adj.: most important, greatest, prime, having the greatest importance or significance, dominant, the great the most important, of the first importance, dominating, most important or prominent, main, fundamental, chief, principal, above `all most important of all, of paramount importance, supreme, paramount, overriding, operative, leading, high, foremost, cardinal
adv.: especially
Thesaurus Group
particularly, chief, least, predominant, principal radical, basal, average, basilar, plain, trivial, only just sufficient, radical, essential, build basal, serving as a starting-point, generic, generic, Prime, ground sexual, sketchy, substantial vital, grand, foremost, original, foremost, prime, firstly and most importantly, most important, vitally valuable, sequence unitary, embryonic, clear, overt, primitive, apparent, extreme, opening, Originally of, plain, outstanding, ancient, antediluvian, primitive, connate, from, ace, Outstanding, demonstrable, self-evident, self-explanatory, severe, telling, classic, coherent, careless, simple, upper, can stated, sensible (the) most outstanding, occupy Dominate rise capital, having all the expected or typical qualities, only, prime, optimum, foremost, most famous or important, complete, dreamy, none contaminative, new, most worth considering, superlative, apt (the) most grand, categorical ultimate, (the) most Humming, maximum, splendid, unsurpassable
Containing Phrases
operative words
above all things
a sixty-four dollar question
the most important thing
the most important, advanced or responsible position That's ... for you !
principal trifle
World principal
the most important, advanced or responsible position concentration
principal general
the most important, advanced or responsible position of classic
next sb.'s heart
be the (proper) mustard
above all things mentality
Head center principal
Aishizui a big deal
China above all things
an overbearing problem
keep [have] an ace up one's sleeve
the most important, advanced or responsible position of reign gospel
Principal article event
Class teacher the most important, advanced or responsible position of Standard
University time a period of time Principal a resolve
adolescent Principal a resolve
life Principal bar Gold order
Plain preserve one's health; keep in good health Principal Tangke