dict : book titles : Literary Writing > Shuowen Jiezi (origin of Chinese Characters)
Shuo Wen Jie Zi
Author: Xu Shen
  "Dictionary" referred to as "the text says," is the first systematic analysis of Chinese characters and the etymology of the word elegant book. Xu Shen a, as in the construction of light Andi first year (121 years). The original fourteen, a Syrian head, body, mainly by Seal Script to close 9353 words, and classical, Zhou Wen and other variants with the text of 1163 words to explain the thirteen thousand words. In the popular book by channeling chaos in the stack, now quite different from the original book. First book, Radical layout method, followed the letter of the word for future generations. Book of ancient texts, ancient literature and ancient history of contribution to the great. Research in the Qing Dynasty, "said the text" has become specialized knowledge, it's there for dozens of note.
  "Dictionary" - basic information
  Title: "Dictionary" (the "Shuo Wen")
  Author: (Chinese) Xu Shen essays, (Song) Calibration Xu Xuan
  Publisher: Zhonghua Book Company
  Publishing time :2004-2-1
  Pages: 390
  "Dictionary" - Author
  Xu Shen Xu Shen (about 58 years - about 147 years), Zi Shu weight, Han Runan Shaoling (now in Henan Yancheng Xian) people, the "Five Warriors by Xu Shu Zhong" of appreciation. He is known by scientists Han, text scientists, linguists, is the pioneer of Chinese Characters. In AD 100 (Han Yong-yuan Dili ten year) the "Dictionary", is the first dictionary.
  House has served as Qiu Xu Shen Ji Jiu, where he studied classics master Jiakui. 21 years after his book into the "Dictionary", sum 540 radicals of Chinese characters. Xu Shen also with a "different meaning of the Five Classics", "explanations of Huainan Honglie" and other books, has been lost. Xu Jinjing said: Uncle severe, were cautious, Runan Shaoling people. Of pure Benedict, less erudite classics, often pushing Jingzhi Ma Rong, the language of the time people said: "" Five Classics "Hsu Shu Zhong unparalleled." Attack Cao for the county, held Xiaolian, then moved inter Xiao long. Died at home. Early, be careful of "Five Classics" legend rank different, so essays for "Five by objection." Yong Yuan Shi Youer years (100), before making the "Dictionary", order said: "In ancient package of Wangtian Xia Xi's also, saith the elephant in the day, overlooking the view of law in the land, as the birds Articles and to the wish of the last taken from the body, so before making the "easy" gossip, like to hang Constitution. and rope for the governance of Shennong system the event, Shu industry of its complex, decorated for the initiation. Huangdi of the positions Jie, see traces of distant hooves of animals and birds, can be known relative to other points of different reasons are, first made the book contract. "hundred public to qe, million products to detect, cover come from the husband," "Fu Yang Yu Ting." Man who made missionary Ming court of the king, a gentleman so Shi Lu, and the world, ranking Germany and the bogey as well. Changjei for the beginning of the book, covered by class of pictographic, so that the text. then shaped pan benefits, namely that the word . Man who of the images are; character who has made more than Ziru the Baptist. with all the books in the Bamboo and Silk, who like the book too. and until the Three Kings and Five Emperors of Shi, Gaiyi various body. sealed with seven persons in Taishan second generation, have the same extravagant Yan. "
  Construction light year (121), book into. Received nine thousand three hundred and fifty three words; heavy paper one thousand one hundred and sixty three, points in the five hundred and forty. Disease when the offer was published at the Emperor Qian Zi Chong. Death, burial Yancheng Xian Xu Ji Shi Township, Village East. Gao tomb has five feet ten, forty a diameter of eight feet. Local people said: "Japan will move a PCT, three feet long night." Absurd also, anything too get out of the mound. "Han" Chan said: "Sven has not hills, but also have bearing. Tu Do triage, specialized and Hing. Jing Shu Shu will, through Ae phase sign. Golden without, who clarified origin." To clear, the age of Zhong Ding months after the date of the magistrate, school official to the memorial tomb of Master Xu, line three call-in ceremony of kneeling. Forty six of Kangxi (1707), Yancheng Xian magistrate Wende Yu Li, "Hau Lim Hui Tomb of the public," the monument. Dynasty period (1875-1908), Yan Cheng Li Wang Fengsen magistrate, "Master Xu monument from the Temple worship." Thirty-seven years after the founding of New China (1985), Xu Shen of the first meeting, the legislature, "Xu Shen gravestone rehabilitation in mind." Shiyou Er Zhi Bai hundred and eighty strains, this deposit has three hundred and fifty, the March of the few also. Currently, Xu Shen shrine located in Yancheng District, Luohe Xu Shen Road, Luohe four high (former Yancheng a high, Provincial Yan in the) next.
  Chinese is the world's most ancient text, is the oldest hieroglyphics. Today, it is found that the ease of character entered into the computer, is the world unmatched by any kind of text, when people began to keen to study Chinese characters, the first thought of Xu Shen.
  "Dictionary" - Book Description
  "Dictionary", referred to as "the text says," is the first systematic analysis of the glyph and the etymology of the word elegant book. Text book included Zhuanwen received (ie Xiaozhuan), (Ancient wall in the book), Zhou Wen (Seal), or body, customs body. "Culture" refers to the overall pictographic ideogram, "word" refers to the guitar body shaped table with the table fit the sound of the word, so Xu Shen a "Dictionary" as the title, and their offspring are often referred to as "the text said" . Jian Xu Shen in Eastern Han Andi Light year (121) written. It laid the basis of ancient Chinese characters the book.
  The original fourteen, a Syrian target. The main body of the Xiaozhuan, received nine thousand three hundred and fifty words, but also other classical ﹑ Zhouwen weight paper one thousand one hundred and sixty different words, interpreting the word one hundred thirty-three thousand four hundred and forty. Spread in the book, many times from channeling chaos, now the school is determined by Xu Xuan Song, and many out of the original book, Xu Zhi heavy to articles will each be divided into upper and lower volumes in a total of thirty volumes, revenue nine thousand four hundred and thirty word, re-word the text one thousand two hundred seventy-nine, explain one hundred twenty-two thousand six hundred ninety-nine words. The book changed the week ﹑ Qinzhi Han compilation method of the book of words, word about the closing statement prepared for the four forms of ﹑ Seven Rhyme, the first arrangement of the radical method, divided into five hundred and forty. Hsu has summed up the former "Six" theory, creating a systematic approach to explain the text, to explain the meaning of words, sub-analysis of physical structure, and then explain the pronunciation. Shape analysis method, is not the letter of the word before. The filing of the ancient book of ancient literature and ancient history have a significant contribution to research. But that solution is also complex and subjective assumptions and superstitions, need to refer to bones ﹑ ﹑ stone wood simple validation of text discussions. "Said the text" This a great book, the struggle is generated by the school. New Text Classics and Classical Learning Han academic dispute is the most important areas of thought a debate. Qin previous books are used when the text written by the six countries, six countries, said Han language as a "classical" by the books written by classical as Classical. Qin Shi Huang for the needs of obscurantism, these ancient words written with "Poetry", "book" and other books burned. Western Han Dynasty, some older scholars dictated from memory the Pentateuch to the disciples, disciples down with the official script. Han official script is the text passage, saying "New Text", with New Text written by the book, called New Text. Have been discovered by the ancient text was written by the book. So that scholars in the Han New Text to be divided into the classical scholars and scribes. The difference between the two factions is not just based on the performance of classical studies and text in different versions, but more importantly showed how to make the classics of the feudal rule of service. New Text scholars of classics like far-fetched explanation for the spread superstition and science of divination; Ancient scribes stressed to read classics, and truly understand the essence of Confucianism, and Explanations of Things for this focus, attention to linguistic facts, more concise simplicity. Xu Shen belongs to the Classical School, he edited "the text says," is to use language as a weapon, and expand Classical Learning in the political and academic impact.
