中国经典 紅樓夢 A Dream of Red Mansions   》 第四十七回 呆霸王調情遭苦打 冷郎君懼禍走他鄉 CHAPTER XLVII.      曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin    高鶚 Gao E

  話說王夫人聽見邢夫人來了, 連忙迎了出去。邢夫人猶不知賈母已知鴛鴦之事,正還要來打聽信息, 進了院門,早有幾個婆子悄悄的回了他,他方知道。待要回去,裏面已知, 又見王夫人接了出來,少不得進來,先與賈母請安,賈母一聲兒不言語,自己也覺得愧悔。 鳳姐兒早指一事回避了。鴛鴦也自回房去生氣。薛姨媽王夫人等恐礙着邢夫人的臉面,也都漸漸的退了。邢夫人且不敢出去。
  賈母見無人, 方說道:“我聽見你替你老爺說媒來了。你倒也三從四德,衹是這賢慧也太過了!你們如今也是孫子兒子滿眼了,你還怕他,勸兩句都使不得,還由着哪憷弦遠*。”邢夫人滿面通紅,回道:“我勸過幾次不依。老太太還有什麽不知道呢,我也是不得已兒。 "賈母道:“他逼着你殺人,你也殺去?如今你也想想,你兄弟媳婦本來老實,又生得多病多痛,上上下下那不是他操心?你一個媳婦雖然幫着,也是天天丟下笆兒弄掃帚。 凡百事情,我如今都自己減了。他們兩個就有一些不到的去處,有鴛鴦,那孩子還心細些, 我的事情他還想着一點子,該要去的,他就要來了,該添什麽,他就度空兒告訴他們添了。 鴛鴦再不這樣,他娘兒兩個,裏頭外頭,大的小的,那裏不忽略一件半件, 我如今反倒自己操心去不成?還是天天盤算和你們要東西去?我這屋裏有的沒的,剩了他一個,年紀也大些,我凡百的脾氣性格兒他還知道些。二則他還投主子們的緣法, 也並不指着我和這位太太要衣裳去,又和那位奶奶要銀子去。所以這幾年一應事情, 他說什麽,從你小嬸和你媳婦起,以至傢下大大小小,沒有不信的。所以不單我得靠, 連你小嬸媳婦也都省心。我有了這麽個人,便是媳婦和孫子媳婦有想不到的, 我也不得缺了,也沒氣可生了。這會子他去了,你們弄個什麽人來我使?你們就弄他那麽一個真珠的人來,不會說話也無用。我正要打發人和你老爺說去,他要什麽人,我這裏有錢,叫他衹管一萬八千的買,就衹這個丫頭不能。留下他伏侍我幾年,就比他日夜伏侍我盡了孝的一般。你來的也巧,你就去說,更妥當了。”
  說畢, 命人來:“請了姨太太你姑娘們來說個話兒,才高興,怎麽又都散了!"丫頭們忙答應着去了。衆人忙趕的又來。衹有薛姨媽嚮丫鬟道:“我纔來了,又作什麽去?你就說我睡了覺了。那丫頭道:我們罷。你老人傢嫌乏,我背了你老人傢去。”薛姨媽道:“小鬼頭兒,你怕些什麽?不過駡幾句完了。”說着,衹得和這小丫頭子走來。賈母忙讓坐,又笑道:“咱們鬥牌罷。姨太太的牌也生,咱們一處坐着,別叫鳳姐兒混了我們去。”薛姨媽笑道:“正是呢,老太太替我看着些兒。就是咱們娘兒四個鬥呢,還是再添個呢?"王夫人笑道:“可不衹四個。”鳳姐兒道:“再添一個人熱鬧些。”賈母道:“叫鴛鴦來,叫他在這下手裏坐着。姨太太眼花了,咱們兩個的牌都叫他瞧着些兒。”鳳姐兒嘆了一聲, 嚮探春道:“你們識書識字的,倒不學算命!"探春道:“這又奇了。這會子你倒不打點精神贏老太太幾個錢,又想算命。”鳳姐兒道:“我正要算算命今兒該輸多少呢,我還想贏呢!你瞧瞧,場子沒上,左右都埋伏下了。”說的賈母薛姨媽都笑起來。
  一時鴛鴦來了, 便坐在賈母下手,鴛鴦之下便是鳳姐兒。鋪下紅氈,洗牌告幺,五人起牌。鬥了一回學規律也要發展。,鴛鴦見賈母的牌已十嚴,衹等一張二餅,便遞了暗號與鳳姐兒。鳳姐兒正該發牌, 便故意躊躇了半晌,笑道:“我這一張牌定在姨媽手裏扣着呢。我若不發這一張, 再頂不下來的。”薛姨媽道:“我手裏並沒有你的牌。”鳳姐兒道:“我回來是要查的。”薛姨媽道:“你衹管查。你且發下來,我瞧瞧是張什麽。”鳳姐兒便送在薛姨媽跟前。薛姨媽一看是個二餅,便笑道:“我倒不稀罕他,衹怕老太太滿了。”鳳姐兒聽了,忙笑道:“我發錯了。”賈母笑的已擲下牌來,說:“你敢拿回去!誰叫你錯的不成?"鳳姐兒道:“可是我要算一算命呢。這是自己發的,也怨埋伏!"賈母笑道:“可是呢,你自己該打着你那嘴,問着你自己纔是。”又嚮薛姨媽笑道:“我不是小器愛贏錢,原是個彩頭兒。 "薛姨媽笑道:“可不是這樣,那裏有那樣糊塗人說老太太愛錢呢?"鳳姐兒正數着錢, 聽了這話,忙又把錢穿上了,嚮衆人笑道:“夠了我的了。竟不為贏錢,單為贏彩頭兒。我到底小器,輸了就數錢,快收起來罷。”賈母規矩是鴛鴦代洗牌,因和薛姨媽說笑,不見鴛鴦動手,賈母道:“你怎麽惱了,連牌也不替我洗。”鴛鴦拿起牌來,笑道:“二奶奶不給錢。 "賈母道:“他不給錢,那是他交運了。”便命小丫頭子:“把他那一吊錢都拿過來。”小丫頭子真就拿了,擱在賈母旁邊。鳳姐兒笑道:“賞我罷,我照數兒給就是了。”薛姨媽笑道:“果然是鳳丫頭小器,不過是頑兒罷了。”鳳姐聽說,便站起來,拉着薛姨媽,回頭指着賈母素日放錢的一個小木匣子笑道:“姨媽瞧瞧,那個裏頭不知頑了我多少去了。 這一吊錢頑不了半個時辰,那裏頭的錢就招手兒叫他了。衹等把這一吊也叫進去了,牌也不用鬥了,老祖宗的氣也平了,又有正經事差我辦去了。”話說未完,引的賈母衆人笑個不住。偏有平兒怕錢不夠,又送了一吊來。鳳姐兒道:“不用放在我跟前,也放在老太太的那一處罷。一齊叫進去倒省事,不用做兩次,叫箱子裏的錢費事。”賈母笑的手裏的牌撒了一桌子,推着鴛鴦,叫:“快撕他的嘴!”
