country : southern Europe > Spain
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  Spain (Spanish: España (help·info), IPA: [es'paɲa]) or the Kingdom of Spain (Reino de España), is a country located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. The Spanish mainland is bordered to the south and east almost entirely by the Mediterranean Sea (except for a tiny land boundary with Gibraltar); to the north by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal. Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast, and two autonomous cities in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla, that border Morocco. With an area of 504,030 km², Spain is the second largest country in Western Europe (behind France) and with an average altitude of 650 m, the second highest country in Europe (behind Switzerland).
  Spain is a constitutional monarchy organised as a parliamentary democracy and has been a member of the European Union since 1986. It is a developed country with the eighth largest economy in the world and fifth largest in the EU, based on nominal GDP.
  Spain is a key site when it comes to studying both the arrival of the first hominids recorded in Europe and the prehistoric stage of this continent. Under the Roman Empire, Hispania flourished and became one of the empire's most important regions. During the early Middle Age it came under Germanic rule. Later, nearly the entire peninsula came under Muslim rulers. Through a long process Christian kingdoms in the north gradually rolled back Muslim rule which was finally extinguished in 1492 as well as expelling or killing the Jews or forcing many to convert. That year Columbus reached the Americas, the beginnings of a global empire. Spain became the strongest kingdom in Europe in the 16th and first half of the 17th centuries but continued wars and other problems eventually led to a diminished status. In the middle decades of the 20th century it came under a dictatorship, under which it went through many years of stagnation and then a spectacular economic revival. Democracy was recovered in 1978 under the form of a constitutional monarchy. In 1986 it joined the European Union and has experienced an economic and cultural renaissance.
  Prehistory and pre-Roman peoples in the Iberian Peninsula
  Archeological research at Atapuerca indicates that the Iberian Peninsula was peopled more than a million years ago. Modern humans in the form of Cro-Magnons began arriving in the Iberian Peninsula through the Pyrenees some 35,000 years ago. The best known artifacts of these prehistoric human settlements are the famous paintings in the Altamira cave of Cantabria in northern Spain, which were created about 15,000 BCE. Furthermore, archeological evidence in places like Los Millares in Almería and in El Argar in Murcia suggests that developed cultures existed in the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula during the late Neolithic and the Bronze Age.
  The two main historical peoples of the peninsula were the Iberians and the Celts, the former inhabiting the Mediterranean side from the northeast to the southwest, the latter inhabiting the Atlantic side, in the north and northwest part of the peninsula. In the inner part of the peninsula, where both groups were in contact, a mixed, distinctive, culture was present, known as Celtiberian. In addition, Basques occupied the western area of the Pyrenees mountains. Other ethnic groups existed along the southern coastal areas of present day Andalusia. Among these southern groups there grew the earliest urban culture in the Iberian Peninsula, that of the semi-mythical southern city of Tartessos (perhaps pre-1100 BC) near the location of present-day Cádiz. The flourishing trade in gold and silver between the people of Tartessos and Phoenicians and Greeks is documented in the history of Strabo and in the biblical book of king Solomon. Between about 500 BC and 300 BC, the seafaring Phoenicians and Greeks founded trading colonies all along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Carthaginians briefly took control of much of the Mediterranean coast in the course of the Punic Wars, until they were eventually defeated and replaced by the Romans.
  Roman Empire and Germanic invasions
  During the Second Punic War, an expanding Roman Empire captured Carthaginian trading colonies along the Mediterranean coast (from roughly 210 BC to 205 BC), leading to eventual Roman control of nearly the entire Iberian Peninsula - a control which lasted over 500 years, bound together by law, language, and the Roman road. The base Celt and Iberian population remained in various stages of Romanisation, and local leaders were admitted into the Roman aristocratic class.
  The Romans improved existing cities, such as Lisbon (Olissis bona or 'good for Ulysses') and Tarragona (Tarraco), and established Zaragoza (Caesaraugusta), Mérida (Augusta Emerita), Valencia (Valentia), León ("Legio Septima"), Badajoz ("Pax Augusta"), and Palencia (Παλλαντία, "Pallas Ateneia"). The peninsula's economy expanded under Roman tutelage. Hispania served as a granary for the Roman market, and its harbors exported gold, wool, olive oil, and wine. Agricultural production increased with the introduction of irrigation projects, some of which remain in use. Emperors Trajan, Theodosius I, and the philosopher Seneca were born in Hispania. Christianity was introduced into Hispania in the first century CE and it became popular in the cities in the second century CE. Most of Spain's present languages and religion, and the basis of its laws, originate from this period.
  The first Germanic tribes to invade Hispania arrived in the 5th century, as the Roman Empire decayed. The Visigoths, Suebi, Vandals and Alans arrived in Spain by crossing the Pyrenees mountain range. The Romanized Visigoths entered Hispania in 415. After the conversion of their monarchy to Roman Catholicism, the Visigothic Kingdom eventually encompassed a great part of the Iberian Peninsula after conquering the disordered Suebic territories in the northwest and Byzantine territories in the southeast.
  Muslim Iberia
  In the 8th century, nearly all of the Iberian Peninsula was conquered (711-718) by mainly Berber Muslims (see Moors) from North Africa. These conquests were part of the expansion of the Umayyad Islamic Empire. Only a number of areas in the mountains to the north of the Iberian Peninsula managed to cling to their independence, occupying the areas roughly corresponding to modern Asturias, Navarre and Aragon.
  Interior of the Mezquita in Córdoba, a Muslim mosque until the Reconquest, after which it became a Christian cathedral.Under Islam, Christians and Jews were recognised as "peoples of the book", and were free to practice their religion, but faced a number of mandatory discriminations and penalties as dhimmis. Conversion to Islam proceeded at a steadily increasing pace. Following the mass conversions in the 10th and 11th centuries it is believed that Muslims came to outnumber Christians in the remaining Muslim controlled areas.
  The Muslim community in the Iberian peninsula was itself diverse and beset by social tensions. The Berber people of North Africa, who had provided the bulk of the invading armies, clashed with the Arab leadership from the Middle East. Over time, large Moorish populations became established, especially in the Guadalquivir River valley, the coastal plain of Valencia, and (towards the end of this period) in the mountainous region of Granada.
  Córdoba, the capital of the caliphate, was the largest, richest and most sophisticated city of medieval western Europe. Mediterranean trade and cultural exchange flourished. Muslims imported a rich intellectual tradition from the Middle East and North Africa. Muslim and Jewish scholars played a great part in reviving and expanding classical Greek learning in Western Europe. The Romanized cultures of the Iberian peninsula interacted with Muslim and Jewish cultures in complex ways, thus giving the region a distinctive culture. Outside the cities, where the vast majority lived, the land ownership system from Roman times remained largely intact as Muslim leaders rarely dispossessed landowners, and the introduction of new crops and techniques led to a remarkable expansion of agriculture.
  However, by the 11th century, Muslim holdings had fractured into rival Taifa kingdoms, allowing the small Christian states the opportunity to greatly enlarge their territories and consolidate their positions. The arrival of the North African Muslim ruling sects of the Almoravids and the Almohads restored unity upon Muslim holdings, with a stricter, less tolerant application of Islam, but ultimately, after some successes in invading the north, proved unable to resist the increasing military strength of the Christian states.
  Fall of Muslim rule and unification
  Equal partners: King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile, the Catholic Monarchs.The term Reconquista ("Reconquest") is used to describe the centuries-long period of expansion of Spain's Christian kingdoms; the Reconquista is viewed as beginning after the battle of Covadonga in 722. The Christian army victory over the Muslim forces lead to the creation of the Christian Kingdom of Asturias. Muslim armies had also moved north of the Pyrenees, but they were defeated at the Battle of Poitiers in France. Subsequently, they retreated to more secure positions south of the Pyrenees with a frontier marked by the Ebro and Duero rivers in Spain. As early as 739 Muslim forces were driven from Galicia, which was to host one of medieval Europe's holiest sites, Santiago de Compostela. A little later Frankish forces established Christian counties south of the Pyrenees; these areas were to grow into kingdoms, in the north-east and the western part of the Pyrenees. These territories included Navarre, Aragon and Catalonia.
  The breakup of Al-Andalus into the competing Taifa kingdoms helped the expanding Christian kingdoms. The capture of the central city of Toledo in 1085 largely completed the reconquest of the northern half of Spain. After a Muslim resurgence in the 12th century, the great Moorish strongholds in the south fell to Christian Spain in the 13th century—Córdoba in 1236 and Seville in 1248—leaving only the Muslim enclave of Granada as a tributary state in the south. Marinid invasions from north Africa in the 13th and 14th centuries failed to re-establish Muslim rule. Also in the 13th century, the kingdom of Aragon, still ruled by the Catalan count of Barcelona, expanded its reach across the Mediterranean to Sicily. Around this time the universities of Palencia (1212/1263) and Salamanca (1218/1254) were established; among the earliest in Europe. The Black Death of 1348 and 1349 devastated Spain.
  In 1469, the crowns of the Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were united (even though both kingdoms kept a high degree of political and economical independence) by the marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand. In 1478 began the final stage of the conquest of Canary Islands and in 1492, these united kingdoms captured Granada, ending the last remnant of a 781-year presence of Islamic rule in the Iberian Peninsula. The year 1492 also marked the arrival in the New World of Christopher Columbus, during a voyage funded by Isabella. That same year, Spain's Jews were ordered to convert into the Catholicism or face expulsion from Spanish territories during the Spanish Inquisition.
  As Renaissance New Monarchs, Isabella and Ferdinand centralized royal power at the expense of local nobility, and the word España - whose root is the ancient name "Hispania" - began to be used to designate the whole of the two kingdoms. With their wide-ranging political, legal, religious and military reforms, Spain emerged as the first world power.
  Imperial Spain
  The unification of the kingdoms of Aragon, Castile, León, and Navarre laid the basis for modern Spain and the Spanish Empire. Spain became Europe's leading power throughout the 16th century and most of the 17th century, a position reinforced by trade and wealth from colonial possessions. Spain reached its apogee during the reigns of the first two Spanish Habsburgs, Charles I (1516–1556) and Philip II (1556–1598). Included in this period are the Italian Wars, the Dutch revolt, clashes with the Ottomans, the Anglo-Spanish war and war with France.
  The galleon became synonymous with the riches of the Spanish Empire.The Spanish Empire expanded to include most part of South and Central America, Mexico, southern and western portions of today's United States, the Philippines, Guam and the Mariana Islands in Eastern Asia, the Iberian peninsula (including the Portuguese Empire (from 1580), southern Italy, Sicily, cities in Northern Africa, as well as parts of modern Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. It was the first empire about which it was said that the sun did not set. This was an age of discovery, with daring explorations by sea and by land, the opening up of new trade routes across oceans, conquests and the beginnings of European colonialism. Along with the arrival of precious metals, spices, luxuries, and new agricultural plants, Spanish explorers and others brought back knowledge, playing a leading part in transforming the European understanding of the world.
  Of note was the cultural efflorescence now known as the Spanish Golden Age and the intellectual movement known as the School of Salamanca.
  In the 16th and 17th centuries, Spain was confronted by unrelenting challenges from all sides. Barbary pirates under the aegis of the rapidly growing Ottoman empire, disrupted life in many coastal areas through their slave raids and renewed the threat of an Islamic invasion. This at a time when Spain was often at war with France in Italy and elsewhere. Later the Protestant Reformation schism from the Catholic Church dragged the kingdom ever more deeply into the mire of religiously charged wars. The result was a country forced into ever expanding military efforts across Europe and in the Mediterranean.