  "Dictionary" - Concept Development
  From a historical point of view
  1, the text originated early. Although the pottery unearthed there something like the early text, but what does it really belongs to the era, how to know, remains to be further study. Therefore, today can see the earliest records of systematic Chinese writing is Oracle. From the Oracle development to the text on the bronze inscriptions. Spring and Autumn period to the six so-called classical: early Zhou Wen Qin, money on the text, the text on the pottery and more. To the era of Qin Shi Huang, the Qin Zhou Wen simple as Xiao Zhuan. Then developed into official script, cursive, running, really the book (that is, regular script, is the book.)
  From the point of writing style
  Xu Shen monument to the development of character deformation and potential changes. Deformation of the shape has changed; potential change has changed the writing strokes. Deformation such as the Ancient Bronze with six very different
  , Xiaozhuan compared with the inscriptions, there has been a great change. Seal is a round pen mostly Xiaozhuan has been little change in official script changed dramatically, the round pen into a square pen. "Big," "Day" into a box shape from the circle. This development on the one hand about the complex tends to trade, simplification, such as the Seal, Zhou Wen to Xiaozhuan; the other hand can be seen by the monomer into a fit, with different phonetic radical become words. Tend to write about on the complex easy to reproduce on the word meaning from the shape to form the phonetic direction. Representative of the earliest pictures first, the image of the picture as a text becomes simplified pictograph. Also refers to things, "said the text" move "on" and "down" for example, because nothing can be like, so it means something. There knowing, knowing is generally fit, such as "phase", is composed of two independent synthesis of knowing. This method is sometimes the poor, was made to phonetic development therefore has shaped the direction of the sound. You You turn injection, under the guise of, together several previous six books. Explanatory, "Wen said Syria" talk "building class a, .. always test it." There are various different interpretations of their predecessors. More accurate is the Liu arch of the argument: "From the Meaning of Health figures that the transfer note, to the word photo number meaning that the pretext; with the tone _set_ words, that the transfer note in accordance with sound in mind the word that the pretext." Zhen, Duan speaking turn is the Mutual Notes
  , No, not the text Ziru each method of training. Defined in the Private legislation under the guise of not words, homonyms under the guise of, take a word, two different words. Transcription is the phonetic
  , The name is phonetic, so the meaning is shaped to form the phonetic direction. Word use, word polymorphic
  (Or body, the different wording of a word) slowly tend to fixed. Historically, the ancient words of the other characters present.
  Finals of evolution. Should first understand the sound, rhyme is a system (system), is not chaotic. A language of initials, finals, there are several sub-classes of the number; Finals with a regular, is the system. For example: Modern Chinese ordinary '.. some with iy (iy medial or rhyme) juxtaposition, not juxtaposition with the AO. Finals of evolution is some development in this change within the system. Or from the simple to the complex evolution, such as the ancient "end through the _set_," under certain conditions, the development of "knowledge Toru Cheng" and "according to wear bed." Or from complex and simple such as "blue" is to the mother and the "prison" is to see the mother, the ancient voice calls are consonant consonant clusters
  kl2. Why ancient consonant clusters? Such examples are not the individual. For example: "shu" from such sound. A word can have two pronunciations, such as the "rate" shuài, lǜ, the first two consonants, under certain conditions, the development of some preserved in front of consonants (such as "prison"), some preserved after the consonant (such as "Blue"). In addition to harmonic sound, the comparison from the Sino-Tibetan cognate can also be seen ancient consonant clusters. People do not agree with this. Fujian Dialect different. Due to political, economic, there are different times.
  Phonological system from the Chinese perspective of the development of voice
  Can be divided into several stages (p eriod): ancient, medieval, early modern, modern, modern. Ancient and can be divided into early (proto-Chinese), late (archaic Chinese). Time
  To some stretching before and after behalf, this is a trend. , For the ancient pre-Shang Ming, cross cultural relations in all aspects, Dialect differences gradually by the integration, tends to a not general. Should be classified in different stages of the history of Yuan and Qing is the sound of modern party There are ancient, and is one of the earliest Chinese language, the dialect but the difference is the ancient Zhou and Qin late; if more than the ancient Zhou and Qin Now for the modern. REN, the ancient Han Dynasty can be said to be the later. For the Middle Wei, Tang, Song for the Late Antiquity branch only. Some American scholars believe that the Min dialect of Chinese is not the same with the early
  , Have their own native language original of Min. Yue, Wu, then the north is the evolution from one of the early Chinese. Because a language can not be
  To compare just from the voice, depends on its grammar and vocabulary. Min Dialect is also a syllable language, not a lot of form (p hono log2
  ical) changes, grammatical structure is consistent with other Chinese dialects, tones can be related. Glossary of evidence for more, but some words if not the north. Between different ethnic groups and there are issues that affect each other, absorb some of the other national languages ​​vocabulary. Language development is also uneven, and some faster, some slower. Dialect development is staggered, and some consistency. The same is relative, not absolute. Entering the North, then in general no, but if there Shanxi Tone, tone is different, and some have five, six tones.
  In short, to build on the phonological evolution of two concepts: one is the different ancient and modern times, one side sounds different.
  The development of semantic
  The meaning of the text has the original meaning of a change in meaning. The original meaning of the text from the early form that reflected on the image is taken and what it represents meaning. Variable defined using the text in the table means that played by the development and changes. Change is multifaceted, escape, metaphors, by the righteousness of the original meaning changes in terms of meaning. Of semantics, can not be seen in isolation. First, look at the word in the earliest literature is how to tell the (the first appearance), some can not see from the shape alone. Second, we must root
  "Dictionary" - the main content
  "Dictionary" is the first great impact on future generations and a dictionary, but also China's first Chinese dictionary arranged by radicals. This book was written in Dili Yongyuan years (100), to build light Andi first year (121). Original has been lost. Spread to most of today's version of the Song Dynasty, or annotated version Duan Qing Dynasty. Original to Xiaozhuan writing, verbatim interpretation of the font source. Xu Shen writing, the dedicated to the Emperor Han'an. The book is divided into 540 radicals, to close the word 9353, while "heavy paper" that variant 1163, a total of 10,516 words.
  "Dictionary" Xu Shen explained the title:
  CJ is also the beginning for the book, covered by class of pictographic, so that the text. Subsequently shaped pan benefits, namely that of the word. Man those images of this; character who has made more than Ziru the Baptist.
  "Dictionary" Book Film (Pavilion Books Pingjin this)
  "Dictionary" of 15 volumes, including Volume 1 sequence present. Xu Shen in the "Dictionary" elaborated in the system of Chinese characters defined in the Private Law - Six.
  "Dictionary" is listed first Xiaozhuan the style, if different from classical and Zhou Wen, listed in the back. Then explain the meaning of the word, and then solid shape with the words or the relationship between pronunciation. "Dictionary" is arranged according to radicals in the body similar to the principle of similar meaning, or arranged.
  Xiao Zhuan as the main book to analyze the shape structure, depending on the radical, the separation for the 514, started the "one" part, and finally, "Hai" department. Where the radical or stroke font characters are attributed to a close, give the radical a first home. Arranged in the order of the Ministry and the Ministry of strokes and radicals in general to the physical structure is similar to the guidelines on the sequence of strokes with similar structures. Xu 514 part 14 books, not as a head end of this brochure and Syria, it is 15. The arrangement of each word in a three main principles:
  ① the meaning of the text in the application is good, good in front of the column are derogatory, bad columns in the back;
  ② are specifically within the terms of a column in front of the term belonging to the ordinary things listed in the back;
  ③ within a word, meaning a similar ordinal classes together in order to spider. Zhuanwen made under the first meaning of each, then made physical structure, or that the last time, if a.
