Special administrative region : China > hongkong
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Poet: Ge Quzuozhe

xiāng gǎng
香港 xiāng gǎng
香港 xiāng gǎng
香港 xiāng gǎng
香港 xiāng gǎng
  East of the Pearl River Estuary, Guangdong, China peninsula and islands. An area of 1074.3 square km, population 5,841,000 (1990). The world's most densely populated areas. 1842 UK to Hong Kong from China in the hands of separatist regimes by 1984, the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong, China will be July 1, 1997 resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong. Is a free port and financial center of the world's third
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香港 旅游
香港 旅游
  Hong Kong Tourist Complaint Hotline: Hong Kong Tourist Association :00852 -28,070,707
  Hong Kong Tourism Board Hong Kong, Beijing Office :010 -85183778 best time to travel: Travel in Hong Kong, the best time for the October-November each year.
  Hong Kong has a subtropical climate. Hong Kong's annual mean temperature is high, at 22.8 degrees, vulnerable to monsoon weather with four distinct seasons.
  Travel to Hong Kong in spring can wear thin jacket or sweater. Hot and humid in summer, sometimes there will be showers and thunderstorms, with some short shirts, cotton dresses, jackets and rain gear should be ready. Autumn sunny, suitable for wearing shirts, sweaters and light jackets. Coolish dry winter, choose suits, thin sweaters, coats appropriate.
  Particular attention was that every year in late May to mid-September is the typhoon season in Hong Kong. In general, three typhoons do not go away, and 8 typhoon shops, banks and other business premises to be closed, best to stay in the room this time.
  Folk Festivals in Hong Kong: Asian Arts Festival Asian Arts Festival brings the best from neighboring Asian countries, cultural programs, every 2 years term, a period of about 2 to 3 weeks. People around to take the opportunity to enjoy the colorful Asian music, drama, music and theater performances in China.
  Hong Kong Arts Festival every year in February and March, artists from different countries will be gathered together to participate in the 3-week event. Arrival in Hong Kong during this period visitors can enjoy the Eastern and Western opera, drama, modern dance, and a variety of rich performances.
  Hong Kong International Film Festival International Film Festival is held each year in March and April at a period of 2 weeks, screened hundreds of films from around the world, the film, many of which came from Asia. Review of annual film festival will be the works of famous directors, and local film in Hong Kong Special Review.
  Hong Kong Food Festival The annual Hong Kong Food Festival organized by the Hong Kong Tourist Association, designed to allow visitors a real treat in this food paradise. Featured programs include promotion of programs, large gourmet dinner, special gourmet tours, cooking classes, food events, exhibitions and so on. "Eat, drink Carnival" is one of the programs the food section. _Set_ all the elite catering, food off heat, food and wine, what food, entertainment, everything.
  Every year the Fringe Festival, Fringe Festival, held in February is the "alternative" art activities, emphasizing the creative arts, from local and international artists, live performances and refreshing. Usually several different places in Hong Kong was held, but to the Fringe Club in Central as the main venue.
  Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Festival in June each year, the Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, dragon boat races are held throughout, but the highlight International Dragon Boat Races. This event is organized by the Hong Kong Tourist Association and Hong Kong jointly organized by the Provisional Urban Council, usually within one to two weeks after the festival was held. The international competition began in 1976, to now, overseas teams participating each year are over 30, Shing Mun River in Sha Tin race venue.
  International Rugby Sevens tournament the annual International Rugby Sevens Tournament (referred to as seven-game), not only in Hong Kong rugby community event, but also game enthusiasts expect a tense and exciting game. Held since the beginning since 1975, attracts football fans from around the world flocked to Hong Kong for their favorite team to cheer. Competition in late March each year, a weekend, the race venue is the Hong Kong Stadium.
  International Cricket Sixes cricket's top international countries, such as the United Kingdom and India in international events in this particular fight, which is the world's only traditional Cricket Sixes, both teams only 6 of 11 people rather than the general , so fight high score, race pace is also more lively, the average 45 minutes per game. International Cricket Sixes held in Hong Kong each fall, season 2 days, has become quite popular sports.
  Salon International Tennis Championships in April every year Open Tennis Championships held in Victoria Park in Hong Kong; and every October, November, Marlboro Tennis Championships are held, both the altar popular international tennis competition, which attracted around the players, even the seeds class players show their skills in Hong Kong.
  Hong Kong City Map: Hong Kong Special Reminder: local regulations and taboos
  Etiquette: 1, before the meeting with the person should first telephone booking, guests can prepare at home to people some fruit cakes as a gift, do not go empty-handed.
  2, the general of men, "Sir," said Mrs "Miss", if the man is older may be referred to as "Uncle" or "Uncle", the older woman said, "lady"; of the male waiters Health and the clerk can be called "buddy", the waitress still called "Miss."
  Security penalty: destruction of morality in Hong Kong rather harsh punishment, in public places, littering, spitting often be fined 1,500 Hong Kong dollars.
  Additional Notes: As the Hong Kong Tourism individuals open to Hong Kong more and more people, many people did have some problems, so, remind you to pay attention to the following aspects:
  (A) should not carry large amounts of cash out;
  (B) to take care of travel documents;
  (C) in crowded places, never placed property;
  (D) crossing the road, be careful of theft was an excuse to close;
  (E) to extract property, should be observed around the suspicious person.
  The relevant provisions of the Customs
  1, Hong Kong is famous duty-free port. In addition to cigarettes, alcohol products and other commodities higher import taxes to be levied, the other items are duty-free or only charge a very low import duties. Non-Hong Kong nationals and other visitors, such as entry to carry tobacco and alcohol, still subject to some restrictions: You can only carry 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 kg bottle of liquor.
  2, import and export of raw ivory in Hong Kong or the products are strictly regulated by law. Tourists in Hong Kong, ivory, regardless of its value must apply for an import license to the mainland and in Hong Kong for export license.
  How Customs
  Mainland tourists or the staff to reach Hong Kong, the first need for immigration clearance. Immigrants who have their passports, permits and a Hong Kong SAR Immigration Department arrival form. I need to fill out the application form, the content is very simple, including name, birth date, nationality, identification number, from whence, and occupation. If do not understand, please use the staff of the Immigration Department for details. Various application forms on the apparent location of the former Customs and Excise Department can also be obtained directly from the officers. Such as air, or take the train to Hong Kong during the trip, the waitress will take the initiative to distribute the declaration form for each passenger. Ship or coach, but also some special outlets.
  Through customs, the Hong Kong residents and foreign visitors cross the border from different channels, the Department generally will be eye-catching signs, mark the correct channel, please note the following instructions in transit. Departure clearance similar to the basic and entry procedures, simply hold valid certificates and completed departure card, line up for departure clearance. The gateway also has clearly marked to indicate exit of people with different access documents, please note that check, _select_ the correct channel exit. Hong Kong Airport, Kowloon Station, Sheung Wan Ferry Terminal, China Ferry Terminal Dengjun with borders. The border between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, also in Luohu, Huanggang, Man Kam To and other places open borders. Therefore, the choice of plane, ship, train arrival departure directly, or out of Hong Kong through Shenzhen, you can easily go through immigration clearance. Please note that cross the border into Hong Kong who arrived in Shenzhen own, time to pay attention to the crossing closed. In general, individual self-clearance, most of the immigrants from the Lo Wu crossing, the crossing between the clearance in 6:30-0:00. A vehicle may enter from the Man Kam To crossings, where immigrants are few, relatively fast to complete the formalities, the processing time at 7:00-22:00. Huanggang mostly truck traffic crossing points, there are some coach from the entry here.
  How to redeem HK
  Hong Kong airport hall, Luohu Customs, Immigration Department on the Central Pier, etc. are equipped with currency exchange. But the exchange rate higher than other places, so just exchange a little here before reaching the shelter to spend the money to. But if do not want to take a taxi (taxi) to take the airport bus (bus), we must advance a certain number of coins for good, because almost all of our bus ticketing, or _set_ give change.
  Convertible currency in Hong Kong is very convenient. Around banks, hotels, and even the general store can exchange RMB for the year. Exchange of HK banks are generally required to charge fees. Wing Lung Bank, HSBC, good reputation, but the former high rates some exchange Hong Kong dollars is a good choice. In Hong Kong the street, and you could see the fly "conversion of RMB" logo exchange shops, especially in the area above the ring exchange shop in the exchange rate higher. Corner store, but because it is against those who should be on guard against counterfeit money. Also can be seen everywhere on the streets of a "two for the shop," and also a good choice of the renminbi exchange.
  With the recent increase in Mainland to Hong Kong, many shops, especially some gold shop Welcome to RMB shopping, and some gold shop also offers the RMB exchange rate service, but most of the exchange rate to be negotiated. In exchange Hong Kong dollars, we should pay attention to the day to see a variety of currencies, especially the top write "sell" and "buy" section. sell RMB exchange rate is a store to sell, buy a store to buy yuan, for the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate. Some exchange shops also charge a fee in advance should ask.
  Notes in Hong Kong
  1, in Hong Kong is illegal to carry their identity cards, please note: must carry at all times with a photo identity document (eg passport). In general, regardless of day and night, good law and order in Hong Kong. But should avoid carrying large amounts of cash, it is best to use traveler's checks or credit cards, safe and full use of hotel facilities.
  2, most of the hotels and restaurants are on the bill plus 10% service charge, and customers can pay an additional 5% tip. If no service charge for the restaurant, you can take the initiative to spending 10% of the tip. Taxi driver, porter and toilet attendant, the passenger may be given appropriate tip.
  3, most hotels offer same day laundry service, many hotels also offer child care services. Hong Kong voltage is 200/220 volts, most hotels are equipped with electrical transformer / converter, the small electrical appliances brought from home can generally be used.
  4, the Hong Kong Government's water supply is soft water, chlorine disinfection, in line with the United Nations World Health Organization standards, suitable for drinking. Hotels and supermarkets also sell various types of bottled distilled water and mineral water. Some parks also have a drinking fountain, visitors for free drinking water.
  6, Hong Kong has two, the English-language station, in addition to broadcast programs produced in Hong Kong, but also play the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Japan, UK, USA and Australia filming the show. In addition, viewers can also receive five units of Asia Satellite TV programs; and cable TV has become increasingly popular. 7 Hong Kong are Hong Kong government-run Radio Television Hong Kong (rthk), there is a commercial power (cr), 3 fall within the category Metro stations. Broadcast mainly in Cantonese language, English. Radio Television Hong Kong has recently launched a Mandarin program.
  Hong Kong is the 999 emergency calls in case of emergency but also to the Patrol for help.