  By the middle decades of a war and plague ridden 17th century Europe, the effects of the strain began to show. The Spanish Habsburgs had enmeshed the country in the continent wide religious-political conflicts. These conflicts drained it of resources and undermined the European economy generally. Spain managed to hold on to most of the scattered Habsburg empire, and help the imperial forces of the Holy Roman Empire reverse a large part of the advances made by Protestant forces, but it was finally forced to recognise the independence of Portugal - with its empire - and the Netherlands, and eventually began to surrender territories to France after the immensely destructive, Europe-wide Thirty Years War.
  During the latter half of the 17th century, Spain went into a gradual decline, however it maintained and enlarged its vast overseas empire, which remained intact until the 19th century.
  The decline culminated in a controversy over succession to the throne which consumed the first years of the 18th century. The War of Spanish Succession (1701–1714), a wide ranging international conflict combined with a civil war, cost Spain its European possessions and its position as one of the leading powers on the Continent.
  During this war, a new dynasty—the French Bourbons—was installed. Long united only by the Crown, a true Spanish state was established when the first Bourbon king Philip V of Spain united Castile and Aragon into a single state, abolishing many of the regional privileges (fueros).
  The 18th century saw a gradual recovery and an increase in prosperity through much of the empire. The new Bourbon monarchy drew on the French system of modernising the administration and the economy. Enlightenment ideas began to gain ground among some of the kingdom's elite and monarchy. Towards the end of the century trade finally began growing strongly. Military assistance for the rebellious British colonies in the American War of Independence improved Spain's international standing.
  Napoleonic rule and its consequences
  "The Second of May, 1808: The Charge of the Mamelukes", by Francisco Goya, 1814.In 1793, Spain went to war against the new French Republic, which had overthrown and executed its Bourbon king, Louis XVI. The war polarised the country in an apparent reaction against the gallicised elites. Defeated in the field, Spain made peace with France in 1795 and effectively became a client state of that country; the following year, it declared war against Britain and Portugal. A disastrous economic situation, along with other factors, led to the abdication of the Spanish king in favour of Napoleon's brother, Joseph Bonaparte.
  This new foreign monarch was regarded with scorn. On May 2, 1808, the people of Madrid began a nationalist uprising against the French army, marking the beginning of what is known to the Spanish as the War of Independence, and to the English as the Peninsular War. Napoleon was forced to intervene personally, defeating several badly-coordinated Spanish armies and forcing a British Army to retreat to Corunna. However, further military action by Spanish guerrillas and Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese army, combined with Napoleon's disastrous invasion of Russia, led to the ousting of the French from Spain in 1814, and the return of King Ferdinand VII.
  The French invasion proved disastrous for Spain's economy, and left a deeply divided country that was prone to political instability for more than a century. The power struggles of the early 19th century led to the loss of all of Spain's colonies in Latin America, with the exception of Cuba and Puerto Rico.
  Spanish-American War
  Amid the instability and economic crisis that afflicted Spain in the 19th century there arose nationalist movements in the Philippines and Cuba. Wars of independence ensued in those colonies and eventually the United States became involved. Despite the commitment and ability shown by some military units, they were so mismanaged by the highest levels of command that the Spanish-American war of 1898 was soon over. "El Desastre" (The Disaster), as the war became known in Spain, helped give impetus to the Generation of 98 who were already conducting much critical analysis concerning the country. It also weakened the stability that had been established during Alfonso XII's reign.
  20th century
  The 20th century brought little peace; Spain played a minor part in the scramble for Africa, with the colonisation of Western Sahara, Spanish Morocco and Equatorial Guinea. The heavy losses suffered during the Rif war in Morocco helped to undermine the monarchy. A period of authoritarian rule under General Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-1931) ended with the establishment of the Second Spanish Republic. The Republic offered political autonomy to the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia and gave voting rights to women.
  "Guernica" by Pablo Picasso, 1937.The bitterly fought Spanish Civil War (1936-39) ensued. Three years later the Nationalist forces, led by General Francisco Franco, emerged victorious with the support of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The Republican side was supported by the Soviet Union and Mexico, but it was not supported by the Western powers due to the British-led policy of Non-Intervention. The Spanish Civil War has been called the first battle of the Second World War; under Franco, Spain was neutral in the Second World War though sympathetic to the Axis.
  The only legal party under Franco's regime was the Falange española tradicionalista y de las JONS, formed in 1937; the party emphasised anti-Communism, Catholicism and nationalism. Nonetheless, since Franco's anti-democratic ideology was opposed to the idea of political parties, the new party was renamed officially a National Movement (Movimiento Nacional) in 1949.
  After World War II, Spain was politically and economically isolated, and was kept out of the United Nations until 1955, when due to the Cold War it became strategically important for the U.S. to foment a military presence on the Iberian peninsula, next to the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar, in order to protect southern Europe. In the 1960s, Spain registered an unprecedented economic growth in what was called the Spanish miracle, which rapidly resumed the long interrupted transition towards a modern industrial economy with a thriving tourism sector and a high degree of human development.
  Upon the death of General Franco in November 1975, Prince Juan Carlos assumed the position of king and head of state. With the approval of the new Spanish Constitution of 1978 and the arrival of democracy, the State devolved autonomy to the regions and created an internal organization based on autonomous communities. In the Basque Country, moderate Basque nationalism coexisted with a radical nationalism supportive of the terrorist group ETA.
  On February 23, 1981, rebel elements among the security forces seized the Cortes and tried to impose a military-backed government. However, the great majority of the military forces remained loyal to King Juan Carlos, who used his personal authority and addressed the usurpers via national TV as commander in chief to put down the bloodless coup attempt.
  In 1982, the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) came to power, which represented the return to power of a leftist party after 43 years. In 1986, Spain joined the European Community (which was to become the European Union). The PSOE was replaced in government by the Partido Popular (PP) after the latter won the 1996 General Elections; at that point the PSOE had served almost 14 consecutive years in office.
  The Government of Spain has been involved in a long-running campaign against the terrorist organization ETA ("Basque Homeland and Freedom"), founded in 1959 in opposition to Franco and dedicated to promoting Basque independence through violent means. They consider themselves a guerrilla organization while they are listed as a terrorist organization by both the European Union and the United States on their respective watchlists. The current nationalist-led Basque Autonomous government does not endorse ETA's nationalist violence, which has caused over 800 deaths in the past 40 years.
  21st century
  On January 1, 2002, Spain terminated its historic peseta currency and replaced it with the euro, which has become its national currency shared with 15 other countries from the Eurozone. This culminated the first phase of a period of economic growth, which has kept the Spanish economy growing well over the EU average, but concerns are growing that the extraordinary property boom and high foreign trade deficits of recent years may bring this to an end.
  On March 11, 2004, a series of bombs exploded in commuter trains in Madrid, Spain. The bombings were claimed by al Qaeda, whereas after a five months trial in 2007 it was concluded that the bombings were perpetrated by a local Islamist militant group inspired by al-Qaeda, but without direct links to that organisation. The bombings killed 191 people and wounded more than 1800, and it has been claimed that the intention of the perpetrators was to influence the outcome of the Spanish general election, held three days later on March 14. Although initial suspicions of responsibility for the bombings focused on the Basque group ETA, evidence soon emerged indicating possible Islamist involvement. Because of the proximity of the election, the issue of responsibility quickly became a source of political controversy, with the main competing parties PP and PSOE crossing accusations over the handling of the aftermath. A couple of days later, at the March 14 elections, PSOE, led by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, obtained a relative majority, enough to form the new cabinet with Rodríguez Zapatero as the new Presidente del Gobierno or prime minister of Spain, thus succeeding the former PP administration.
  Spanish Government
  Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary monarch and a bicameral parliament, the Cortes Generales. The executive branch consists of a Council of Ministers presided over by the President of Government (comparable to a prime minister), proposed by the monarch and elected by the National Assembly following legislative elections.
  The legislative branch is made up of the Congress of Deputies (Congreso de los Diputados) with 350 members, elected by popular vote on block lists by proportional representation to serve four-year terms, and a Senate (Senado) with 259 seats of which 208 are directly elected by popular vote and the other 51 appointed by the regional legislatures to also serve four-year terms.
  Chief of State
  King Juan Carlos I, since November 22, 1975
  Head of Government
  President of the Government: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, elected 14 March 2004.
  First Vice President and Minister of Presidency: María Teresa Fernández de la Vega.
  Second Vice President and Minister of Economy and Finance: Pedro Solbes.
  Council of Ministers (Spanish Consejo de Ministros) designated by the president.
  José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain.The Spanish nation is organizationally composed in the form of called Estado de las Autonomías ("State of Autonomies"); it is one of the most decentralized countries in Europe, along with Switzerland, Germany and Belgium; for example, all Autonomous Communities have their own elected parliaments, governments, public administrations, budgets, and resources; therefore, health and education systems among others are managed regionally, besides, the Basque Country and Navarre also manage their own public finances based on foral provisions. In Catalonia and the Basque Country, a full fledged autonomous police corps replaces some of the State police functions (see Mossos d'Esquadra and Ertzaintza).
  See also: List of Spanish monarchs and Monarchs of Spain family tree
  Spanish Constitution
  The Spanish Constitution of 1978 is the culmination of the Spanish transition to democracy.
  The constitutional history of Spain dates back to the constitution of 1812. After the death of Francisco Franco in 1975, a general election in 1977 convened the Constituent Cortes (the Spanish Parliament, in its capacity as a constitutional assembly) for the purpose of drafting and approving the constitution of 1978.
  As a result, Spain is now composed of 17 autonomous communities and two autonomous cities with varying degrees of autonomy thanks to its Constitution, which nevertheless explicitly states the indivisible unity of the Spanish nation as well as that Spain has today no official religion but all are free to practice and believe as they wish.
  Foreign relations of Spain
  After the return of democracy following the death of Franco in 1975, Spain's foreign policy priorities were to break out of the diplomatic isolation of the Franco years and expand diplomatic relations, enter the European Community, and define security relations with the West.
  As a member of NATO since 1982, Spain has established itself as a major participant in multilateral international security activities. Spain's EU membership represents an important part of its foreign policy. Even on many international issues beyond western Europe, Spain prefers to coordinate its efforts with its EU partners through the European political cooperation mechanisms.
  With the normalization of diplomatic relations with North Korea in 2001, Spain completed the process of universalizing its diplomatic relations.
  Spain has maintained its special identification with Latin America. Its policy emphasizes the concept of an Iberoamerican community, essentially the renewal of the historically liberal concept of hispanoamericanismo (or hispanism as it is often referred to in English), which has sought to link the Iberian peninsula with Latin America through language, commerce, history and culture. Spain has been an effective example of transition from dictatorship to democracy, as shown in the many trips that Spain's King and Prime Ministers have made to the region.
  Territorial disputes
  Territory claimed by Spain
  There is a territorial dispute with the United Kingdom over Gibraltar, a 6 square km Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom in the southernmost part of the Iberian Peninsula which was conquered by Britain from Spain in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession, along with the Spanish island of Minorca (which had also been invaded but was reconquered in 1782 and finally ceded back to Spain in 1802 by the Treaty of Amiens).
  The legal situation was regularized in 1713 by the Treaty of Utrecht, in which Spain ceded the territory in perpetuity to the British Crown.
