中国经典 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions   》 第三十三回 手足耽耽小动唇舌 不肖种种大承笞挞 CHAPTER XXXIII.      曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin    高鹗 Gao E

  却说王夫人唤他母亲上来,拿几件簪环当面赏与, 又吩咐请几众僧人念经超度。他母亲磕头谢了出去。原来宝玉会过雨村回来听见了,便知金钏儿含羞赌气自尽,心中早又五内摧伤,进来被王夫人数落教训,也无可回说。见宝钗进来,方得便出来,茫然不知何往,背着手,低头一面感叹,一面慢慢的走着, 信步来至厅上。刚转过屏门,不想对面来了一人正往里走,可巧儿撞了个满怀。只听那人喝了一声" 站住!"宝玉唬了一跳,抬头一看,不是别人,却是他父亲,不觉的倒抽了一口气,只得垂手一旁站了。贾政道:“好端端的,你垂头丧气も些什么?方才雨村来了要见你,叫你那半天你才出来,既出来了,全无一点慷慨挥洒谈吐,仍是葳葳蕤蕤。 我看你脸上一团思欲愁闷气色,这会子又咳声叹气。你那些还不足,还不自在?无故这样, 却是为何?"宝玉素日虽是口角伶俐,只是此时一心总为金钏儿感伤,恨不得此时也身亡命殒,跟了金钏儿去。如今见了他父亲说这些话,究竟不曾听见,只是怔呵呵的站着。
  贾政见他惶悚, 应对不似往日,原本无气的,这一来倒生了三分气。方欲说话,忽有回事人来回:“忠顺亲王府里有人来,要见老爷。”贾政听了,心下疑惑,暗暗思忖道:“ 素日并不和忠顺府来往,为什么今日打发人来?"一面想一面令"快请",急走出来看时,却是忠顺府长史官,忙接进厅上坐了献茶。未及叙谈,那长史官先就说道:“下官此来,并非擅造潭府,皆因奉王命而来,有一件事相求。看王爷面上,敢烦老大人作主,不但王爷知情,且连下官辈亦感谢不尽。”贾政听了这话,抓不住头脑,忙陪笑起身问道:“大人既奉王命而来,不知有何见谕,望大人宣明,学生好遵谕承办。”那长史官便冷笑道:“也不必承办,只用大人一句话就完了。我们府里有一个做小旦的琪官,一向好好在府里, 如今竟三五日不见回去,各处去找,又摸不着他的道路,因此各处访察。这一城内,十停人倒有八停人都说,他近日和衔玉的那位令郎相与甚厚。下官辈等听了,尊府不比别家,可以擅入索取,因此启明王爷。王爷亦云:‘若是别的戏子呢,一百个也罢了,只是这琪官随机应答,谨慎老诚,甚合我老人家的心,竟断断少不得此人。’故此求老大人转谕令郎, 请将琪官放回,一则可慰王爷谆谆奉恳,二则下官辈也可免操劳求觅之苦。”说毕,忙打一躬。
  贾政听了这话, 又惊又气,即命唤宝玉来。宝玉也不知是何原故,忙赶来时,贾政便问:“该死的奴才!你在家不读书也罢了,怎么又做出这些无法无天的事来!那琪官现是忠顺王爷驾前承奉的人, 你是何等草芥,无故引逗他出来,如今祸及于我。”宝玉听了唬了一跳,忙回道:“实在不知此事。究竟连‘琪官’两个字不知为何物,岂更又加‘引逗’二字!"说着便哭了。贾政未及开言,只见那长史官冷笑道:“公子也不必掩饰。或隐藏在家,或知其下落,早说了出来,我们也少受些辛苦,岂不念公子之德?"宝玉连说不知, "恐是讹传,也未见得。”那长史官冷笑道:“现有据证,何必还赖?必定当着老大人说了出来, 公子岂不吃亏?既云不知此人,那红汗巾子怎么到了公子腰里?"宝玉听了这话,不觉轰去魂魄,目瞪口呆,心下自思:“这话他如何得知!他既连这样机密事都知道了, 大约别的瞒他不过,不如打发他去了,免的再说出别的事来。”因说道:“大人既知他的底细,如何连他置买房舍这样大事倒不晓得了?听得说他如今在东郊离城二十里有个什么紫檀堡,他在那里置了几亩田地几间房舍。想是在那里也未可知。”那长史官听了,笑道:“这样说,一定是在那里。我且去找一回,若有了便罢,若没有,还要来请教。”说着,便忙忙的走了。
  贾政此时气的目瞪口歪,一面送那长史官,一面回头命宝玉"不许动!回来有话问你!"一直送那官员去了。才回身,忽见贾环带着几个小厮一阵乱跑。贾政喝令小厮"快打, 快打!"贾环见了他父亲“货币数量论”,反对减轻利率、间接税和提高“劳动价格”。,唬的骨软筋酥,忙低头站住。贾政便问:“你跑什么?带着你的那些人都不管你, 不知往那里逛去,由你野马一般!"喝令叫跟上学的人来。贾环见他父亲盛怒, 便乘机说道:“方才原不曾跑,只因从那井边一过,那井里淹死了一个丫头,我看见人头这样大,身子这样粗,泡的实在可怕,所以才赶着跑了过来。”贾政听了惊疑, 问道:“好端端的,谁去跳井?我家从无这样事情,自祖宗以来,皆是宽柔以待下人。 ——大约我近年于家务疏懒,自然执事人操克夺之权,致使生出这暴殄轻生的祸患。若外人知道,祖宗颜面何在!"喝令快叫贾琏,赖大,来兴。小厮们答应了一声,方欲叫去, 贾环忙上前拉住贾政的袍襟,贴膝跪下道:“父亲不用生气。此事除太太房里的人, 别人一点也不知道。我听见我母亲说……"说到这里,便回头四顾一看。贾政知意,将眼一看众小厮,小厮们明白,都往两边后面退去。贾环便悄悄说道:“我母亲告诉我说,宝玉哥哥前日在太太屋里,拉着太太的丫头金钏儿强奸不遂,打了一顿。那金钏儿便赌气投井死了。 "话未说完,把个贾政气的面如金纸,大喝"快拿宝玉来!"一面说一面便往里边书房里去,喝令"今日再有人劝我,我把这冠带家私一应交与他与宝玉过去!我免不得做个罪人,把这几根烦恼鬓毛剃去,寻个干净去处自了,也免得上辱先人下生逆子之罪。”众门客仆从见贾政这个形景,便知又是为宝玉了,一个个都是啖指咬舌,连忙退出。那贾政喘吁吁直挺挺坐在椅子上,满面泪痕,一叠声"拿宝玉!拿大棍!拿索子捆上!把各门都关上!有人传信往里头去,立刻打死!"众小厮们只得齐声答应,有几个来找宝玉。