  Hong Kong Food: Hong Kong is a gourmet paradise that people talked about all over the world in this collection of delicacies. Western food, Chinese food taste authentic; France the most popular dishes; at food, Korean food, Thai food, Italian food is very common; also rare in Hong Kong can taste the Mediterranean cuisine, Nepalese food, the North Vietnamese dishes, Spanish dishes, Argentine cuisine, dishes Portugal, Russia, vegetables, Australia, food, Indian, Cuban cuisine, American dishes, but dishes are more rare in the Islamic style. Chinese food in Cantonese cuisine based, integrated major domestic cuisine masterpiece. Seafood is very popular, even 皮蛋瘦肉粥 are Jiabao fish embellishment.
  Focused on Hong Kong's famous restaurant in Central, Tsim Sha Tsui, Tien Shan Mansion, New Hong Changxing Beijing Restaurant, Golden Island, the most famous bird's nest Chiu Chow restaurants, prices cheap, but cheaper restaurants mostly located in towns. You can go to onionbistro munching French to Italian cuisine mistral Mistral Mengchi to rico's experience of Spanish food, to taste Thai cuisine restaurant Jinbao Tai States, to the ACP He can appreciate the Japanese cuisine.
  Guangdong, Hong Kong, "Tang culture" Developer in. People everywhere in the soup, relish, passion in every possible way. Is "tea culture" of the pioneering innovators. Today, the cafe has a very diverse food choices, but the best Hong Kong-style coffee, tea can only be tasted in a cafe. As the pace of life too fast, morning tea habit has been difficult to meet people of "tea culture" of the hobby, and accompanied by shrimp dumplings lingering sip complex kung fu tea, so tea became supper. Special attention to the Cantonese congee, so also the largest known in the provinces, Hong Kong-style congee can be equipped with any material, but the basic are inseparable from the "club at the end", the processing of raw rice, slow cooked, soft porridge is enough, extraordinary taste .
  Hong Kong's dining, cultural atmosphere, the attitude will make you an eye-opener and contented. After dark, there are some characteristics of Temple Street side dishes, is typical of the mass snacks. Hong Kong-style snacks are famous wonton noodles, beef balls, pork belly soup, offal and so on. Hong Kong has some very special food stalls, also known as "stall." Where you can sample some very unique local Sweet and sour pork, salt and pepper mantis shrimp. In particular, people addicted to dessert, not because the dessert has a tonic effect for most materials, such as milk, papaya, almonds, lotus seeds, which have lungs and moisturizing effect, but also help the body to retain water.
  Food Search:
  The public catering
  Kowloon City District, Hong Kong's popular Asian cuisine, catering mainly to Asia, which concentrated in the Kai Tak Road, Nam Kok Road, Lung Kong Road, Fuk Lo Tsuen Road area of Thai Restaurant, the most popular Chinese restaurants, particularly those who patronize Japanese restaurants, Korean restaurants, Indian restaurants, either. Relatively affordable prices, local consumers prefer to be here.
  Hong Kong style
  Jardine's Crescent Causeway Bay, Lee Theatre Plaza, Times Square, Paterson Street and other local focus on the authentic Hong Kong style cafes, food stalls, and some snack bars, sushi bars, cafes, shopping and tired, eat a small point, drink tea, it is comfortable. In particular to Hong Kong people prefer to Hui Lau Shan dessert, and James Tsai Kee restaurant, very affordable.
  Seafood Restaurant
  Sai Kung, Lamma Island, Lei Yue Mun are offshore, a unique advantage that is well known for delicious seafood, fresh seafood is the most important feature of these places, no wonder every holiday, many Hong Kong native who went to feast on his family made a special trip .
  Exotic meal
  Stanley on Hong Kong Island South District unique sea view restaurant, Chinese, French, more restaurants, waterfront lounge, sidewalk cafes, as well as the accompaniment of the waves can be described as "beauty cuisine."
  Food trends
  Crowded restaurants along the Tsim Sha Tsui, the trend of seeking food, collecting around the popular dishes as possible. Hillwood Road, Austin Road, Knutsford Terrace, Nathan Road, Canton Road, Chatham Road, Ashley Road, Granville Road features restaurants abound.
  Exotic food street
  Lan Kwai Fong, soho area is a gathering of high-end Chinese and Western cuisine, world cuisine, world travelers, here formed a beautiful landscape.
  Theme restaurant
  Hung Hom, Kowloon Peninsula, is the concentration of theme restaurants, operating in Hong Kong Whampoa Gourmet Place to traditional cuisine, Italian cuisine, are very famous racing it, but do not lower the consumption here.
  Hong Kong Shopping: Shopping in Hong Kong, regardless of the price, variety and service, are among the highest in the world. Hong Kong is a free port, goods from around the world, as most items do not charge tariffs on goods of Hong Kong, the lower the price accordingly, has always been called "shopping paradise." And here, on sale every year, many seasonal promotions that can provide real benefits for visitors, it will be able to enjoy the shopping in Hong Kong's service satisfaction.
  Hong Kong shopping district can be divided into the "Hong Kong Island" and "Kowloon" two lots, Kowloon subway line to the "TST", "Jordan", "Yau Ma Tei," "Mong Kok" 4 as the focus; Hong Kong Island MTR line "Central", "North Point", "Golden Bell", "Bay" 4 as the focus, and reflect the unique culture of Hong Kong, Sheung Wan. The shops here sell the different characteristics of goods around the world, and most service workers are professionally trained, friendly and courteous attitude to customer first, and goods at reasonable prices, much lower than other countries.
  Hong Kong has many famous shopping street is the same store in one place, such as the gold-based Nathan Road, Kowloon, Sai Yeung Choi Street, Mong Kok, mainly to audio-visual equipment, as well as focus on Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, a number of antique shops.
  Must go to Hong Kong gold shop, TSL, Chow Sang Sang, Chow Tai Fook, and the best guarantee of quality.
  In addition, all major shopping malls around the segment, such as the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui shopping mall, Harbour City, New World Centre; Landmark in Central, Pacific Place, Times Square, Causeway Bay, Sogo Department Store; Sha Tin New Town Plaza. In general, most shopping centers in Central more advanced, high quality goods, prices are not low; and Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, the general public for shopping; in Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok area, not high-grade goods, commodity prices lower.
  Shopping in Hong Kong roadside stalls is a beautiful landscape, in Central gathered some of the clothing market and the professional Street, Yau Ma Tei, in addition to the Ladies Market, Temple Street Night Market, Jade Market, Shanghai Street, Reclamation Street, the open-air market Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok and Yuen Po Street, Causeway Bay Jardine, Jardine Street and Stanley Market and so on.
  The main shopping area are export tailor's shop in Central, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, Cameron Road, Granville Road, Redstone worthy of particular intensity. Sub shop selling all kinds of export garments, and even designer clothing. (For details, please see the shopping guide and a list of recommended products)
  More developed Hong Kong's supermarkets, there are ParknShop, Wellcome, Mannings, CRC, etc., there are ok, 7.11, such as chain convenience stores throughout Hong Kong, the main business daily necessities, especially in small food-based, 24-hour business. Hong Kong Transportation: External Traffic
  Hong Kong and the mainland connected to land and sea transportation is very convenient. Existing scheduled flights or charter flights to major cities on a regular basis, but also train and coach the land, and sea passenger ships, you can choose according to your needs.
  Air: Hong Kong is one of the world's top ten airports, the new airport 40 km away from the city by the Airport Express Line and the Airport bus connected. Cathay Pacific and Dragonair, Hong Kong's two largest airlines.
  Railway Transportation: Kowloon-Canton Railway East Rail opened in Shenzhen at Lo Wu, the Guangdong Foshan, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, Dongguan (Changping), Guangzhou East, Beijing West, Shanghai to Kowloon, Hung Hom railway, can be very smoothly from the mainland of these places to reach Hong Kong.
  Internal Transport
  Hong Kong has the world's most comprehensive and efficient public transport system, so the use of transport is not difficult to sightseeing, and inexpensive. You can use the convenient Mass Transit Railway, Light Rail, KCR East Rail, quick shuttle to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories around the spots; or take the tram to explore the streets slowly, bit of life; or browse the ferry the beautiful scenery of Victoria Harbour; or riding the Peak Tram magnificent night view of Lights.
  Public transport has become popular in Hong Kong "Octopus" consumer electronics systems, the use of "Octopus" stored-value tickets to avoid the embarrassment of no change. "Octopus" ride for the Mass Transit Railway, Light Rail, KCR East Rail, buses, Airport Express and ferries can be used repeatedly. If the visit takes longer, the higher number of trips using public transport in the MTR Customer Service Centre at the "Octopus", 150 yuan / piece (including 50 deposit, refundable upon departure) is convenient and cost-effective, Hotline 852-29938880. In addition, the Airport Express and MTR stations as well as "three-day Hong Kong Transport Pass", "Tourist MTR 1-Day Pass" for sale, for stay in Hong Kong not long or frequent visitors to Hong Kong is very convenient.
  There are other modes of transport minibuses, taxis and car rental companies offer special services or helicopter rental
  Reminder: Because after 150 years of British Hong Kong Government's long-term management, rely on the left to drive in Hong Kong, and the speed quickly, crossing the street, must pay attention to safety.
  Hong Kong Hotel: Hong Kong's hotel industry is well developed, luxurious large and medium sized hotel hotels abound. Most hotels close to shopping malls, restaurants and night markets, and many hotels 24-hour service, room air-conditioning, telephone, refrigerator, mini bar, TV, laundry service, long distance telephone, fax and Internet services should be complete, as well as airport transfers. In Hong Kong, any visitor can choose to satisfactory accommodation.
  Reminder: It should be noted that Hong Kong's hotels generally do not provide toiletries and slippers, the best comes; hotels big socket outlet is the British domestic electrical appliances can not be brought directly, you can find the hotel to help solve.
  Entertainment in Hong Kong: Hong Kong the same night under the colorful neon colorful people such as exposure among the Milky Way Palace, Hong Kong, fully embodies the "City of Life" in the heart of bright, which can be compared with any of a cosmopolitan city comparable.
  Hong Kong's luxury hotels are equipped with bars and other entertainment venues, the bars are oriented design and decoration. The famous Mandarin Oriental hotel bar has a "master it", "Shanghai club." The hotel is also located in many discotheques, a first-class sound and dj. Generally open from 10 pm to next morning when 3,4. Weekends, rest days than the congestion charges are slightly higher. In addition to luxury hotels in Hong Kong there are many independent operators outside the bar, most of the bar open from noon to one o'clock or later. British and Australian Bar, Japanese karaoke lounge is ok all day snacks.
  In addition, the Tsim Sha Tsui, who is also the night the night paradise. Meet at the Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong people love, and advanced dinner or watching movies, shopping and strolling. Harbour City, Canton Road from the mall to the new commercial buildings of Tsim Sha Tsui East, along the way are all seen colorful voices. Nathan There are many bars and lounges on both sides, there are also many hotels near such places of entertainment, visitors can choose to go have a beer, easy to spend an evening; also available at the nightclub to watch a show.
  Hong Kong people like betting on horses is well known, the general visitors to Hong Kong are interested in playing it, and allow time and wallet, then to the racetrack to experience the tension and excitement is the scene a taste of another. To this end, Hong Kong also has a special "Hong Kong Racing Museum," Oh, this is more special!
