Table of Classification of Human culture Sheke
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Parent type: Human culture Sheke

  Sociology is starting from the community, through social relations and social behavior of social structure, function, occurrence and development of a comprehensive law subjects, migraine management. It is the last major study from the origin of human society, organizations, customs of Anthropology, tend to look into the development of modern society and social groups in the organization or sex of the subjects. In sociology, people not as individuals but as a social organization, groups or bodies exist.
  Today, sociologists study society, including a series of macro to micro behavior of the structure, including race, ethnicity, class and gender, to fine individuals such as family structure, patterns of social relations. Department of Sociology, with more detailed research into the direction, including crime and divorce as, for example, in micro aspects of human relationships. Sociologists also quantitative research methods commonly used to quantify the overall structure of up to describe a society in order to study social change can be predicted and people respond to social changes in the quantitative model. This from the 拉扎斯费尔德 (Paul F. Lazarsfeld) initiated research methods, sociological research is now one of the main methodology. Sociological Research Methods is another school of qualitative research, including participant observation, depth interviews, focus group discussions and other methods of data collection, and based on grounded theory, content analysis of qualitative data analysis. Engaged in some sociologists believe that the qualitative analysis, which is a better way, because it can enhance the understanding of "discrete" nature of human society and the uniqueness. This method never find a consistent point of view, but they can appreciate each taken their own unique way and learn from each other. Mainstream view is that both quantitative and qualitative research methods are complementary, not contradictory.
  Comte invented the word sociology. "Sociology" is a new academic areas. It is across the economic, political, anthropology, history and psychology. Its meaning is to find a mixture of the source of human knowledge and philosophy.
  "Sociology" is by Comte (Auguste Comte) first, he tried to use a physical approach to unify all of the humanities - including history, psychology and economics, so as to establish the rules stand the test of science subjects, had he used "social physics" to call this new discipline. His main contribution is that he makes the last out of the Humanities and Social Sciences fields. His idea of sociology is a typical 18th century: he believes that all human activities are consistent through different historical stages, if a society can be grabbed at this stage, it can be effective for the community out patient prescription.
  The first book of sociology, the subject is the mid-19th century British philosopher Herbert Spencer book. In the U.S., the University of Kansas in 1890 "Elements of Sociology" is the first course of sociology [1], [2], the University of Chicago in 1892, _set_ up by the 艾比安斯摩尔 the first independent American University College, he also created the "American Journal of Sociology" [3]. In 1895, the University of Bordeaux, France established the first European Sociology. 1904, London School of Economics and Political Science was _set_ up Britain's first Faculty of Sociology [4]. Max Weber at the University of Munich in 1919 established the first Faculty of Sociology. 1920 Florian Znaniecki in Poland established the first Faculty of Sociology.
  The first occurred on the sociology of international cooperation in 1893. René Worms was _set_ up the "sociology of international small-college", and finally in 1949 with the creation of the International Association for the merger sociologist [5]. 1905 established the American Sociological Association is today the world's largest association of sociologists.
  19th century to the 20th century, the rise of a group of classical sociologists, such as: Karl Marx, Ferdinand Toennies, Emile Durkheim, Pareto and Max Weber. As Comte, they will not see themselves as sociologists. Their work involves religion, education, economy, psychology, ethics, philosophy, theology and other academic areas. Of course they are very influential in the sociology of power, especially in economics, Karl Marx is important giant.
  Brought out earlier by the Comte way to mimic the theory of natural science research methods, apply the same methodology to study social phenomena. Emphasis on experience, evidence and scientific methods for the solid foundation of sociology. This methodology is called positivism.
  Finally, science does not actually replace the other social sciences, but rather to an emphasis on objects and methods of another form. Today, sociologists usually by comparison to the study of human organizations and social systems, especially in a complex social structure of industrial research. From 20 to 21 of view, sociological research should be the era of rapid development.
  Sociology of science and mathematics
  Today, the sociological study of human organizations, social groups, social interaction, etc. use a lot of comparison. The development of other scientific sociology additional demand, which is very important to the study of modern industrial society. In recent years, has been the revelation of anthropology, accelerated the multi-cultural and multi-national study.
  On the other hand, sociology towards the development of micro-social structure, such as: race, social class, gender and family. Because there are a lot of crime, family problems have a lot of social pressure, needed to find a solution to sociology.
