prefecture-level city : China > Henan province > Xuchang (Hsuchang)
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Xu Chang  
Xu Chang     西汉  
  Pak to take over Dou Ying Hou Xuchang is made the prime minister's. Jianyuan years, York Zhao Qing Emperor royal doctor not to conduct of public affairs Zouzhi Empress, Empress was furious, so stop by Zhao York, Wang Tibet and so on, removed from the prime minister, the post of Gao Qiu, Hou Xuchang with Bo to the prime minister, Wu Jiang Chong Qing Zhuo Hou for the royal doctor. Xuchang because it is appointed by the Empress, the Queen Mother also obey the instructions of everything, nothing as. To Jianyuan six years, Empress collapse, the prime minister of Xuchang, Qiu Zhuang Qing Zhai for "do not take a funeral," was removed emperor.
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xǔ chāng
  Central and eastern China, Henan Bei Bu city 京广 Railway runs 此 City distribution center for tobacco, the cigarette industry, machinery, etc., have Baling Bridge, monuments such as the Spring and Autumn Lou
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  Xuchang Travel Complaint Tel: Xuchang Tourism complaints Tel :0374 -2,965,850
  Henan Tourism complaints Tel :0371 -65,506,775
  Tel :0374 -2,669,966
  Address: Xuchang City, seven all the way
  Xu Changzhi Lanting Hotel Co., Ltd. is an emerging private enterprise, located in Xuchang city three downtown area, north of Little Lake, south of Old Town River. Beautiful environment, convenient traffic. The company's two hotels and a food market, dining, entertainment, shopping as a whole, business area of ​​3,000 square meters. Hotels and shopping malls decorated luxurious, elegant and luxurious, sophisticated facilities, fully functional, is the ideal place for leisure shopping. Company uphold the "service society" Orchid concept of "first-class service, first-class management, first-class facilities" as the goal. Assiduous, prosperous society.
  Xuchang Hotel
  Tel :0374 -2,212,998
  Address: Xuchang City, South Gate Avenue, 30
  Friendship Hotel Xuchang
  Tel :0374 -5,138,888
  Address: Xuchang County, many middle of the road
  Weidu Hotel
  Tel :0374 -2,169,999
  Address: No. 4 Road, Xuchang City Labor
  Yuzhou Yuzhou Hotel
  Tel :0374 -8,179,988
  Address: Road No. 9 Yuzhou Welcome
  Code: 0374
  Post Code: 461000
  Location: Located in central Henan Province
  Area: 4996 square km
  Population: 4.34 million
  Administrative divisions: jurisdiction Yuzhou, Changge, Xuchang County, Yanling County, Wei County and all areas Xiangcheng
  Xuchang City in Henan Province in central, south of Zhengzhou, 80 km. Jurisdiction over Yuzhou, Changge, Xuchang County, Yanling County, Xiangcheng and Wei are the district, the total area of ​​4996 square km territory, population 4.34 million.
  Xuchang has a long history, outstanding people, is an important birthplace of Chinese nation. In ancient times, many by the tribes living in harmony, so called Promised Land. Eighth century BC, Zhou Wen Feng Xu Shu in, praised the country. 221 AD, Li Wei Han Wendi Cao Pi after waste, because of "Wei Ji Chang in Xu," as many counties as Xuchang, still in use. Xuchang strategic location, military strategists compete in the history of the land. The first year of the Eastern Han Jian, Cao Cao moved the capital to meet Emperor Xian of Han Xu, "Emperor to the vassal," to build military repair plant cultivation information, and eventually became dominance of tension in northern China Xuchang became the political, economic and cultural center. For thousands of years, the international situation will Xuchang, Yingjie in large numbers. Western Han Dynasty were compared Chao Cuo, Han Shu Xun celebrities, regular script originator Zhong Yao, famous advisor Guo Jia, Tang Shu-Sheng Wu Daozi are all born here. History of the famous politician, writer Ouyang Xiu, Fan Chung-yen, Su Shi, Su Che, etc., have Refugees Xuchang Rover, lectures, leaving Hong articles Sentences. Xuchang clan name is also the birthplace of one of the important ancestral roots, Xu, Chen, Zhong, Fang family name, are deeply rooted Xuchang earth, at home and abroad to maintain the descendants of the emotional bond.
  Xuchang natural conditions, a warm temperate monsoon zone, mild climate, sufficient sunlight, rainfall, long frost-free period, four distinct seasons. The annual average temperature 14.7 degrees, sunshine 2280 hours, annual rainfall 579 mm, frost-free period 217 days. Within 75% of the plains, 25% of the area hills. Within the larger rivers of Northern Ruhe, ying he, Shuangji River and clear Nihe, total water resources in an average of 5.1 billion cubic meters.
  Xuchang resources. The mineral resources have been proven over thirty, including reserves of 3.5 billion tons of coal, bauxite reserves of 42.95 million tons, 6.66 million tons refractory clay, limestone, 200 million tons. Major mineral concentration, large reserves, easy-to-mining, the development of electric power, building materials, ceramics and other industries prospects. Agricultural resources, are: wheat, corn, sweet potato, soybean, peanut, tobacco, cotton and so on.
  Xuchang location and convenient transportation. Beijing-Guangzhou railway running north and south, Yu Dan railway crossing things, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xu two West State Road at this intersection, Zhengzhou to Xuchang section of Beijing-Zhuhai expressway has been opened to traffic, national and provincial highways and county roads interrelated, constitute the intertwined land transport network. International Airport - Xuchang Zhengzhou International Airport is 50 kilometers for the contacts around the world to provide convenient conditions.
