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  Huaqiao University, Quanzhou Tourist Complaint Complaint Telephone Tel: 0595-22162068
  Fujian Province Tel :0591 -87535640 Tourist Complaint
  State Tourism Tel :010-65275315 Complaint
  Chinese University of Premier Zhou Enlai in the loving care, in 1960, founded by the state comprehensive university. School is located in the Golden Triangle of China, Taiwan and Taiwan with the motherland across the sea, in Quanzhou, Xiamen, respectively, with campuses. Affairs Office of the State Council, directly under the leadership of the school, is a state key university and the first batch of the Chinese Ministry of Education Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation of the University is carried out in China for Chinese language education overseas, the main base.
  The University has a board of directors, with the president responsibility system. Outstanding statesman, the late vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee, led by president of the Liao, the current president of the CPPCC National Committee members, doctoral supervisor Professor Wu Chengye. Board of Directors by the overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, returned prominent figures such as circles and government leaders at all levels, Zhuangxi Quan, Hu Ping, Jia Qinglin, Chen Mingyi, Song, etc. served as Chairman of Overseas Chinese University.
  Chinese universities to "look overseas, for Hong Kong, Macao, for the Western Shore Economic Zone" as the school policy, in accordance with the "Weiqiaofuwu, disseminate Chinese culture," its mission and "will be China and the world, and moral and education," the school concept of "one school two students, individualized" teaching characteristics, "one dominating, multiple integration" of the campus culture and the "tolerance-oriented, and different" campus spirit. Schools with doctoral, master's, bachelor's, Pre-school and other levels of the complete system, the existing 19 departments (the Department), 9 doctorate, master's degree level subjects 5, 64 master points, six Master of Engineering fields, 53 undergraduate programs, 11 provincial key disciplines, disciplines related to science, engineering, economics, management, law, literature, philosophy, history of 8 major categories. Schools to "pay attention to basic and broaden the expertise to enhance capacity, improve quality" as the personnel training objectives, and strive to create innovative spirit and practical ability to adapt to domestic and foreign economic and social development needs of the application of talent, the school 45 years, co-cultured sea 7.6 million people inside and outside the various talents, of which 3.6 million people overseas students. The end of 2005, students in schools of all types of 2.4 million, of which nearly 3,000 people overseas students were from Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Korea, the United States, Argentina and Hong Kong, Macao and other 29 countries and regions. The school has more than 1,700 staff, of whom more than 500 people in senior positions; more than 900 full-time teachers, of whom is an associate professor nearly 400 people, 141 people with doctorates, and 38 teachers enjoy special government allowances, a group of professors in academia with extensive impact. Excellent conditions for running schools, the campus covers an area of ​​740,000 square meters (including the Chinese Academy), total construction area of ​​55 square meters. An area of ​​1,320,000 square meters of the new campus under construction in Xiamen. Teaching basic facilities, advanced laboratory equipment, library holdings total 1,030,000 kinds of books and documents, and 204 million copies.
  Chinese University of comprehensive international academic exchanges and scientific and technological cooperation, has been with the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao and other countries and more than 30 universities in the region established the Inter-friendly cooperative relations. Nobel Prize winner Chen Ning Yang, Nobel laureate in economics, Mike? Fadden and other internationally renowned scholars and Thai Senate Speaker Suchon? Difference in subjects such as the Overseas Chinese University has an honorary professor of candidates.
  Huaqiao University today, is a comprehensive development of Chinese education, building the Xiamen campus, building a harmonious university teaching and research as the core of the three central tasks, and strive to a higher educational level and school level forward, committed to building a school size appropriate , subject reasonable structure, strong teacher to engineering disciplines as the advantage for the characteristics of Chinese language education teaching and research universities, into a first-class domestic and overseas famous school.
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School Profile
  Chinese universities are under the care of Premier Zhou Enlai, the state was founded in 1960, a comprehensive university. Directly under the leadership of the school Affairs Office of the State Council, China's key universities and the government Ministry of Education, the first batch of excellent undergraduate teaching university level assessment is carried out for Chinese language education overseas, the main base and the National Cultural Quality Education Base.
  Chinese universities to "look overseas, for Hong Kong, Macao" as the school policy, adhere to the "Weiqiaofuwu, disseminate Chinese culture," its mission and "will be China and the world, and moral and educational" educational philosophy. The school board of directors, with the president responsibility system. Leaders Liao, Ye Fei himself as first, second president, the incumbent president for the doctoral supervisor, Professor Qiu Jin. School board by the overseas Chinese, compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao, returned overseas and other celebrities, experts, leaders composition, Zhuangxi Quan, Hu Ping, Jia Qinglin, Chen Mingyi, Song successively chairman.
  Huaqiao University has 21 colleges, nine doctoral, six Master level disciplines, 66 master degree programs, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Laws (JM), Master of Engineering 4 professional MA degree, 62 undergraduate majors; a national key disciplines, 11 provincial key disciplines; three post-doctoral research stations. Disciplines related to science, engineering, economics, management, law, literature, philosophy, history, agriculture, education, class of 10 gates.
  2115 Chinese university faculty members, of whom 1,129 were full-time teachers, is associate professor of 457 people, 255 people with doctorates. 48 doctoral tutors, over the years to enjoy the special allowance of State Council, 47; the "National Outstanding Young Science Foundation," winner of a person, included in the national "Millions of Talents Project" one person, included in the Ministry of Education, "New Century Excellent Talents Plan "4.