  平兒依言放下錢, 也笑了一*,方回來。至院門前遇見賈璉,問他"太太在那裏呢?老爺叫我請過去呢。”平兒忙笑道:“在老太太跟前呢,站了這半日還沒動呢。趁早兒丟開手罷。 老太太生了半日氣,這會子虧二奶奶湊了半日趣兒,才略好了些。”賈璉道:“我過去衹說討老太太的示下,十四往賴大傢去不去,好預備轎子的。又請了太太,又湊了趣兒,豈不好?"平兒笑道:“依我說,你竟不去罷。閤家子連太太寶玉都有了不是,這會子你又填限去了。 "賈璉道:“已經完了,難道還找補不成?況且與我又無幹。二則老爺親自吩咐我請太太的,這會子我打發了人去,倘或知道了,正沒好氣呢,指着這個拿我出氣罷。”說着就走。平兒見他說得有理,也便跟了過來。
  賈璉到了堂屋裏,便把腳步放輕了,往裏間探頭,衹見邢夫人站在那裏。鳳姐兒眼尖, 先瞧見了,使眼色兒不命他進來,又使眼色與邢夫人。邢夫人不便就走,衹得倒了一碗茶來,放在賈母跟前。賈母一回身,賈璉不防,便沒躲伶俐。賈母便問:“外頭是誰?倒象個小子一伸頭。 "鳳姐兒忙起身說:“我也恍惚看見一個人影兒,讓我瞧瞧去。”一面說,一面起身出來。賈璉忙進去,陪笑道:“打聽老太太十四可出門?好預備轎子。”賈母道:“既這麽樣,怎麽不進來?又作鬼作神的。”賈璉陪笑道:“見老太太頑牌,不敢驚動,不過叫媳婦出來問問。”賈母道:“就忙到這一時,等他傢去,你問多少問不得?那一遭兒你這麽小心來着!又不知是來作耳報神的,也不知是來作探子的,鬼鬼祟祟的,倒唬我一跳。什麽好下流種子!你媳婦和我頑牌呢,還有半日的空兒,你傢去再和那趙二傢的商量治你媳婦去罷。”說着衆人都笑了。鴛鴦笑道:“鮑二傢的,老祖宗又拉上趙二傢的。 "賈母也笑道:“可是,我那裏記得什麽抱着背着的,提起這些事來,不由我不生氣!我進了這門子作重孫子媳婦起,到如今我也有了重孫子媳婦了,連頭帶尾五十四年,憑着大驚大險千奇百怪的事,也經了些,從沒經過這些事。還不離了我這裏呢!”
  賈璉一聲兒不敢說, 忙退了出來。平兒站在窗外悄悄的笑道:“我說着你不聽,到底碰在網裏了。 "正說着,衹見邢夫人也出來,賈璉道:“都是老爺鬧的事、人民為政之三寶,肯定“民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕”,,如今都搬在我和太太身上。”邢夫人道:“我把你沒孝心雷打的下流種子!人傢還替老子死呢,白說了幾句,你就抱怨了。你還不好好的呢,這幾日生氣,仔細他捶你。”賈璉道:“太太快過去罷,叫我來請了好半日了。”說着,送他母親出來過那邊去。
  展眼到了十四日,黑早,賴大的媳婦又進來請。賈母高興,便帶了王夫人薛姨媽及寶玉姊妹等,到賴大花園中坐了半日。那花園雖不及大觀園意念,非心之所發。,卻也十分齊整寬闊,泉石林木, 樓閣亭軒,也有好幾處驚人駭目的。外面廳上,薛蟠,賈珍,賈璉,賈蓉並幾個近族的, 很遠的也沒來,賈赦也沒來。賴大傢內也請了幾個現任的官長並幾個世傢子弟作陪。 因其中有柳湘蓮,薛蟠自上次會過一次,已念念不忘。又打聽他最喜串戲,且串的都是生旦風月戲文,不免錯會了意,誤認他作了風月子弟,正要與他相交,恨沒有個引進,這日可巧遇見,竟覺無可不可。且技終淶紉材剿拿*,酒蓋住了臉,就求他串了兩出戲。下來,移席和他一處坐着,問長問短,說此說彼。
  那柳湘蓮原是世傢子弟, 讀書不成,父母早喪,素性爽俠,不拘細事,酷好耍槍舞劍, 賭博吃酒,以至眠花臥柳,吹笛彈箏,無所不為。因他年紀又輕,生得又美,不知他身分的人,卻誤認作優伶一類。那賴大之子賴尚榮與他素習交好,故他今日請來坐陪。不想酒後別人猶可,獨薛蟠又犯了舊病。他心中早已不快,得便意欲走開完事,無奈賴尚榮死也不放。 賴尚榮又說:“方纔寶二爺又囑咐我,纔一進門雖見了,衹是人多不好說話, 叫我囑咐你散的時候別走,他還有話說呢。你既一定要去,等我叫出他來,你兩個見了再走,與我無幹。”說着,便命小廝們到裏頭找一個老婆子,悄悄告訴"請出寶二爺來。 "那小廝去了沒一盞茶時,果見寶玉出來了。賴尚榮嚮寶玉笑道:“好叔叔,把他交給你,我張羅人去了。”說着,一徑去了。
  寶玉便拉了柳湘蓮到廳側小書房中坐下,問他這幾日可到秦鐘的墳上去了。湘蓮道:“怎麽不去?前日我們幾個人放鷹去,離他墳上還有二裏。我想今年夏天的雨水勤,恐怕他的墳站不住。我背着衆人,走去瞧了一瞧,果然又動了一點子。回傢來就便弄了幾百錢, 第三日一早出去,雇了兩個人收拾好了。”寶玉道:“怪道呢,上月我們大觀園的池子裏頭結了蓮蓬, 我摘了十個,叫茗煙出去到墳上供他去,回來我也問他可被雨衝壞了沒有。 他說不但不衝,且比上回又新了些。我想着,不過是這幾個朋友新築了。我衹恨我天天圈在傢裏, 一點兒做不得主,行動就有人知道,不是這個攔就是那個勸的,能說不能行。雖然有錢,又不由我使。”湘蓮道:“這個事也用不着你操心,外頭有我, 你衹心裏有了就是。眼前十月初一,我已經打點下上墳的花消。你知道我一貧如洗,傢裏是沒的積聚,縱有幾個錢來,隨手就光的,不如趁空兒留下這一分,省得到了跟前紮煞手。”寶玉道:“我也正為這個要打發茗煙找你,你又不大在傢,知道你天天萍蹤浪跡, 沒個一定的去處。”湘蓮道:“這也不用找我。這個事不過各盡其道。眼前我還要出門去走走,外頭逛個三年五載再回來。”寶玉聽了,忙問道:“這是為何?"柳湘蓮冷笑道:“你不知道我的心事,等到跟前你自然知道。我如今要別過了。”寶玉道:“好容易會着, 晚上同散豈不好?"湘蓮道:“你那令姨表兄還是那樣,再坐着未免有事,不如我回避了倒好。”寶玉想了一想,道:“既是這樣,倒是回避他為是。衹是你要果真遠行,必須先告訴我一聲, 千萬別悄悄的去了。”說着便滴下淚來。柳湘蓮道:“自然要辭的。你衹別和別人說就是。 "說着便站起來要走,又道:“你們進去,不必送我。”一面說,一面出了書房。剛至大門前,早遇見薛蟠在那裏亂嚷亂叫說:“誰放了小柳兒走了!"柳湘蓮聽了, 火星亂迸,恨不得靡蝗蛩*,復思酒後揮拳,又礙着賴尚榮的臉面,衹得忍了又忍。薛蟠忽見他走出來,如得了珍寶,忙趔趄着上來一把拉住,笑道:“我的兄弟,你往那裏去了? "湘蓮道:“走走就來。”薛蟠笑道:“好兄弟,你一去都沒興了,好歹坐一坐,你就疼我了。憑你有什麽要緊的事,交給哥,你衹別忙,有你這個哥,你要做官發財都容易。” 湘蓮見他如此不堪,心中又恨又愧,早生一計,便拉他到避人之處,笑道:“你真心和我好,假心和我好呢?"薛蟠聽這話,喜的心癢難撓,乜斜着眼忙笑道:“好兄弟,你怎麽問起我這話來? 我要是假心,立刻死在眼前!"湘蓮道:“既如此,這裏不便。等坐一坐,我先走, 你隨後出來,跟到我下處,咱們替另喝一夜酒。我那裏還有兩個絶好的孩子,從沒出門。你可連一個跟的人也不用帶,到了那裏,伏侍的人都是現成的。”薛蟠聽如此說,喜得酒醒了一半,說:“果然如此?"湘蓮道:“如何!人拿真心待你,你倒不信了!"薛蟠忙笑道:“我又不是呆子,怎麽有個不信的呢!既如此,我又不認得,你先去了,我在那裏找你?"湘蓮道:“我這下處在北門外頭,你可捨得傢,城外住一夜去?"薛蟠笑道:“有了你,我還要傢作什麽!"湘蓮道:“既如此,我在北門外頭橋上等你。咱們席上且吃酒去。你看我走了之後你再走,他們就不留心了。”薛蟠聽了,連忙答應。於是二人復又入席,飲了一回。那薛蟠難熬,衹拿眼看湘蓮,心內越想越樂,左一壺右一壺,並不用人讓,自己便吃了又吃,不覺酒已八九分了。
