中国经典 》 紅樓夢 A Dream of Red Mansions 》
第三十七回 秋爽齋偶結海棠社 蘅蕪苑夜擬菊花題 CHAPTER XXXVII.
曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin
高鶚 Gao E
CHAPTER XXXVII. 這年賈政又點了學差, 擇於八月二十日起身。是日拜過宗祠及賈母起身,寶玉諸子弟等送至灑淚亭。
卻說賈政出門去後, 外面諸事不能多記。單表寶玉每日在園中任意縱性的逛蕩,真把光陰虛度,歲月空添。這日正無聊之際,衹見翠墨進來,手裏拿着一副花箋送與他。寶玉因道:“可是我忘了,纔說要瞧瞧三妹妹去的,可好些了,你偏走來。”翠墨道:“姑娘好了,今兒也不吃藥了,不過是涼着一點兒。”寶玉聽說,便展開花箋看時,上面寫道:
時漏已三轉, 猶徘徊於桐檻之下,未防風露所欺,緻獲采薪之患。昨蒙親勞撫囑,復又數遣侍兒問切,兼以鮮荔並真
卿墨跡見賜, 何ごЯ惠愛之深哉!今因伏幾憑床處默之時,因思及歷來古人中處名攻利敵之場,猶置一些山滴
蒙棹雪而來,娣則掃花以待。此謹奉。寶玉看了,不覺喜的拍手笑道:“倒是三妹妹的高雅,我如今就去商議。”一面說,一面就走,翠墨跟在後面。剛到了沁芳亭,衹見園中後門上值日的婆子手裏拿着一個字帖走來, 見了寶玉,便迎上去,口內說道:“蕓哥兒請安,在後門衹等着,叫我送來的。”寶玉打開看時,寫道是:
臺安男蕓跪書。 寶玉看了,笑道:“獨他來了,還有什麽人?"婆子道:“還有兩盆花兒。 "寶玉道:“你出去說,我知道了,難為他想着。你便把花兒送到我屋裏去就是了。”一面說,一面同翠墨往秋爽齋來,衹見寶釵,黛玉,迎春,惜春已都在那裏了。
衆人見他進來, 都笑說:“又來了一個。”探春笑道:“我不算俗,偶然起個念頭,寫了幾個帖兒試一試,誰知一招皆到。”寶玉笑道:“可惜遲了,早該起個社的。”黛玉道:“你們衹管起社,可別算上我,我是不敢的。”迎春笑道:“你不敢誰還敢呢。”寶玉道:“這是一件正經大事,大傢鼓舞起來,不要你謙我讓的。各有主意自管說出來大傢平章。寶姐姐也出個主意, 林妹妹也說個話兒。”寶釵道:“你忙什麽,人還不全呢。”一語未了,李紈也來了,進門笑道:“雅的緊!要起詩社,我自薦我掌壇。前兒春天我原有這個意思的。我想了一想,我又不會作詩,瞎亂些什麽,因而也忘了,就沒有說得。既是三妹妹高興,我就幫你作興起來。”
黛玉道:“既然定要起詩社,咱們都是詩翁了,先把這些姐妹叔嫂的字樣改了纔不俗。”李紈道:“極是,何不大傢起個別號,彼此稱呼則雅。我是定了‘稻香老農’,再無人占的。 "探春笑道:“我就是‘秋爽居士’罷。”寶玉道:“居士,主人到底不恰,且又瘰贅。這裏梧桐芭蕉盡有,或指梧桐芭蕉起個倒好。”探春笑道:“有了,我最喜芭蕉,就稱‘蕉下客’ 罷。”衆人都道別緻有趣。黛玉笑道:“你們快牽了他去,燉了脯子吃酒。”衆人不解。黛玉笑道:“古人曾雲‘蕉葉覆鹿’。他自稱‘蕉下客’,可不是一隻鹿了?快做了鹿脯來。 "衆人聽了都笑起來。探春因笑道:你別忙中使巧話來駡人,我已替你想了個極當的美號了。”又嚮衆人道:“當日娥皇女英灑淚在竹上成斑,故今斑竹又名湘妃竹。如今他住的是瀟湘館,他又愛哭,將來他想林姐夫,那些竹子也是要變成斑竹的。以後都叫他作‘瀟湘妃子’就完了。”大傢聽說,都拍手叫妙。林黛玉低了頭方不言語。李紈笑道:“ 我替薛大妹妹也早已想了個好的,也衹三個字。”惜春迎春都問是什麽。李紈道:“我是封他‘蘅蕪君’了,不知你們如何。”探春笑道:“這個封號極好。”寶玉道:“我呢?你們也替我想一個。 "寶釵笑道:“你的號早有了,‘無事忙’三字恰當的很。”李紈道:“你還是你的舊號‘絳洞花主’就好。”寶玉笑道:“小時候幹的營生,還提他作什麽。”探春道:“你的號多的很,又起什麽。我們愛叫你什麽,你就答應着就是了。”寶釵道:“還得我送你個號罷。 有最俗的一個號,卻於你最當。天下難得的是富貴,又難得的是閑散,這兩樣再不能兼有, 不想你兼有了,就叫你‘富貴閑人’也罷了。”寶玉笑道:“當不起,當不起, 倒是隨你們混叫去罷。”李紈道:“二姑娘四姑娘起個什麽號?"迎春道:“我們又不大會詩,白起個號作什麽?"探春道:“雖如此,也起個纔是。”寶釵道:“他住的是紫菱洲,就叫他‘菱洲’,四丫頭在藕香榭,就叫他‘藕榭’就完了。”
李紈道:“就是這樣好。但序齒我大,你們都要依我的主意,管情說了大傢合意。我們七個人起社, 我和二姑娘四姑娘都不會作詩,須得讓出我們三個人去。我們三個各分一件事。”探春笑道:“已有了號,還衹管這樣稱呼,不如不有了。以後錯了,也要立個罰約纔好。”李紈道:“立定了社,再定罰約。我那裏地方大,竟在我那裏作社。我雖不能作詩,這些詩人竟不厭俗客,我作個東道主人,我自然也清雅起來了。若是要推我作社長,我一個社長自然不夠,必要再請兩位副社長,就請菱洲藕榭二位學究來,一位出題限韻,一位謄錄監場。亦不可拘定了我們三個人不作,若遇見容易些的題目韻腳,我們也隨便作一首。你們四個卻是要限定的。若如此便起,若不依我,我也不敢附驥了。”迎春惜春本性懶於詩詞, 又有薛林在前,聽了這話便深合己意,二人皆說:“極是"。探春等也知此意, 見他二人悅服,也不好強,衹得依了。因笑道:“這話也罷了,衹是自想好笑, 好好的我起了個主意,反叫你們三個來管起我來了。”寶玉道:“既這樣,咱們就往稻香村去。”李紈道:“都是你忙,今日不過商議了,等我再請。”寶釵道:“也要議定幾日一會纔好。 "探春道:“若衹管會的多,又沒趣了。一月之中,衹可兩三次纔好。”寶釵點頭道:“一月衹要兩次就夠了。”擬定日期,風雨無阻。除這兩日外,倘有高興的,他情願加一社的,或情願到他那裏去,或附就了來,亦可使得,豈不活潑有趣。”衆人都道:“這個主意更好。”
探春道:“衹是原係我起的意,我須得先作個東道主人,方不負我這興。”李紈道:“既這樣說,明日你就先開一社如何?"探春道:“明日不如今日,此刻就很好。你就出題,菱洲限韻, 藕榭監場。”迎春道:“依我說,也不必隨一人出題限韻,竟是拈鬮公道。”李紈道:“方纔我來時,看見他們擡進兩盆白海棠來,倒是好花。你們何不就詠起他來?"迎春道:“都還未賞,先倒作詩。”寶釵道:“不過是白海棠,又何必定要見了纔作。古人的詩賦, 也不過都是寄興寫情耳。若都是等見了作,如今也沒這些詩了。”迎春道:“既如此, 待我限韻。”說着,走到書架前抽出一本詩來,隨手一揭,這首竟是一首七言律,遞與衆人看了,都該作七言律。迎春掩了詩,又嚮一個小丫頭道:“你隨口說一個字來。” 那丫頭正倚門立着,便說了個"門"字。迎春笑道:“就是門字韻,‘十三元’了。頭一個韻定要這‘ 門’字。”說着,又要了韻牌匣子過來,抽出"十三元"一屜,又命那小丫頭隨手拿四塊。那丫頭便拿了"盆”“魂”“痕”“昏"四塊來。寶玉道:“這‘盆’‘門’兩個字不大好作呢!”