  Huaqiao University has a comprehensive teaching, research facilities and public service system. Schools in Quanzhou, Xiamen cities have campuses, the campus area of ​​2,268,000 square meters. Library Collection 1340000, e-books 800,000. 62 various research institutions, the Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center 2, 7 provincial key laboratories.
  Nearly half a century, Chinese Culture University has 9.9 million people in all kinds of talents at home and abroad, of which 4 million people overseas students. Currently 2.8 million students in all types, including doctoral and master more than 2,500 people; from 30 countries and regions, overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and more than 3,600 foreign students, is the largest overseas Chinese university students. Schools with excellent traditional Chinese culture as the leading, promoting quality education, and formed a "one school, two students, individualized" teaching characteristics, "one dominating, multiple integration" of the campus culture and the "tolerance-oriented, and different" campus spirit , personnel training success. Men in which students CUBA CUBA the tenth event held the championship six times.
  Huaqiao University to develop services in the Chinese language education overseas Chinese, in Bangkok, Thailand, Indonesia, Surabaya, Manila and Hong Kong, Macao and other places to _set_ up offices. The school actively engage in foreign education and academic exchanges with 40 overseas universities and relevant institutions to establish cooperation and exchange relations.
  Huaqiao University today, is a comprehensive development of Chinese education, building the Xiamen campus, building three major tasks of teaching and research university as the core, committed to building features into a Chinese education, the advantages of engineering disciplines as an integrated teaching and research University, a high-level university well-known at home and abroad.
  Overseas Chinese School Chinese colonel training and training content that
  First, the school motto
  Will China and the world, and moral and educational
  Second, note
  "And the moral and education", the focus on the stated school policy, which means in Moral and Incubation can be neglected, it should be both Qizhua, to promote each other. "And education" means a Qifa Yu, the idea was competing for development. "Mean" goes: "all things together without harm, but not contrary to the parallel road." It is "all things, and education", only prosperous and lively ecology. Notwithstanding the competition, but more can promote each other. The relationship between Germany and was also probably the case. High moral character will have a strong motivation and good style of study; and support the accumulation of knowledge and learning to improve, but also for moral understanding and moral practice to provide the necessary premise and rich nutrients.
  Says, "China and the world will be" talking about how the scholarship, students marked the pursuit of truth, then, "and the moral and education" would be about how the education and life, teachers and students marked the pursuit of value. The pursuit of truth and values ​​of unity, it is the essence of our training.
  Logo Help
  Logo for badges in the form of Huaqiao University, Center is the traditional symbol of the "UW" word, turning it into the shape of a tree, the tree on behalf of Overseas Chinese University and its human nature. "UW" word following three arcs represent the sea, a symbol of home and abroad, that overseas Chinese at home and abroad for the Overseas Chinese University, fully embodies the basic characteristics of our school. Icon in the "1960" on behalf of Overseas Chinese University, founded in 1960. The logo reflects the purpose of the tree people of Chinese universities are constantly transport all kinds of talents from all over, like an evergreen thrive stand between the earth, among the overseas Chinese. The logo has a strong visual impact and the recognition.
  School song: "Party fertile soil"
  Qiao Yu words
  Gu Jianfen song
  Party on fertile soil, planting our hope,
  Cited a spring water, irrigation, our ideals.
  Yesterday Wuzhou universal distant sea,
  Today, music in the Sound with us.
  Party on fertile soil, planting our hope,
  Cited a spring water, irrigation, our ideals.
  Yesterday Wuzhou universal distant sea,
  Today, music in the Sound with us.
  Heritage will be studying abroad through the new century chapter
  Towering mountains, water, ocean, Divine is a good home.
  Heritage will be studying abroad through the new century chapter
  Towering mountains, water, ocean, Divine is a good home.
  Towering mountains, water, ocean, Divine is a good home.
  Quanzhou Overseas Chinese University
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  Party Committee Office, Office of the President
  Party Committee Office, Office of the President under one roof, is a comprehensive school committees and administrative offices. Main functions are: coordination and supervision, secretarial and research, confidential and confidentiality, information management and comprehensive statistics, office automation, with the outside world and reception, letters and visits; manage and coordinate the work of foreign schools, students and foreign experts in the management of foreign , going abroad (Habitat) procedures for staff, international exchange and cooperation, commitment to the work of the Board and the Alumni Association, will undertake the work of overseas Chinese affairs and Taiwan affairs matters; guide the comprehensive archives and neighborhood work.
  Mi Shuke run inside and accounting computerization, Administration Division, Foreign Affairs Office of the school, comprehensive accounting computerization run the file linked. Foreign Affairs Office, also linked to Hong Kong, Macao Affairs Office, Alumni Association office, the Board Office brand. Office of the President at the same time guide the Board of Overseas Chinese University in Hong Kong office, liaison office in Macao, Huaqiao University, Huaqiao University, Beijing Office to carry out their daily work.
  Office of the President Office of Party Committee of the main functions are:
  1, to assist the school party and government leadership and coordination of the comprehensive work of various departments, inspecting and supervising the completion of the tasks of various departments as well as the implementation of school-related resolutions of the meeting the situation, is responsible for understanding, feedback and supervision and inspection
  2, responsible for drafting the school's development plan, party and government work plan, a comprehensive summary of the school, reports, resolutions and other documents, develop school-wide rules and regulations, published on the school administrative notice, notices, etc.