  "Dictionary" - the value of contributions
  "Dictionary" is the first systematic analysis of Chinese characters and learn the source of the word elegant book is the most widely circulated Chinese language will be borrowed books.
  This book summarizes the Qin and Han literature results, to save the Chinese people's shape, sound and meaning, is the study of Oracle, inscriptions and ancient sound, and training essential to visit the bridge. In particular, "said the text" on the interpretation of the meaning of words generally save the most ancient meaning, the meaning of understanding of ancient books more helpful.
  "Said the text" outstanding contributions to the book can be summarized as the following four points:
  1. Xu Shen create radical is one of the great creation. Chinese characters are represented with physical meaning, therefore, to analyze Chinese Symbols, Chinese characters are all characters to be classified by their righteousness, which is the work of Chinese scientists, the work by Xu Shen was first completed. "Said Wen," was divided into 540, in addition to individual radicals can also be combined with the adjustment, in general, that are reasonable and are in line with created characters intent. Xu Shen in the arrangement of the order of 540 taken great pains to form rows with similar or similar, which is equal to 540 is divided into several categories, which can help readers gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of character, a more accurate understanding of the meaning of words. Each word belongs to the arrangement is not chaotic, but according to the principle of phase from class. Specifically, in three ways: First, words of similar meaning row together; second, meaning the top is the positive side, in the back row are negative; Third, the top edge of proper nouns, common nouns ranked behind. 540 Xu Shen created the word radical and an arrangement among the various methods, are learning from the perspective of the text, this method can reflect the arrangement of radicals and the radicals, the meaning between words link, which Law and later the word from the prosecution point of the segment and classified by the number of strokes is very different.
  4. Six of the characters. Before the Xu Shen, a basis for the Six CJ defined legends. Argue that the modern text, the book is the sixth rule summary Chinese Character, rather than before the birth of Chinese characters defined in the Private mode. Before the Xu Shen, only the name of the Six: pictographs, indicatives, knowing, shape the sound, turn injection, under the guise of, not specifically addressed, but not for large numbers of Chinese characters. Xu Shen's theory of the development of six books, six books clearly defined and put into practice six books, one by one analysis, "said Man," which included the 9353 Chinese characters, the history of the development and research in the history of Chinese characters has a carrying forward significance, thus establishing the character of the national style, national characteristics.
  "Dictionary" - its influence
  Two thousand years, "Dictionary" is the first text book on science is the most authoritative book, it's the name of Xu Shen and his descendants to read ancient masterpiece as to explore the ancient culture of classical must essential bridges and key.
  "Said the text" We Duan, "said the text" came later, and soon attracted the attention of scholars at that time, the classic often cited in the comment, "said Wen." Such as: Li Zheng Xuan Note III, Ying Shao, Jin Zhuo Note "Han", have invoked "the text says," to prove the meaning of words. "To the Northern and Southern Dynasties era, scholars have," said the text "has been more comprehensive understanding of the system. Provisions of the Tang Dynasty Imperial Examination to test, "said Wen." Since the Tang Dynasty, all the words book, phonology and exegetical notes in the book are based on the meaning of words, "said Wen."
  "Said the text" came later, researchers uprisings. Qing Dynasty is, "said the text" of the peak period. Qing study, "said Wen," the scholar no less than 200 people, including dozens of experts who claim to many. Qing Dynasty, "said the text" of science, can be divided into four categories: First, is the collation and research work, such as strict to all ", said Wen school discussion", the money goblets of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi BOOKS COLLATION AND STUDIES interpretation," and so on; Second, on, "said the text" to remedy, such as the home of the wide hole, "said Wen doubt suspect," Yu Yue's "children Shan Lu," and so on; the Third, "said the text" a comprehensive research, such as Duan's "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Note, "Gui Fu's" Shuo Wen Jie Zi Explanation ", Jun Zhu sound," said Wen Tong training given sound, "Wang Jun", said textual reading "; its four predecessors or contemporaries Supplements scholars," said the text " research works, such as Yan Fu's chapter, "said Wen proposed school meeting," Wang Shaolan ", said Wen Duan _set_ up" and so on. The third most important of which, the four also claimed that "the text says Four." Each of the past to keep neighbor Dingfu, "said Wen," the books and other deals, "said Wen," the writing and the Oracle, inscriptions of the material and the "Explanatory Shuo Wen Jie Zi", and then compiled as a collection of left Yat "Supplement" is the book notes of the pool.
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shuō wén jiě zì
说文解字 shuō wén jiě zì
说文解字 shuō wén jiě zì
  The earliest writings of the Chinese language. Han Xu Shen essays. Body 14, another Syrian-head Volume 1. Received word 9353, but also heavy text (classical, Zhou Wen variant) 1163, explaining 133 441 words, first radical scheduling method, according to the radical structure of Chinese characters is divided into 540. On seal to access the main, classical columns, Zhou Wen and other variant as the most important text. Per word 均按 "Six" (referring to things, pictographs, shaped the sound of knowing, transfer note, under the guise) of shape, Quan Yi explain words, identification tone. Retained a large number of ancient books written information on the study bones, stone and other ancient writing has high reference value. Future generations of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" works a lot, Duan Qing Dynasty "Annotation" the most intensive review
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说文解字 概况
说文解字 概况
  China's first dictionary is organized by radical Han Xu Shen - "Dictionary" (photocopy of photo Zhonghua "Dictionary")
  Brief introduction to "Dictionary", referred to as "said Wen." The writer is a scientist by the Eastern Han Dynasty, text scientist Xu Shen (dedicated to the Emperor Han'an). "Dictionary" written in the Han-Yong Yuan Dili years (100 years) to build light Andi first year (121 years).
  Xu Shen according to the text of the form, the creation of 540 radicals, to 9353 were included in 540 words. 540 Also, according to Department of Union merged to form 14 major categories. Text to the dictionary is divided into 14 categories according to these 14 articles, not as a head end of this brochure and Syria, book a total of 15. "Dictionary" of 15 volumes, including Volume 1 sequence present. Xu Shen in the "Dictionary" elaborated in the system of Chinese characters defined in the Private Law - Six.
  "Dictionary" is listed first Xiaozhuan the style, if different from classical and Zhou Wen, listed in the back. Then explain the meaning of the word, and then shaped with the words or to explain the relationship between pronunciation. "Dictionary" in the radical form similar arrangement is in accordance with the principle of similar meaning, or arranged.
  "Dictionary" words created a radical review of the precedent, later in the dictionary they use this approach. Duan said the book "the book had not the ancient, Xu Jun Zhisuo original."
  History for the "Dictionary" There are many scholars, the most flourishing of the Qing Dynasty. Duan's "Annotation", Jun Zhu sound, "said Wen Tong training given sound," Gui Fu's "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Explanation"; Wang Jun ", said Wen Illustrations," "said textual reading of" particular prepared respected, four also been known as the "Four said Wen."
  Character Is the proposed "pictographic", "means something", "knowing" "phonetic" "transfer note", "under the guise of" the so-called "Six" doctrine. And in the "Shuo Wen Jie Zi. Syria" in the "Six" to do a comprehensive, authoritative interpretation. Since then, the "Six" has become the school specifically.
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Definition of pictograms
说文解字 象形的定义
说文解字 象形的定义
说文解字 象形的定义
  Pictograms depicting the word refers to the objective outlined in an entity to express the meaning defined in the Private method in this way the characters are made, are visible to the general term referring to things like the. Such as "sun, moon, water, mountains," and so on. Xu Shen's explanation is: "pictographic who painted their property, with the body's long bend, sun and the moon is also."