待書一樣預備下四份紙筆,便都悄然各自思索起來。獨黛玉或撫梧桐,或看秋色,或又和丫鬟們嘲笑。迎春又令丫鬟炷了一支"夢甜香"。原來這"夢甜香"衹有三寸來長,有燈草粗細,以其易燼,故以此燼為限,如香燼未成便要罰。一時探春便先有了,自提筆寫出,又改抹了一回,遞與迎春。因問寶釵:“蘅蕪君,你可有了?"寶釵道:“有卻有了,衹是不好。”寶玉背着手,在回廊上踱來踱去,因嚮黛玉說道:“你聽,他們都有了。”黛玉道:“你別管我。”寶玉又見寶釵已謄寫出來,因說道:“了不得!香衹剩了一寸了,我纔有了四句。”又嚮黛玉道:“香就完了,衹管蹲在那潮地下作什麽?"黛玉也不理。寶玉道:“可顧不得你了,好歹也寫出來罷。”說着也走在案前寫了。李紈道:“我們要看詩了, 若看完了還不交捲是必罰的。”寶玉道:“稻香老農雖不善作卻善看,又最公道,你就評閱優劣,我們都服的。”衆人都道:“自然。”於是先看探春的稿上寫道是:
半捲湘簾半掩門, 碾冰為土玉為盆。看了這句,寶玉先喝起彩來,衹說"從何處想來!"又看下面道:
嬌羞默默同誰訴,倦倚西風夜已昏。衆人看了,都道是這首為上。李紈道:“若論風流別緻,自是這首,若論含蓄渾厚,終讓蘅稿。”探春道:“這評的有理,瀟湘妃子當居第二。”李紈道:“怡紅公子是壓尾,你服不服?"寶玉道:“我的那首原不好了,這評的最公。”又笑道:“衹是蘅瀟二首還要斟酌。”李紈道:“原是依我評論,不與你們相幹,再有多說者必罰。 "寶玉聽說,衹得罷了。李紈道:“從此後我定於每月初二十六這兩日開社,出題限韻都要依我。 這其間你們有高興的,你們衹管另擇日子補開,那怕一個月每天都開社,我衹不管。衹是到了初二,十六這兩日,是必往我那裏去。”寶玉道:“到底要起個社名纔是。”探春道:“俗了又不好,特新了,刁鑽古怪也不好。可巧纔是海棠詩開端,就叫個海棠社罷。雖然俗些,因真有此事,也就不礙了。”說畢大傢又商議了一回,略用些酒果,方各自散去。也有回傢的,也有往賈母王夫人處去的。當下別人無話。
且說襲人因見寶玉看了字貼兒便慌慌張張的同翠墨去了,也不知是何事。後來又見後門上婆子送了兩盆海棠花來。襲人問是那裏來的,婆子便將寶玉前一番緣故說了。襲人聽說便命他們擺好,讓他們在下房裏坐了,自己走到自己房內秤了六錢銀子封好,又拿了三百錢走來,都遞與那兩個婆子道:“這銀子賞那擡花來的小子們,這錢你們打酒吃罷。”那婆子們站起來,眉開眼笑,千恩萬謝的不肯受,見襲人執意不收,方領了。襲人又道:“後門上外頭可有該班的小子們?"婆子忙應道:“天天有四個,原預備裏面差使的。 姑娘有什麽差使,我們吩咐去。”襲人笑道:“有什麽差使?今兒寶二爺要打發人到小侯爺傢與史大姑娘送東西去,可巧你們來了,順便出去叫後門小子們雇輛車來。回來你們就往這裏拿錢,不用叫他們又往前頭混碰去。”婆子答應着去了。
襲人回至房中, 拿碟子盛東西與史湘雲送去,卻見К子上碟槽空着。因回頭見晴雯, 秋紋,麝月等都在一處做針黹,襲人問道:“這一個纏絲白瑪瑙碟子那去了?"衆人見問, 都你看我我看你,都想不起來。半日,晴雯笑道:“給三姑娘送荔枝去的,還沒送來呢。 "襲人道:“傢常送東西的傢夥也多,巴巴的拿這個去。”晴雯道:“我何嘗不也這樣說。他說這個碟子配上鮮荔枝纔好看。我送去,三姑娘見了也說好看,叫連碟子放着,就沒帶來。你再瞧,那К子盡上頭的一對聯珠瓶還沒收來呢。”秋紋笑道:“提起瓶來,我又想起笑話。我們寶二爺說聲孝心一動,也孝敬到二十分。因那日見園裏桂花,折了兩枝,原是自己要插瓶的,忽然想起來說,這是自己園裏的纔開的新鮮花,不敢自己先頑, 巴巴的把那一對瓶拿下來,親自灌水插好了,叫個人拿着,親自送一瓶進老太太,又進一瓶與太太。誰知他孝心一動,連跟的人都得了福了。可巧那日是我拿去的。老太太見了這樣,喜的無可無不可,見人就說:‘到底是寶玉孝順我,連一枝花兒也想的到。別人還衹抱怨我疼他。’你們知道,老太太素日不大同我說話的,有些不入他老人傢的眼的。 那日竟叫人拿幾百錢給我,說我可憐見的,生的單柔。這可是再想不到的福氣。幾百錢是小事, 難得這個臉面。及至到了太太那裏,太太正和二奶奶,趙姨奶奶,周姨奶奶好些人翻箱子,找太太當日年輕的顔色衣裳,不知給那一個。一見了,連衣裳也不找了, 且看花兒。又有二奶奶在旁邊湊趣兒,誇寶玉又是怎麽孝敬,又是怎樣知好歹,有的沒的說了兩車話。當着衆人,太太自為又增了光,堵了衆人的嘴。太太越發喜歡了,現成的衣裳就賞了我兩件。衣裳也是小事,年年橫竪也得,卻不象這個彩頭。”晴雯笑道:“呸!沒見世面的小蹄子!那是把好的給了人,挑剩下的纔給你,你還充有臉呢。”秋紋道:“憑他給誰剩的,到底是太太的恩典。”晴雯道:“要是我,我就不要。若是給別人剩下的給我, 也罷了。一樣這屋裏的人,難道誰又比誰高貴些?把好的給他,剩下的纔給我,我寧可不要,衝撞了太太,我也不受這口軟氣。”秋紋忙問:“給這屋裏誰的?我因為前兒病了幾天,傢去了,不知是給誰的。好姐姐,你告訴我知道知道。”晴雯道:“我告訴了你, 難道你這會退還太太去不成?"秋紋笑道:“鬍說,我白聽了喜歡喜歡。那怕給這屋裏的狗剩下的,我衹領太太的恩典,也不犯管別的事。”衆人聽了都笑道:“駡的巧,可不是給了那西洋花點子哈巴兒了。”襲人笑道:“你們這起爛了嘴的!得了空就拿我取笑打牙兒。 一個個不知怎麽死呢。”秋紋笑道:“原來姐姐得了,我實在不知道。我陪個不是罷。 "襲人笑道:“少輕狂罷。你們誰取了碟子來是正經。”麝月道:“那瓶得空兒也該收來了。老太太屋裏還罷了,太太屋裏人多手雜。別人還可以,趙姨奶奶一夥的人見是這屋裏的東西,又該使黑心弄壞了纔罷。太太也不大管這些,不如早些收來正經。”晴雯聽說,便擲下針黹道:“這話倒是,等我取去。”秋紋道:“還是我取去罷,你取你的碟子去。”晴雯笑道:“我偏取一遭兒去。是巧宗兒你們都得了,難道不許我得一遭兒?"麝月笑道:“通共秋丫頭得了一遭兒衣裳,那裏今兒又巧,你也遇見找衣裳不成。”晴雯冷笑道:“雖然碰不見衣裳,或者太太看見我勤謹,一個月也把太太的公費裏分出二兩銀子來給我, 也定不得。”說着,又笑道:“你們別和我裝神弄鬼的,什麽事我不知道。”一面說,一面往外跑了。秋紋也同他出來,自去探春那裏取了碟子來。
襲人打點齊備東西, 叫過本處的一個老宋媽媽來,嚮他說道:“你先好生梳洗了,換了出門的衣裳來,如今打發你與史姑娘送東西去。”那宋嬤嬤道:“姑娘衹管交給我,有話說與我, 我收拾了就好一順去的。”襲人聽說,便端過兩個小掐絲盒子來。先揭開一個,裏面裝的是紅菱和雞頭兩樣鮮果,又那一個,是一碟子桂花糖蒸新慄粉糕。又說道:“這都是今年咱們這裏園裏新結的果子,寶二爺送來與姑娘嘗嘗。再前日姑娘說這瑪瑙碟子好, 姑娘就留下頑罷。這絹包兒裏頭是姑娘上日叫我作的活計,姑娘別嫌粗糙, 能着用罷。替我們請安,替二爺問好就是了。”宋嬤嬤道:“寶二爺不知還有什麽說的,姑娘再問問去,回來又別說忘了。”襲人因問秋紋:“方纔可見在三姑娘那裏?"秋紋道:“他們都在那裏商議起什麽詩社呢,又都作詩。想來沒話,你衹去罷。”宋嬤嬤聽了,便拿了東西出去, 另外穿戴了。襲人又囑咐他:“從後門出去,有小子和車等着呢。”宋媽去後,不在話下。
寶玉回來, 先忙着看了一回海棠,至房內告訴襲人起詩社的事。襲人也把打發宋媽媽與史湘雲送東西去的話告訴了寶玉。 寶玉聽了,拍手道:“偏忘了他。我自覺心裏有件事,衹是想不起來,虧你提起來,正要請他去。這詩社裏若少了他還有什麽意思。”襲人勸道:“什麽要緊,不過玩意兒。他比不得你們自在,傢裏又作不得主兒。告訴他,他要來又由不得他,不來,他又牽腸挂肚的,沒的叫他不受用。”寶玉道:“不妨事,我回老太太打發人接他去。”正說着,宋媽媽已經回來,回覆道生受,與襲人道乏,又說:“問二爺作什麽呢,我說和姑娘們起什麽詩社作詩呢。史姑娘說,他們作詩也不告訴他去,急的了不的。”寶玉聽了立身便往賈母處來,立逼着叫人接去。賈母因說:“今兒天晚了,明日一早再去。”寶玉衹得罷了,回來悶悶的。
次日一早, 便又往賈母處來催逼人接去。直到午後,史湘雲纔來,寶玉方放了心,見面時就把始末原由告訴他, 又要與他詩看。李紈等因說道:“且別給他詩看,先說與他韻。他後來,先罰他和了詩:若好,便請入社,若不好,還要罰他一個東道再說。”史湘雲道:“你們忘了請我,我還要罰你們呢。就拿韻來,我雖不能,衹得勉強出醜。容我入社,掃地焚香我也情願。”衆人見他這般有趣,越發喜歡,都埋怨昨日怎麽忘了他,遂忙告訴他韻。 史湘雲一心興頭,等不得推敲刪改,一面衹管和人說着話,心內早已和成,即用隨便的紙筆錄出,先笑說道:“我卻依韻和了兩首,好歹我卻不知,不過應命而已。” 說着遞與衆人。衆人道:“我們四首也算想絶了,再一首也不能了。你倒弄了兩首,那裏有許多話說,必要重了我們。”一面說,一面看時,衹見那兩首詩寫道:
