肯尼亞共和國(英語:Republic of Kenya)位於非洲東部,與埃塞俄比亞、索馬裏、蘇丹共和國、坦桑尼亞、烏幹達接壤。第一次世界大戰前為德國占領,後讓予英國。 1963年12月12日從英國獨立。東非共同體三國肯尼亞、坦桑尼亞和烏幹達將於2010年合併成為統一的聯邦國傢。該聯邦將擁有共同的憲法、總統、議會和貨幣。
East African Breweries
肯尼亞航空 (Kenya Airways)
肯尼亞廣播公司 (Kenya Broadcasting Corporation)
馬賽糖業公司 (Mumias Sugar)
Nairobi Stock Exchange
Rea Vipingo
Sasini Tea & Coffee
肯尼亞電信公司 (Telkom Kenya)
Bank of Africa
肯尼亞中央銀行 (Central Bank of Kenya)
東非開發銀行 (East African Development Bank)
Kenya Commercial Bank
內羅畢 首都 (Nairobi)
伊西奧洛 (Isiolo)
基蘇木 (Kisumu)
肯尼亞廣播公司 (Kenya Broadcasting Corporation - KBC)
肯尼亞之聲 (Voice of Kenya - VoK)
中國國際廣播電臺 (CRI)
University of Nairobi
Kenyatta University
Moi University
Aga Khan University
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton
Kipchoge "Kip" Keino
喬莫·肯雅塔 (Jomo Kenyatta)
姆瓦伊·齊貝吉 (Mwai Kibaki)
旺加裏·馬塔伊(Wangari Muta Maathai)
Daniel arap Moi
拉伊拉·奧廷加 (Raila Amolo Odinga)
老巴拉剋·奧巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.)肯尼亞著名經濟學者,其子巴拉剋·奧巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama)為第44任美國總統
The Republic of Kenya is a country in East Africa. Lying along the Indian Ocean, at the equator, Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia (north), Somalia (northeast), Tanzania (south), Uganda plus Lake Victoria (west), and Sudan (northwest). The capital city is Nairobi. Kenya spans an area about 85% the size of France or Texas. The population has grown rapidly in recent decades to nearly 38 million. Kenya has numerous wildlife reserves, containing thousands of animal species.
The country is named after Mount Kenya, a significant landmark and the second among the highest mountain peaks of Africa, and both were originally usually pronounced /ˈkiːnjə/ in English, though the native pronunciation and the one intended by the original transcription Kenia was [ˈkɛnja]. During the presidency of Jomo Kenyatta in the 1960s, the current English pronunciation of /ˈkɛnjə/ became widespread because his name retained the native pronunciation. Before 1920, the area now known as Kenya was known as the British East Africa Protectorate and so there was no need to mention mount when referring to the mountain.