,便是惜春卧房,门斗上有"暖香坞"三个字。早有几个人打起猩红毡帘,已觉温香拂脸。 大家进入房中,贾母并不归坐,只问画在那里。惜春因笑问:“天气寒冷了,胶性皆凝涩不润,画了恐不好看,故此收起来。”贾母笑道:“我年下就要的。你别拖懒儿,快拿出来给我快画。 "一语未了,忽见凤姐儿披着紫羯褂,笑だだ的来了,口内说道:“老祖宗今儿也不告诉人,私自就来了,要我好找。”贾母见他来了,心中自是喜悦,便道:“我怕你们冷着了,所以不许人告诉你们去。你真是个鬼灵精儿,到底找了我来。以理,孝敬也不在这上头。”凤姐儿笑道:“我那里是孝敬的心找来了?我因为到了老祖宗那里,鸦没雀静的,问小丫头子们,他又不肯说,叫我找到园里来。我正疑惑,忽然来了两三个姑子,我心才明白。我想姑子必是来送年疏,或要年例香例银子,老祖宗年下的事也多, 一定是躲债来了。我赶忙问了那姑子,果然不错。我连忙把年例给了他们去了。如今来回老祖宗, 债主已去,不用躲着了。已预备下希嫩的野鸡,请用晚饭去,再迟一回就老了。”他一行说,众人一行笑。
  凤姐儿也不等贾母说话,便命人抬过轿子来。贾母笑着,搀了凤姐的手,仍旧上轿,带着众人,说笑出了夹道东门。一看四面粉妆银砌,忽见宝琴披着凫靥裘站在山坡上遥等,身后一个丫鬟抱着一瓶红梅。众人都笑道:“少了两个人,他却在这里等着,也弄梅花去了。 "贾母喜的忙笑道:“你们瞧,这山坡上配上他的这个人品,又是这件衣裳,后头又是这梅花, 象个什么?"众人都笑道:“就象老太太屋里挂的仇十洲画的《双艳图》。”贾母摇头笑道:“那画的那里有这件衣裳?人也不能这样好!"一语未了,只见宝琴背后转出一个披大红猩毡的人来。 贾母道:“那又是那个女孩儿?"众人笑道:“我们都在这里, 那是宝玉。”贾母笑道:“我的眼越发花了。”说话之间,来至跟前,可不是宝玉和宝琴。 宝玉笑向宝钗黛玉等道:“我才又到了栊翠庵。妙玉每人送你们一枝梅花,我已经打发人送去了。”众人都笑说:“多谢你费心。”
  说话之间,已出了园门,来至贾母房中。吃毕饭大家又说笑了一回。忽见薛姨妈也来了,说:“好大雪,一日也没过来望候老太太。今日老太太倒不高兴?正该赏雪才是。”贾母笑道:“何曾不高兴!我找了他们姊妹们去顽了一会子。”薛姨妈笑道:“昨日晚上,我原想着今日要和我们姨太太借一日园子, 摆两桌粗酒,请老太太赏雪的,又见老太太安息的早。 我闻得女儿说,老太太心下不大爽,因此今日也没敢惊动。早知如此,我正该请。”贾母笑道:“这才是十月里头场雪,往后下雪的日子多呢,再破费不迟。”薛姨妈笑道:“果然如此,算我的孝心虔了。”凤姐儿笑道:“姨妈仔细忘了,如今先称五十两银子来, 交给我收着,一下雪,我就预备下酒,姨妈也不用操心,也不得忘了。”贾母笑道:“既这么说,姨太太给他五十两银子收着,我和他每人分二十五两,到下雪的日子,我装心里不快, 混过去了,姨太太更不用操心,我和凤丫头倒得了实惠。”凤姐将手一拍,笑道:“妙极了,这和我的主意一样。 众人都笑了。贾母笑道:们家受屈,我们该请姨太太才是,那里有破费姨太太的理!不这样说呢,还有脸先要五十两银子,真不害臊!"凤姐儿笑道:“我们老祖宗最是有眼色的,试一试,姨妈若松呢, 拿出五十两来,就和我分。这会子估量着不中用了,翻过来拿我作法子,说出这些大方话来。如今我也不和姨妈要银子,竟替姨妈出银子治了酒,请老祖宗吃了,我另外再封五十两银子孝敬老祖宗, 算是罚我个包揽闲事。这可好不好?"话未说完,众人已笑倒在炕上。
  贾母因又说及宝琴雪下折梅比画儿上还好,因又细问他的年庚八字并家内景况。薛姨妈度其意思,大约是要与宝玉求配。薛姨妈心中固也遂意,只是已许过梅家了,因贾母尚未明说, 自己也不好拟定,遂半吐半露告诉贾母道:“可惜这孩子没福,前年他父亲就没了。他从小儿见的世面倒多,跟他父母四山五岳都走遍了。他父亲是好乐的,各处因有买卖,带着家眷,这一省逛一年,明年又往那一省逛半年,所以天下十停走了有五六停了。那年在这里,把他许了梅翰林的儿子,偏第二年他父亲就辞世了,他母亲又是痰症。 "凤姐也不等说完,便も声跺脚的说:“偏不巧,我正要作个媒呢,又已经许了人家。 "贾母笑道:“你要给谁说媒?"凤姐儿说道:“老祖宗别管,我心里看准了他们两个是一对。如今已许了人,说也无益,不如不说罢了。”贾母也知凤姐儿之意,听见已有了人家,也就不提了。大家又闲话了一会方散。一宿无话。
  次日雪晴。 饭后,贾母又亲嘱惜春:“不管冷暖,你只画去,赶到年下,十分不能便罢了。第一要紧把昨日琴儿和丫头梅花,照模照样,一笔别错,快快添上。”惜春听了虽是为难,只得应了。一时众人都来看他如何画,惜春只是出神。李纨因笑向众人道:“让他自己想去,咱们且说话儿。昨儿老太太只叫作灯谜,回家和绮儿纹儿睡不着,我就编了两个‘四书’的。他两个每人也编了两个。”众人听了,都笑道:“这倒该作的。先说了,我们猜猜。”李纨笑道:“‘观音未有世家传’,打‘四书’一句。”湘云接着就说"在止于至善。”宝钗笑道:“你也想一想‘世家传’三个字的意思再猜。”李纨笑道:“再想。”黛玉笑道:“哦,是了。是‘虽善无征’。”众人都笑道:“这句是了。”李纨又道:“一池青草青何名。 "湘云忙道:“这一定是‘蒲芦也’。再不是不成?"李纨笑道:“这难为你猜。纹儿的是‘水向石边流出冷’,打一古人名。”探春笑问道:“可是山涛?"李纹笑道:“是。”李纨又道:“绮儿的是个‘萤’字,打一个字。”众人猜了半日,宝琴笑道:“这个意思却深,不知可是花草的‘ 花’字?"李绮笑道:“恰是了。”众人道:“萤与花何干?"黛玉笑道:“妙得很!萤可不是草化的?"众人会意,都笑了说"好!"宝钗道:“这些虽好,不合老太太的意思,不如作些浅近的物儿,大家雅俗共赏才好。”众人都道:“也要作些浅近的俗物才是。”湘云笑道:“我编了一枝《点绛唇》,恰是俗物,你们猜猜。”说着便念道:“溪壑分离,红尘游戏,真何趣?名利犹虚,后事终难继。”众人不解,想了半日,也有猜是和尚的,也有猜是道士的,也有猜是偶戏人的。宝玉笑了半日,道:“都不是,我猜着了,一定是耍的猴儿。 "湘云笑道:“正是这个了。”众人道:“前头都好,末后一句怎么解?"湘云道:“那一个耍的猴子不是剁了尾巴去的?"众人听了,都笑起来,说:“他编个谜儿也是刁钻古怪的。”李纨道:“昨日姨妈说,琴妹妹见的世面多,走的道路也多,你正该编谜儿,正用着了。 你的诗且又好,何不编几个我们猜一猜?"宝琴听了,点头含笑,自去寻思。宝钗也有了一个,念道:
  主人指示风雷动,鳌背三山独立名。探春也有了一个,方欲念时,宝琴走过来笑道:“我从小儿所走的地方的古迹不少。我今拣了十个地方的古迹,作了十首怀古的诗。诗虽粗鄙, 却怀往事,又暗隐俗物十件,姐姐们请猜一猜。”众人听了,都说:“这倒巧,何不写出来大家一看?"要知端的——

  In the Lu Hsueeh pavilion, they vie with each other in pairing verses on the scenery. In the Nuan Hsiang village, they compose, in beautiful style, riddles for the spring lanterns.
   But to continue. "We should, after all," Pao-ch'ai suggested, "make some distinction as to order. Let me write out what's needful."
   After uttering this proposal, she urged every one to draw lots and determine the precedence. The first one to draw was Li Wan. After her, a list of the respective names was made in the order in which they came out.
   "Well, in that case," lady Feng rejoined, "I'll also give a top line."
   The whole party laughed in chorus. "It will be ever so much better like this," they said.
   Pao-ch'ai supplied above 'the old labourer of Tao Hsiang' the word 'Feng,' whereupon Li Wan went on to explain the theme to her.