  湘蓮便起身出來瞅人不防去了,至門外,命小廝杏奴:“先傢去罷,我到城外就來。”說畢,已跨馬直出北門論學說。主張“元氣之上,無物、無道、無理”。認為“天地,橋上等候薛蟠。沒頓飯時工夫,衹見薛蟠騎着一匹大馬,遠遠的趕了來, 張着嘴,瞪着眼,頭似撥浪鼓一般不住往左右亂瞧,及至從湘蓮馬前過去,衹顧望遠處瞧,不曾留心近處,反踩過去了。湘蓮又是笑,又是恨,便也撒馬隨後趕來。薛蟠往前看時, 漸漸人煙稀少,便又圈馬回來再找,不想一回頭見了湘蓮,如獲奇珍,忙笑道:“我說你是個再不失信的。”湘蓮笑道:“快往前走,仔細人看見跟了來,就不便了。”說着,先就撒馬前去,薛蟠也緊緊的跟來。
  湘蓮見前面人跡已稀,且有一帶葦塘,便下馬,將馬拴在樹上,嚮薛蟠笑道:“你下來,咱們先設個誓,日後要變了心,告訴人去的,便應了誓。”薛蟠笑道:“這話有理。”連忙下了馬,也拴在樹上,便跪下說道:“我要日久變心,告訴人去的,天誅地滅!"一語未了,衹聽"Г"的一聲,頸後好似鐵錘砸下來,衹覺得一陣黑,滿眼金星亂迸,身不由己,便倒下來, 湘蓮走上來瞧瞧,知道他是個笨傢,不慣捱打,衹使了三分氣力,嚮他臉上拍了幾下,登時便開了果子鋪。薛蟠先還要掙挫起來,又被湘蓮用腳尖點了兩點,仍舊跌倒, 口內說道:“原是兩傢情願,你不依,衹好說,為什麽哄出我來打我?"一面說,一面亂駡。 湘蓮道:“我把你瞎了眼的,你認認柳大爺是誰!你不說哀求,你還傷我!我打死你也無益, 衹給你個利害罷。”說着,便取了馬鞭過來,從背至脛,打了三四十下。薛蟠酒已醒了大半,覺得疼痛難禁,不禁有"噯喲"之聲。湘蓮冷笑道:“也衹如此!我衹當你是不怕打的。 "一面說,一面又把薛蟠的左腿拉起來,朝葦中濘泥處拉了幾步,滾的滿身泥水,又問道:“你可認得我了?"薛蟠不應,衹伏着哼哼。湘蓮又擲下鞭子,用拳頭嚮他身上擂了幾下。薛蟠便亂滾亂叫,說:“肋條折了。我知道你是正經人,因為我錯聽了旁人的話了。”湘蓮道:“不用拉別人,你衹說現在的。”薛蟠道:“現在沒什麽說的。不過你是個正經人, 我錯了。”湘蓮道:“還要說軟些纔饒你。”薛蟠哼哼着道:“好兄弟。”湘蓮便又一拳。薛蟠"噯喲"了一聲道:“好哥哥。”湘蓮又連兩拳。薛蟠忙"噯喲"叫道:“好爺爺,饒了我這沒眼睛的瞎子罷!從今以後我敬你怕你了。”湘蓮道:“你把那水喝兩口。 "薛蟠一面聽了,一面皺眉道:“那水髒得很,怎麽喝得下去!"湘蓮舉拳就打。薛蟠忙道:“我喝,喝。”說着說着,衹得俯頭嚮葦根下喝了一口,猶未咽下去,衹聽"哇"的一聲, 把方纔吃的東西都吐了出來。湘蓮道:“好髒東西,你快吃盡了饒你。”薛蟠聽了叩頭不迭道:“好歹積陰功饒我罷!這至死不能吃的。”湘蓮道:“這樣氣息,倒熏壞了我。”說着丟下薛蟠,便牽馬認鐙去了。這裏薛蟠見他已去,心內方放下心來,後悔自己不該誤認了人。待要掙挫起來,無奈遍身疼痛難禁。
  誰知賈珍等席上忽不見了他兩個,各處尋找不見。有人說:“恍惚出北門去了。”薛蟠的小廝們素日是懼他的,他吩咐不許跟去,誰還敢找去?後來還是賈珍不放心,命賈蓉帶着小廝們尋蹤問跡的直找出北門,下橋二裏多路,忽見葦坑邊薛蟠的馬拴在那裏。衆人都道:“可好了!有馬必有人。”一齊來至馬前,衹聽葦中有人呻吟。大傢忙走來一看,衹見薛蟠衣衫零碎,面目腫破,沒頭沒臉,遍身內外,滾的似個泥豬一般。賈蓉心內已猜着九分了, 忙下馬令人攙了出來,笑道:“薛大叔天天調情,今兒調到葦子坑裏來了。 必定是竜王爺也愛上你風流,要你招駙馬去,你就碰到竜犄角上了。”薛蟠羞的恨沒地縫兒鑽不進去, 那裏爬的上馬去?賈蓉衹得命人趕到關廂裏雇了一乘小轎子,薛蟠坐了, 一齊進城。賈蓉還要擡往賴傢去赴席,薛蟠百般央告,又命他不要告訴人,賈蓉方依允了,讓他各自回傢。賈蓉仍往賴傢回覆賈珍,並說方纔形景。賈珍也知為湘蓮所打,也笑道:“他須得吃個虧纔好。”至晚散了,便來問候。薛蟠自在臥房將養,推病不見。
  賈母等回來各自歸傢時, 薛姨媽與寶釵見香菱哭得眼睛腫了。問其原故,忙趕來瞧薛蟠時,臉上身上雖有傷痕,並未傷筋動骨。薛姨媽又是心疼是無産階級的階級專政,這種專政是達到消滅一切階級差別,,又是發恨,駡一匱*, 又駡一回柳湘蓮,意欲告訴王夫人,遣人尋拿柳湘蓮。寶釵忙勸道:“這不是什麽大事,不過他們一處吃酒,酒後反臉常情。誰醉了,多挨幾下子打,也是有的。況且咱們傢無法無天,也是人所共知的。媽不過是心疼的緣故。要出氣也容易,等三五天哥哥養好了出的去時, 那邊珍大爺璉二爺這幹人也未必白丟開了,自然備個東道,叫了那個人來, 當着衆人替哥哥賠不是認罪就是了。如今媽先當件大事告訴衆人,倒顯得媽偏心溺愛,縱容他生事招人,今兒偶然吃了一次虧,媽就這樣興師動衆,倚着親戚之勢欺壓常人。”薛姨媽聽了道:“我的兒,到底是你想的到,我一時氣糊塗了。”寶釵笑道:“這纔好呢。 他又不怕媽,又不聽人勸,一天縱似一天,吃過兩三個虧,他倒罷了。”薛蟠睡在炕上痛駡柳湘蓮,又命小廝們去拆他的房子,打死他,和他打官司。薛姨媽禁住小廝們,衹說柳湘蓮一時酒後放肆,如今酒醒,後悔不及,懼罪逃走了。薛蟠聽見如此說了,要知端的——

  An idiotic bully tries to be lewd and comes in for a sound thrashing. A cold-hearted fellow is prompted by a dread of trouble to betake himself to a strange place.