  Quantitative research by sociologists to study social relations in order to predict social change. They hope that through qualitative research, such as interviews and group discussions on the functioning of society have a deeper understanding. Some sociologists are debating the balance from which to fill the gap between the two. For example: a large volume of research describing social phenomena and qualitative description of how individuals understand the large-scale social phenomena.
  Major theory
  With the objective of the Natural different social theorists rarely use the scientific method, and other facts and evidence and ways to prove points. Instead, they face a very large social movements at all times to use some hypotheses. However, these hypotheses require a long time to prove. This is the focus of criticism by opponents. For those of deconstruction and postmodernism, who also questioned the research and methods are all wrong inherited. In many cases, social theory has been identified as not proven.
  Social Research Methods
  Social Research Council experience in various methods of collecting evidence, including questionnaires, interviews, participant observation and statistical research.
  Different ways the difficulties that they are based on the theoretical basis for researchers to adopt their own interpretation and understanding of the community. As a function of advocates, Ai Mill Durkheim like large-scale structure of the community to explain anything. If he is symbolic interaction, he will focus on how people understand other people. Marxist or a new Marxist class struggle to turn into anything. Scientists think the phenomenon is only the general public how to create their own meaning of reality. When the parties face the reality of social problems, often argue who is right, but in fact would combine different methodologies.
  The Internet is of interest to sociologists, for four reasons: 1) it is research tools. Such as online questionnaires instead of paper questionnaires. B) a platform to discuss it. C) is a research topic itself. Sociology of the Internet, online communities, virtual communities. D) As the Internet and have social organizational changes such as transformation from industrial society to knowledge society, large-scale social change.
  Sociology and other social sciences
  In the early twentieth century, sociologists and psychologists had to study the industrial society, has contributed to anthropology. Must bear in mind is that anthropologists have to study the industrial society. Sociology and Anthropology major difference today is to study the different theories and methods, not objects.
  Sociobiology is a synthesis of sociology and biology of a new science. Although it quickly accepted, but there are still many controversies over evolution and try to use it to explain the social behavior of biological processes and structures. Sociologists often criticize the social biologists rely too much on the impact of genes on behavior. Biologists said that in between the community and nurture the natural existence of a complex relationship. Therefore, the biological with social anthropology, zoology, evolutionary psychology is closely related. This is still unacceptable to the other sciences. Some social biologists such as Richard Machalek require the use of sociology to study the non-human society.
  Sociology, social psychology has a relationship with the former concerned with social structure, which is interested in social behavior.
  The main theme of Sociology
  Groups of organizations: the Family - Community - Village - Towns - Cities - tribal - ethnic - groups - Cultural ..
  Groups and organizations
  Primary social groups
  Children's play groups
  Social organization
  Social system: the family - marriage - economy - politics - Law - Religious - Education - Culture - Sports ..
  Social process: the co-operation - competition - War - reform - the revolution - social media - social values - social integration ..
  Social role
  Norms and Deviance
  Social Change
  Stratification and mobility
  Social issues: employment - national division - Crime - Pollution - Population - Immigration - Racial Discrimination - Violence - Poor ..
  Sociology of the main characters
  Auguste Comte (Auguste Comte)
  Emile Durkheim
  Herbert Spencer
  Karl Marx
  Max Weber (Max Weber)
  威廉萨姆纳 (William Sumner)
  William Thomas (William Thomas)
  弗洛里安兹南 Nicky (Florian Zrannecki)
  Lewis Coser
  哈罗德加芬 Kerr
  Erich Fromm
  Herbert Marcuse (Herbert Marcuse)
  Jurgen Habermas (Jurgen Habermas)
  Michel Foucault
  Anthony Giddens
  Clifford Scholz (cultural anthropologist, Clifford Geertz)
  Fei Xiaotong
  Sociological Theory
  On the social organism
  Social development of
  On Social Justice
  Social exchange theory
  Social Interaction
  Social Darwinism
  On the social equilibrium
  Social cognitive theory
  Social nominalism
  Social realism
  Social learning theory
  Social control theory
  Structure and function of
  Conflict theory
  Frankfurt is Germany's Frankfurt University Social Research Institute constitute the academic community, in terms of the number of representatives, or from members of the theoretical achievements of the depth and breadth of view, it is the greatest Marxist of the 20th century schools of Westerners The major schools of Marxist doctrine, is one of the important schools of modern Western philosophy one. Can say, do not study and understand the Frankfurt School of social critical theory, not a very comprehensive and profound understanding of the spirit of the 20th century the evolution of human culture.