   "You musn't poke fun at me!" lady Feng smiled, after considerable reflection. "I've only managed to get a coarse line. It consists of five words. As for the rest, I have no idea how to manage them."
   "The coarser the language, the better it is," one and all laughed. "Out with it! You can then go and attend to your legitimate business!"
   "I fancy," lady Feng observed, "that when it snows there's bound to be northerly wind, for last night I heard the wind blow from the north the whole night long. I've got a line, it's:
   "'The whole night long the northern wind was high;'
   "but whether it will do or not, I am not going to worry my mind about it."
   One and all, upon hearing this, exchanged looks. "This line is, it's true, coarse," they smiled, "and gives no insight into what comes below, but it's just the kind of opening that would be used by such as understand versification. It's not only good, but it will afford to those, who come after you, inexhaustible scope for writing. In fact, this line will take the lead, so 'old labourer of Tao Hsiang' be quick and indite some more to tag on below."
   Lady Feng, 'sister-in-law' Li, and P'ing Erh had then another couple of glasses, after which each went her own way. During this while Li Wan wrote down:
   The whole night long the northern wind was high;
   and then she herself subjoined the antithetical couplet:
   The door I ope, and lo the flakes of snow are still toss'd by the wind, And drop into the slush. Oh, what a pity they're so purely white!
   Hsiang Ling recited:
   All o'er the ground is spread, alas, this bright, refulgent gem; But with an aim; for it is meant dry herbage to revive.
   T'an Ch'un said:
   Without design the dying sprouts of grain it nutrifies. But in the villages the price of mellow wine doth rise.
   Li Ch'i added:
   In a good year, grain in the house is plentiful. The bulrush moves and the ash issues from the tube.
   Li Wen continued:
   What time spring comes the handle of the Dipper turns. The bleaky hills have long ago their verdure lost.
   Chou-yen proceeded:
   On a frost-covered stream, no tide can ever rise. Easy the snow hangs on the sparse-leaved willow twigs.
   Hsiang-yuen pursued:
   Hard 'tis for snow to pile on broken plantain leaves. The coal, musk-scented, burns in the precious tripod.
   Pao-ch'in recited:
   Th' embroidered sleeve enwraps the golden sable in its folds. The snow transcends the mirror by the window in lustre.
   Pao-yue suggested:
   The fragrant pepper clings unto the wall. The side wind still in whistling gusts doth blow.
   Tai-yue added:
   A quiet dream becomes a cheerless thing. Where is the fife with plum bloom painted on?
   Pao-ch'ai continued:
   In whose household is there a flute made of green jade? The fish fears lest the earth from its axis might drop.
   "I'll go and see that the wine is warm for you people," Li Wan smiled.
   But when Pao-ch'ai told Pao-ch'in to connect some lines, she caught sight of Hsiang-yuen rise to her feet and put in:
   What time the dragon wages war, the clouds dispel. Back to the wild shore turns the man with single scull.
   Pao-ch'in thereupon again appended the couplet:
   The old man hums his lines, and with his whip he points at the 'Pa' bridge. Fur coats are, out of pity, on the troops at the frontiers bestowed.
   But would Hsiang-yuen allow any one to have a say? The others could not besides come up to her in quickness of wits so that, while their eyes were fixed on her, she with eyebrows uplifted and figure outstretched proceeded to say:
   More cotton coats confer, for bear in memory th' imperial serfs! The rugged barbarous lands are (on account of snow) with dangers fraught.
