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  影视后期制作就是对拍摄完的影片与或者软件做的动画,做后期的处理,使其形成完整的影片,加特效,加文字,并且为影片制作声音等等。后期软件具体可以分为平面软件、合成软件、非线性编辑软件、三维软件。后期软件有很多,就单纯的非线性编辑软件就有很多种。应用情况主要是取决于用的是什么采集卡(必须是支持卡的非线性编辑软件)。合成软件:AE、Combution 、DFsion、Shake等,各有不同分别是层级与节点式的合成软件(前两个是层级后两个是节点式)。三维软件:3D MAX、MAYA、和Softimage、Zbrush等。

  Together, the film and television.
  Video post
  Film post-production is finished on the film or video and software to do animation, doing post-processing, to form a complete film, plus special effects, add text, and sound for the film production and so on. Late specific software can be divided into plane software, software synthesis, non-linear editing software, 3D software. Software has a lot of late, the simple non-linear editing software, there are many. Application mainly depends on what is collected with the card (the card must support the non-linear editing software). Synthesis software: AE, Combution, DFsion, Shake, etc., have different levels and nodes are software-based synthesis (after the first two is the level two of the node type). 3D Software: 3D MAX, MAYA, and Softimage, Zbrush so.
  Television History
  Digital video industry, this is a new area of new technologies and new media communication carriers to expand from radio and television to computers, mobile phones, the communication channel from the wireless, wireline network expanded to satellite, Internet, and radio and television show with a very large spread in different ways by many to better meet the level of diversification, specialization, and personalized needs. We are faced with the visual media will include television, mobile phones, integrated media network.
  Since the late 19th century produced the first film to this day, film and television industries have been a hundred years of history. With the development and advancement of technology to today's information age. The development of digital networks, innovative advertising and television packaging film titles get more and more appearing in our lives.
  This year, the Ministry of Education will employment rate of students into higher education evaluation system. The pressure of larger part of the female employment, family economic difficulties of students, graduates and long-term employment of graduates to be registered, will also receive special care and assistance.
  For college graduates, should take part in vocational trainees. This year, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, vocational college graduates will be to expand to more cities trainee pilot, trainee graduates to participate in professional friends to pay more attention to this information. In addition, you monitor the new job is much more information published, because the Ministry of Labour and Social Security will develop more suitable for the college this year, especially college graduates and in the knowledge and skills-based career job. Eventually, to remind those still unable to find work six months after graduating from a friend, you can go to the local labor and social security department for the unemployment register, after registration you can enjoy a free employment services. Since China entered the WTO after. China's film and television industry, faced with the western countries the impact of film and television industry, so that the country's film and television industry is facing tough challenges. China will vigorously develop the film making industry and the television media to improve our country's competitiveness in world markets, so a lot of advertising design, animation design, film packaging company thrives, so on the increase in demand for film and television media personnel, while Television talent media technology and operational capability of the software, with more stringent requirements, so a lot of familiar post-production staff have many employment opportunities, digital video production technology is a technology based on computer graphics based on the derivative technologies, their core technology for the unique creative thinking, digital video software applications and integrate new computer, new computer graphics solution method and digital video products for application development. Many people access to video programming from the three-dimensional animation began.

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