   As soon as Madame Wang, so runs our narrative, heard of Madame Hsing's arrival, she quickly went out to welcome her. Madame Hsing was not yet aware that dowager lady Chia had learnt everything connected with Yuean Yang's affair, and she was coming again to see which way the wind blew. The moment, however, she stepped inside the courtyard-entrance, several matrons promptly explained to her, quite confidentially, that their old mistress had been told all only a few minutes back, and she meant to retrace her steps, (but she saw that) every inmate in the suite of rooms was already conscious of her presence. When she caught sight, besides, of Madame Wang walking out to meet her she had no option but to enter. First and foremost, she paid her respects to dowager lady Chia, but old lady Chia did not address her a single remark, so she felt within herself smitten with shame and remorse.
   Lady Feng soon gave something or other as an excuse and withdrew. Yuean Yang then returned also quite alone to her chamber to give vent to her resentment; and Mrs. Hsueeh, Madame Wang and the other inmates, one by one, retired in like manner, for fear of putting Madame Hsing out of countenance. Madame Hsing, however, could not muster courage to beat a retreat. Dowager lady Chia noticed that there was no one but themselves in her apartments. "I hear," she remarked, "that you had come to play the part of a go-between for your lord and master! You can very well observe the three obediences and four virtues, but this softness of yours is a work of supererogation! You people have also got now a whole lot of grandchildren and sons. Do you still live in fear and trembling lest he should put his monkey up? Rumour has it that you yet let that disposition of your husband's run riot!"
   Madame Hsing's whole face got suffused with blushes. "I advised him time and again," she explained, "but he wouldn't listen to me. How is it, venerable senior, that you don't yet know that he turns a deaf ear to me? That's why I had no choice in the matter!"
   "Would you go and kill any one," dowager lady Chia asked, "that he might instigate you to? But consider now. Your brother's wife is naturally a quiet sort of person, and is born with many ailments; but is there anything, whether large or small, that she doesn't go to the trouble of looking after? And notwithstanding that that daughter-in-law of yours lends her a helping hand, she is daily so busy that she 'no sooner puts down the pick than she has to take up the broom.' So busy, that I have myself now curtailed a hundred and one things. But whenever there's anything those two can't manage, there's Yuean Yang to come to their assistance. She is, it's true, a mere child, but nevertheless very careful; and knows how to concern herself about my affairs a bit; indenting for anything that need be indented, and availing herself of an opportunity to tell them to supply every requisite. Were Yuean Yang not the kind of girl she is, how could those two ladies not neglect a whole or part of those matters, both important as well as unimportant, connected with the inner and outer quarters? Would I not at present have to worry my own mind, instead of leaving things to others? Why, I'd daily have to rack my brain and go and ask them to give me whatever I might need! Of those girls, who've come to my quarters and those who've gone, there only remains this single one. She's, besides other respects, somewhat older in years, and has as well a slight conception of my ways of doing things, and of my tastes. In the second place, she has managed to win her mistresses' hearts, for she never tries to extort aught from me, or to dun this lady for clothes or that one for money. Hence it is that beginning from your sister-in-law and daughter-in-law down to the servants in the house, irrespective of old or young, there isn't a soul, who doesn't readily believe every single word she says in anything, no matter what it is! Not only do I thus have some one upon whom I can rely, but your young sister-in-law and your daughter-in-law are both as well spared much trouble. With a person such as this by me, should even my daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law not have the time to think of anything, I am not left without it; nor am I given occasion to get my temper ruffled. But were she now to go, what kind of creature would they hunt up again to press into my service? Were you even to bring me a person made of real pearls, she'd be of no use; if she doesn't know how to speak! I was just about to send some one to go and explain to your husband that 'I've got money in here enough to buy any girl he fancies,' and to tell him that 'he's at liberty to give for her purchase from eight to ten thousand taels; that, if he has set his heart upon this girl, he can't however have her; and that by leaving her behind to attend to me, during the few years to come, it will be just the same as if he tried to acquit himself of his filial duties by waiting upon me day and night,' so you come at a very opportune moment. Were you therefore to go yourself at once and deliver him my message, it will answer the purpose far better!"
   These words over, she called the servants. "Go," she said, "and ask Mrs. Hsueeh, and your young mistresses to come! We were in the middle of a chat full of zest, and how is it they've all dispersed?"
   The waiting-maids immediately assented and left to go in search of their mistresses, one and all of whom promptly re-entered her apartments, with the sole exception of Mrs. Hsueeh.
   "I've only now returned," she observed to the waiting-maid, "and what shall I go again for? Just tell her that I'm fast asleep!"
   "Dearest Mrs. Hsueeh!" the waiting-maid pleaded, "my worthy senior! our old mistress will get angry. If you, venerable lady, don't appear nothing will appease her; so do it for the love of us! Should you object to walking, why I'm quite ready to carry you on my back."
   "You little imp!" Mrs. Hsueeh laughed. "What are you afraid of? All she'll do will be to scold you a little; and it will all be over soon!"
   While replying, she felt that she had no course but to retrace her footsteps, in company with the waiting-maid.
   Dowager lady Chia at once motioned her into a seat. "Let's have a game of cards!" she then smilingly proposed. "You, Mrs. Hsueeh, are not a good hand at them; so let's sit together, and see that lady Feng doesn't cheat us!"
   "Quite so," laughed Mrs. Hsueeh. "But it will be well if your venerable ladyship would look over my hand a bit! Are we four ladies to play, or are we to add one or two more persons to our number?"
   "Naturally only four!" Madame Wang smiled.
   "Were one more player let in," lady Feng interposed, "it would be merrier!"
   "Call Yuean Yang here," old lady Chia suggested, "and make her take this lower seat; for as Mrs. Hsueeh's eyesight is rather dim, we'll charge her to look over our two hands a bit."
   "You girls know how to read and write," lady Feng remarked with a smile, addressing herself to T'an Ch'un, "and why don't you learn fortune-telling?"
   "This is again strange!" T'an Ch'un exclaimed. "Instead of bracing up your energies now to rook some money out of our venerable senior, you turn your thoughts to fortune-telling!"
   "I was just wishing to consult the fates," lady Feng proceeded, "as to how much I shall lose to-day. Can I ever dream of winning? Why, look here. We haven't commenced playing, and they have placed themselves in ambush on the left and right."
   This remark amused dowager lady Chia and Mrs. Hsueeh. But presently Yuean Yang arrived, and seated herself below her old mistress. After Yuean Yang sat lady Feng. The red cloth was then spread; the cards were shuffled; the dealer was decided upon and the quintet began to play. After the game had gone on for a time, Yuean Yang noticed that dowager lady Chia had a full hand and was only waiting for one two-spotted card, and she made a secret sign to lady Feng. Lady Feng was about to lead, but purposely lingered for a few moments. "This card will, for a certainty, be snatched by Mrs. Hsueeh," she smiled, "yet if I don't play this one, I won't be able later to come out with what I want."
   "I haven't got any cards you want in my hand," Mrs. Hsueeh remarked.
   "I mean to see by and bye," lady Feng resumed.
   "You're at liberty to see," Mrs. Hsueeh said. "But go on, play now! Let me look what card it is."
   Lady Feng threw the card in front of Mrs. Hsueeh. At a glance, Mrs. Hsueeh perceived that it was the two spot. "I don't fancy this card," she smiled. "What I fear is that our dear senior will get a full hand."
   "I've played wrong!" lady Feng laughingly exclaimed at these words.
   Dowager lady Chia laughed, and throwing down her cards, "If you dare," she shouted, "take it back! Who told you to play the wrong card?"
   "Didn't I want to have my fortune told?" lady Feng observed. "I played this card of my own accord, so there's no one with whom I can find fault."
   "You should then beat your own lips and punish your own self; it's only fair;" old lady Chia remarked. Then facing Mrs. Hsueeh, "I'm not a niggard, fond of winning money," she went on to say, "but it was my good luck!"
   "Don't we too think as much?" Mrs. Hsueeh smiled. "Who's there stupid enough to say that your venerable ladyship's heart is set upon money?"
   Lady Feng was busy counting the cash, but catching what was said, she restrung them without delay. "I've got my share," she said, laughingly to the company. "It isn't at all that you wish to win. It's your good luck that made you come out a winner! But as for me, I am really a mean creature; and, as I managed to lose, I count the money and put it away at once."