   Pao-ch'ai praised the verses again and again, and next contributed the distich:
   The twigs and branches live in fear of being tossed about. With what whiteness and feath'ry step the flakes of snow descend!
   Tai-yue eagerly subjoined the lines:
   The snow as nimbly falls as moves the waist of the 'Sui' man when brandishing the sword. The tender leaves of tea, so acrid to the taste, have just been newly brewed and tried.
   As she recited this couplet, she gave Pao-yue a shove and urged him to go on. Pao-yue was, at the moment, enjoying the intense pleasure of watching the three girls Pao-ch'ai, Pao-ch'in and Tai-yue make a joint onslaught on Hsiang-yuen, so that he had of course not given his mind to tagging any antithetical verses. But when he now felt Tai-yue push him he at length chimed in with:
   The fir is the sole tree which is decreed for ever to subsist. The wild goose follows in the mud the prints and traces of its steps.
   Pao-ch'in took up the clue, adding:
   In the forest, the axe of the woodcutter may betimes be heard. With (snow) covered contours, a thousand peaks their heads jut in the air.
   Hsiang-yuen with alacrity annexed the verses:
   The whole way tortuous winds like a coiled snake. The flowers have felt the cold and ceased to bud.
   Pao-ch'ai and her companions again with one voice eulogised their fine diction.
   T'an Ch'un then continued:
   Could e'er the beauteous snow dread the nipping of frost? In the deep court the shivering birds are startled by its fall.
   Hsiang-yuen happened to be feeling thirsty and was hurriedly swallowing a cup of tea, when her turn was at once snatched by Chou-yen, who gave out the lines,
   On the bare mountain wails the old man Hsiao. The snow covers the steps, both high and low.
   Hsiang-yuen immediately put away the tea-cup and added:
   On the pond's surface, it allows itself to float. At the first blush of dawn with effulgence it shines.
   Tai-yue recited with alacrity the couplet:
   In confused flakes, it ceaseless falls the whole night long. Troth one forgets that it implies three feet of cold.
   Hsiang-yuen hastened to smilingly interpose with the distich:
   Its auspicious descent dispels the Emperor's grief. There lies one frozen-stiff, but who asks him a word?
   Pao-ch'in too speedily put on a smile and added: Glad is the proud wayfarer when he's pressed to drink. Snapped is the weaving belt in the heavenly machine.
   Hsiang-yuen once again eagerly quoted the line:
   In the seaside market is lost a silk kerchief.
   But Lin Tai-yue would not let her continue, and taking up the thread, she forthwith said:
   With quiet silence, it enshrouds the raised kiosque.
   Hsiang-yuen vehemently gave the antithetical verse:
   The utter poor clings to his pannier and his bowl.
   Pao-ch'in too would not give in as a favour to any one, so hastily she exclaimed:
   The water meant to brew the tea with gently bubbles up.
   Hsiang-yuen saw how excited they were getting and she thought it naturally great fun. Laughing, she eagerly gave out:
   When wine is boiled with leaves 'tis not easy to burn.
   Tai-yue also smiled while suggesting:
   The broom, with which the bonze sweepeth the hill, is sunk in snow.
   Pao-ch'in too smilingly cried:
   The young lad takes away the lute interred in snow.
   Hsiang-yuen laughed to such a degree that she was bent in two; and she muttered a line with such rapidity that one and all inquired of her: "What are you, after all, saying?"
   In the stone tower leisurely sleeps the stork.
   Hsiang-yuen repeated.
   Tai-yue clasped her breast so convulsed was she with laughter. With loud voice she bawled out:
   Th' embroidered carpet warms the affectionate cat.
   Pao-ch'in quickly, again laughingly, exclaimed:
   Inside Selene's cave lo, roll the silvery waves.
   Hsiang-yuen added, with eager haste:
   Within the city walls at eve was hid a purple flag.
   Tai-yue with alacrity continued with a smile:
   The fragrance sweet, which penetrates into the plums, is good to eat.
   Pao-ch'ai smiled. "What a fine line!" she ejaculated; after which, she hastened to complete the couplet by saying:
   The drops from the bamboo are meet, when one is drunk, to mix with wine.
   Pao-ch'in likewise made haste to add:
   Betimes, the hymeneal girdle it moistens.
   Hsiang-yuen eagerly paired it with:
   Oft, it freezeth on the kingfisher shoes.
   Tai-yue once more exclaimed with vehemence:
   No wind doth blow, but yet there is a rush.
   Pao-ch'in promptly also smiled, and strung on:
   No rain lo falls, but still a patter's heard.
   Hsiang-yuen was leaning over, indulging in such merriment that she was quite doubled up in two. But everybody else had realised that the trio was struggling for mastery, so without attempting to versify they kept their gaze fixed on them and gave way to laughter.
   Tai-yue gave her another push to try and induce her to go on. "Do you also sometimes come to your wits' ends; and run to the end of your tether?" she went on to say. "I'd like to see what other stuff and nonsense you can come out with!"
   Hsiang-yuen however simply fell forward on Pao-ch'ai's lap and laughed incessantly.
   "If you've got any gumption about you," Pao-ch'ai exclaimed, shoving her up, "take the second rhymes under 'Hsiao' and exhaust them all, and I'll then bend the knee to you."
   "It isn't as if I were writing verses," Hsiang-yuen laughed rising to her feet; "it's really as if I were fighting for very life."
   "It's for you to come out with something," they all cried with a laugh.
   T'an Ch'un had long ago determined in her mind that there could be no other antithetical sentences that she herself could possibly propose, and she forthwith set to work to copy out the verses. But as she passed the remark: "They haven't as yet been brought to a proper close," Li Wen took up the clue, as soon as she caught her words, and added the sentiment:
   My wish is to record this morning's fun.
   Li Ch'i then suggested as a finale the line:
   By these verses, I'd fain sing th' Emperor's praise.
   "That's enough, that will do!" Li Wan cried. "The rhymes haven't, I admit, been exhausted, but any outside words you might introduce, will, if used in a forced sense, be worth nothing at all."
   While continuing their arguments, the various inmates drew near and kept up a searching criticism for a time.
   Hsiang-yuen was found to be the one among them, who had devised the largest number of lines.
   "This is mainly due," they unanimously laughed, "to the virtue of that piece of venison!"
   "Let's review them line by line as they come," Li Wan smilingly proposed, "but yet as if they formed one continuous poem. Here's Pao-yue last again!"