  Xuchang commercial development has always been the land of merchants. In recent years, a number of high starting point, large-scale, wide radiation, multi-functional, cost-effective wholesale and retail markets have been built to Lotus Textile City, the three Trade City, Asia mall, Chayuan market as the leading consumer goods market, World steel, motor tricycle parts of production, represented the city market, Yanling flowers, Yuzhou herbs, spring store files hair, Street yuba, represented by local characteristics such as product market has grown in strength. Labor, technology, information, increasingly sophisticated financial markets and other factors.
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City Card
  "Xuchang man" of ancient human sites
  Tobacco Kingdom
  Exciting cities of the first Chinese city on the line
  China's financial eco-city
  China should visit the city
  Livable cities in China
  Chinese garden city
  National Forest City
  China Excellent Tourism City
  China's best eco-cultural tourism city
  Double-support model city of the country
  National health city
  National City to create entrepreneurial
  Charming city with Chinese characteristics
  National Traditional Chinese medicine of all - Yuzhou
  The first historical and cultural city - Yuzhou
  Chinese historical and cultural town - Yuzhou
  Three Chinese cultural village
  Yu Heung Chinese culture
  China chinaware culture of the town
  Chinese cultural village bloom
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Sister Cities International and domestic
  Russian Federation Bangjiyeli City
  Brock Berlin City United States of America
  Pittsburgh, United States of America
  Kakegawa City, Japan
  City of the Republic of Bulgaria Smolyan
  People's Republic of Turpan
  People's Republic of Aksu
  Nanchang People's Republic of
  People's Republic of Guangyuan
  People's Republic of Bozhou
  People's Republic of Liaoyuan
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  Aviation and urban rail transport (passenger and cargo air hub in Xuchang, Xuchang ~ Zhengzhou International Airport)
  Beijing-Guangzhou railway and stone weapons high-speed passenger line (under construction) throughout the whole territory; China's longest narrow gauge railway - God Dan line, vertical and horizontal thing. Xuchang Yu Zheng high-speed passenger line has already begun planning the West Station, Xuchang to Bozhou inter-city railway has also been put on the agenda.
  Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao Expressway, 40 kilometers away from Zhengzhou International Airport, Xuchang to Changge intercity road runs through the whole territory, "m" shaped highway network (Xuchang to Beijing, to Hong Kong and Macao Xuchang, Xuchang to Nanyang, Xuchang to Kaifeng, Xuchang to register Feng, Xuchang to Bozhou) has been constituted, 311 State Road across what is "good road Central Plains Cup" winner.
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Climate Resources
  Xuchang city-owned North temperate monsoon climate zone, rich in energy resources, rainfall, sufficient sunshine, long frost-free period. By a continental monsoon climate, more droughts, floods, wind, hail and other weather disasters. General characteristics of the city's climate is seasonal: in spring drought, more sand; hot summer rain concentrated; the long duration of the fall air is crisp Qinghe; less cold winter rain and snow. The annual average temperature over the years in 14.3 ℃ ~ 14.6 ℃. 
  The annual average temperature 14.7 degrees, sunshine 2280 hours, annual rainfall 579 mm, frost-free period 217 days.
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"Xuchang man" of ancient human sites
  "Xuchang man" ancient human sites, located in Xuchang Lingjingzhen. "Xuchang man" discovery, is the second in China after the Peking Man critical study of ancient archaeological discoveries of mankind, the discovery of modern human origins in China to fill in an important part, and is expected to break human beings, "said the African origin" point of view.
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Central China city center development orientation, group vice
  Xuchang center of the country's development must adapt to the rise of the deployment, and must be from the strategic height to observe, analyze, practice, economic, social and urban development. Central China is the country's four regional coordinated development of the overall composition of one of the plates, while the realization of central China city group must walk the path of driving.
  "Urban agglomeration vice center," and the development orientation, by no means far-fetched, but on the actual Xuchang: From the geographical point of view, Xuchang in the Central Plains into the surrounding area has a large economic zone for infiltration; from the traffic conditions point of view, Xuchang and share an airport in Zhengzhou and Beijing-Guangzhou railway have a main artery passes through the economy, which is the urban agglomeration in the other cities can not match, the vice play a vital role cities; from the current economy, population, urbanization, industrial development level, Xuchang city has to become the basis for sub-center; country in the future pattern of economic development among regions, Xuchang facing rare development opportunities.
  "Of course, as the urban agglomeration of sub-center is more than Xuchang, and Luoyang City, the key is positioned accurately in order to seize the opportunity. If it is determined that the actual development orientation in line with Xuchang, it is necessary from the concept, from the system, from specific move up the implementation, not just on paper. "
  Central China is the most important spatial pattern: urban agglomeration, with Wuhan as the center of the Yangtze River City Group, together with the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, Beijing-Guangzhou railway corridor consisting of a dumbbell-shaped spatial structure. In this space the structure of Xuchang in a "New Economy" of the location: close to the main center of Zhengzhou, Central China city group, close to the center of the Yangtze River in Wuhan City Group, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, two north-south Beijing-Guangzhou railway passing through a major thoroughfare.
  Xuchang, and in the urban agglomeration and the Huang-Huai economic engagement with the four cities, from Zhengzhou, more recent, is the Beijing-Guangzhou industrial zone and airport economic zone, six pillar industries, food, cars and spare parts, equipment manufacturing, textile and four largest industry in Xuchang Zhengzhou area have obvious advantages, non-ferrous metals, petroleum and coal chemical industry also has two significant development, Xuchang Zhengzhou industry with a high correlation, closely linked. Xuchang and Nanyang, Luoyang and the Huang-Huai region's economic development in four cities of the industrial linkage and complementarity is also relatively strong. Enough to have the ability to coordinate with the surrounding joint development of balanced regional economic development. In transport, Xuchang, although not Luohe rail transportation advantages, but Xuchang highway network extending in all directions, radial. Xuchang speed advantage is second only to Zhengzhou to Xuchang center almost two hours to reach any cities in Henan. Not only that there is a long history of Xuchang and rich cultural heritage, history, Tso was in this "Kill the child to make no minister, farming organizations to build and repair military-owned," "troops on the Yangtze River water ride, drawn by the Yellow River yinma , Masamoto Xuchang be the Central Plains "achieved a lot of dominance.