   Dowager lady Chia usually made Yuean Yang shuffle the cards for her, but being engaged in chatting and joking with Mrs. Hsueeh, she did not notice Yuean Yang take them in hand. "Why is it you're so huffed," old lady Chia asked, "that you don't even shuffle for me?"
   "Lady Feng won't let me have the money!" Yuean Yang replied, picking up the cards.
   "If she doesn't give the money," dowager lady Chia observed, "it will be a turning-point in her luck. Take that string of a thousand cash of hers," she accordingly directed a servant, "and bring it bodily over here!"
   A young waiting-maid actually fetched the string of cash and deposited it by the side of her old mistress.
   "Let me have them," lady Feng eagerly cried smiling, "and I'll square all that's due, and finish."
   "In very truth, lady Feng, you're a miserly creature!" Mrs. Hsueeh laughed. "It's simply for mere fun, nothing more!"
   Lady Feng, at this insinuation, speedily stood up, and, laying her hand on Mrs. Hsueeh, she turned her head round, and pointed at a large wooden box, in which old lady Chia usually deposited her money. "Aunt," she said, a smile curling her lips, "look here! I couldn't tell you how much there is in that box that was won from me! This tiao will be wheedled by the cash in it, before we've played for half an hour! All we've got to do is to give them sufficient time to lure this string in as well; we needn't trouble to touch the cards. Your temper, worthy ancestor, will thus calm down. If you've also got any legitimate thing for me to do, you might bid me go and attend to it!"
   This joke had scarcely been concluded than it evoked incessant laughter from dowager lady Chia and every one else. But while she was bandying words, P'ing Erh happened to bring her another string of cash prompted by the apprehension that her capital might not suffice to meet her wants.
   "It's useless putting them in front of me!" lady Feng cried. "Place these too over there by our old lady and let them be wheedled in along with the others! It will thus save trouble, as there won't be any need to make two jobs of them, to the inconvenience of the cash already in the box."
   Dowager lady Chia had a hearty laugh, so much so, that the cards, she held in her hand, flew all over the table; but pushing Yuean Yang. "Be quick," she shouted, "and wrench that mouth of hers!"
   P'ing Erh placed the cash according to her mistress' directions. But after indulging too in laughter for a time, she retraced her footsteps. On reaching the entrance into the court, she met Chia Lien. "Where's your Madame Hsing?" he inquired. "Mr. Chia She told me to ask her to go round."
   "She's been standing in there with our old mistress," P'ing Erh hastily laughed, "for ever so long, and yet she isn't inclined to budge! Seize the earliest opportunity you can get to wash your hands clean of this business! Our old lady has had a good long fit of fuming and raging. Luckily, our lady Secunda cracked an endless stock of jokes, so she, at length, got a bit calmer!"
   "I'll go over," Chia Lien said. "All I have to do is to find out our venerable senior's wishes, as to whether she means to go to Lai Ta's house on the fourteenth, so that I might have time to get the chairs ready. As I'll be able to tell Madame Hsing to return, and have a share of the fun, won't it be well for me to go?"
   "My idea is," P'ing Erh suggested laughingly, "that you shouldn't put your foot in there! Every one, even up to Madame Wang, and Pao-yue, have alike received a rap on the knuckles, and are you also going now to fill up the gap?"
   "Everything is over long ago," Chia Lien observed, "and can it be that she'll cap the whole thing by blowing me up too? What's more, it's no concern of mine. In the next place, Mr. Chia She enjoined me that I was to go in person, and ask his wife round, so, if I at present depute some one else, and he comes to know about it, he really won't feel in a pleasant mood, and he'll take advantage of this pretext to give vent to his spite on me."
   These words over, he quickly marched off. And P'ing Erh was so impressed with the reasonableness of his arguments, that she followed in his track.
   As soon as Chia Lien reached the reception hall, he trod with a light step. Then peeping in he saw Madame Hsing standing inside. Lady Feng, with her eagle eye, was the first to espy him. But she winked at him and dissuaded him from coming in, and next gave a wink to Madame Hsing. Madame Hsing could not conveniently get away at once, and she had to pour a cup of tea, and place it in front of dowager lady Chia. But old lady Chia jerked suddenly round, and took Chia Lien at such a disadvantage that he found it difficult to beat a retreat. "Who is outside?" exclaimed old lady Chia. "It seemed to me as if some servant-boy had poked his head in."
   Lady Feng sprung to her feet without delay. "I also," she interposed, "indistinctly noticed the shadow of some one."
   Saying this, she walked away and quitted the room. Chia Lien entered with hasty step. Forcing a smile, "I wanted to ask," he remarked, "whether you, venerable senior, are going out on the fourteenth, so that the chairs may be got ready."
   "In that case," dowager lady Chia rejoined, "why didn't you come straight in; but behaved again in that mysterious way?"
   "I saw that you were playing at cards, dear ancestor," Chia Lien explained with a strained laugh, "and I didn't venture to come and disturb you. I therefore simply meant to call my wife out to find out from her."
   "Is it anything so very urgent that you had to say it this very moment?" old lady Chia continued. "Had you waited until she had gone home, couldn't you have asked her any amount of questions you may have liked? When have you been so full of zeal before? I'm puzzled to know whether it isn't as an eavesdropping spirit that you appear on the scene; nor can I say whether you don't come as a spy. But that impish way of yours gave me quite a start! What a low-bred fellow you are! Your wife will play at cards with me for a good long while more, so you'd better bundle yourself home, and conspire again with Chao Erh's wife how to do away with your better half."
   Her remarks evoked general merriment.
   "It's Pao Erh's wife," Yuean Yang put in laughingly, "and you, worthy senior, have dragged in again Chao Erh's wife."
   "Yes!" assented old lady Chia, likewise with a laugh. "How could I remember whether he wasn't (pao) embracing her, or (pei) carrying her on his back. The bare mention of these things makes me lose all self-control and provokes me to anger! Ever since I crossed these doors as a great grandson's wife, I have never, during the whole of these fifty-four years, seen anything like these affairs, albeit it has been my share to go through great frights, great dangers, thousands of strange things and hundred and one remarkable occurrences! Don't you yet pack yourself off from my presence?"
   Chia Lien could not muster courage to utter a single word to vindicate himself, but retired out of the room with all promptitude. P'ing Erh was standing outside the window. "I gave you due warning in a gentle tone, but you wouldn't hear; you've, after all, rushed into the very meshes of the net!"
   These reproaches were still being heaped on him when he caught sight of Madame Hsing, as she likewise made her appearance outside. "My father," Chia Lien ventured, "is at the bottom of all this trouble; and the whole blame now is shoved upon your shoulders as well as mine, mother."
   "I'll take you, you unfilial thing and..." Madame Hsing shouted. "People lay down their lives for their fathers; and you are prompted by a few harmless remarks to murmur against heaven and grumble against earth! Won't you behave in a proper manner? He's in high dudgeon these last few days, so mind he doesn't give you a pounding!"
   "Mother, cross over at once," Chia Lien urged; "for he told me to come and ask you to go a long time ago."
   Pressing his mother, he escorted her outside as far as the other part of the mansion. Madame Hsing gave (her husband) nothing beyond a general outline of all that had been recently said; but Chia She found himself deprived of the means of furthering his ends. Indeed, so stricken was he with shame that from that date he pleaded illness. And so little able was he to rally sufficient pluck to face old lady Chia, that he merely commissioned Madame Hsing and Chia Lien to go daily and pay their respects to her on his behalf. He had no help too but to despatch servants all over the place to make every possible search and inquiry for a suitable concubine for him. After a long time they succeeded in purchasing, for the sum of eighty taels, a girl of seventeen years of age, Yen Hung by name, whom he introduced as secondary wife into his household.