  3, is responsible for the important activities of the school, schedule important meetings and organization, coordination, supervision, inspection of its preparation, implementation
  4, the central task and work under the requirements of the school, the school party research, teaching, research, logistical and administrative aspects of the situation, leaders of the school in time to put forward reasonable proposals for school decision-making services
  5, the party responsible for the daily school work of document processing
  6, responsible party information work
  7, control, use of school chapter, chapter president of the seal of party committees, party and government departments seal of approval nuclear system, the issuance of external administrative letter of introduction, letter
  8, is responsible for the daily work of the security committee of the school
  9, is responsible for handling confidential documents. Various documents on the next higher Party organization should make receipt, distribution, storage, and timely organization circulated reminders and return and destruction; responsible party committee documents and important information, letters of storage, filing, archiving
  10, responsible for the school to receive the file, sorting, storage, identification, statistics, utilization, management and the school consolidated state data statistics
  11, responsible for the horizontal linkages between schools and society, to strengthen inter-school cooperation; make higher authorities, other universities reception of leaders
  12, the people in charge of receiving and processing letters, visitors
  13, the centralized management of the foreign affairs school; responsible for the reception of visiting foreign dignitaries; overall arrangements for school activities in foreign affairs; responsible for the management of foreign experts on the school, the school going abroad (Habitat) staff passports, visas, work approval, the school board work, assist the relevant departments to contact the Alumni
  14, complete the school leaders and other administrative duties assigned
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  Business Administration, Economics and Finance Institute, School of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Information Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Automation, Tourism, Law, College of Liberal Arts , Chinese Institute of Foreign Languages, School of Public Administration, Philosophy and Social Development, Mathematics, Science, Fine Arts, Music and Dance Institute, the Institute, Adult Education
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Chinese Education
华侨大学 华文教育
华侨大学 华文教育
  Chinese Institute of Huaqiao University
  Overseas Chinese Huaqiao University College is a unit of the University foreign language teaching, China Ministry of Education has released the first batch of units eligible to enroll foreign students, one of the first approved by the State Council Qiaoban base of Chinese language education is Hanban focus on neighboring countries to support schools teaching Chinese language is one of the earliest countries in the Fujian Province, Chinese Proficiency Test _set_ up test sites. Institute's main task is to overseas Chinese and other foreigners who spread Chinese language and culture, the language training, to promote cultural exchange.
  College is located in the famous Chinese market Jimei, Xiamen. Campus covers an area of ​​more than sixty thousand square meters, mountain and sea, beautiful scenery and convenient transportation. 20 with "Jiageng style" Chinese and Western architecture from low to high, neatly arranged tastefully on campus, becoming a very unique architectural landscape.
  Jimei University, formerly known as Chinese overseas students in tutorial schools is approved by the State Council, and commissioned the well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader Tan Kah Kee in 1953 founded the auspices specifically recruit overseas students learning Chinese in China Chinese youth and cultural knowledge of the characteristics of schools for foreign students . To meet the rapid development of overseas Chinese education needs, in 1997 the State Council decided to Qiaoban Overseas School of Jimei University of the organized into Chinese, and Chinese University of Foreign Language Teaching Department to form a Chinese University.
  College since the school always adhere to the "Weiqiaofuwu, disseminate Chinese culture," the purpose of promoting the Tan Kah Kee spirit of strict government school education in order to promote the Chinese culture as its mission, the school has achieved remarkable results. Currently, the College has formed the main direction of Chinese education, multi-level form of school system for more than thirty countries and regions in the world has trained more than 32,000 graduates, the spread of Chinese culture and overseas development of Chinese education make a positive contribution, enjoys a high reputation abroad.
  Chinese Institute of existing staff 106 people, including 60 teachers, with senior teachers and 19 doctoral degree, teacher 1. The majority of teachers actively involved in teaching and scientific research over the past five years to complete the field grade 37 subjects, including 13 provincial level and above, more than 200 published academic articles, papers published album, 3 monographs. College also with the United States, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and other countries, educational institutions and hundreds of overseas Chinese schools to maintain close ties, foreign cultural and academic exchanges and cooperation are active.
  In recent years, Chinese colleges to actively improve school conditions, now has more advanced teaching facilities and convenience of a full range of living facilities: 230 _set_s of teaching computers, audio equipment, 238, 3 multimedia classrooms, an interactive multimedia classrooms, Internet Classroom 1 , the electronic reading room 2, the library collection of 7 million volumes, over 250 Chinese and foreign periodicals, the new library building is also under construction; in addition to the indoor gym, playground plastic track, tennis courts, badminton courts etc. sports facilities; Student dormitories between the two to eight world from a variety of grades and convenient facilities.
  March 7, 2004, President Hu Jintao at the forum on the CPPCC National Committee Qiao Jie important speech on Chinese education, the CPC Central Committee, State Council Overseas, particularly the work of Chinese education is the most comprehensive, most complete, most strategic significance of a speech. Overseas work and speak Chinese language education will usher in a new development opportunity. College in depth study and understand the speech of President Hu Jintao to further improve the education of overseas Chinese education and awareness, and from the school's strategic positioning, educational philosophy, educational ideas of the high degree of implementation of the "Weiqiaofuwu, disseminate Chinese culture," its mission, strive to create a "during" the great development of Chinese education in a new situation.