  Hong Kong film, Hong Kong's nightclubs, the music in Hong Kong, Hong Kong's opera, Hong Kong, ... ..., constitutes a rich feast of entertainment in Hong Kong, where the _select_ion of your goals, quickly added to the stream of people go and experience the "Pearl of the Orient," the dynamic charm!
  Lan Kwai Fong
  Lan Kwai Fong has become almost synonymous with Hong Kong nightlife, a variety of style restaurants, bars everywhere, is a well-deserved reputation of luxury to the world. Westerners like it here, and every Western holiday, a sea of people very busy.
  More in downtown Hong Kong nightclub, large-scale song and dance performances every night is a place frequented by people of Hong Kong. There are more famous China City Night Club (Peninsula Centre 67 Mody Road, 4th floor), the rich club (14 Science Museum Road, New Mandarin Plaza, G).
  Kara ok, disco
  Ok karaoke Hong Kong Hong Kong and Taiwan in the latest songs, like singing happy here, visitors can look, especially from 3 pm to 8 pm in the "Happy Hour" (happyhour), the price cheaper than the evening. There are more famous Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, gogocity, Harbour Road, Wan Chai, jj's and so on.
  Hong Kong is the world's third largest film producing more than 100 movie theaters around the world every day new movie release movie, can be described as a paradise for fans. Jp Causeway Bay Causeway Bay, ua Times Square theaters, cinemas and other maritime Kowloon, shopping, watching a movie, apart from a break is a good choice.
  Abbreviations: Hong Kong
  Location: South China Sea coast in the east of the Pearl River estuary from Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, New Territories (including Lantau Island and more than 230 islands and islets) component. North across the Shenzhen River and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Guangdong Province phase. West and Macao across the sea, only 60 km away.
  Administrative divisions: 10 districts, 2 cities.
  Area: 1,092 square kilometers
  Population: 697.08 million
  Ethnic: ethnic Chinese, British and other foreigners around 3%
  Language: Chinese, English (official language), Cantonese
  Religion: Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity
  International Code: 852
  150 years ago, Hong Kong was described as a barren piece of land, to date, has developed into an international financial center, ranks among the world city list. Apart from the world's most magnificent deep water port, can be said that no other natural resources. Hong Kong's working population of about 3.5 million. It hard work, adaptable, well-educated and entrepreneurial spirit, make Hong Kong a productivity and creativity endless city. Hong Kong under British rule and a half centuries later, in July 1, 1997 became a Special Administrative Region of China. Under the "Basic Law", Hong Kong's existing economic, legal and social systems to maintain at least 50 years. In addition to defense and foreign affairs, Hong Kong SAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy. Hong Kong is located in southeast China is rapidly developing hub of East Asia, the geographical condition is superior. The total area of 1103 square km of Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula across the sea and the New Territories (including 262 islands), of which the more rural New Territories. Hong Kong advocates and practices free trade ─ a free and open investment regime, absence of trade barriers, foreign investors equal treatment, free flow of capital, rule of law has a long history of law, transparent regulations, high, low and clear. Hong Kong has a small and efficient government. Government of the HKSAR known for its efficiency, transparency and fairness is known. Corporate and personal taxes are low and easy to calculate. Hong Kong has been pursuing maximum support and minimum intervention policy, prepared to support industrial and commercial development. Hong Kong's legal system is full of confidence. This system to the common law has a long history. People and those living to enjoy the rights and freedoms, based on the impartial rule of law, independent judicial system, improve the legal aid system and the free positive media. Hong Kong known as the most popular destination cities in Asia. In 2003, sea and air transport to take visitors up to 15.5 million passengers, of which the majority of the Mainland and Taiwanese visitors. Hong Kong is a Chinese and Western cities, not only to retain the traditional Chinese culture, but also by the impact of the British colonial era. Hong Kong is at the coast of Guangdong, local color was intense, but also actively developing high-tech modern city. Hong Kong is a diverse tourist destination, in addition to the unique cultural heritage, including temples, walled villages and ancestral halls and rich colonial heritage, countryside and rural areas also lack a good place for leisure and Probes.
  The Government is committed to improving the attractiveness of Hong Kong as a tourist destination, is now in hand a number of exciting projects, including the International Wetland Park, a new world-class performing arts venues, access to the Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau Island cable car system and the cultural heart of Central restaurants center.
  The Government reached an agreement with The Walt Disney Company in Hong Kong to build a world-class international theme park, resort hotel and a shopping, dining and entertainment center, so that Hong Kong entered a new era of international tourist destination. Disney's choice of Hong Kong (after Tokyo and Paris later) to build a third international theme park overseas, enough to demonstrate confidence in Hong Kong. This program will provide the best recreational facilities, Hong Kong people's life more colorful. I-Disneyland on Lantau Island, an area of 126 hectares, will be completed in 2005 opening.
  Hong Kong (hongkong) is a young city, is a city full of miracles and myths, is a wonderful exciting city. World-class buildings, fast-paced life, fashion modern entertainment, all the city highlights the amazing charm.
  Hong Kong is a living paradise, _set_ all kinds of fun in one place. In Hong Kong, both can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, but also get to enjoy the commercial civilization brought about; both steeped in the material pleasures of modern society, can also relive the old days, Park real life.
  Hong Kong also has a legend of a city. From a small unknown fishing village to the bustling city, from the colonial to the world's first implementation of "one country two systems" in place, Hong Kong has experienced the vicissitudes of history, Hong Kong, more mature, more tolerant of.
  "City of" Hong Kong people the focus of attention is the place where people experience life.
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City Overview
香港 城市概况
香港 城市概况
香港 城市概况
香港 城市概况
  Clear from the Qin Dynasty in Hong Kong since the territory became the Central Plains, until the mid-19th century the Qing Dynasty was defeated, the area was ceded in batches, and leased to Britain as a colony, which opened in Hong Kong Port Development. September 1982, the Chinese and British implementation of the future of Hong Kong, in 1984 signed the "Joint Declaration", decided July 1, 1997 Republic of China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. China's commitment to the implementation of One Country Two Systems in Hong Kong, Hong Kong will maintain the existing capitalist system and way of life, and enjoy all matters other than defense and foreign high degree of autonomy, that is, "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong, high degree of autonomy."
  After World War II, the rapid development of our economy and society, not only as the "Asian Tigers", is one of the world's most affluent, the most economically developed and one of the highest standard of living. Hong Kong is Asia's leading financial, service and shipping center, clean government, good order, free economy and improve the rule of law known. Historical changes, so that Hong Kong time, only five thousand people from a small fishing village evolved into today's reputation of "Pearl of the Orient" reputation as a cosmopolitan city.
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Years of history
香港 历史岁月
  】 【History
  Hong Kong SAR emblem is an excellent deep water port, has been regarded as one of the world's three major natural harbor, the British early Chinese and Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, the port has become a good potential of the East Asian region, do not hesitate to come from the Opium War won here in the hands of the Manchu government in order to develop the Far East, the cause of maritime trade, which began the history of Hong Kong became a British colony. 1842-1997 6 30, Hong Kong was a British colony. July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China.
  Three parts of the whole territory of Hong Kong (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories) were derived from three different periods of unequal treaties. After the first Opium War in 1840, Britain forced the Qing government in 1842 signed the "Nanjing Treaty", ceded Hong Kong Island. British and French troops in 1856 launched the Second Opium War and forced the Qing government in 1860 signed the "Treaty of Beijing," the cession of the Kowloon Peninsula, the term of the present area south of Boundary Street. Sino-Japanese War in 1894, the British forced the Qing government in 1898 signed the "Extension of Hong Kong tertiary boundary of", strong rent New Territories for a term of 99 years, to June 30, 1997 end. Leased the New Territories, Hong Kong, the area was expanded to ten times as much.
  Chronology of major historical events 【】
  January 26, 1841: First Opium War, the British occupation of Hong Kong Island, after the Qing government had tried to be recovered by force, dynasty, the emperor issued this decree under the multi-channel, but still can not defend the territorial integrity of the Qing Dynasty.
  August 29, 1842: The Qing government and the United Kingdom to sign the unequal "Treaty of Nanking", ceded Hong Kong Island to Britain.
  October 24, 1860: Britain to sign the unequal "Beijing Treaty", ceded the area south of Boundary Street, Kowloon Peninsula to Britain.
  June 9, 1898: Britain forced the Qing government to sign the "Extension of Hong Kong Boundary special section," lease area north of Boundary Street, Kowloon Peninsula and nearby islands 262 a term of 99 years (until June 30, 1997 end) .
  December 25, 1941: During World War II, the Japanese invaded Hong Kong, the British garrison unable to resist, then Governor Sir Mark Young surrendered reluctantly. Hong Kong was occupied by Japan, started three years and eight months, "the Japanese colonial period."
  September 15, 1945: After the defeat of Japan signed the surrender of Hong Kong, from Hong Kong.
  December 19, 1984: signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong, Hong Kong in 1997 after the implementation of the implementation of "one country two systems."
  July 1, 1997: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic. Under the "Basic Law", Hong Kong to retain the existing economic, legal and social systems for 50 years, the implementation of "one country two systems", except in defense and foreign owned, and resistance problems, the HKSAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy.
  【Source】 names
  On the origin of our names, there is several things:
  One argument: Hong Kong's name and the spices on. Song and Yuan Dynasties, Hong Kong, Dongguan, Guangdong under the administration. From the Ming Dynasty, Hong Kong Island south of a small bay, the distribution for the transfer of spices southern Guangdong to Hong Kong because of transport capacity in Dongguan, Guangdong is famous for spices, known as "Hong Kong." It is said that when Hong Kong's transfer of spices, high quality, known as the "Hainan rare", Hong Kong, many local people to kind of spice for the industry, together with Hong Kong and its cultivation of spices, fame. This perfume is classified as near the emperor's tribute tribute, and then created a flourishing incense, incense transport industry. Later, the cultivation of spices and transit gradually declined, but Hong Kong has retained the name.
  Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour Night (Symphony of Lights) claim two: Hong Kong is a natural harbor, near the stream Ganxiang delicious, the sailors at sea between, often come here to drink water, over time, Ganxiang stream out of the name, This stream will be referred to as "Hong Kong", and into the sea of Lights into a small alluvial Harbour, it began to be referred to as "Hong Kong." A group of Hong Kong Island when the British boarded the harbor is from the shore, so they will use the "Hong Kong" named the entire island. To this day, "Hong Kong" is still another name in Hong Kong.
  Argument three: for "mushrooms" and the name. It is said that mushrooms are the wife of a pirate, pirate died, she occupied the island. Over time, people put her name to the name of the island, known as "Hong Kong" was.
  Despite the different versions, but generally is certain is that Hong Kong names first appeared in the Ming Dynasty, it was originally refers to a small island in Hong Kong harbor, a small village, and later expanded to the entire island (Hong Kong Island), address, Finally, the 19th century, before it became occupied by the British colonists referred to the entire region.
