中国经典 》 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions 》
第三十九回 村姥姥是信口开合 情哥哥偏寻根究底 CHAPTER XXXIX.
曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin
高鹗 Gao E
CHAPTER XXXIX. 话说众人见平儿来了,都说:“你们奶奶作什么呢,怎么不来了?"平儿笑道:“他那里得空儿来。因为说没有好生吃得,又不得来,所以叫我来问还有没有,叫我要几个拿了家去吃罢。”湘云道:“有,多着呢。”忙令人拿了十个极大的。平儿道:“多拿几个团脐的。 "众人又拉平儿坐,平儿不肯。李纨拉着他笑道:“偏要你坐。”拉着他身边坐下,端了一杯酒送到他嘴边。 平儿忙喝了一口就要走。李纨道:“偏不许你去。显见得只有凤丫头,就不听我的话了。”说着又命嬷嬷们:“先送了盒子去,就说我留下平儿了。”那婆子一时拿了盒子回来说:“二奶奶说,叫奶奶和姑娘们别笑话要嘴吃。这个盒子里是方才舅太太那里送来的菱粉糕和鸡油卷儿, 给奶奶姑娘们吃的。”又向平儿道:“说使你来你就贪住顽不去了。 劝你少喝一杯儿罢。”平儿笑道:’多喝了又把我怎么样?"一面说, 一面只管喝,又吃螃蟹。李纨揽着他笑道:“可惜这么个好体面模样儿,命却平常,只落得屋里使唤。不知道的人,谁不拿你当作奶奶太太看。”
平儿一面和宝钗湘云等吃喝,一面回头笑道:“奶奶,别只摸的我怪痒的。”李氏道:“嗳哟!这硬的是什么?"平儿道:“钥匙。”李氏道:“什么钥匙?要紧梯己东西怕人偷了去, 却带在身上。我成日家和人说笑,有个唐僧取经,就有个白马来驮他,刘智远打天下, 就有个瓜精来送盔甲,有个凤丫头,就有个你。你就是你奶奶的一把总钥匙,还要这钥匙作什么。 "平儿笑道:“奶奶吃了酒,又拿了我来打趣着取笑儿了。”宝钗笑道:“这倒是真话。 我们没事评论起人来,你们这几个都是百个里头挑不出一个来,妙在各人有各人的好处。”李纨道:“大小都有个天理。比如老太太屋里,要没那个鸳鸯如何使得。 从太太起,那一个敢驳老太太的回,现在他敢驳回。偏老太太只听他一个人的话。老太太那些穿戴的,别人不记得,他都记得,要不是他经管着,不知叫人诓骗了多少去呢。那孩子心也公道,虽然这样,倒常替人说好话儿,还倒不依势欺人的。”惜春笑道:“老太太昨儿还说呢,他比我们还强呢。”平儿道:“那原是个好的,我们那里比的上他。”宝玉道:“太太屋里的彩霞,是个老实人。”探春道:“可不是,外头老实,心里有数儿。太太是那么佛爷似的,事情上不留心,他都知道。凡百一应事都是他提着太太行。连老爷在家出外去的一应大小事, 他都知道。太太忘了,他背地里告诉太太。”李纨道:“那也罢了。”指着宝玉道:“这一个小爷屋里要不是袭人,你们度量到个什么田地!凤丫头就是楚霸王,也得这两只膀子好举千斤鼎。他不是这丫头,就得这么周到了!"平儿笑道:“先时陪了四个丫头,死的死,去的去,只剩下我一个孤鬼了。”李纨道:“你倒是有造化的。凤丫头也是有造化的。想当初你珠大爷在日,何曾也没两个人。你们看我还是那容不下人的?天天只见他两个不自在。所以你珠大爷一没了,趁年轻我都打发了。若有一个守得住, 我倒有个膀臂。”说着滴下泪来。众人都道:“又何必伤心,不如散了倒好。”说着便都洗了手,大家约往贾母王夫人处问安。
众婆子丫头打扫亭子,收拾杯盘。袭人和平儿同往前去,让平儿到房里坐坐,再喝一杯茶。平儿说:“不喝茶了,再来罢。”说着便要出去。袭人又叫住问道:“这个月的月钱,连老太太和太太还没放呢,是为什么?"平儿见问,忙转身至袭人跟前,见方近无人, 才悄悄说道:“你快别问,横竖再迟几天就放了。”袭人笑道:“这是为什么,唬得你这样? "平儿悄悄告诉他道:“这个月的月钱,我们奶奶早已支了,放给人使呢。等别处的利钱收了来,凑齐了才放呢。因为是你,我才告诉你,你可不许告诉一个人去。”袭人道:“难道他还短钱使,还没个足厌?何苦还操这心。”平儿笑道:“何曾不是呢。这几年拿着这一项银子,翻出有几百来了。他的公费月例又使不着,十两八两零碎攒了放出去,只他这梯己利钱, 一年不到,上千的银子呢。”袭人笑道:“拿着我们的钱,你们主子奴才赚利钱,哄的我们呆呆的等着。”平儿道:“你又说没良心的话。你难道还少钱使?"袭人道:“我虽不少,只是我也没地方使去,就只预备我们那一个。”平儿道:“你倘若有要紧的事用钱使时, 我那里还有几两银子,你先拿来使,明儿我扣下你的就是了。”袭人道:“此时也用不着,怕一时要用起来不够了,我打发人去取就是了。”
平儿答应着,一径出了园门,来至家内,只见凤姐儿不在房里。忽见上回来打抽丰的那刘姥姥和板儿又来了, 坐在那边屋里存在,甚至思想交流的可能,表现为一种极端的怀疑主义、不,还有张材家的周瑞家的陪着,又有两三个丫头在地下倒口袋里的枣子倭瓜并些野菜。 众人见他进来,都忙站起来了。刘姥姥因上次来过,知道平儿的身分,忙跳下地来问"姑娘好",又说:“家里都问好。早要来请姑奶奶的安看姑娘来的,因为庄家忙。好容易今年多打了两石粮食,瓜果菜蔬也丰盛。这是头一