  The strong leadership of the higher authorities, through unremitting efforts of all teachers and students, will be able to achieve the Chinese University into a "truly a base for Chinese-language education, teacher training bases overseas, and pre-university education base" grand goal!
  History of Chinese Institute of Huaqiao University
  Huaqiao University College, the predecessor of Chinese students are returned as the "cradle of overseas students," school tuition, Jimei Chinese students (referred to as "Overseas School of Jimei"), while overseas school Jimei Tan Kah Kee's glorious history and the names and contact in Jimei together.
  June 1953 the Second National Education Conference, taking into account the overseas education throughout Southeast Asia by the restrictions, the overseas students return to school will be increased, Tan Kah Kee recommendations to the Central People's Government in the Jimei schools founded Returned Overseas Chinese students in secondary tutorial , the admission of returned overseas students, the tutoring. Central People's Government adopted his recommendations, and allocated special funds entrusted to his charge of preparation work, school, Overseas Central Committee (the predecessor of the State Council, Qiao Ban) and local government leaders, mainly to the overseas committee.
  November 1953, the Overseas Committee of Fujian Province, Fujian Province, Department of Education, Culture and Education Bureau of Xiamen City, under the leadership _set_ up a "tutorial schools of Jimei the Preparatory Committee for Overseas Chinese Students," the preparatory work for the school, and receive the former "National Aerospace Fujian" the transfer of school buildings and teaching equipment. December that year, Jimei Chinese tutorial schools began to receive the first batch of returned overseas students `school started in late December. 1954, 910 students in the same year, college admission rate of 75%. 1955 and 1960, college admission rates were 80% and 98%. According to statistics, from January 1954 to the official opening was forced to close down in November 1971, Overseas School of Jimei dozen years has organized 354 courses, training a total of overseas Chinese students 1, 9432 people.
  1957, by the Overseas Committee agreed that initiatives run by Tan Kah Kee "Qiaoshu tutorial school children" was established and entrusted Jimei Chinese students to be responsible and do tutorial schools. August 1957 the school official enrollment, Qiaoshu the first batch of 727 students enrolled. Placement because the school received in 1960 a large number of returned overseas students in Indonesia, the task, inadequate use of school premises, Qiaoshu tutorial school children suspended.
  1960 "Cultural Revolution" began, Jimei Chinese tutorial schools forced to close. The end of 1971, the school was forced to close down. Smashing of the "Gang of Four" after the policy of the CPC Central Committee reiterated the Party's Overseas, the State Council decided to re-do Jinan University, Guangzhou, Overseas Chinese University and Jimei school tuition of two Chinese students. June 1978, the Education Bureau of Fujian Province, Fujian Qiaoban Jimei Chinese students held re-organized conference tutorial schools. September 1978, Jimei, Xiamen Overseas Chinese students in the establishment of tutorial schools Preparatory Leading Group Office Complex. Occupied the premises, borrowed some of Jimei school premises use. December 1978 enrollment began to re-run. December 1981, the school moved back to the original school site Jimei overseas.
  In 1982, the State Council approved an additional "Jimei Chinese Language and Culture School", the admission of overseas Chinese, Chinese children to learn Chinese language school, located one-year Mandarin Chinese language classes and two-year Training Course. In addition, overseas students undertaking summer camps, training courses and other Chinese teachers. Re-run from 1978 to 1991, the school pre-university recruiting overseas students in 951 classes, 1383 students who Qiaoshu, 419 foreign students in Chinese classes, all kinds of Course, Course 643, 272 overseas Chinese teachers, summer camps, total of 3862 people. Together with the "Cultural Revolution" in front of alumni total 2, 3294 people.
  Overseas Chinese in order to meet the needs of the development of education, improve school level, in February 1997, the State Council decided Qiaoban Overseas School of Jimei University of the organized into Chinese, the establishment of Huaqiao University (Jimei) Chinese Education Center, owned by leading Chinese universities. In 1999, the center upgraded to Huaqiao University, Jimei Chinese Language School, 2002 University changed its name to Overseas Chinese University. Since then, school construction has entered a new phase, form, professional _set_tings, disciplines, and the number of students in school teaching, research, construction and other aspects of hardware and software development leap.
  Overseas Chinese from Jimei University, overseas Chinese and Chinese-language tutorial schools College - Overseas School of Jimei through the splendid five years.
  Fiftieth birthday of the Chinese Institute of Huaqiao University
  In October, Tan Kwai fragrance, branches hanging fruit, rice yellow ridge is very hearty harvest.
  Chinese Institute of Huaqiao University (Jimei Chinese student tutorial schools) have gone through a solid walking half a century, ushered her fiftieth anniversary.
  Fifty years ago, the Chinese leader Tan Kah Kee has been in the more seventies, when the new China, start-up period, a hundred good to give, Full-scale reconstruction is under way, Mr Tan Kah Kee has the same excitement with young people, commissioned by the central government, Zhu, holding a stick, deterred in with Xiamen Jimei a town across the water, the sea slowly rolling a piece of terrain slopes, long I stood and crabs Dayton effectively slam the ground rod ... ... soon, this land who tide, massive construction projects, new Since the founding of China overseas Chinese back to the motherland to study the characteristics of established schools - Jimei tutorial school students born overseas.