幽情欲嚮嫦娥訴,無奈虛廊夜色昏。衆人看一句,驚訝一句,看到了,贊到了,都說:“這個不枉作了海棠詩,真該要起海棠社了。”史湘雲道:“明日先罰我個東道,就讓我先邀一社可使得?"衆人道:“這更妙了。”因又將昨日的與他評論了一回。至晚,寶釵將湘雲邀往蘅蕪苑安歇去。湘雲燈下計議如何設東擬題。寶釵聽他說了半日,皆不妥當,因嚮他說道:“既開社,便要作東。雖然是頑意兒,也要瞻前顧後,又要自己便宜,又要不得罪了人,然後方大傢有趣。你傢裏你又作不得主,一個月通共那幾串錢,你還不夠盤纏呢。這會子又幹這沒要緊的事,你嬸子聽見了,越發抱怨你了。況且你就都拿出來, 做這個東道也是不夠。難道為這個傢去要不成?還是往這裏要呢?"一席話提醒了湘雲,倒躊躕起來。寶釵道:“這個我已經有個主意。我們當鋪裏有個夥計,他傢田上出的很好的肥螃蟹,前兒送了幾斤來。現在這裏的人,從老太太起連上園裏的人,有多一半都是愛吃螃蟹的。前日姨娘還說要請老太太在園裏賞桂花吃螃蟹,因為有事還沒有請呢。你如今且把詩社別提起,衹管普通一請。等他們散了,咱們有多少詩作不得的。我和我哥哥說,要幾簍極肥極大的螃蟹來,再往鋪子裏取上幾壇好酒,再備上四五桌果碟,豈不又省事又大傢熱鬧了。”湘雲聽了,心中自是感服,極贊他想的周到。寶釵又笑道:“我是一片真心為你的話。你千萬別多心,想着我小看了你,咱們兩個就白好了。你若不多心,我就好叫他們辦去的。”湘雲忙笑道:“好姐姐,你這樣說,倒多心待我了。憑他怎麽糊塗,連個好歹也不知,還成個人了?我若不把姐姐當作親姐姐一樣看,上回那些傢常話煩難事也不肯盡情告訴你了。”寶釵聽說,便叫一個婆子來:“出去和大爺說,依前日的大螃蟹要幾簍來, 明日飯後請老太太姨娘賞桂花。你說大爺好歹別忘了,我今兒已請下人了。”那婆子出去說明,回來無話。
這裏寶釵又嚮湘雲道:“詩題也不要過於新巧了。你看古人詩中那些刁鑽古怪的題目和那極險的韻了, 若題過於新巧,韻過於險,再不得有好詩,終是小傢氣。詩固然怕說熟話,更不可過於求生,衹要頭一件立意清新,自然措詞就不俗了。究竟這也算不得什麽, 還是紡績針黹是你我的本等。一時閑了,倒是於你我深有益的書看幾章是正經。 "湘雲衹答應着,因笑道:“我如今心裏想着,昨日作了海棠詩,我如今要作個菊花詩如何?"寶釵道:“菊花倒也合景,衹是前人太多了。”湘雲道:“我也是如此想着,恐怕落套。 "寶釵想了一想,說道:“有了,如今以菊花為賓,以人為主,竟擬出幾個題目來,都是兩個字: 一個虛字,一個實字,實字便用‘菊’字,虛字就用通用門的。如此又是詠菊,又是賦事,前人也沒作過,也不能落套。賦景詠物兩關着,又新鮮,又大方。”湘雲笑道:“這卻很好。衹是不知用何等虛字纔好。你先想一個我聽聽。”寶釵想了一想,笑道:“ 《菊夢》就好。”湘雲笑道:“果然好。我也有一個,《菊影》可使得?"寶釵道:“也罷了。衹是也有人作過,若題目多,這個也夾的上。我又有了一個。”湘雲道:“快說出來。”寶釵道:“《問菊》如何?"湘雲拍案叫妙,因接說道:“我也有了,《訪菊》如何?"寶釵也贊有趣, 因說道:“越性擬出十個來,寫上再來。”說着,二人研墨蘸筆,湘雲便寫,寶釵便念,一時湊了十個。湘雲看了一遍,又笑道:“十個還不成幅,越性湊成十二個便全了,也如人傢的字畫册頁一樣。”寶釵聽說,又想了兩個,一共湊成十二。又說道:“既這樣,越性編出他個次序先後來。”湘雲道:“如此更妙,竟弄成個菊譜了。”寶釵道:“起首是< <憶菊》,憶之不得,故訪,第二是《訪菊》,訪之既得,便種,第三是《種菊》,種既盛開, 故相對而賞,第四是《對菊》,相對而興有餘,故折來供瓶為玩,第五是《供菊》,既供而不吟,亦覺菊無彩色,第六便是《詠菊》,既入詞章,不可不供筆墨,第七便是《畫菊》,既為菊如是碌碌,究竟不知菊有何妙處,不禁有所問,第八便是《問菊》,菊如解語,使人狂喜不禁,第九便是《簪菊》,如此人事雖盡,猶有菊之可詠者,《菊影》《菊夢》二首續在第十第十一,末捲便以《殘菊》總收前題之盛。這便是三秋的妙景妙事都有了。湘雲依說將題錄出,又看了一回,又問詩,何苦為韻所縛。咱們別學那小傢派,衹出題不拘韻。原為大傢偶得了好句取樂,並不為此而難人。”湘雲道:“這話很是。這樣大傢的詩還進一層。 但衹咱們五個人,這十二個題目,難道每人作十二首不成?"寶釵道:“那也太難人了。將這題目謄好,都要七言律,明日貼在墻上。他們看了,誰作那一個就作那一個。有力量者,十二首都作也可,不能的,一首不成也可。高才捷足者為尊。若十二首已全,便不許他後趕着又作,罰他就完了。”湘雲道:“這倒也罷了。”二人商議妥貼,方纔息燈安寢。要知端的,且聽下回分解。
In the Study of Autumnal Cheerfulness is accidentally formed the Cydonia Japonica Society. In the Heng Wu Court, the chrysanthemum is, on a certain night, proposed as a subject for verses.
But to continue. After Shih Hsiang-yuen's return home, Pao-yue and the other inmates spent their time, as of old, in rambling about in the garden in search of pleasure, and in humming poetical compositions. But without further reference to their doings, let us take up our narrative with Chia Cheng.
Ever since the visit paid to her home by the imperial consort, he fulfilled his official duties with additional zeal, for the purpose of reverently making requital for the grace shown him by the Emperor. His correct bearing and his spotless reputation did not escape His Majesty's notice, and he conferred upon him the special appointment of Literary Chancellor, with the sole object of singling out his true merit; for though he had not commenced his career through the arena of public examinations, he belonged nevertheless to a family addicted to letters during successive generations. Chia Cheng had, therefore, on the receipt of the imperial decree, to select the twentieth day of the eighth moon to set out on his journey. When the appointed day came, he worshipped at the shrines of his ancestors, took leave of them and of dowager lady Chia, and started for his post. It would be a needless task, however, to recount with any full particulars how Pao-yue and all the inmates saw him off, how Chia Cheng went to take up his official duties, and what occurred abroad, suffice it for us to notice that Pao-yue, ever since Chia Cheng's departure, indulged his caprices, allowed his feelings to run riot, and gadded wildly about. In fact, he wasted his time, and added fruitless days and months to his age.
On this special occasion, he experienced more than ever a sense of his lack of resources, and came to look up his grandmother Chia and Madame Wang. With them, he whiled away some of his time, after which he returned into the garden. As soon as he changed his costume, he perceived Ts'ui Mo enter, with a couple of sheets of fancy notepaper, in her hand, which she delivered to him.
"It quite slipped from my mind," Pao-yue remarked. "I meant to have gone and seen my cousin Tertia; is she better that you come?"
"Miss is all right," Ts'ui Mo answered. "She hasn't even had any medicine to-day. It's only a slight chill."