起摘下来的, 并没敢卖呢,留的尖儿孝敬姑奶奶姑娘们尝尝。姑娘们天天山珍海味的也吃腻了,这个吃个野意儿,也算是我们的穷心。”平儿忙道:“多谢费心。”又让坐,自己也坐了。又让张婶子周大娘坐眼圈儿都红了。”平儿笑道:“可不是。我原是不吃的,大奶奶和姑娘们只是拉着死灌,不得已喝了两盅,脸就红了。”张材家的笑道:“我倒想着要吃呢,又没人让我。明儿再有人请姑娘,可带了我去罢。”说着大家都笑了。周瑞家的道:“早起我就看见那螃蟹了,一斤只好秤两个三个。这么三大篓,想是有七八十斤呢。”周瑞家的道:“若是上上下下只怕还不够。”平儿道:“那里够,不过都是有名儿的吃两个子。那些散众的,也有摸得着的,也有摸不着的。”刘姥姥道:“这样螃蟹,今年就值五分一斤。十斤五钱,五五二两五,三五一十五,再搭上酒菜,一共倒有二十多两银子。阿弥陀佛! 这一顿的钱够我们庄家人过一年了。”平儿因问:“想是见过奶奶了?"刘姥姥道:“见过了,叫我们等着呢。”说着又往窗外看天气,说道:“天好早晚了,我们也去罢,别出不去城才是饥荒呢。”周瑞家的道:“这话倒是,我替你瞧瞧去。”说着一径去了,半日方来, 笑道:“可是你老的福来了,竟投了这两个人的缘了。”平儿等问怎么样,周瑞家的笑道:“二奶奶在老太太的跟前呢。我原是悄悄的告诉二奶奶,‘刘姥姥要家去呢,怕晚了赶不出城去。’二奶奶说:‘大远的,难为他扛了那些沉东西来,晚了就住一夜明儿再去。 ’这可不是投上二奶奶的缘了。这也罢了,偏生老太太又听见了,问刘姥姥是谁。二奶奶便回明白了。老太太说:‘我正想个积古的老人家说话儿,请了来我见一见。’ 这可不是想不到天上缘分了。”说着,催刘姥姥下来前去。刘姥姥道:“我这生像儿怎好见的。好嫂子,你就说我去了罢。”平儿忙道:“你快去罢,不相干的。我们老太太最是惜老怜贫的,比不得那个狂三诈四的那些人。想是你怯上,我和周大娘送你去。”说着,同周瑞家的引了刘姥姥往贾母这边来。
二门口该班的小厮们见了平儿出来,都站起来了,又有两个跑上来,赶着平儿叫"姑娘"。平儿问:“又说什么?"那小厮笑道:“这会子也好早晚了,我妈病了,等着我去请大夫。 好姑娘,我讨半日假可使的?"平儿道:“你们倒好,都商议定了,一天一个告假,又不回奶奶,只和我胡缠。前儿住儿去了,二爷偏生叫他,叫不着,我应起来了,还说我作了情。你今儿又来了。”周瑞家的道:“当真的他妈病了,姑娘也替他应着,放了他罢。”平儿道:“明儿一早来。听着,我还要使你呢,再睡的日头晒着屁股再来!你这一去,带个信儿给旺儿, 就说奶奶的话,问着他那剩的利钱。明儿若不交了来,奶奶也不要了,就越性送他使罢。”那小厮欢天喜地答应去了。
平儿等来至贾母房中, 彼时大观园中姊妹们都在贾母前承奉。刘姥姥进去,只见满屋里珠围翠绕,花枝招展,并不知都系何人。只见一张榻上歪着一位老婆婆孔伋即“子思”。,身后坐着一个纱罗裹的美人一般的一个丫鬟在那里捶腿,凤姐儿站着正说笑。刘姥姥便知是贾母了,忙上来陪着笑,福了几福,口里说:“请老寿星安。”贾母亦欠身问好,又命周瑞家的端过椅子来坐着。那板儿仍是怯人,不知问候。贾母道:“老亲家,你今年多大年纪了? "刘姥姥忙立身答道:“我今年七十五了。”贾母向众人道:“这么大年纪了,还这么健朗。 比我大好几岁呢。我要到这么大年纪,还不知怎么动不得呢。”刘姥姥笑道:“我们生来是受苦的人, 老太太生来是享福的。若我们也这样,那些庄家活也没人作了。”贾母道:“眼睛牙齿都还好?"刘姥姥道:“都还好,就是今年左边的槽牙活动了。”贾母道:“我老了,都不中用了,眼也花,耳也聋,记性也没了。你们这些老亲戚,我都不记得了。亲戚们来了,我怕人笑我,我都不会,不过嚼的动的吃两口,睡一觉,闷了时和这些孙子孙女儿顽笑一回就完了。 "刘姥姥笑道:“这正是老太太的福了。我们想这么着也不能。”贾母道:“什么福,不过是个老废物罢了。”说的大家都笑了。贾母又笑道:“我才听见凤哥儿说, 你带了好些瓜菜来,叫他快收拾去了,我正想个地里现撷的瓜儿菜儿吃。外头买的,不象你们田地里的好吃。”刘姥姥笑道:“这是野意儿,不过吃个新鲜。依我们想鱼肉吃, 只是吃不起。”贾母又道:“今儿既认着了亲,别空空儿的就去。不嫌我这里, 就住一两天再去。我们也有个园子,园子里头也有果子,你明日也尝尝,带些家去,你也算看亲戚一趟。”凤姐儿见贾母喜欢,也忙留道:“我们这里虽不比你们的场院大,空屋子还有两间。你住两天罢,把你们那里的新闻故事儿说些与我们老太太听听。”贾母笑道:“凤丫头别拿他取笑儿。他是乡屯里的人,老实,那里搁的住你打趣他。”说着, 又命人去先抓果子与板儿吃。板儿见人多了,又不敢吃。贾母又命拿些钱给他,叫小幺儿们带他外头顽去。 刘姥姥吃了茶,便把些乡村中所见所闻的事情说与贾母,贾母益发得了趣味。 正说着,凤姐儿便令人来请刘姥姥吃晚饭。贾母又将自己的菜拣了几样,命人送过去与刘姥姥吃。