  Spain has called for the return of Gibraltar. The overwhelming majority of Gibraltarians strongly oppose this, along with any proposal of shared sovereignty. UN resolutions call on the United Kingdom and Spain, both EU members, to reach an agreement over the status of Gibraltar.
  Spanish territories claimed by other countries
  Morocco claims the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla and some isles plazas de soberanía off the northern coast of Africa. Portugal does not recognise Spain's sovereignty over the territory of Olivenza / Olivença.
  Administrative divisions
  GaliciaNavarreMadridLa RiojaAragonCataloniaValenciaCastilla
  La ManchaExtremaduraPortugalCastilla
  y LeónAsturiasCantabriaBasque CountryMurciaAndalusiaCeutaMelillaFranceBalearic
  IslandsMediterranean SeaBay of BiscayAtlantic
  Spain is politically organized into 17 Autonomous Communities (comunidades autónomas) and 2 autonomous cities (ciudades autónomas) - Ceuta and Melilla.
  Administratively Spain also comprises fifty provinces. Seven autonomous communities are composed of only one province: Asturias, Balearic Islands, Cantabria, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, and Navarre.
  Historically, some provinces are also divided into comarcas (roughly equivalent to a US "county" or an English district). The lowest administrative division of Spain is the municipality (municipio).
  See also: Comarcas of Spain and List of municipalities of Spain
  At 194,884 mi² (504,782 km²), Spain is the world's 51st-largest country. It is some 47,000 km² smaller than France and 81,000 km² larger than the U.S. state of California.
  On the west, Spain borders Portugal, on the south, it borders Gibraltar (a British overseas territory) and Morocco, through its cities in North Africa (Ceuta and Melilla). On the northeast, along the Pyrenees mountain range, it borders France and the tiny principality of Andorra. Spain also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean and a number of uninhabited islands on the Mediterranean side of the strait of Gibraltar, known as Plazas de soberanía, such as the Chafarine islands, the isle of Alborán, the "rocks" (peñones) of Vélez and Alhucemas, and the tiny Isla Perejil. Along the Pyrenees in Catalonia, a small exclave town called Llívia is surrounded by France.
  Mainland Spain is dominated by high plateaus and mountain ranges, such as the Sierra Nevada. Running from these heights are several major rivers such as the Tagus, the Ebro, the Duero, the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir. Alluvial plains are found along the coast, the largest of which is that of the Guadalquivir in Andalusia.
  Spanish climatic areasDue to Spain's geographical situation and orographic conditions, the climate is extremely diverse; it can be roughly divided into three areas:
  A Continental Mediterranean climate in the inland areas of the Peninsula (largest city, Madrid).
  A Mediterranean climate region extends from the Andalusian plain along the southern and eastern coasts up to the Pyrenees, on the seaward side of the mountain ranges that run near the coast (largest city, Barcelona).
  An Oceanic climate in Galicia and the coastal strip near the Bay of Biscay (largest city, Bilbao). This area is often called Green Spain.
  Military of Spain
  The armed forces of Spain are known as the Spanish Armed Forces (Spanish: Fuerzas Armadas Españolas). Their Commander-in-Chief is the King of Spain, Juan Carlos I.
  The Spanish Armed Forces are divided into four branches:
  Army (Ejército de Tierra)
  Navy (Armada)
  Air Force (Ejército del Aire)
  Guardia Civil (Military police) which serves for the most part as a rural and general purpose police force.
  According to the World Bank, Spain's economy is the eighth largest worldwide and the fifth largest in Europe. As of 2007, absolute GDP was valued at $1.362 trillion according to the CIA Factbook, (see List of countries by GDP (nominal)). The per capita PPP is estimated at $33,700 (2007), ahead of G7 countries like Italy and placing Spain at a similar per capita basis as France or Japan (both with an 2007 estimated at $33,800). The Spanish economy grew 3.8% in 2007 outpacing all G7 members and all the big EU economies for the 3rd consecutive year.
  The centre-right government of former prime minister José María Aznar worked successfully to gain admission to the group of countries launching the euro in 1999. Unemployment stood at 7.6% in October 2006, a rate that compares favorably to many other European countries, and which is a marked improvement over rates that exceeded 20% in the early 1990s. Perennial weak points of Spain's economy include high inflation, a large underground economy, and an education system which OECD reports place among the poorest for developed countries, together with the United States and UK. Nevertheless, it is expected that the Spanish economy will continue growing above the EU average based on the strengthening of industry, the growth of the global economy and increasing trade with Latin America and Asia.
  The Spanish economy is credited for having avoided the virtual zero growth rate of some of its largest partners in the EU. In fact, the country's economy has created more than half of all the new jobs in the European Union over the five years ending 2005. The Spanish economy has thus been regarded lately as one of the most dynamic within the EU, attracting significant amounts of foreign investment. During the last four decades the Spanish tourism industry has grown to become the second biggest in the world, worth approximately 40 billion Euros (approx. 5% of GDP) in 2006 More recently, the Spanish economy has benefited greatly from the global real estate boom, with construction representing 16% of GDP and 12% of employment. According to calculations by the German newspaper Die Welt, Spain is on pace to overtake countries like Germany in per capita income by 2011. However, the downside of the real estate boom has been a corresponding rise in the levels of personal debt; as prospective homeowners struggle to meet asking prices, the average level of household debt has tripled in less than a decade. Among lower income groups, the median ratio of indebtedness to income was 125% in 2005.
  Geographical distribution of the Spanish population in 2007.In 2007 Spain officially reached 45.2 million people registered at the Padrón municipal, an official record analogous to the British Register office. Spain's population density, at 89.6/km² (231/sq. mile), is lower than that of most Western European countries and its distribution along the country is very unequal. With the exception of the region surrounding the capital, Madrid, the most populated areas lie around the coast.
  The population of Spain doubled during the twentieth century, due to the spectacular demographic boom by the 1960s and early 1970s. The pattern of growth was extremely uneven due to large-scale internal migration from the rural interior to the industrial cities during the 60s and 70s. No fewer than eleven of Spain's fifty provinces saw an absolute decline in population over the century. Then, after the birth rate plunged in the 80s and Spain's population became stalled, a new population increase started based initially in the return of many Spanish who emigrated to other European countries during the 70s and, more recently, it has been boosted by the large figures of foreign immigrants, mostly from Latin America (38.75%), Eastern Europe (16.33%), North Africa (14.99%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (4.08%). In 2005, Spain instituted a 3-month amnesty program through which certain hitherto undocumented aliens were granted legal residency. Also some important pockets of population coming from other countries in the European Union are found (20.77% of the foreign residents), specially along the Mediterranean costas and Balearic islands, where many choose to live their retirement or even telework. These are mostly English, French, German, and Dutch from fellow EU countries and, from outside the EU, Norwegian.
  Immigration in Spain
  According to the Spanish government there were 4.5 million foreign residents in Spain in 2007; independent estimates put the figure at 4.8 million people, or 11% of the total population (Red Cross, World Disasters Report 2006). According to residence permit data for 2005, about 500,000 were Moroccan, another 500,000 were Ecuadorian, more than 200,000 were Romanian, and 260,000 were Colombian. Other important foreign communities are British (8.09%), French (8.03%), Argentine (6.10%), German (5.58%) and Bolivian (2.63%). In 2005, a regularisation programme increased the legal immigrant population by 700,000 people. Since 2000, Spain has experienced high population growth as a result of immigration flows, despite a birth rate that is only half the replacement level. This sudden and ongoing inflow of immigrants, particularly those arriving clandestinely by sea, has caused noticeable social tension.
  Based on 2004 figures, within the EU Spain has the second highest immigration rate in percentage terms (after Cyprus), but by a great margin the highest in actual numbers of immigrants.
  There are a number of reasons to explain the high level of immigration, including Spain's cultural ties with Latin America, its geographical position, the porosity of its borders, the large size of its underground economy and the strength of the agricultural and construction sectors which demand more low cost labour than can be offered by the national workforce. Another statistically significant factor is the large number of residents of the EU origin typically retiring to Spain's Mediterranean coast. In fact, Spain has been Europe's largest absorber of migrants for the past six years, with its immigrant population increasing fourfold as 2.8 million people have arrived. According to the Financial Times, Spain is the most favoured destination for West Europeans considering a move from their own country and seeking jobs elsewhere in the EU. (see Immigration to Spain).
  Minority groups
  Spain has a number of descendants of populations from former colonies (especially Equatorial Guinea) and immigrants from several Sub-Saharan and Caribbean countries have been recently settling in Spain. There are also sizeable numbers of Asian immigrants, most of whom are of Chinese, Filipino, Middle Eastern, Pakistani and Indian origins; the population of Spaniards of Latin American descent is sizeable as well and a fast growing segment. Other growing groups are Britons (761,000 in 2006), Germans and other immigrants from western and Eastern Europe.
  Jewish emigration to Spain is primarily the result of three events: after the 19th century, some Jews established themselves in Spain as a result of migration from what was formerly Spanish Morocco, the flight of Jews escaping from Nazi repression, and immigration from Argentina. Spanish law allows Sephardi Jews to claim Spanish citizenship.
  The arrival of the Gitanos (Gypsies), a Roma people group, began in the 16th century.
  Most populous urban regions
  Madrid 5,943,041
  Barcelona 5,327,872
  Valencia 1,623,724
  Seville 1,317,098
  Málaga 1,074,074
  Bilbao 946,829
  The Spanish Constitution of 1978, in its second article, recognises historic entities ("nationalities", a carefully chosen word in order to avoid the more politically charged "nations") and regions, within the context of the Spanish nation. For some people, Spain's identity consists more of an overlap of different regional identities than of a sole Spanish identity. Indeed, some of the regional identities may even conflict with the Spanish one. Distinct ethnic groups within Spain include the Basques, Catalans, and Galicians.
  It is this last feature of "shared identity" between the more local level or Autonomous Community and the Spanish level which makes the identity question in Spain complex and far from univocal.
  The languages of Spain (simplified) Spanish (74%), official, spoken in all the territory
   Catalan (17%), co-official, except in La Franja and Carxe
   Basque (2%), co-official, in Basque Country and Navarre
   Galician (7%), co-official, except in Asturias and Castile and Leon Asturian, unofficial, but adopted as co-official in some municipalities of Asturias
   Extremaduran, unofficial
   Aragonese, unofficial
   Aranese, co-official (dialect of Occitan)
  .Spanish (español or castellano), also known as Castilian, is the only language with official status nationwide. Other languages have been declared co-official, along with Spanish, in (some of) their constituent communities where they are spoken:
  Aranese (aranés) (a variant of Occitan), in Catalonia;
  Basque (euskera) in the Basque Country and Navarre;
  Catalan (català) in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and in the Valencian Community, known in the latter officially as Valencian;
  Galician (galego) in Galicia.
  Spain's legacy: a map of the Hispanophone world.There are also some other surviving Romance minority languages such as Astur-Leonese (which includes Asturian, Leonese, Extremaduran and Cantabrian) and Aragonese. Asturian (asturianu) is "protected" in Asturias and Aragonese is vaguely recognized in Aragon. But unlike Aranese, Basque, Catalan/Valencian and Galician, they do not have any official status. This might be due to their very small number of speakers, a less significant written tradition (in comparison to Catalan or Galician) and lower self-awareness of their speakers which traditionally meant lack of strong popular demand for their recognition in the regions in which they are spoken. In the North African Spanish city of Melilla, Tarifit is spoken by an important part of the population.
  In the tourist areas of the Mediterranean coast and the islands, English and German are widely spoken by tourists, foreign residents, and tourism workers.