   "I haven't, the fact is, the knack of pairing sentences," Pao-yue rejoined with a smile. "You'd better therefore make some allowance for me!"
   "There's no such thing as making allowances for you in meeting after meeting," Li Wan demurred laughing, "that you should again after that give out the rhymes in a reckless manner, waste your time and not show yourself able to put two lines together. You must absolutely bear a penalty today. I just caught a glimpse of the red plum in the Lung Ts'ui monastery; and how charming it is! I meant to have plucked a twig to put in a vase, but so loathsome is the way in which Miao Yue goes on, that I won't have anything to do with her! But we'll punish him by making him, for the sake of fun, fetch a twig for us to put in water."
   "This penalty," they shouted with one accord, "is both excellent as well as pleasant."
   Pao-yue himself was no less delighted to carry it into execution, so signifying his readiness to comply with their wishes, he felt desirous to be off at once.
   "It's exceedingly cold outside," Hsiang-yuen and Tai-yue simultaneously remarked, "so have a glass of warm wine before you go."
   Hsiang-yuen speedily took up the kettle, and Tai-yue handed him a large cup, filled to the very brim.
   "Now swallow the wine we give you," Hsiang-yuen smiled. "And if you don't bring any plum blossom, we'll inflict a double penalty."
   Pao-yue gulped down hurry-scurry the whole contents of the cup and started on his errand in the face of the snow.
   "Follow him carefully." Li Wan enjoined the servants.
   Tai-yue, however, hastened to interfere and make her desist. "There's no such need," she cried. "Were any one to go with him, he'll contrariwise not get the flowers."
   Li Wan nodded her head. "Yes!" she assented, and then went on to direct a waiting-maid to bring a vase, in the shape of a beautiful girl with high shoulders, to fill it with water, and get it ready to put the plum blossom in. "And when he comes back," she felt induced to add, "we must recite verses on the red plum."
   "I'll indite a stanza in advance," eagerly exclaimed Hsiang-yuen.
   "We'll on no account let you indite any more to-day," Pao-ch'ai laughed. "You beat every one of us hollow; so if we sit with idle hands, there won't be any fun. But by and bye we'll fine Pao-yue; and, as he says that he can't pair antithetical lines, we'll now make him compose a stanza himself."
   "This is a capital idea!" Tai-yue smiled. "But I've got another proposal. As the lines just paired are not sufficient, won't it be well to pick out those who've put together the fewest distiches, and make them versify on the red plum blossom?"
   "An excellent proposal!" Pao-ch'ai ventured laughing. "The three girls Hsing Chou-yen, Li Wen and Li Ch'i, failed just now to do justice to their talents; besides they are visitors; and as Ch'in Erh, P'in Erh and Yuen Erh got the best of us by a good deal, it's only right that none of us should compose any more, and that that trio should only do so."
   "Ch'i Erh," Li Wan thereupon retorted, "is also not a very good hand at verses, let therefore cousin Ch'in have a try!"
   Pao-ch'ai had no alternative but to express her acquiescence.
   "Let the three words 'red plum blossom,'" she then suggested, "be used for rhymes; and let each person compose an heptameter stanza. Cousin Hsing to indite on the word 'red;' your elder cousin Li on 'plum;' and Ch'in Erh on 'blossom.'"
   "If you let Pao-yue off," Li Wan interposed, "I won't have it!"
   "I've got a capital theme," Hsiung-yuen eagerly remarked, "so let's make him write some!"
   "What theme is it?" one and all inquired.
   "If we made him," Hsiang-yuen resumed, "versify on: 'In search of Miao Yue to beg for red plum blossom,' won't it be full of fun?"
   "That will be full of zest," the party exclaimed, upon hearing the theme propounded by her. But hardly had they given expression to their approval than they perceived Pao-yue come in, beaming with smiles and glee, and holding with both hands a branch of red plum blossom. The maids hurriedly relieved him of his burden and put the branch in the vase, and the inmates present came over in a body to feast their eyes on it.
   "Well, may you look at it now," Pao-yue smiled. "You've no idea what an amount of trouble it has cost me!"
   As he uttered these words, T'an Ch'un handed him at once another cup of warm wine; and the maids approached, and took his wrapper and hat, and shook off the snow.
   But the servant-girls attached to their respective quarters then brought them over extra articles of clothing. Hsi Jen, in like manner, despatched a domestic with a pelisse, the worse for wear, lined with fur from foxes' ribs, so Li Wan, having directed a servant to fill a plate with steamed large taros, and to make up two dishes with red-skinned oranges, yellow coolie oranges, olives and other like things, bade some one take them over to Hsi Jen.
   Hsiang-yuen also communicated to Pao-yue the subject for verses they had decided upon a short while back. But she likewise urged Pao-yue to be quick and accomplish his task.
   "Dear senior cousin, dear junior cousin," pleaded Pao-yue, "let me use my own rhymes. Don't bind me down to any."
   "Go on as you like," they replied with one consent.
   But conversing the while, they passed the plum blossom under inspection.
   This bough of plum blossom was, in fact, only two feet in height; but from the side projected a branch, crosswise, about two or three feet in length the small twigs and stalks on which resembled coiled dragons, or crouching earthworms; and were either single and trimmed pencil-like, or thick and bushy grove-like. Indeed, their appearance was as if the blossom spurted cosmetic. This fragrance put orchids to the blush. So every one present contributed her quota of praise.
   Chou-yen, Li Wen and Pao-ch'in had, little though it was expected, all three already finished their lines and each copied them out for herself, so the company began to peruse their compositions, subjoined below, in the order of the three words: 'red plum blossom.'
   Verses to the red plum blossom by Hsing Chou-yen.
   The peach tree has not donned its fragrance yet, the almond is not red. What time it strikes the cold, it's first joyful to smile at the east wind. When its spirit to the Yue Ling hath flown, 'tis hard to say 'tis spring. The russet clouds across the 'Lo Fu' lie, so e'en to dreams it's closed. The green petals add grace to a coiffure, when painted candles burn. The simple elf when primed with wine doth the waning rainbow bestride. Does its appearance speak of a colour of ordinary run? Both dark and light fall of their own free will into the ice and snow.