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Geography and Climate
  【Overview】 Geography
  Hong Kong is located at longitude 114 ° 15 ', latitude 22 ° 15', located in the south China coast, the Pearl River estuary in the east of Guangdong Province, China, Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, New Territories hinterland, and 262 small islands (Islands) component. North of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangdong, Zhuhai City in Guangdong Province, south of Wanshan Islands. Macao, Hong Kong and the west across the river 61 km relative, 130 kilometers south of Guangzhou, 1200 km away from Shanghai. In addition, every year in Hong Kong dropped to 3 cm.
  Most of the area of the three were in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, about 81 square kilometers; the Kowloon Peninsula, about 47 square kilometers; the New Territories and 262 outlying islands about 976 square kilometers, the total area of about 1104 square kilometers, slightly larger than sixth in Shanghai First, and only one ten thousandth of an area greater than the whole of China, the land and waters under the jurisdiction of the total area 2755.03 square kilometers, water rate of 59.9%. Hong Kong has developed less than 25% of the land, country parks and nature reserves in the area of up to 40%.
  Climate】 【Hong Kong
  Hong Kong has a subtropical climate, summers are hot and humid, the temperature is about between 26 ~ 30 ℃; winter, cool and dry, but rarely drop below 5 ℃. Between May to September and rainy, and sometimes quite heavy rain. Between summer and autumn, when typhoons from July to September is a typhoon in Hong Kong more season. The average annual rainfall in Hong Kong 2, 214.3 mm, maximum rainfall month is August, the rainfall is at least the month is January.
  Products】 【Resources
  【Administrative division
  Hong Kong roughly be divided into administrative divisions of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories East and New Territories West of four parts, little more can be divided into 18 districts (and the mainland, these areas are regional organizations of political power)
  Hong Kong Island: Central & Western, Wan Chai, Eastern, Southern
  Kowloon: Kowloon City, Yau Tsim Mong, Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin, Sham Shui Po
  New Territories East: North, Tai Po, Sha Tin, Sai Kung
  New Territories West: Yuen Long, Tuen Mun, Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing, Outlying Islands
  (Due to space limitations, not details, please use the link to open entry)
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Two systems
  Then solve the problem of one country is pioneering work, but also Hong Kong's continued prosperity. Hong Kong has its own flag, which is the regional flag and regional emblem, while Hong Kong and Mainland China also has other social forms and economic model.
  【Hong Kong's regional flag and regional emblem】
  Hong Kong SAR as a background with a red flag, red and white symbol of one country, the central star has a white flower Bauhinia flower pattern, a symbol of Hong Kong's Bauhinia, Bauhinia full bloom symbolizes the prosperity of Hong Kong, the red Hong Kong is forever a symbol of the background backed by the mainland.
  On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region emblem badge. Hong Kong's regional flag and regional emblem mimic the design of the inner circle with a white Bauhinia flower, red background. The outer ring is red white and write in traditional Chinese "Republic of China" and the English HONG KONG (Hong Kong).
  Socio-economic】 【
  After the handover of Hong Kong to maintain its original social system and economic mode of operation, Hong Kong has an independent judiciary, issued in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong dollar currency in circulation own, independent stamps (stamps marking is "Hong Kong"), in international sports competitions on the "Hong Kong, China" in the name of participation in international sporting events. Hong Kong's independent status as "Hong Kong" at the World Trade Organization and many other international organizations. Hong Kong running its own sophisticated financial and monetary system, and also has its own immigration policy. As of the end of 2007, 170 countries and territories around the world citizens or residents to enter Hong Kong visa-free.
  【Return】 years
  For decades, the status of the HKSAR been solid and enhanced. The international community for HKSAR passport holders visa-free access number of countries and regions, the handover from the first four, in June 2007 increased to 134 times, but the Hong Kong government has made considerable efforts to this end, the Hong Kong Tourist persuade the EU to give visa-free access to HKSAR passport spent four years to persuade Japan to give visa-free treatment to more time spent up to seven years. Years, the exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland continued to strengthen. Mainland residents of Hong Kong residents and the number of marriages in 2006 compared with 1997 increased by seven times, while Hong Kong residents married women the number of mainland residents rose eight-fold between years.
  10 years after the reunification, Hong Kong has been a marked transformation of economic structure: manufacturing share of GDP, from 8.3% to 1997 and 3.5% in 2006. Service sector share of GDP increased from 78.8% to 87.4%. In the period 1997 to 2006, net output in all sectors in Hong Kong the average annual real growth of 2.4%. 10 years, employment in Hong Kong continued to trade from the manufacturing sector to the distribution, finance, insurance, real estate and business services, and community, social and personal services.
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Religious Nationalism
  】 【Population and population structure
  Since the mid-1990s, Hong Kong's local population is women more than men and less, the number of female residents than male residents, and this gap continues to pull. In 2007, 52.5% of Hong Kong residents are women. The end of 2008, the Hong Kong population exceeds seven million mark, was born in 2008 in Hong Kong reached 11.3 per thousand, the highest in the past 13 years, a new high, the number of babies born is the most since 1983, but in 2008 pregnant women in Mainland China to Hong Kong among babies born accounted for 42.7%, net of this figure, the 2008 Hong Kong local women per thousand births birth rate of only 6.
  Hong Kong's birth rate in the world in 225 countries and regions is the lowest since the 1990s, per thousand, only 6-7 new baby, every women in Hong Kong only 0.91 babies born, together with the average life expectancy growth in population will increasingly aging. It is estimated that by 2033, the Hong Kong population aged 65 and above will have 27% to 11% relative to 2003, this is a very high rate of population aging. These developments impact on Hong Kong Government's future urban development planning.
  】 【Labor force
  As of December 2005, the workforce of more than 360 million, of which men accounted for 55.2%, 44.8% of women. Employed, the majority (85.3%) in the service industries, including wholesale, retail and import and export trades, restaurants and hotels accounted for 34.4%; transport, storage and communications 10.5%; financial, insurance, real estate and business services 15%; community, social and personal services 26%; in the manufacturing sector accounted for only 5.3%
  】 【Religion
  The world's major religions in Hong Kong, almost all people believe. Major Chinese Buddhism, Taoism. There are 360 temples in Hong Kong, the public has 40 temples, Tin Hau Temple 24, 1841, Hong Kong SAR has been bishop of the Roman Catholic mission established area. In 1991, about 25.8 million Catholics in Hong Kong. Catholic Church in Hong Kong and operates schools, hospitals and social service centers. Christianity into Hong Kong in 1841, is now more than 50 sects, Christians 28.5 million. It also _set_ up in Hong Kong schools, hospitals and social service centers and other institutions. There are other religions: Islam, about 5 million Catholics, more than half of them are Chinese, about 1.2 million Hindus; a minority of Sikhs and Jews.
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  The official languages in Hong Kong (not known as the "official language") is Chinese and English, and the government's language policy is "two languages and three dialects", that is written on the use of Chinese vernacular and English, spoken on the use of Cantonese (commonly known as Cantonese or Cantonese), Mandarin and English. Hong Kong Chinese population, the main use of Cantonese, rather than ethnic Chinese population is mostly English as the communication language. Most Hong Kong residents are not local indigenous inhabitants, from the Chinese mainland, and even moved around the world who will put their home language to Hong Kong. Hong Kong is also affected by other cultures around the world affected by the trend. Thus, seen in Hong Kong to listen to the language much more than Cantonese and English.
  Since the implementation of simplified characters in Mainland China, Hong Kong was still a British colony, so the most commonly used Chinese characters in Hong Kong Books is Chinese.
  As Hong Kong increasingly frequent exchanges with mainland China, Hong Kong is widely recognized common simplified characters. The market is not difficult to see for the production of simplified foreign visitors banners and signs. Some schools allow students to answer in the use of homework and exams in Chinese, using simplified answer. The Authority also allows students in public examinations, the use of in line with national norms (ie in 1986 by the State Language Work Committee promulgated the "simplified summary table") and the simplified characters.
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Economic and financial
  【】 Economic profile and international status
  Hong Kong is a free port, in addition to tobacco, alcohol and power with the fuel (gasoline, diesel, etc.), Hong Kong does not impose tariffs on other imports. Hong Kong's economic reputation for free trade, low taxes and less government intervention known. Hong Kong for many years by well-known international rating agencies and organizations named world's freest economy, Nobel laureate Milton Friedman • more regard Hong Kong as an example of a free economy. Hong Kong is the Asia Pacific region and international financial center, an international shipping center, regional trade center, with many countries and regions are close to irreplaceable superior position. Today, Hong Kong has become the world's 11th largest trading entity. Throughput, the Hong Kong container (container) port is the world's busiest container ports. To passengers and international cargo handling capacity, the Hong Kong International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. Of external banking transactions, Hong Kong is the world's 15th largest banking center. Terms of turnover, Hong Kong is the world's sixth largest foreign exchange market. Terms of market capitalization, the Hong Kong stock market is Asia's second largest market.
  Hong Kong is an international financial centers, financial institutions and markets closely. Government's policy is to maintain and develop a sound legal framework, regulatory framework, infrastructure and administrative framework that would facilitate market participants to provide a fair competitive environment, maintain financial and monetary stability, 使 Hong Kong effectively with other major financial centers Jing Zheng . Hong Kong location is the difference between North America and Europe, a bridge, with the Mainland and other Southeast Asian economies closely linked, but also around the world to establish a good communication network, it can become an important international financial center. In addition, capital flows into and out of Hong Kong, is also an important factor.
  Hong Kong is the world's eleventh largest trading economy, the sixth largest foreign exchange market and the fifteenth largest banking center. The scale of the Hong Kong stock market, ranking second in Asia. Hong Kong is also clothing, watches, toys, games, electronics, and certain light industrial products are mainly exported, the export value of high-highest in the world.
  Service-oriented economy of Hong Kong, Mainland China and other parts of Asia and the Pacific are closely related; is Asia's most international companies to _set_ up regional offices of the city, Hong Kong is also a tourist destination by tourists, is also organizing international conferences and exhibitions in the popular places . In 2005, Hong Kong is the world's eleventh largest exporter of services. The main trade-related and service industries, including travel and tourism, trade-related services, transportation services, financial and banking services and professional services.
  【】 Key economic data
  GDP: 14,723 billion (2006)
  Per capita GDP: 214,710 million (2006)
  Real GDP growth: 6.8% (2006)
  City】 【GDP (purchasing power parity)
  $ 289,700,000,000 (2007, 39 countries and regions in the world name).
  U.S. per capita GDP 41,614 (305,018 yuan. Administrative Region of China 1; world countries and regions in the first 6).
  City】 【GDP (nominal)
  203 billion U.S. dollars (2007, 37 countries and regions in the world name).
  U.S. per capita GDP 29,149 (SAR of China No. 2; 28 countries and regions in the world name).