凤姐知道合了贾母的心,吃了饭便又打发过来。鸳鸯忙令老婆子带了刘姥姥去洗了澡, 自己挑了两件随常的衣服令给刘姥姥换上。那刘姥姥那里见过这般行事,忙换了衣裳出来,坐在贾母榻前,又搜寻些话出来说。彼时宝玉姊妹们也都在这里坐着,他们何曾听见过这些话, 自觉比那些瞽目先生说的书还好听。那刘姥姥虽是个村野人,却生来的有些见识,况且年纪老了,世情上经历过的,见头一个贾母高兴,第二见这些哥儿姐儿们都爱听, 便没了说的也编出些话来讲。因说道:“我们村庄上种地种菜,每年每日,春夏秋冬,风里雨里,那有个坐着的空儿,天天都是在那地头子上作歇马凉亭,什么奇奇怪怪的事不见呢。就象去年冬天,接连下了几天雪,地下压了三四尺深。我那日起的早,还没出房门,只听外头柴草响。我想着必定是有人偷柴草来了。我爬着窗户眼儿一瞧,却不是我们村庄上的人。”贾母道:“必定是过路的客人们冷了,见现成的柴, 抽些烤火去也是有的。”刘姥姥笑道:“也并不是客人,所以说来奇怪。老寿星当个什么人? 原来是一个十七八岁的极标致的一个小姑娘,梳着溜油光的头,穿着大红袄儿, 白绫裙子——"刚说到这里,忽听外面人吵嚷起来,又说:“不相干的,别唬着老太太。”贾母等听了,忙问怎么了,丫鬟回说"南院马棚里走了水,不相干,已经救下去了。” 贾母最胆小的,听了这个话,忙起身扶了人出至廊上来瞧,只见东南上火光犹亮。贾母唬的口内念佛,忙命人去火神跟前烧香。王夫人等也忙都过来请安,又回说"已经下去了,老太太请进房去罢。”贾母足的看着火光息了方领众人进来。宝玉且忙着问刘姥姥:“那女孩儿大雪地作什么抽柴草?倘或冻出病来呢?"贾母道:“都是才说抽柴草惹出火来了,你还问呢。别说这个了,再说别的罢。”宝玉听说,心内虽不乐,也只得罢了。刘姥姥便又想
了一篇,说道:“我们庄子东边庄上,有个老奶奶子,今年九十多岁了。他天天吃斋念佛, 谁知就感动了观音菩萨夜里来托梦说:‘你这样虔心,原来你该绝后的,如今奏了玉皇, 给你个孙子。’原来这老奶奶只有一个儿子,这儿子也只一个儿子,好容易养到十七八岁上死了,哭的什么似的。后果然又养了一个,今年才十三四岁,生的雪团儿一般,聪明伶俐非常。可见这些神佛是有的。”这一夕话,实合了贾母王夫人的心事,连王夫人也都听住了。
宝玉心中只记挂着抽柴的故事, 因闷闷的心中筹画。探春因问他"昨日扰了史大妹妹,咱们回去商议着邀一社,又还了席,也请老太太赏菊花食,教民礼仪。提出烛火之喻,论述神不离形;反对神仙长,何如?"宝玉笑道:“老太太说了,还要摆酒还史妹妹的席,叫咱们作陪呢。等着吃了老太太的,咱们再请不迟。”探春道:“越往前去越冷了,老太太未必高兴。”宝玉道:“老太太又喜欢下雨下雪的。不如咱们等下头场雪, 请老太太赏雪岂不好?咱们雪下吟诗,也更有趣了。”林黛玉忙笑道:“咱们雪下吟诗?依我说,还不如弄一捆柴火,雪下抽柴,还更有趣儿呢。”说着,宝钗等都笑了。宝玉瞅了他一眼,也不答话。
一时散了, 背地里宝玉足的拉了刘姥姥,细问那女孩儿是谁。刘姥姥只得编了告诉他道:“那原是我们庄北沿地埂子上有一个小祠堂里供的,不是神佛,当先有个什么老爷。 "说着又想名姓。宝玉道:“不拘什么名姓,你不必想了,只说原故就是了。”刘姥姥道:“这老爷没有儿子,只有一位小姐,名叫茗玉。小姐知书识字,老爷太太爱如珍宝。 可惜这茗玉小姐生到十七岁,一病死了。”宝玉听了,跌足叹惜,又问后来怎么样。刘姥姥道:“因为老爷太太思念不尽,便盖了这祠堂,塑了这茗玉小姐的像,派了人烧香拨火。如今日久年深的,人也没了,庙也烂了,那个像就成了精。”宝玉忙道:“不是成精,规矩这样人是虽死不死的。”刘姥姥道:“阿弥陀佛!原来如此。不是哥儿说,我们都当他成精。 他时常变了人出来各村庄店道上闲逛。我才说这抽柴火的就是他了。我们村庄上的人还商议着要打了这塑像平了庙呢。”宝玉忙道:“快别如此。若平了庙,罪过不小。 "刘姥姥道:“幸亏哥儿告诉我,我明儿回去告诉他们就是了。”宝玉道:“我们老太太,太太都是善人,合家大小也都好善喜舍,最爱修庙塑神的。我明儿做一个疏头,替你化些布施,你就做香头,攒了钱把这庙修盖,再装潢了泥像,每月给你香火钱烧香岂不好?"刘姥姥道:“若这样,我托那小姐的福,也有几个钱使了。”宝玉又问他地名庄名,来往远近,坐落何方。刘姥姥便顺口胡诌了出来。
宝玉信以为真, 回至房中,盘算了一夜。次日一早,便出来给了茗烟几百钱,按着刘姥姥说的方向地名,着茗烟去先踏看明白,回来再做主意。那茗烟去后,宝玉左等也不来,右等也不来,急的热锅上的蚂蚁一般。好容易等到日落,方见茗烟兴兴头头的回来。 宝玉忙道:“可有庙了?"茗烟笑道:“爷听的不明白,叫我好找。那地名座落不似爷说的一样, 所以找了一日,找到东北上田埂子上才有一个破庙。”宝玉听说,喜的眉开眼笑, 忙说道:“刘姥姥有年纪的人,一时错记了也是有的。你且说你见的。”茗烟道:“那庙门却倒是朝南开, 也是稀破的。我找的正没好气,一见这个,我说‘可好了’,连忙进去。一看泥胎,唬的我跑出来了,活似真的一般。”宝玉喜的笑道:“他能变化人了,自然有些生气。 "茗烟拍手道:“那里有什么女孩儿,竟是一位青脸红发的瘟神爷。”宝玉听了, 啐了一口,骂道:“真是一个无用的杀才!这点子事也干不来。”茗烟道:“二爷又不知看了什么书,或者听了谁的混话,信真了,把这件没头脑的事派我去碰头,怎么说我没用呢? "宝玉见他急了,忙抚慰他道:“你别急。改日闲了你再找去。若是他哄我们呢, 自然没了,若真是有的,你岂不也积了阴骘。我必重重的赏你。”正说着,只见二门上的小厮来说:“老太太房里的姑娘们站在二门口找二爷呢。”
The tongue of the village old dame finds as free vent as a river that has broken its banks. The affectionate cousin makes up his mind to sift to the very bottom the story told by old goody Liu.