   The next was the production of Li Wen, and its burden was:
   To write on the white plum I'm not disposed, but I'll write on the red. Proud of its beauteous charms, 'tis first to meet the opening drunken eye. On its frost-nipped face are marks; and these consist wholly of blood. Its heart is sore, but no anger it knows; to ashes too it turns. By some mistake a pill (a fairy) takes and quits her real frame. From the fairyland pool she secret drops, and casts off her old form. In spring, both north and south of the river, with splendour it doth bloom. Send word to bees and butterflies that they need not give way to fears!
   This stanza came next from the pen of Hsueeh Pao-ch'in,
   Far distant do the branches grow; but how beauteous the blossom blooms! The maidens try with profuse show to compete in their spring head-dress. No snow remains on the vacant pavilion and the tortuous rails. Upon the running stream and desolate hills descend the russet clouds. When cold prevails one can in a still dream follow the lass-blown fife. The wandering elf roweth in fragrant spring, the boat in the red stream. In a previous existence, it must sure have been of fairy form. No doubt need 'gain arise as to its beauty differing from then.
   The perusal over, they spent some time in heaping, smiling the while, eulogiums upon the compositions. And they pointed at the last stanza as the best of the lot; which made it evident to Pao-yue that Pao-ch'in, albeit the youngest in years, was, on the other hand, the quickest in wits.
   Tai-yue and Hsiang-yuen then filled up a small cup with wine and simultaneously offered their congratulations to Pao-ch'in.
   "Each of the three stanzas has its beauty," Pao-ch'ai remarked, a smile playing round her lips. "You two have daily made a fool of me, and are you now going to fool her also?"
   "Have you got yours ready?" Li Wan went on to inquire of Pao-yue.
   "I'd got them," Pao-yue promptly answered, "but the moment I read their three stanzas, I once more became so nervous that they quite slipped from my mind. But let me think again."
   Hsiang-yuen, at this reply, fetched a copper poker, and, while beating on the hand-stove, she laughingly said: "I shall go on tattooing. Now mind if when the drumming ceases, you haven't accomplished your task, you'll have to bear another fine."
   "I've already got them!" Pao-yue rejoined, smilingly.
   Tai-yue then picked up a pencil. "Recite them," she smiled, "and I'll write them down."
   Hsiang-yuen beat one stroke (on the stove). "The first tattoo is over," she laughed.
   "I'm ready," Pao-yue smiled. "Go on writing."
   At this, they heard him recite:
   The wine bottle is not opened, the line is not put into shape.
   Tai-yue noted it down, and shaking her head, "They begin very smoothly," she said, as she smiled.
   "Be quick!" Hsiang-yuen again urged.
   Pao-yue laughingly continued:
   To fairyland I speed to seek for spring, and the twelfth moon to find.
   Tai-yue and Hsiang-yuen both nodded. "It's rather good," they smiled.
   Pao-yue resumed, saying:
   I will not beg the high god for a bottle of the (healing) dew, But pray Shuang O to give me some plum bloom beyond the rails.
   Tai-yue jotted the lines down and wagged her head to and fro. "They're ingenious, that's all," she observed.
   Hsiang-yuen gave another rap with her hand.
   Pao-yue thereupon smilingly added:
   I come into the world and, in the cold, I pick out some red snow. I leave the dusty sphere and speed to pluck the fragrant purple clouds. I bring a jagged branch, but who in pity sings my shoulders thin? On my clothes still sticketh the moss from yon Buddhistic court.
   As soon as Tai-yue had done writing, Hsiang-yuen and the rest of the company began to discuss the merits of the verses; but they then saw several servant-maids rush in, shouting: "Our venerable mistress has come."
   One and all hurried out with all despatch to meet her. "How comes it that she is in such good cheer?" every one also laughed.
   Speaking the while, they discerned, at a great distance, their grandmother Chia seated, enveloped in a capacious wrapper, and rolled up in a warm hood lined with squirrel fur, in a small bamboo sedan-chair with an open green silk glazed umbrella in her hand. Yuean Yang, Hu Po and some other girls, mustering in all five or six, held each an umbrella and pressed round the chair, as they advanced.
   Li Wan and her companions went up to them with hasty step; but dowager lady Chia directed the servants to make them stop; explaining that it would be quite enough if they stood where they were.
   On her approach, old lady Chia smiled. "I've given," she observed, "your Madame Wang and that girl Feng the slip and come. What deep snow covers the ground! For me, I'm seated in this, so it doesn't matter; but you mustn't let those ladies trudge in the snow."
   The various followers rushed forward to take her wrapper and to support her, and as they did so, they expressed their acquiescence.
   As soon as she got indoors old lady Chia was the first to exclaim with a beaming face: "What beautiful plum blossom! You well know how to make merry; but I too won't let you off!"
   But in the course of her remarks, Li Wan quickly gave orders to a domestic to fetch a large wolf skin rug, and to spread it in the centre, so dowager lady Chia made herself comfortable on it. "Just go on as before with your romping and joking, drinking and eating," she then laughed. "As the days are so short, I did not venture to have a midday siesta. After therefore playing at dominoes for a time, I bethought myself of you people, and likewise came to join the fun."
   Li Wan soon also presented her a hand-stove, while T'an Ch'un brought an extra set of cups and chopsticks, and filling with her own hands, a cup with warm wine, she handed it to her grandmother Chia. Old lady Chia swallowed a sip. "What's there in that dish?" she afterwards inquired.
   The various inmates hurriedly carried it over to her, and explained that 'they were pickled quails.'
   "These won't hurt me," dowager lady Chia said, "so cut off a piece of the leg and give it to me."
   "Yes!" promptly acquiesced Li Wan, and asking for water, she washed her hands, and then came in person to carve the quail.
   "Sit down again," dowager lady Chia said, pressing them, "and go on with your chatting and laughing. Let me hear you, and feel happy. Just you also seat yourself," continuing, she remarked to Li Wan, "and behave as if I were not here. If you do so, well and good. Otherwise, I shall take myself off at once."
   But it was only when they heard how persistent she was in her solicitations that they all resumed the seats, which accorded with their age, with the exception of Li Wan, who moved to the furthest side.
   "What were you playing at?" old lady Chia thereupon asked.
   "We were writing verses," answered the whole party.
   "Wouldn't it be well for those who are up to poetry," dowager lady Chia suggested; "to devise a few puns for lanterns so that the whole lot of us should be able to have some fun in the first moon?"