  City】 【GDP
  295.2 billion U.S. dollars (purchasing power parity, region and the world in 2008 ranked 36)
  Per capita GDP29350 (world ranked 27 countries)
  According to International Monetary Fund, 2005 figures, the Hong Kong Gross Domestic Product per capita (PPP) U.S. dollars to 34,111, ranking 9, No. 1 in Asia, beyond the four major economies of Western Europe; according to the international exchange rate was 25,555 dollars, the global ranking 26, No. 5 in Asia, behind Qatar, Japan, UAE and Singapore. Looking at various industries in Hong Kong to service the highest proportion of GDP, figures for 2005, 91%, of which import and export trade accounts for GDP 22.5%, community, social and personal services sector accounted for 19.2%, finance and insurance accounted for 12.7%.
  】 【Hong Kong's currency
  Hong Kong's currency is the Hong Kong dollar (HK $). Most of the Hong Kong dollar notes in Hong Kong by the Monetary Authority under the supervision of the three note-issuing banks. The three note-issuing banks, including HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank and Bank of China Hong Kong Branch, and another small part of ten-dollar bill issued by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority itself. New Hong Kong banknotes in circulation are kept very clean high notes are old and dilapidated, after returning the note-issuing banks will be collected and destroyed. Each year about one third of the currency notes have been identified as no longer suitable for circulation and replaced by the new notes.
  Banking】 【
  】 【Foreign exchange market
  Hong Kong's foreign exchange market mature and active in the global foreign exchange market, accounting for an essential position. Since the foreign exchange market in Hong Kong and overseas are linked, it can be 24 hours a day around the world foreign exchange trading. According to the 2004 Bank for International _Set_tlements triennial global survey conducted by the Hong Kong turnover in the foreign exchange market ranked sixth in the world.
  】 【Gold market
  Hong Kong is not only a global financial center, particularly its famous gold market, one of the world's four major gold market in Hong Kong, is the world's third largest gold market, the gold exchange is called Gold and Silver Exchange.
  】 【Equity and debt markets
  Market capitalization, the Hong Kong stock market is one of the world's largest stock market. As of the end of May 2006, in the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited listed company with 1144, market capitalization amounted to 94,110 million (12,065 million). Hong Kong stock market ranked second in Asia after Japan.
  Hong Kong's debt market has developed into one of the Asia-Pacific region the most liquid market. CMU system was established in 1990 by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes, debt securities issued by the private sector to provide _set_tlement and custody services.
  In September 2006, the Exchange Fund Bills and Notes, the average daily turnover of 36.3 billion Hong Kong dollars. As of the end of September 2006, the outstanding amount of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes of approximately 1,304 billion. In the first half of 2006, the private sector the amount of debt securities issued totaled 1,120 billion.
  Trade and business between the Mainland 【】
  The Mainland is Hong Kong's largest trading partner, but also drinking water and vegetables in Hong Kong, the main source of meat, poultry and eggs. In 2005, Hong Kong, Hong Kong trade accounted for 45% of total trade value. Hong Kong, the Mainland is also the largest source of re-exports and the biggest market, Hong Kong re-exports about 90% are from the Mainland and the Mainland as a destination. Hong Kong is the Mainland's financial and other business support services center, especially in South China for the Mainland to provide a wide range of financial and other business support services, such as banking and finance, insurance, transportation, accounting, and sales promotion.
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Government structure
  Hong Kong's implementation of the executive-led governance, and develop the leadership of the Chief Executive and the Executive Council, the governance structure of institutions and representative government.
  Is the head of the HKSAR Chief Executive, by a broadly representative Election Committee in accordance with "Basic" election, and appointed by the Central People's Government. The Chief Executive is responsible for the implementation of "Basic Law", signed the bill and the Budget, enacted legislation, decide on government policies and executive orders issued by the Executive Council to assist in policy formulation. The first Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa, the incumbent Chief Executive (March 2005-present) is the Donald. The Government's main policy and administrative work from 12 bureaux and 61 departments and agencies, the daily number of execution is about 18 million people of Hong Kong civil service. Hong Kong Government itself is the largest employer.
  】 【Government departments
  Hong Kong government departments, including the "three-second Board Secretary", is the Secretary and the Bureau of informal collectively, the first use by the media. Third Division is the Chief Secretary, Financial Secretary and Secretary for Justice. Twelve bureaux are the Civil Service Bureau, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Education Bureau, Environment Agency, Food and Health Bureau, Home Affairs, Labour and Welfare Bureau, Security Bureau, Transport and Housing Bureau, Commerce and Economic Development Council, the Development Bureau, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau.
  Hong Kong government departments are usually referred to as "Department" or "office" (such as the Department of Health, Hong Kong Police Force), all civil servants in charge, most of the decision by the Secretary to the respective responsible directly to the Director responsible for the small ( If the Chief Secretary for Administration Department), in addition to the audit report directly to the Legislative Council; the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Ombudsman to the Chief Executive.
  】 【Social security
  Hong Kong is a safe city, good public order. Travelers should avoid carrying large amounts of cash, valuables can be stored in the hotel safe. In case of problems, can help to find the police patrolling the streets. Hong Kong has a world-class, friendly, honest and efficient police force also, amounting to thirty thousand people, to Hong Kong to become the world's safest cities. The public or tourists in case of fire, robbery or injury such as a thief emergency, dial 999. In some of the more secluded place, with a small orange and yellow telephone box, there are known as "emergency hotline," the communicator, there are buttons, you can not dial direct reporting center. Whether it is aircraft or other public phone call 999 free of charge.
  Hong Kong Government has adopted various effective measures to maintain law and order in Hong Kong. Such as Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Immigration Department to the development of self-developed advanced facial recognition technology, only in 2007, successfully intercepted more than 1,000 attempts to use makeup or cosmetic mixed with criminals in Hong Kong. Many countries and regions around the world can avoid a visa to enter Hong Kong residents, but Hong Kong has been reviewing its immigration policy to prevent all kinds of undesirable people from entering. In 2007, ports of entry in Hong Kong refused entry 23,000 people. In 2006 and 2007, the abolition of the ten countries and regions (mostly in South Asia and Africa) citizens or residents traveling to Hong Kong visa-free treatment.
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Cultural trends
  Pop】 【Hong Kong
  Dance is a popular mass entertainment in Hong Kong early 1920s was the golden age of Cantonese is the most popular form of entertainment Hong Kong, Hong Kong's popular culture during this period and Guangzhou and Japan, did not form a unique culture. After 1950, Hong Kong learn from popular culture Shanghai, coupled with years of influence in Europe and America, since the 1970s, from "Song of God" Sam Chinese songs driven by trends, _set_ting off a boom was the "Cantopop", which in the 1980s Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung, Alan Tam, Paula Tsui, Hong Kong, Lui Fong, etc. dominated the music scene to the 1990s, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Leon Lai and Aaron Kwok, led by four kings songs such as film stars, a deep influence on China and Southeast Asia.
  】 【Hong Kong Film
  1980 was the heyday of Hong Kong films, the peak annual output of Hong Kong films three hundred films, beyond the film was once the world's first Indian production. Since the late 1990s, with the VCD, DVD and other technology development and diffusion, the Hong Kong film industry began to go downhill in 2004, filmed only 60 movies. But in recent years, Hong Kong actors, directors and other film industry have with the Mainland and Taiwan's film industry to work together, to create a culture of Hong Kong and the Mainland film one of the many fine works of fusion, the Hong Kong film industry will continue to play its the influence of Chinese film.
  】 【Hong Kong celebrities and Culture
  Although only a few million people in Hong Kong, Hong Kong people are proud of the emergence of many celebrities. China's first world champion Yung Kwok, a sports group is a native born in Hong Kong, Hong Kong residents, who return to mainland China in the 1950s, 25 in 1959 won the men's World Cup Table Tennis Championships singles title, but also in Hong Kong national glory. Cheung Chau in Hong Kong, Hong Kong athletes born and grew up in Atlanta in 1996, Lee Lai-shan, Hong Kong won the Olympic gold medal in windsurfing, is another exciting sport to the people of Hong Kong celebrities, coincidentally, sailing is a symbol of Hong Kong One of the side the only Olympic gold medal before the reunification, so that contemporary people are unforgettable. Culture, the Hong Kong author Jin Yong (Louis Cha) of its popular series of global Chinese readers, novels, popular for decades, is the most outstanding representatives of New School martial arts writer, known as the martial arts writer of the "Mount Rushmore." Hong Kong writer Lilian Lee, Yi Shu, Lin Yanni, Julia Leung, Liang Yusheng, James Wong, Ngai, are all modern and contemporary in Hong Kong, Asia and the world-renowned Chinese cultural celebrities.
  Comics】 【Hong Kong
  Hong Kong to accept and learn from the Japanese manga cartoons and comics double impact in Europe and America, learned in the production process on the production process of industrialization in Europe and America comic books, with the typical characteristics of the assembly line production, meticulous division of labor, lead author of co-ordination by the editor, made the team work together, to style European-based, and and ink, in content and character _set_ on by the Chinese martial arts culture, concepts of tradition, the plot twists and turns delicate, wide range of topics, most of the strong sense of commercial work, theme throughout the science fiction, society, entertainment, inspirational, gangster, comedy and more. With the growing popularity of computers and the Internet, private independent comic book creation on the web.
  Hong Kong has well-known cartoonist Tony Wong, Fung Chi Ming, Liang Jin, Ma Wing Shing and so on.
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Past and Present Education
香港 今昔教育
香港 今昔教育
香港 今昔教育
香港 今昔教育
香港 今昔教育
香港 今昔教育
  University of Hong Kong is Hong Kong's public spending in one of the largest budget expenditure of total recurrent public expenditure accounts for about one-fifth. The Government has a student financial assistance schemes to ensure that students will not lose because of financial problems of educational opportunities. Our education system is broadly divided into the following sections:
  Pre-school education: through private kindergarten and kindergarten, for pre-school children the opportunity to learn to get along with the group.
  Free education: the establishment of the Hong Kong government or grant aided primary schools, to provide for all school-age children three-six-year primary and junior secondary education.
  High school and matriculation courses: the establishment of a two-year high school (in the IV and V), to provide students with the most basic education before work; _set_ up a two-year matriculation course (the sixth in seven), as students apply for pre-university courses .
  September 2007, Hong Kong launched the new "three hundred thirty-four" structure, that is, three years of junior high school for three years, four years, have changed the British university education (three years) and the implementation of the traditional four-year university system.
  Higher Education and Training
  University of Hong Kong's higher education, including the legal, statutory colleges, up tertiary institutions, Vocational Training Council, colleges and general colleges. Held in Hong Kong tertiary education institutions in general can be divided into the following categories:
  University is statutory by the Chief Executive in Council agreed and passed third reading by the Legislative Council then passed the relevant legislation, to become a law regulated by an independent statutory University. So far, the statutory ten universities in Hong Kong, namely Hong Kong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, The Open University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Shue Jen University.
