汉语 》 说文解字 Shuo Wen Jie Zi 》
许慎 Xu Shen
说文解字 卷一 说文解字 卷一 说文解字 卷一 说文解字 卷一 说文解字 卷一
《说文解字》简称《说文》,是中国第一部系统地分析汉字字形和考究字源的字书。许慎著,成于安帝建光元年(121年)。原书十四篇,叙目一篇,正文以小篆为主,收9353字,又古文、籀文等异体同文1163字,解释十三万余字。此书在流传中叠经窜乱,今本与原书颇有出入。本书首创部首编排法,为后世字书所沿用。本书对古文字、古文献和古史的研究贡献极大。在清代研究《说文》成为专门学问,给它作注的就有数十家 。
《说文解字》 - 基本资料
作者:(汉)许慎 撰,(宋)徐铉 校定
《说文解字》 - 作者简介
许慎曾担任太尉府祭酒,师从经学大师贾逵。他历经21年著成的《说文解字》,归纳出了汉字540个部首。许慎另著有《五经异义》、《淮南鸿烈解诂》等书,已失传。许锦晶曰: 叔重者,名慎,汝南召陵人也。性纯笃,少博学经籍,马融常推敬之,时人为之语曰:“ 《五经》无双许叔重。”为郡攻曺,举孝廉,再迁除洨长。卒于家。初,慎以《五经》传说臧否不同,于是撰为《五经异议》。永元十有二年(100),始作《说文解字》,序曰:“古者包羲氏之王天下也,仰则观象于天,俯则观法于地,视鸟兽之文与地之宜,近取诸身,于是始作《易》八卦,以垂宪象。及神农氏结绳为治而统其事,庶业其繁,饰为萌生。黄帝之使仓颉,见鸟兽蹄远之迹,知分理之可相别异也,初造书契。“百公以乂,万品以察,盖取诸夫”,“夫扬于王庭”。言文者宣教朙化于王者朝廷,君子所以施禄及天下,居德则忌也。仓颉之初作书,盖依类象形,故谓之文。其后形声相益,即谓之字。文者,物象之本也;字者,言孳乳而浸多也。著于竹帛诸之书,书者如也。以迄五帝三王之卋,改易诸体。封于泰山者七有二代,靡有同焉。”
《说文解字》 - 图书介绍
原书十四篇﹐叙目一篇。正文以小篆为主﹐收九千三百五十三字﹐又古文﹑籀文等异体重文一千一百六十三字﹐解说十三万三千四百四十一字。该书在流传中﹐屡经窜乱﹐今本为宋徐铉所校定﹐与原书颇多出入﹐徐氏以篇帙繁重﹐将每篇分为上下二卷﹐共三十卷﹐收九千四百三十一字﹐重文一千二百七十九字﹐解说十二万二千六百九十九字。该书改变了周﹑秦至汉的字书的编纂方法﹐即将所收字编为四言﹑七言韵语的形式﹐首创了部首编排法﹐分为五百四十部。许氏又总结了以前的“六书”理论﹐开创了有系统地解释文字的方法﹐先解释字义﹐次剖析形体构造﹐再说明读音。剖析字形的方法﹐是以前字书所未有的。该书对古文字﹑古文献和古史的研究都有重大的贡献。但说解中也杂有主观臆断和迷信成份﹐需要参照甲骨﹑金石﹑竹木简的文字研讨审定。《说文》这样一部巨著,是在经学斗争中产生的。今文经学与古文经学之争是汉代学术思想领域中最重要的一场论争。秦以前的典籍都是用六国时文字写的,汉代称六国 文字为“古文”,用古文书写的经书称为古文经。秦始皇出于愚民政策的需要,把这些用古文字写成的《诗》 、《书》等典籍付之一炬。西汉初年,一些老年儒生凭记忆把五经口授给弟子,弟子用隶书记下来。隶书是汉代通行的文字,称“今文”,用今文书写的经书,称今文经。后来陆续发现用古文字写的经书。 这样在汉代经学家中就分成了今文经学家和古文经学家。两派的区别不只是表现为所依据的经学版本和文字不同,更主要的表现为怎样使经学为封建统治服务上。今文经学家喜欢对经书作牵强附会的解释和宣扬迷信的谶纬之学;古文经学家则强调读懂经典,真正理解儒学精髓,为此侧重名物训诂,重视语言事实,比较简明质朴。许慎属于古文经学派,他编著《说文》是要以语言文字为武器,扩大古文经学在政治上和学术上的影响。
《说文》早期传本不得而知,有记载最早刊刻者是唐代李阳冰,他在代宗大历年间 刊定《说文》,但其中掺杂李氏臆说颇多。该书现存的版本以徐铉校定的宋刊本为最早﹐ 《四部丛刊》初编及《续古逸丛刊》有影印本。其次是徐锴的《说文解字系传》 ﹐有宋刊残本及影宋钞本﹐《四部丛刊》初编二次印本中有影印本。 南唐徐铉、徐锴兄弟二人精研《说文》,徐锴的《说文解字系传》是第一种《说文》注本,成书于南唐末年,世称小徐本,徐锴对 李阳冰谬说多有匡正。徐铉于宋太宗雍熙年间奉旨校定《说文》,世称大徐本。另外, 今尚存有唐写本《说文》木部残卷一卷,仅188字。清人研治《说文》,多以大徐本为基础,同时参校小徐本。大小徐本今天均有中华书局影印本。