  Therefore, Xuchang can propose to create "urban agglomeration vice center," and this development goal, and _set_ the power of the whole city together fighting. We have reason to believe that Xuchang fully competent urban agglomeration sub-center of this glorious mission.
  Valley Central Plains Electric
  Central Plains Electric is the provincial government approved the construction of the Valley, to the power equipment manufacturing industry as the main provincial industrial clustering, Xuchang City, the future is to promote industrialization and urbanization of the city band, is an important strategy for Central China's strong point. Central Plains Electric Valley consists of three levels:
  First, from Xuchang City, south of North Outer Ring Road, north to the new planning Zhongyuan Road, east of Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed planning and construction of new passenger line, west to north-south Wei Wen Road, Xuchang City, north and south, north and south about 8.6 km of the valley with , the total area of ​​13.9 square kilometers of the core area;
  Second, the core area and in the economic development zone covering 80,000 square kilometers of XJ Electric City gathering area, a total of about 22 square kilometers of the support area;
  Third, the development in the support area on the basis of development, including preliminary development area east of the highway, so that the total development of the Central Plains Electric Valley planning area eventually reached 31 square kilometers.
  The core area of ​​the Central Plains Electric Valley industrial park planning and construction of five, namely: an electric power transmission equipment industry park, the wind power industrial park, industrial park with electrical equipment, civil mechanical and electrical industrial parks, nuclear power control equipment, industrial park. Central Plains Electric Valley core area next to be built to promote industrialization and urbanization of the new city.
  God Hou town
  Shenhouzhen in Yuzhou Southwest. Culture is the birthplace of the famous chinaware, ceramic is five thousand years of cultural heritage from the typical regional characteristics of the Chinese historical and cultural town. "God Hou town" in the name of imperial history, four have been closed. Due to a variety of ceramics is still rich, "God Hou town" known as the only "living town." A long history to Shenhouzhen left a rich cultural heritage. Currently, the township has God Hou a national key cultural relics protection units, the provincial cultural relics protection unit 3, a variety of ancient temples, ancient houses, ancient ancestral halls more than 40, most of the streets located in the core area of area of ​​3 square kilometers of the town.
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Four rural culture
  Three Chinese cultural village
  Yu Heung Chinese culture
  China chinaware culture of the town
  Yuzhou in central Henan Province, an area of ​​1461 square km, population of 116.92 million people, is the first name of the People's Government of Henan Province, historical and cultural city.
  Yuzhou Jun Porcelain cultural richness, flavor, resulting in the chinaware culture of Jun porcelain art from natural sources, development and prosperity. The city of ancient kilns, many ancient dynasty 260 sites for the country's most ancient kiln sites at the county level, but also unearthed Jun porcelain, chinaware and utensils fragments, pieces of decorative patterns, text in that city for the Jun Porcelain culture of origin. According to legend, the folk era have in conveying the chinaware culture produced in the city.
  "The same color into the kiln, a kiln Wancai."
  "Families million consistent, as chinaware one."
  "Gold-Jun priceless."
  "Into the mountain of God Hou, Seven Mile Street Huan" seventy-two kilns, fireworks cover the sky. "
  "Merchants with anything, Rijindoujin money."
  "To be poor, Jun burning red, ten kilns nine fail."
  These folk spread so far, including women and children, from the chinaware culture of the geographical features of the point of view, from the story begins, multiply the number of categories, poetry, prose, couplets, songs, drama, etc., due to strong cultural characteristics, and thus become God Hou historic town, located near the city's ancient Juntai Jun kiln site has become a national key cultural relics protection units. In 2003, the city declared the country of origin protection of Jun porcelain success.
  From folk speaking to God as the center after the Yuzhou involved throughout. Lord King Vulcan fifteen month, where a kiln to be the day people burn incense to pray for God to protect the furnace Vulcan security, kiln safety, can burn out the legends of the fine chinaware. The Yuzhou people Caimei line orders are not allowed to shout "five", because "five" and "cover" euphony, the unknown language for the kiln house, a guest of the field to Yu who, if the call five Monastic will not be punished to pass the test. This folk is still in the thick of God seriously.
  The last century, in 1999 the national premiere in Yuzhou Jun porcelain stamps held a grand ceremony, the confusion between right close, further evidence of eternal farewell, the world's treasures, excellent culture is rooted in the city. Since 2003, the city's annual cultural festival held once chinaware, has hosted a national high-grade, high-standard chinaware culture and art workshops. One thousand square meters of ceramic museum will break ground in September of this year, Yuzhou Jun Porcelain is a unique art and culture of the town, the city's ancient ruins Jun kiln to declare the world intangible cultural heritage to become the most important member of the .
  Chinese cultural village bloom
  Henan Yanling bloom a long history of cultivation, variety, cultivation is an important center of bloom.
  Yanling bloom planted throughout the 12 county towns, 350 administrative villages have planted bloom. Bloom county acreage is 6,000 acres, a total of more than 20 nursery bloom, as many as 50 kinds of varieties. Bo Liang Yao village in the town center, a radius of five kilometers to bloom bloom growing distribution center is located in the original habitat Yanling. Available to produce bloom-based "Yanling bloom Park", "Yanling Flower Pot Garden", "production base of flowers Yanling VI", "shop Liuzhuang aging production base", etc., the county an annual output of 1.2 million.