  那宝玉听见贾政吩咐他"不许动",早知多凶少吉,那里承望贾环又添了许多的话。正在厅上干转,怎得个人来往里头去捎信,偏生没个人,连焙茗也不知在那里。正盼望时, 只见一个老姆姆出来。宝玉如得了珍宝,便赶上来拉他,说道:“快进去告诉:老爷要打我呢!快去,快去!要紧,要紧!"宝玉一则急了,说话不明白,二则老婆子偏生又聋,竟不曾听见是什么话,把"要紧"二字只听作"跳井"二字,便笑道:“跳井让他跳去,二爷怕什么? "宝玉见是个聋子,便着急道:“你出去叫我的小厮来罢。”那婆子道:“有什么不了的事?老早的完了。太太又赏了衣服,又赏了银子,怎么不了事的!”
  宝玉急的跺脚, 正没抓寻处,只见贾政的小厮走来,逼着他出去了。贾政一见,眼都红紫了,也不暇问他在外流荡优伶,表赠私物,在家荒疏学业,淫辱母婢等语,只喝令"堵起嘴来,着实打死!"小厮们不敢违拗,只得将宝玉按在凳上,举起大板打了十来下。 贾政犹嫌打轻了,一脚踢开掌板的,自己夺过来,咬着牙狠命盖了三四十下。众门客见打的不祥了, 忙上前夺劝。贾政那里肯听,说道:“你们问问他干的勾当可饶不可饶!素日皆是你们这些人把他酿坏了,到这步田地还来解劝。明日酿到他弑君杀父,你们才不劝不成!”
  众人听这话不好听,知道气急了,忙又退出,只得觅人进去给信。王夫人不敢先回贾母,只得忙穿衣出来的本质,宇宙中的一切都由它所创造。创造的过程是任意的、,也不顾有人没人,忙忙赶往书房中来,慌的众门客小厮等避之不及。王夫人一进房来,贾政更如火上浇油一般,那板子越发下去的又狠又快。按宝玉的两个小厮忙松了手走开,宝玉早已动弹不得了。贾政还欲打时,早被王夫人抱住板子。贾政道:“罢了,罢了!今日必定要气死我才罢!"王夫人哭道:“宝玉虽然该打,老爷也要自重。况且炎天暑日的,老太太身上也不大好,打死宝玉事小,倘或老太太一时不自在了,岂不事大!"贾政冷笑道:“倒休提这话。我养了这不肖的孽障,已不孝,教训他一番,又有众人护持,不如趁今日一发勒死了,以绝将来之患!"说着,便要绳索来勒死。 王夫人连忙抱住哭道:“老爷虽然应当管教儿子,也要看夫妻分上。我如今已将五十岁的人, 只有这个孽障,必定苦苦的以他为法,我也不敢深劝。今日越发要他死,岂不是有意绝我。 既要勒死他,快拿绳子来先勒死我,再勒死他。我们娘儿们不敢含怨,到底在阴司里得个依靠。”说毕,爬在宝玉身上大哭起来。贾政听了此话,不觉长叹一声,向椅上坐了,泪如雨下。王夫人抱着宝玉,只见他面白气弱,底下穿着一条绿纱小衣皆是血渍,禁不住解下汗巾看,由臀至胫,或青或紫,或整或破,竟无一点好处,不觉失声大哭起来,"苦命的儿吓!"因哭出"苦命儿"来,忽又想起贾珠来,便叫着贾珠哭道:“若有你活着,便死一百个我也不管了。”此时里面的人闻得王夫人出来,那李宫裁王熙凤与迎春姊妹早已出来了。 王夫人哭着贾珠的名字,别人还可,惟有宫裁禁不住也放声哭了。贾政听了,那泪珠更似滚瓜一般滚了下来。正没开交处,忽听丫鬟来说:“老太太来了。”一句话未了,只听窗外颤巍巍的声气说道:“先打死我,再打死他,岂不干净了!"贾政见他母亲来了,又急又痛,连忙迎接出来,只见贾母扶着丫头,喘吁吁的走来。贾政上前躬身陪笑道:“大暑热天,母亲有何生气亲自走来?有话只该叫了儿子进去吩咐。”贾母听说,便止住步喘息一回,厉声说道:“你原来是和我说话!我倒有话吩咐,只是可怜我一生没养个好儿子,却教我和谁说去!"贾政听这话不象,忙跪下含泪说道:“为儿的教训儿子,也为的是光宗耀祖。母亲这话,我做儿的如何禁得起?"贾母听说,便啐了一口,说道:“我说一句话,你就禁不起,你那样下死手的板子,难道宝玉就禁得起了?你说教训儿子是光宗耀祖,当初你父亲怎么教训你来!"说着,不觉就滚下泪来。贾政又陪笑道:“母亲也不必伤感,皆是作儿的一时性起,从此以后再不打他了。”贾母便冷笑道:“你也不必和我使性子赌气的。你的儿子,我也不该管你打不打。我猜着你也厌烦我们娘儿们。不如我们赶早儿离了你,大家干净!"说着便令人去看轿马,"我和你太太宝玉立刻回南京去!"家下人只得干答应着。贾母又叫王夫人道:“你也不必哭了。如今宝玉年纪小, 你疼他,他将来长大成人,为官作宰的,也未必想着你是他母亲了。你如今倒不要疼他, 只怕将来还少生一口气呢。”贾政听说,忙叩头哭道:“母亲如此说,贾政无立足之地。”贾母冷笑道:“你分明使我无立足之地,你反说起你来!只是我们回去了,你心里干净,看有谁来许你打。”一面说,一面只令快打点行李车轿回去。贾政苦苦叩求认罪。
  贾母一面说话,一面又记挂宝玉,忙进来看时,只见今日这顿打不比往日,又是心疼, 又是生气,也抱着哭个不了。王夫人与凤姐等解劝了一会,方渐渐的止住。早有丫鬟媳妇等上来,要搀宝玉,凤姐便骂道:“糊涂东西,也不睁开眼瞧瞧!打的这么个样儿, 还要搀着走!还不快进去把那藤屉子春凳抬出来呢。”众人听说连忙进去,果然抬出春凳来,将宝玉抬放凳上,随着贾母王夫人等进去,送至贾母房中。
  彼时贾政见贾母气未全消, 不敢自便,也跟了进去。看看宝玉,果然打重了。再看看王夫人,儿这会子你倘或有个好歹,丢下我,叫我靠那一个!"数落一场,又哭"不争气的儿"。贾政听了,也就灰心,自悔不该下毒手打到如此地步。先劝贾母,贾母含泪说道:“你不出去,还在这里做什么!难道于心不足,还要眼看着他死了才去不成!"贾政听说,方退了出来。