《说文解字》 - 概念发展
1,文字起源很早。尽管出土的陶器上也有像很早的文字的东西 ,但它究竟属于什么时代 ,怎么去认识 ,还有待深入研究。因此 ,今日所能见到的最早的有系统的记录汉语的文字是甲骨文。从甲骨文发展到铜器上的文字即金文。到了春秋战国时期有所谓六国古文 :秦早期的籀文、货币上的文字、陶器上的文字等等。到了秦始皇时代 ,简易了秦的籀文 ,成为小篆。再发展成隶书、草书、行书、真书 (即楷书、正书 )。
许慎纪念碑汉字的发展有形变和势变。形变即字形有了改变 ;势变即书写的笔画有了变化。形变如金文跟六国古文相差很远
,小篆跟金文相比又有了很大变化。篆书是圆笔居多 ,小篆已有点变化 ,隶书变化很大 ,把圆笔改成方笔。“大”、“日” ,字形由圆的变成方块。这种发展一方面由繁复趋于约易 ,简单化 ,如由大篆、籀文到小篆 ;另一方面又可看到由单体变为合体 ,加上不同偏旁则成为形声字。书写上由繁复趋于约易 ,字的繁衍上由形以表义向表音方向发展。最早先有图画代表形象 ,作为文字把图画简化而成为象形字。还有指事 ,《说文》举“上”、“下”为例 ,因为无物可象 ,所以有指事。又有会意 ,会意一般是合体的 ,如“相” ,是由两个独体合成的会意。此法还是有时而穷的 ,遂向表音方向发展 因此有了形声。又有转注、假借 ,合前几种为六书。转注 ,《说文·叙》讲“建类一首 ,..考老是也”。前人有各种不同的理解。比较准确的是刘台拱的讲法 :“从一义生数字谓之转注 ,以一字摄数义谓之假借 ;随音立字 ,谓之转注 ,依音记字谓之假借。 ”戴震、段玉裁讲转注是互训
,非也 ,互训不是文字孳乳的方法。假借以不造字立字 ,同音假借 ,拿一个字代表两个不同的语词。转注是表音的
,假借更是表音的 ,因此说是形以表义向表音方向发展。文字使用上 ,一字多形
(或体 ,一个字的不同写法 )慢慢趋向固定。从历史上看 ,有古字今字之别。
声韵的演变。首先应理解声、韵是一个系统 (system ) ,不是杂乱无章的。一种语言里声母、韵母各分多少类是有数的 ;声韵的结合是有规律的 ,是系统的。比如 :现代汉语普‘..一定跟 iy (或有 iy介音的韵 )相拼 ,不跟 AO相拼。声韵的演变就是在这一系统内部有些发展改变。演变或者由简而繁 ,比如古代的“端透定”在一定条件下发展为“知彻澄”和“照穿床”。或者由繁而简 比如“蓝”是来母 而“监”是见母 ,古代有复辅音声母 通话语音
kl2。为什么说古代有复辅音 ?这样的事例不是个别的。比如 :“恕”从如声。一个字也可以有两个读音 ,比如“率” shuài、lǜ,最早为两个辅音 ,在一定条件下 ,发展为有的保留了前面的辅音 (如“监” ),有的保留了后辅音 (如“蓝” )。除谐声外 ,从汉藏语同源词比较也可看出古有复辅音。人们不同意这种说法。闽、方音有不同。因政治、经济、时代有不同。
可以分成几个阶段 (p eriod):上古、中古、近古、近代、现代。上古又可以分成前期 (proto-Chinese)、后期 (archaic Chinese)。时
代前后亦有伸缩 致,这是一个发展趋势。,商代为上古前期 明、文化各方面交错的关系,方音由分歧而逐渐融合,趋于一不要笼统。,都应在历史上划分不同的阶段元、清是近代方音自古有之,而汉语是有一个最早的母语的,方言不过是其不同,周秦即为上古后期 ;若周秦以上为上古 ,现在为现代。研究任,则汉代也可说是上古的后期。魏晋南北朝为中古 ,唐、宋为近古分支而已。有些美国学者认为闽语跟早期汉语不是一回事
单从语音来比较 ,还要看它的语法、词汇。闽语也是音节语言 ,没有很多的形态 (p hono log2
ical)变化 ,语法结构跟其他汉语方言基本一致 ,声调也可以对应。词汇上的证据就更多了 ,不过有些词汇北方话没有。这里面有不同民族往来时互相影响的问题 ,吸收一些别的民族语言的词汇。语言发展也是不平衡的 ,有的快一些 ,有的慢一些。方言的发展是交错的 ,有的趋于一致。一致也是相对的 ,不是绝对的。北方话一般无入声 ,但山西话还有入声 ,声调也不同 ,有的有五个、六个声调。
总之 ,关于声韵演变要建立两个观念 :一个是古今时代的不同 ,一个是方音的不同。