  Yanling bloom bloom evil of folk have said characteristics, bloom celebration said, the friendship that bloom, bloom strength of character theory.
  The early 1980s, codify the bloom production, cultivation of technical books, 20 academic books, organize cultural story of the legendary bloom more than 30 articles, to create "the souls of flowers", "Hua Xiang Qing Yun," "Huaxiang feast", "Jin Mei blooming "and other characteristics of the times and the local cultural characteristics of the literary and artistic works, and were given the" five "Engineering Award and the provincial drama competition awards; Yanling bloom Central Plains culture has become the most significant cultural treasures, the most eye-catching culture.
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China first have
  After the founding of the Xia Dynasty Xia Dynasty activities promise to be the center of the region, XIA Qi capital in Xiayi, "big satisfy the princes in Juntai" (Jun Yu station in this city three Mountain Dong Lu), the first Chinese are located.
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Specialty staple
  Yuzhou Jun Porcelain
  Yuzhou Chinese herbal medicine
  Xiangcheng sweet potato
  Yanling Chimonanthus
  Yanling aging stores of mineral water
  Changge stone like tofu
  Xuchang yuba
  Xuchang Tobacco
  Xuchang Hair Products
  Xuchang located in warm temperate monsoon zone, favorable natural conditions, Xuchang agricultural unique. Further optimize the economic structure of agriculture, industry characteristics have been expanding.
  Tobacco Kingdom
  Xuchang China Luzhou tobacco leaf is representative of the formation of a _set_ of high-quality tobacco research, education, cultivation, redrying, storage, cigarette manufacturing, tobacco machinery manufacturing as a whole system of tobacco, cigarette annual production capacity of 1.1 million large box.
  The country's largest production and sales base in flowers
  Landscaped area of ​​50 acres of the city, more than 2,400 varieties of, annual flowers 1.38 billion, becoming the largest production and sales of flowers and base;
  National distribution center for Chinese herbal medicines
  Yuzhou in planting area of ​​30 acres, four Chinese herbal medicines for the national distribution center is one of 17 Chinese herbal medicines approved by the state trading markets;
  Xuchang National Agricultural Technology Park
  According to "a garden of nine districts," the model of development, demonstration garden that flower industry (core area, 1.5 acres), the flower industry demonstration zone (45 acres), organic vegetable production demonstration area (20 acres), medicine timber production demonstration area (25 acres), high-quality industrial demonstration area of ​​wheat (50 acres), high-quality tobacco production demonstration area (10 acres), crop seed industry demonstration zone (1 mu), demonstration of efficient livestock production area (dairy farming, beef cattle, sheep, pigs focus), agro-processing demonstration area (six demonstration of key and leading enterprises), rural urbanization and technology demonstration area (9). Construction is expected to be completed by 2003 target, was basically completed by 2010 in line with modern agricultural development in agricultural science and technology park.
  Quality wheat, high-quality soybeans, high-quality "three pink", high-quality pig, the rapid development of four major agricultural product processing industry is the largest hog processing base in Henan Province.
  Xuchang Cigarette Factory
  Xuchang Cigarette Factory located is known as "tobacco kingdom," the city of Xuchang, in the original Xuchang Cigarette Factory, Zhumadian cigarette factory, Nanyang cigarette factory on the basis of the implementation of mergers and acquisitions _set_ up, Factory Gongyou cigarette silk cigarette plant 13, Cigarette production was 1.07 million boxes the size of total as_set_s of 5.0 billion, with fixed as_set_s of $ 2.4 billion net worth 1.33 billion yuan, equity 1.67 billion yuan, is the key cigarette industrial enterprises, 500 Chinese enterprises, China's largest 500 Enterprise Group, the national tax hundred companies, and has won the "National Advanced Unit of spiritual civilization," "National Quality Management Advanced Unit", "National Excellent Enterprise ideological and political work", "National Advanced Unit factory affairs", "National Model Workers "and other honorary titles. Factory was founded, adhere to the "development" the overall situation, the establishment of a "dumbbell" business organizational model, stick to market first, science and technology enterprises, education training were great, the quality of career policy, strong implementation of the "Imperial Project" to ensure that the companies have been expanding, steady economic growth, to achieve "the first big tax Henan" three-peat. Factory existing "Imperial", "Golden Xuchang" two leading brands, "Imperial" is, "Henan cigarette brand", "Henan food industry brand ',' Henan Province Famous Brand", "Chinese cigarettes the industry's fastest-growing top ten brands ", in Henan Province in the high-grade cigarette more than 70% market share, by the National Bureau of famous tobacco industry into the national sales assessment, Henan Tobacco Industries were identified as the only high-end Henan" big strong . " "Golden Xuchang" won "the national best-selling brand" title, sales of single-brand cigarettes in the country ranked eighth in the order.
  Xuchang City, completed in 2008 GDP of 106.2 billion yuan, ranking the fifth in Henan!
  XJ Group
  "Eleventh Five-Year" period, XJ Group will be to create "one city, three base" and building "high-tech Chinese XJ Electric City" and DC converter valve and control and protection equipment at home base, high-power electronic equipment manufacturing base and R & D AC power transmission equipment manufacturing base developed for the state high voltage power grid construction, power equipment manufacturing industry revitalization and development of power industry to contribute!
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  Fat east trade group, is out of Henan, and other aspiring business tycoons and big business, and world-renowned retailers to compete against.
  Fat from the east of Times Square: Central Plains-class supermarket. Avant-garde design, decoration distinguished, called the "Central Plains first shop."
  Days levy supermarket chains, local convenience store leader.
