the Book of Odes > Plucking
Cai Wei  

Poet: Lu Mingzhishen

  Let us gather the thorn-ferns, let us gather the thorn-ferns;
  The thorn-ferns are now springing up.
  When shall we return? When shall we return?
  It will be late in the [next] year.
  Wife and husband will be separated,
  Because of the Xian-yun.
  We shall have no leisure to rest,
  Because of the Xian-yun.
  Let us gather the thorn-ferns, let us gather the thorn-ferns;
  The thorn-ferns are now tender.
  When shall we return? When shall we return?
  Our hearts are sorrowful;
  Our hearts are sad and sorrowful;
  We shall hunger, we shall thirst.
  While our service on guard is not finished,
  We can send no one home to enquire about our families.
  Let us gather the thorn-ferns, let us gather the thorn-ferns;
  The thorn-ferns are now hard.
  When shall we return? When shall we return?
  The year will be in the tenth month.
  But the king's business must not be slackly performed;
  We shall have no leisure to rest.
  Our sorrowing hearts are in great distress;
  But we shall not return from our expedition.
  What is that so gorgeous?
  It is the flowers of the cherry tree.
  What carriage is that?
  It is the carriage of our general.
  His war carriage is yoked;
  The four steeds are strong.
  Dare we remain inactive?
  In one month we shall have three victories.
  The four steeds are yoked,
  The four steeds, eager and strong; --
  The confidence of the general,
  The protection of the men.
  The four steeds move regularly, like wings; --
  There are the bow with its ivory ends, and the seal-skin quiver.
  Shall we not daily warn one another?
  The business of the Xian-yun is very urgent.
  At first, when we set out,
  The willows were fresh and green;
  Now, when we shall be returning,
  The snow will be falling in clouds.
  Long and tedious will be our marching;
  We shall hunger; we shall thirst.
  Our hearts are wounded with grief,
  And no one knows our sadness.
No. 3
  Yin at the end, solitary Zhujun two sons Boyi, Shu Qi, against the weeks Validity, had knock horse and remonstrance. Zhou Yin while the world, they "do not eat Zhou Yi Su", hidden in the Shouyangshan, Plucking fern and food, and hunger and death, for song, saying: "Dengbi Xi Shan Xi, Wei adopted its fortune, violence and fortune, I do not know The non-Xi. Shen Nong, Yu, Xia Yan suddenly not Come, Come my well-being go? to sigh the Migration of fortune, the decline of life carry on. then starve to death in Shouyangshan. "See" Historical Records Boyi Biography. " After "Plucking" means the Hermit. The song called "Plucking Song", and their descendants spectrum for the qin, called "Plucking Exercises" can save "the Book Of." See "Music Bureau Poetry Joseph Song Songs 1 <Plucking Exercises> ordered the" primer "Qin set" and "Yue problem solving." Jin Ge Hong "Baopuzi appointment": "Mr. willing Caverns Committee snakes, see the Tu Sheng Li ... ... Plucking almost afraid of such multi-Mu?" Tang Wangwei "Farewell" Poem: "put the blame off Dongshan, not Gucai Wei. "Addition Song" wise men do not eat at home fu ":" Even the Chinese temple, still hear the words of Suomi; today's business, nothing Plucking the old. "clarify and state the amount of" Night with the recorded Liang Sheng Tan ":" Now a stage beyond poor without notice, and soon Xishan sing "Plucking". "
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No. 4
  "Poetry Xiao Ya" English Version. "<Poetry> order": "the time of King Wen, the West has Kunyi of patients, the difficulty of Xian Yun north to the orders of the emperor ordered the rate of removal Shuzu to guard China, so song" Plucking "to severance have to. "after the then submitted" Plucking "for the disposal of his soldiers allusions. Qing Yao Nai, "Wu Shu Bridge" poem: "photogenic song" Plucking "strict military into hanging gourd."