   But enough of this subject. In the rooms on the near side, they protracted for a long time their noisy game of cards, and only broke up after they had something to eat. Nothing worthy of note, however, occurred during the course of the following day or two. In a twinkle, the fourteenth drew near. At an early hour before daybreak, Lai Ta's wife came again into the mansion to invite her guests. Dowager lady Chia was in buoyant spirits, so taking along Madame Wang, Mrs. Hsueeh, Pao-yue and the various young ladies, she betook herself into Lai Ta's garden, where she sat for a considerable time.
   This garden was not, it is true, to be compared with the garden of Broad Vista; but it also was most beautifully laid out, and consisted of spacious grounds. In the way of springs, rockeries, arbours and woods, towers and terraces, pavilions and halls, it likewise contained a good many sufficient to excite admiration. In the main hall outside, were assembled Hsueeh P'an, Chia Chen, Chia Lien, Chia Jung and several close relatives. But Lai Ta had invited as well a number of officials, still in active service, and numerous young men of wealthy families, to keep them company. Among that party figured one Liu Hsiang-lien, whom Hsueeh P'an had met on a previous occasion and kept ever since in constant remembrance. Having besides discovered that he had a passionate liking for theatricals, and that the parts he generally filled were those of a young man or lady, in fast plays, he had unavoidably misunderstood the object with which he indulged in these amusements, to such a degree as to misjudge him for a young rake. About this time, he had been entertaining a wish to cultivate intimate relations with him, but he had, much to his disgust, found no one to introduce him, so when he, by a strange coincidence, came to be thrown in his way, on the present occasion, he revelled in intense delight. But Chia Chen and the other guests had heard of his reputation, so as soon as wine had blinded their sense of shame, they entreated him to sing two short plays; and when subsequently they got up from the banquet, they ensconced themselves near him, and, pressing him with questions, they carried on a conversation on one thing and then another.
   This Liu Hsiang-lien was, in fact, a young man of an old family; but he had been unsuccessful in his studies, and had lost his father and mother. He was naturally light-hearted and magnanimous; not particular in minor matters; immoderately fond of spear-exercise and fencing, of gambling and boozing; even going to such excesses as spending his nights in houses of easy virtue; playing the fife, thrumming the harp, and going in for everything and anything. Being besides young in years, and of handsome appearance, those who did not know what his standing was, invariably mistook him for an actor. But Lai Ta's son had all along been on such friendly terms with him, that he consequently invited him for the nonce to help him do the honours.
   Of a sudden, while every one was, after the wines had gone round, still on his good behaviour, Hsueeh P'an alone got another fit of his old mania. From an early stage, his spirits sunk within him and he would fain have seized the first convenient moment to withdraw and consummate his designs but for Lai Shang-jung, who then said: "Our Mr. Pao-yue told me again just now that although he saw you, as he walked in, he couldn't speak to you with so many people present, so he bade me ask you not to go, when the party breaks up, as he has something more to tell you. But as you insist upon taking your leave, you'd better wait until I call him out, and when you've seen each other, you can get away; I'll have nothing to say then."
   While delivering the message, "Go inside," he directed the servant-boys, "and get hold of some old matron and tell her quietly to invite Mr. Pao-yue to come out."
   A servant-lad went on the errand, and scarcely had time enough elapsed to enable one to have a cup of tea in, than Pao-yue, actually, made his appearance outside.
   "My dear sir," Lai Shang-jung smilingly observed to Pao-yue, "I hand him over to you. I'm going to entertain the guests!"
   With these words, he was off.
   Pao-yue pulled Lia Hsiang-lien into a side study in the hall, where they sat down.
   "Have you been recently to Ch'in Ch'ung's grave?" he inquired of him.
   "How could I not go?" Hsiang-lien answered. "The other day a few of us went out to give our falcons a fly; and we were yet at a distance of two li from his tomb, when remembering the heavy rains, we've had this summer, I gave way to fears lest his grave may not have been proof against them; so evading the notice of the party I went over and had a look. I found it again slightly damaged; but when I got back home, I speedily raised a few hundreds of cash, and issued early on the third day, and hired two men, who put it right."
   "It isn't strange then!" exclaimed Pao-yue, "When the lotus blossomed last month in the pond of our garden of Broad Vista, I plucked ten of them and bade T'sai Ming go out of town and lay them as my offering on his grave. On his return, I also inquired of him: whether it had been damaged by the water or not; and he explained that not only had it not sustained any harm, but that it looked better than when last he'd seen it. Several of his friends, I argued, must have had it put in proper repair; and I felt it irksome that I should, day after day, be so caged at home as to be unable to be my own master in the least thing, and that if even I move, and any one comes to know of it, this one is sure to exhort me, if that one does not restrain me. I can thus afford to brag, but can't manage to act! And though I've got plenty of money, I'm not at liberty to spend any of it!"
   "There's no use your worrying in a matter like this!" Liu Hsiang-lien said. "I am outside, so all you need do is to inwardly foster the wish; that's all. But as the first of the tenth moon will shortly be upon us, I've already prepared the money necessary for going to the graves. You know well enough that I'm as poor as a rat; I've no hoardings at home; and when a few cash find their way into my pocket, I soon remain again quite empty-handed. But I'd better make the best of this opportunity, and keep the amount I have, in order that, when the time comes, I mayn't find myself without a cash."
   "It's exactly about this that I meant to send Pei Ming to see you," Pao-yue added. "But it isn't often that one can manage to find you at home. I'm well aware how uncertain your movements are; one day you are here, and another there; you've got no fixed resort."
   "There's no need sending any one to hunt me up!" Liu Hsiang-lien replied. "All that each of us need do in this matter is to acquit ourselves of what's right. But in a little while, I again purpose going away on a tour abroad, to return in three to five years' time."
   When Pao-yue heard his intention, "Why is this?" he at once inquired.
   Liu Hsiang-lien gave a sardonic smile. "When my wish is on a fair way to be accomplished," he said, "you'll certainly hear everything. I must now leave you."
   "After all the difficulty we've had in meeting," Pao-yue remarked, "wouldn't it be better were you and I to go away together in the evening?"
   "That worthy cousin of yours," Hsiang-lien rejoined, "is as bad as ever, and were I to stay any longer, trouble would inevitably arise. So it's as well that I should clear out of his way."
   Pao-yue communed with himself for a time. "In that case," he then observed, "it's only right, that you should retire. But if you really be bent upon going on a distant tour, you must absolutely tell me something beforehand. Don't, on any account, sneak away quietly!".
   As he spoke, the tears trickled down his cheeks.
   "I shall, of course, say good-bye to you," Liu Hsiang-lien rejoined. "But you must not let any one know anything about it!"
   While uttering these words, he stood up to get away. "Go in at once," he urged, "there's no need to see me off!"
   Saying this, he quitted the study. As soon as he reached the main entrance, he came across Hsueeh P'an, bawling out boisterously, "Who let young Liu-erh go?"
   The moment these shouts fell on Liu Hsiang-lien's ear, his anger flared up as if it had been sparks spurting wildly about, and he only wished he could strike him dead with one blow. But on second consideration, he pondered that a fight after the present festive occasion would be an insult to Lai Shang-jung, and he perforce felt bound to stifle his indignation.
   When Hsueeh P'an suddenly espied him walking out, he looked as delighted as if he had come in for some precious gem. With staggering step he drew near him. Clutching him with one grip, "My dear brother," he smirked. "where are you off to?"
   "I'm going somewhere, but will be back soon," Hsiang-lien said by way of response.
   "As soon as you left," Hsueeh P'an smiled, "all the fun went. But pray sit a while! If you do so, it will be a proof of your regard for me! Don't flurry yourself. With such a senior brother as myself to stand by you, it will be as easy a job for you to become an official as to reap a fortune."
   The sight of his repulsive manner filled the heart of Hsiang-lien with disgust and shame. But speedily devising a plan, he drew him to a secluded spot. "Is your friendship real," he smiled, "or is it only a sham?"
   This question sent Hsueeh P'an into such raptures that he found it difficult to check himself from gratifying his longings. But glancing at him with the corner of his eye, "My dear brother," he smiled, "what makes you ask me such a thing? If my friendship for you is a sham, may I die this moment, before your very eyes."