  Sanding - Dennis the International Business Center, Zhengzhou area south of Dennis's largest branch.
  Wal-Mart Plaza (under construction)
  Dongcheng District, Beijing Hualian Island International (under construction)
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Administrative Division
  As of October 22, 2008, Xuchang Municipality a city area, three counties, two county-level cities. Meanwhile, in order for effective governing, and another deputy department director specifications Xuchang to promote the integration of urban and rural areas and Changge county specifications are Dongcheng District Management Committee, Economic Development Zone of Henan Province, Xuchang three modern new city.
  Xuchang area of ​​5266.24 square kilometers, population 4,668,400 (2008).
  Wei is an area of ​​69.24 square kilometers area, population 66.53 million people. Zip code 461000.
  Yuzhou area of ​​1472 square kilometers, population 136.69 million. Zip code 461 670.
  Changge area of ​​650 square kilometers, population 710,000. Zip code 461500.
  Xuchang County area of ​​1352 square kilometers, population 840,000. Zip code 461 100. County People's Government in Xuchang Changge forward area.
  Yanling County area of ​​866 square kilometers, population 720,000. Zip code 461 200. County People's Government in gulingzhen.
  Xiangcheng area of ​​920 square kilometers, population 830,000 people. Zip code 461 700. County People's Government in the county towns.
  * Here area and population data in accordance with "divisions booklet (2007)", the population end of 2008. *
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National population
  Xuchang has 34 ethnic minorities, 76072, accounting for 1.65% of the total population of the city. Hui 73,045 of them, accounting for 95% of the total population of ethnic minorities more than 831 Manchu, Mongol 326, a total of 1870 other 31 ethnic minority people. In the total population of these minorities, the agricultural population 50,367, non-agricultural population of 25,705 people. The city's 96 townships (towns, offices) are ethnic minorities live, in which village inhabited by 60 ethnic minorities over thousands of township (town office) 28, townships (towns) 3 (Yuzhou Merchants Hui Township, Xuchang County Aizhuanghuizuxiang, Xiangcheng Yingqiaohuizuzhen), more than 10,000 ethnic minority counties (cities, districts) 3 (Yuzhou 19,165 people, Xiangcheng 18,451 people, Weidu 15300 people). 96 townships (towns, offices) are ethnic minorities live, ethnic distribution of the typical characteristics of large scattered small communities.
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Three famous historical site
  Elsewhere in the country remains more than three authentic, Xuchang site there are remains of the famous Three Kingdoms than 80, or three facts about, or about three characters, or rumors about the three countries. Xuchang left many well-known stone stele, such as record Han change the "Ruin of the monument," Yong authentic "Yin-chou monument" and Huasheng Wu Daozi for the statues of Guan Yu, "Lema very wind map" and so on. Xuchang has always been outstanding, he eventually celebrities abound. Cao Cao's advisers around the literati, Isao Titans, there is a membership of more than 30 Xuchang, such as Guo Jia, Xun You Xun Yu and so on. Mr. Guo Moruo was a poem: Getting three things, each want to Xuchang. In order to make the three countries to better develop tourism, the story of the Three Kingdoms Xuchang more specifically that the first beginning of Xuchang also planning a "Wei all customs area"! Wei customs area project is located in the city are the old city to the East, South, North and West Lake Park and Lake Moat Road, the enclosed area. Unreasonable land use structure in the region, functional layout of the confusion, inadequate facilities, lack of geographical features, serious impact on living standards improve and enhance the city's image. To this end, the municipal government put forward in early 2007 to build 1.8 square kilometers on the Wei have a better idea of ​​the style area, controlling the region hopes to detailed planning and urban design, increase the intensity of the transformation of the old city, to strengthen the city, improve the ancillary facilities, highlighting the cultural characteristics, effort to build a full picture of the ancient city of style, historical context, Wei continued all customs area. Beijing university north of Heavenly Urban Planning and Design visit and conscientiously on the basis of field research, prepared a calendar for nearly a year in the region controlled detailed planning and urban design. In the Planning process, several organizational culture, tourism, art, architecture and other experts and celebrities have style for Wei's planning concepts and design ideas for full feasibility studies, continues to absorb the views of all sides at the same time, After a series of special demonstration and refinement. The planning and urban design program on 27 February this year by the second city planning and construction committee approved in principle at the same time, the meeting proposed to absorb the views of all sides to further deepen the comprehensive requirements of the program. Therefore, the finalization of the plan still need to continue to revise and improve a process.
  Wei all customs area planning is the regional pattern, function, architectural style of the overall, macro control, many areas still need research, refinement. Currently, the program has been in the Planning Bureau on its website, the purpose is to enable the public to understand better the planning, participation in planning, to further seek the views of all sectors of society and proposals made by the community to offer suggestions to make planning proposal has been revise and improve, and ultimately not only protect the old city structure, but also reflect the "new rhyme style"; not only focus on the protection of historical culture and heritage, but also stimulate the Old Town vitality, and enhance the charm of the Old City; both urban functions, and improve urban quality of planning objectives.
  In Xuchang and three culture-related sites and monuments located in the counties (cities) and districts, mainly:
  Cao Chengxiang House
  Cao Chengxiang area is located in Xuchang city government center downtown area of ​​Old Town, is now the first-round display Wei cultural theme area, is Xuchang major tourist attraction.
  Cao Chengxiang government area of ​​historical background, the "Han Wei Yun Feng, Xiang Fu Dream" as the theme, demonstrating the breadth and brilliance of the Han Wei Sanguo. Visitors through the project will be a more objective understanding of coastal bases - Cao Cao during this special period of history in the political, military, economic, cultural, and life achievements, to further understand the culture of the Wei, Jin, three Chinese culture and Chinese culture historical development of far-reaching impact and momentum with the Chinese cultural heritage and promote the special historic significance.