  此时薛姨妈同宝钗, 香菱,袭人,史湘云也都在这里。袭人满心委屈,只不好十分使出来自然主义①泛指一种哲学倾向。认为自然就是能认识的,见众人围着,灌水的灌水,打扇的打扇,自己插不下手去,便越性走出来到二门前, 令小厮们找了焙茗来细问:“方才好端端的,为什么打起来?你也不早来透个信儿! "焙茗急的说:“偏生我没在跟前,打到半中间我才听见了。忙打听原故,却是为琪官金钏姐姐的事。 "袭人道:“老爷怎么得知道的?"焙茗道:“那琪官的事,多半是薛大爷素日吃醋,没法儿出气,不知在外头唆挑了谁来,在老爷跟前下的火。那金钏儿的事是三爷说的,我也是听见老爷的人说的。”袭人听了这两件事都对景,心中也就信了八九分。 然后回来,只见众人都替宝玉疗治。调停完备,贾母令"好生抬到他房内去"。众人答应,七手八脚,忙把宝玉送入怡红院内自己床上卧好。又乱了半日,众人渐渐散去,袭人方进前来经心服侍,问他端的。且听下回分解。

  A brother is prompted by ill-feeling to wag his tongue a bit. A depraved son receives heavy blows with a rattan cane.
   Madame Wang, for we shall now continue our story, sent for Chin Ch'uan-erh's mother. On her arrival, she gave her several hair-pins and rings, and then told her that she could invite several Buddhist priests as well to read the prayers necessary to release the spirit from purgatory. The mother prostrated herself and expressed her gratitude; after which, she took her leave.
   Indeed, Pao-yue, on his return from entertaining Yue-ts'un, heard the tidings that Chin Ch'uan-erh had been instigated by a sense of shame to take her own life and he at once fell a prey to grief. So much so, that, when he came inside, and was again spoken to and admonished by Madame Wang, he could not utter a single word in his justification. But as soon as he perceived Pao-ch'ai make her appearance in the room, he seized the opportunity to scamper out in precipitate haste. Whither he was trudging, he himself had not the least idea. But throwing his hands behind his back and drooping his head against his chest, he gave way to sighs, while with slow and listless step he turned towards the hall. Scarcely, however, had he rounded the screen-wall, which stood in front of the door-way, when, by a strange coincidence, he ran straight into the arms of some one, who was unawares approaching from the opposite direction, and was just about to go towards the inner portion of the compound.
   "Hallo!" that person was heard to cry out, as he stood still.
   Pao-yue sustained a dreadful start. Raising his face to see, he discovered that it was no other than his father. At once, he unconsciously drew a long breath and adopted the only safe course of dropping his arms against his body and standing on one side.