Upon seeing, the story explains, P'ing Erh arrive, they unanimously inquired, "What is your mistress up to? How is it she hasn't come?"
"How ever could she spare the time to get as far as here?" P'ing Erh smiled and replied. "But, she said, she hasn't anything good to eat, so she bade me, as she couldn't possibly run over, come and find out whether there be any more crabs or not; (if there be), she enjoined me to ask for a few to take to her to eat at home."
"There are plenty!" Hsiang-yuen rejoined; and directing, with alacrity, a servant to fetch a present box, she put in it ten of the largest crabs.
"I'll take a few more of the female ones," P'ing Erh remarked.
One and all then laid hands upon P'ing Erh and tried to drag her into a seat, but P'ing Erh would not accede to their importunities.
"I insist upon your sitting down," Li Wan laughingly exclaimed, and as she kept pulling her about, and forcing her to sit next to her, she filled a cup of wine and put it to her lips. P'ing Erh hastily swallowed a sip and endeavoured immediately to beat a retreat.
"I won't let you go," shouted Li Wan. "It's so evident that you're only got that woman Feng in your thoughts as you don't listen to any of my words!"
Saying this, she went on to bid the nurses go ahead, and take the box over. "Tell her," she added, "that I've kept P'ing Erh here."
A matron presently returned with a box. "Lady Secunda," she reported, "says that you, lady Chu, and our young mistresses must not make fun of her for having asked for something to eat; and that in this box you'll find cakes made of water-lily powder, and rolls prepared with chicken fat, which your maternal aunt, on the other side, just sent for your ladyship and for you, young ladies, to taste. That she bids you," (the matron) continued, turning towards P'ing Erh, "come over on duty, but your mind is so set upon pleasure that you loiter behind and don't go back. She advises you, however, not to have too many cups of wine."
"Were I even to have too much," P'ing Erh smiled, "what could she do to me?"
Uttering these words, she went on with her drink; after which she partook of some more crab.
"What a pity it is," interposed Li Wan, caressing her, "that a girl with such good looks as you should have so ordinary a fortune as to simply fall into that room as a menial! But wouldn't any one, who is not acquainted with actual facts, take you for a lady and a mistress?"
While she went on eating and drinking with Pao-ch'ai, Hsiang-yuen and the other girls, P'ing Erh turned her head round. "Don't rub me like that!" she laughed, "It makes me feel quite ticklish."
"Ai-yo!" shouted Li Wan. "What's this hard thing?"
"It's a key," P'ing Erh answered.
"What fine things have you got that the fear lest people should take it away, prompts you to carry this about you? I keep on, just for a laugh, telling people the whole day long that when the bonze T'ang was fetching the canons, a white horse came and carried him! That when Liu Chih-yuean was attacking the empire, a melon-spirit appeared and brought him a coat of mail, and that in the same way, where our vixen Feng is, there you are to be found! You are your mistress' general key; and what do you want this other key for?"
"You've primed yourself with wine, my lady," P'ing Erh smiled, "and here you once more chaff me and make a laughing-stock of me."
"This is really quite true," Pao-ch'ai laughed. "Whenever we've got nothing to do, and we talk matters over, (we're quite unanimous) that not one in a hundred could be picked out to equal you girls in here. The beauty is that each one of you possesses her own good qualities!"
"In every thing, whether large or small, a heavenly principle rules alike," Li Wan explained. "Were there, for instance, no Yuean Yang in our venerable senior's apartments, how would it ever do? Commencing with Madame Wang herself, who is it who could muster sufficient courage to expostulate with the old lady? Yet she plainly has the pluck to put in her remonstrances with her; and, as it happens, our worthy ancestor lends a patient ear to only what she says and no one else. None of the others can remember what our old senior has in the way of clothes and head-ornaments, but she can remember everything; and, were she not there to look after things, there is no knowing how many would not be swindled away. That child besides is so straightforward at heart, that, despite all this, she often puts in a good word for others, and doesn't rely upon her influence to look down disdainfully upon any one!"
"It was only yesterday," Hsi Ch'un observed with a smile, "that our dear ancestor said that she was ever so much better than the whole lot of us!"
"She's certainly splendid!" P'ing Erh ventured. "How could we rise up to her standard?"
"Ts'ai Hsia," Pao-yue put in, "who is in mother's rooms, is a good sort of girl!"
"Of course she is!" T'an Ch'un assented. "But she's good enough as far as external appearances go, but inwardly she's a sly one! Madame Wang is just like a joss; she does not give her mind to any sort of business; but this girl is up to everything; and it is she who in all manner of things reminds her mistress what there is to be done. She even knows everything, whether large or small, connected with Mr. Chia Cheng's staying at home or going out of doors; and when at any time Madame Wang forgets, she, from behind the scenes, prompts her how to act."
"Well, never mind about her!" Li Wan suggested. "But were," she pursued, pointing at Pao-yue, "no Hsi Jen in this young gentleman's quarters, just you imagine what a pitch things would reach! That vixen Feng may truly resemble the prince Pa of the Ch'u kingdom; and she may have two arms strong enough to raise a tripod weighing a thousand catties, but had she not this maid (P'ing Erh), would she be able to accomplish everything so thoroughly?"
"In days gone by," P'ing Erh interposed, "four servant-girls came along with her, but what with those who've died and those who've gone, only I remain like a solitary spirit."
"You're, after all, the fortunate one!" Li Wan retorted, "but our hussey Feng too is lucky in having you! Had I not also once, just remember, two girls, when your senior master Chu was alive? Am I not, you've seen for yourselves, a person to bear with people? But in such a surly frame of mind did I find them both day after day that, as soon as your senior master departed this life, I availed myself of their youth (to give them in marriage) and to pack both of them out of my place. But had either of them been good for anything and worthy to be kept, I would, in fact, have now had some one to give me a helping hand!"
As she spoke, the very balls of her eyes suddenly became quite red.
"Why need you again distress your mind?" they with one voice, exclaimed. "Isn't it better that we should break up?"
While conversing, they rinsed their hands; and, when they had agreed to go in a company to dowager lady Chia's and Madame Wang's and inquire after their health, the matrons and servant-maids swept the pavilion and collected and washed the cups and saucers.
Hsi Jen proceeded on her way along with P'ing Erh. "Come into my room," said Hsi Jen to P'ing Erh, "and sit down and have another cup of tea."