  Hillside overlooking the school, Mr. Tan Kah Kee's ingenuity in his unique, local conditions, the exquisite design of construction in the school. Campus architecture is a typical "Jiageng style" buildings, Chinese and Western, magnificent and elegant. It was red brick arches standing on a large volume corridors, you can Jimu Yunfan little sea, and the roof is the most distinctive orange roofs Taiwanese, blue sky bright sun, blinding light, the heavy touch of warm, aged years, the number of overseas students simmering heat of the heart.
  A birth of the baby, after five years, by the immature to mature; a sacred great cause, after five decades, has from the start to ZTE. Under the care of leaders at all levels, under the care of the many alumni, Chinese University of gold ushered in the cause of take-off period, the subject construction booming, the campus renovated, beautiful scenery and charming southern. When the birthday Jiaqing, all alumni of his alma mater, Recruitment, toast; colleagues gathered at the seminar of Chinese education, temper forward. After the event, will the cause of Chinese education in another situation.
  We congratulate the Chinese Institute of flowers, with impressive results in the past,
  We wish her singing and a more brilliant future.
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Xiamen campus
华侨大学 厦门校区
  About Campus
  Huaqiao University campus is located by the United Nations Habitat Award for the best sea garden city ---- Xiamen, Fujian Province of China Special Economic Zone gate Comprehensive Teaching Building Campus, Jimei, Xiamen City Cultural District, Jimei District is well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader's hometown of Tan Kah Kee, He funded the construction of the dump Jimei seated here. Here is rich in flavor and atmosphere of the traditional humanistic education, is a famous scenic spots, beautiful scenery and pleasant weather, elegant environment, convenient transportation, is an important gateway and out of Xiamen Island, the campus location in good condition, Tianmashan north, south Xinglin Bay, the mountain surface water, the environment pleasant. And the planning and construction of the Xiamen Bay Horticultural Exposition and Xinglin center in close proximity.
  Building Huaqiao University campus, the State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the University for further play the role of the State Overseas work made a major decision, the University is to develop Chinese language education overseas, and expanding foreign enrollment, improve school educational level, do a better job "as Overseas Services ", the strategic plan. Xiamen campus land area of ​​1,320,000 square meters total, with a total planned construction area of ​​600,000 square meters, with a total investment of 1.6 billion, of which the first phase of the project construction area of ​​30 square meters, total investment of 830 million. 2010 full-time students in general education to 1.5 million. November 7, 2004, officially commenced construction of the Xiamen campus, in October 2006, the Xiamen campus officially opened.
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UW alumni
华侨大学 华大校友网
华侨大学 华大校友网
华侨大学 华大校友网
华侨大学 华大校友网
  Chinese University Alumni Association
  Chinese university students from home and abroad, the school 44 years ago, Chinese universities to train graduates from all over the nearly 6 million people at home and abroad, of which 3.2 million people overseas alumni. Alumni Association established the school and the benefit of overseas Chinese, compatriots of Hong Kong's extensive contacts will help alumni at home and abroad, help each other, and this is a long-term aspirations of tens of thousands of overseas alumni.
  Alumni Association in China, driven by the Alumni Association also has _set_ up all over, as of now, Huaqiao University alumni have been _set_ up around the 18 alumni chapters. Among them, there are outside Thailand, Hong Kong and Macau. In addition, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, New Zealand, the United States, Singapore and other regional alumni, and some will always contact with the alma mater, and some are in the pipeline how to organize alumni activities.
  Overseas Chinese University in its development, with the majority of the positive role of alumni are inseparable. In particular, November 2, 1985 "Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association," Since the founding of schools and further strengthen links between alumni, the majority of alumni scattered five continents, but the emotional ties to his alma mater, love China, to fully promote the "patriotism and love of town, love the school "spirit, in promoting cultural exchange, development of friendly relations between me and promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland and Hong Kong and Macao return to strengthen the alumni to assist in recruiting students, building to his alma mater and other donors made an indelible contribution.
  Chinese University Alumni Association was established over 20 years, a lot of work, for the unity of alumni, alumni to achieve the purpose of mobilizing the enthusiasm of alumni, for the people, good for the community service and contribution to make to launch the construction of schools and alumni concerned about the development and concerned about the alumni, for alumni to solve problems in the area, have played a good role.
  1, to strengthen the domestic and foreign alumni, alumni established a link between alumni and alma mater, and bridges.
  2, to help alumni, for their problems.
  3, at home and abroad to publicize the stories of alumni.
  4, actively cooperate with the school and the board, well outside the Enrollment of publicity and reception.
  5, to assist the school board to launch alumni donations, to support school construction.
