idiom > rictus
Grimace in pain
  Explanation: Bare grin. Zhang mouth, teeth. Or pain described as fierce look.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, adverbial; containing derogatory
  Source: Ming Wu Cheng-en, "Journey to the West" The Fifth that consultative showing his teeth Road 'is not good! Not good! '"
  Examples: ? Mi sides on the dog, dog eat dog eat dead food, met a stranger on the ~. ★ Jun Qing "Autumn hometown Shih Fu"
No. 2
  Also as "Ziyaliezui."
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No. 3
  Exposed teeth, open his mouth. Described the vicious ugly look.
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zī yá liě zuǐ
  Uncomfortable pain in the way described
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No. 5
  Mrs. Moon came in from the store, which returned not show your teeth!
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No. 6
  Describe the ferocious look ugly
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No. 7
  Girls Rehancencen, unbuttoned collar, a vicious chessboard grimace in pain, shouting slogans sound like a bloody battle was the ancient battlefield
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No. 8
  Also as "Ziyaliezui."
  1. Exposed teeth, open his mouth. Described the vicious ugly look. Yang Shuo "melting pot": "pick up the rice bowl of a food, a face mounted on Ziyaliezui said: 'how to eat millet net, also lost to hogwash. People face two square meals a day there, I not enough for you does not taste'."
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Described as unpleasant or painful like pain
  Described as unpleasant or painful uncomfortable look. Lu Guang, "China girl" Four: "They were leaning on the railing, slowly lifting legs, show your teeth, and sometimes also issued 'Ouch', 'Ouch' moans."
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No. 10
  zī yá liě zuǐ
  〖示例〗?糜两岸上的狗,吃死尸都吃红了眼,见了生人就~。 ★峻青《秋色赋·故乡杂忆》
  成语名称 龇牙咧嘴 汉语拼音 zī yá liě zuǐ 成语释义 龇:露齿。张着嘴巴,露出牙齿。形容凶狠或疼痛难忍的样子。 成语出处 明·吴承恩《西游记》第五回:“即咨牙咧嘴道:‘不好吃!不好吃!’” 使用例句 ?糜两岸上的狗,吃死尸都吃红了眼,见了生人就龇牙咧嘴
English Expression
  1. n.:  rictus
French Expression
  1. v.  avoir l'air féroce; grimacer de douleur
pushiness, to have unnecessary suspicions., Plan than the hand-foot, gesticulate, waggle tail to please the master, beam with joy, to make oneself a laughing stock in public, Act like a buffoon, Chuguainongchou, make eyes at, flirt glances with each other, (of speech or conduct) impassioned, Jimeiliuyan, Pintoupingzu, The first full assessment products, nit-pick, Gesticulating, doubts and suspicions bellyful, raise sb.'s spirits, high-spirited, assume an air of self-conceit by wagging one's head, Complacent complacent, Ziyaliezui, Ghost Suspicious suspect
accredit, servile, spirit dull, Tubuzhuofa, conviction certainly, Seem [feel] sorry for oneself, spoil one's enthusiasm, dampening one's spirit, be down-hearted; lose heart; be disheartened, Renshengtunqi, make no doubt, to believe without a shadow of doubt., lost heart, docile and obedient, courteous to the wise and condescending to the scholarly, feeling depressed, build a building against the hill, cachexia, Made from the total listening, take his words, Hearing meter line, Grace charming, air (of a woman) refined, Lingering charm