  Cao Chengxiang House garden area mainly Wei Wu, Cao Cao statue, art screen wall, town hall, something watchtower, Seeking Church, Chamber, poetry floor, around the gallery, Cangbing hole, Xiangfu Garden, Plum Pavilion, Banquet House, Bath House, Treasure House and other landmarks, group composition, area surrounded by Imperial Street, will phase Street, wit Street, Lady Street, Three Kingdoms and other tourism projects that support the big stage with each other. Cao Chengxiang government operations after major cultural tourist attractions, visitors will fully satisfy the food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment needs of the six tourism and further expand the historic city of Xuchang this Wei external visibility, the better to show Xuchang external image of the city, effectively promote the Henan cultural tourism industry's rapid development.
  Han Old City
  Located in Xuchang city Zhangpanzhen village, 18 km from the city of Xuchang. According to the Republic of Twenty-two years, "Xuchang County," reads: "Xuchang city (ie, Han Old City) in the east of 30 years, around nine in one hundred twenty-nine step. According to legend, built by Cao Cao, this deposit sites." Faint outline of the city wall has discernible, tamping the soil is clearly visible to the Han brick blocks abound. According to the test, when the building in addition to the city streets, houses, government offices, the famous building has Xuchang Palace, Gyeongbokgung Palace, bearing the light house, never before Taiwan, the prime minister the government and so on. Sanguo Wei Bian Lan for the people, "Xuchang Palace Fu" and Wei birth, He Yan for the "Gyeongbokgung Palace Fu" has spread. In 1986, the site was announced as the People's Government of Henan Province, the provincial cultural relics protection units.
  Shouchan Taiwan
  Located in Xuchang City, 17 km southwest of town fan. 220 AD, Emperor Xian of Han at the request of the officials, declared willingness to give way. Pi in the demise of this acceptance of Emperor Xian, on behalf of the Han Wei Li, change the early reign of yellow, said Wendi, since the beginning of our Wei, Shu, Wu Sanguo era.
  Shouchan station was originally brick slope, there are stairs on both sides of puzzle, table top surrounded by stone railings, shade pavilion with a central platform, located on the pier dragon throne. After more than a thousand years of wind and rain erosion, there are still more than 20 meters high, 30 meters length and width of the second floor there are convex-shaped pedestal. From the Han royal doctor wanglang author, writing rites Hu Liang, Wu Ting Hou Zhong Yao supreme court engraved "Shouchan" and the "General Gongqing played on the appellation" specific detailed account of the demise of Emperor Xian, Cao Pi became the emperor of historical facts, commonly known as Ruin of the monument. Now a national heritage.
  Spring House
  According to the "Three Kingdoms Shu Shu" reads: "Chien five years (200 years), Caogong Dong Zheng, the first Lord Ben Yuan Shao, Cao Yu capture to go, thanks to Pianjiang Jun, courtesy of the very thick." Based on this facts, " Romance of Three Kingdoms "will be made a lack of detailed description attached: Gan Mi 2 Huangsao to protect the safety of Guan Yu in" Tsuchiyama three about "After allegiance to Cao Cao. Guan Yu, Cao Cao gave the government a house, let Guan Yu and the two Huangsao live. Guan Yu points a house for the houses. Huangsao living within the hospital, joined by Guan Yu. There are building homes for the night until dawn candlelight Guan Yu's at the spring time, spring floor that also.
  Spring House ancient buildings, was built in the Yuan Dynasty to the first year, the After repeated repairs. 1995 Xuchang city government spent 15 million yuan for the Spring House area for large-scale construction of heritage, but also shed a Spring House Square. Spring House are now the Henan Provincial People's Government announced the provincial-level units.
  Baling Bridge
  Yuk Sau Taiwan: Taiwan Yuk Sau Han Old City in the southwest, was built in Jian three years (198 years), is built by Cao Cao for the Emperor Xian of Han Heaven, about 15 meters high, with an area of ​​4,000 square meters, level 99 , is paved with brick worship Square. Annual autumnal equinox season, Emperor Xian of Han to come to heaven to be the rate the officials, to pray for good weather, peace and prosperity. Former station nestled in the tree-lined Yuk Sau among the green pro-cluster, then sky high. The audience out of the dozens of luxurious fabric of the ancient palace-style architecture. Is Hanxian worship before the temporary resting place. Yuk Sau units than the same place for the Royal Heaven Temple of Heaven in Beijing to build over a thousand years earlier.
  Shot Lutai
  Located northeast of the city fire Lutai Xuchang Xu Tamura West. According to legend, Emperor Xian of Han and Cao Cao, Liu Bei and other hunters shoot at deer. Taiwan is about 10 meters, an area of ​​about 4,000 square meters. As the radiation field, mostly saline Lutai four weeks, the vast gray, like Snow's like the early fall, it was later known as "Tian Xu snow", as one of the ten Xuchang.
  Hua tomb: the tomb of Hua Tuo Suqiaoxiang Shizhaicun in Xuchang, Xuchang City, 15 kilometers away from. Hua yielded three times buried with distinguished physician Hua Tuo. Tomb of about 5 meters high, around 30 meters, covers an area of ​​500 square meters, the new tomb Toru hexagonal ring wall displaying a week. Tomb of Qing Emperor Qianlong 17 years up "geniuses Chinese public's Tomb," Stone, who became a doctor of the department of local legislation. According to legend, the Hua medicine superb and never forget the suffering people of Lebanon, he did not want one service for Cao Cao, then excuse Tanjia return home. Will be escorted back to Xuchang Hua Cao Cao sent, into prison, tortured to death. Hua Tuo in the people enjoy a high prestige, his life-saving story is still popular in here, has been the tomb of incense.