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No. 5
  "Records of Yi's biography" contains, Zhou Wu Wang Mieyan, the "Bo Yi, Shu Qi ashamed of, he refused to eat Zhou Su, hidden in the Shouyangshan, Plucking and eat." Later, because of the "Plucking" refers to Retire or reclusive life. Sanguo Wei Kang "quiet anger poem": "Plucking Hill A, distribution of rock Xiu, Yong-Xiao Zhang Yin, Yi Xing Yang Shou." Tandoori Fu "Do Dong Ting" poem: "When thinking about soap cap, Plucking Albatron side. "" Gui Qian "Juanshi Si Yuan Liu Su quoted verse:" Two land can not be, so go Plucking mountain. "
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No. 6
  Refer to subjugation. Yellow people "<Qing Wen Wei Po> order": "good kind of broadcasting in Tatsuno, keep quintessence in the vicissitudes of life to Sai Mai Sau, Plucking the pain."
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No. 7
  ① "Boyi Historical Biography" contains: Bo Yi, Shu Qi cutting against King Wu Yin, Wu Wang Mieyan later, they fled to the Shouyangshan, vowed not to eat Zhou Su, Plucking the water, eventually starve to death. By Yi Yu seclusion after neither an Official.
  ② "Poetry Xiao Ya" English Version. Write to withstand  fe53  Yun (ancient northern ethnic minorities) in the Western Zhou soldiers in the battlefield of hard work and homesickness during the emotional and sentimental returned after the war. The poem "I will carry on Xi, Yang Liu Yiyi. Now I'll think, rain and snow started falling," so sentence was later considered a "Book of Songs" the best sentence.
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  "Plucking" is the "Book of Songs Xiaoya" in the article. Note by successive years of writing about it vary. However, according to its contents, and other historical records to examine and correct about the works of Zhou Xuan Wang times bigger possibility. North of Xian Zhou yun (later the Huns) has been very tough, often invaded the Central Plains, to bring a lot of people's lives at the North disaster. Historically, many outside edge of the Zhou and life guarding troops sent troops to defeat the Xian soldiers yun records. From the "Plucking" content to see, as is also when the soldiers of the garrison served as labor. The hardships of army soldiers sing the poem of life and think of returning home feelings.
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采薇 内容
  Plucking Plucking, Wei also be just. Yue said go go, old Yimo only.
  Room extravagant extravagant home, long-snout dog yun with the rules. Not to mention Kai home, long-snout dog xiǎn yun yǔn the rules.
  Plucking Plucking, Wei also soft stop. Yue said go go, the heart also worry yōu only.
  Worried about its might, as _set_ contains zài hunger thirst. I Shu yet, extravagant to go engage pìn.
  Plucking Plucking, Wei has just ended. Yue said go go, age is also positive only.
  Wang Shi extravagant Bay gǔ, not to mention huáng Kai Department. Worry hole remorse, the Bank does not come!
  Bier Wei Ho? Dimensional constant of the Chinese. He Luz that? Gentleman's car.
  Rong driving both cars, four male mǔ industry sector. Dare to _set_tle? January 3 Jie.
  He drive four male, four male kuí Kui Kui. Gentleman by, the villain of the peroneal féi.
  Four male wing, like fish, Mi mǐ service. It not at ring? Xianyunkongji jí!
  I will carry on past, Yang Liu Yiyi. Today I came to think, rain and snow fēi Fei Fei.
  Track, slow, thirsty _set_ containing hunger. My heart sad, Mozhi me sad!
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采薇 注释
  Xiaoya Luming from the Book of Songs What 【】.
  Wei, wild pea sprouts, edible.
  For, health, refers to the primary. Only, language at the end particle.
  Said, words said. One that occurs as the first particle, no real meaning.
  Mo, Tong "Twilight", this means the end of the year.
  Room extravagant extravagant home, without a normal family life. Extravagant, no. Room, and "home" meaning the same.
  Not to mention, too busy. Not to mention, leisure.
  Kai home, kneeling, sitting, referring to rest, rest. Kai, kneeling, sat. Home, the comfort of their, homes.
  Soft, soft. "Soft" than "make" further growth.
  Its might, the fierce, described with good reason.