   "Well, if that be so," Hsiang-lien proceeded, "it isn't convenient in here, so sit down and wait a bit. I'll go ahead, but come out of this yourself by and bye, and follow me to my place, where we can drink the whole night long. I've also got there two first-rate young fellows who never go out of doors. But don't bring so much as a single follower with you, as you'll find, when you get there, plenty of people ready at hand to wait on you."
   So high did this assignation raise Hsueeh P'an's spirits that he recovered, to a certain extent, from the effects of wine. "Is it really so?" he asked.
   "How is it," Hsiang-lien laughed, "that when people treat you with a sincere heart, you don't, after all, believe them?"
   "I'm no fool," eagerly exclaimed Hsueeh P'an, "and how could I not believe you? But since this be the case, how am I, who don't even know the way, to find your whereabouts if you are to go ahead of me?"
   "My place is outside the northern gate." Hsiang-lien explained. "But can you tear yourself away from your home to spend the night outside the city walls?"
   "As long as you're there," Hsueeh P'an said, "what will I want my home for?"
   "If that be so," Hsiang-lien resumed, "I'll wait for you on the bridge outside the northern gate. But let us meanwhile rejoin the banquet and have some wine. Come along, after you've seen me go; they won't notice us then."
   "Yes!" shouted Hsueeh P'an with alacrity as he acquiesced to the proposal.
   The two young fellows thereupon returned to the feast, and drank for a time. Hsueeh Pan, however, could with difficulty endure the suspense. He kept his gaze intent upon Hsiang-lien; and the more he pondered within himself upon what was coming, the more exuberance swelled in his heart. Now he emptied one wine-kettle; now another; and, without waiting for any one to press him, he, of his own accord, gulped down one drink after another, with the result that he unconsciously made himself nearly quite tipsy. Hsiang-lien then got up and quitted the room, and perceiving every one off his guard, he egressed out of the main entrance. "Go home ahead," he directed his page Hsing Nu. "I'm going out of town, but I'll be back at once."
   By the time he had finished giving him these directions, he had already mounted his horse, and straightway he proceeded to the bridge beyond the northern gate, and waited for Hsueeh P'an. A long while elapsed, however, before he espied Hsueeh P'an in the distance, hurrying along astride of a high steed, with gaping mouth, staring eyes, and his head, banging from side to side like a pedlar's drum. Without intermission, he glanced confusedly about, sometimes to the left, and sometimes to the right; but, as soon as he got where he had to pass in front of Hsiang-lien's horse, he kept his gaze fixed far away, and never troubled his mind with the immediate vicinity.
   Hsiang-lien felt amused and angry with him, but forthwith giving his horse also the rein, he followed in his track, while Hsueeh P'an continued to stare ahead.
   Little by little the habitations got scantier and scantier, so pulling his horse round, (Hsueeh P'an) retraced his steps. The moment he turned back, he unawares caught sight of Hsiang-lien, and his spirits rose within him, as if he had got hold of some precious thing of an extraordinary value. "I knew well enough," he eagerly smiled, "that you weren't one to break faith."
   "Quick, let's go ahead!" Hsiang-lien smilingly urged. "Mind people might notice us and follow us. It won't then be nice!"
   While instigating him, he took the lead, and letting his horse have the rein, he wended his way onwards, followed closely by Hsueeh P'an. But when Hsiang-lien perceived that the country ahead of them was already thinly settled and saw besides a stretch of water covered with a growth of weeds, he speedily dismounted, and tied his horse to a tree. Turning then round; "Get down!" he said, laughingly, to Hsueeh P'an. "You must first take an oath, so that in the event of your changing your mind in the future, and telling anything to anyone, the oath might be accomplished."
   "You're quite right!" Hsueeh P'an smiled; and jumping down with all despatch, he too made his horse fast to a tree, and then crouched on his knees.
   "If I ever in days to come," he exclaimed, "know any change in my feelings and breathe a word to any living soul, may heaven blast me and earth annihilate me!"
   Scarcely had he ended this oath, when a crash fell on his ear, and lo, he felt as if an iron hammer had been brought down to bear upon him from behind. A black mist shrouded his eyes, golden stars flew wildly about before his gaze; and losing all control over himself, he sprawled on the ground.
   Hsiang-lien approached and had a look at him; and, knowing how little he was accustomed to thrashings, he only exerted but little of his strength, and struck him a few blows on the face. But about this time a fruit shop happened to open, and Hsueeh P'an strained at first every nerve to rise to his feet, when another slight kick from Hsiang-lien tumbled him over again.
   "Both parties should really be agreeable," he shouted. "But if you were not disposed to accept my advances, you should have simply told me in a proper way. And why did you beguile me here to give me a beating?"
   So speaking, he went on boisterously to heap invective upon his head.
   "I'll take you, you blind fellow, and show you who Mr. Liu is," Hsiang-lien cried. "You don't appeal to me with solicitous entreaties, but go on abusing me! To kill you would be of no use, so I'll merely give you a good lesson!"
   With these words, he fetched his whip, and administered him, thirty or forty blows from his back down to his shins.
   Hsueeh P'an had sobered down considerably from the effects of wine, and found the stings of pain so intolerable, that little able to restrain himself, he gave way to groans.
   "Do you go on in this way?" Hsiang-lien said, with an ironical smile. "Why, I thought you were not afraid of beatings."
   While uttering this taunt, he seized Hsueeh P'an by the left leg, and dragging him several steps into a miry spot among the reeds, he rolled him about till he was covered with one mass of mud. "Do you now know what stuff I'm made of?" he proceeded to ask.
   Hsueeh P'an made no reply. But simply lay prostrate, and moaned. Then throwing away his whip Hsiang-lien gave him with his fist several thumps all over the body.
   Hsueeh P'an began to wriggle violently and vociferate wildly. "Oh, my ribs are broken!" he shouted. "I know you're a proper sort of person! It's all because I made the mistake of listening to other people's gossip!"
   "There's no need for you to drag in other people!" Hsiang-lien went on. "Just confine yourself to those present!"
   "There's nothing up at present!" Hsueeh P'an cried. "From what you say, you're a person full of propriety. So it's I who am at fault."
   "You'll have to speak a little milder," Hsiang-lien added, "before I let you off."
   "My dear younger brother," Hsueeh P'an pleaded, with a groan.
   Hsiang-lien at this struck him another blow with his fist.
   "Ai!" ejaculated Hsueeh P'an. "My dear senior brother!" he exclaimed.
   Hsiang-lien then gave him two more whacks, one after the other.
   "Ai Yo!" Hsueeh P'an precipitately screamed. "My dear Sir, do spare me, an eyeless beggar; and henceforth I'll look up to you with veneration; I'll fear you!"
   "Drink two mouthfuls of that water!" shouted Hsiang-lien.
   "That water is really too foul," Hsueeh P'an argued, in reply to this suggestion, wrinkling his eyebrows the while; "and how could I put any of it in my mouth?"
   Hsiang-lien raised his fist and struck him.
   "I'll drink it, I'll drink it!" quickly bawled Hsueeh P'an.
   So saying, he felt obliged to lower his head to the very roots of the reeds and drink a mouthful. Before he had had time to swallow it, a sound of 'ai' became audible, and up came all the stuff he had put into his mouth only a few seconds back.
   "You filthy thing!" exclaimed Hsiang-lien. "Be quick and finish drinking; and I'll let you off."
   Upon hearing this, Hsueeh P'an bumped his head repeatedly on the ground. "Do please," he cried, "lay up a store of meritorious acts for yourself and let me off! I couldn't take that were I even on the verge of death!"
   "This kind of stench will suffocate me!" Hsiang-lien observed, and, with this remark, he abandoned Hsueeh Pan to his own devices; and, pulling his horse, he put his foot to the stirrup, and rode away.
   Hsueeh Pan, meanwhile, became aware of his departure, and felt at last relieved in his mind. Yet his conscience pricked him for he saw that he should not misjudge people. He then made an effort to raise himself, but the racking torture he experienced all over his limbs was so sharp that he could with difficulty bear it.