  Past president of Huaqiao University
  Name start date as the date of his final Liao 1960/101983/6/10 Note 1 (death) was born in Tokyo, Japan, 2 Wei Que 1964/41970/1 Okubo, Vice President, on behalf of the principal 1983/101988/8 Ye Fei was born in the Philippines 2 , founding will be 3 million 1988/81993/8 Jue Chen was born in the country of Indonesia 4 Zhuangshan Yu Wu Chengye 1999/122008/12/10 1993/81999/125 returned to Beijing from Taiwan to the mother's current president 6 Qiu Jin 2008/12/10 , the former vice president of Xi'an Jiaotong University
  Board of directors of the Fifth Overseas Chinese University (now this term)
  (As of January 4, 2008)
  First, the chairman of the board
  Song】 【late
  Second, Vice Chairman
  Wang Xiang Wang Chao Kong today Ze Peng Xudong Liang Xu Lianjie Chong Kee Ting
  Qun Hua Wucheng industry Lucio Tan Tan Siu Lin Ho Albert Hung Chao Wang Yifu
  Chen Jinjiang Zheng Lizhong Zheng Jin Cheng Road, Xi Shi Zaiqing of Shi Liang Xu Gang Overseas
  WONG Kong】 【late late】 【Yang Zhi
  Third, the Secretary-General
  WU industry (and)
  Fourth, the Deputy Secretary-General
  CHEN Zhong Chen Jinjiang l (part) Juwei Jiang Tong Chi Kin Choy So-yuk
  V. Directors
  DING Zhi Stephen TING Leung Huel Dingsi Jiang Mayou Li Fang Xiaorong Fan-Zhuangdengzhongmian
  Lu Bin either side Lvzhen million Lvzhen Craig Ling Zhuang Shanchun Zhuangshan Yu Chuang
  Li Long Yang Liu Huijiang For Xi Cho Yee Lee Fen Libi onions LI Ji Health
  Yang Sun-Yang Qiqiu Prof Wu Duanjing new Wangqiong Nan Chien Chiu quarter ended
  Zhang Yongqing Chen Chen Jiang Chen Chengxiu the significant and Dr. Chen Jin Chen Henry Chen
  Chenzhan Yuan Kun Wang Plaza, Lam Man Chan LIN Yu Lin Tang Lin Minglin with spring training
  Luo Jin Cheng Lin Lin Shuzhe water are being examined Henry HU Kebo Cheng Zheng Zhou Yingnan
  World Zhushijiahua Shi Yao Zhisheng Yaorong Hui Luo Zhihong Xu Songhua high Indus
  Guoquan Qiang Huang Huang Chenghui Wong Leung in Huangshuang An Zeng Min Witte
  Miao Xie Wensheng Lai Qinghui Caiyong Liang Tsung Tsai Wei-Ngan In Leng Yan Jin PROF
  Dai Xiaofeng Wei Wei
  Sixth, Honorary Director
  Wang Jing-Qian Zhao Lin as one group of state Feng Huang Qiao Xing Tang
  Wong Po-yan Liang Piyun Chuang Shih Ping, who stars as the late】 【late】 【Xu Simin
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association around
  Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association of the Tenth list of management board of supervisors
  December 9, 2007
  Past President, Chairman: Xie Wensheng, Wang Qiongnan, Pangeng Fu, Wang Qin Yin, Pik-onion
  The current president: Zeng Min Li
  Vice President: Miss Las peak Zhang Renzhong Xubi Zhen Wei-kuo Lin Song Developing Region
  Jack Lo Cai Libin Zheng Songyan
  Secretary-General: Song Chunrong
  Deputy Secretary-General: Lin Song Guonai Zhen Lin Xiuqing
  Board of Supervisors: Wang Qiongnan
  Deputy Chief Supervisor: Zhen Cai Chi-hui Wang You-bao Zhu Yuzhen Lin Zijian Wu Jianhong Prohibition Dominican Hou
  Quqing Xiang Guo Hailin Liu Zirong Pan Qiuhua
  Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association
  Address: No. 552 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Ma Building, fifth floor of the front seat
  Tel: (00852) -27838795
  Fax: 27839946
  Website: http://www.hqu.org.hk
  E-mail: info@hqu.org.hk
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association of the ninth board member
  Chairman: Yang Zhirong
  Vice Chairman: Yan Yi Heng, Tang Weijie, Lu Yuquan, Zhang Nian Island, Huangwei Yang, Wu Xiaoling, Chen Yaohui,
  Laiwen Wei, Chen Weihua
  Secretary: Yan Yi Heng (Chief)
  Deputy Secretary-General: Li Huixian, Huang Guanwei
  Ninth General Assembly
  Chairman: Huang Shixing
  Vice Chairman: Yu Guisheng, Feng Jiahui
  Ninth Board of Supervisors
  Board of Supervisors: Chen Haojun
  Deputy Chief Supervisor: Yan Yijia, Huang Suqiong
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association
  Address: Tai Wo Road, Monroe, management-based First International Commercial Centre, No. 600, 20th Floor, Room 2001
  Tel: (00853) 28702291
  Fax: (00 853) 28706799
  E-mail: aauhqm1983@yahoo.com.hk
  Bangkok, Thailand, Chinese University Alumni Association Board List
  President: Zeng Zhen Ji
  Vice President: Chen Bida, Guoshao Kang, Zhou Liyun
  Secretary General: Peter Chan
  Secretary: Lin Hong, LI Rong-hua, Yu Xiulan, Fu Hyosung, Lin Meiyu Lai light silver, Li Shu-Jiao, Jiang Hua, Wu Xian group
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association in Bangkok, Thailand
  Address: Lat Road, Bangkok, Thailand, Pakistan bad numbers 227
  Tel :00662 -5860853-6 9123575-7687
  Fax :00662 -9123575-7655
  E-MAIL: yongqing@hotmail.com
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association of the first Council of Indonesia
  (December 18, 2004 Surabaya, Indonesia)
  Chairman: Chung-Min Deng
  Executive Chairman: Zhang Lanying
  Vice-Chairman: Chen Pingzhi
  Secretary General: Chen Jing U.S.