  Spain religiosity
  religion percent
  Christianity   76%
  Irreligion / others   19%
  Islam   2.3%
  Judaism   0.1%
  Others   1.7%
  Although Chapter 2 of the Constitution states that no religion shall have a state character, Roman Catholicism is the main religion in the country. About 76% of Spaniards identify themselves as Catholics, about 2% identify with another religious faith, and about 19% identify themselves as non-religious. A study conducted in October 2006 by the Spanish Centre of Sociological Investigations shows that of the 76% of Spaniards who identify themselves as Catholics or with another religious faith, 54% hardly ever or never go to church, 15% go to church a few times per year, 10% a few times per month and 19% attend church every Sunday or multiple times per week. About 22% of the entire Spanish population attends religious services at least once per month.
  A view of the Barcelona Cathedral.Evidence of the secular nature of contemporary Spain can be seen in the widespread support for the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Spain — over 66% of Spaniards support gay marriage according to a 2004 study by the Centre of Sociological Investigations. Indeed, in June 2005 a bill was passed by 187 votes to 147 to allow gay marriage, making Spain the third country in the European Union to allow same-sex couples to marry after Belgium and the Netherlands.
  Protestant denominations are also present, all of them with less than 50,000 members. Evangelism has been better received among Gypsies than among the general population; pastors have integrated flamenco music in their liturgy. Taken together, all self-described "Evangelicals" slightly surpass Jehovah's Witnesses (105,000) in number. While not Protestants, about 35,000 residents of Spain are members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).
  The recent waves of immigration have led to an increasing number of Muslims, who have about 1 million members. Muslims had not lived in Spain for centuries; however, colonial expansion in Northern and Western Africa gave some number of residents in the Spanish Morocco and the Western Sahara full citizenship. Presently, Islam is the second largest religion in Spain, accounting for approximately 2.5% of the total population.
  Along with these waves of immigration, a significant number of Latin American people, who tend to be strong Catholic practitioners, have helped the Catholic Church to recover.
  Judaism was practically non-existent until the 19th century, when Jews were again permitted to enter the country. Currently there are around 62,000 Jews in Spain, most arrivals in the past century and some descendants of Spanish Jews and accounting for less than 1% of the total number of inhabitants. Spain is believed to have been about 8% Jewish on the eve of the Spanish Inquisition.
  Further information: History of the Jews in Spain
  Spain is known for its culturally diverse heritage, having been influenced by many nations and peoples throughout its history. Spanish culture has its origins in the Iberian, Celtiberian, Latin, Visigothic, Roman Catholic, and Islamic cultures. The definition of a national Spanish culture has been characterized by tension between the centralized state (dominated in recent centuries by Castile) and numerous regions and minority peoples. In addition, the history of the nation and its Mediterranean and Atlantic environment have played strong roles in shaping its culture.
  After Italy, Spain is the country with the second highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, with a total of 40.
  Education in Spain
  State Education in Spain is free and compulsory from the age of 6 to 16. The current education system is called LOGSE (Ley de Ordenación General del Sistema Educativo).
  Spanish Academy
  The Real Academia Española (Spanish for "Royal Spanish Academy"; RAE) is the institution responsible for regulating the Spanish language. It is based in Madrid, but is affiliated with national language academies in 21 Spanish-speaking nations through the Association of Spanish Language Academies. Its emblem is a fiery crucible, and its motto is Limpia, fija y da esplendor ("It cleans, sets, and gives splendor").
  Spanish art
  Spanish art is an important and influential type of art in Europe. Spanish art is the name given to the artistic disciplines and works developed in Spain throughout time, and those by Spanish authors world-wide. Due to historical, geographical and generational diversity, Spanish art has known a great number of influences. The Moorish heritage in Spain, especially in Andalusia, is still evident today in cities like Córdoba, Seville, and Granada. European influences include Italy, Germany and France, especially during the Baroque and Neoclassical periods.
  Spanish literature
  The Cantar de Mio Cid is the oldest preserved Spanish literature known as "cantar de gesta".Spanish literature is the name given to the literary works written in Spain throughout time, and those by Spanish authors world-wide. Due to historic, geographic and generational diversity, Spanish literature has known a great number of influences and it is very diverse. Some major movements can be identified within it.
  Spanish architecture
  A view of the Baroque architecture of the Royal Palace of Madrid.Spanish architecture refers to architecture carried out during any era in what is now modern-day Spain, and by Spanish architects worldwide. The term includes buildings within the current geographical limits of Spain before this name was given to those territories (whether they were called Hispania, Al-Andalus, or were formed of several Christian kingdoms). Due to its historical and geographical diversity, Spanish architecture has drawn from a host of influences.
  For example, Córdoba was established as the cultural Capital of its time under the Umayyad dynasty. Simultaneously, the Christian kingdoms gradually emerged and developed their own styles, at first mostly isolated from European architectural influences, and later integrated into Romanesque and Gothic streams, they reached an extraordinary peak with numerous samples along the whole territory. The Mudéjar style, from the 12th to 17th centuries, was characterised by the blending of cultural European and Arabic influences.
  The arrival of Modernism in the academic arena produced figures such as Gaudí and much of the architecture of the twentieth century. The International style was led by groups like GATEPAC. Spain is currently experiencing a revolution in contemporary architecture and Spanish architects like Rafael Moneo, Santiago Calatrava, Ricardo Bofill as well as many others have gained worldwide renown.
  Music of Spain
  Spanish music is often considered abroad to be synonymous with flamenco, an Andalusian musical genre, which, contrary to popular belief, is not widespread outside that region. Various regional styles of folk music abound in Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, Castile, the Basque Country, Galicia and Asturias. Pop, rock, hip hop and heavy metal are also popular.
  Cinema of Spain
  In recent years, Spanish cinema has achieved high marks of recognition as a result of its creative and technical excellence. In the long history of Spanish cinema, the great filmmaker Luis Buñuel was the first to achieve universal recognition, followed by Pedro Almodóvar in the 1980s. Spanish cinema has also seen international success over the years with films by directors like Segundo de Chomón, Florián Rey, Luis García Berlanga, Carlos Saura, Julio Medem and Alejandro Amenábar.
  A type of Spanish cuisine known as "Tapa de calamares".
  Spanish cuisine
  Spanish cuisine consists of a great variety of dishes which stem from differences in geography, culture and climate. It is heavily influenced by seafood available from the waters that surround the country, and reflects the country's deep Mediterranean roots. Spain's extensive history with many cultural influences has led to a unique cuisine.
  Sports in Spain
  Sport in Spain has been dominated by football since the early 20th century. Basketball, tennis, cycling, handball, motorcycling and, lately, Formula 1 are also important due to presence of Spanish champions in all these disciplines. Today, Spain is a major world sports power, especially since the 1992 Summer Olympics that were hosted in Barcelona and promoted a great variety of sports in the country. The tourism industry has led to an improvement in sports infrastructure, especially for water sports, golf and skiing.
  Public holidays in Spain
  Public holidays celebrated in Spain include a mix of religious (Roman Catholic), national and regional observances. Each municipality is allowed to declare a maximum of 14 public holidays per year; up to nine of these are chosen by the national government and at least two are chosen locally.
  International rankings
  Reporters Without Borders world-wide press freedom index 2007: Rank 33 out of 169 countries.
  The Economist Intelligence Units: Rank 10 out of 111 countries (ahead of countries like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and France)
  Nation Master's list by economic importance: Rank 9 of 25 countries, only surpassed by G-8 members.
  Nation Master's list by technological achievement: Rank 18 of 68 countries.
  Gallery of Images The Sagrada Família by night, Barcelona
  Burgos Cathedral
   The Cathedral of Seville
   The Alhambra, Granada
   Roman Aqueduct of Segovia
  The Sanctuary of Santa María Magdalena in Novelda
   Monasterio de El Escorial
   Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
   Antequera, in Málaga province
   The Maspalomas Dunes, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
  Arán valley, Lleida
   The Pyrenees
  Countries in southeast Europe. In the Iberian Peninsula. Temporary land in the Atlantic. Area 50  48 million square kilometers. Population 39,140,000 (1994). Madrid, the capital. Terrain to the main plateau. Most of the Mediterranean climate. Economically more developed. A more complete industrial system. Agricultural production in the olive, citrus and grape production highest in the world. Tourism an important role in the economy.
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No. 3
  Spain Best Travel Time: dry and drier inland areas of Spain, July and August is hot. The southeast coast of the Mediterranean climate, sunny, spring rain; the northern Bay of Biscay coast of the average seasonal distribution. Folk Festivals of Spain: Spain every year, many festivals, the Spanish nature, warm and cheerful, most of the singing and dancing, this national character so that they are full out every holiday, enjoy carnival.
  In Spain, lunch is the main meal of the day, the Spanish long lunch break, people usually go home for lunch. Spain, the protagonist of the table, there are cod, shrimp, oysters, etc., etc., in addition to ham, snails, chicken, duck, steak. Some nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits, whole grains Spain who is also an important dietary component; of course, delicious variety of exquisite small dessert, go there, we must resist the temptation Oh.
  The reason why popular Spanish dishes, in addition to other unusual flavors, Spanish restaurant carefully arranged on the dining environment is also an important reason, these restaurants are always able to create a warm and easygoing atmosphere, full of family atmosphere of the wallpaper, pleasing flowers, good appropriate furnishings, in this restaurant, even just sitting, it is a pleasure. Spain Shopping:
  Spain, the traditional cargo local fabric, rope, leather products and some fine gold and silver utensils and jewelry, all visitors to the city in the Grand Place Market, outdoor market or even second-hand market, "Amoy" to the cheap delicate items, home to both keep their own use or gift is very decent.
  In addition, some of the more outstanding Spanish fashion designers, most of them have their own stores, go to the store to see, even if can not afford, you can also learn about the world the latest fashion trends.
  Spain traffic: the world's major cities have flights arrived in the Spanish capital of Madrid, from Madrid to the Spanish cities and tourist areas are very convenient air and land transport.
  Iberia Office Tel :95 -422-8901
  Spanish National Railway Bureau Tel :95 -421-7998
  Accommodation Spain: Spain is a tourism industry developed countries, low high school all over the different grades of hotels to choose from, including bed-star hotel and apartments, of which the largest number of beds available in Madrid, the total number of fifty thousand or more. Each city's luxury hotels and small hotel room can be booked in advance (see the city stay reservations phone introduction).
  Spain has a lot of small hotels is the former converted from the old house, which was clean and comfortably furnished, has a unique "Spanish" flavor, not to live in a shelter, a pity Oh.
  Spain Entertainment: Spaniards really know how to enjoy life, not only entertainment around the country very rich in species, places of entertainment are also very much.
  March to October each year is the bullfighting season in Spain, one weekend, a bullfight on the grand opening, visitors to spend much money to buy tickets to see the bull will be able to approach the warrior, after the end of every performance, field outside there will be delicious roast beef sold, the roast is just the general performance of "sacrifice" of the cattle.
  Spain's nightlife, the streets around the various bars, cafes and open air cafes, in these very exotic environment, visitors can spend a beautiful night with the locals.
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No. 4
  Area of 504,750 square kilometers.
  Population 39,040,000 (1991). Mainly Castilla (that is, Spanish), Catalan ethnic minorities (about 600 million people), Galicia and the Basque people. Castilian language (ie Spanish) is the official language and national language. In Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia, the three ethnic minority areas, the respective national language is also an official language. 94% of residents were Catholic.
  Madrid (madrid).
  Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. West of Portugal, the Northeast and France, Andorra, bordering the Bay of Biscay near the north, south across the Strait of Gibraltar and Morocco across Africa, the East and the southeast Mediterranean. Coastline of about 3904 km (not including the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.) Central Plateau is a continental climate, the north and north-west coast of a maritime climate. Capital, the average temperature in January 4.9 ℃, 8 月 22.5 ℃. 1492 "Restoration Movement" after the victory of Spain to establish a unified feudal dynasty. October 12 the same year Christopher Columbus arrived in the West Indies. Since then the West has become maritime power in Europe, America, Africa and Asia were colonies. 1588 "No enemy" by the British defeat, began to decline. First Republic established in 1873. Establishment of the Second Republic in 1931. 1947 Franco announced the West as the monarchy, with himself as the national life can not be the first. Franco died in November 1975, Juan Carlos ascended the throne. July 1976 the King appointed the former Secretary-General of Arab National Movement for the Prime Minister Soares, began the transition to the Western parliamentary democracy. October 1982 Socialist Workers Party won the election cabinet. Since then Socialist Workers Party in 1986, 1989 and 1993 reelection three general elections in the ruling.
  Physical Geography
  The Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe that Pyrenean peninsula, representing the Peninsula area of 4 / 5. Located at latitude 36 ° ~ 44 °, longitude 9 ° 18 'to longitude 3 ° 19' between. Maximum distance 840 km north-south, a distance of about 1,000 km. Territory includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the ocean on the north-west Africa, the Canary Islands, is the largest country in Southwestern Europe, in Western Europe after France ranks No. 2. Equivalent to the total area of Europe 1 / 20.
  Mei _Set_a is a plateau in central Spain as the mountain plateau surrounded by occlusion, accounting for about 60% of the area, with an average altitude of 600 to 800 meters.
  Spain and more mountains, north, there is something Stretching the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian mountains; south, east and west by the border mountains of Andalusia, the highest peak 3478 meters above sea level Mula Sen Mountain, the highest point in Spain .
  That Ghali Islands made by large volcanic eruptions. It is composed of 13 volcanic islands, with a total area of 7273 square km. Spain Mainland extreme lack of moisture, mild dry, dry and windy in most parts of Spain features.
  Spain, the diversity of climate, central Meise Ta for the continental plateau climate, the winter cold of -25 ℃, the summer temperature can reach above 40 ℃. Average annual rainfall on the plateau of 500 mm. North and north-west maritime temperate climate, summer and winter temperature difference, in January the average temperature of 9 ℃, 7 the mean temperature of 19 ℃. Here rainfall is 1000 mm or more. The south and southeast Mediterranean subtropical climate, characterized by hot summer, warm in winter and rainy.
  Spanish forests cover about 30%. Forest resources are mainly concentrated in the northern coastal area, total forest area of 11,790,000 hectares, second only to Portugal, Spain, cork production, ranking second in the world major export goods in Spain.
  Spain is rich in fishery resources, there are 450 species of Mediterranean fish, largest is the economic value of tuna, the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay rich sardines, cod, are known.
  Population and Ethnic
  Spanish population inferior to Germany, Italy, Britain and France, ranking fifth in Europe. Spanish population is very unevenly distributed in the area accounting for about 2 / 3 of the Mainland residents only 1 / 3.
  Spain, highly mobile population, according to statistics, the post-war Spain, move to his country's population totaled about 150 million people. The total number of Spaniards living abroad more than 3.36 million, of which there are 220.7 million people in the Americas, Europe 107.3 million. Is also a great population movements in Spain, currently about 30 to 50 million people each year in domestic migration, mainly from rural to urban, from remote areas to move to economically developed regions or tourist areas.
  Spain is a multi-ethnic country, the main nation is Castilian, that the Spaniards, 70% of the total population. Second, there Catalonia Luoni Xi people, about 6.9 million, 18.8% of the total population; Galicia people, about 300 million, accounting for 8.2%; the Basque people, about 85 million, accounting for 2.3%; also Gypsies 4.0 million, 30,000 Portuguese, 30,000 Americans, 20,000 other Cubans.
  Language and religion
  Spanish originated in ancient Latin, so far, more than 1,000 years of history. Spanish is the official language of Spain. In ethnic minority areas. Their respective national language is also an official language.
  Spanish is the number of countries in Latin America, Africa, Equatorial Guinea and the common language of several countries in North Africa. Is the common language in most parts of the Philippines. Currently there are 230 million people around the world use Spanish. Spanish is the lingua franca of the United Nations.
  Spain, 94% of residents were Catholic. The life of the Spanish Catholic influence. There are also 30,000 Protestants and minority religious believers baptism.
  Local Customs
  "Iron rice bowl" in 1987, two in Spain to break the "Guinness Book" of paella (similar to China's rice pudding) of the "iron rice bowl" record. Original record was made available to 1.5 million pot of paella food. This record is made of two for 3 million and 6 million people eat the "iron rice bowl."
  Paella in Valencia is a region and the entire Spanish regular consumption of food. It is made of rice, meat, fish and beans so made, popular with foreign tourists welcome.
  "Honeymoon Island" Spain in the Mediterranean Balearic Islands, Mallorca has a maximum, beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. Mid-50s, the French group of 100 young men and women get married. They Jiumu Mallorca charming scenery, get together here to celebrate the honeymoon. Afterwards, married young men and women in Europe, as many here as the best honeymoon place. Over time, the island then known as the "Honeymoon Island."
  Spanish bullfighting bullfighting is considered the "quintessence", "national sport", known as "Bull Kingdom". Spain's bullfighting, has always been the world's public attention and appreciation.
  Martyrdom Day at Women in power. According to legend, the Moors captured the 1227 Samarra Segovia castle, in the occasion of helpless people, Shengegeda and some women to come forward to lead the men and some women struggle with the enemy launched a special, and finally catch take the enemy to retake the castle. Many women died heroically. After the home to commemorate the Battle of the martyrdom of women, the decision two days each year in February as a "martyrdom Day" by women in power, hold various commemorative activities, also known as "women in power in Japan."
  During these two days, from public affairs to the family, where men hold all the power of women in management pay. Women "to choose their own two mayors," the mayor the power to perform. On this day, women in the "mayors" under the command of the castle defenders Shengageda carrying a giant statue of the church to men embarked on their guard. This is a symbol of that year to win Segovia castle.
  Spain has many palaces, churches and castles. Base, there are more than 10 sites by UNESCO as cultural heritage protection. For example, San Diego - Germany - Compostela city (ie San Diego) the 圣马丁皮纳里奥 Cathedral. Ye Sike little monastery near Madrid, Avila's ancient city walls, the ancient aqueduct of Segovia, the great mosque in Cordoba, Granada's Alhambra Palace, Barcelona Nagar Park and artists Jura House, etc., which are representative of the Spanish heritage of ancient civilizations.
  In Spain there are many old, unique ethnic cultural traditions and unique national culture and entertainment activities, including world-famous Spanish bullfighting, passionate Spanish dance, and a variety of customs, national holidays (such as Madrid pigeons Festival Catalonia Mayor Day, Valencia Falla festival, cattle off the city of Pamplona festival, etc.) from a foreign country can make guests feel Spain That unique taste.
  According to travel to Spain to the Balearic Islands tourist area, southeast of tourist areas, tourist areas in Northeast, Midwest and Northwest tourism tourist sightseeing in the direction of the five boroughs.
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  Official Name: Spain (spain, espana)
  Important holiday: National Day: October 12; Constitution Day: December 6.
  Capital: Madrid (madrid), population 3,100,000 (2004).
  Area: 505,925 sq km
  Population: 44,110,000 (2005). Mainly Castilla (that is, Spanish), ethnic minorities Catalan (681 million), Galicia people (275 million) and the Basque people (212 million).
  Religion: Catholic 96% of the population.
  Language: Castilian language (ie Spanish) is the official language and national language. Minority languages are also official languages in the region.
  The state system: constitutional monarchy
  Flower: Pomegranate
  State Stone: Emerald
  Currency: Euro (old currency: pe_set_as)
  Time difference: 8 hours later than Beijing;
  Spanish flag: rectangular, length and width ratio of 3:2. The flag consists of three parallel horizontal rectangular form, from top to bottom are red, each with the flag of the 1 / 4; the middle of the yellow. The yellow part of the Spanish national emblem painted on the left side. Red, yellow and white is the traditional color of the Spanish people love, and were composed of representatives of the four ancient Kingdom of Spain. One theory is that red represents Treasure of the Sierra, yellow sand, yellow sand Treasure of the Sierra is the symbol of the Spanish people love the bull movement, from which embodies the bravery, the spirit of brute force.
  National Anthem: "Royal March" from the eighteenth century, the Spanish national anthem of the first period of Granada Carlos III Military March, the Royal name of "Spanish Honor March", people are called "foot soldiers march." Royal has organized musicians to write new songs, but no one can be more than this song, so that the first national anthem, a song without the words will be inherited. In 1931, once the Second Republic "column Ge Carol" as the national anthem, but the failure of democratic government after restoration of the original national anthem status.
  Important People: Juan Carlos I: King, Spanish head of state. January 5, 1938 Born in Rome, the last Bourbon king of Spain, Alfonso XIII's grandson. Childhood father lived in Italy, Switzerland and Portugal. Since 1955, has in the West Sea, land and air force military academy and the university, after graduating from the various departments of the government administration, in 1969 the Spanish Parliament approved the menstrual 7 heir to the throne, ascended the throne in November 1975. Love skiing, hunting, marine, aviation. Princess Sophia of Greece in 1962 and married two women and a child.
  José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero: Prime Minister. August 4, 1960 was born in Castilla - Leon autonomous region. Bachelor of Law. 1979 joined the Socialist Workers Party. In 1986, becoming the youngest congressman West, after 4 consecutive election. July 2000 was elected Socialist Workers Party general secretary. April 2004 as prime minister.
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Administrative Division
西班牙 行政区划
  The country is divided into 17 autonomous regions, 50 provinces, more than 8,000 municipalities. 17 autonomous regions are: Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic, Basque, Canary, Cantabria, Castilla - Leon, Fidel Tilley Asia - La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, La Rioja and Valencia.
  Administrative division / administrative center
  Andalucia andalucia / Sevilla sevilla
  Aragon aragón / zaragoza Zaragoza
  Asturias asturias / Oviedo oviedo
  Balearic baleares / Mallorca mallorca
  Basque vasco / Victoria vitoria-gasteiz
  Canary canarias /
  Cantabria cantabria / Santander santander
  Castilla - Leon castilla y león / valladolid valladolid
  Castilla - La Mancha castilla la mancha / Toledo toledo
  Catalan catalu? A / Barcelona barcelona
  Extremadura extremadura / Merida mérida
  Galicia galicia / Santiago - Germany compostela santiago de compostela
  Madrid madrid / madrid Madrid
  Murcia murcia / Murcia murcia
  Navarra navarra / pamplona pamplona
  La Rioja, la rioja / Logroño logro? O
  Valencia valencia / Valencia valencia
  Four tourist areas: the Canary Islands - tropical, Costa del Sol - Mediterranean beaches, the Balearic Islands - Mediterranean bath, Madrid - cultural city;
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  Spain's main national is 70% of the total population of more than Castilian people. Catalan, Galicia and the Basques in Spain in the 20 minority groups in the three most important.
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  Spanish capital Madrid, is a sign of standing bears enough apples. It is located 670 meters above sea level on a mountain basin, is the capital of Europe, one of the highest terrain. Here beautiful, sunny, fresh air, sunny days each year the number of ranking first in the major European capitals.