  Pictograph categories: physical structure under way, can be divided into two categories: independent body pictographs, pictographic fit.
  Pictograph features: First, simplicity. Pictograph "painted their property" is not a painting, is the creation of written symbols, is write lyrics, depict an objective entity, only the outline profile, focus on simplicity of shape. The second is typical, that is, pay attention to highlight the typical characteristics of an objective entity, pictograph wrote the lyrics to enhance the difference between ideographic function.
  Pictograph limitations: Characters and pictographic is very difficult to be used to represent the intangible things like the abstract.
  Pictograms to mean something, knowing, shape the composition of the word sound basis.
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说文解字 作者简介
  Xu Shen (about 58 years - about 147 years), Zi Shu weight, Han Runan Shaoling (now in Henan Yancheng Xian) people, the "Five Warriors by Xu Shu Zhong" of appreciation. The Han Dynasty by the famous scientist, text scientists, linguists, is the pioneer of Chinese Characters.
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说文解字 详细介绍
  This book is the first systematic analysis of Chinese characters and learn the source of the word elegant book is the most widely circulated Chinese language will be borrowed books.
  "Dictionary", referred to as "that culture", edited by Han Xu Shen, is the first Chinese dictionary arranged according to radicals. As in the original 100 years to 121 years, is now lost, spread to most of today's version of the Song Dynasty, or annotated version Duan Qing Dynasty. Original to Xiaozhuan writing, verbatim interpretation of the font source, the book is divided into 540 radicals, to close the word 9353, while "heavy paper" that variant 1163, a total of 10,516 words.
  "Dictionary" summed up the Qin and Han literature results, we save the Chinese characters to form, sound and meaning, is the study of Oracle, inscriptions and ancient sound, and training essential to visit the bridge. In particular, "said the text" on the interpretation of the meaning of words generally save the most ancient meaning, the meaning of understanding of ancient books more helpful. The book on the Qin and Han Dynasty introduced throughout the country make it a dialect of ancient Chinese dialect to understand a reference book.
  Always on "Dictionary" version can be described as voluminous. Chang-rule book for the master copy edition, the use of literature handed down and unearthed documents, follow the "keep true and reliable, convenient and practical," the revision principle, the next glyph in each Xiaozhuan ordered out of Oracle, Jin, bamboo and silk paper, currency paper, stone, etc. materials to reflect the evolution of the unit sequence of characters representative of the shape, and marked with Chinese phonetic alphabet modern pronunciation of a Chinese character, easy comparison of the user. Accompanied by radical strokes Searching Searching tables and table sequencer, easy to readers to retrieve use.
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Title Source
说文解字 书名来源
  "Dictionary" Xu Shen explained the title:
  CJ is also the beginning for the book, covered by class of pictographic, so that the text. Subsequently shaped pan benefits, namely that of the word. Man those images of this; character who has made more than Ziru the Baptist.
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Modern version
  Shuo Wen Jie Zi
  Author: (Chinese) Xu Shen essays, (Song) Calibration Xu Xuan
  Publisher: Zhonghua Book Company
  Publication Date: 2004-2-1 words: Revision: 1 Pages: 390 Publisher: Folio: India times: Paper: ISBN: 9787101002607 Packing: Paperback book is the first systematic analysis of learning Chinese characters and sophisticated source word books, but also the most widely circulated books by the Chinese will.
  "Dictionary" summed up the Qin and Han literature results, we save the Chinese characters to form, sound and meaning, is the study of Oracle, inscriptions and ancient sound, and training essential to visit the bridge. In particular, "said the text" on the interpretation of the meaning of words generally save the most ancient meaning, the meaning of understanding of ancient books more helpful.
  Always on "Dictionary" version can be described as voluminous. Chang-rule book for the master copy edition, the use of literature handed down and unearthed documents, follow the "keep true and reliable, convenient and practical," the revision principle, the next glyph in each Xiaozhuan ordered out of Oracle, Jin, bamboo and silk paper, currency paper, stone, etc. materials to reflect the evolution of the unit sequence of characters representative of the shape, and marked with Chinese phonetic alphabet modern pronunciation of a Chinese character, easy comparison of the user. Accompanied by radical strokes Searching Searching tables and table sequencer, easy to readers to retrieve use.
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"How Reading" Shuo Wen Jie Zi> "
  杨润 Lu
  First, clear learning, "says the text," meaning
  "Chinese text of all laws, all reflected in the small seal script form, and that this is the text from the painting and then later as a final stage of the text inscriptions, which summarizes all of the development trend of Chinese characters, all laws, but also embodies the entire structure of Chinese characters spirit. "(Jiang Liangfu" Paleography, "59, of Zhejiang People's Publishing House 1984 version), it is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because" the text says, "After the Qin and Han Xiao Zhuan talent to understand, and thus identify the Shang Dynasty Oracle and the Shang and Zhou bronze inscriptions and the Warring States Period of Ancient.
  Use, "said Wen," Explanation of the basic Oracle inscriptions is "comparative method", that is, through literacy and non literacy has been compared to textual research of ancient glyph text. Interpretation of Bronze Song is from the "comparative method" began. "Because the text and Xiao Zhuan Zhou dynasty bronzes similar, so the interpretation of the Song of the text, the general number, and approximate, not control this most simple, is the starting point of Paleography. To this day, we met a new discovery the ancient text, the first step must investigate, "said the text", is almost certain formalities. "(Mr.Tanglan" Introduction to the ancient text, "an update of the 165-166, Qi Lu Press, 1981 edition)
  Explanation of the text in ancient times, the "Shuo Wen", with its seal or re-financing the text can be in control, then read on the conclusive interpretation of credibility. If it is, "said the text" is not the word, even if it has already recognized the radical structure of the ancient text, and even has its meaning can be determined, for example, is the names, places, or festival name, but the pronunciations of unknown, can not say that fully aware of the these words.
  If we say, not as good as Oracle Bronze Xiaozhuan better reflect intent of the original created characters, which is "the text says," the disadvantages, then the lack of a large number of Oracle inscriptions to do under the language of influential literature, and "the text said" the meaning of words that solutions The transfer from the ancient classics, which in turn is, "said the text" advantage. So, if difficult to explain an ancient word or words of the ancient Chinese, but also to "said the text" as the main basis.
  "Said Wen," The school is a foundation in the science, its philology, exegesis, phonology, lexicography, and cultural history, has played a significant position. It is especially close relationship with meaning. We explained the difficult words in ancient books can not do without reason, "said the text" because "the text said," Explanation is the original meaning of the word, but the original meaning is the meaning of the word to start. We understand the original meaning of the word to can learn more about the characteristics of the original meaning of meaning, and nothing under the guise of original meaning, and meaning. We know which word is the word, can then determine the interchangeable characters, and master the language usage of the past to present.
  Second, the preliminary understanding, "said the text" of the layout style
  "Dictionary" words tell the reader, this book by the "text" and "that understanding" of two parts. For the text part, we need to understand two issues: First, "said Man," which received the word, and second, how to schedule these words together.
  The reason why Xiao Zhuan Xu Shen closing words and notes, as the object of profound historical reasons. Xiao Zhuan is a system for sorting through the text, is "book with the text" of the product, Zhou Wen and classical than are standard, complete; because Xiaozhuan bodiless come from Zhou Wen, and Zhou Wen most of the same, different only in that Some words on the basis of the Zhouwen little simplification; because Xiaozhuan classical course and the six countries have different side, but also have the same side, stone out of soil in the classical Confucian classics and "said the text" in the Small Seal contrast, the same accounted for 35% (ZENG pass "by the classical three-body stone and <that the text> Classical co-card," containing "the text of the ancient" Di Qiji); so the small seal script as the first word that will cover the same classical and Xiao Zhuan and Zhou Wen. Xu Shen in "the text said Syria", he said: "Syria Zhuanwen this, combined with the ancient Zhou." Is the closing specified in the original character, not that important text. According to statistics, "said the text" the text of a specified classical 500 words succeed, there are 219 words specified Zhou Wen, Xu Shen can see far less than the classical and Zhou Wen. This is the same as the classical description and Xiao Zhuan, Zhou Wen decided minority.