  Representative of a number of Frankfurt School, writing rich, read materials on a wide range of areas, and its main representative of the activities they cover almost the entire decade of the 20th century. Horkheimer and the Frankfurt School founder Georg Lukacs, Ernst Bloch, who is the same age, and its main representative of the second generation of Habermas and others it is still alive and very active.
  In 1923, when the international communist movement inside to Lukacs, Korsch and others for a group of representatives of non-orthodox Marxist proletarian revolution began to rethink the lessons learned, and new understanding of Marxist theory, the German Frankfurt University, established an internal study for the purpose of Marxism Institute for Social Research. Founder of the "socialist and labor movement history library" magazine, its first director from the fall tradition of the Austrian Marxist historian metrical Berg (Carl Crunberg 1861-1940) served. Classical Berg Marxist debate between different factions held a neutral attitude, his Eastern Orthodox Marxism and other Western Lukacs unorthodox Marxism share the same attitude. In a sense, the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research became the western and eastern points of Marxist thought of the connection, it organized a "socialist and labor movement History Library" on the East and West equally Marxist literature, both published by the newly discovered Marx and Engels presentation, Bernstein and others published an article, also published Lukacs and Korsch et al article. Can be said that Berg served as director of the Classical period, members of the community has not yet formed the Institute of Appellation of us today the Frankfurt School. In 1930, Horkheimer succeeded as a social ill metrical Berg Director of the Institute of Critical Theory from the beginning to the community, known history of the Frankfurt School. The history of the Frankfurt School can be divided into three main stages.
  From 1930 to 1949 between the magic created for the Frankfurt School and the early period, the activities of the members from the Frankfurt School in terms of area, this period is mainly the United States during the school.
  Horkheimer and Classical Berg biggest difference is that he is not the Institute for Social Research and the "History of Library of socialism and the labor movement," just as the intersection of different Marxist thought or dialogue of the place, but for the community members of the Institute research identified a clear direction is the establishment of social critical theory or critical social theory. Horkheimer made at the director-time, entitled "Situation of Social Philosophy and Social Research Institute's mission," the speech, clearly, Social Research Institute's mission is to create a social philosophy, it was not enough capital Marxist society, economics and history of the empirical analysis, but to "all mankind as a whole material culture and spiritual culture" as the object reveal and explain, "as members of the human fate," the entire capitalist society in general Philosophical criticism and the sociology of criticism. Thus, Horkheimer on the one hand the introduction of Freud's psychoanalysis, cultural and ideological critique; the other hand, he introduced the study and organized a number of famous scholars such as Adorno, Malta Qusay, Fromm, Benjamin and others, these people or become a member of the University of Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, or become the new founder of the Institute's "Journal of Social Research," the writer, thus constitute the Frankfurt School a strong camp.
  1949 to the late 60's mid-term for the Frankfurt School, is a member of the Frankfurt School returned to Germany, a period of activity in West Germany, this is the heyday of the Frankfurt School, or Golden Age.
  In 1949, the Government's invitation to be West Germany, Horkheimer and Adorno, who returned to rebuild Society Institute, two serving as the Institute and deputy director. Soon, Horkheimer as Frankfurt University, and later the United States to give lectures, practice of social work of the Institute presided over mainly by Adorno. During this period, not only Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Fromm and others (both returned to Germany or stay in the United States) to continue construction and development of the Frankfurt School of social critical theory, and a group of young theorists such as Habermas, Schmitt, Nergert and others have begun to emerge as the second generation of Frankfurt School theorists. During this period, the Frankfurt School to further develop their own critical theory of society. They further stressed the negative dialectical and revolutionary, advanced industrial society on the all-round criticism reveals a profound alienation of modern man and the physical and chemical structure of modern society, especially the ideological, technical rationality, mass culture, the power of alienation human bondage and domination, and developed under the conditions of the developed capitalist revolution strategy. Frankfurt School of Critical Theory radical culture throughout Europe in the late 60 students and young rebel movement gained a high reputation, had a huge impact. Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Fromm and other major representative has become a very famous, very influential social thinkers. Thinking on behalf of the Frankfurt School's major works of this period have Adorno's "Negative Dialectics", Fromm's "healthy society" and "Eros and Civilization", Habermas's "knowledge and interest," Schmidt's "Marx's Concept of Nature" and so on.
  From the 70's, the Frankfurt School into their advanced stage, which is the main representative of the Frankfurt School have died, school start times to disintegration.