  Hunger and thirst _set_ contained, the hunger is thirst; that is hungry and thirsty. Load. . . Load. . . , That is another. . . Another. . .
  Shu, defense, defense refers to the location here.
  Employed, asked that greetings.
  Gang, hard.
  Sun, October is yang. Still made today, "October Indian summer."
  Extravagant (mi, rising tone), Wang cited the release as a non-stop.
  Bay (gǔ) to cease, and closed.
  Kai Department, rest, rest.
  Hole, very, very. Remorse, disease, pain.
  My line does not come, there is no messenger to bring back greetings to family members. So, messenger. Years, with "Chai (lài)", Weimian.
  Seoul, as though "." Flowers Sheng appearance.
  Chang, Chang Di (Tangdi), both helped shift the botanical name.
  Road, as though "chariot", a big one. Adams Ho, Ho still made by Victoria.
  Gentleman, referring to generals.
  Mean and refer to soldiers.
  Rong cars, military vehicles.
  Male, the male horse. Industry sector, and growth outlook.
  _Set_tlement, still made homes.
  McNair, victory. That engagement, engagement. One said, Jie, evil out, that diverted the march. Sentence means, march several times in January.
  Jue (kui, Hinata), hung strong, powerful. Kui Kui here is the meaning of strong horses.
  Philippians (fei, Hinata), shelter, cover.
  Wing, carefree appearance. That horse trained.
  Mi (mi, rising tone), a bow, the ends decorated with bones, horns. Like Mi to Mi ivory decorative side bow. Fish, clothing, skin quiver system.
  Day ring, alert alert day.
  Spine, acute. Hole spines, very urgent.
  Xi pointed out that when the levy.
  Yiyi, lush appearance. One that attached to appearance.
  Thinking, language at the end particle.
  Started falling, the snow looks great.
  ICBC will not come: I can not go home. Years, with Lai (lai four tones) to go home
  Slow: slow
  To that when the army
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  Winter, rain started falling, snowflakes have, a retired Zhengfu disarmament, demobilization and traveled alone on his way home. Rugged road, hungry and thirsty; but the frontier further and further away, rural off asymptotically. At this point, he look into the distance home, Here and now, can not help but numerous thoughts, mixed feelings. Hard military life, the intense battle scenes, numerous climbing go looking scenes, in front of reproduction. "Plucking" is three thousand years ago such a long time the soldier garrison, in the way back to sing a sigh of remembrance for. Its class to go home "Xiao Ya," but just like the "national style."
  The poem of six chapters, divided into three layers. Both reminiscent of the way back, it means to write with a flashback from. The first three chapters as one layer, recalling think of returning home feeling, difficult to describe the reasons for return. This is the first four chapters to re-apply for Chapter of the stack word and step by step approach intended to express feelings of homelessness hope return; and postponed again and again over time, this feeling more and more urgent unbearable. Plucking from the first sentence of the Xing, but in and Fu Xing. For Osmunda edible Shuzu Plucking is hunger. So it's picked easily from Xing sentence is spoken eye prospects, reflecting the lives of his soldiers to the plight of frontiers. Soldiers to the border, "Plucking", and the home of her "adopted Fan", "Mulberry" is not the same metaphor. Shu served not only difficult, but long. "Wei has made only", "soft stop", "just stop", step by step, the image depicts Osmunda from above the soil, to the tender seedlings, to stem the growth of the old hard process it with "just-year-old Yi Mo "and" Yang-year-old has only "together, Yu said the passage of time and labor in the long garrison. The beginning of the twilight years, times change, "said said go go", but not under long-Shu; this always in danger of Shuzu of life is, how can we not "worried about its might." Why, then, Shu hard labor go it? Made after the four layers of description: far away from home, because the risk of long-snout dog yun; garrison to uncertainty, because the war frequently; no time to rest, because the king of bad infinity. The fundamental reason is the "long-snout dog yun of it." "Han • Hun Biography", said: "(weeks) Yi Wang, the royal family then decline, Rong and Di make invasion, tyranny in China. China is the bitter, the poet before making, disease and the song I said: 'extravagant room extravagant home, Xian yun of it 'and so on. "This can be regarded as" Plucking "work in the background. For the long-snout dog yun diseases, and everyone is Shu the military service duty. On the one hand is feeling homesick, the other is fighting awareness. Before and after the first three chapters two, intertwined with love at home while their loved ones personal feelings and sense of responsibility for the country Funan, it is equally true that two contradictory thoughts and feelings. In fact, this also constitutes the poem's emotional tone, just think of returning home and fighting the personal feelings of responsibility, where different sections have different performance.