  College is a statutory means a Chief Executive in Council agreed and passed third reading by the Legislative Council then passed the relevant legislation, to be a separate legislation to regulate suffered a statutory University. So far, there is a statutory University of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
  College is a registered post under the "Laws of Hong Kong Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance Chapter 320" registered tertiary institutions. Registered under the Ordinance tertiary institutions in the HKSAR Chief Executive in Council prior approval to confer degrees. So far, there are two up in Hong Kong tertiary institutions, namely, Caritas Francis Hsu College and the Chu Hai College.
  VTC institutions means the "laws of Hong Kong Vocational Training Council Ordinance Chapter 1130" was established under the Vocational Training Council Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education and Vocational Training of Business and Information.
  General institutions means the "laws of Hong Kong Chapter 279 of the Education Ordinance," the Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower, HKSAR approved post-secondary education can be held, and then by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation granted accreditation recognition from the general provision of tertiary education institutions.
  University of Hong Kong is Hong Kong the highest ranked academic universities, even less in the economic boom, when there is still a high school graduate employment rate. According to "Asia Week", University of Hong Kong in 2000, the best universities in Asia, ranked third. University of Hong Kong University of British newspaper The Times in 2005, ranked fourth in the world eleven. In 2009 global ranking of 69. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2009 Global 60.
  The only private university in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, the founder of road is particularly difficult, the school formerly known as the Hong Kong Shue Yan College, and the clock in 1971 by Henry HU couple of Wing founder, to school, Miss Zhong Qirong resigned from the Baptist College of Arts and Social Sciences Institute long positions, and her husband Henry HU put myself as counsel put all the wealth earned by school, 70 million bought in Happy Valley a three-storey houses made of small classrooms, three decades has been self-financing operate, in order to obtain title to "university", the two founders have gone through hardships, and finally in December 19, 2006 in Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Chief Executive Council name the motion, the official recognition of their university status, becoming the first private university in Hong Kong .
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Jiejia Entertainment
  Public Holidays
  Integration of public holidays in Hong Kong cultural characteristics of East and West, the annual total of 17 days, namely: New Year's Day, Lunar New Year (3 days), Ching Ming Festival, Easter (3 days), May 1 Labour Day, Lunar New Year in early April Eight Buddha's Birthday, May tenth Lunar Dragon Boat Festival, July SAR Establishment Day, the following day, October 1 National Day, Chung Yeung Festival, Christmas (2 days). Hong Kong has long been the cultural characteristics of Chinese traditional festivals as holidays, is also deeply affected the Mainland, the Mainland of China recently the Festival as part of the statutory holidays of national unity put on the agenda, and have been identified, in 2009 years was introduced.
  Gaming Entertainment
  Jockey and horse race betting (horse racing) is that many Hong Kong people involved in the entertainment, each year by September to next June until the start of a racing season, about 60 days of racing. Day race over Saturday and Sunday at Sha Tin, the night is more than the Wednesday night game in Happy Valley for the audience watching and betting can be ticketed. Race a train direct Sha Tin Racecourse. Hong Kong Jockey Club has over a hundred in the district of betting, except horse racing, the "lottery" and the 2004 football betting operation also increased from Hong Kong Jockey Club.
  1867 (six years of the Qing wen) to four years in 1871, has allowed legal gambling in Hong Kong, there were 12 legal casinos in 1871, based on internal and external pressures and social problems, the Hong Kong prohibits casino gambling, but with four years to receive casino gambling rates and charitable payments, creating the first Chinese Hospital of Hong Kong, Tung Wah Hospital is now famous.
  Events Capital of
  Hong Kong, organized every year all types of cultural, recreational, sports activities, the larger events including the Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Hong Kong International Film Festival, International Arts Carnival, Hong Kong International Rugby Sevens, Sixes and influential international horse racing . Hong Kong athletes are actively involved in a number of major international games, such as the Asian Games, Asian Games. Hong Kong will be held in December 2009 East Asian Games that will inspire people to work together to nurture sports culture, and to show people in East Asia and the world warm hospitality.
  Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps. Lan Kwai Fong in Central, "Soho" area, along Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui (Nathan Road, Ashley Road, Knutsford Terrace, Beijing Road), there are many bars, karaoke OK establishments, nightclubs and wine Gallery, both residents and tourists visit the places visited.
  Ngong Ping 360
  Ngong Ping 360 is a cable car line, connecting the Tung Chung and Ngong Ping on Lantau Island. This is after the Hong Kong Ocean Park Hong Kong, following the second cable car system, is the world's largest cable car system. The name of the "360" refers to the cable car passengers can enjoy the scenery within a 360-degree. Printing of other title, including Tung Chung Cable Car, Ngong Ping cable car. Interestingly, in the construction period, as the project site is located in country parks, under Hong Kong law, can not use vehicles carrying materials into the site, so the contractor hired six mules from Canada to assist the movement of materials, six mules had to return after work Canada.
  Ocean Park Hong Kong
  Hong Kong Ocean Park is one of the world's largest marine park, covering 170 acres, with Southeast Asia's largest oceanarium and theme park, with mountains the sea, enchanting scene is a favorite place visitors can not only see to the amusement park full of fun, dolphin show, there are strange marine fish, towering Ocean Park Tower, a more exciting month Mine Train, Amazing Journey, called science, tourism, entertainment, the perfect combination. Ocean Park has the "Pacific Coast", filled with the charm of the North American culture of the California coast and natural beauty. In Haitao Pentium, rugged coastal scenery and beaches Ningjing Yi people, there are well-trained sea lions and seals to meet the visitors.
  Hong Kong Ocean Park building located in Wong Chuk Hang and Nam Long Shan mountain valley. Mountains to the Atoll Reef, Ocean Theatre, Long Beach Museum, the main rides. Yamashita is a water park, Garden Theater, goldfish, and modeled on the ancient heritage museum built by the Middle Kingdom, imitation Chinese palace architecture, the village has pavilions, temples, street scenes, reflects the style of Chinese history, the ancient Chinese street to reproduce, and a folk art performances. By the central government's giant panda An An and Jia Jia presented by the majority of the public. The tenth anniversary of the reunification in 2007 the Central People's Government presented to Hong Kong's giant panda Ying Ying and Le Le in Ocean Park.
  Disneyland Hong Kong Disneyland
  Hong Kong Disneyland is the world's fifth Disneyland, Sunny Bay on Lantau Island, surrounded by mountains, and the distance across the South China Sea, is a fusion of Disneyland in California and other features in one of Disneyland theme parks.
  Park equipped with Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Hollywood Hotel, in addition to providing accommodation to facilitate access to parks, the body can enjoy the experience in which the fairy world and the film world Trolltech, a variety of Disney characters appear at any time tourists around, surprises everywhere.
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Basic necessities
香港 衣食住行
香港 衣食住行
  Hong Kong is a free port, known as "shopping paradise", the vast majority of goods without tariffs, goods are shipped around the world to Price Competition, and some still cheaper than the country of origin. Hong Kong has a large shopping districts such as City Plaza, Sha Tin New Town Plaza, etc., in addition to its large department stores, there are all kinds of shops and restaurants, and some more play equipment, is a good place for shopping and leisure. Some industry hi centralized management, so customers can have more choices. One such as computers and related products, Sham Shui Po MTR station nearby, "Gordon" and "gold" the highest concentration of shopping malls. Household appliances and cameras in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay are more, but preferably to a reputable shop (such as the Hong Kong Tourist Association labeled red sailboat logo) or a large department store. Hardware Machinery shops concentrated in the Mong Kok MTR Station Street, Canton Road, in paragraph three. Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok Road to the section of Prince Edward Road, is fruit, fashion and commodity vendors in the park. After over Argyle Street, Tung Choi Street, a few paragraphs, is the famous "Ladies." Its situation and the Tin Hau Temple in Yau Ma Tei's Temple Street on both sides similar. But the latter in the evening and have cooked and mixed fortune-telling stalls, near the temple at more Cantonese songs, just like civilians, the general public a nightclub.
  Garment Industry
  Hong Kong's garment industry has become famous, Sham Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan, 1970 to the 1980s is a concentration of garment factories. Therefore, before and after Sham Shui Po MTR Station Ap Liu Street and Yu Chau Street and other streets were cloth line. Fashion wholesalers and clothing supplier is concentrated in the Cheung Sha Wan Road at the station and within a few street blocks. Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok (Mong Kok Road and Prince Edward Road section) and "Ladies" and the Li Yuen Street East, Central, Li Yuen Street West, and Jardine's Crescent Causeway Bay, is the general clothing supplier.
  Hong Kong has a majority of the population living in public housing, while a large proportion of people living in private housing estates are self-glove in the industry are far from the hustle and bustle of urban areas, and more in public transport along the New Territories. But most of the hotels and guest houses, no matter what level, most conveniently _set_ in the prosperous urban areas.
  For visitors, there are several types of accommodation, there are simple and cheap hotels, even the expensive luxury six-star hotel. Most Hong Kong hotels located in urban areas of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula, while the New Territories and outlying islands, there are many excellent choices. Most of the hotel is located in Central Hong Kong Island, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui and Kowloon Peninsula and the Tsim Sha Tsui East. To avoid the busy downtown visitors, you can choose the New Territories of the hotel. Most of the Hong Kong hotel offers modern amenities, including air conditioning, Internet access equipment.
  Hong Kong has a highly developed and sophisticated transportation network. The main components of public transport including railways, buses (buses), minibuses (public light buses), taxis (taxi) and ferries. Among them, the railway is the main public transport in Hong Kong, carrying about 412 million passengers a day; followed by the franchised bus, carrying about 3.94 million passengers daily. It is worth noting that Hong Kong is the world's first widespread use of e-money in public transport areas, called the Octopus system of electronic tickets and currency in circulation in 2008, the total capacity of 19 million.
  Peak Tram Hong Kong Island Victoria Peak is Hong Kong's bus most of the double-decker bus. Hong Kong running north shore of Hong Kong Island tram is the only team using the full two trams. Also located in Central Hong Kong Island Mid-Levels escalator system is the world's longest covered escalator system automatically.
  Roads in Hong Kong was high, the total length of 1,938 km of roads, mainly by the streets, bridges, tunnels, etc. 8 around the main trunk connecting Hong Kong and in a few years to 10. Hong Kong's driving directions are still under the British colonial drive on the left is different from mainland China. In Hong Kong's 610,000 vehicles were registered, 64% of private passenger vehicles, and each about 276 km of road vehicles running.
  In addition, at the Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok International Airport is the world's fifth busiest international passenger airport, and from Europe, America and Asia and Oceania flight transfer point. Hong Kong Airport operates 24 hours a day, and can handle 4 500 million passengers and goods, 300 million tons, the Hong Kong International Airport has now be extended in phases to meet the increasing air traffic demand, and strengthening the neighboring areas of the Pearl River Delta connection further development as a regional passenger transport center.