   With one voice, they expressed their approval. But after they had jested for a little time; "It's damp in here;" old lady Chia said, "so don't you sit long, for mind you might be catching cold. Where it's nice and warm is in your cousin Quarta's over there, so let's all go and see how she is getting on with her painting, and whether it will be ready or not by the end of the year."
   "How could it be completed by the close of the year?" they smiled. "She could only, we fancy, get it ready by the dragon boat festival next year."
   "This is dreadful!" old lady Chia exclaimed. "Why, she has really wasted more labour on it than would have been actually required to lay out this garden!"
   With these words still on her lips, she ensconced herself again in the bamboo sedan, and closed in or followed by the whole company, she repaired to the Lotus Fragrance Arbour, where they got into a narrow passage, flanked on the east as well as the west, with doors from which they could cross the street. Over these doorways on the inside as well as outside were inserted alike tablets made of stone. The door they went in by, on this occasion, lay on the west. On the tablet facing outwards, were cut out the two words representing: 'Penetrating into the clouds.' On that inside, were engraved the two characters meaning: 'crossing to the moon.' On their arrival at the hall, they walked in by the main entrance, which looked towards the south. Dowager lady Chia then alighted from her chair. Hsi Ch'un had already made her appearance out of doors to welcome her, so taking the inner covered passage, they passed over to the other side and reached Hsi Ch'un's bedroom; on the door posts of which figured the three words: 'Warm fragrance isle.' Several servants were at once at hand; and no sooner had they raised the red woollen portiere, than a soft fragrance wafted itself into their faces. The various inmates stepped into the room. Old lady Chia, however, did not take a seat, but simply inquired where the painting was.
   "The weather is so bitterly cold," Hsi Ch'un consequently explained smiling, "that the glue, whose property is mainly to coagulate, cannot be moistened, so I feared that, were I to have gone on with the painting, it wouldn't be worth looking at; and I therefore put it away."
   "I must have it by the close of the year," dowager lady Chia laughed, "so don't idle your time away. Produce it at once and go on painting for me, as quick as you can."
   But scarcely had she concluded her remark, than she unexpectedly perceived lady Feng arrive, smirking and laughing, with a purple pelisse, lined with deer fur, thrown over her shoulders. "Venerable senior!" she shouted, "You don't even so much as let any one know to-day, but sneak over stealthily. I've had a good hunt for you!"
   When old lady Chia saw her join them, she felt filled with delight. "I was afraid," she rejoined, "that you'd be feeling cold. That's why, I didn't allow any one to tell you. You're really as sharp as a spirit to have, at last, been able to trace my whereabouts! But according to strict etiquette, you shouldn't show filial piety to such a degree!"
   "Is it out of any idea of filial piety that I came after you? Not at all!" lady Feng added with a laugh. "But when I got to your place, worthy senior, I found everything so quiet that not even the caw of a crow could be heard, and when I asked the young maids where you'd gone, they wouldn't let me come and search in the garden. So I began to give way to surmises. Suddenly also arrived two or three nuns; and then, at length, I jumped at the conclusion that these women must have come to bring their yearly prayers, or to ask for their annual or incense allowance, and that, with the amount of things you also, venerable ancestor, have to do for the end of the year, you had for certain got out of the way of your debts. Speedily therefore I inquired of the nuns what it was that brought them there, and, for a fact, there was no mistake in my surmises. So promptly issuing the annual allowances to them, I now come to report to you, worthy senior, that your creditors have gone, and that there's no need for you to skulk away. But I've had some tender pheasant prepared; so please come, and have your evening meal; for if you delay any longer, it will get quite stale."
   As she spoke, everybody burst out laughing. But lady Feng did not allow any time to dowager lady Chia to pass any observations, but forthwith directed the servants to bring the chair over. Old lady Chia then smilingly laid hold of lady Feng's hand and got again into her chair; but she took along with her the whole company of relatives for a chat and a laugh.
   Upon issuing out of the gate on the east side of the narrow passage, the four quarters presented to their gaze the appearance of being adorned with powder, and inlaid with silver. Unawares, they caught sight of Pao-ch'in, in a duck down cloak, waiting at a distance at the back of the hill slope; while behind her stood a maid, holding a vase full of red plum blossoms.
   "Strange enough," they all exclaimed laughingly, "two of us were missing! But she's waiting over there. She's also been after some plum-blossom."
   "Just look," dowager lady Chia eagerly cried out joyfully, "that human creature has been put there to match with the snow-covered hill! But with that costume, and the plum-blossom at the back of her, to what does she bear a resemblance?"
   "She resembles," one and all smiled, "Chou Shih-ch'ou's beautiful snow picture, suspended in your apartments, venerable ancestor."
   "Is there in that picture any such costume?" Old lady Chia demurred, nodding her head and smiling. "What's more the persons represented in it could never be so pretty!"
   Hardly had this remark dropped from her mouth, than she discerned some one else, clad in a deep red woollen cloak, appear to view at the back of Pao-ch'in. "What other girl is that?" dowager lady Chia asked.
   "We girls are all here." they laughingly answered. "That's Pao-yue."
   "My eyes," old lady Chia smiled, "are getting dimmer and dimmer!"
   So saying, they drew near, and of course, they turned out to be Pao-yue and Pao-ch'in.
   "I've just been again to the Lung Ts'ui monastery," Pao-yue smiled to Pao-ch'ai, Tai-yue and his other cousins, "and Miao Yue gave me for each of you a twig of plum blossom. I've already sent a servant to take them over."
   "Many thanks for the trouble you've been put to," they, with one voice, replied.
   But speaking the while, they sallied out of the garden gate, and repaired to their grandmother Chia's suite of apartments. Their meal over, they joined in a further chat and laugh, when unexpectedly they saw Mrs. Hsueeh also arrive.
   "With all this snow," she observed, "I haven't been over the whole day to see how you, venerable senior, were getting on. Your ladyship couldn't have been in a good sort of mood to-day, for you should have gone and seen the snow."
   "How not in a good mood?" old lady Chia exclaimed. "I went and looked up these young ladies and had a romp with them for a time."
   "Last night," Mrs. Hsueeh smiled, "I was thinking of getting from our Madame Wang to-day the loan of the garden for the nonce and spreading two tables with our mean wine, and inviting you, worthy senior, to enjoy the snow; but as I saw that you were having a rest, and I heard, at an early hour, that Pao-yue had said that you were not in a joyful frame of mind, I did not, in consequence, presume to come and disturb you to-day. But had I known sooner the real state of affairs, I would have felt it my bounden duty to have asked you round."