  In ancient times, but Madrid is a small village of Manzanares River, Romans, Visigoths and Arabs here has ruled. Madrid's name comes from the tenth century AD, the Arabs built here to 塞马吉里特. 1083, the Spanish foreign rulers out of the Iberian Peninsula. 1562, Felipe II moved the capital from Toledo is located in the heart of the peninsula's strategic location in Madrid. The city was only 3 million inhabitants, but today has a population of nearly four million of Madrid, a Spanish political, economic, cultural, transportation and financial center.
  Madrid is now a modern city. Spanish industrial output value of 10% from this capital city of the machine building, chemical industry, construction, leather and wood processing, food and other industrial sectors. Since the 1851 opening of the railway since the first Madrid, Madrid has more than 20 cities with the domestic and the world's major cities through a plane flight, Madrid, Spain's road network to extend to all parts of the center. Metro Traffic is the main mode of transport the city of Madrid, metro total length of 100 kilometers, 100 million trips a day up and down and out.
  Numerous historical sites throughout the city of Madrid. Arc de Triomphe, more than 1,000, more than 3,000 squares, 50 museums, this 1992 was named "European Cultural City" in the history of the ancient city filled with the thick atmosphere. Three main square - Plaza Puerta del Sol, the central square and the Spanish Square, the triangle is between the center of Madrid. Puerta del Sol square is known as Spain's center, where there is a flag, the Spanish anchored around the country leading to the calculation of cars, trains, aircraft mileage. Spain on the Spanish Square, the famous monument to Cervantes, the Spanish side of the monument, as well as a symbol of the founding of Queen Isabel the calm Mediterranean and the Atlantic surge two pools, the other side is a world-renowned Don Quixote and Sancho master and servant statue. Columbus Monument at Columbus Square _set_, looks into the distance of the Columbus statue and his three-masted ship shape at the foot of the fountain is one of the landmarks of Madrid. Earth goddess sculpture on the square "lion chariot" image is also often used to mark the city of Madrid, this square is the famous Real Madrid fans celebrate the club's location.
  Just as the Forbidden City in Beijing must go, people always go to visit the royal palace in the west - the East Palace. This is a majestic classical architecture, with a distinct Italian style. All the marble palace was u-shaped, the bottom open to visitors, dressed knights in front of guards. Within the magnificent palaces, valuables, paintings sculpture contests, and it is amazing. King Juan Carlos ascended the throne in 1975, the royal residence and office is no longer here, the Oriental Palace, a grand celebration held at the place where the king received guests will receive the credentials of foreign envoys present.
  With nearly two decades, the development of tourism in Madrid, in addition to a number of new institutions, commercial buildings and other outside, and also built a number of foreign tourists, mainly for the gorgeous hotels and hotel to rest. In the new building, "the European door" in terms of building or on the aesthetic are stunning. Parallelogram of two symmetrical towers are located on both sides of the road at high speed, sharp tilt to the other. This is for the EU meeting, held in Madrid in the construction of the building, which demonstrated a fearless pride.
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  Political】 【March 11, 2004, terrorist bombings in Madrid, far-reaching impact on the West Council. Despite the change of government, but Western social stability and economic steadily. Vigorously promote the new Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero "dialogue and consultation" with the Socialist Workers Party adopted a series of color of the traditional left-wing policies. Implemented to stabilize the macro economy, maintain fiscal balance as the focus of economic policy. Democratic innovation, attention to disadvantaged groups. Against domestic violence, to address illegal immigration, raising the minimum wage and pensions and increased scholarships and so enacted or amended laws or regulations. Increase anti-terrorism efforts, and actively carry out international cooperation against terrorism.
  Constitution】 【current constitution in December 6, 1978 by national referendum, take effect Dec. 29. Spain is a constitutional democracy and the rule of law society and a parliamentary monarchy, the throne by a direct descendant of Juan Carlos I hereditary. The king as head of state and supreme commander of the armed forces, on behalf of the State. Government is responsible for governing the country reporting to Parliament. The Constitution recognizes and guarantees the autonomy of the ethnic regions.
  【】 By the Senate and the House of Parliament composed of the exercise of legislative power, approve budgets, supervision of the government. Legislative power to the main house, the Senate House of Representatives for the region. Members elected by universal suffrage for a term of 4 years. The current Parliament in April 2004 composition. Rep. 350, 259 senators (including 51 appointed by the Borough Council.) Distribution of seats in both houses are as follows:
  Senate House of Representatives
  Socialist Workers Party 16495
  People's Party 148,126
  Unity and the United 10 6
  Republican Left 8 -
  Catalan Progressive Alliance - 16
  United Left 5 -
  77 Basque Nationalist Party
  Canary Coalition 34
  Other parties 54
  House Speaker Manuel Marin Gonzalez (manuel marín gonzález, male), took office in April 2004. Senate President Francisco Javier Rojo Garcia (francisco javier rojo garcía, male), took office in April 2004. They are the Socialist Workers Party.
  】 【Government is the Government April 18, 2004 inauguration, the existing 17 members of the cabinet. Are: Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (josé luis rodríguez zapatero), First Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister's Office, a government spokesman Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega Sanz (female) (maría teresa fernández de la vega sanz), Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Finance Minister Pedro Solbes Mira (pedro solbes mira), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Miguel Eran Hull Moratti 诺斯库亚乌 hundred (miguel ángel moratinos cuyaubé) and so on.
  】 【Judiciary Chief Justice Justice is the lead agency committee composed of 20 members, part-time Chairman of the Supreme Court. Judiciary court divided the two judicial courts and administrative systems. Supreme Court President Francisco more than any Saiaiernan (francisco josé hernando), National President of the Court Carlo Sidi Val (carlos divar).
  State Supreme Prosecutor General's Office prosecutors, under the jurisdiction of the judiciary at all levels of the Procuratorate and the presence of the prosecutor. State Attorney General Candido Conde - Punta skin more (candido conde-pumpido).
  【】 Western multi-party system of political parties. Major political parties are:
  (1) Spanish Socialist Workers Party (partido socialista obrero español): the ruling party. Founded in 1879, the existing members about 41 million. The party in 1982 and 1996, four times reelected to power. Main 席曼努埃尔 Chavez (manuel chaves), General Secretary José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (josé luis rodriguez zapatero). April 2004, Socialist Workers Party won the election, came to power.
  (2) People's Party (partido popular): the people formerly known as Alliance, founded in 1977, renamed the People's Party in 1989. Implementation of the "middle reformism" line. About 60 million current members. The party soon after the establishment of the political arena in the country emerge, strength is continually expanding. May 1996 first came to power. April 2000 reelected to power. Main 席马里亚诺拉霍 Iraq (mariano rajoy), General Secretary 安赫尔赫苏 斯阿塞韦斯 (angel jesús acebes). Lost in the general election in 2004, becoming the largest opposition party.
  (3) The Spanish Communist Party (partido comunista de españa): Founded in 1920, about 40,000 members, the general secretary, Francisco Frutos (francisco frutos). Other leftist parties, the Republican West, it is mainly composed of the United Left (izquierda unida), members of about 5 million. Hurley Amazon Gaspar Gonzalez (gaspar llamazares) chief coordinator.
  (4), Democratic Union of Catalonia (convergencia democrática de cataluña): and the other nationalist parties - the Democratic Solidarity Party of Catalonia (union democrática de cataluña) in the United Catalonia power. Founded in 1975, party members and about 1 million. Main 席霍尔迪普约尔 (jordi pujol), General Secretary 阿图尔马斯 (artur mas).
  (5) the Basque Nationalist Party (partido nacionalista vasco): 1895 Established in Basque ruling party about 4 million. Main 席霍苏霍恩伊 Maas (josu jon imaz).
  】 【Military forces from the regular army and paramilitary forces (national security forces), with the king as supreme commander. National Defense Commission is the highest policy making body of national defense, the King chaired the Prime Minister presided over the government. Members of the Deputy Prime Minister, defense, foreign affairs, internal affairs minister, chief of defense staff, armed forces chief of staff. Department of Defense is responsible for defense policy and led the defense industry. Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff is the prime minister and defense minister's military adviser. Chief of Defence Staff 费利克斯桑斯 Luoer Dan (félix sanz roldán) General. March 2001 by the Council of Western law, the decision on December 31, 2001 cancellation of compulsory military service, to achieve the military professional.
  2005 defense budget of 6.991 billion euros, accounting for 0.8% of GDP. West, the total strength of the regular army to 12.1 million, of which 7.71 million people in the Army, Navy, 1.94 million people, 2.1 million people in the Air Force, armed forces reserve a total of 32.85 million. In addition, the National Police of 5.3 million, 7.1 million people in the National Guard. Since 2004, the Tri-revocation of the original establishment, and according to division of functions and tasks, _set_ up six combatant commands, military support of 10 agencies, to reduce the command levels, to enhance operational efficiency.
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Foreign Affairs
  【】 Chinese diplomatic institutions stationed in Spain
  Chinese Ambassador to Spain: Qiu Xiaoqi. Guanzhi: C / .arturo soria, 113. Website: Consulate General in Barcelona (Spain): Consul General: Wang Shixiong (wang shixiong) Address: no. 34, avda. Tibidabo, 08022-barcelona, spain. Website:
  【】 Diplomatic institutions of Spain in China: Ambassador: HE 塞佩德罗塞 瓦斯蒂安德 Eric Race (hemr.josé pedro sebastián de erice) office: Beijing Sanlitun Road on the 9th. Consular Office: 18 South Road, Beijing Landmark. Commercial Office: Beijing, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Building 2nd floor, Unit 2, 2
  【】 Relations with Latin American countries, the West and Latin American countries have a special traditional relations, the development of relations with Latin American countries as its strategic focus. The two sides stressed the priority to maintain relationships and expand political dialogue and cooperation mechanism to help Latin American countries to strengthen and consolidate democracy and strengthen civil society in support of Latin American economic integration, political consultation mechanisms and sustainable development. October 2005, the West held the 15th Ibero-American Summit. Latin American countries continue to strengthen the political and economic exchanges and cooperation, expand trade scale, and promote bilateral cooperation and development. Western ideas through the establishment of the European Union - Latin America strategic partnership to promote closer to the European Union and Latin America.
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Bilateral relations between Spain and China
  Transferred from the part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
  I. Bilateral Political Relations
  1, China and Spain on March 9, 1973 established diplomatic relations.
  2, after the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have developed smoothly, the two sides in the political, economic, scientific and cultural fields, expanding exchanges and cooperation. Increasingly close political relations between the two countries, the two leaders have maintained frequent exchanges. November 2005, President Hu Jintao's visit to the West, the two countries announced the establishment of comprehensive strategic partnership.
  Recent years since the Chinese leader's visit to West are: President Jiang Zemin (1996), Vice Premier Wu Bangguo (June 2001), Vice President Hu Jintao (November 2001), Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan (2002 11 months), NPC Vice Chairman Wang (November 2003), the National Political Consultative Conference Chairman Jia Qinglin (September 2004) and Vice Premier Zeng (November 2004), President Hu Jintao (November 2005), Politburo Standing Committee, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Wu (April 2007).