  Four chapters trace the tensions of life march operations. Wrote the military capacity of the strong, alert the strict momentum lifted the whole chapter. Its mood, but also think of returning home by the sad feelings turn to passionate feeling of the battle. The same four of a meaning in these two chapters can be divided into four time. Four sentences of four chapters, the poet answer his own question with "Victoria Chang of China" and the rise of "gentlemen of the car", showing the military-specific pride. Then around the tank, two battle scenes described: "Rong driving both cars, four oyster industry sector. Dare to _set_tle, January 3 Jie." This is a general description of the mighty military capacity, high morale and frequent fighting; "driving He has four male and four male Kuikui. gentleman in accordance with, the villain of the Philippians. "detailed description of these in turn in the tank cover and the generals under the command of his soldiers were charged at the scene immediately following the chariot. Finally, soldiers from the battle scenes and write the equipment: "The four male wing, serving as Mi fish." Horses strong and well-trained, sophisticated weapons and invincible. Vigilant every day, the soldiers simply because long-snout dog yun is rampant, "Is not Japan a warning, long-snout dog yun hole spine," not only reflects the situation at border, illustrates once again the reasons for long-Shu difficult to return. "Mao ordered" according to these two chapters, the description of military life that "Plucking" is "Battle banish" and advised the officers and men of the poem. This is incompatible with the poetic. Performance from the ambivalence of the poem read, love both the Shuzu family also know the overall situation, it seems that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall no lack of national responsibility. Therefore, since the long way home on the recall highlighted the danger of fighting yesterday, life is very natural.
  The main emotions enveloped the whole chapter is sad Thinking of home. May be suddenly awakened Daisaku Shuzu snow started falling, he returned to recall the reality of grief along into deeper. Ask this chase past, bitter experience, how can we not make "I heart age" it? "I will carry on past, Yang Liu Yiyi. Now I'm thinking, rain and snow started falling." This is when the scenery in mind, it is sad lyric. Individual life exists in time, and in the "today" and "yesterday", "to" and "to", "rain and snow started falling," and "Yang Liu Yiyi," the situation changes, Shuzu deep experience of life wasted, the passage of life and war deny the value of life. Masterpiece Wenqing, through the ages often new. Read the four people today still can not help but touch on the doorpost pregnant, feeling very depressed, but also mainly to the poetic experience the deep sense of life passing. "Track, slow, thirsty _set_ containing hunger", plus the return is long ways, obstacles, lack of luggage, in hunger and thirst, which the immediate plight has deepened his grief. "Slow-way street," seems also includes Shuzu Wife and Children of parents concerns. One other for years, "extravagant to return appointment," life and death, two unknown, return to the occasion when this is bound to germinal "near their hometown more timid, afraid to ask come" (Tang Lee frequency "Hanjiang River"), the fear of psychology. However, all these sad rain and snow started falling in the wilderness, no one knows, no one to comfort; "my heart sad, Mozhi my sorrow," the poem lamenting in this lonely and helpless in the end. Looking at the poem, "Plucking" leading the delight of the typical, not the labor to persuade soldiers to express banish feelings of the fighting, but war will dynasty conflict with the barbarians retired to the background, from the military action of a state from the battlefield separated from way back in the recount by the concentrated expression of Shuzu are hard to return long-Shu, with good reason the inner world, which shows the war Zhou disgust. "Plucking", may be called eternal war-weary father of poetry.