When Pao-yue heard this reply, he unfolded the fancy notepaper. On perusal, he found the contents to be: "Your cousin, T'an Ch'un, respectfully lays this on her cousin Secundus' study-table. When the other night the blue sky newly opened out to view, the moon shone as if it had been washed clean! Such admiration did this pure and rare panorama evoke in me that I could not reconcile myself to the idea of going to bed. The clepsydra had already accomplished three turns, and yet I roamed by the railing under the dryandra trees. But such poor treatment did I receive from wind and dew (that I caught a chill), which brought about an ailment as severe (as that which prevented the man of old from) picking up sticks. You took the trouble yesterday to come in person and cheer me up. Time after time also did you send your attendants round to make affectionate inquiries about me. You likewise presented me with fresh lichees and relics of writings of Chen Ch'ing. How deep is really your gracious love! As I leant to-day on my table plunged in silence, I suddenly remembered that the ancients of successive ages were placed in circumstances, in which they had to struggle for reputation and to fight for gain, but that they nevertheless acquired spots with hills and dripping streams, and, inviting people to come from far and near, they did all they could to detain them, by throwing the linch-pins of their chariots into wells or by holding on to their shafts; and that they invariably joined friendship with two or three of the same mind as themselves, with whom they strolled about in these grounds, either erecting altars for song, or establishing societies for scanning poetical works. Their meetings were, it is true, prompted, on the spur of the moment, by a sudden fit of good cheer, but these have again and again proved, during many years, a pleasant topic of conversation. I, your cousin, may, I admit, be devoid of talent, yet I have been fortunate enough to enjoy your company amidst streams and rockeries, and to furthermore admire the elegant verses composed by Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai and Lin Tai-yue. When we were in the breezy hall and the moonlit pavilion, what a pity we never talked about poets! But near the almond tree with the sign and the peach tree by the stream, we may perhaps, when under the fumes of wine, be able to fling round the cups, used for humming verses! Who is it who opines that societies with any claim to excellent abilities can only be formed by men? May it not be that the pleasant meetings on the Tung Shan might yield in merit to those, such as ourselves, of the weaker sex? Should you not think it too much to walk on the snow, I shall make bold to ask you round, and sweep the way clean of flowers and wait for you. Respectfully written."
The perusal of this note filled Pao-yue unawares with exultation. Clapping his hands; "My third cousin," he laughed, "is the one eminently polished; I'll go at once to-day and talk matters over with her."
As he spoke, he started immediately, followed by Ts'ui Mo. As soon as they reached the Hsin Fang pavilion, they espied the matron, on duty that day at the back door of the garden, advancing towards them with a note in her hand. The moment she perceived Pao-yue she forthwith came up to meet him. "Mr. Yuen," she said, "presents his compliments to you. He is waiting for you at the back gate. This is a note he bade me bring you."
Upon opening the note, Pao-yue found it to read as follows: "An unfilial son, Yuen, reverently inquires about his worthy father's boundless happiness and precious health. Remembering the honour conferred upon me by your recognising me, in your heavenly bounty, as your son, I tried both day as well as night to do something in evidence of my pious obedience, but no opportunity could I find to perform anything filial. When I had, some time back, to purchase flowers and plants, I succeeded, thanks to your vast influence, venerable senior, in finally making friends with several gardeners and in seeing a good number of gardens. As the other day I unexpectedly came across a white begonia, of a rare species, I exhausted every possible means to get some and managed to obtain just two pots. If you, worthy senior, regard your son as your own very son, do keep them to feast your eyes upon! But with this hot weather to-day, the young ladies in the garden will, I fear, not be at their ease. I do not consequently presume to come and see you in person, so I present you this letter, written with due respect, while knocking my head before your table. Your son, Yuen, on his knees, lays this epistle at your feet. A joke!"
After reading this note, Pao-yue laughed. "Has he come alone?" he asked. "Or has he any one else with him?"
"He's got two flower pots as well," rejoined the matron.
"You go and tell him," Pao-yue urged, "that I've informed myself of the contents of his note, and that there are few who think of me as he does! If you also take the flowers and, put them in my room, it will be all right."
So saying, he came with Ts'ui Mo into the Ch'iu Shuang study, where he discovered Pao-ch'ai, Tai-yue, Ying Ch'un and Hsi Ch'un already assembled. When they saw him drop in upon them, they all burst out laughing. "Here comes still another!" they exclaimed.
"I'm not a boor," smiled T'an Ch'un, "so when the idea casually crossed my mind, I wrote a few notes to try and see who would come. But who'd have thought that, as soon as I asked you, you would all come."
"It's unfortunately late," Pao-yue smilingly observed. "We should have started this society long ago."
"You can't call this late!" Tai-yue interposed, "so why give way to regret! The only thing is, you must form your society, without including me in the number; for I daren't be one of you."
"If you daren't," Ying Ch'un smiled, "who can presume to do so?"
"This is," suggested Pao-yue, "a legitimate and great purpose; and we should all exert our energies. You shouldn't be modest, and I yielding; but every one of us, who thinks of anything, should freely express it for general discussion. So senior cousin Pao-ch'ai do make some suggestion; and you junior cousin Lin Tai-yue say something."
"What are you in this hurry for?" Pao-ch'ai exclaimed. "We are not all here yet."
This remark was barely concluded, when Li Wan also arrived. As soon as she crossed the threshold, "It's an excellent proposal," she laughingly cried, "this of starting a poetical society. I recommend myself as controller. Some time ago in spring, I thought of this, 'but,' I mused, 'I am unable to compose verses, so what's the use of making a mess of things?' This is why I dispelled the idea from my mind, and made no mention about it. But since it's your good pleasure, cousin Tertia, to start it, I'll help you to set it on foot."
"As you've made up your minds," Tai-yue put in, "to initiate a poetical society, every one of us will be poets, so we should, as a first step, do away with those various appellations of cousin and uncle and aunt, and thus avoid everything that bears a semblance of vulgarity."
"First rate," exclaimed Li Wan, "and why should we not fix upon some new designations by which to address ourselves? This will be a far more refined way! As for my own, I've selected that of the 'Old farmer of Tao Hsiang;' so let none of you encroach on it."
"I'll then call myself the 'resident-scholar of the Ch'iu Shuang,' and have done," T'an Ch'un observed with a smile.
"'Resident-scholar or master' is, in fact, not to the point. It's clumsy, besides," Pao-yue interposed. "The place here is full of dryandra and banana trees, and if one could possibly hit upon some name bearing upon the dryandra and banana, it would be preferable."
"I've got one," shouted T'an Ch'un smilingly. "I'll style myself 'the guest under the banana trees.'"
"How uncommon!" they unanimously cried. "It's a nice one!"
"You had better," laughed Tai-yue, "be quick and drag her away and stew some slices of her flesh, for people to eat with their wine."
No one grasped her meaning, "Ch'uang-tzu," Tai-yue proceeded to explain, smiling, "says: 'The banana leaves shelter the deer,' and as she styles herself the guest under the banana tree, is she not a deer? So be quick and make pieces of dried venison of her."
At these words, the whole company laughed.
"Don't be in a hurry!" T'an Ch'un remarked, as she laughed. "You make use of specious language to abuse people; but I've thought of a fine and most apposite name for you!" Whereupon addressing herself to the party, "In days gone by," she added, "an imperial concubine, Nue Ying, sprinkled her tears on the bamboo, and they became spots, so from olden times to the present spotted bamboos have been known as the 'Hsiang imperial concubine bamboo.' Now she lives in the Hsiao Hsiang lodge, and has a weakness too for tears, so the bamboos over there will by and bye, I presume, likewise become transformed into speckled bamboos; every one therefore must henceforward call her the 'Hsiao Hsiang imperial concubine' and finish with it."
After listening to her, they one and all clapped their hands, and cried out: "Capital!" Lin Tai-yue however drooped her head and did not so much as utter a single word.
"I've also," Li Wan smiled, "devised a suitable name for senior cousin, Hsueeh Pao-chai. It too is one of three characters."
"What's it?" eagerly inquired the party.
"I'll raise her to the rank of 'Princess of Heng Wu,'" Li Wan rejoined. "I wonder what you all think about this."
"This title of honour," T'an Ch'un observed, "is most apposite."
"What about mine?" Pao-yue asked. "You should try and think of one for me also!"
"Your style has long ago been decided upon," Pao-ch'ai smiled. "It consists of three words: 'fussing for nothing!' It's most pat!"
"You should, after all, retain your old name of 'master of the flowers in the purple cave,'" Li Wan suggested. "That will do very well."
"Those were some of the doings of my youth; why rake them up again?" Pao-yue laughed.
"Your styles are very many," T'an Ch'un observed, "and what do you want to choose another for? All you've got to do is to make suitable reply when we call you whatever takes our fancy."
"I must however give you a name," Pao-ch'ai remarked. "There's a very vulgar name, but it's just the very thing for you. What is difficult to obtain in the world are riches and honours; what is not easy to combine with them is leisure. These two blessings cannot be enjoyed together, but, as it happens, you hold one along with the other, so that we might as well dub you the 'rich and honourable idler.'"
"It won't do; it isn't suitable," Pao-yue laughed. "It's better that you should call me, at random, whatever you like."
"What names are to be chosen for Miss Secunda and Miss Quarta?" Li Wan inquired.
"We also don't excel in versifying; what's the use consequently of giving us names, all for no avail?" Ying Ch'un said.
"In spite of this," argued T'an Ch'un, "it would be well to likewise find something for you!"
"She lives in the Tzu Ling Chou, (purple caltrop Isle), so let us call her 'Ling Chou,'" Pao-ch'ai suggested. "As for that girl Quarta, she lives in the On Hsiang Hsieh, (lotus fragrance pavilion); she should thus be called On Hsieh and have done!"