  General Treasurer: Yan Minjuan
  Address: Surabaya Malang City Music Hope Street, No. 85-89
  Tel: (62-31) 545-3333
  Fax: (62-31) 535-3034
  E-mail: jr.radjimin @ ramasari.com
  Chinese University Alumni Association of Malaysia (chips)
  苏耀 original
  Malaysia's Klang Chinese Independent School Teachers
  Address: CHUNG HUA INDEPENDENT HIGH SCH. 129, Jalan Kota Raja, 41000 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
  Tel: +6012-2908684
  Huaqiao University Alumni Association of the Fifth Council List
  March 11, 2007
  Consultant: Xie Baiqiu He Gengfeng Zheng Sui Yue Shu-business has Shuping
  Honorary President: Jiang Guowen
  President: Zeng Xiong
  Vice President: birthday red, in the view state, Chan Hon
  Secretary-General: (N)
  Deputy Secretary-General: Wu Chui Chu, Liu Liqing, Xiao Qing, Weiping
  Executive director: Zeng Xiong, Chen Zixuan, Xie Ying Xia, Chen Faqiang, Zhongmei Lun, Huang Juying, Cai Yuanji
  Years old Red, Dr Chan, Chan Oi Chu, Fang-mei Zhu, Ye Jinju, Wu Chui Chu, Liu Liqing
  Chen Jin Zhu, Xiao Qing, Yang Yi, and into the King states, Gong Xiaolong, Weiping, leaf Jiong
  Address: 64 West Road, Siming, Xiamen, Xiamen, Taiwan League, 5th Floor
  Tel :0592 -6037065 13806020594
  Hainan Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association and members of governing bodies
  Permanent Honorary President: Wong Lai-fu
  Honorary President: birthday red, Liu Jinsong, Xingxiang Yong, Chen Xu, Lin stars, Xingyi Wu, Zhao Jianping, Gao Hai, Liu Wei
  President: Pan Jiasen
  Vice President: Huang Hongyong
  Chairman: Jin Fu Ze
  Secretary-General: Fu Cheng professionals
  Tel: Pan Jiasen 13307590588
  Fourth Council of Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association list of Fuzhou
  Honorary President: FANG Xiao Qiu
  Consultant: Sun Shaozhen Li (female) Du Min (female)
  Honorary President: FANG Xiao Qiuwu Jun Heng Ma Yuan father-in-law You Zongxiang Zhao Haipeng
  President: Zhang Zhiping
  Vice President: ARID AREAS (female) Huang Zibo Jin Luo
  Vice President: Wong Ying Wu Tang Jiang Xiaobin Liu Jianwei Zhao Ruofei new high-growth method
  Lian Li wall (female) and military Fang Zhijian Wei
  Secretary General: Tang new (and)
  Deputy Secretary of Business Length: Linqiao Yan (female) Linjin Ying (female) Jinqiu Rong (female) Lin Hui
  Que Hua Shi Xian
  Board of Supervisors: Sun Li
  116 Wusi Road trip quarters 2-701 provinces
  Phone: 0591-7518479 (H)
  Quanzhou Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association Board List
  Chairman: Guo Jingren
  Vice President: Huang Hongbin, Zhuangzhen Wei, Yu Yinghua, Chen Wenguo, Wang Guomao
  Secretary General: Yu Ying Wa (concurrently)
  Advisor: Lin as one, Wang Fu, the Sha Lin Chuan, Chen Ji, Liu Enhui
  Quanzhou Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association
  Venue: the western part of North-chip Huai Street area after the Osaka Yuda Room C, 4 # -103
  Tel :0595 -22187900 0595-22666660 (mobile)
  The second session of the Shanghai Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association Board members
  (December 22, 2007)
  Honorary Chairman: Xie Wensheng
  Consultant: Pan Minqi, Yubo Hong, Wang Hui, Xu Xi
  President: Li Jing to
  Vice President: Yi Ji Liang, Jie, Huang rehabilitation, Li Li
  Secretary General: Wang Chien
  Deputy Secretary-General: Wu Bingwen, Zhang III, Xie scold
  129 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai Shanghai 10th Floor, Room 1011
  Li Jing to; 021-65558540 (H) 13641780540
  Guangzhou Huaqiao University Alumni Association
  President: Chen Yun algae
  Address: Guangzhou Huangpu Road 166, compound Petrochemical Engineering Vocational College, Guangzhou (Huangpu District)
  Phone :020 -8,212,273,113,922,261,093 (hand)
  E-mail: leonch@21cn.com
  Shenzhen Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association of the Third Council List
  (July 25, 2005)
  President: Tang Yi
  Vice President: Wu Xuedong, Xu Jing Rong, Wang Gang, Lin Fengying
  Board of Supervisors: Wang and Strong
  Secretary General: Xu Meisheng (8,410,928,813,502,844,698)
  Alumni site of Shenzhen: Shenzhen City, in the deep South, Choi B, 2705 Garden Road
  Tel :755-82996308
  Fax: 82995538
  Website: www.hqu-sz.com
  Chaozhou and Shantou Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association list of the first Council
  (February 3, 2006)
  President: Li Zhenyong
  Vice President: Wang Wei Su Weihui Huhao Bin Huang Yuntao Xu Xuwen
  Secretary General: Hu Haobin (concurrently)
  Tel: 013715899733
  Website: www.hqu-cs.org
  Guangxi Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association
  President: Kuo-Hua Chiu
  Address: Guangxi Province, the federation
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association of Jiangxi Province
  President: Tu Xuedong
  Address: Jiangxi Province, the federation
  Tel :0791 -6,265,861
  Hunan Chinese University Alumni Association
  President: Stayed U.S.