  The two ("Wen said Syria", "Han Yi Wen") recorded in the light together, be sure, Xu Shen about the "where" CJ "The following fourteen, where five thousand three hundred and forty words," Han refers to the order of "Cangjie articles" (55) and Yang Xiong's "Compilation training articles" (34), a total of 14 articles, 89 chapters, each of 60 characters, is 5340 words. If coupled with Ban Gu's "continued training Compiling chapter" Chapter 13, 6120 a total of 102 words. At that time the six arts groups which can see the text books in this fifty-six probably within the range of thousands of words.
  Weight below the text listed in the CNS, no scheduling problems, and 9353 how different patterns of seal arrangement is indeed a problem. Chinese people in the process of long-term use of Chinese characters have a certain understanding of the segment. Xu Shen is on this basis, that "the Home Ministry were not phase hybrid toilet" ("Wen said Syria") arrangement of the principles of Chinese characters.
  Xu Shen form the structure by a large number of Chinese characters into the 540, into the system to create a "radical lettering Act."
  This is how the arrangement 540 up it? According to "Syria said after the text" is "to establish a special," "Bi finally Hai", "Miscellaneous and not more, according to Department of joint shape." 540 according to the "beginning of a final Hai" arrangement, the performance of Xu Shen's philosophy, which is due to time fashion, without demanding the ancients.
  "According to Department of joint-shaped" refers to the shape similar to the arrangements under the order.
  Radicals are also arranged in the "Class of phase from the" situation.
  Apart from "line, according to shape the UN" and "Class of phase from the" outside, radical order has no justification whatsoever for the situation in Bo. Southern Tang Xu Kai had special theory, "said Wen," "Ministry of Syria" ("said Wen, Department of Communication," XXXI), each trying to speak out of order are to be reasonable. In fact, the word law in the strict inspection before the advent of radical, radicals from the body regardless of the starting order, or proceeding from the sense, the inevitable uncertainty, we need not only demanding Xu Shen, do not force a experienced man.
  Every word out of them the order, is generally arranged according to meaning, the meaning of related words are aligned together. According to "Shuo Wen" out the word style, any overlap with the radical form and vice versa, are _set_ out in the end the Department, so the "cut", "Dan" or the word order was later reversed, or is benefit future generations with the words.
  Xu Shen's word for the arrangement of all ministries in some of the arrangements, but the inter-ministerial vary in content.
  Third, carefully understand, "said Wen" means that solutions
  "Said Wen" means the interpretation, or interpretation of the word word or words with the phrase interpretation. Release wording word exegesis on the known words in the training phase, also known as direct training. Above can be divided into four types of direct training. The first is interpreted as a word B word, and the B word is not explained by way of direct training. The second type is interpreted as a word B word, and the B word and interpreted as a word, which is called cross training on the exegesis. The third type is a word, B word, C word is the small word with the release, which exegesis on the release for the same training. The fourth type is interpreted as a word B word, the word B word interpreted as D, D word and interpreted as a word, which is described as the delivery of training in exegesis.
  Interpretation of the word in the word advantage is clear and concise, particularly in the ancient language of communication on the translation of dialects in particular is through interpretation of other methods can not match. "Said Wen," The intention is to pass the language into dialects. Training focuses on the interpretation of direct methods is difficult to easily release to this release old, in order to pass do not release, the Department of mutual joint Explanation synonymous relationship between the words, to be released showing the class the word belongs to the righteous. Direct training of the disadvantage is the lack of detailed analysis of Word failed to reveal the word connotation and extension of synonyms just to the same, not for their differences, can not make people understand the difference between synonyms.
  Explained by the phrase word, or word, meaning a few words to clarify the boundaries of the concept expressed in words to elaborate or define the meaning, interpretation of the ancient word meaning to this way of training under the justice sector is called. "Said the text" to the word under the definitions, concise, accurate and vivid, with the characteristics of modern dictionaries.
  "Said the text" For the number of weights and measures, the interpretation of kinship terms and the interpretation differed from today, this is because the same understanding of past and present. For other things, such as for animals, plants, insects, etc., Xu Shen despite the lack of modern academic knowledge, but also from life experiences that can be released in other words. Such as "Flea" is an insect, "Sparrow" is a bird, Xu Shen, respectively, according to their interpretation of the life habits of the "stagger people Collembola" and "according to one bird." In, "said the text" in the style often used to define this type of approach, that is, adding the name of the category appropriate to limit or modifiers. The Definition, on the one hand the characteristics of words can express the other hand, the word is also able to distinguish between the neighboring words. Type-style justice sector, "said the text" in a large proportion. Some adjectives synonymous with good interaction without proper training, but there is a corresponding opposite, they are often used negative language for comment. Such as "false" to "not true", "the drought" interpreted as "do not rain." This not only save trouble and understand. "Said Wen," sometimes the word to describe, say solution than the status of style. In the "Shuo Wen", for real, for the act or state, can describe or than the situation, as the narrative for the history and geography, but also a description, such as the interpretation of "House" the narrative "Zhou", released "The River "The Origin and when the narrative flow of the Yellow River.
  Wang Li of "Wen said," under the meaning of Definition Jiezi defined by the square summarized into five, namely: the natural definition, are not in demand by the anti-knowledge is, describe, give an example situation. ("Ideal dictionary", in "fast-worm and carved Collected Works" Volume No. 350, Zhonghua Book Company, 1980 Edition)
  Focus from the interpretation of the word means, there is direct training and justice sector to the other; from the interpretation of the word purpose in mind, a sense and sound training of the training points. If the interpretation of words designed to explain the meaning of the word, which is defined training. If the interpretation of words designed to explain the source of meaning, that the word _select_ion and interpretation of the sounds are training through the cognate word meaning for the word or the main precepts of Explanations, which is sound training. Justice can choose to direct training and training justice sector approach, as mentioned above, sound can also choose to direct training and training and the way of justice sector.
  Explanation above is to be released word that the etymology of the word, pushed by the previous call. In another case, is to use a phrase or a sentence or two words for the solution to be released, and that solution is explained in terms of the language specified in the source. Such as "Han" interpreted as "well wall also" This is the interpretation of meaning, and that solution in the "wall" character and was released the word "Korea" in the ancient sound of both alliteration and stack rhyme (both belong to greet the mother and Yuan), the significance is also interlinked , so this is actually Xu Shen is "wall" interpretation "Korean" in the source language. When we put under the justice sector was released on Phonetic word for word called the main precepts of Explanations. Reading, "said Wen" take special care to find out that the main solution precepts. Are the main commandments to easily let go, that solution can only be considered read a coat; identify the main precepts, be considered to understand the essence of that solution. The True Meaning of the main precepts are, most of the key solutions in that position, as long as both sound and meaning from being released to go and compare the word is not hard to find. Take the example above, the "Fiji" interpreted as "each culture", "text" is the main precepts. "Marry" interpreted as "take the women also," "take" is the main precepts. "Boom" interpreted as "water Chaozong the sea", "North Korea" is the main precepts. "Tick" interpreted as "the humble woman who has", "base" is the main precepts. The main precepts of natural aptly points out the etymology of the word is released.