"These will do very well!" Li Wan cried. "But as far as age goes, I am the senior, and you should all defer to my wishes; but I feel certain that when I've told you what they are, you will unanimously agree to them. We are seven here to form the society, but neither I, nor Miss Secunda, nor Miss Quarta can write verses; so if you will exclude us three, we'll each share some special duties."
"Their names have already been chosen," T'an Ch'un smilingly demurred; "and do you still keep on addressing them like this? Well, in that case, won't it be as well for them to have no names? But we must also decide upon some scale of fines, for future guidance, in the event of any mistakes."
"There will be ample time to fix upon a scale of fines after the society has been definitely established." Li Wan replied. "There's plenty of room over in my place so let's hold our meetings there. I'm not, it is true, a good hand at verses, but if you poets won't treat me disdainfully as a rustic boor, and if you will allow me to play the hostess, I may certainly also gradually become more and more refined. As for conceding to me the presidentship of the society, it won't be enough, of course, for me alone to preside; it will be necessary to invite two others to serve as vice-presidents; you might then enlist Ling Chou and Ou Hsieh, both of whom are cultured persons. The one to choose the themes and assign the metre, the other to act as copyist and supervisor. We three cannot, however, definitely say that we won't write verses, for, if we come across any comparatively easy subject and metre, we too will indite a stanza if we feel so disposed. But you four will positively have to do so. If you agree to this, well, we can proceed with the society; but, if you don't fall in with my wishes, I can't presume to join you."
Ying Ch'un and Hsi Ch'un had a natural aversion for verses. What is more, Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai and Lin Tai-yue were present. As soon therefore as they heard these proposals, which harmonised so thoroughly with their own views, they both, with one voice, approved them as excellent. T'an Ch'un and the others were likewise well aware of their object, but they could not, when they saw with what willingness they accepted the charge insist, with any propriety, upon their writing verses, and they felt obliged to say yes.
"Your proposals," she consequently said, "may be right enough; but in my views they are ridiculous. For here I've had the trouble of initiating this idea of a society, and, instead of my having anything to say in the matter, I've been the means of making you three come and exercise control over me."
"Well then," Pao-yue suggested, "let's go to the Tao Hsiang village."
"You're always in a hurry!" Li Wan remarked. "We're here to-day to simply deliberate. So wait until I've sent for you again."
"It would be well," Pao-ch'ai interposed, "that we should also decide every how many days we are to meet."
"If we meet too often," argued T'an Ch'un, "there won't be fun in it. We should simply come together two or three times in a month."
"It will be ample if we meet twice or thrice a month," Pao-ch'ai added. "But when the dates have been settled neither wind nor rain should prevent us. Exclusive, however, of these two days, any one in high spirits and disposed to have an extra meeting can either ask us to go over to her place, or you can all come to us; either will do well enough! But won't it be more pleasant if no hard-and-fast dates were laid down?"
"This suggestion is excellent," they all exclaimed.
"This idea was primarily originated by me," T'an Ch'un observed, "and I should be the first to play the hostess, so that these good spirits of mine shouldn't all go for nothing."
"Well, after this remark," Li Wan proceeded, "what do you say to your being the first to convene a meeting to-morrow?"
"To-morrow," T'an Ch'un demurred, "is not as good as to-day; the best thing is to have it at once! You'd better therefore choose the subjects, while Ling Chou can fix the metre, and Ou Hsieh act as supervisor."
"According to my ideas," Ying Ch'un chimed in, "we shouldn't yield to the wishes of any single person in the choice of themes and the settlement of the rhythm. What would really be fair and right would be to draw lots."
"When I came just now," Li Wan pursued, "I noticed them bring in two pots of white begonias, which were simply beautiful; and why should you not write some verses on them?"
"Can we write verses," Ying Ch'un retorted, "before we have as yet seen anything of the flowers?"
"They're purely and simply white begonias," Pao-chai answered, "and is there again any need to see them before you put together your verses? Men of old merely indited poetical compositions to express their good cheer and conceal their sentiments; had they waited to write on things they had seen, why, the whole number of their works would not be in existence at present!"
"In that case," Ying Ch'un said, "let me fix the metre."
With these words, she walked up to the book-case, and, extracting a volume, she opened it, at random, at some verses which turned out to be a heptameter stanza. Then handing it round for general perusal, everybody had to compose lines with seven words in each. Ying Ch'un next closed the book of verses and addressed herself to a young waiting-maid. "Just utter," she bade her, "the first character that comes to your mouth."
The waiting-maid was standing, leaning against the door, so readily she suggested the word "door."
"The rhyme then will be the word 'door,'" Ying Ch'un smiled, "under the thirteenth character 'Yuan.' The final word of the first line is therefore 'door'."
Saying this, she asked for the box with the rhyme slips, and, pulling out the thirteenth drawer with the character "Yuan," she directed a young waiting-maid to take four words as they came under her hand. The waiting-maid complied with her directions, and picked out four slips, on which were written "p'en, hun, hen and hun," pot, spirit, traces and dusk.
"The two characters pot and door," observed Pao-yue, "are not very easy to rhyme with."
But Shih Shu then got ready four lots of paper and pens, share and share alike, and one and all quietly set to work, racking their brains to perform their task, with the exception of Tai-yue, who either kept on rubbing the dryandra flowers, or looking at the autumnal weather, or bandying jokes as well with the servant-girls; while Ying Ch'un ordered a waiting-maid to light a "dream-sweet" incense stick.
This "dream-sweet" stick was, it must be explained, made only about three inches long and about the thickness of a lamp-wick, in order to easily burn down. Setting therefore her choice upon one of these as a limit of time, any one who failed to accomplish the allotted task, by the time the stick was consumed, had to pay a penalty.
Presently, T'an Ch'un was the first to think of some verses, and, taking up her pen, she wrote them down; and, after submitting them to several alterations, she handed them up to Ying Ch'un.
"Princess of Heng Wu," she then inquired of Pao-ch'ai, "have you finished?"
"As for finishing, I have finished," Pao-ch'ai rejoined; "but they're worth nothing."
Pao-yue paced up and down the verandah with his hands behind his back. "Have you heard?" he thereupon said to Tai-yue, "they've all done!"
"Don't concern yourself about me!" Tai-yue returned for answer.
Pao-yue also perceived that Pao-ch'ai had already copied hers out. "Dreadful!" he exclaimed. "There only remains an inch of the stick and I've only just composed four lines. The incense stick is nearly burnt out," he continued, speaking to Tai-yue, "and what do you keep squatting on that damp ground like that for?"
But Tai-yue did not again worry her mind about what he said.
"Well," Pao-yue added, "I can't be looking after you! Whether good or bad, I'll write mine out too and have done."
As he spoke, he likewise drew up to the table and began putting his lines down.
"We'll now peruse the verses," Li Wan interposed, "and if by the time we've done, you haven't as yet handed up your papers, you'll have to be fined."
"Old farmer of Tao Hsiang," Pao-yue remarked, "you're not, it is true, a good hand at writing verses, but you can read well, and, what's more, you're the fairest of the lot; so you'd better adjudge the good and bad, and we'll submit to your judgment."
"Of course!" responded the party with one voice.
In due course, therefore, she first read T'an Ch'un's draft. It ran as follows:--
Verses on the Begonia.
What time the sun's rays slant, and the grass waxeth cold, close the double doors. After a shower of rain, green moss plenteously covers the whole pot. Beauteous is jade, but yet with thee in purity it cannot ever vie. Thy frame, spotless as snow, from admiration easy robs me of my wits Thy fragrant core is like unto a dot, so full of grace, so delicate! When the moon reacheth the third watch, thy comely shade begins to show itself. Do not tell me that a chaste fairy like thee can take wings and pass away. How lovely are thy charms, when in thy company at dusk I sing my lay!
After she had read them aloud, one and all sang their praise for a time. She then took up Pao-ch'ai's, which consisted of:
If thou would'st careful tend those fragrant lovely flowers, close of a day the doors, And with thine own hands take the can and sprinkle water o'er the mossy pots. Red, as if with cosmetic washed, are the shadows in autumn on the steps. Their crystal snowy bloom invites the dew on their spirits to heap itself. Their extreme whiteness mostly shows that they're more comely than all other flowers. When much they grieve, how can their jade-like form lack the traces of tears? Would'st thou the god of those white flowers repay? then purity need'st thou observe. In silence plunges their fine bloom, now that once more day yields to dusk.
"After all," observed Li Wan, "it's the Princess of Heng Wu, who expresses herself to the point."
Next they bestowed their attention on the following lines, composed by Pao-yue:--
Thy form in autumn faint reflects against the double doors. So heaps the snow in the seventh feast that it filleth thy pots. Thy shade is spotless as Tai Chen, when from her bath she hails. Like Hsi Tzu's, whose hand ever pressed her heart, jade-like thy soul. When the morn-ushering breeze falls not, thy thousand blossoms grieve. To all thy tears the evening shower addeth another trace. Alone thou lean'st against the coloured rails as if with sense imbued. As heavy-hearted as the fond wife, beating clothes, or her that sadly listens to the flute, thou mark'st the fall of dusk.
When they had perused his verses, Pao-yue opined that T'an Ch'un's carried the palm. Li Wan was, however, inclined to concede to the stanza, indited by Pao-ch'ai, the credit of possessing much merit. But she then went on to tell Tai-yue to look sharp.
"Have you all done?" Tai-yue asked.