  In art, "I will carry on past, Yang Liu Yiyi. Now I'm thinking, rain and snow started falling," known as the "three hundred" one of the best lines. Since the Southern Xie Xuan has been stretching its assessment into a fifteen hundred years of interpretation of history. Wang Fu-chih, "Jiang Talks on Poetry" and "sad to happy scene to sad music scene to write, a doubling of its funeral," and Xizai "Almost Art" and "caused deep Masato, romance is by the King," has become a pet phrase of Poets. The "Xi Wang" and "this to" on the example of a sentence, then repeat for the poet to recover G, such as Cao Zhi's "the beginning of the frost end, this comes from Lu Xi" ("Love Poems"), Yan Yan's "past speech Autumn is not prime, this _set_ also-year-old Hua "(" Autumn Hu poem "Five), and so on.
  This is a first to write a Western Zhou Dynasty suffered the pain of the frontiers in service Sigui soldiers home from the expedition to the poetry. The poem describes the hard life he moved to the periphery, expression of patriotic love of his family, worry about things when the hurt feelings. 
  This is four, is the poem's famous scenes. "Yiyi", "started falling," these two _set_s of overlapping words, not only the willow's graceful gesture, the snow's flying flying very willing to describe the body, lively, and very image of the sign reveals the person's inner world. "Yang Liu Yiyi" performance when he _set_ off the spring home of the feelings of relatives reluctantly. "Rain and snow started falling," reminds us of the journey he endured many hardships, and bring out the sadness in his home filled with anger when the mood. Qing Wang Fu-chih said that this four-line poem "happy scene to sad, sad scene to write music, a doubling of its funeral." ("Jiang Talks on Poetry")
  The first three chapters of poetry by way of flashback, recalled the plight of battle. In order to resist the intrusion  yun, his long stay away from married, his military Kongzong, how long the border to return home early and stability! Four or five steep turn Bifeng two chapters, describing the border guards who _set_ off with dignity, lifted the momentum of the whole chapter, the patriotic spirit of the soldiers have been fully reflected. Disarmament, demobilization and return in the last chapter to write. Although it can return, then the old working class only in exchange for the battlefield today, "_set_ contains hunger thirst," How can we help people sadly distracting? 
  Poem from "Xiao Ya", there is the "National Style" features folk songs, rather than pay attention to sentence overlap with the use of metaphor. If the first three chapters of Repeat sentence, change the text slightly to Wei's growth process, _set_ off hoping for early return home feeling of falling, timely and lively exception. The fourth chapter in full bloom often a symbol of the military capacity of Di Zhuang, military might of the strict, new police strange. Before the end of chapter, and to return from the levy when the scenery, endless sustenance sentimental, shallow words of deep meaning, scenes, has long been considered the "Book of Songs" in the wonderful words Sentences.
  Xian (xian, rising tone) yun (yun, rising tone), that is, Bei Di, Huns.
  Not to mention, too busy. Kai, kneeling, sat. Home, the comfort of their, homes. The ancients sat on the floor, so it sat, the comfort of their difference. Are both sat and knees with the comfort of their seats, sat (kneeling) straight when the waist, hips with the left foot; the comfort of their time will be attached to the heel on the buttocks.