   "This is," rejoined dowager lady Chia with a smile, "only the first fall of snow in the tenth moon. We'll have, after this, plenty of snowy days so there will be ample time to put your ladyship to wasteful expense."
   "Verily in that case," Mrs. Hsueeh laughingly added, "my filial intentions may well be looked upon as having been accomplished."
   "Mrs. Hsueeh," interposed lady Feng smiling, "mind you don't forget it! But you might as well weigh fifty taels this very moment, and hand them over to me to keep, until the first fall of snow, when I can get everything ready for the banquet. In this way, you will neither have anything to bother you, aunt, nor will you have a chance of forgetting."
   "Well, since that be so," old lady Chia remarked with a laugh, "your ladyship had better give her fifty taels, and I'll share it with her; each one of us taking twenty-five taels; and on any day it might snow, I'll pretend I don't feel in proper trim and let it slip by. You'll have thus still less occasion to trouble yourself, and I and lady Feng will reap a substantial benefit."
   Lady Feng clapped her hands. "An excellent idea," she laughed. "This quite falls in with my views."
   The whole company were much amused.
   "Pshaw!" dowager lady Chia laughingly ejaculated. "You barefaced thing! (You're like a snake, which) avails itself of the rod, with which it is being beaten, to crawl up (and do harm)! You don't try to convince us that it properly devolves upon us, as Mrs. Hsueeh is our guest and receives such poor treatment in our household, to invite her; for with what right could we subject her ladyship to any reckless outlay? but you have the impudence, of impressing upon our minds to insist upon the payment, in advance, of fifty taels! Are you really not thoroughly ashamed of yourself?"
   "Oh, worthy senior," lady Feng laughed, "you're most sharp-sighted! You try to see whether Mrs. Hsueeh will be soft enough to produce fifty taels for you to share with me, but fancying now that it's of no avail, you turn round and begin to rate me by coming out with all these grand words! I won't however take any money from you, Mrs. Hsueeh. I'll, in fact, contribute some on your ladyship's account, and when I get the banquet ready and invite you, venerable ancestor, to come and partake of it, I'll also wrap fifty taels in a piece of paper, and dutifully present them to you, as a penalty for my officious interference in matters that don't concern me. Will this be all right or not?"
   Before these words were brought to a close, the various inmates were so convulsed with hearty laughter that they reeled over on the stove-couch.
   Dowager lady Chia then went on to explain how much nicer Pao-ch'in was, plucking plum blossom in the snow, than the very picture itself; and she next minutely inquired what the year, moon, day and hour of her birth were, and how things were getting on in her home.
   Mrs. Hsueeh conjectured that the object she had in mind was, in all probability, to seek a partner for her. In the secret recesses of her heart, Mrs. Hsueeh on this account fell in also with her views. (Pao-ch'in) had, however, already been promised in marriage to the Mei family. But as dowager lady Chia had made, as yet, no open allusion to her intentions, (Mrs. Hsueeh) did not think it nice on her part to come out with any definite statement, and she accordingly observed to old lady Chia in a vague sort of way: "What a pity it is that this girl should have had so little good fortune as to lose her father the year before last. But ever since her youth up, she has seen much of the world, for she has been with her parent to every place of note. Her father was a man fond of pleasure; and as he had business in every direction, he took his family along with him. After tarrying in this province for a whole year, he would next year again go to that province, and spend half a year roaming about it everywhere. Hence it is that he had visited five or six tenths of the whole empire. The other year, when they were here, he engaged her to the son of the Hanlin Mei. But, as it happened, her father died the year after, and here is her mother too now ailing from a superfluity of phlegm."
   Lady Feng gave her no time to complete what she meant to say. "Hai!" she exclaimed, stamping her foot. "What you say isn't opportune! I was about to act as a go-between. But is she too already engaged?"
   "For whom did you mean to act as go-between?" old lady Chia smiled.
   "My dear ancestor," lady Feng remarked, "don't concern yourself about it! I had determined in my mind that those two would make a suitable match. But as she has now long ago been promised to some one, it would be of no use, were I even to speak out. Isn't it better that I should hold my peace, and drop the whole thing?"
   Dowager lady Chia herself was cognizant of lady Feng's purpose, so upon hearing that she already had a suitor, she at once desisted from making any further reference to the subject. The whole company then continued another chat on irrelevant matters for a time, after which, they broke up.
   Nothing of any interest transpired the whole night. The next day, the snowy weather had cleared up. After breakfast, her grandmother Chia again pressed Hsi Ch'un. "You should go on," she said, "with your painting, irrespective of cold or heat. If you can't absolutely finish it by the end of the year, it won't much matter! The main thing is that you must at once introduce in it Ch'in Erh and the maid with the plum blossom, as we saw them yesterday, in strict accordance with the original and without the least discrepancy of so much as a stroke."
   Hsi Ch'un listened to her and felt it her duty to signify her assent, in spite of the task being no easy one for her to execute.
   After a time, a number of her relatives came, in a body, to watch the progress of the painting. But they discovered Hsi Ch'un plunged in a reverie. "Let's leave her alone," Li Wan smilingly observed to them all, "to proceed with her meditations; we can meanwhile have a chat among ourselves. Yesterday our worthy senior bade us devise a few lantern-conundrums, so when we got home, I and Ch'i Erh and Wen Erh did not turn in (but set to work). I composed a couple on the Four Books; but those two girls also managed to put together another pair of them."
   "We should hear what they're like," they laughingly exclaimed in chorus, when they heard what they had done. "Tell them to us first, and let's have a guess!"
   "The goddess of mercy has not been handed down by any ancestors."
   Li Ch'i smiled. "This refers to a passage in the Four Books."
   "In one's conduct, one must press towards the highest benevolence."
   Hsiang-yuen quickly interposed; taking up the thread of the conversation.
   "You should ponder over the meaning of the three words implying: 'handed down by ancestors'," Pao-ch'ai smiled, "before you venture a guess."
   "Think again!" Li Wan urged with a smile.
   "I've guessed it!" Tai-yue smiled. "It's:
   "'If, notwithstanding all that benevolence, there be no outward visible sign...'"
   "That's the line," one and all unanimously exclaimed with a laugh.
   "'The whole pond is covered with rush.'"
   "Now find the name of the rush?" Li Wan proceeded.