So saying, she picked up a pen and completing her task, with a few dashes, she threw it to them to look over. On perusal, Li Wan and her companions found her verses to run in this strain:--
Half rolled the speckled portiere hangs, half closed the door. Thy mould like broken ice it looks, jade-like thy pot.
This couplet over, Pao-yue took the initiative and shouted: "Capital." But he had just had time to inquire where she had recalled them to mind from, when they turned their mind to the succeeding lines:
Three points of whiteness from the pear petals thou steal'st; And from the plum bloom its spirit thou borrowest.
"Splendid!" every one (who heard) them conned over, felt impelled to cry. "It is a positive fact," they said, "that her imagination is, compared with that of others, quite unique."
But the rest of the composition was next considered. Its text was:
The fairy in Selene's cavity donneth a plain attire. The maiden, plunged in autumn grief, dries in her room the prints of tears. Winsome she blushes, in silence she's plunged, with none a word she breathes; But wearily she leans against the eastern breeze, though dusk has long since fall'n.
"This stanza ranks above all!" they unanimously remarked, after it had been read for their benefit.
"As regards beauty of thought and originality, this stanza certainly deserves credit," Li Wan asserted; "but as regards pregnancy and simplicity of language, it, after all, yields to that of Heng Wu."
"This criticism is right." T'an Ch'un put in. "That of the Hsiao Hsiang consort must take second place."
"Yours, gentleman of I Hung," Li Wan pursued, "is the last of the lot. Do you agreeably submit to this verdict?"
"My stanza," Pao-yue ventured, "isn't really worth a straw. Your criticism is exceedingly fair. But," he smilingly added, "the two poems, written by Heng Wu and Hsiao Hsiang, have still to be discussed."
"You should," argued Li Wan, "fall in with my judgment; this is no business of any of you, so whoever says anything more will have to pay a penalty."
Pao-yue at this reply found that he had no alternative but to drop the subject.
"I decide that from henceforward," Li Wan proceeded, "we should hold meetings twice every month, on the second and sixteenth. In the selection of themes and the settlement of the rhymes, you'll all have then to do as I wish. But any person who may, during the intervals, feel so disposed, will be at perfect liberty to choose another day for an extra meeting. What will I care if there's a meeting every day of the moon? It will be no concern of mine, so long as when the second and sixteenth arrive, you do, as you're bound to, and come over to my place."
"We should, as is but right," Pao-yue suggested, "choose some name or other for our society."
"Were an ordinary one chosen, it wouldn't be nice," T'an Ch'un explained, "and anything too new-fangled, eccentric or strange won't also be quite the thing! As luck would have it, we've just started with the poems on the begonia, so let us call it the 'Begonia Poetical Society.' This title is, it's true, somewhat commonplace; but as it's positively based on fact, it shouldn't matter."
After this proposal of hers, they held further consultation; and partaking of some slight refreshments, each of them eventually retired. Some repaired to their quarters. Others went to dowager lady Chia's or Madame Wang's apartments. But we will leave them without further comment.
When Hsi Jen, for we will now come to her, perceived Pao-yue peruse the note and walk off in a great flurry, along with Ts'ui Mo, she was quite at a loss what to make of it. Subsequently, she also saw the matrons, on duty at the back gate, bring two pots of begonias. Hsi Jen inquired of them where they came from. The women explained to her all about them. As soon as Hsi Jen heard their reply, she at once desired them to put the flowers in their proper places, and asked them to sit down in the lower rooms. She then entered the house, and, weighing six mace of silver, she wrapped it up properly, and fetching besides three hundred cash, she came over and handed both the amounts to the two matrons. "This silver," she said, "is a present for the boys, who carried the flowers; and these cash are for you to buy yourselves a cup of tea with."
The women rose to their feet in such high glee that their eyebrows dilated and their eyes smiled; but, though they waxed eloquent in the expression of their deep gratitude, they would not accept the money. It was only after they had perceived how obstinate Hsi Jen was in not taking it back that they at last volunteered to keep it.
"Are there," Hsi Jen then inquired, "any servant-boys on duty outside the back gate?"
"There are four of them every day," answered one of the matrons. "They're put there with the sole idea of attending to any orders that might be given them from inside. But, Miss, if you've anything to order them to do, we'll go and deliver your message."
"What orders can I have to give them?" Hsi Jen laughed. "Mr. Pao, our master Secundus, was purposing to send some one to-day to the young marquis' house to take something over to Miss Shih. But you come at an opportune moment so you might, on your way out, tell the servant-boys at the back gate to hire a carriage; and on its return you can come here and get the money. But don't let them rush recklessly against people in the front part of the compound!"
The matrons signified their obedience and took their leave. Hsi Jen retraced her steps into the house to fetch a tray in which to place the presents intended for Shih Hsiang-yuen, but she discovered the shelf for trays empty. Upon turning round, however, she caught sight of Ch'ing Wen, Ch'iu Wen, She Yueeh and the other girls, seated together, busy with their needlework. "Where is the white cornelian tray with twisted threads gone to?" Hsi Jen asked.
At this question, one looked at the one, and the other stared at the other, but none of them could remember anything about it. After a protracted lapse of time, Ch'ing Wen smiled. "It was taken to Miss Tertia's with a present of lichees," she rejoined, "and it hasn't as yet been returned."
"There are plenty of articles," Hsi Jen remarked, "for sending over things on ordinary occasions; and do you deliberately go and carry this off?"
"Didn't I maintain the same thing?" Ch'ing Wen retorted. "But so well did this tray match with the fresh lichees it contained, that when I took it over, Miss T'an Ch'un herself noticed the fact. 'How splendid,' she said, and lo, putting even the tray by, she never had it brought over. But, look! hasn't the pair of beaded vases, which stood on the very top of that shelf, been fetched as yet?"
"The mention of these vases," Ch'iu Wen laughed, "reminds me again of a funny incident. Whenever our Mr. Pao-yue's filial piety is aroused, he shows himself filial over and above the highest degree! The other day, he espied the olea flowers in the park, and he plucked two twigs. His original idea was to place them in a vase for himself, but a sudden thought struck him. 'These are flowers,' he mused, 'which have newly opened in our garden, so how can I presume to be the first to enjoy them?' And actually taking down that pair of vases, he filled them with water with his own hands, put the flowers in, and, calling a servant to carry them, he in person took one of the vases into dowager lady Chia's, and then took the other to Madame Wang's. But, as it happens, even his attendants reap some benefit, when once his filial feelings are stirred up! As luck would have it, the one who carried the vases over on that day was myself. The sight of these flowers so enchanted our venerable lady that there was nothing that she wouldn't do. 'Pao-yue,' she said to every one she met, 'is the one, after all, who shows me much attention. So much so, that he has even thought of bringing me a twig of flowers! And yet, the others bear me a grudge on account of the love that I lavish on him!' Our venerable mistress, you all know very well, has never had much to say to me. I have all along not been much of a favourite in the old lady's eyes. But on that occasion she verily directed some one to give me several hundreds of cash. 'I was to be pitied,' she observed, 'for being born with a weak physique!' This was, indeed, an unforeseen piece of good luck! The several hundreds of cash are a mere trifle; but what's not easy to get is this sort of honour! After that, we went over into Madame Wang's. Madame Wang was, at the time, with our lady Secunda, Mrs. Chao, and a whole lot of people; turning the boxes topsy-turvey, trying to find some coloured clothes her ladyship had worn long ago in her youth, so as to give them to some one or other. Who it was, I don't know. But the moment she saw us, she did not even think of searching for any clothes, but got lost in admiration for the flowers. Our lady Secunda was also standing by, and she made sport of the matter. She extolled our master Pao, for his filial piety and for his knowledge of right and wrong; and what with what was true and what wasn't, she came out with two cart-loads of compliments. These things spoken in the presence of the whole company so added to Madame Wang's lustre and sealed every one's mouth, that her ladyship was more and more filled with gratification, and she gave me two ready-made clothes as a present. These too are of no consequence; one way or another, we get some every year; but nothing can come up to this sort of lucky chance!"
"Psha!" Ch'ing Wen ejaculated with a significant smile, "you are indeed a mean thing, who has seen nothing of the world! She gave the good ones to others and the refuse to you; and do you still pat on all this side?"
"No matter whether what she gave me was refuse or not," Ch'iu Wen protested, "it's, after all, an act of bounty on the part of her ladyship."
"Had it been myself," Ch'ing Wen pursued, "I would at once have refused them! It wouldn't have mattered if she had given me what had been left by some one else; but we all stand on an equal footing in these rooms, and is there any one, forsooth, so much the more exalted or honorable than the other as to justify her taking what is good and bestowing it upon her and giving me what is left? I had rather not take them! I might have had to give offence to Madame Wang, but I wouldn't have put up with such a slight!"
"To whom did she give any in these rooms?" Ch'iu Wen vehemently inquired. "I was unwell and went home for several days, so that I am not aware to whom any were given. Dear sister, do tell me who it is so that I may know."
"Were I to tell you," Ch'ing Wen rejoined, "is it likely that you would return them at this hour to Madame Wang?"
"What nonsense," Ch'iu Wen laughed. "Ever since I've heard about it, I've been delighted and happy. No matter if she even bestowed upon me what remained from anything given to a dog in these rooms, I would have been thankful for her ladyship's kindness. I wouldn't have worried my mind with anything else!"
After listening to her, everybody laughed. "Doesn't she know how to jeer in fine style!" they ejaculated unanimously; "for weren't they given to that foreign spotted pug dog?"