  The poem six chapters, the first three chapters stacks up to write Plucking Wei Xing from the soft and just by the be, and garrison sergeant served far not home, life time of no return, homesickness, they were concerned! The authors write: Mountain Wei ah, you sprout, birth, and we always go home now! But the blink of an eye another year, we are too busy to think married, this is why it? So yun invasion to Xian, we do not even get a moment too late to take, but also to Xian yun with the rules. We need necessary condition for battles! Plucking the time again to, Wei Ye grew up, tender leaves, which the total of the next home now! Blazing heart is so sad, is fighting back and forth, we garrison of yet, who brought a letter from home is difficult for us! Shan Wei looks stout vigorous, and this the next time to go home now! October is a spring! But Wang Shi forever, not law leisure, it really painful feelings of sadness, but no one phase consolation! Four or five chapters are busy writing border war, tension: What is that flower in full bloom? Is Tangdi flower. Dish with Flowers Xing, Yu _set_ off traveling dress of a soldier, Sheng: Well what a great big? It was soldiers of the military vehicles, military vehicles already driving, the horse tall vigorous, frequent fighting, the army but also migration, dare to _set_tle? Drove four head tall stallion, Army tanks were sitting on the foot soldiers under cover car, Ma Wei Wu Xiongjian war, soldiers in the hands of the bow as bone and skin quiver always wear around, Xian yun's rampant invasion of war so strong, stepped up security at Ma to shortly? These two chapters are written by the Hungary Xian yun Zhou Jiajun team defended the grand military might, discipline solemn, Zuwu fine strong. But the garrison of life is difficult and labor intensive, these are of the strokes used to write realistic. Chapter VI is quite true, _set_ off to write the way people return home suffering from hunger and cold, bitter experience feelings of grief: when the expedition thought it Yiyi willow, branches Mao Sheng Ye, but this time the snow the way out, Lu, Tian Han , in hunger, and thirst, is really a panic but miserable. Jin Xie Xuan the "past me to carry on," four of the best lines for the three hundred. Great influence in literary history. Later scholars often repeated singing, to follow suit. As the "Book of Songs," known for simple and honest, simple, known, these works are indeed so few plaintive and moving. So it became "The Book of Songs," a model of the lyrical work for the ancient writers is admirable.
  From the writing point of view, it works the same for many of the Book of Songs Wei Xing from the way, plus art of composition, morphology chorus again and again on the re-make the content and taste are to be spread out layers, gradually deepening, and increased the work musical beauty and sense of rhythm. The poem is a narrative, there are discussions, there is scenery, a lyrical, psychological description, with a patchwork, and is very neat and smooth, so "Plucking" is indeed a "Book of Songs," one of the best chapters.
  By means seclusion. "Historical Records • Bo Biography" reads: "King Wu Yin chaos has been flat, the world Zongzhou weeks, Bo, Shu Ch'i shame it, meaning do not eat millet week, caught Shouyangshan, Plucking and eat." Bo said that , Shu Ch'i mountain seclusion, the story of justice and serving no weeks. Meng Jiao, "Thanks for the Memories" (Five): "Heaven only give the letter, the first Yang who Plucking. Gonna go wild Ze Yuan, the _set_ting sun as never to return." Uphold the moral integrity was also performed. Wen Tianxiang "Nam Army": "through the ages in the mountains and rivers, city walls one o'clock wrong. Hunger and death really Wuzhi, dream Plucking the line."
  Plucking ----" New Stories of Lu Xun "
  Plucking Plucking a put, Osmunda new shoots have grown up. Road home, said home Yeah, seeing a year and done for. Home is not no home for yun to fight with the long-snout dog. Not to sit idle for yun to fight with the long-snout dog.
  Plucking Plucking a put, Osmunda soft early germination. O Road, said home home, depressed and more worried about my heart. Filled with melancholy burning, hungry and thirsty so bitter evil. Fangde difficult to mobilize _set_, the book trust who take along home!
  Plucking Plucking a put, the old hair has been forking Osmunda Sam. Road home, said home Yeah, instant friends again in October. Royal job not a strike, did not want to break leisure. Full of sorrow too painful, fear no longer have to go home.
  What flowers bloom Sheng? Tangdi dense layers of flowers. What a great high child car? General by the tall tank. Drive raised an army vehicle to play, four strong Madhi Pentium. How dare Figure frontier homes? Several times in January we want to win!
  Driving from the four Grand Duchy of horses, the horses went by Chun Hung. Reliance General mighty car _set_, soldiers have relied on the cover. Children more than four horses neat, skin quiver Diaogong linked. How can one not alert, military emergency does not Resurrection!
  Looking back _set_ off, Yang Liu Yiyi with the wind; now back road, one after another flying snow. Muddy roads difficult to walk, so tired hungry and thirsty. Filled full of sad sad. Who understand my sorrow!
  Expression of emotion: the performance of the ordinary soldiers away from home _set_ off the years of hard life and inner pain, the war between the lines expressed dissatisfaction and thoughts of home.
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English Expression
  1. :  Plucking,  Cai Wei