  Sometimes, "says Wen," said one solution using both direct training and two forms of justice sector, and purpose is to explain the source language. Such as the "media", explained as "seek also", and then explain the "second last name is also seeking cooperation"; "mountain" interpreted as "propaganda also", and then explain the "propaganda gas scattered all things." Sometimes, "said the text" First description of meaning, and then discusses the origin of its name.
  In modern ordinary language word dictionary not to explain the source, this task by specialized etymological dictionaries bear, and the traditional exegesis is both righteous and training also includes voice training. Although the sound of training can not be regarded as strictly etymological discussion, but it reflects the ancient people of the meaning of the etymology of the interpretation of some is desirable, we read, "said the text" when should devote themselves to appreciate, the appropriate choice.
  "Said Wen," Analysis of a _set_ of stylized language of shaped structure, in short, more use of the pictograph "pictograms", "as a form", "as certain of the form," "from one, like so and so" "From a certain, as certain of the form" these words.
  "Said the text" in addition to specifying "on" and "down" the word to mean something other than what the other word that means the solution of the said term solution with the pictograph language similar large, multi-use "pictograms", "like certain "," like the shape of a certain "," from a, like the shape of a certain "other language. Term solutions rather special to say is "from a, a," for example: "Ben, Kinoshita said this. From wood, one in his next." ("Wood Ministry") "at the end, the end of wood on the said . from the wood, on which one. "(" wood Ministry ") that solution of a" one "means something symbolic.
  "Said the text" For knowing that the word most frequently used solution is "from one, from a," "from so and so", "from a", "from so and so" ; for the province to use the word form "from the province, from a" "from one, from the province," these words. "Said the text" in the vast majority of allogeneic Associative combining two Italian experience, where "from so and so" and "from so and so" the form of tonal written.
  "Said the text" for the sound of words that form solutions, multi-use "from one, a voice," "from a from a, one has the sound," "from so and so, one has the sound", "from the province, a sound" , "from a, a provincial voice" and other terms. Phonogram and more as a form of sound, "from one, a voice" is the form most commonly in the form of sound words. "Also sound" sound of the word is displayed next to the source function of phonetic language word and the ancients referred to as knowing the sound or phonetic form and agree. "From the province, a sound", said solution is next to be omitted form the form of sound words. "From a, a provincial voice", said solution has been omitted is the phonetic form of sound words.
  "Said Wen," explains pronunciation of the second way is if the match with Reading Pronunciation of the Han Dynasty. If we can not invent tangential Xu Shen alive, when the status of phonetic method using the analogy, some with the word to be sound, some with phonetic slang, and some phonetic dialect, some with as word, phrase phonetic, and others to justice clear sound. The status of law in the Sound by analogy with the time most of the "read if one", sometimes also a "read with a the same" argument.
  Xu Shen of "Wen said," Confucius said many references, Master said Han Fei, Jia Shi Zhong (Jiakui) said that Liu Xiang said, Turin, said Yang Xiong said Simaxiangru said Tan, saying, officials said Pu Wang sterile solution that is shaped, meaning, pronunciation, so that 'CASINO Walter, as big or small, faith and there is evidence "(" the text said Syria "), for some text-shaped sound and meaning unclear, it marked a "Que" is used.
  Finally, we talk about, "said the text" comment three special format. The first joint release Lianmianci. For Rhymed words, "said the text" would constitute a Rhymed words to explain that the word together. This shows that Xu Shen has initially been the concept of the word. Second, "even the seal is released." "Said Wen," notes the positive seal is the object, but sometimes a second seal is used both as the annotated word, but also as a comment character, keep up the word tonal note paper. For example: "from the yellow warehouse Geng", "the reference, business stars also", to read as "from the yellow, positions G", "the reference provider, star of it." Originally, "says Wen," received the word out of each is attached a seal Clerical, and later _delete_d the official script, but also seal the same mistake with the first being that Jiezi also _delete_d, this has led to this difficult style. The third is "To address the complex sentence." "Said Wen," the interpretation of the text is usually a word, a phrase or word, but there are two words, two phrases, we call this style is called "To address the complex sentence." "Said the text" in the spreading process, some of the "interpretation of complex sentences," the middle of the word "also" be _delete_d, so that solutions become opaque, if the fill word "also" to restore as "To address the complex sentence "Explanations were excluded on the. For example: "search, Yi (also) Reason too." ("Inch Division") "standard, the tip of (also) at the end too." ("Wood Department") after the above mentioned two issues related to the collation. Ancient books in the spreading process, whether handwritten or engraved version, have caused some corruption. If we can well appreciate, "said Wen" said the disintegration of patients, consciously revised corruption, not only can greatly improve the level of our study, and to cultivate the spirit of our rigorous scholarship.
  Fourth, a deep understanding, "said the text" of the interpretation principles
  "Said the text" is a dictionary of ancient text, which in accordance with the requirements of science to explain the original meaning of the text, and strive to achieve both unity, namely: the unity of form and meaning, the unity of words and language. The so-called unity of form and meaning, is that "the text said" a comprehensive analysis of Xiao Zhuan configuration system, according to the original meaning of the text font to explain. The so-called unity of words and language, is that "the text says," The interpretation is the language directly from the general out of the literature, the language is consistent with the literature.
  The ancients said: "The book promised to be in the clear text of the original meaning of it." (Jiang Yuan "Syria after Annotation") called the original meaning of the text that is reflected in the shape of the word meaning the one hand it reflects the recognition of the initial text The Characters and intentions, on the other hand is indeed in the ancient books were used meaning.
  Xiao Zhuan shape reflects the meaning of the text made, ancient books, use cases reflect the real meaning of the word in, "said the text" in the two most consistent, but there are inconsistencies.
  As a result this is due to make meaning of text and the real meaning of the word there is a certain contradiction. Although Italy is made based on real meaning, but it sometimes just is real meaning of the concrete, figurative description of the language used in the real meaning to generalize, abstract much. Because "the text says," must closely integrate the shape that Jiezi justice, limited to only use a very simple style and the words of Explanation, so inevitably yield to create meaning. We understand, "said the text" interpretation of this training, only need to remove the image of the specific factors that should be further generalization can be made to the word meaning and the real meaning of the word line up.
  The stick-shaped, "said Wen," also explains the meaning of making precise enough, even when the tortuous ridiculous.
  Overall, though, "said Wen," Explanation for the meaning of some problems, but most of the literature is the interpretation of language as a basis, is credible. "Said Wen," though not consciously under each word are quoted in the documentary evidence, but this is not to say these words do not document the under Explanation.
  As "the text said" the vast majority of Explanation is done according to the literature, so the interpretation of the meaning of words shape the interpretation of reliability than the larger. Often the case, "said the text" to explain the wrong shape, but the interpretation and good.
  We say, "said the text" Explanation of the vast majority of the literature based on, can superstition is not to say, "said Wen." As the limitations of the times, "said the text" language data can only be taken from the Zhou and Qin Dynasties literature, but the text received by the late week, as well as the Han Dynasty Qin font comprehensive exchange. As for Oracle, because the excavated late, Xu Shen, of course no way to see, is also seen very few inscriptions. These have limited his vision, in writing, "said the text" the fallacy of the missing and the Office can not be avoided.
  We should read, "said Wen," insisted form and meaning the principle of unity, we must first understand and master the Xiaozhuan the configuration system and the Six theories, in addition to pay attention to learning some ancient words of knowledge, absorbing the ancient text of the research results, to supplement and correct "said Wen."
  We should read, "said Wen," insisted "that the text" and the principle of combining literature and master the ancient concept of "the character test through to examination by the word" exegetical method (Miss Chan "Annotation Postscript" .)
  We must learn to use, "said Wen," read the material to solve problems encountered in the literature, a more accurate interpretation of deeper meaning, which is the "Word on by."