   "Why are you," exclaimed Chia Cheng, "drooping your head in such a melancholy mood, and indulging in all these moans? When Yue-ts'un came just now and he asked to see you, you only put in your appearance after a long while. But though you did come, you were not in the least disposed to chat with anything like cheerfulness and animation; you behaved, as you ever do, like a regular fool. I detected then in your countenance a certain expression of some hidden hankering and sadness; and now again here you are groaning and sighing! Does all you have not suffice to please you? Are you still dissatisfied? You've no reason to be like this, so why is it that you go on in this way?"
   Pao-yue had ever, it is true, shown a glib tongue, but on the present occasion he was so deeply affected by Chin Ch'uan-erh's fate, and vexed at not being able to die that very instant and follow in her footsteps that although he was now fully conscious that his father was speaking to him he could not, in fact, lend him an ear, but simply stood in a timid and nervous mood. Chia Cheng noticed that he was in a state of trembling and fear, not as ready with an answer as he usually was, and his sorry plight somewhat incensed him, much though he had not at first borne him any ill-feeling. But just as he was about to chide him, a messenger approached and announced to him: "Some one has come from the mansion of the imperial Prince Chung Shun, and wishes to see you, Sir." At this announcement, surmises sprung up in Chia Cheng's mind. "Hitherto," he secretly mused, "I've never had any dealings with the Chung Shun mansion, and why is it that some one is despatched here to-day?" As he gave way to these reflections. "Be quick," he shouted, "and ask him to take a seat in the pavilion," while he himself precipitately entered the inner room and changed his costume. When he came out to greet the visitor, he discovered that it was the senior officer of the Chung Shun mansion. After the exchange of the salutations prescribed by the rites, they sat down and tea was presented. But before (Chia Cheng) had had time to start a topic of conversation, the senior officer anticipated him, and speedily observed: "Your humble servant does not pay this visit to-day to your worthy mansion on his own authority, but entirely in compliance with instructions received, as there is a favour that I have to beg of you. I make bold to trouble you, esteemed Sir, on behalf of his highness, to take any steps you might deem suitable, and if you do, not only will his highness remember your kindness, but even I, your humble servant, and my colleagues will feel extremely grateful to you."
   Chia Cheng listened to him, but he could not nevertheless get a clue of what he was driving at. Promptly returning his smile, he rose to his feet. "You come, Sir," he inquired, "at the instance of his royal highness, but what, I wonder, are the commands you have to give me? I hope you will explain them to your humble servant, worthy Sir, in order to enable him to carry them out effectively."
   The senior officer gave a sardonic smile.
   "There's nothing to carry out," he said. "All you, venerable Sir, have to do is to utter one single word and the whole thing will be effected. There is in our mansion a certain Ch'i Kuan, who plays the part of young ladies. He hitherto stayed quietly in the mansion; but for the last three or five days or so no one has seen him return home. Search has been instituted in every locality, yet his whereabouts cannot be discovered. But throughout these various inquiries, eight out of the ten tenths of the inhabitants of the city have, with one consent, asserted that he has of late been on very friendly terms with that honourable son of yours, who was born with the jade in his mouth. This report was told your servant and his colleagues, but as your worthy mansion is unlike such residences as we can take upon ourselves to enter and search with impunity, we felt under the necessity of laying the matter before our imperial master. 'Had it been any of the other actors,' his highness also says, 'I wouldn't have minded if even one hundred of them had disappeared; but this Ch'i Kuan has always been so ready with pat repartee, so respectful and trustworthy that he has thoroughly won my aged heart, and I could never do without him.' He entreats you, therefore, worthy Sir, to, in your turn, plead with your illustrious scion, and request him to let Ch'i Kuan go back, in order that the feelings, which prompt the Prince to make such earnest supplications, may, in the first place, be satisfied: and that, in the next, your mean servant and his associates may be spared the fatigue of toiling and searching."
   At the conclusion of this appeal, he promptly made a low bow. As soon as Chia Cheng found out the object of his errand, he felt both astonishment and displeasure. With all promptitude, he issued directions that Pao-yue should be told to come out of the garden. Pao-yue had no notion whatever why he was wanted. So speedily he hurried to appear before his father.
   "What a regular scoundrel you are!" Chia Cheng exclaimed. "It is enough that you won't read your books at home; but will you also go in for all these lawless and wrongful acts? That Ch'i Kuan is a person whose present honourable duties are to act as an attendant on his highness the Prince of Chung Shun, and how extremely heedless of propriety must you be to have enticed him, without good cause, to come away, and thus have now brought calamity upon me?"
   These reproaches plunged Pao-yue in a dreadful state of consternation. With alacrity he said by way of reply: "I really don't know anything about the matter! To what do, after all, the two words Ch'i Kuan refer, I wonder! Still less, besides, am I aware what entice can imply!"
   As he spoke, he started crying.
   But before Chia Cheng could open his month to pass any further remarks, "Young gentleman," he heard the senior officer interpose with a sardonic smile: "you shouldn't conceal anything! if he be either hidden in your home, or if you know his whereabouts, divulge the truth at once; so that less trouble should fall to our lot than otherwise would. And will we not then bear in mind your virtue, worthy scion!"
   "I positively don't know." Pao-yue time after time maintained. "There must, I fear, be some false rumour abroad; for I haven't so much as seen anything of him."
   The senior officer gave two loud smiles, full of derision. "There's evidence at hand," he rejoined, "so if you compel me to speak out before your venerable father, won't you, young man, have to suffer the consequences? But as you assert that you don't know who this person is, how is it that that red sash has come to be attached to your waist?"
