Cai Dengshan
Cai Dengshan (1954~?) 

galaxy 杰出的人物或精美的东西《一代名伶的旧闻轶事:梅兰芳与孟小冬》
film and television homonymy《百年尘埃:张爱玲《色·戒》》

  1954 students. Taiwan's well-known literary historian, a former vocational teacher, television writer, and Springfield's film company planning manager, marketing general manager. Indulging in between film and modern literary documents. Over thirty years. Works are: "Film Question film", "things from old," "April Rhapsody", "I promise a future," "human flowers too hasty," "truth in the world but," "Legend unfinished - - Eileen Chang "," Rise of memory "," Lu Xun loved "and" Seeing the other writers. " Ed are: "Love Letter Collection Xu," "tenderness wrapped in my heart - love poems and love word Xu," "Disappearing Hong Ying - Wang Shiying Collection."
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  1. :  Cai Dengshan