  Mainly the visiting Western leaders: Senate President Balei Luo (November 1998), Second Deputy Prime Minister and Economic Minister Rodrigo Rato (November 1998, November 2001 and October 2002), the Prime Minister A Sina Seoul (June 2000), Crown Prince Felipe (November 2000 and July 2006), Queen Sofia (March 2003), Foreign Minister Ana Palacio (July 2003 and December), the public Speaker Rudy (November 2003), Senate President Rojo (April 2005), Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (July 2005), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Miguel Angel Moratinos (March 2006), p. Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance of two Solbes (April 2006), First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for La Vega Prime Minister's Office (April 2007).
  Second, bilateral economic and trade relations and economic and technical cooperation
  After the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral economic and trade relations have developed rapidly, with trade volume growing. According to Chinese Customs statistics, in 2006, bilateral trade amounted to $ 14,492,000,000, an increase of 37.7%. January-February 2007, bilateral trade amounted to $ 2,808,000,000, an increase of 69.6%.
  China's main export commodities are on the West: textiles, clothing and footwear, machinery and electronic products, household appliances, travel goods and bags, ceramics and pharmaceuticals. My main imports from the West are: machinery and equipment, steel, plastic, chemical, pharmaceutical products.
  Since 1985, Western governments to provide me with a 9 loans, the cumulative commitment amount of up to 39 million euros, the actual use of 2.93 billion euros, mainly for my rail, urban rail transit, traffic control, wind power, solar energy, water treatment, garbage processing, environmental protection, urban fire, medical, teaching and training, communications, agriculture and other projects in the field. Greater cooperation between the two projects are: 冿 Shen railway electrification project, Hainan Airlines to buy simulator project, Tianjin Light Rail, Tianjin subway, Xi'an natural gas projects.
  As of the end of 2006, investment projects in China for the West 1249, actual investment 1.029 billion U.S. dollars, is the EU's sixth largest investor in China, mainly in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangdong area, the industry of finance, energy, telecommunications and transport and so on. I _set_ up in the West about 20 joint ventures or wholly owned enterprises, mainly in trade, fisheries and other fields. West signed a total of 603 technology import contracts, the amount of $ 3,077,000,000. Two main areas of cooperation are: electric power, chemicals, machinery, urban construction and environmental protection.
  Third, cultural, technological, educational and military exchanges and cooperation
  China and Spain signed the "Agreement on the basis of scientific and technological cooperation," "cultural, educational and scientific cooperation agreement" and the "talent exchange agreement." Western Science and Technology Joint Committee has held 6 meetings, culture, education mixed committee held 7 meetings. Cervantes Institute of Beijing Branch in July 2006 formally established. Exchange of students between the two countries.
  Early 80s of last century, armies began to conduct military exchanges, once after the break. In recent years, the friendly exchanges between the two armies. 2002 West Army Chief of Staff Torrent visited China. In 2003, the Central Military Commission, member of the General Political Department Director Xu will visit the West. March 2005, Central Military Commission, will visit air force commander Qiao Qingchen West. May 2006, the West will visit with the Air Force Chief of Staff Dela Wei.
  Fourth, bilateral important agreements and documents
  Western ambassador representing the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two governments signed the joint communique in Paris (March 9, 1973)
  Sign trade agreements and the Western Air Services Agreement (June 19, 1978)
  The two sides signed a cultural, educational, scientific cooperation agreement (April 7, 1981)
  The two countries signed agreements on economic development and industrial cooperation (November 15, 1984)
  The basis of scientific and technological cooperation agreement signed (September 5, 1985)
  Signed on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion Agreement (November 22, 1990)
  The two sides signed on mutual encouragement and protection of investment agreements (February 6, 1992)
  The two countries signed on civil and commercial judicial assistance treaties (May 2, 1992)
  The two governments signed two cooperation agreements to combat organized crime (June 25, 2000)
  The two countries signed the Treaty on Criminal Judicial Assistance (July 21, 2005)
  Two countries signed the Extradition Treaty (14 November 2005)
  The two countries signed on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons Treaty (November 14, 2005)
  The two countries on the mutual establishment of cultural centers in the agreement (November 14, 2005)
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西班牙 经济
  【Economy】 West is a medium-developed industrial countries of capitalism. Early 80s, West began tightening, adjustment, reform policies, adopted a series of economic liberalization measures. To join the EEC in 1986 as an opportunity to highlight economic development. The early 90s, as a result of economic overheating, slow economic growth and recession. Since the mid-90s, taken by the government in the West, the role of macro-control policies, the economy began to recover and continue growing steadily. West in May 1998 to become one of the first countries to join the euro. Currently, the West's economy has maintained steady growth.
  Major economic figures in 2006 are as follows:
  GDP: 976.2 billion euros.
  GDP per capita: 21,834 euros
  Economic growth rate: 3.9%.
  Currency: EUR
  Inflation rate: 2.7%
  Unemployment rate: 8.7%
  【】 Key mineral resources reserves: 8.8 billion tons of coal, iron 1.9 billion tons, 500 million tons of pyrite, copper and 400 million tons, 1.9 million tons of zinc, 700,000 tons of mercury. The total area of 14.37 million hectares of forest.
  【2005】 industrial output value of industry 266.275 billion euros, accounting for 28.5% of GDP. Major industrial sectors of shipbuilding, steel, automobiles, cement, mining, construction, textiles, chemicals, leather, power and other industries. Which ranks seventh in the world auto production, Korea, after the column. 2004 West automobile production volume of 2,978,000, employing 7.1 million cars, direct and indirect employment accounts for 11% of the employed population, 18 car manufacturers, car exports accounted for exports of the West 1 / 4. In recent years, the main industrial products are as follows (unit: million tons):
  2001 2002 2003
  Steel 1651 - -
  Automotive (million) 284.7 285.4 252.0
  Cement 4051 4238.3 4422.5
  (Source: Bureau of Statistics reported in 2005, Spain)
  【2005】 agriculture and fishery production value of 32.7 billion euros of agriculture, accounting for 3.5% of GDP. Agricultural area of 33.31 million hectares, of which 25.17 million hectares land, 16.65 million hectares of arable land. Pigs, sheep, cattle population was 21,200,000, 20,000,000, 6,000,000. Output of major agricultural products in recent years, the West is as follows (unit: million tons):
  2001 2002 2003
  Wheat 501.9 679.5 629.0
  Barley 624.5 832.8 869.8
  Corn 493.6 448.7 433.9
  Rice 837811--
  Acidic fruits 531.7 570.1 -
  Wine (million liters) 35.05 35.76 47.29
  Olive 525.8 456.9 441.5
  Olive oil 88.3 83.7 102.1
  (Source: National Bureau of Statistics reported in 2005 West)
  【Services】 West, an important pillar of the national economy, including culture, education, health, business, tourism, scientific research, social insurance, transport, financial services, etc., particularly in the more developed tourism and financial services. In 2005 the output value of 635.324 billion euros West services, accounting for 68% of the gross domestic product.
  Tourism】 【important pillar of the economy and the West the main source of foreign exchange. 2005, 5560 million foreign tourists, up 6% over the previous year, net income of 46 billion euros, up 1% over the previous year. Total of all hotels 17402, about 1.51 million beds, the occupancy rate of 53.58%. Total of 7,751 travel agents. 122.6 million people employed population in 2004, accounting for 7.2% of the total employed population. Well-known tourist destination with Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Costa del Sol, the beautiful Coast.
  【Transportation】 mainly by land transport. In 2003, the main transport is as follows:
  Railways: total length of 15,661 km; 654 million passenger trips passengers and cargo 32.3 million tons.
  Highways: total length of 665,637 kilometers, 24,857 kilometers of its Chinese channel, local government roads 70,270 km, 69,457 km other types of roads. 2.865 billion passenger trips passengers, 1.8 billion tons of freight.
  Shipping: All kinds of vessels 118,033; passenger and cargo traffic was 23.5 million passengers and 3.82 million tons. 27 major ports, which are the most important Barcelona, Bilbao, Tarragona, 阿尔赫西拉 and so on.
  Air: 47 airports across the country. The main airport of Madrid Barajas Airport, Madrid Mallorca airport and Barcelona Parr Airport. In 2003, passenger and cargo throughput of 1.52 million passengers and 5.8 million tons.
  (Source: Bureau of Statistics reported in 2005, Spain)
  】 【Fiscal and financial revenue and expenditure of the West in recent years are as follows (unit: million euros):
  2001 2002 2003
  Revenue 2591.16 2767.48 2560.31
  Expenditure 2593.45 2765.07 2680.96
  Deficit 2.29 2.41 -120.65
  (Source: 2005 Report of the West Bank)
  Western financial income mainly depends on direct and indirect taxes, privatization proceeds accounted for a significant proportion of recent years. In 2003, the fiscal deficit equivalent to 1.6% of GDP. As of the end of 2005, external debt € 1,137,322,000,000 West, the West's foreign exchange reserves was 146 million euros.
  Major banks in Spain: Santander Central and Spain, Bank of America (banco santander central hispanoamericano), Bilbao Vizcaya Foreign Bank Group (banco bilbao vizcaya argentaria) and the People's Bank (banco popular).
  【External Trade, 2005, the West 8.86% growth in foreign trade, of which 11% growth in imports, exports grew 4.5%. In recent years, foreign trade was as follows (unit: million euros):
  2003 2004 2005
  1840.9 2071.2 2337.1 Imports
  Exports 1378.1 1464.5 1552.4
  Deficit -462.8 -606.7 -784.7
  (Source: Bank of Spain in 2006 statistics)
  Imports of oil, industrial raw materials, machinery and equipment and consumer goods. Major export automobile, steel, chemical products, leather products, textiles, wine and olive oil. Main trading partners are the European Union, Asia, Latin America and the United States. 2004 West into the EU, exports accounted for 64.6% of total imports and exports that year and 73.9%, Asian imports and exports were 14.6% and 5.5%, the U.S. imports and exports were 3.6% and 4% .
  】 【Direct investment in 2003, the West in foreign direct investment 24.341 billion euros, a decrease of 41.61%. The main investment sectors include transport, telecommunications, energy, finance, insurance, real estate, major investment areas in Latin America. In 2005, the West was 16.618 billion euros the actual foreign capital.
  【Recent years people's lives, the West increased government welfare spending. Workers can enjoy social insurance, the cost burden of 30.8% by the state, enterprises and individuals take 69.2%. West, male life expectancy was 77.2 years, female 83.7 years. Western General Hospital in 2004 there were 774, 190 000 doctors per 2034 of the hospital beds and 37 beds per million people. 62 per hundred vehicles. Average monthly wage of $ 2,616.5.
  (Source: National Bureau of Statistics reported in 2005 West)
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Culture and livelihood
  Throughout Spain in ten parish, which Diocese of Toledo is the largest and most important one. Bishop of Toledo, Spain from the Gothic period of time that the cardinals.
  Education in Spain by the Catholic Church was the control. Spain is now divided into pre-school education system, universal education, degree education, higher education and vocational training.
  2 to 3-year-old German kindergarten children can volunteer to small, 4 to 5 years old on the large class. State kindergarten is free, compulsory education (6 to 16 years old) is true, and transportation, and canteens are also free. The object of education is for children aged 6 to 14. Junior year, senior primary years, middle years.
  Main courses include primary language, mathematics, social and natural experience, artistic expression, music and sports.
  Junior high school increased the humanities and natural sciences, foreign languages and religion courses. After completion of junior secondary school students can choose to ascend to comprehensive schools (high school, also known as pre-university) or self-employment.