   When Pao-yue caught this allusion, he suddenly felt quite out of his senses. He stared and gaped; while within himself, he argued: "How has he come to hear anything about this! But since he knows all these secret particulars, I cannot, I expect, put him off in other points; so wouldn't it be better for me to pack him off, in order to obviate his blubbering anything more?" "Sir," he consequently remarked aloud, "how is it that despite your acquaintance with all these minute details, you have no inkling of his having purchased a house? Are you ignorant of an essential point like this? I've heard people say that he's, at present, staying in the eastern suburbs at a distance of twenty li from the city walls; at some place or other called Tzu T'an Pao, and that he has bought there several acres of land and a few houses. So I presume he's to be found in that locality; but of course there's no saying."
   "According to your version," smiled the senior officer, as soon as he heard his explanation, "he must for a certainty be there. I shall therefore go and look for him. If he's there, well and good; but if not, I shall come again and request you to give me further directions."
   These words were still on his lips, when he took his leave and walked off with hurried step.
   Chia Cheng was by this time stirred up to such a pitch of indignation that his eyes stared aghast, and his mouth opened in bewilderment; and as he escorted the officer out, he turned his head and bade Pao-yue not budge. "I have," (he said), "to ask you something on my return." Straightway he then went to see the officer off. But just as he was turning back, he casually came across Chia Huan and several servant-boys running wildly about in a body. "Quick, bring him here to me!" shouted Chia Cheng to the young boys. "I want to beat him."
   Chia Huan, at the sight of his father, was so terrified that his bones mollified and his tendons grew weak, and, promptly lowering his head, he stood still."
   "What are you running about for?" Chia Cheng asked. "These menials of yours do not mind you, but go who knows where, and let you roam about like a wild horse! Where are the attendants who wait on you at school?" he cried.
   When Chia Huan saw his father in such a dreadful rage, he availed himself of the first opportunity to try and clear himself. "I wasn't running about just now" he said. "But as I was passing by the side of that well, I caught sight, for in that well a servant-girl was drowned, of a human head that large, a body that swollen, floating about in really a frightful way and I therefore hastily rushed past."
   Chia Cheng was thunderstruck by this disclosure. "There's been nothing up, so who has gone and jumped into the well?" he inquired. "Never has there been anything of the kind in my house before! Ever since the time of our ancestors, servants have invariably been treated with clemency and consideration. But I expect that I must of late have become remiss in my domestic affairs, and that the managers must have arrogated to themselves the right of domineering and so been the cause of bringing about such calamities as violent deaths and disregard of life. Were these things to reach the ears of people outside, what will become of the reputation of our seniors? Call Chia Lien and Lai Ta here!" he shouted.
   The servant-lads signified their obedience, with one voice. They were about to go and summon them, when Chia Huan hastened to press forward. Grasping the lapel of Chia Cheng's coat, and clinging to his knees, he knelt down. "Father, why need you be angry?" he said. "Excluding the people in Madame Wang's rooms, this occurrence is entirely unknown to any of the rest; and I have heard my mother mention...." At this point, he turned his head, and cast a glance in all four quarters.
   Chia Cheng guessed his meaning, and made a sign with his eyes. The young boys grasped his purpose and drew far back on either side.
   Chia Huan resumed his confidences in a low tone of voice. "My mother," he resumed, "told me that when brother Pao-yue was, the other day, in Madame Wang's apartments, he seized her servant-maid Chin Ch'uan-erh with the intent of dishonouring her. That as he failed to carry out his design, he gave her a thrashing, which so exasperated Chin Ch'uan-erh that she threw herself into the well and committed suicide...."
   Before however he could conclude his account, Chia Cheng had been incensed to such a degree that his face assumed the colour of silver paper. "Bring Pao-yue here," he cried. While uttering these orders, he walked into the study. "If any one does again to-day come to dissuade me," he vociferated, "I shall take this official hat, and sash, my home and private property and surrender everything at once to him to go and bestow them upon Pao-yue; for if I cannot escape blame (with a son like the one I have), I mean to shave this scanty trouble-laden hair about my temples and go in search of some unsullied place where I can spend the rest of my days alone! I shall thus also avoid the crime of heaping, above, insult upon my predecessors, and, below, of having given birth to such a rebellious son."
   At the sight of Chia Cheng in this exasperation, the family companions and attendants speedily realised that Pao-yue must once more be the cause of it, and the whole posse hastened to withdraw from the study, biting their fingers and putting their tongues out.
   Chia Cheng panted with excitement. He stretched his chest out and sat bolt upright on a chair. His whole face was covered with the traces of tears. "Bring Pao-yue! Bring Pao-yue!" he shouted consecutively. "Fetch a big stick; bring a rope and tie him up; close all the doors! If any one does communicate anything about it in the inner rooms, why, I'll immediately beat him to death."
   The servant-boys felt compelled to express their obedience with one consent, and some of them came to look after Pao-yue.
   As for Pao-yue, when he heard Chia Cheng enjoin him not to move, he forthwith became aware that the chances of an unpropitious issue outnumbered those of a propitious one, but how could he have had any idea that Chia Huan as well had put in his word? There he still stood in the pavilion, revolving in his mind how he could get some one to speed inside and deliver a message for him. But, as it happened, not a soul appeared. He was quite at a loss to know where even Pei Ming could be. His longing was at its height, when he perceived an old nurse come on the scene. The sight of her exulted Pao-yue, just as much as if he had obtained pearls or gems; and hurriedly approaching her, he dragged her and forced her to halt. "Go in," he urged, "at once and tell them that my father wishes to beat me to death. Be quick, be quick, for it's urgent, there's no time to be lost."