"I won't have any tea just now," P'ing Erh answered. "I'll come some other time."
So saying, she was about to go off when Hsi Jen called out to her and stopped her.
"This month's allowances," she asked, "haven't yet been issued, not even to our old mistress and Madame Wang; why is it?"
Upon catching this inquiry, P'ing Erh hastily retraced her steps and drew near Hsi Jen. After looking about to see that no one was in the neighbourhood, she rejoined in a low tone of voice, "Drop these questions at once! They're sure, anyhow, to be issued in a couple of days."
"Why is it," smiled Hsi Jen, "that this gives you such a start?"
"This month's allowances," P'ing Erh explained to her in a whisper, "have long ago been obtained in advance by our mistress Secunda and given to people for their own purposes; and it's when the interest has been brought from here and there that the various sums will be lumped together and payment be effected. I confide this to you, but, mind, you mustn't go and tell any other person about it."
"Is it likely that she hasn't yet enough money for her own requirements?" Hsi Jen smiled. "Or is it that she's still not satisfied? And what's the use of her still going on bothering herself in this way?"
"Isn't it so!" laughed P'ing Erh. "From just handling the funds for this particular item, she has, during these few years, so manipulated them as to turn up several hundreds of taels profit out of them. Nor does she spend that monthly allowance of hers for public expenses. But the moment she accumulates anything like eight or ten taels odd, she gives them out too. Thus the interest on her own money alone comes up to nearly a thousand taels a year."
"You and your mistress take our money," Hsi Jen observed laughingly, "and get interest on it; fooling us as if we were no better than idiots."
"Here you are again with your uncharitable words!" P'ing Erh remonstrated. "Can it be that you haven't yet enough to meet your own expenses with?"
"I am, it's true, not short of money," Hsi Jen replied, "as I have nowhere to go and spend it; but the thing is that I'm making provision for that fellow of ours, (Pao-yue)."
"If you ever find yourself in any great straits and need money," P'ing Erh resumed, "you're at liberty to take first those few taels I've got over there to suit your own convenience with, and by and bye I can reduce them from what is due to you and we'll be square."
"I'm not in need of any just now," retorted Hsi Jen. "But should I not have enough, when I want some, I'll send some one to fetch them, and finish."
P'ing Erh promised that she would let her have the money at any time she sent for it, and, and taking the shortest cut, she issued out of the garden gate. Here she encountered a servant despatched from the other side by lady Feng. She came in search of P'ing Erh. "Our lady," she said, "has something for you to do, and is waiting for you."
"What's up that it's so pressing?" P'ing Erh inquired. "Our senior mistress detained me by force to have a chat, so I couldn't manage to get away. But here she time after time sends people after me in this manner!"
"Whether you go or not is your own look out," the maid replied. "It isn't worth your while getting angry with me! If you dare, go and tell these things to our mistress!"
P'ing Erh spat at her contemptuously, and rushed back in anxious haste. She discovered, however, that lady Feng was not at home. But unexpectedly she perceived that the old goody Liu, who had paid them a visit on a previous occasion for the purpose of obtaining pecuniary assistance, had come again with Pan Erh, and was seated in the opposite room, along with Chang Ts'ai's wife and Chou Jui's wife, who kept her company. But two or three servant-maids were inside as well emptying on the floor bags containing dates, squash and various wild greens.
As soon as they saw her appear in the room, they promptly stood up in a body. Old goody Liu had, on her last visit, learnt what P'ing Erh's status in the establishment was, so vehemently jumping down, she enquired, "Miss, how do you do? All at home," she pursued, "send you their compliments. I meant to have come earlier and paid my respects to my lady and to look you up, miss; but we've been very busy on the farm. We managed this year to reap, after great labour, a few more piculs of grain than usual. But melons, fruits and vegetables have also been plentiful. These things, you see here, are what we picked during the first crop; and as we didn't presume to sell them, we kept the best to present to our lady and the young ladies to taste. The young ladies must, of course, be surfeited with all the delicacies and fine things they daily get, but by having some of our wild greens to eat, they will show some regard for our poor attention."
"Many thanks for all the trouble you have taken!" Ping Erh eagerly rejoined. Then pressing her to resume her place, she sat down herself; and, urging Mrs. Chang and Mrs. Chou to take their seats, she bade a young waiting-maid go and serve the tea.
"There's a joyous air about your face to-day, Miss, and your eye-balls are all red," the wife of Chou Jui and the wife of Chang Ts'ai thereupon smilingly ventured.
"Naturally!" P'ing Erh laughed. "I generally don't take any wine, but our senior mistress, and our young ladies caught hold of me and insisted upon pouring it down my throat. I had no alternative therefore but to swallow two cups full; so my face at once flushed crimson."
"I have a longing for wine," Chang Ts'ai's wife smiled; "but there's no one to offer me any. But when any one by and by invites you, Miss, do take me along with you!"
At these words, one and all burst out laughing.
"Early this morning," Chou Jui's wife interposed, "I caught a glimpse of those crabs. Only two or three of them would weigh a catty; so in those two or three huge hampers, there must have been, I presume, seventy to eighty catties!"
"If some were intended for those above as well as for those below;" Chou Jui's wife added, "they couldn't, nevertheless, I fear, have been enough."
"How could every one have had any?" P'ing Erh observed. "Those simply with any name may have tasted a couple of them; but, as for the rest, some may have touched them with the tips of their hands, but many may even not have done as much."
"Crabs of this kind!" put in old goody Liu, "cost this year five candareens a catty; ten catties for five mace; five times five make two taels five, and three times five make fifteen; and adding what was wanted for wines and eatables, the total must have come to something over twenty taels. O-mi-to-fu! why, this heap of money is ample for us country-people to live on through a whole year!"
"I expect you have seen our lady?" P'ing Erh then asked.
"Yes, I have seen her," assented old goody Liu. "She bade us wait." As she spoke, she again looked out of the window to see what the time of the day could be. "It's getting quite late," she afterwards proceeded. "We must be going, or else we mayn't be in time to get out of the city gates; and then we'll be in a nice fix."
"Quite right," Chou Jui's wife observed. "I'll go and see what she's up to for you."
With these words, she straightway left the room. After a long absence, she returned. "Good fortune has, indeed, descended upon you, old dame!" she smiled. "Why, you've won the consideration of those two ladies!"
"What about it?" laughingly inquired P'ing Erh and the others.