  Fifth, gradually master, "said the text" conformation of systems
  Stage of development to the small seal script characters, the structure has been completely symbolic, which prominently reflected in the fit word. In Oracle, the picture of strong Associative (Mr.Tanglan called as Italy, Jiang Liangfu called something like), to the small seal script, or be split up into a sound with meaning, respectively, the components and then reassembled, or abandoned The other characters do not sound shape. The configuration is characterized by the word "matter painting, according to form," that is shaped according to meaning than the way of knowing were to invent a word. The strong word pictures, symbols, and poor; strong integrity, analytical poor; in the words inside, seamless, in between words, the overall lack of contact. This method is defined in the Private primary, and it is low in the. To Xiaozhuan, not only has been completely abandoned, "according to things painted form" defined in the Private mode, but also the Chinese character system already exists in this character has been transformed. From Oracle to the small seal script, this picture of compound characters by strengthening the symbolic, to strengthen analytical and transform the grounds of the synthesis of Associative text elements. This is a situation. Another case is the shape of Oracle a more thorough transformation, change knowing words Phonogram. "Droplets, Ho, team, caught the words" This is the case.
  Structure of Chinese characters to the Small Seal has formed a complete shaping of the scientific system. Xu Shen's analysis of this system through integrated, embodied in "the text says," the segment and said among the solutions. We need to understand the word Xiaozhuan Department, first of all should, "said the text" 540 radicals start to study and grasp the universal law of Xiaozhuan configuration. This is more than two-thirds of 540 radical body of the text alone, but also the Department of text elements Xiaozhuan words, nearly one-third of the word radical is the fit can be further decomposed into a number of text elements. "Said Wen," The reason to include the fit with a lot of experience preferred word as radical, because "the text says," follow the principles of philology, to go by the Ministry of the meaning of the word.
  "Said the text" segment from points not from the joint, as long as the body to another, even if exactly the same meaning, but also into different radicals.
  This principle is undoubtedly correct. However, the arrest in the form Xu Shen also inappropriate when the segment. Also share is too trivial, the text component is less than the case of stroke as a radical.
  "Said the text" segment is based on the meaning of words so radical under the mark "Where a case are from one of the" 540 basically adhere to this principle, but also from the chaotic circumstances of their cases.
  In, "said the text" conformation of systems, physical capital of each department, there are sound, there is meaning, each word component has a shape, a sound, a meaning of the word which marks the Xiaozhuan Department has developed a rigorous, the stereotypes the scientific system. It is noteworthy that, in the Xiaozhuan word lines, and sometimes less than the strokes of text elements and text elements form the same. Such as "one" in this form, as a text component, a number that represents the smallest positive integer, read yi1. Is also "one" in this form, does not mean that if the smallest positive integer, then it is less than the text component of the stroke. Xu Shen is basically these two areas separated. Look at that solution the following: For the independent body pictograph, Xu Shen and sometimes also from the perspective of orthography to explain shape. This form is only for Xiao Zhuan, as long as we carefully control what font is not difficult to understand Xiao Zhuan Xu Shen's intention. Some people who engage in philology, actually under which Xu Shen denounced the lack of basic common sense. This is really a bit dumbfounding. We are not superstitious, "said the text", but said before people should be respected and respect the cultural heritage, "there will certainly be used to Hsu's say that and then obtaining the split is the" (Dai, "replied Mr. Jiang Shenxiu of primary school book")
  In recent years, "said the text" System configuration achieved gratifying results. Beijing Normal University, Professor Wang Ning presided over the completion of the "" Wen said, "Small Seal Department of the word," one of the important part is the "geometric" and "shape-bit generation method" of. The so-called shape and position, refers to the "isolation from the Chinese character system, too satisfied with it and can generate new characters and features intended to make the smallest difference between the Shape Function object." It is the fabric of basic building block of Chinese characters.
  After a preliminary order and summarized, they figured out Xiaozhuan shape and position of all the word lines, a total of 284 (284 of them into a shape-bit, non-shaped bit 62)
  On, "said Wen," Small Seal of the Department of the word to learn for us, "said the text" conformation of the system will be of great help.
  Sixth, learn the integrated use of, "said the text" information
  "Said the text" is a dictionary search for people, the same is for people to read have a theory of language learning system works. Reading "the text said," you in the mastery, to make comprehensive use of the book dealing with form, sound and meaning of various data. This includes: First, utilization, "said the text" is that under the solution and seal the side to see that solution, and second, utilization, "said Wen" is Explanation Explanation of words and characters, making full use of the three, "said Wen "The heavy paper, the differences cited by the article and the readers. To achieve the integrated use of the most basic task is to scattered form, sound and meaning information eleven line up together, see each other, some of which data to be together, copy books in the seal head.
  Take the word for attribution, "said the text" by the fashion of the Han Dynasty, a specialist in the interpretation of meaning of these words, the inevitably cynical. But the word fit in the analysis of language related to the word meaning attribution, some very insightful ideas.
  Next to that solution is very valuable to see, and some can be corrected under the seal of the fallacy of that solution, as in the example above; others can say the seal that the role of complementary solutions.
  "Said the text" next to see that solution is important: first, because, "said the text" Some explanation is wrong under seal, while the next is very insightful to see that solution; second, because, "said the text" is limited to style, in the positive Fragrance can only be explained under the meaning of the word, and next to see that solutions can be explained by the etymology of the word meaning, meaning, and even under the guise of righteousness; third is made fit for use when the word elements is not necessarily intended to take the original meaning of the word, so Another solution for that. The following supplementary one example, shows how to use, "said the text" next to see that solution out under the guise of.
  "Said Wen," he spoke of the word structure means sometimes taking analogy approach stresses "a certain and a agreed." Duan said: "Where the words of a person with a consent, all meaning that the shape is similar to those." ("Annotation" "workers" under the word that solution) we read, "Wen said," when intended to make these institutions were the same bundle of lines linked up word, so see each other, from a comparative in-depth understanding of relationship between form and meaning of these words.
  Here we talk about how the utilization, "said Wen" is Explanation Explanation of words and characters. Generally speaking, reading, "said Wen," is to pass the word to learn is Explanation Explanation words, but sometimes bad Explanation grasp the meaning the word has been training very clear interpretation of the word's meaning. At this time, we may reverse, words by being understanding of Explanations Explanation words.
  "Said Man," 9353 is the word seal is released by training, which has also done a lot of words Explanation words. If we do Explanation of these words the information is reproduced in the book are seal head can be cross-references, will help us more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the significance of positive seal.
  "Said the text" There are 1163 heavy paper, read "the text says," must not be ignored when these data. "Said the text" in the sound of many provinces, the provincial form of the word is doubtful, if not the province of heavy paper, then the sound of the word of the province, the provincial shaped to no doubt. Through "the text said" heavy paper, can learn to simplify the text, shaped the sound development trend. It can be seen, "said the text" in the text of the historic weight, not static. We can understand the differentiation of re-writing the text of the Ziru situation and use the word change. The classical heavy paper, Zhou Wen Oracle for our reading Bronze, and then correct the seal of corruption is that solutions of the glyph and extremely helpful.
  The paper also bears heavy rich voice material. Qing Qian Daxin prove "no light lip ancient", "retroflex category is said every credible" to a large number of citations of the different phonetic text characters. Tonal composition due to different phonetic variant, called the initials previous exchange, exegetical home exchange through the initials to communicate the fact that links sound and meaning clues, find the word defined in the Private time pass by.
  "Said Wen," cited as the classic 1083 documentary evidence, for these materials should also be noted that the composite application. On the one hand to pay attention to "said the text" the text cited to compare different scriptures, on the other should pay attention to "said the text" verses cited with the current comparison of classical texts. From this, through "the text said" the differences cited by the article we can see through false understanding that the meaning of words into the muddy, properly Interpretation of the ancient great help.