   But, first and foremost, Pao-yue's excitement was so intense that he spoke with indistinctness. In the second place, the old nurse was, as luck would have it, dull of hearing, so that she did not catch the drift of what he said, and she misconstrued the two words: "it's urgent," for the two representing jumped into the well. Readily smiling therefore: "If she wants to jump into the well, let her do so," she said. "What's there to make you fear, Master Secundus?"
   "Go out," pursued Pao-yue, in despair, on discovering that she was deaf, "and tell my page to come."
   "What's there left unsettled?" rejoined the old nurse. "Everything has been finished long ago! A tip has also been given them; so how is it things are not settled?"
   Pao-yue fidgetted with his hands and feet. He was just at his wits' ends, when he espied Chia Cheng's servant-boys come up and press him to go out.
   As soon as Chia Cheng caught sight of him, his eyes got quite red. Without even allowing himself any time to question him about his gadding about with actors, and the presents he gave them on the sly, during his absence from home; or about his playing the truant from school and lewdly importuning his mother's maid, during his stay at home, he simply shouted: "Gag his mouth and positively beat him till he dies!"
   The servant-boys did not have the boldness to disobey him. They were under the necessity of seizing Pao-yue, of stretching him on a bench, and of taking a heavy rattan and giving him about ten blows.
   Pao-yue knew well enough that he could not plead for mercy, and all he could do was to whimper and cry.
   Chia Cheng however found fault with the light blows they administered to him. With one kick he shoved the castigator aside, and snatching the rattan into his own hands, he spitefully let (Pao-yue) have ten blows and more.
   Pao-yue had not, from his very birth, experienced such anguish. From the outset, he found the pain unbearable; yet he could shout and weep as boisterously as ever he pleased; but so weak subsequently did his breath, little by little, become, so hoarse his voice, and so choked his throat that he could not bring out any sound.
   The family companions noticed that he was beaten in a way that might lead to an unpropitious end, and they drew near with all despatch and made earnest entreaties and exhortations. But would Chia Cheng listen to them?
   "You people," he answered, "had better ask him whether the tricks he has been up to deserve to be overlooked or not! It's you who have all along so thoroughly spoilt him as to make him reach this degree of depravity! And do you yet come to advise me to spare him? When by and bye you've incited him to commit parricide or regicide, you will at length, then, give up trying to dissuade me, eh?"
   This language jarred on the ears of the whole party; and knowing only too well that he was in an exasperated mood, they fussed about endeavouring to find some one to go in and convey the news.
   But Madame Wang did not presume to be the first to inform dowager lady Chia about it. Seeing no other course open to her, she hastily dressed herself and issued out of the garden. Without so much as worrying her mind as to whether there were any male inmates about or not, she straightway leant on a waiting-maid and hurriedly betook herself into the library, to the intense consternation of the companions, pages and all the men present, who could not manage to clear out of the way in time.
   Chia Cheng was on the point of further belabouring his son, when at the sight of Madame Wang walking in, his temper flared up with such increased violence, just as fire on which oil is poured, that the rod fell with greater spite and celerity. The two servant-boys, who held Pao-yue down, precipitately loosened their grip and beat a retreat. Pao-yue had long ago lost all power of movement. Chia Cheng, however, was again preparing to assail him, when the rattan was immediately locked tightly by Madame Wang, in both her arms.
   "Of course, of course," Chia Cheng exclaimed, "what you want to do to-day is to make me succumb to anger!"
   "Pao-yue does, I admit, merit to be beaten," sobbed Madame Wang; "but you should also, my lord, take good care of yourself! The weather, besides, is extremely hot, and our old lady is not feeling quite up to the mark. Were you to knock Pao-yue about and kill him, it would not matter much; but were perchance our venerable senior to suddenly fall ill, wouldn't it be a grave thing?"
   "Better not talk about such things!" observed Chia Cheng with a listless smile. "By my bringing up such a degenerate child of retribution I have myself become unfilial! Whenever I've had to call him to account, there has always been a whole crowd of you to screen him; so isn't it as well for me to avail myself of to-day to put an end to his cur-like existence and thus prevent future misfortune?"
   As he spoke, he asked for a rope to strangle him; but Madame Wang lost no time in clasping him in her embrace, and reasoning with him as she wept. "My lord and master," she said, "it is your duty, of course, to keep your son in proper order, but you should also regard the relationship of husband and wife. I'm already a woman of fifty and I've only got this scapegrace. Was there any need for you to give him such a bitter lesson? I wouldn't presume to use any strong dissuasion; but having, on this occasion, gone so far as to harbour the design of killing him, isn't this a fixed purpose on your part to cut short my own existence? But as you are bent upon strangling him, be quick and first strangle me before you strangle him! It will be as well that we, mother and son, should die together, so that if even we go to hell, we may be able to rely upon each other!"
   At the conclusion of these words, she enfolded Pao-yue in her embrace and raised her voice in loud sobs.
   After listening to her appeal, Chia Cheng could not restrain a deep sigh; and taking a seat on one of the chairs, the tears ran down his cheeks like drops of rain.