  Address: Chenzhou Municipal Government Foreign Affairs Office
  Tel :0735 -2,225,938
  Zhejiang Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association of the Second Council
  Honorary President: Zhang Song, Huang Binglie
  President: Xian-Fu Lin
  Vice President: Yubo Hong, Wang Xinhua, Zhang Yicheng, Weidun Kui, Zheng Boguang, Zhou Fangping
  Secretary: Wei Duikui (concurrently)
  Deputy Secretary-General: Yang Xiaojun, Gao Zhan Wang
  Director: Liu Guangming, Liu Qinghui, Yu Min (female), Miao Jianmin, Wu Hua (female), Chen Yi stove, Tian Huan,
  Xian-Fu Lin, Yu Bohong, Wang Xinhua, Zhang Yicheng, Weidun Kui, Zheng Boguang, Zhou Fangping, Wang Jinyong
  Address: 498 Stadium Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang to Jewelry Company
  Contact: Wei 0571-56363269,13868133309,85111349 / h, wei3309@vip.sina.com
  Website: www.zjhqu.com
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association of the fourth member of Sanming
  (August 2000)
  Vice President: Liu Sheng Chen Yan Ying open Zhong Zhihua Li Guozhao
  Secretary General: Hu Haiyue
  Deputy Secretary-General: Wang Tan Zhu Guoyong
  Venue: Lilac Village, Sanming City, 61 out the first floor of the East (within the federation of Sanming City)
  Tel :0598 -8,242,531
  Fax :0598 -8,224,769
  Zhangzhou Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association
  President: Feng Chunlu
  Address: Zhangzhou City, the federation will Xiangcheng District of Nanchang Road, Building C 404-405 Commodity City
  Tel :0596 -2,025,521
  Longyan Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association
  President: Zhang Xiaozhen
  Address: Longyan City, Fujian Longyan Road 20 military and civilian federation
  Tel :0597 -2,324,871
  Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association lions
  President: Hong-jin made
  Address: Shishi Municipal Public Security Bureau Legal Division
  Tel: 8899258 (Spirit)
  Jinjiang Overseas Chinese University Alumni Association
  President: Ya Wen
  Address: Town, Jinjiang Luo diamond warehouse side of the village Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. Jinjiang
  Tel :0595 -8,191,176
  Shanxi Chinese University Alumni Association (chips)
  The first session of the Council
  President: Hu jade Sun
  Vice President: Chen Wen Zheng Jie Niu Jianfeng Ma
  Secretary-General: Zheng Jie (concurrently)
  Director: Zhang Shuhao Xingyan Fen Drainage Li Xiaohua Tian Hai Gang Miao
  Mei Zhibin Zhang Jie Wen-Chao Yang Xiaojie Ma Yuling Zhang Xingui
  Contact Person: Zheng Jie: 13653406073 arjan@163.com
  Sun Hu Overall: 13264161156 ax009@sina.com
  Address: Shanxi Nan Ding Yuan Yingze A6 Floor, Times Tower (Zheng Jie)
  Correspondence School District in Taiyuan City in Shanxi Wanbailin station (Sun amber jade)
  【Some outstanding alumni (in alphabetical order)】
  Yu Bohong high-tech enterprise --- Shanghai Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. Friends of Vice President
  Chen Jiesheng Textile Association, vice president of Hong Kong, Kowloon, China-Hong Kong Alumni Association Honorary President, Managing Director of Star China Co., Ltd.
  Forest Plaza Beijing Real Estate Development Group chairman Yuanheng
  (UW positive add ah)
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Classification details
conservatoirewithin ghat
bound feet of a womantemple enshrining and worshipping Guan Yu and other famous generals in ancient China
the Faculty of Artsspringlet
a sport shoptroupe
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s StreetPlum Garden Garden
WisteriaBut different
External ChineseXIE Jun
uni- cartoonHo
deserted ChengzhiArchduchess Building
Wu Chengyesheet ahead
Camoes Tan Siu LinA food
Second, foodYang
Art Collegeeconomics tube the Faculty of Science
industry and commerce tube the Faculty of ScienceStudent Street
East StreetPlaying tin Street
CouncilSan Shi
Quanzhou School DistrictZijingyuan Garden
Tan Kah Kee Squarenine all the way
Xiamen School DistrictChina the Faculty of Arts
Information science And Engineering courtyardElectromechanical reach Automation College
Human culture And Common tube the Faculty of ScienceCoeducation Center
Acknowledge a college of educationGu Jiani
(surname) happyChen Rongren
one's native place Communityone's native place forum
allowance Lun Hengthe Chinese community University Chairman
Allowance WeibenZhang Jiabin
Yu-xiangChen Liwei
Wang Yi MinJinchuan Campaign Center
Great HallSmall hall
Chenjiageng Memorial HallTan Kah Kee Memorial Hall
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