文字的意义有本义 ,有变义。本义指从早期文字形体上所反映出来的取像及其所代表的词义。变义指使用文字在表意方面所起的发展变化。变化又是多方面的,转义、比喻义、借义都是对本义而言的变义。研究语义 ,不能孤立地看。第一 ,要看这个词在最早的文献里是怎么讲的 (the first appearance),有的不能单从字形来看。第二 ,要根
据这个字 (词)处于一定的句子中的意思来定 ,不是仅仅单凭古老的字书 (训诂书 )来看的 ,训诂书讲的不一定是这个字的全面的意思 ,或是在某个句子中的意思。例如《尔雅·释诂》第一条 :“初、哉、首、基、肇、祖、元、胎、亻叔、落、权、舆 ,始也。 ”这些字是不是都当开始讲?其实开始只是核心 (kernel)的意思 ,事实上用处不一样 ,所指的方面也不一样 ,要把语词放到具体的句子中来看它是什么意思才行。就语言的总体来说 ,形音义三者是联系在一起的 ,要研究语言 ,就不能偏于一隅 ,要把事物的各方面联系起来观察分析 (古今 ,形音义 ),所谓“观其会通”、“好学深思”、“心知其意”就是要联系起来观察分析。同时也要了解历史的发展 ,所谓“探本求源”、“明其原委” 。
《说文解字》 - 主要内容
《说文解字》 - 价值贡献
1.建立部首是许慎的重大创造之一。汉字是凭借形体来表示意义的,因此,对汉 字义符加以分析,把所有汉字都按所属义符加以归类,这是汉字学家的工作,这项工作, 由许慎最先完成了。《说文》一共分540部,除了个别部首还可以合并与调整外,从总 体上说都是合理的,都符合造字意图。许慎在安排540部的次序上煞费苦心,把形体相 近或相似的排在一起,这等于把540部又分成若干大类,这可以帮助读者更深刻地理解 义符,更正确地理解字义。 每部所属的字的排列也不是杂乱无章的,而是依据以类相从的原则。具体说来有三 种情况:其一,词义相近的字排在一起;其二,词义属于积极的排在前边,属于消极的 排在后边;其三,专有名词排在前边,普通名词排在后边。 许慎创造的540部首和一部之中各个字的排列方法,都是从文字学角度出发的,这 种排列方法更能体现部首与部首、字与字之间的意义联系,这与后世从检字法角度的分 部和按笔画多少分类迥然不同。
2.训释本义。许慎之前的经学家为经典作注,都是随文而释,所注释的字(词) 义,基本上是这个字在一定语言环境中的具体意义和灵活意义。许慎在《说文》中紧紧 抓住字的本义,并且只讲本义(由于历史的局限,个别字的本义讲得不对),这无疑等 于抓住了词义的核心问题,因为一切引申义、比喻义等都是以本义为出发点的,掌握了 本义,就能够以简驭繁,可以推知引申意义,解决一系列有关词义的问题。 此外,许慎在训释本义时,常常增加描写和叙述的语言,使读者加深对本义的理解, 扩大读者的知识面,丰富本义的内涵和外延。
3.对汉字形音义三方面分析。许慎在每个字下,首先训释词义,然后对字形构造 进行分析,如果是形声字,在分析字形时就指示了读音,如果是非形声字,则常常用读 若、读与某同等方式指示读音。汉字是属于表义系统文字,是由最初的图画文字演变而 来的,这样通过字形分析来确定、证实字义完全符合汉民族语言文字的一般规律。而语 音是语言的物质外壳,文字不过是记录语言的符号,许慎深知“音义相依”、“义傅于 音”的原则,所以在《说文》中非常重视音义关系,常常以声音线索来说明字义的由来, 这为后世训诂学者提供了因声求义的原则。
4.以六书分析汉字。在许慎之前,有仓颉依据六书造字的传说。现代文字学家认为,六书是对汉字造字规律的总结,而不是汉字产生之前的造字模式。在许慎之前,仅有六书的名称:象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借,没有具体阐述,更没有用来大 量地分析汉字。许慎发展了六书理论,明确地为六书下定义,并把六书用于实践,逐一 分析《说文》所收录的9353个汉字,这在汉字发展史和研究史上有着承前启后、继往开 来的重要意义,从而确立了汉字研究的民族风格、民族特色。
《说文解字》 - 后世影响
“说文”大家段玉裁 《说文》问世以后,很快就引起当时学者的重视,在注释经典时常常引证《说文》。 如:郑玄注三礼,应劭、晋灼注《汉书》,都曾援引《说文》以证字义。《到了南北朝时代,学者们对《说文》已经有了比较完整、系统的认识。唐代科举考试规定要考《说文》。自唐代以后,一切字书、韵书及注释书中的字义训诂都依据《说文》。