  Introduction〗 〖public transport
  Hong Kong rail line in Figure 1. Subway to the main urban area of public transport routes with each other sub-four Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, Tsuen Wan and Tung Chung, but also train at Kowloon Tong Station and transfer to Eastern Railway. Every morning around 6 am until midnight walk, every few minutes or a group. Fares by 4 million (two points) to 13 yuan (over sea). In the vicinity of destination along the most desirable travel. Fully air-conditioned stations and cars not only comfortable, and fast time.
  2. Bus (bus) companies operating: Bus, walking part of the Hong Kong Island routes; Kowloon Motor Bus, Kowloon and New Territories to walk the whole; Citybus, walking part of the Hong Kong Island routes (above three companies are cross-harbor or airport routes ); Lantau bus, only to walk the island's only a dozen routes. Fare per trip from the city more than two dollars, and some routes both or only air-conditioned car service, fees are slightly higher.
  3. Public Small (type) bar (with disabilities) into the green body (green) and red body are two similar charges with the bus. MTR line of vehicles for purposes such as to not place the MTR, the two are very affordable. Above the destination, and charges are listed.
  4. Kowloon-Canton Railway (KCR later): walking urban Kowloon and New Territories between the three stations, and another train to Guangzhou and other mainland cities, December 2, 2007, the Kowloon-Canton Railway and Mass Transit has Railway merged to form the Hong Kong MTR Corporation Limited, for the residents and visitors to provide more convenient and cheaper services.
  5. Light Rail Transit (LRT): walking between Tuen Mun and Yuen Long, another shuttle bus to the more secluded areas. These two are all electrified railway, air conditioning, cars, frequent, comfortable and efficient and economical.
  6. Tram: only in the urban areas of Hong Kong Island (north) to walk, charge the most inexpensive (current 2 million), but slower, such as for short-range travel or urban tourism, the most comfortable. More buses, trams and minibuses, need to bring their own coins in the car.
  7. Hong Kong has Yau Ma Tei and Kowloon Ferry Company ferry companies to provide fixed-ferry service, running the Kowloon Peninsula and the other terminal, low fares.
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  Cultural and historical monuments throughout every corner of the ancestors of the traditional ancestral hall, the New Territories village clan, as well as the temple is located downtown. Want to feel the characteristics of buildings in Hong Kong where East meets West, you can also participate in the Hong Kong Tourism Board's "Architecture Walk."
  Religious and cultural attractions
  Man Mo Temple on Hong Kong Island, Causeway Bay Tin Hau Temple, St. John's Cathedral; Kowloon, Wong Tai Sin Cimu, Hou Temple, the temple at Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon Mosque; the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery, Sha Tin, Che Kung Temple, Fung Ying Seen Koon , half the spring garden, Tao Fong Shan Christian Church; Tsuen Wan Chuk Lam Sim Yuen, Tung Po, Tsuen Wan Tin Hau Temple; Longmen Shan Monastery, Ching Chung Koon, Lotus Temple; Yuen Ling To Monastery, Yunfu cents concept; Sai Kung temple days Hau Temple, Ho Chung Che Kung Temple and Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island, Cheung Chau Pak Tai Temple, Peng Chau Tin Hau Temple.
  Folk cultural attractions
  Kowloon Walled City in Kowloon, Song Cheng, Sung Taiwan, Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb; Tuen Mun Sonthi rock, Red, Tsang Tai Uk in Sha Tin, Five six villages; Sam Tung Uk Tsuen Wan, Hai Kan village; element s new Tiantai Fu Long, Kam Tianji Qing Wai, monuments, Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda, Tang Ancestral Hall, Ha Tsuen; Sai Kung Sheung Yiu Folk Museum; Hong Kong Island and Lantau Island Tung Chung Fort, Fort, Tung Lung Island, such as Old Fort temple.
  Privately run museum
  Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Tung Wah Museum, Po Leung Kuk Museum, The Hong Kong Medical Museum.
  Government-run museums
  Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery, Sam Tung Uk Museum, Sheung Yiu Folk Museum, Hong Kong Film Archive, the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Museum of Tea Ware, Hong Kong Museum of History, Law Uk Folk Museum, Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, Hong Kong Science Museum, Hong Kong Space Museum, Hong Kong Space Museum, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery.
  Country parks and marine parks
  Twenty-three country parks in Hong Kong and four marine parks, so that residents and visitors enjoy the charm of the natural scenery of Hong Kong.
  Although Hong Kong is a modern city, but within more than one thousand square kilometers of land, about three-quarters is still the country. Hong Kong Government to protect and develop rural areas, the creation of a country park, this area is to protect nature, on the other Hong Kong people and visitors to the country's recreational and educational facilities. Marine Park is zoned in the sea out of the Islands. Country Park, on mountains, there are grass Maolin. Sea coast marine parks, there are shallow rocky shore. Overlooking the beach from Marine Park in the mountains or by the country park under the bird's-eye view, are seen Hong Kong's mountains and rivers, picturesque scenery.
  Hong Kong's country parks and marine parks are free to enter. Hong Kong's country parks, Pat Sin Leng Country Park is one of the more famous one. Pat Sin Leng title by eight mountains and the Eight Immortals, the park is in Hong Kong the most challenging one ridge trails location. Best choice is to go from north to south from the pond Sha Lo Tung, where there are picturesque, ancient villages, forests and fields. Pat Sin Leng and a touching story, in 1996, a Hong Kong secondary school teachers and students to the Pat Sin Leng Country Park outing, when students did not deal with after the barbecue fire, causing fire, two teachers and a group of students trapped by fire In a cliff, two teachers led the students to save, not to all students refused to leave the woods on the decision to leave, the result was killed. Hong Kong Government to commemorate the two teachers, in the Pat Sin Leng built a spring pavilion. Spring Pavilion's name, Dead Poets Society is the memory of two teachers, heroes. Spring kiosks are introduced in this event, there is a very touching couplet. Read the spring Pavilion, Hong Kong will feel the warm human touch.
  Marine parks, the more famous is the Tung Ping Chau Marine Park, where there are a variety of marine ecology, coral communities across the lush, with more than sixty kinds of stony coral, while there are over one hundred and thirty kinds of fish and over coral hundreds of marine invertebrates. In marine plants, Tung Ping Chau Marine Park, more than forty kinds of seaweed. In the coastal zone, covered with brown, red and green algae beds, kelp beds are the highest in Hong Kong. The park clear sea water, the naked eye can clearly see the underwater coral and fish.
  National geological park in Hong Kong
  National Geological Park of Hong Kong, including the Northeast New Territories and Sai Kung in eastern volcanic sedimentary rocks of 8 large area two parks, covering about 5,000 hectares. Hong Kong's landscape is rich in resources of high academic research, tourism and scenic value. Hong Kong SAR Government will allocate resources management of geological parks, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of UNESCO, apply to the relevant departments through the national geological park in Hong Kong as a world geological park upgraded.
  Eight】 【Hong Kong
  Eight is the old Hong Kong: Qishan Spark, Xianqiao mist, Stanley Zhao Xi, Ap Lei Chau Fan Ying, Sung Taiwan nostalgia, Fu Lam Labyrinth, Long Bay, the soft, carp Night Moon. With the changing times, the old attractions Eight has three completely changed, while other attractions are also starting to prove obsolete. Eight Hong Kong now is:
  (1) "Chishan Spark" is the eight scenic spots in the first scene, it Eight in the history of the "Lights lights," "Night Flying Bridge Kan" refer to the night view from Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island in the sky of thousand stars, such as home of the magnificent scenery of lights.
  (2) "Stanley Dawn," referring to the beginning of every morning, the rising sun when the rays bathed in ten thousand in the Stanley Peninsula, bright red as red. This scene also known as "Stanley Chaoyang", "Stanley Chao Xi."
  (3) "Dan Flowers shallow water," referring to Repulse Bay and the sparkling clear water and colorful azaleas beautiful spring scene composed of each other.
  (4) "Tiger Tarong Hui", refers to the Haw Par Villa hexagonal hospital when the White Tower at sunrise, facing the sun, spectacular views of Phi Man Choi Ha.
  (5) "happy hooves", refers to the Happy Valley horse racing peak, affecting thousands of horse racing fans sound of the heart.
  (6) "Lei Gate Night", refers to the night view of Lei Yue Mun in the moonlight under the roundworm views of Victoria Harbour.
  (7) "residual battlements sun," referring to the ruins of broken battlements of Kowloon Walled City, such as blood in the afterglow of the _set_ting sun landscape, Kowloon Walled City in recent years has been completely cleared, the scene was history, replaced by the Kowloon Walled City Park (the whole garden the most.)
  (8) "Song Taiwan nostalgia," referring to the former Hong Kong Kai Tak International Airport near the Sung Wong Toi Park, which records the history of the last scene of the Song Dynasty, people remember with affection the heart of this nostalgia.
  In addition, the sun_set_ views of Green Island, "Green Island Luozhao" cutting the wind waves, "Rocky Fengtao" winding mountain road car Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Island, the "Speed cliffs" hazy spring, "Shek Pai misty rain", etc., are also Today, Hong Kong, the portrayal of beautiful scenery.
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Data and information
香港 资料信息
香港 资料信息
香港 资料信息
香港 资料信息
香港 资料信息
  Common query】 【Hong Kong Immigration Department: 2824 6111 Tourism Board Visitor Hotline: 2508 1234
  】 【International domain name. Hk
  】 【Standard Time Hong Kong Time (HKT), GMT +8.
  】 【Long-distance telephone code 00852
  】 【Figures about Hong Kong
  ■ the end of 2008, there were about 340,000 millionaires (with financial as_set_s of at least 100 million, not including their own dwellings), the causes of the financial turmoil, the number has dropped 16% compared to 2007. The region has the most millionaires in Hong Kong Island, nine residents each there a millionaire.
  ■ there are more than seventy thousand visitors a day to enter Hong Kong, where more than four million people from mainland China (2008).
  ■ Hong Kong each year receive about 1.4 billion letters and postal packages of about 1.18 million (2008).
  ■ Hong Kong 74.6% of households have personal computers, 70.9% of households use the Internet (2008).
  ■ Hong Kong's roads with 575,000 various types of vehicles (2008).
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香港 饮食特色
香港 饮食特色
  Hong Kong people attach great importance to the diet, in addition to well-known Cantonese cuisine outside China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, India and European cuisine is also very common, enjoy a gourmet paradise title. Hong Kong restaurants customary early morning and washed a pot of tea, called two snacks, which often become the eyes of Westerners, a typical Hong Kong food culture. Under British influence, people like to eat the same afternoon tea, the majority of eating a sandwich, egg tarts, tea coffee.