   But while Madame Wang held Pao-yue in her arms, she noticed that his face was sallow and his breath faint, and that his green gauze nether garments were all speckled with stains of blood, so she could not check her fingers from unloosening his girdle. And realising that from the thighs to the buttocks, his person was here green, there purple, here whole, there broken, and that there was, in fact, not the least bit, which had not sustained some injury, she of a sudden burst out in bitter lamentations for her offspring's wretched lot in life. But while bemoaning her unfortunate son, she again recalled to mind the memory of Chia Chu, and vehemently calling out "Chia Chu," she sobbed: "if but you were alive, I would not care if even one hundred died!"
   But by this time, the inmates of the inner rooms discovered that Madame Wang had gone out, and Li Kung-ts'ai, Wang Hsi-feng and Ting Ch'un and her sisters promptly rushed out of the garden and came to join her.
   While Madame Wang mentioned, with eyes bathed in tears, the name of Chia Chu, every one listened with composure, with the exception of Li Kung-ts'ai, who unable to curb her feelings also raised her voice in sobs. As soon as Chia Cheng heard her plaints, his tears trickled down with greater profusion, like pearls scattered about. But just as there seemed no prospect of their being consoled, a servant-girl was unawares heard to announce: "Our dowager lady has come!" Before this announcement was ended, her tremulous accents reached their ears from outside the window. "If you were to beat me to death and then despatch him," she cried, "won't you be clear of us!"
   Chia Cheng, upon seeing that his mother was coming, felt distressed and pained. With all promptitude, he went out to meet her. He perceived his old parent, toddling along, leaning on the arm of a servant-girl, wagging her head and gasping for breath.
   Chia Cheng drew forward and made a curtsey. "On a hot broiling day like this," he ventured, forcing a smile, "what made you, mother, get so angry as to rush over in person? Had you anything to enjoin me, you could have sent for me, your son, and given me your orders."
   Old lady Chia, at these words, halted and panted. "Are you really chiding me?" she at the same time said in a stern tone. "It's I who should call you to task! But as the son, I've brought up, isn't worth a straw, to whom can I go and address a word?"
   When Chia Cheng heard language so unlike that generally used by her, he immediately fell on his knees. While doing all in his power to contain his tears: "The reason why," he explained, "your son corrects his offspring is a desire to reflect lustre on his ancestors and splendour on his seniors; so how can I, your son, deserve the rebuke with which you greet me, mother?"
   At this reply, old lady Chia spurted contemptuously. "I made just one remark," she added, "and you couldn't stand it, and can Pao-yue likely put up with that death-working cane? You say that your object in correcting your son is to reflect lustre on your ancestors and splendour on your seniors, but in what manner did your father correct you in days gone by?"
   Saying this, tears suddenly rolled down from her eyes also.
   Chia Cheng forced another smile. "Mother;" he proceeded, "you shouldn't distress yourself! Your son did it in a sudden fit of rage, but from this time forth I won't touch him again."
   Dowager lady Chia smiled several loud sneering smiles. "But you shouldn't get into a huff with me!" she urged. "He's your son, so if you choose to flog him, you can naturally do so, but I cannot help thinking that you're sick and tired of me, your mother, of your wife and of your son, so wouldn't it be as well that we should get out of your way, the sooner the better, as we shall then be able to enjoy peace and quiet?"
   So speaking, "Go and look after the chairs." she speedily cried to a servant. "I and your lady as well as Pao-yue will, without delay, return to Nanking."
   The servant had no help but to assent.
   Old lady Chia thereupon called Madame Wang over to her. "You needn't indulge in sorrow!" she exhorted her. "Pao-yue is now young, and you cherish him fondly; but does it follow that when in years to come he becomes an official, he'll remember that you are his mother? You mustn't therefore at present lavish too much of your affection upon him, so that you may by and bye, spare yourself, at least, some displeasure."
   When these exhortations fell on Chia Cheng's ear, he instantly prostrated himself before her. "Your remarks mother," he observed, "cut the ground under your son's very feet."
   "You distinctly act in a way," cynically smiled old lady Chia, "sufficient to deprive me of any ground to stand upon, and then you, on the contrary, go and speak about yourself! But when we shall have gone back, your mind will be free of all trouble. We'll see then who'll interfere and dissuade you from beating people!"
   After this reply, she went on to give orders to directly get ready the baggage, carriages, chairs and horses necessary for their return.
   Chia Cheng stiffly and rigidly fell on his knees, and knocked his head before her, and pleaded guilty. Dowager lady Chia then addressed him some words, and as she did so, she came to have a look at Pao-yue. Upon perceiving that the thrashing he had got this time was unlike those of past occasions, she experienced both pain and resentment. So clasping him in her arms, she wept and wept incessantly. It was only after Madame Wang, lady Feng and the other ladies had reasoned with her for a time that they at length gradually succeeded in consoling her.
   But waiting-maids, married women, and other attendants soon came to support Pao-yue and take him away. Lady Feng however at once expostulated with them. "You stupid things," she exclaimed, won't you open your eyes and see! How ever could he be raised and made to walk in the state he's in! Don't you yet instantly run inside and fetch some rattan slings and a bench to carry him out of this on?