"You lot of filthy-tongued creatures!" Hsi Jen laughed, "when you've got nothing to do, you make me the scapegoat to crack your jokes, and poke your fun at! But what kind of death will, I wonder, each of you have!"
"Was it verily you, sister, who got them?" Ch'iu Wen asked with a smile. "I assure you I had no idea about it! I tender you my apologies."
"You might be a little less domineering!" Hsi Jen remarked smilingly. "The thing now is, who of you will go and fetch the tray."
"The vases too," Shih Yueeh suggested, "must be got back when there's any time to spare; for there's nothing to say about our venerable mistress' quarters, but Madame Wang's apartments teem with people and many hands. The rest are all right; but Mrs. Chao and all that company will, when they see that the vase hails from these rooms, surely again foster evil designs, and they won't feel happy until they've done all they can to spoil it! Besides, Madame Wang doesn't trouble herself about such things. So had we not as well bring it over a moment sooner?"
Hearing this, Ch'ing Wen threw down her needlework. "What you say is perfectly right," she assented, "so you'd better let me go and fetch it."
"I'll, after all, go for it." Ch'iu Wen cried. "You can go and get that tray of yours!"
"You should let me once go for something!" Ch'ing Wen pleaded. "Whenever any lucky chance has turned up, you've invariably grabbed it; and can it be that you won't let me have a single turn?"
"Altogether," She Yueeh said laughingly, "that girl Ch'iu Wen got a few clothes just once; can such a lucky coincidence present itself again today that you too should find them engaged in searching for clothes?"
"Albeit I mayn't come across any clothes," Ch'ing Wen rejoined with a sardonic smile, "our Madame Wang may notice how diligent I am, and apportion me a couple of taels out of her public expenses; there's no saying." Continuing, "Don't you people," she laughed, "try and play your pranks with me; for is there anything that I don't twig?"
As she spoke, she ran outside. Ch'iu Wen too left the room in her company; but she repaired to T'an Ch'un's quarters and fetched the tray.
Hsi Jen then got everything ready. Calling an old nurse attached to the same place as herself, Sung by name, "Just go first and wash, comb your hair and put on your out-of-door clothes," she said to her, "and then come back as I want to send you at once with a present to Miss Shih."
"Miss," urged the nurse Sung, "just give me what you have; and, if you have any message, tell it me; so that when I've tidied myself I may go straightway."
Hsi Jen, at this proposal, brought two small twisted wire boxes; and, opening first the one in which were two kinds of fresh fruits, consisting of caltrops and "chicken head" fruit, and afterwards uncovering the other, containing a tray with new cakes, made of chestnut powder, and steamed in sugar, scented with the olea, "All these fresh fruits are newly plucked this year from our own garden," she observed; "our Mr. Secundus sends them to Miss Shih to taste. The other day, too, she was quite taken with this cornelian tray so let her keep it for her use. In this silk bag she'll find the work, which she asked me some time ago to do for her. (Tell her) that she mustn't despise it for its coarseness, but make the best of it and turn it to some account. Present respects to her from our part and inquire after her health on behalf of Mr. Pao-yue; that will be all there's to say."
"Has Mr. Pao, I wonder, anything more for me to tell her?" the nurse Sung added, "Miss, do go and inquire, so that on my return, he mayn't again say that I forgot."
"He was just now," Hsi Jen consequently asked Ch'iu Wen, "over there in Miss Tertia's rooms, wasn't he?"
"They were all assembled there, deliberating about starting some poetical society or other," Ch'iu Wen explained, "and they all wrote verses too. But I fancy he's got no message to give you; so you might as well start."
After this assurance, nurse Sung forthwith took the things, and quitted the apartment. When she had changed her clothes and arranged her hair, Hsi Jen further enjoined them to go by the back door, where there was a servant-boy, waiting with a curricle. Nurse Sung thereupon set out on her errand. But we will leave her for the present.
In a little time Pao-yue came back. After first cursorily glancing at the begonias for a time, he walked into his rooms, and explained to Hsi Jen all about the poetical society they had managed to establish, Hsi Jen then told him that she had sent the nurse Sung along with some things, to Shih Hsiang-yuen. As soon as Pao-yue heard this, he clapped his hands. "I forgot all about her!" he cried. "I knew very well that I had something to attend to; but I couldn't remember what it was! Luckily, you've alluded to her! I was just meaning to ask her to come, for what fun will there be in this poetical society without her?"
"Is this of any serious import?" Hsi Jen reasoned with him. "It's all, for the mere sake of recreation! She's not however able to go about at her own free will as you people do. Nor can she at home have her own way. When you therefore let her know, it won't again rest with her, however willing she may be to avail herself of your invitation. And if she can't come, she will long and crave to be with you all, so isn't it better that you shouldn't be the means of making her unhappy?"
"Never mind!" responded Pao-yue. "I'll tell our venerable senior to despatch some one to bring her over."
But in the middle of their conversation, nurse Sung returned already from her mission, and expressed to him, (Hsiang-yuen's) acknowledgment; and to Hsi Jen her thanks for the trouble. "She also inquired," the nurse proceeded, "what you, master Secundus, were up to, and I told her that you had started some poetical club or other with the young ladies and that you were engaged in writing verses. Miss Shih wondered why it was, if you were writing verses, that you didn't even mention anything to her; and she was extremely distressed about it."
Pao-yue, at these words, turned himself round and betook himself immediately into his grandmother's apartments, where he did all that lay in his power to urge her to depute servants to go and fetch her.
"It's too late to-day," dowager lady Chia answered; "they'll go tomorrow, as soon as it's daylight."
Pao-yue had no other course but to accede to her wishes. He, however, retraced his steps back to his room with a heavy heart. On the morrow, at early dawn, he paid another visit to old lady Chia and brought pressure to bear on her until she sent some one for her. Soon after midday, Shih Hsiang-yuen arrived. Pao-yue felt at length much relieved in his mind. Upon meeting her, he recounted to her all that had taken place from beginning to end. His purpose was likewise to let her see the poetical composition, but Li Wan and the others remonstrated. "Don't," they said, "allow her to see them! First tell her the rhymes and number of feet; and, as she comes late, she should, as a first step, pay a penalty by conforming to the task we had to do. Should what she writes be good, then she can readily be admitted as a member of the society; but if not good, she should be further punished by being made to stand a treat; after which, we can decide what's to be done."
"You've forgotten to ask me round," Hsiang-yuen laughed, "and I should, after all, fine you people! But produce the metre; for though I don't excel in versifying, I shall exert myself to do the best I can, so as to get rid of every slur. If you will admit me into the club, I shall be even willing to sweep the floors and burn the incense."
When they all saw how full of fun she was, they felt more than ever delighted with her and they reproached themselves, for having somehow or other managed to forget her on the previous day. But they lost no time in telling her the metre of the verses.
Shih Hsiang-yuen was inwardly in ecstasies. So much so, that she could not wait to beat the tattoo and effect any alterations. But having succeeded, while conversing with her cousins, in devising a stanza in her mind, she promptly inscribed it on the first piece of paper that came to hand. "I have," she remarked, with a precursory smile, "stuck to the metre and written two stanzas. Whether they be good or bad, I cannot say; all I've kept in view was to simply comply with your wishes."
So speaking, she handed her paper to the company.
"We thought our four stanzas," they observed, "had so thoroughly exhausted everything that could be imagined on the subject that another stanza was out of the question, and there you've devised a couple more! How could there be so much to say? These must be mere repetitions of our own sentiments."
While bandying words, they perused her two stanzas. They found this to be their burden:
No. 1.
The fairies yesterday came down within the city gates, And like those gems, sown in the grassy field, planted one pot. How clear it is that the goddess of frost is fond of cold! It is no question of a pretty girl bent upon death! Where does the snow, which comes in gloomy weather, issue from? The drops of rain increase the prints, left from the previous night. How the flowers rejoice that bards are not weary of song! But are they ever left to spend in peace a day or night?
No. 2.
The "heng chih" covered steps lead to the creeper-laden door. How fit to plant by the corner of walls; how fit for pots? The flowers so relish purity that they can't find a mate. Easy in autumn snaps the soul of sorrow-wasted man. The tears, which from the jade-like candle drip, dry in the wind. The crystal-like portiere asunder rends Selene's rays. Their private feelings to the moon goddess they longed to tell, But gone, alas! is the lustre she shed on the empty court!
Every line filled them with wonder and admiration. What they read, they praised. "This," they exclaimed, with one consent, "is not writing verses on the begonia for no purpose! We must really start a Begonia Society!"
"To-morrow," Shih Hsiang-yuen proposed, "first fine me by making me stand a treat, and letting me be the first to convene a meeting; may I?"
"This would be far better!" they all assented. So producing also the verses, composed the previous day, they submitted them to her for criticism.
In the evening, Hsiang-yuen came at the invitation of Pao-ch'ai, to the Heng Wu Yuean to put up with her for the night. By lamplight, Hsiang-yuen consulted with her how she was to play the hostess and fix upon the themes; but, after lending a patient ear to all her proposals for a long time, Pao-ch'ai thought them so unsuitable for the occasion, that turning towards her, she raised objections. "If you want," she said, "to hold a meeting, you have to pay the piper. And albeit it's for mere fun, you have to make every possible provision; for while consulting your own interests, you must guard against giving umbrage to people. In that case every one will afterwards be happy and contented. You count for nothing too in your own home; and the whole lump sum of those few tiaos, you draw each month, are not sufficient for your own wants, and do you now also wish to burden yourself with this useless sort of thing? Why, if your aunt gets wind of it, won't she be more incensed with you than ever! What's more, even though you might fork out all the money you can call your own to bear the outlay of this entertainment with, it won't be anything like enough, and can it possibly be, pray, that you would go home for the express purpose of requisitioning the necessary funds? Or will you perchance ask for some from in here?"
