Literary Writing > biographies
Are you looking for: 史记淮南衡山列传More results...
  Chinese history books of the genre of biographical one. Sima Qian Piece "Historical Records" when the first, after the ancient biographical history books in use. Outside of the main characters recorded deeds Emperor. Ban Gu Writing "Han", the abolition of family "category and into the biography, followed by the official historian for the future generations. Also recorded in the history of minorities and other countries, such as the" Ming Dynasty "in the" Sichuan chieftain Tales "and" foreign Japan Biography, "and so on.
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No. 2
  My biographical history books out deeds of historical figures biography of Syria. Qian Han, "reported Ren Shaoqing book": "Family 30, Biography 70." Liu Zhi Tang, "Shi Tong title": "Cardiff Old View of History Biography, Volume extravagant constant theme, the text is less with the names of those who, if Simaxiangru, Dongfang Shuo is also. "
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No. 3
  Biography (-zhuàn): Chinese biographical genre of historical books. Sima Qian Piece "Historical Records" when the first, after the ancient biographical history books in use. Outside of the main characters recorded deeds Emperor. Ban Gu Writing "Han", the abolition of "family" category and into the biography, followed by the official historian for the future generations. Also documented the history of minorities and other countries, such as "Ming Dynasty" in the "Sichuan chieftain Tales" and "foreign Japanese Tales" and so on.
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Biographical biographies of historical figures in general
  Biographical biographies of historical figures in general, such as "Records of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju ~."
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No. 5
  列传 中国纪传体史书的体裁之一。司马迁撰《史记》时首创,为以后历代纪传体史书所沿用。司马贞《史记》索隐:“列传者,谓列叙人臣事迹,令可传于后世。”张守节《史记》正义:”其人行迎可序列,故云列传。”一般用以记述帝皇以外的人物事迹(凡侯王而能世袭的,《史记》原列入“世家”,后代的纪传体史书则取消“世家”一类,统称为“列传”)。也有记载少数民族和其他国家历史的,前者如《明史》中的《四川土司列传》,后者如《明史》的《外国·日本列传》。
  列传: 索隐列传者,谓叙列人臣事迹,令可传于后世,故曰列传。□正义其人行迹可序列,故云列传.
English Expression
  1. n.:  biographies,  biographies in ancient Chinese history books,  collected biographies,  collection of biographies
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