   At this suggestion, the servants rushed hurry-scurry inside and actually brought a bench; and, lifting Pao-yue, they placed him on it. Then following dowager lady Chia, Madame Wang and the other inmates into the inner part of the building, they carried him into his grandmother's apartments. But Chia Cheng did not fail to notice that his old mother's passion had not by this time yet abated, so without presuming to consult his own convenience, he too came inside after them. Here he discovered how heavily he had in reality castigated Pao-yue. Upon perceiving Madame Wang also crying, with one breath, "My flesh;" and, with another, saying with tears: "My son, if you had died sooner, instead of Chu Erh, and left Chu Erh behind you, you would have saved your father these fits of anger, and even I would not have had to fruitlessly worry and fret for half of my existence! Were anything to happen now to make you forsake me, upon whom will you have me depend?" And then after heaping reproaches upon herself for a time, break out afresh in lamentations for her, unavailing offspring, Chia Cheng was much cut up and felt conscious that he should not with his own hand have struck his son so ruthlessly as to bring him to this state, and he first and foremost directed his attention to consoling dowager lady Chia.
   "If your son isn't good," rejoined the old lady, repressing her tears, "it is naturally for you to exercise control over him. But you shouldn't beat him to such a pitch! Don't you yet bundle yourself away? What are you dallying in here for? Is it likely, pray, that your heart is not yet satisfied, and that you wish to feast your eyes by seeing him die before you go?"
   These taunts induced Chia Cheng to eventually withdraw out of the room. By this time, Mrs. Hsueeh together with Pao-ch'ai, Hsiang Ling, Hsi Jen, Shih Hsiang-yuen and his other cousins had also congregated in the apartments. Hsi Jen's heart was overflowing with grief; but she could not very well give expression to it. When she saw that a whole company of people shut him in, some pouring water over him, others fanning him; and that she herself could not lend a hand in any way, she availed herself of a favourable moment to make her exit. Proceeding then as far as the second gate, she bade the servant-boys go and fetch Pei-Ming. On his arrival, she submitted him to a searching inquiry. "Why is it," she asked, "that he was beaten just now without the least provocation; and that you didn't run over soon to tell me a word about it?"
   "It happened," answered Pei Ming in great perplexity, "that I wasn't present. It was only after he had given him half the flogging that I heard what was going on, and lost no time in ascertaining what it was all about. It's on account of those affairs connected with Ch'i Kuan and that girl Chin Ch'uan."
   "How did these things come to master's knowledge?" inquired Hsi Jen.
   "As for that affair with Ch'i Kuan," continued Pei Ming, "it is very likely Mr. Hsueeh P'an who has let it out; for as he has ever been jealous, he may, in the absence of any other way of quenching his resentment, have instigated some one or other outside, who knows, to come and see master and add fuel to his anger. As for Chin Ch'uan-erh's affair it has presumably been told him by Master Tertius. This I heard from the lips of some person, who was in attendance upon master."
   Hsi Jen saw how much his two versions tallied with the true circumstances, so she readily credited the greater portion of what was told her. Subsequently, she returned inside. Here she found a whole crowd of people trying to do the best to benefit Pao-yue. But after they had completed every arrangement, dowager lady Chia impressed on their minds that it would be better were they to carefully move him into his own quarters. With one voice they all signified their approval, and with a good deal of bustling and fussing, they speedily transferred Pao-yue into the I Hung court, where they stretched him out comfortably on his own bed. Then after some further excitement, the members of the family began gradually to disperse. Hsi Jen at last entered his room, and waited upon him with singleness of heart.
   But, reader, if you feel any curiosity to hear what follows, listen to what you will find divulged in the next chapter.

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第一回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 CHAPTER I.第二回 贾夫人仙逝扬州城 冷子兴演说荣国府 CHAPTER II.
第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 CHAPTER III.第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 CHAPTER IV.
第五回 游幻境指迷十二钗 饮仙醪曲演红楼梦 CHAPTER V.第六回 贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府 CHAPTER VI.
第七回 送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 CHAPTER VII.第八回 比通灵金莺微露意 探宝钗黛玉半含酸 CHAPTER VIII.
第九回 恋风流情友入家塾 起嫌疑顽童闹学堂 CHAPTER IX.第十回 金寡妇贪利权受辱 张太医论病细穷源 CHAPTER X.
第十一回 庆寿辰宁府排家宴 见熙凤贾瑞起淫心 CHAPTER XI.第十二回 王熙凤毒设相思局 贾天祥正照风月鉴 CHAPTER XII.
第十三回 秦可卿死封龙禁尉 王熙凤协理宁国府 CHAPTER XIII.第十四回 林如海捐馆扬州城 贾宝玉路谒北静王 CHAPTER XIV.
第十五回 王凤姐弄权铁槛寺 秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵 CHAPTER XV.第十六回 贾元春才选凤藻宫 秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路 CHAPTER XVI.
第十七回 大观园试才题对额 荣国府归省庆元宵 CHAPTER XVII.第十八回 隔珠帘父女勉忠勤 搦湘管姊弟裁题咏 CHAPTER XVIII.
第十九回 情切切良宵花解语 意绵绵静日玉生香 CHAPTER XIX.第二十回 王熙凤正言弹妒意 林黛玉俏语谑娇音 CHAPTER XX.
第二十一回 贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉 俏平儿软语救贾琏 CHAPTER XXI.第二十二回 听曲文宝玉悟禅机 制灯迷贾政悲谶语 CHAPTER XXII.
第二十三回 西厢记妙词通戏语 牡丹亭艳曲警芳心 CHAPTER XXIII.第二十四回 醉金刚轻财尚义侠 痴女儿遗帕惹相思 CHAPTER XXIV.
第   I   [II]   [III]   [IV]   [V]   页

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