"Lady Secunda," Chou Jui's wife explained with a smile, "was with our venerable lady, so I gently whispered to her: 'old goody Liu wishes to go home; it's getting late and she fears she mightn't be in time to go out of the gates!' 'It's such a long way off!' Our lady Secunda rejoined, 'and she had all the trouble and fatigue of carrying that load of things; so if it's too late, why, let her spend the night here and start on the morrow!' Now isn't this having enlisted our mistress' sympathies? But not to speak of this! Our old lady also happened to overhear what we said, and she inquired: 'who is old goody Liu?' Our lady Secunda forthwith told her all. 'I was just longing,' her venerable ladyship pursued, 'for some one well up in years to have a chat with; ask her in, and let me see her!' So isn't this coming in for consideration, when least unexpected?"
So speaking, she went on to urge old goody Liu to get down and betake herself to the front.
"With a figure like this of mine," old goody Liu demurred, "how could I very well appear before her? My dear sister-in-law, do tell her that I've gone!"
"Get on! Be quick!" P'ing Erh speedily cried. "What does it matter? Our old lady has the highest regard for old people and the greatest pity for the needy! She's not one you could compare with those haughty and overbearing people! But I fancy you're a little too timid, so I'll accompany you as far as there, along with Mrs. Chou."
While tendering her services, she and Chou Jui's wife led off old goody Liu and crossed over to dowager lady Chia's apartments on this side of the mansion. The boy-servants on duty at the second gate stood up when they saw P'ing Erh approach. But two of them also ran up to her, and, keeping close to her heels: "Miss!" they shouted out. "Miss!"
"What have you again got to say?" P'ing Erh asked.
"It's pretty late just now," one of the boys smilingly remarked; "and mother is ill and wants me to go and call the doctor, so I would, dear Miss, like to have half a day's leave; may I?"
"Your doings are really fine!" P'ing Erh exclaimed. "You've agreed among yourselves that each day one of you should apply for furlough; but instead of speaking to your lady, you come and bother me! The other day that Chu Erh went, Mr. Secundus happened not to want him, so I assented, though I also added that I was doing it as a favour; but here you too come to-day!"
"It's quite true that his mother is sick," Chou Jui's wife interceded; "so, Miss, do say yes to him also, and let him go!"
"Be back as soon as it dawns to-morrow!" P'ing Erh enjoined. "Wait, I've got something for you to do, for you'll again sleep away, and only turn up after the sun has blazed away on your buttocks. As you go now, give a message to Wang Erh! Tell him that our lady bade you warn him that if he does not hand over the balance of the interest due by to-morrow, she won't have anything to do with him. So he'd better let her have it to meet her requirements and finish."
The servant-lad felt in high glee and exuberant spirits. Expressing his obedience, he walked off.
P'ing Erh and her companions repaired then to old lady Chia's apartments. Here the various young ladies from the Garden of Broad Vista were at the time assembled paying their respects to their grandmother. As soon as old goody Liu put her foot inside, she saw the room thronged with girls (as seductive) as twigs of flowers waving to and fro, and so richly dressed, as to look enveloped in pearls, and encircled with king-fisher ornaments. But she could not make out who they all were. Her gaze was, however, attracted by an old dame, reclining alone on a divan. Behind her sat a girl, a regular beauty, clothed in gauze, engaged in patting her legs. Lady Feng was on her feet in the act of cracking some joke.
Old goody Liu readily concluded that it must be dowager lady Chia, so promptly pressing forward, she put on a forced smile and made several curtseys. "My obeisance to you, star of longevity!" she said.
Old lady Chia hastened, on her part, to bow and to inquire after her health. Then she asked Chou Jui's wife to bring a chair over for her to take a seat. But Pan Erh was still so very shy that he did not know how to make his obeisance.
"Venerable relative," dowager lady Chia asked, "how old are you this year?"
Old goody Liu immediately rose to her feet. "I'm seventy-five this year," she rejoined.
"So old and yet so hardy!" Old lady Chia remarked, addressing herself to the party. "Why she's older than myself by several years! When I reach that age, I wonder whether I shall be able to move!"
"We people have," old goody Liu smilingly resumed, "to put up, from the moment we come into the world, with ever so many hardships; while your venerable ladyship enjoys, from your birth, every kind of blessing! Were we also like this, there'd be no one to carry on that farming work."
"Are your eyes and teeth still good?" Dowager lady Chia went on to inquire.
"They're both still all right," old goody Liu replied. "The left molars, however, have got rather shaky this year."
"As for me, I'm quite an old fossil," dowager lady Chia observed. "I'm no good whatever. My eyesight is dim; my ears are deaf, my memory is gone. I can't even recollect any of you, old family connections. When therefore any of our relations come on a visit, I don't see them for fear lest I should be ridiculed. All I can manage to eat are a few mouthfuls of anything tender enough for my teeth; and I can just dose a bit or, when I feel in low spirits, I distract myself a little with these grandsons and grand-daughters of mine; that's all I'm good for."
"This is indeed your venerable ladyship's good fortune!" old goody Liu smiled. "We couldn't enjoy anything of the kind, much though we may long for it."
"What good fortune!" dowager lady Chia exclaimed. "I'm a useless old thing, no more."
This remark made every one explode into laughter.
Dowager lady Chia also laughed. "I heard our lady Feng say a little while back," she added, "that you had brought a lot of squash and vegetables, and I told her to put them by at once. I had just been craving to have newly-grown melons and vegetables; but those one buys outside are not as luscious as those produced in your farms."
"This is the rustic notion," old goody Liu laughed, "to entirely subsist on fresh things! Yet, we long to have fish and meat for our fare, but we can't afford it."
"I've found a relative in you to-day," dowager lady Chia said, "so you shouldn't go empty-handed! If you don't despise this place as too mean, do stay a day or two before you start! We've also got a garden here; and this garden produces fruits too; you can taste some of them to-morrow and take a few along with you home, in order to make it look like a visit to relatives."
When lady Feng saw how delighted old lady Chia was with the prospects of the old dame's stay, she too lost no time in doing all she could to induce her to remain. "Our place here," she urged, "isn't, it's true, as spacious as your threshing-floor; but as we've got two vacant rooms, you'd better put up in them for a couple of days, and choose some of your village news and old stories and recount them to our worthy senior."
"Now you, vixen Feng," smiled dowager lady Chia, "don't raise a laugh at her expense! She's only a country woman; and will an old dame like her stand any chaff from you?"