  There is also the first generation of Cao Cao at cutting hair, Zhang Liao City, never before Taiwan, pity Mausoleum, the tomb of Queen V, Dong elegant tomb, Zhang, Fei Pan two tombs, eight long mound, the tomb of Wang Yun, Maarten tomb, the tomb of Cao Zhang, Xi consider tomb, the tomb of Xu Huang, Xiahou Yuan tomb, Xiahou Dun tomb, the tomb of Mao Jie, Jia Xu tomb, the tomb of Xu Shu's mother, Sima City and many other relics scattered in Xuchang three counties (cities) of the land.
  Tomb of Hua Tuo
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Xuchang ~ dancheng narrow-gauge passenger railway
  Xuchang to dancheng narrow-gauge passenger railway is China's longest narrow gauge railway and the surrounding attractions, since entering the network society, the majority of outdoor enthusiasts are keen to travel.
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Higher Education
  Xuchang University
  Xuchang College has a long history of the school, Henan, consists of "Sanyang a Chang," saying that the high level of teaching, graduates of good quality, widely welcomed by employers.
  Xuchang University graduate with a doctorate and 121 people, eight people to study abroad, foreign teachers, 10; hired 36, including domestic and foreign academicians, doctoral tutor, including well-known experts and scholars as part-time professors or visiting professors. Teachers in the State Council special allowance, the provincial model workers and advanced material a teacher, a young core and top-notch talent to teach, there Tsang Hin-chi Education Foundation Prize. Meanwhile, XJ Group, Xuchang University and co-sponsoring, production, learning, and research the path of integration, XJ Institute 30 doctoral, postdoctoral, Shuodao take Xuchang University teaching and research work.
  Research and strength. Since 2002-2004, Xuchang University completed research 1061, 122 award-winning scientific research, Professor Zhang Jian Tao Xu Guangchun participate in the provincial secretary of the province issued a major research project, Vice-President Professor Cao Kui-sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Yang Fengling postdoctoral Provincial Department of Education sponsored New Century Excellent Talents Program high-level issues, and enhance the school's core competencies, improve the school's reputation. Dr. Zheng Zhi main new materials technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in his PhD and postdoctoral period in the international authoritative journals had published 12 papers, has a high academic impact index, in the same area are the leading domestic level. Zhangli Han, Professor Li Xisheng in geoscience research fruitful, has written book "Earth Science major Code", "disaster Encyclopedia", "China to learn Annals", "Chinese Shan-chi," and other large works in the country to research has been of greater impact. Meanwhile, the school mental health education a long history of taking the forefront in the Henan province, to ensure the student's mental health hospital, academic, and business sophistication.
  "Xuchang College" quality, distinctive, in universities and influential academics, has been awarded Henan Province, a journal, a two-time National Social Science, "Journal of hundred" in 2002, was named the National Humanities and Social Science core journals, Henan Province in 2004 was named "Top Ten Science." Existing full-time college students more than 14,000 people, adult education students in reading more than 5,000 people, 1,300 five-year junior college students, students from all 24 provinces.
  Motto, "Zonta Li Zhi learned professional"; ethos of "unity and lively, hard rigorous, civilization integrity, innovation."
  Xuchang University attaches great importance to the employment of graduates, _set_ up a "career guidance committee" _set_ up a special employment site, founder of the "special issue of career guidance" for the students throughout the career guidance and education; organization and coordination in the Mainland and the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta Island and other places of employment to establish a base for a variety of ways for students to continue to open up a new world of employment, the employment rate has remained at a high level.
  Xuchang University who is a bit to the domestic and international well-known, comprehensive undergraduate teaching and research universities forward!
  Another university: Xuchang Vocational Technical College, Xuchang Radio and TV University, North China Institute of Water Business School, Xuchang Technician College, Xuchang Vocational College of Electrical Engineering (chips) College of Henan Agricultural University, Xuchang Nong (chips), Xuchang Medical College (preparatory) .
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  Old for Xu, "Xu" from Yao, the Hui Gao, animal husbandry and farming here by the first ear on this coast and named Ying water.
  There are summer and has been for the County Seat.
  Wei Huang in two days (221 years), Cao Pi, Emperor of "death in the Han Xu, Wei Ji Chang in Xu," as many counties as "Xuchang." The test of its evolution, is more ancient.
  [Shang Dynasty]
  Xu Shang period distribution of a vassal state and tribal calendar (now Yuzhou territory), there Schomburgk (now Changge territory), Kun (now Xuchang County), Kang (now Yuzhou territory).
  Spring and Autumn Period has for Cheng Xu, Chu of the data. Belong to Han, Wei, Chu. Qin Wangzheng seventeen years (230 BC), Qin _set_ Yingchuan County, governance Yangdi (sound Di, this Yuzhou). Yingchuan County jurisdiction over 12 counties, many County (now Xuchang County), Yangdi County (now Yuzhou), Changshe County (now Changge), Yanling, Xiangcheng county's. Western Han emperor six years (201 BC), analysis of many counties, home Ying Yin county (this rule Weidu). Hui County, Ying Yin County, Yangdi County, Long County community (this rule Changge Old Town), Yanling (this rule Yanling Pengdianxiang ancient village), Xiangcheng are Yingchuan County.
  [Three Kingdoms period and beyond]
  Three Kingdoms period, Wei said Yingchuan County, is Yuzhou, Xuchang, Ying Yin County, Yanling County, Long County mused community is Yingchuan County. Xuchang Wei, five have one. Wei Huang in two days (221 years), Cao Pi, Emperor of "death in the Han Xu, Wei Ji Chang in Xu," as many counties as "Xuchang."