  VII, note that absorb the results of previous studies
  Reading Duan pay attention to several issues. Note that the first question is to see how Duan revision, "said the text" pass the the corruption. Duan very good at school books, he one hand, the size of Xu, "says the text" as the master copy, see the many ancient, of "the text said" rigorous collation; the other hand, according to "Shuo Wen" Orders to permit the book book, right and wrong in this decision today. Although the collation Duan also too confident, almost arbitrary places, but overall, revised, "said the text" Biography of the many errors, for us to correctly understand the text very helpful.
  Duan read the second issue to note is how to see Duan Explanation, "said the text" of the style. Legend ancient books of unknown words, but in fact see a unified style. Duan Xu Shen books for all kinds of regulations, writing the will, together, they were able to send in any comments from the cases described in detail. For such as these, "said the text" style of note in the segment note in a total of as many as fifty or sixty, for the times we read, "said the text" There is a great inspiration and guidance.
  Reading Duan third issue to note is that to see how Duan, "said Wen" exegetical notes and groups throughout the book up, elucidate each other. "Said Wen" Explanation by the membership are mostly based on exegetical came. The original 1083 book illustration, Duan added a lot of examples to inquire, "said the text" basis. Duan reference material widely, from the Qin to the Tang and Song dynasties, almost all of the important ancient books are studied under to. Name just two cases of the following: This "test by the word to the word by the test," the exegetical method, enabling "said Wen" exegetical notes and book groups complement each other, not only helps us understand, "said Wen," and help increase our level of reading ancient Chinese.
  Read the fourth paragraph note to note a problem is to see how clear the meaning Duan. This includes the following 10 aspects: First, that the original meaning, the second is that meaning, third, that under the guise of justice, fourth, meaning that different ancient and modern, five are synonymous with discrimination, saying that six is the words and dialect words, seven are Analysis of the word name things, is that cognates eight, nine is a morpheme meaning of discrimination, ten is that the characters past to present.
  Duan also has some disadvantages, such as: collation is too self-confident, sometimes in the absence of sufficient evidence of tampering, "said the text"; rigidly adhere to the word, the "Wen said," to say that solutions to the words with the word; subject to material limitations sometimes biased, "said the text" error. But in general, leisure does not cover Yu, in "the text says," Among all the comments, Duan pushed for the highest public house. Wang Nian Sun in "Annotation order" in the acclaimed Duan, after that since Xu Shen, "Qianqi years for no more carry." Recent, "said the text" famous ZHANG, Kan is also very respected Duan. Mr. Lu Zongda respect for teachers from teaching, life, read up to 9 times Duan (According to Luk surface below).
  Learning, "said the text" In addition to the help section of note, but also note that absorb all the other family research. And "Annotation" with as "the text said," Four, there Gui Fu's "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Explanation", Wang Yun's, "said textual reading", "Wen said a Case", Jun Zhu sound "said Wen Tong training given voice." Gui Fu's "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Explanation" and the biggest advantage is that material wealth, the history of a sub_set_ of the all-encompassing, from which we can look through old books in the example. Wang Jun ", said textual reading of" the popularity of books as a beginner to writing the book to _delete_ the use of lift fan and Duan Gui Fu and two notes, and add their own experiences. Wang Yun research, "said the text" of the main results are reflected in "the text said a Case" in the. Book for understanding, "said the text" style, meaning study of high reference value. Jun Zhu sound, "said Wen Tong training given sound," strictly speaking, does not comment, "said the text" of the book, the writing of the will is to elaborate on the text, phonology, exegetical point of view. The so-called "Shuo Wen" is commented on in the small sense, from the shape, is about pictographs, specified thing, knowing, shape the sound. The so-called "General Training", talking about the transfer note, under the guise of. Jun Zhu extended a transfer note to sound, the definition to "turn commentator, the body does not transform, as quoted by the Italian phase, so long is it." To pass off as a pretext to define the words "under the guise of those who, without the intention of this, according to the word sound care, friends come of it." The so-called "statutory declaration" is specified in the text classification by rhyme, disrupting 540, integrated phonetic system of sound symbols may 1137, induction into rhyme 18. 18's name from "Book of Changes" Guaming. Breaking book, "said Wen," specifically about the original meaning of patterns, not only explain the text of the form, and meaning of words through interpretation of training, meaning the system described to determine the tone of each word in the ancient system of phonological status, is a unique with the characteristics of a good book. Other, "said the text" There are a lot of work. For example: special analysis, "said Wen" Tonal phonetic system works, there Yaowen Tian's "Wen said sound system"; specialized research, "said Wen," received the word of the book, there Zheng Zhen, "said Wen Yi word"; special research, "said the text" between the various versions of the book, there is Tao Shen, "said the ancient text of the test," and so on. _Set_, "said the text" Notes and the culmination of research, is the neighbor Ting Fu-20 in the late 30 century early codification of the "Explanatory Shuo Wen Jie Zi" and "Explanatory Supplement." "Said Wen," the latest note of this, is Mr. Zhang Shunhui published in 1981, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi about Notes." This book combines the results of previous studies, the use of a number of inscriptions and other ancient writing Oracle data, "said the text" Learning a new development.
  Finally, we talk about learning, "said the text" How should the results of absorption Paleography. "Said the text" Learning and Paleography a very close relationship, the two complement each other, complement each other. Paleography need help, "said the text" to Explanation unearthed ancient text. Study and research, "Wen said," people need the help of ancient science research results to the text being printed and corrected, "said Wen." Mr. Lu Zongda his graduate studies in directing, "said Wen," attaches great importance to guide the students when the self-study of ancient text. He asked students to prepare a few of the big Xu, "said the text", which have a designed to compare Oracle, Jin and Xiao Zhuan shape. Graduate students under the "ancient writing class code" (clever series, Zhonghua Book Company, published in 1980), "Chinese ancient text font table" (Xu Shu editor, Sichuan Dictionary Press, published in 1981), and "Oracle Code", "Bronze Inscription", etc. ancient writing books, to have now been finalized, Oracle, Jin Xiao Zhuan depict the book in the corresponding head or between the lines. If the configuration of Oracle Inscriptions in doubt, go to Search "Oracle character _set_ release" (Lee Hyo _set_ting a quota above)) and the "Explanatory supplement Bronze" (perimeter method high-editor). Doing so, both through "the text says," Learning the Oracle inscriptions, but also promoted the use of inscriptions on Oracle, "said the text" in-depth understanding, it can be said, is double-edged sword. Here we focus on examples of learning for learning Paleography, "said the text" help.
  The shape change or correct the limitations of thinking and understanding, "said the text" on the shape of a considerable part of the wrong word, for example, provincial sound words, Duan pointed out: "Hsu made the book sound more suspicious province who take a radical, not contains whole word, the word refers to a province of. "(" Annotation "" crying, "the word, said that solution)
  Bronze corrected using Oracle, "said the text" is on the one hand, on the other hand can prove, "said the text", to deepen our understanding of the Department of Xiaozhuan word.
  Unearthed ancient writing materials used to correct, India is, "said the text" of the glyph just use one aspect of the ancient writing material. Can also inscriptions, inscriptions and other material excavated from the ancient text, "said Wen," added example.
  In recent decades, the ancient philology has made substantial progress, often found in underground excavations, often learning the ancient text material and provides a new interpretation of the new test object, all for "the text said" the development of science has a direct or indirect boost. So we learn, "said the text", the need to look _ is more open, not scorn, "said the text" and do not stick, "said the text" should be bold and be good at absorbing the results of Paleography, to enrich and develop, "said Man "study.
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