   "This must certainly be the cat-tail rush!" hastily again replied Hsiang-yuen. "Can this not be right?"
   "You've succeeded in guessing it," Li Wan smiled. "Li Wen's is:
   "'Cold runs the stream along the stones;'
   "bearing on the name of a man of old."
   "Can it be Shan T'ao?" T'an Ch'un smilingly asked.
   "It is!" answered Li Wan.
   "Ch'i Erh's is the character 'Yung' (glow-worm). It refers to a single word," Li Wan resumed.
   The party endeavoured for a long time to hit upon the solution.
   "The meaning of this is certainly deep," Pao-ch'in put in. "I wonder whether it's the character, 'hua,' (flower) in the combination, 'hua ts'ao, (vegetation)."
   "That's just it!" Li Ch'i smiled.
   "What has a glow-worm to do with flowers?" one and all observed.
   "It's capital!" Tai-yue ventured with a smile. "Isn't a glow-worm transformed from plants?"
   The company grasped the sense; and, laughing the while, they, with one consent, shouted out, "splendid!"
   "All these are, I admit, good," Pao-ch'ai remarked, "but they won't suit our venerable senior's taste. Won't it be better therefore to compose a few on some simple objects; some which all of us, whether polished or unpolished, may be able to enjoy?"
   "Yes," they all replied, "we should also think of some simple ones on ordinary objects."
   "I've devised one on the 'Tien Chiang Ch'un' metre," Hsiang-yuen pursued, after some reflection. "But it's really on an ordinary object. So try and guess it."
   Saying this, she forthwith went on to recite:
   The creeks and valleys it leaves; Travelling the world, it performs. In truth how funny it is! But renown and gain are still vain; Ever hard behind it is its fate.
   A conundrum.
   None of those present could fathom what it could be. After protracted thought, some made a guess, by saying it was a bonze. Others maintained that it was a Taoist priest. Others again divined that it was a marionette.
   "All your guesses are wrong," Pao-yue chimed in, after considerable reflection. "I've got it! It must for a certainty be a performing monkey."
   "That's really it!" Hsiang-yuen laughed.
   "The first part is all right," the party observed, "but how do you explain the last line?"
   "What performing monkey," Hsiang-yuen asked, "has not had its tail cut off?"
   Hearing this, they exploded into a fit of merriment. "Even," they argued, "the very riddles she improvises are perverse and strange!"
   "Mrs. Hsueeh mentioned yesterday that you, cousin Ch'in, had seen much of the world," Li Wan put in, "and that you had also gone about a good deal. It's for you therefore to try your hand at a few conundrums. What's more your poetry too is good. So why shouldn't you indite a few for us to guess?"
   Pao-ch'in, at this proposal, nodded her head, and while repressing a smile, she went off by herself to give way to thought.
   Pao-ch'ai then also gave out this riddle:
   Carved sandal and cut cedar rise layer upon layer. Have they been piled and fashioned by workmen of skill! In the mid-heavens it's true, both wind and rain fleet by; But can one hear the tingling of the Buddhists' bell?
   While they were giving their mind to guessing what it could be, Pao-yue too recited:
   Both from the heavens and from the earth, it's indistinct to view. What time the 'Lang Ya' feast goes past, then mind you take great care. When the 'luan's' notes you catch and the crane's message thou'lt look up: It is a splendid thing to turn and breathe towards the vault of heaven, (a kite)
   Tai-yue next added:
   Why need a famous steed be a with bridle e'er restrained? Through the city it speeds; the moat it skirts; how fierce it looks. The master gives the word and wind and clouds begin to move. On the 'fish backs' and the 'three isles' it only makes a name, (a rotating lantern).
   T'an Ch'un had also one that she felt disposed to tell them, but just as she was about to open her lips, Pao-ch'in walked up to them. "The relics of various places I've seen since my youth," she smiled, "are not few, so I've now selected ten places of historic interest, on which I've composed ten odes, treating of antiquities. The verses may possibly be coarse, but they bear upon things of the past, and secretly refer as well to ten commonplace articles. So, cousins, please try and guess them!"
   "This is ingenious!" they exclaimed in chorus, when they heard the result of her labour. "Why not write them out, and let us have a look at them?"
   But, reader, peruse the next chapter, if you want to learn what follows.

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第一回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 CHAPTER I.第二回 贾夫人仙逝扬州城 冷子兴演说荣国府 CHAPTER II.
第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 CHAPTER III.第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 CHAPTER IV.
第五回 游幻境指迷十二钗 饮仙醪曲演红楼梦 CHAPTER V.第六回 贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府 CHAPTER VI.
第七回 送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 CHAPTER VII.第八回 比通灵金莺微露意 探宝钗黛玉半含酸 CHAPTER VIII.
第九回 恋风流情友入家塾 起嫌疑顽童闹学堂 CHAPTER IX.第十回 金寡妇贪利权受辱 张太医论病细穷源 CHAPTER X.
第十一回 庆寿辰宁府排家宴 见熙凤贾瑞起淫心 CHAPTER XI.第十二回 王熙凤毒设相思局 贾天祥正照风月鉴 CHAPTER XII.
第十三回 秦可卿死封龙禁尉 王熙凤协理宁国府 CHAPTER XIII.第十四回 林如海捐馆扬州城 贾宝玉路谒北静王 CHAPTER XIV.
第十五回 王凤姐弄权铁槛寺 秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵 CHAPTER XV.第十六回 贾元春才选凤藻宫 秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路 CHAPTER XVI.
第十七回 大观园试才题对额 荣国府归省庆元宵 CHAPTER XVII.第十八回 隔珠帘父女勉忠勤 搦湘管姊弟裁题咏 CHAPTER XVIII.
第十九回 情切切良宵花解语 意绵绵静日玉生香 CHAPTER XIX.第二十回 王熙凤正言弹妒意 林黛玉俏语谑娇音 CHAPTER XX.
第二十一回 贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉 俏平儿软语救贾琏 CHAPTER XXI.第二十二回 听曲文宝玉悟禅机 制灯迷贾政悲谶语 CHAPTER XXII.
第二十三回 西厢记妙词通戏语 牡丹亭艳曲警芳心 CHAPTER XXIII.第二十四回 醉金刚轻财尚义侠 痴女儿遗帕惹相思 CHAPTER XXIV.
第   [I]   II   [III]   [IV]   [V]   页

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