While remonstrating with her, she bade a servant go, before attending to anything else, and pluck a few fruits. These she handed to Pan Erh to eat. But Pan Erh did not venture to touch them, conscious as he was of the presence of such a number of bystanders. So old lady Chia gave orders that a few cash should be given him, and then directed the pages to take him outside to play.
After sipping a cup of tea, old goody Liu began to relate, for the benefit of dowager lady Chia, a few of the occurrences she had seen or heard of in the country. These had the effect of putting old lady Chia in a more exuberant frame of mind. But in the midst of her narration, a servant, at lady Feng's instance, asked goody Liu to go and have her evening meal. Dowager lady Chia then picked out, as well, several kinds of eatables from her own repast, and charged some one to take them to goody Liu to feast on.
But the consciousness that the old dame had taken her senior's fancy induced lady Feng to send her back again as soon as she had taken some refreshments. On her arrival, Yuean Yang hastily deputed a matron to take goody Liu to have a bath. She herself then went and selected two pieces of ordinary clothes, and these she entrusted to a servant to hand to the old dame to change. Goody Liu had hitherto not set eyes upon any such grand things, so with eagerness she effected the necessary alterations in her costume. This over, she made her appearance outside, and, sitting in front of the divan occupied by dowager lady Chia, she went on to narrate as many stories as she could recall to mind. Pao-yue and his cousins too were, at the time, assembled in the room, and as they had never before heard anything the like of what she said, they, of course, thought her tales more full of zest than those related by itinerant blind story-tellers.
Old goody Liu was, albeit a rustic person, gifted by nature with a good deal of discrimination. She was besides advanced in years; and had gone through many experiences in her lifetime, so when she, in the first place, saw how extremely delighted old lady Chia was with her, and, in the second, how eager the whole crowd of young lads and lasses were to listen to what fell from her mouth, she even invented, when she found her own stock exhausted, a good many yarns to recount to them.
"What with all the sowing we have to do in our fields and the vegetables we have to plant," she consequently proceeded, "have we ever in our village any leisure to sit with lazy hands from year to year and day to day; no matter whether it's spring, summer, autumn or winter, whether it blows or whether it rains? Yea, day after day all that we can do is to turn the bare road into a kind of pavilion to rest and cool ourselves on! But what strange things don't we see! Last winter, for instance, snow fell for several consecutive days, and it piled up on the ground three or four feet deep. One day, I got up early, but I hadn't as yet gone out of the door of our house when I heard outside the noise of firewood (being moved). I fancied that some one must have come to steal it, so I crept up to a hole in the window; but, lo, I discovered that it was no one from our own village."
"It must have been," interposed dowager lady Chia, "some wayfarers, who being smitten with the cold, took some of the firewood, they saw ready at hand, to go and make a fire and warm themselves with! That's highly probable!"
"It was no wayfarers at all," old goody Liu retorted smiling, "and that's what makes the story so strange. Who do you think it was, venerable star of longevity? It was really a most handsome girl of seventeen or eighteen, whose hair was combed as smooth as if oil had been poured over it. She was dressed in a deep red jacket, a white silk petticoat...."
When she reached this part of her narrative, suddenly became audible the voices of people bawling outside. "It's nothing much," they shouted, "don't frighten our old mistress!" Dowager lady Chia and the other inmates caught, however, their cries and hurriedly inquired what had happened. A servant-maid explained in reply that a fire had broken out in the stables in the southern court, but that there was no danger, as the flames had been suppressed.
Their old grandmother was a person with very little nerve. The moment, therefore, the report fell on her car, she jumped up with all despatch, and leaning on one of the family, she rushed on to the verandah to ascertain the state of things. At the sight of the still brilliant light, shed by the flames, on the south east part of the compound, old lady Chia was plunged in consternation, and invoking Buddha, she went on to shout to the servants to go and burn incense before the god of fire.
Madame Wang and the rest of the members of the household lost no time in crossing over in a body to see how she was getting on. "The fire has been already extinguished," they too assured her, "please, dear ancestor, repair into your rooms!"
But it was only after old lady Chia had seen the light of the flames entirely subside that she at length led the whole company indoors. "What was that girl up to, taking the firewood in that heavy fall of snow?" Pao-yue thereupon vehemently inquired of goody Liu. "What, if she had got frostbitten and fallen ill?"
"It was the reference made recently to the firewood that was being abstracted," his grandmother Chia said, "that brought about this fire; and do you still go on asking more about it? Leave this story alone, and tell us something else!"
Hearing this reminder, Pao-yue felt constrained to drop the subject, much against his wishes, and old goody Liu forthwith thought of something else to tell them.
"In our village," she resumed, "and on the eastern side of our farmstead, there lives an old dame, whose age is this year, over ninety. She goes in daily for fasting, and worshipping Buddha. Who'd have thought it, she so moved the pity of the goddess of mercy that she gave her this message in a dream: 'It was at one time ordained that you should have no posterity, but as you have proved so devout, I have now memorialised the Pearly Emperor to grant you a grandson!' The fact is, this old dame had one son. This son had had too an only son; but he died after they had with great difficulty managed to rear him to the age of seventeen or eighteen. And what tears didn't they shed for him! But, in course of time, another son was actually born to him. He is this year just thirteen or fourteen, resembles a very ball of flower, (so plump is he), and is clever and sharp to an exceptional degree! So this is indeed a clear proof that those spirits and gods do exist!"
This long tirade proved to be in harmony with dowager lady Chia's and Madame Wang's secret convictions on the subject. Even Madame Wang therefore listened to every word with all profound attention. Pao-yue, however, was so pre-occupied with the story about the stolen firewood that he fell in a brown study and gave way to conjectures.
"Yesterday," T'an Ch'un at this point remarked, "We put cousin Shih to a lot of trouble and inconvenience, so, when we get back, we must consult about convening a meeting, and, while returning her entertainment, we can also invite our venerable ancestor to come and admire the chrysanthemums; what do you think of this?"
"Our worthy senior," smiled Pao-yue, "has intimated that she means to give a banquet to return cousin Shih's hospitality, and to ask us to do the honours. Let's wait therefore until we partake of grandmother's collation, before we issue our own invitations; there will be ample time then to do so."
"The later it gets, the cooler the weather becomes," T'an Ch'un observed, "and our dear senior is not likely to enjoy herself."
"Grandmother," added Pao-yue, "is also fond of rain and snow, so wouldn't it be as well to wait until the first fall, and then ask her to come and look at the snow. This will be better, won't it? And were we to recite our verses with snow about us, it will be ever so much more fun!"