  Xu Yuan Dynasty to the state is still a long social, Changge, Xiangcheng county's. Yanling is Kaifeng. Hongwu reign (1368), spent a long social counties, incorporated into many states, led 4 counties, Changge, Xiangcheng genus. Many states, both state-Jun Li Kaifeng. Wanli three years (1575) Jun state to Yuzhou. Ming Li Zicheng uprising Army Yuzhou to all levels government. Qing Xu states, Yuzhou is Henan. Yongzheng two years (1724) promoted the state Zhili Xu state, Changge genus. Yanling is Kaifeng. Yongzheng thirteen years (1735) Xu Xu state promoted the state capital, Linying, Yan City, Xiangcheng, Changge, Mi County (now Xinmi), Xinzheng genus. Xu state capital, Kaifeng, Henan Province are attached.
  [Period] Republic of China
  After the founding of the Republic of China, Xu Xuchang County, the state changed, changing Yuzhou for Yu County, Henan Province with Changge county are Yudong Road. Yanling County, Henan Province, directly. In 1926, the district spent Road, Xuchang of Henan Province, the second Administrative Region government Xuchang (now Wei both areas). Changge, Yu first administrative county of Henan Province, Zheng county government (now Zhengzhou). Henan Province Yanling directly.
  In 1932, Xuchang, Henan Province Fifth Administrative Region, Office of the Commissioner inspectors in Xuchang, Xuchang jurisdiction, Yanling, Xiangcheng nine counties. Changge, Yu first administrative county of Henan Province.
  May 1944, Changge, Xuchang, Yanling, Yu County, has been occupied by Japanese invaders. In October, the Eighth Route Army into western Henan, Yu opened a new secret (now Yuzhou, new city, Xinzheng the junction of the three), Yu Jia (now Yuzhou, Jiaxian junction) anti-Japanese base areas, established a new office and Yu Yu secret anti-Japanese democratic government Jiaxian. May 1945, the Eighth Route Army troops in Shandong and Henan Yanling, Fugou open water west junction of the anti-Japanese base areas, the establishment of anti-Japanese democratic government Yan Fu County. Japan surrendered in August 2000, Xuchang, Henan Province fifth complex of the National Government Administrative Region, Office of the Commissioner in Xuchang inspectors (now Wei all districts), county jurisdiction Xu, Yanling, Xiangcheng nine counties. Changge, Yu County, Henan Province is still the first Administrative Region.
  February 1949, two area administrative office and five in western Henan area to form Xuchang Area (Office of the Commissioner in Xuchang this Weidu), jurisdiction Xuchang (now Wei all areas), Xuchang, Changge, Yanling, Linying , Luohe, Yancheng, Wuyang, Ye County, Xiangcheng, Yu County, Jia County, Fung, Lushan, linru 15 counties.
  In 1960, the revocation of Xuchang, Xuchang City, into the (now Wei Du District)
  In March 1964, renamed Pingdingshan Pingdingshan, DC, area to draw from Xuchang.
  May 1965, fugou, West China, commercial water three counties included in Zhoukou area.
  In 1979, Wugang area included in Xuchang city from the mesa area. November 1982 re-classified Pingdingshan City.
  October 1983, Xuchang area belongs to Lushan, Fung, Ye County included in Pingdingshan City.
  January 18, 1986, approved by the State Council, Xuchang region removed, was promoted to prefecture-level cities under its jurisdiction Wei Du District, Xuchang, Changge County, Yanling, Yu County. Xiangcheng County, Pingdingshan Jiaxian classified. Wuyang, Linying, Yancheng classified Luohe.
  June 25, 1988, Yu Yu County to City.
  December 14, 1993, to Changge Changge county.
  August 25, 1997, Xiangcheng from Pingdingshan included Xuchang.
  In 2000, according to the fifth national census data: Xuchang City, population 4,124,086 people; Wei are Xuchang County District 373 387 564 477 737 384 Yanling Yu Xiangcheng 679 863 646 306 City 1122669 Changge
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Ancient name: Han Wudi Cheng phase
  Park to take over Dou Ying Hou Xuchang is made the prime minister's. Jianyuan years, York Zhao Qing Dynasty royal doctor not to affairs Zouzhi Empress Dou, Dou Queen Mother was furious, so stop by Zhao York, King and Tibetan, replacing the prime minister, Qiu's post, as with the Park to Hou Xuchang prime minister, Wu Jiang Qing Zhuo Hou Zhuang as the royal doctor. Xuchang sinus because it is appointed by the Queen Mother, so also everything obey the instructions of the Queen Mother, as nothing. To Jianyuan six years, Empress Dou collapse, the prime minister Xuchang, Qiu Zhuang Qing Zhai because of "do not sit funeral", was Emperor dismissed.
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World tenor: Xuchang
  Living in Germany, China Xuchang is famous tenor in the opera world in Europe, especially renowned in Germany. He has held several solo concerts in Japan, China is considered one of the best tenor.
  The birthplace of China's first dynasty: the ancient Juntai
  Taiwan, also known as the ancient Xia Jun station, located in Henan Yuzhou. XIA Qi princes banquet is held the founding ceremony of the place. "Juntai Escape" is to become China's first state dinner. Since then, the Xia Dynasty emperors practice spaces, the central administration, and the princes discuss affairs of state in this, a Summer "Royal Garden Palace," an important part. Because of "prisoners of Xia Jie Shang Dynasty in Juntai," so the ancient Juntai also known as "China's first prison."
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English Expression
  1. :  Xu Chang
  2. n.:  Xuchang (Hsuchang)
Xuchang (Hsuchang) City
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Xuchang County
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8 Otsuka Longlavage conave inkstone
Zhang GongciJia Xu Tomb
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