  In the East meets West, Hong Kong developed a unique cafe restaurant, it had to sell some sandwiches, coffee, snacks and other low-cost western and, later introduction of various types of traditional fried dishes, and homemade fried or remove the previous D, pineapple oil, lemon VII, mandarin ducks, etc., and cooked food stalls and ice room was once a very popular restaurant. In addition, the Hong Kong street food is colorful, such as Egg, Portland Aberdeen cakes, ding sugar, fried stuffed peppers, bowls earners are rather famous wings and other snacks, as well as Hong Kong has a good character, "rush", so some snacks there will be wind, as suddenly come suddenly away.
  Traditional local cuisine to Cantonese cuisine, Hakka and Chaozhou cuisine mainly indigenous residents poon choi is a traditional dish in the festivals. As Hong Kong is near the ocean, so seafood dishes are also common, but also developed as the typhoon shelter crab dishes. Also, in Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter is a famous sea Jumbo Kingdom restaurants, while the Sai Kung Town, Lamma Island, Lau Fau Shan and Kowloon Lei Yue Mun is also a hot seafood.
  On the other hand, Hong Kong, foreign food restaurants but also by cultural influence. Soho, Central, Wan Chai and Tsim Sha Tsui bars everywhere, but more Oktoberfest every year since 1991 at Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui. Fast food, the American fast food major McDonald's and KFC from the business, and Hong Kong have developed their own Hong Kong-style fast food, of which the Coral, Fairwood, and fast food as the representative of Maxim.
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Two systems
香港 一国两制
  Then solve the problem of one country is pioneering work, but also Hong Kong's continued prosperity. Hong Kong has its own flag, which is the regional flag and regional emblem, while Hong Kong and Mainland China also has other social forms and economic model.
  【Hong Kong's regional flag and regional emblem】
  Hong Kong SAR as a background with a red flag, red and white symbol of one country, the central star has a white flower Bauhinia flower pattern, a symbol of Hong Kong's Bauhinia, Bauhinia full bloom symbolizes the prosperity of Hong Kong, the red Hong Kong is forever a symbol of the background backed by the mainland.
  On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region emblem badge. Hong Kong's regional flag and regional emblem mimic the design of the inner circle with a white Bauhinia flower, red background. The outer ring is red white and write in traditional Chinese "Republic of China" and the English HONG KONG (Hong Kong).
  Socio-economic】 【
  After the handover of Hong Kong to maintain its original social system and economic mode of operation, Hong Kong has an independent judiciary, issued in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong dollar currency in circulation own, independent stamps (stamps marking is "Hong Kong"), in international sports competitions on the "Hong Kong, China" in the name of participation in international sporting events. Hong Kong's independent status as "Hong Kong" at the World Trade Organization and many other international organizations. Hong Kong running its own sophisticated financial and monetary system, and also has its own immigration policy. As of the end of 2007, 170 countries and territories around the world citizens or residents to enter Hong Kong visa-free.
  【Return】 years
  July 1, 1997 Hong Kong
  At 0:00 on December 20, 1999 in Macau
  Historical background:
  In 1842 the Qing government and the United Kingdom to sign the unequal "Treaty of Nanking", ceded Hong Kong Island to Britain.
  1860 signed the "Treaty of Beijing," the cession of the Kowloon Peninsula to Britain.
  Britain forced the Qing government in 1896 further treaties, leased the area north of Boundary Street, Kowloon Peninsula and nearby islands, the term of 99 years, during World War II, was occupied by Japan.
  Japan surrendered in 1945, reoccupied by the British.
  In 1984 Britain signed the Joint Declaration on Hong Kong.
  Reunification with China in 1997, the implementation of "one country two systems", "high degree of autonomy."
  For decades, the status of the HKSAR been solid and enhanced. The international community for HKSAR passport holders visa-free access number of countries and regions, the handover from the first four, in June 2007 increased to 134 times, but the Hong Kong government has made considerable efforts to this end, the Hong Kong Tourist persuade the EU to give visa-free access to HKSAR passport spent four years to persuade Japan to give visa-free treatment to more time spent up to seven years. Years, the exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland continued to strengthen. Mainland residents of Hong Kong residents and the number of marriages in 2006 compared with 1997 increased by seven times, while Hong Kong residents married women the number of mainland residents rose eight-fold between years.
  10 years after the reunification, Hong Kong has been a marked transformation of economic structure: manufacturing share of GDP, from 8.3% to 1997 and 3.5% in 2006. Service sector share of GDP increased from 78.8% to 87.4%. In the period 1997 to 2006, net output in all sectors in Hong Kong the average annual real growth of 2.4%. 10 years, employment in Hong Kong continued to trade from the manufacturing sector to the distribution, finance, insurance, real estate and business services, and community, social and personal services.
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香港 百科辞典
  Hong Kong
  Hong Kong has developed nearly 6,000 years of history. As early as around 4000 BC, stone tools and pottery have been using the new Chinese ancestors lived. Tang, the Chinese army has been stationed in Hong Kong and in the sea patrol. From the Song Zhiming, Chinese mainland residents who moved to Hong Kong at all. Late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong has become the village of Dongguan, Guangdong's exports produced by Aquilaria to land. Qing Hong Kong owned by the new County of Guangdong Province (now in Shenzhen city) jurisdiction. After the Opium War in 1842, the British colonists forced the Qing government signed the "Nanjing Treaty", the first occupation of Hong Kong Island, in 1860 again forced the Qing government to sign the "Treaty of Beijing", the Kowloon Peninsula south of Boundary Street amputated part (that is, Kowloon), 1898, and forced the Qing government to sign the "Extension of Hong Kong Boundary special section," forced lease of Kowloon Peninsula south of Shenzhen River, north of Boundary Street, "New Territories" (still within the jurisdiction of Kowloon City, China), the term 99 years. Legacy of the history of the Hong Kong question, after the British government repeatedly negotiated in recent years, a complete solution. 19 December 1984 Japan and British Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong, the Chinese government decided to July 1, 1997 resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the establishment of Republic of China, the British Government to return the same day Hong Kong China.
  Hong Kong extension of the original part of the mainland mountains, due to subsidence and seawater intrusion mountain, forming the peninsula and the islands today, more rolling hills, plains narrow. 2 Hong Kong Island largest island in the region, from east to west, north and south narrow, steep terrain, steep hills, the highest peak 552 meters above sea level of Victoria Peak. Confrontation with them across the Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula is the heart of the southern tip. North of the island and the Kowloon Peninsula south of the developed industrial and commercial areas, a deep-water port in the compartment. Tsuen Wan and Chai Wan area was industrial zone. Kowloon Peninsula was originally decreased from north to south hills peninsula, the long-term development of a more broad plains southwest of the urban expansion has become the center of the principle of the Northeast has long been turned into a flat Kai Tak Airport. The southern end of the train station and airport, CLP Power and Hong Kong United Dockyard area. Peninsula and the southern tip of Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier in the vicinity, the most prosperous regions and Hong Kong and Kowloon million tons ocean liners berth. Kowloon north of Boundary Street, south of Shenzhen River, together with the surrounding islands known as the "New Territories." Kowloon and the "New Territories" was quite high, rolling hills, was northeast - southwest to order. In the "New Territories" and the Kowloon Peninsula, the central Great Smoky Mountains, peak elevation of 957 meters, is the highest peak in Hong Kong. From the Smoky Mountains to the northwest and southwest, the terrain gradually reduced, mostly about 200 meters above sea level some of the erosion of hills or alluvial plain, a higher degree of land use, Yuen Long, Ping Shan, Au Tau, Tin and Tuen Mun area of the heart is " New Territories "densely populated land. Since 1977, the establishment of the Industrial Estates Corporation, established in Tai Po and Yuen Long Industrial Estate Fair, to not _set_ up factories in the production of high-rise industrial building construction industry to provide the land. Lantau Island is Hong Kong's largest island, an area of 141.6 square kilometers, about 2 times the Hong Kong Island. Phoenix Mountain 935 m above sea level on the island, a Hong Kong 2 peak. West Island, Tai O, Lung Tseng Tau (East Chong Valley) as the fishing base. Long Island and Lantau Island Tai Long Sai Wei, South and the formation of horns Shek Kwu Chau Island, is a natural fishing ground. Hong Kong Island, the beach east of the famous beach. Lamma Island is the 3rd largest island in Hong Kong, encroaching upon the coast of the island hills, shoreline than the straight. Island Yung Shue Wan has a fishing village north-west. In addition, Peng Chau, Tsing Yi Island in the northeast.
  Hong Kong is a subtropical marine monsoon climate. The following year in April each year more than 10 northeast, dry and cold; 5 September Duo Xinan wind, hot and humid. Average annual temperature of 22 ℃. July and August is the warmest month, average temperature 26 ~ 31 ℃; 2 month the coldest month, 13 ~ 17 ℃. Average annual precipitation is 2225 mm
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English Expression
  1. n.:  hongkong,  Hong Kong
French Expression
  1. n.  Hong-Kong
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR), Hongkong particularly Administration
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hongkonghongkongHong Kong IslandHong Kong person|people
Classification details
ExpandHong Kong IslandExpandhongkong islandExpandneogaeaExpandKowloon
sandy landBeidayushanxinshi TownHuang Ling RidgeNankeng Village
Tai WoWah FuSouth HallIslands
Tai OXianggangxinshi TownLUFAN
Pillow IslandKey IslandParker MountainNgong Ping
Wu Kau TangYan Chau TongPort IslandShuen Wan fresh lake
Yuen Chau TsaiChen Fang peacefulSham ChungChicken Island
Yellow HouseBlack conduitbig honePort Shelter
Island ReservoirBasalt IslandPo Toi OWang Xiaopeng
Blue Pool beltMa Wan beltTai Tam cisternHok Tsui
Song GangWaglan IslandMiddle IslandWest Lamma belt
Pui OGingelli bay hornGingelli bayCha Kwo Chau
Cheung Po Tsai CaveTung Chung BayEast Lamma beltUnder the sea
bightYuen Leng RidgeGao TongHo Pui
Lihe VillageYung Shue AuEmei IslandMan Uk Pin
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belfryHongkong briny Park
saigonTung Chung
Po Lin Monasterypeace comb
Hongkong Confab display CenterVictoria Park
Turf terra courseservice Museum
Police Museumhongkong Park
writing temple enshrining and worshipping Guan Yu and other famous generals in ancient ChinaSaint John cathedral
hongkong Aborigines Parkempress Square
Tsing Ma Big Bridgeangel immortal ancestral hall
million temples of BuddismYuen Yuen academy
Hongkong history MuseumMai Po Escape sanctuary
Kowloon mosqueSam Tung Uk Museum
Kat Hing Waihongkong Art house
hongkong Science houseKowloon Park
hongkong ObservatoryMui Wo
Yung Shue WanSok Kwu Wan
Stone step StreetLei Cheng Uk barrow
East Tsim Sha Tsui beachSan Tin Doctor (prefix before a number, for ordering numbers, eg, "first", "number two", etc)
Space MuseumKowloon Walled City Park
Batched jute In Mong KokIntercontinental Hotel View Point
hongkong DisneylandVictoria firth