This long tirade had the effect of bringing the true facts of the case to Hsiang-yuen's notice, and she began to waver in a state of uncertainty.
"I have already fixed upon a plan in my mind," Pao-ch'ai resumed. "There's an assistant in our pawnshop from whose family farm come some splendid crabs. Some time back, he sent us a few as a present, and now, starting from our venerable senior and including the inmates of the upper quarters, most of them are quite in love with crabs. It was only the other day that my mother mentioned that she intended inviting our worthy ancestor into the garden to look at the olea flowers and partake of crabs, but she has had her hands so full that she hasn't as yet asked her round. So just you now drop the poetical meeting, and invite the whole crowd to a show; and if we wait until they go, won't we be able to indite as many poems as we like? But let me speak to my brother and ask him to let us have several baskets of the fattest and largest crabs he can get, and to also go to some shop and fetch several jars of luscious wine. And if we then lay out four or five tables with plates full of refreshments, won't we save trouble and all have a jolly time as well?"
As soon as Hsiang-yuen heard (the alternative proposed by Pao-ch'ai,) she felt her heart throb with gratitude and in most profuse terms she praised her for her forethought.
"The proposal I've made." Pao-ch'ai pursued smilingly; "is prompted entirely by my sincere feelings for you; so whatever you do don't be touchy and imagine that I look down upon you; for in that case we two will have been good friends all in vain. But if you won't give way to suspicion, I'll be able to tell them at once to go and get things ready."
"My dear cousin," eagerly rejoined Hsiang-yuen, a smile on her lips, "if you say these things it's you who treat me with suspicion; for no matter how foolish a person I may be, as not to even know what's good and bad, I'm still a human being! Did I not regard you, cousin, in the same light as my own very sister, I wouldn't last time have had any wish or inclination to disclose to you every bit of those troubles, which ordinarily fall to my share at home."
After listening to these assurances, Pao-ch'ai summoned a matron and bade her go out and tell her master, Hsueeh P'an, to procure a few hampers of crabs of the same kind as those which were sent on the previous occasion. "Our venerable senior," (she said,) "and aunt Wang are asked to come to-morrow after their meal and admire the olea flowers, so mind, impress upon your master to please not forget, as I've already to-day issued the invitations."
The matron walked out of the garden and distinctly delivered the message. But, on her return, she brought no reply.
During this while, Pao-ch'ai continued her conversation with Hsiang-yuen. "The themes for the verses," she advised her, "mustn't also be too out-of-the-way. Just search the works of old writers, and where will you find any eccentric and peculiar subjects, or any extra difficult metre! If the subject be too much out-of-the-way and the metre too difficult, one cannot get good verses. In a word, we are a mean lot and our verses are certain, I fear, to consist of mere repetitions. Nor is it advisable for us to aim at excessive originality. The first thing for us to do is to have our ideas clear, as our language will then not be commonplace. In fact, this sort of thing is no vital matter; spinning and needlework are, in a word, the legitimate duties of you and me. Yet, if we can at any time afford the leisure, it's only right and proper that we should take some book, that will benefit both body and mind, and read a few chapters out of it."
Hsiang-yuen simply signified her assent. "I'm now cogitating in my mind," she then laughingly remarked, "that as the verses we wrote yesterday treated of begonias, we should, I think, compose on this occasion some on chrysanthemums, eh? What do you say?"
"Chrysanthemums are in season," Pao-ch'ai replied. "The only objection to them is that too many writers of old have made them the subject of their poems."
"I also think so," Hsiang-yuen added, "so that, I fear, we shall only be following in their footsteps."
After some reflection, Pao-ch'ai exclaimed, "I've hit upon something! If we take, for the present instance, the chrysanthemums as a secondary term, and man as the primary, we can, after all, select several themes. But they must all consist of two characters: the one, an empty word; the other, a full one. The full word might be chrysanthemums; while for the empty one, we might employ some word in general use. In this manner, we shall, on one hand, sing the chrysanthemum; and, on the other, compose verses on the theme. And as old writers have not written much in this style, it will be impossible for us to drift into the groove of their ideas. Thus in versifying on the scenery and in singing the objects, we will, in both respects, combine originality with liberality of thought."
"This is all very well," smiled Hsiang-yuen. "The only thing is what kind of empty words will, I wonder, be best to use? Just you first think of one and let me see."
Pao-ch'ai plunged in thought for a time, after which she laughingly remarked: "Dream of chrysanthemums is good."
"It's positively good!" Hsiang-yuen smiled. "I've also got one: 'the Chrysanthemum shadow,' will that do?"
"Well enough," Pao-ch'ai answered, "the only objection is that people have written on it; yet if the themes are to be many, we might throw this in. I've got another one too!"
"Be quick, and tell it!" Hsiang-yuen urged.
"What do you say to 'ask the Chrysanthemums?'" Pao-ch'ai observed.
Hsiang-yuen clapped her hand on the table. "Capital," she cried. "I've thought of one also." She then quickly continued, "It is, search for chrysanthemums; what's your idea about it?"
Pao-ch'ai thought that too would do very well. "Let's choose ten of them first," she next proposed; "and afterwards note them down!"
While talking, they rubbed the ink and moistened the pens. These preparations over, Hsiang-yuen began to write, while Pao-ch'ai enumerated the themes. In a short time, they got ten of them.
"Ten don't form a set," Hsiang-yuen went on to smilingly suggest, after reading them over. "We'd better complete them by raising their number to twelve; they'll then also be on the same footing as people's pictures and books."
Hearing this proposal, Pao-ch'ai devised another couple of themes, thus bringing them to a dozen. "Well, since we've got so far," she pursued, "let's go one step further and copy them out in their proper order, putting those that are first, first; and those that come last, last."
"It would be still better like that," Hsiang-yuen acquiesced, "as we'll be able to make up a 'chrysanthemum book.'"
"The first stanza should be: 'Longing for chrysanthemums,'" Pao-chai said, "and as one cannot get them by wishing, and has, in consequence, to search for them, the second should be 'searching for chrysanthemums.' After due search, one finds them, and plants them, so the third must be: 'planting chrysanthemums.' After they've been planted, they, blossom, and one faces them and enjoys them, so the fourth should be 'facing the chrysanthemums.' By facing them, one derives such excessive delight that one plucks them and brings them in and puts them in vases for one's own delectation, so the fifth must be 'placing chrysanthemums in vases.' If no verses are sung in their praise, after they've been placed in vases, it's tantamount to seeing no point of beauty in chrysanthemums, so the sixth must be 'sing about chrysanthemums.' After making them the burden of one's song, one can't help representing them in pictures. The seventh place should therefore be conceded to 'drawing chrysanthemums.' Seeing that in spite of all the labour bestowed on the drawing of chrysanthemums, the fine traits there may be about them are not yet, in fact, apparent, one impulsively tries to find them out by inquiries, so the eighth should be 'asking the chrysanthemums.' As any perception, which the chrysanthemums might display in fathoming the questions set would help to make the inquirer immoderately happy, the ninth must be 'pinning the chrysanthemums in the hair.' And as after everything has been accomplished, that comes within the sphere of man, there will remain still some chrysanthemums about which something could be written, two stanzas on the 'shadow of the chrysanthemums,' and the 'dream about chrysanthemums' must be tagged on as numbers ten and eleven. While the last section should be 'the withering of the chrysanthemums' so as to bring to a close the sentiments expressed in the foregoing subjects. In this wise the fine scenery and fine doings of the third part of autumn, will both alike be included in our themes."
Hsiang-yuen signified her approval, and taking the list she copied it out clean. But after once more passing her eye over it, she went on to inquire what rhymes should be determined upon.
"I do not, as a rule, like hard-and-fast rhymes," Pao-ch'ai retorted. "It's evident enough that we can have good verses without them, so what's the use of any rhymes to shackle us? Don't let us imitate that mean lot of people. Let's simply choose our subject and pay no notice to rhymes. Our main object is to see whether we cannot by chance hit upon some well-written lines for the sake of fun. It isn't to make this the means of subjecting people to perplexities."
"What you say is perfectly right," Hsiang-yuen observed. "In this manner our poetical composition will improve one step higher. But we only muster five members, and there are here twelve themes. Is it likely that each one of us will have to indite verses on all twelve?"
"That would be far too hard on the members!" Pao-ch'ai rejoined. "But let's copy out the themes clean, for lines with seven words will have to be written on every one, and stick them to-morrow on the wall for general perusal. Each member can write on the subject which may be most in his or her line. Those, with any ability, may choose all twelve. While those, with none, may only limit themselves to one stanza. Both will do. Those, however, who will show high mental capacity, combined with quickness, will be held the best. But any one, who shall have completed all twelve themes, won't be permitted to hasten and begin over again; we'll have to fine such a one, and finish."
"Yes, that will do," assented Hsiang-yuen. But after settling everything satisfactorily, they extinguished the lamp and went to bed.
Reader, do you want to know what subsequently took place? If you do, then listen to what is contained in the way of explanation in the following chapter.
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