  The late 60s student movement across all of Europe to the Frankfurt School's reputation reached its peak, but soon after the Frankfurt School began the process of decline and disintegration. Reasons for this situation is in many aspects. First, the Frankfurt School have the main representative of the first generation of die, Adorno died in 1969, died in 1973, Horkheimer, Marcuse died in 1979, Fromm's death in 1980. Second, the Frankfurt School and Habermas the main representative of the second generation there is a big difference between the Schmidt, which led to the disintegration of the Frankfurt School. Schmidt was regarded as legitimate heir to the Frankfurt School, he thought the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory in the 70's under the conditions of advanced industrial society is still valid, Habermas stresses the Frankfurt School critical theory tradition of modern social conditions are not the same adaptability, he began efforts to explore the legality of late capitalism, advocated replacing communicative rationality instrumental rationality of the heart, thus Theory of Communicative Action Reconstruction of Historical Materialism. These differences are reflected in Schmidt's "On the Critical Theory," "critical theory as a philosophy of history" and Habermas's "the legality of late capitalism", "Reconstruction of Historical Materialism", "Communication and social evolution, "among other works. Differences in theory undermine cooperation among the members of the Frankfurt School. In 1969, Habermas as director of the Institute community, but soon, due to the deterioration of relations between the same Schmidt, Habermas had quit in 1971, Institute for Social Research. Schmidt began in 1972 as director of the Institute. Habermas returned to Frankfurt in 1983, a university professor. Although there are still Institute for Social Research, Habermas and others, but more as a single thinker and active in the international academic community, the Frankfurt School as a strong history of basically the end of school.
  School of Sociology and branch
  Sociological history
  School of social statistics
  Branch of sociology
  History of Sociology
  Sociology of Education
  History of Social Thought
  Sociological Methods
  Social survey methods, social statistics
  Experimental sociology
  Mathematical Sociology
  Applied Sociology
  Occupational sociology, industrial sociology, medical sociology, urban sociology, rural sociology, family sociology, environmental sociology, sociology of youth, the elderly sociology, criminal sociology, Sociology of Deviance, women's issues, racial issues, social problems, social masses and stratification, communities, social security, social work, micro-sociology, political sociology, sociology of religion, sociology, development sociology, sociology of population
  Comparative Sociology
  Social Geography
  Cultural Sociology
  Sociology of art, sociology of knowledge, moral sociology
  Historical Sociology
  Economic Sociology
  Military Sociology
  Social Psychology
  History of social psychology, experimental social psychology
  Public Relations
  Social Anthropology
  Organizational sociology
  Development Sociology
  Welfare Sociology
  Population, economics, sociology, population, population theory of history and historical demography, population geography, population ecology, regional demography, population engineering, population predictions, study population planning, population policy studies, Family Planning
  See also:
  Psychology - Information Science - Politics - Socialism - the law of social development - social structure - Talent Study
  Related Documents
  Weber (Germany), "the basic concept of sociology", Guangxi Normal University Press, 2005, ISBN 7563352058
  Ye Zhicheng, "What is sociology," ALi Corporation culture, 2005, ISBN 9578187181
  George. Ritzer (U.S.), "Contemporary Sociological Theory and its classical roots," Peking University Press, 2005, ISBN 7301087985
  乔纳森特纳 (U.S.), "Structure of Sociological Theory", John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001, ISBN 957551498X
  John J. Macionis, Sociology (10th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN 0131849182
  Piotr Sztompka, Socjologia, Znak, 2002, ISBN 8324002189
  Stephen H. Aby, Sociology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources. 3rd edn. Littleton, CO, Libraries Unlimited Inc., 2005, ISBN 1563089475
  Anthony Giddens, Conversations with Anthony Giddens, Polity, Cambridge, 1998. On to make a good introduction to classical sociology.
  Anthony Giddens, Sociology, Polity, Cambridge
  Anthony Giddens, Human Societies: Introduction Reading in Sociology
  Robert A. Nisbet, The Sociological Tradition, London, Heinemann Educational Books, 1967, ISBN 1560006676
  Evan Willis, The Sociological Quest: An introduction to the study of social life, 3rd edn, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, 1996, ISBN 0813523672
  Andrey Korotayev, Artemy Malkov, and Daria Khaltourina, Introduction to Social Macrodynamics, Moscow: URSS, 2006. ISBN 5-484-00414-4 [6].

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