"To hum verses in the snow," Lin Tai-yue speedily demurred with a smile, "won't, in my idea, be half as nice as building up a heap of firewood and then stealing it, with the flakes playing about us. This will be by far more enjoyable!"
This proposal made Pao-ch'ai and the others laugh. Pao-yue cast a glance at her but made no reply.
But, in a short time, the company broke up. Pao-yue eventually gave old goody Liu a tug on the sly and plied her with minute questions as to who the girl was. The old dame was placed under the necessity of fabricating something for his benefit. "The truth is," she said, "that there stands on the north bank of the ditch in our village a small ancestral hall, in which offerings are made, but not to spirits or gods. There was in former days some official or other..."
"While speaking, she went on to try and recollect his name and surname.
"No matter about names or surnames!" Pao-yue expostulated. "There's no need for you to recall them to memory! Just mention the facts; they'll be enough."
"This official," old goody Liu resumed, "had no son. His offspring consisted of one young daughter, who went under the name of Jo Yue, (like Jade). She could read and write, and was doated upon by this official and his consort, just as if she were a precious jewel. But, unfortunately, when this young lady, Jo Yue, grew up to be seventeen, she contracted some disease and died."
When these words fell on Pao-yue's ears, he stamped his foot and heaved a sigh. "What happened after that?" he then asked.
Old goody Liu pursued her story.
"So incessantly," she continued, "did this official and his consort think of their child that they raised this ancestral hall, erected a clay image of their young daughter Jo Yue in it, and appointed some one to burn incense and trim the fires. But so many days and years have now elapsed that the people themselves are no more alive, the temple is in decay, and the image itself is become a spirit."
"It hasn't become a spirit," remonstrated Pao-yue with vehemence. "Human beings of this kind may, the rule is, die, yet they are not dead."
"O-mi-to-fu!" ejaculated old goody Liu; "is it really so! Had you, sir, not enlightened us, we would have remained under the impression that she had become a spirit! But she repeatedly transforms herself into a human being, and there she roams about in every village, farmstead, inn and roadside. And the one I mentioned just now as having taken the firewood is that very girl! The villagers in our place are still consulting with the idea of breaking this clay image and razing the temple to the ground."
"Be quick and dissuade them!" eagerly exclaimed Pao-yue. "Were they to raze the temple to the ground, their crime won't be small."
"It's lucky that you told me, Sir," old goody Liu added. "When I get back to-morrow, I'll make them relinquish the idea and finish!"
"Our venerable senior and my mother," Pao-yue pursued, "are both charitable persons. In fact, all the inmates of our family, whether old or young, do, in like manner, delight in good deeds, and take pleasure in distributing alms. Their greatest relish is to repair temples, and to put up images to the spirits; so to-morrow, I'll make a subscription and collect a few donations for you, and you can then act as incense-burner. When sufficient money has been raised, this fane can be repaired, and another clay image put up; and month by month I'll give you incense and fire money to enable you to burn joss-sticks; won't this be A good thing for you?"
"In that case," old goody Liu rejoined, "I shall, thanks to that young lady's good fortune, have also a few cash to spend."
Pao-yue thereupon likewise wanted to know what the name of the place was, the name of the village, how far it was there and back, and whereabout the temple was situated.
Old goody Liu replied to his questions, by telling him every idle thought that came first to her lips. Pao-yue, however, credited the information she gave him and, on his return to his rooms, he exercised, the whole night, his mind with building castles in the air.
On the morrow, as soon as daylight dawned, he speedily stepped out of his room, and, handing Pei Ming several hundreds of cash, he bade him proceed first in the direction and to the place specified by old goody Liu, and clearly ascertain every detail, so as to enable him, on his return from his errand, to arrive at a suitable decision to carry out his purpose. After Pei Ming's departure, Pao-yue continued on pins on needles and on the tiptoe of expectation. Into such a pitch of excitement did he work himself, that he felt like an ant in a burning pan. With suppressed impatience, he waited and waited until sunset. At last then he perceived Pei Ming walk in, in high glee.
"Have you discovered the place?" hastily inquired Pao-yue.
"Master," Pei Ming laughed, "you didn't catch distinctly the directions given you, and you made me search in a nice way! The name of the place and the bearings can't be those you gave me, Sir; that is why I've had to hunt about the whole day long! I prosecuted my inquiries up to the very ditch on the north east side, before I eventually found a ruined temple."
Upon hearing the result of his researches, Pao-yue was much gratified. His very eyebrows distended. His eyes laughed. "Old goody Liu," he said with eagerness, "is a person well up in years, and she may at the moment have remembered wrong; it's very likely she did. But recount to me what you saw."
"The door of that temple," Pei Ming explained, "really faces south, and is all in a tumble-down condition. I searched and searched till I was driven to utter despair. As soon, however, as I caught sight of it, 'that's right,' I shouted, and promptly walked in. But I at once discovered a clay figure, which gave me such a fearful start, that I scampered out again; for it looked as much alive as if it were a real living being."
Pao-yue smiled full of joy. "It can metamorphose itself into a human being," he observed, "so, of course, it has more or less a life-like appearance."
"Was it ever a girl?" Pei Ming rejoined clapping his hands. "Why it was, in fact, no more than a green-faced and red-haired god of plagues."
Pao-yue, at this answer, spat at him contemptuously. "You are, in very truth, a useless fool!" he cried. "Haven't you even enough gumption for such a trifling job as this?"
"What book, I wonder, have you again been reading, master?" Pei Ming continued. "Or you may, perhaps, have heard some one prattle a lot of trash and believed it as true! You send me on this sort of wild goose chase and make me go and knock my head about, and how can you ever say that I'm good for nothing?"
Pao-yue did not fail to notice that he was in a state of exasperation so he lost no time in trying to calm him. "Don't be impatient!" he urged. "You can go again some other day, when you've got nothing to attend to, and institute further inquiries! If it turns out that she has hood-winked us, why, there will, naturally, be no such thing. But if, verily, there is, won't you also lay up for yourself a store of good deeds? I shall feel it my duty to reward you in a most handsome manner."
As he spoke, he espied a servant-lad, on service at the second gate, approach and report to him: "The young ladies in our venerable ladyship's apartments are standing at the threshold of the second gate and looking out for you, Mr. Secundus."
But as, reader, you are not aware what they were on the look-out to tell him, the subsequent chapter will explain it for you.
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