  There are three main types of comprehensive school curriculum: First, literature, including the humanities and classical languages; the second is science, with emphasis on mathematics; third is related to agriculture, industry and other technical courses. Students at School Division to learn their choice to complete the course of any one discipline, examinations, you can get bachelor's degree. In the workshop industry, home schools and two forms of vocational schools, vocational training sub-professional theory and business practice, vocational training is free of charge. Where in addition to basic courses, you can also learn technical drawing, management, and various professional courses.
  University of Salamanca in Spain and the University of Granada is one of the oldest universities in Europe. In the Spanish Constitution stipulates that freedom of the University community learning, teaching freedom and university autonomy. University can be custom-made rules, election of the school governing bodies, budgeting and staffing, independent assessment of the degree.
  Spain thirty kilometers run by universities and four private universities sponsored by the Church, Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain's largest institution of higher learning, there are other famous universities of Madrid University, University of Salamanca, Barcelona Central University.
  Primary school for 6 years, 4 years high school, college 4 to 5 years. In 2003, education costs accounted for 4.35% of GDP, of which most of the public sector investment.
  2004 to 2005 school year, the total number of 8,441,616 students, including the situation of schools and students at all levels:
  School (The) Student (person)
  Preschool Education 35961419307
  Primary 122722494598
  Special School --29,283
  School 62761876322
  Pre --632,154
  Specialist --516,504
  University of 721,473,448
  In a total of 562,510 teachers in non-tertiary education, including public school teachers, 411,399 people, 151,111 were private schools, higher education, a total of 86,774 teachers were.
  (Source: Spanish Education, Ministry of Science Report from 2004 to 2005)
  Press and Publications: National total of 155 kinds of newspapers, national magazines, 170, sold 420 million. The average daily circulation of major newspapers: "National News" with a circulation of 460,000 copies; "Le Monde", 31 million; "A Beise News", 28 million; "Vanguard", 20 million; "Catalonia Catalonia News ", 17 million;" truth newspaper "15 million copies.
  Main news agency: EFE, the official news agency, founded in January 1939. There are also private European news agencies, news agency logos.
  Radio and Television Commission tube radio and TV stations. More than 200 radio stations nationwide, mainly in Spain and private national radio broadcasting company in Spain, intercontinental radio, Spanish National Radio.
  Television: Spain as a state-run television, national television, there are two channels. In addition to Andalusia, Catalonia, Galicia, Basque and Madrid and other local television stations. In 1989 the Government approved the establishment of a multi-channel, antenna -3 and 5 three private television stations. 1997 began operating the two digital TV stations.
  Diet: Category vary, but most of the dishes will be added olive oil.
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Physical Geography
西班牙 自然地理
西班牙 自然地理
  Climate: Central Meise Ta Plateau is a continental climate, the north and north-west coast of a maritime temperate climate, the south and south-east a Mediterranean subtropical climate. More humid north-west, inland and southeast drier. The mean temperature from north to south: 1 month 9.4-10.3 ℃; 7 月 19.1-28.1 ℃. Generally 350-500 mm annual precipitation, mountain up to 1,500 mm.
  Minerals: Mercury reserves of the world's first, and coal, iron, bauxite, molybdenum, pyrite, and oil. Vast forest area, the European cork oak, oak, chestnut, fir. Rich sardines and lobster.
  Location: Located in the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. North near the Bay of Biscay, west of Portugal, South Africa across the Strait of Gibraltar and Morocco across the Northeast and France, Andorra, bordering East and the southeast Mediterranean. 7800 km long coastline. Mountainous, alpine countries of Europe. Within the highlands and mountain white, the national average elevation of 660 meters, 35% of more than 1,000 meters above sea level, only 11% of the plain, one of the highest terrain in Europe. Cantabrian mountains north main, the Pyrenees, south Morena mountains and mountains of Andalusia. Wooden pull the southern peak altitude 3478 m bulk, the highest peak.
  Located in southwestern Europe, Spain, and Portugal share the Iberian Peninsula. Spain is located 36 degrees north latitude to 44 degrees, 9 degrees 18 minutes west longitude and between longitude 3 degrees 19 minutes north to south across 840 km from east to west 1000 kilometers. Land area is 504,750 square kilometers, the Spaniards said they were familiar with the country shaped like a cow. Spain in Europe after Russia, Germany and France in fourth place, equivalent to the European one-twentieth of the total area. Peninsula, the Spanish territory, including also the Mediterranean Balearic Islands and the Atlantic Ocean the size of the Canary Islands.
  The northern coast of Spain is the Bay of Biscay, northeast border with France and Andorra, the towering Pyrenees separated by several countries on both sides of this; the east and southeast facing the Mediterranean Sea, south across only 14 km wide Strait of Gibraltar Morocco, Africa can achieve; rectangular neighborhood west of Portugal, Spain. Strait of Gibraltar is the main gateway to the Mediterranean from the Atlantic Ocean, is extremely important strategic position, Spain and the United Kingdom has long been fighting for the sovereignty here.
  Not including the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Spain, surrounded by the sea about 3904 kilometers of coastline, but relatively flat coastal real natural harbor are concentrated in the north, such as Ferrol, La Punta and Turvey Vigo and so on. Cartagena is the only natural harbor is located in the Mediterranean. Not to port the southeastern coast, but in the scenic beach resort famous. Spain has the famous Gulf of Cadiz Bay and the Gulf of Valencia.
  Not only the beautiful coast of Spain, there are towering mountains. In Europe, she is the highest outside of the country except Switzerland. Throughout most of Spain, the ancient plateau. Spain stands the famous center of the central plateau, about 60% of land area, elevation of 600-700 meters. Central Plateau block on three sides by mountains: the north is the Cantabrian mountains, stands the Moraine in southern mountains, east of the Iberian mountain range separates the central plateau and the plains of Aragon. Extension of the west side of the plateau slowly, gradually flat terrain, and finally disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean. If you drive tours throughout Spain, from time to time the eye is a Block snow-capped peaks, a piece of undulating hills.
  Spanish territory can be divided into five geographic areas:
  Northern Mountains: There are well-known in Europe Pyrenees, stretching thousands of miles throughout the mountains, the scenery picturesque. Throughout the year, regardless of the mountain foot of the mountain, or plain land, is full of a green. Asturias region in particular, rolling mountains, pines and fog, Lin dies.
  Close to the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian mountains, up to 2000 meters above sea level over north Bay of Biscay boundless vast, wooded land, the scenery is very charming. Place during many of the broad valley, the water clear as a mirror. It is worth mentioning that, where there are numerous waterfalls, pouring down from a height, all day mist filled the air, spectacular. This is not only important cork-producing areas, but also cattle and sheep in pastoral areas and industrial areas over and over.
  Central Plateau: Plateau is located in the central Cordillera mountain range, the Mei _Set_a Plateau Plateau is divided into northern and southern Old Castile New Castile plateau. In this vast expanse, the land of rolling hills, with large areas of the famous olive groves and sanctuaries. Central Plateau in the northwest and northern Atlantic coast, most of the area is mountains. A section of mountain road end to end, driving cars and sometimes in the mountains most of the day, as if still in its original location.
  Plain Aragon: Aragon Pyrenees Plain in the south-east of the Ebro River Basin, a roughly triangular wavy plain. In the ancient geological times, here was a vast inland lake, and later the lake into the Mediterranean Sea, and slowly turned into dry land. Aragon plains year round pleasant climate, abundant rainfall, fertile soil, known as the rich "wet treasure" is a natural granary of Spain, is also an important grape, citrus and other fruit producers.
  Mediterranean mountain: mountain from the southeast coast of Andalusia, to the northeastern Catalonia, up to 1,500 km. Valuables on the beach walking, sea and sky merged, visitors reviews. Andalusia, the southern tip of the Mula Sa mountain steep mountains towering 3478 m above sea level, is the highest point of the Iberian Peninsula, known as the Spanish "national backbone." Year-round mountain wave clouds, the wind melodious, is a good place for summer summertime.
  Andalusian plains: the mountains and in the Mo Laina Andalusian Mountains. Here Yimapingchuan, Tan sway; Guadalquivir River, from west to east across the plains, watering the Qianwan Mu farmland. As the towering mountains of Andalusia blocked the moist air from the ocean, so the climate is dry, hot, hot summer.
  Spanish bullfighting (corrida de toro)
  Bullfighting is the national essence of Spain, swept the country, renowned the world, despite the animal protection point of view from the people of this current dispute, but as an old Spanish tradition is to retain the unique to the present, and welcomed by many people. Bullfighting season is March to October, bullfighting season, each held every Thursday and two on Sunday. Festivals and national celebrations such as the Sun, a daily can watch.
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西班牙 历史
西班牙 历史
西班牙 历史
西班牙 历史
西班牙 历史
  9th century BC, the Celtics moved from the EU. 8th century BC, the Iberian Peninsula has been alien invasion, long-term by the Romans, Visigoths and Moors rule. Spanish aggression against the alien for a long struggle, in 1492 made "recovery movement" victory, established the first European countries unified central monarchy. Power in the sixteenth century at sea, after gradually decline. Dynasty was overthrown in 1931, a republic was established in 1936, led by the Popular Front coalition government. Franco launched a civil war in 1936, seized power in 1939, declared the monarchy in 1947.
  Franco died in November 1975, Juan Carlos ascended the throne and restore the monarchy. July 1976, the King appointed the former Secretary-General of Arab National Movement for the Prime Minister Soares, began the transition to the Western parliamentary democracy.
  Discovered in Spain about the earliest human archaeological remains dating back 30,000 to 5 million years BC, the prehistoric rock art cave man gives us the Iberian Peninsula, the scene of life of prehistoric civilizations. In Spain found that the most important monuments include "Black Hole" Cave and "pine" cave, and of course the famous Altamira caves.
  Celtic Spain
  The latest theory is that the Iberian Peninsula from North Africa arrived, they _set_tled mainly in the Mediterranean coastal areas and more south, where the Iberian created many different cultures, for archeology has significance. The history of ancient Greece the most important one of which has been recorded, the Greeks called them "people of Tours." They are the Iberian tribe, in the Guadalquivir River and splendid culture of the kingdom was established.
  1200 BC, Celts from the Scandinavian peninsula from the north to enter. Blonde hair and dark skin of the Iberian Celtic marry, and extend to the entire peninsula. The history of the Iberian Peninsula is not the only areas of any foreign invasion is probably the Basque people live in the northern mountains. History and social scientists have not yet understand the origin of Basques, and she could not find any genetic relationship between the neighboring peoples, but between people in the Basque and Japanese, found common ground, and now the only known that Basque is a very ancient nation.
  Phoenician, Greek and Carthaginian
  1100 BC, a powerful maritime nation Phoenicians established a colony on the peninsula, the most important one is Gadiel, that is, Cadiz today. Meanwhile, the Greeks and the Mediterranean in the south to establish their own rule.
  Punic War, the Carthaginians took the opportunity to occupy most of the land of Spain, they left behind a well-known cities, including Cartagena, the word is "New Carthage" means.
  Romans and the Goths
  409 AD, the powerful growing recession Gothic barbarian invasion of the Roman Empire, and in the Iberian Peninsula in 419 AD, established their own kingdom, its capital in Toledo. But the Goths in Spain the development of civilization without much contribution to make.
  Muslim Spain and the recovery of war
  However, to the eleventh century, the royal family room (39 Prince) of continuous internal strife split the Muslim empire, decline, recovery movement intensified. The Kings of the north one by one victory. To the fourteenth century, Muslims in Spain, only the last stronghold of Granada, they insist on the last hundred years, until the "Catholic King" will she be incorporated into the territory of the Kingdom of Castile.
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