   Chia Chen and the other guests present at the banquet became, as it happened, suddenly alive to the fact that the two young fellows had disappeared; but though they extended their search everywhere, they saw nothing of them. Some one insinuated, in an uncertain way, that they had gone outside the northern gate; but as Hsueeh P'an's pages had ever lived in dread of him, who of them had the audacity to go and hunt him up after the injunctions, he had given them, that they were not to follow him? But waxing solicitous on his account, Chia Chen subsequently bade Chia Jung take a few servant-boys and go and discover some clue of him, or institute inquiries as to his whereabouts. Straightway therefore they prosecuted their search beyond the northern gate, to a distance of two li below the bridge, and it was quite by accident that they discerned Hsueeh P'an's horse made fast by the side of a pit full of reeds.
   "That's a good sign!" they with one voice exclaimed; "for if the horse is there, the master must be there too!"
   In a body, they thronged round the horse, when, from among the reeds, they caught the sound of human groans, so hurriedly rushing forward to ascertain for themselves, they, at a glance, perceived Hsueeh P'an, his costume all in tatters, his countenance and eyes so swollen and bruised that it was hard to make out the head and face, and his whole person, inside as well as outside his clothes, rolled like a sow in a heap of mud.
   Chia Jung surmised pretty nearly the truth. Speedily dismounting, he told the servants to prop him up. "Uncle Hsueeh," he laughed, "you daily go in for lewd dalliance; but have you to-day come to dissipate in a reed-covered pit? The King of the dragons in this pit must have also fallen in love with your charms, and enticed you to become his son-in-law that you've come and gored yourself on his horns like this!"
   Hsueeh P'an was such a prey to intense shame that he would fain have grovelled into some fissure in the earth had he been able to detect any. But so little able was he to get on his horse that Chia Jung directed a servant to run to the suburbs and fetch a chair. Ensconced in this, Hsueeh P'an entered town along with the search party.
   Chia Jung still insisted upon carrying him to Lai Ta's house to join the feast, so Hsueeh P'an had to make a hundred and one urgent appeals to him to tell no one, before Chia Jung eventually yielded to his solicitations and allowed him to have his own way and return home.
   Chia Jung betook himself again to Lai Ta's house, and narrated to Chia Chen their recent experiences. When Chia Chen also learnt of the flogging (Hsueeh P'an) had received from Hsiang-lien, he laughed. "It's only through scrapes," he cried, "that he'll get all right!"
   In the evening, after the party broke up, he came to inquire after him. But Hsueeh P'an, who was lying all alone in his bedroom, nursing himself, refused to see him, on the plea of indisposition.
   When dowager lady Chia and the other inmates had returned home, and every one had retired into their respective apartments, Mrs. Hsueeh and Pao-ch'ai observed that Hsiang Ling's eyes were quite swollen from crying, and they questioned her as to the reason of her distress. (On being told), they hastily rushed to look up Hsueeh P'an; but, though they saw his body covered with scars, they could discover no ribs broken, or bones dislocated.
   Mrs. Hsueeh fell a prey to anguish and displeasure. At one time, she scolded Hsueeh P'an; at another, she abused Liu Hsiang-lien. Her wish was to lay the matter before Madame Wang in order that some one should be despatched to trace Liu Hsiang-lien and bring him back, but Pao-ch'ai speedily dissuaded her. "It's nothing to make a fuss about," she represented. "They were simply drinking together; and quarrels after a wine bout are ordinary things. And for one who's drunk to get a few whacks more or less is nothing uncommon! Besides, there's in our home neither regard for God nor discipline. Every one knows it. If it's purely out of love, mother, that you desire to give vent to your spite, it's an easy matter enough. Have a little patience for three or five days, until brother is all right and can go out. Mr. Chia Chen and Mr. Chia Lien over there are not people likely to let the affair drop without doing anything! They'll, for a certainty, stand a treat, and ask that fellow, and make him apologise and admit his wrong in the presence of the whole company, so that everything will be properly settled. But were you now, ma, to begin making much of this occurrence, and telling every one, it would, on the contrary, look as if you had, in your motherly partiality and fond love for him, indulged him to stir up a row and provoke people! He has, on this occasion, had unawares to eat humble pie, but will you, ma, put people to all this trouble and inconvenience and make use of the prestige enjoyed by your relatives to oppress an ordinary person?"
   "My dear child," Mrs. Hsueeh rejoined, "after listening to the advice proffered by her, you've, after all, been able to foresee all these things! As for me, that sudden fit of anger quite dazed me!"
   "All will thus be square," Pao-ch'ai smiled, "for, as he's neither afraid of you, mother, nor gives an ear to people's exhortations, but gets wilder and wilder every day that goes by, he may, if he gets two or three lessons, turn over a new leaf."
   While Hsueeh P'an lay on the stovecouch, he reviled Hsiang-lien with all his might. Next, he instigated the servant-boys to go and demolish his house, kill him and bring a charge against him. But Mrs. Hsueeh hindered the lads from carrying out his purpose, and explained to her son: "that Liu Hsiang-lien had casually, after drinking, behaved in a disorderly way, that now that he was over the effects of wine, he was exceedingly filled with remorse, and that, prompted by the fear of punishment, he had effected his escape."
   But, reader, if you feel any interest to know what happened when Hsueeh P'an heard the version his mother gave him, listen to what you will find in the next chapter.

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第一回 甄士隱夢幻識通靈 賈雨村風塵懷閨秀 CHAPTER I.第二回 賈夫人仙逝揚州城 冷子興演說榮國府 CHAPTER II.
第三回 賈雨村夤緣復舊職 林黛玉拋父進京都 CHAPTER III.第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫蘆僧亂判葫蘆案 CHAPTER IV.
第五回 遊幻境指迷十二釵 飲仙醪麯演紅樓夢 CHAPTER V.第六回 賈寶玉初試雲雨情 劉姥姥一進榮國府 CHAPTER VI.
第七回 送宮花賈璉戲熙鳳 宴寧府寶玉會秦鐘 CHAPTER VII.第八回 比通靈金鶯微露意 探寶釵黛玉半含酸 CHAPTER VIII.
第九回 戀風流情友入傢塾 起嫌疑頑童鬧學堂 CHAPTER IX.第十回 金寡婦貪利權受辱 張太醫論病細窮源 CHAPTER X.
第十一回 慶壽辰寧府排傢宴 見熙鳳賈瑞起淫心 CHAPTER XI.第十二回 王熙鳳毒設相思局 賈天祥正照風月鑒 CHAPTER XII.
第十三回 秦可卿死封竜禁尉 王熙鳳協理寧國府 CHAPTER XIII.第十四回 林如海捐館揚州城 賈寶玉路謁北靜王 CHAPTER XIV.
第十五回 王鳳姐弄權鐵檻寺 秦鯨卿得趣饅頭庵 CHAPTER XV.第十六回 賈元春纔選鳳藻宮 秦鯨卿夭逝黃泉路 CHAPTER XVI.
第十七回 大觀園試纔題對額 榮國府歸省慶元宵 CHAPTER XVII.第十八回 隔珠簾父女勉忠勤 搦湘管姊弟裁題詠 CHAPTER XVIII.
第十九回 情切切良宵花解語 意綿綿靜日玉生香 CHAPTER XIX.第二十回 王熙鳳正言彈妒意 林黛玉俏語謔嬌音 CHAPTER XX.
第二十一回 賢襲人嬌嗔箴寶玉 俏平兒軟語救賈璉 CHAPTER XXI.第二十二回 聽麯文寶玉悟禪機 製燈迷賈政悲讖語 CHAPTER XXII.
第二十三回 西廂記妙詞通戲語 牡丹亭豔麯警芳心 CHAPTER XXIII.第二十四回 醉金剛輕財尚義俠 癡女兒遺帕惹相思 CHAPTER XXIV.
第   I   [II]   [III]   [IV]   [V]   頁

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