《说文》问世以后,研究者蜂起。清代是《说文》研究的高峰时期。清代研究《说文》的学者不下200人,其中称得上专家的有数十人之多。清代《说文》之学,可分为四类:其一,是校勘和考证工作,如严可均的《说文校议》 、钱坫的《说文解字斠诠》等;其二,对《说文》进行匡正,如孔广居的《说文疑疑》 、俞樾的《儿笘录》等;其三,对《说文》的全面研究,如段玉裁的《说文解字注》、桂馥的《说文解字义证》、朱骏声的《说文通训定声》、 王筠的《说文句读》 ;其四,订补前人或同时代学者关于 《说文》研究的著作,如严章福的《说文校议议》、王绍兰的《说文段注订补》等。其中第三种最为重要,这四人也并称“说文四大家”。近人丁福保持以往各家研究《说文》的专著和其他论及《说文》的著述以及甲骨文、金文的材料汇集为《说文解字诂林》 ,后又搜集遗逸编为《补遗》,是该书注释的总汇。
《说文》是中国语言学史上第一部分析字形、说解字义、辨识声读的字典。同时,它创立了汉民族风格的语言学——文献语言学,《说文》 就是文献语言学的莫基之作。《说文》 对传统语言学的形成和发展有巨大影响,后世所说的文字、音韵、训诂之字,大体不出 《说文》所涉及的范围,而《说文》本身则形成一个专门学科。《说文》完整而系统地 保存了小篆和部分籀文,是国人认识更古文字——甲骨文和金文的桥梁;《说文》的训 解更是国人今天注释古书、整理古籍的重要依据。所以《说文》在今天仍有巨大的学术 价值和应用价值。
"Dictionary" referred to as "the text says," is the first systematic analysis of Chinese characters and the etymology of the word elegant book. Xu Shen a, as in the construction of light Andi first year (121 years). The original fourteen, a Syrian head, body, mainly by Seal Script to close 9353 words, and classical, Zhou Wen and other variants with the text of 1163 words to explain the thirteen thousand words. In the popular book by channeling chaos in the stack, now quite different from the original book. First book, Radical layout method, followed the letter of the word for future generations. Book of ancient texts, ancient literature and ancient history of contribution to the great. Research in the Qing Dynasty, "said the text" has become specialized knowledge, it's there for dozens of note.
"Dictionary" - basic information
Title: "Dictionary" (the "Shuo Wen")
Author: (Chinese) Xu Shen essays, (Song) Calibration Xu Xuan
Publisher: Zhonghua Book Company
Publishing time :2004-2-1
Pages: 390
"Dictionary" - Author
Xu Shen Xu Shen (about 58 years - about 147 years), Zi Shu weight, Han Runan Shaoling (now in Henan Yancheng Xian) people, the "Five Warriors by Xu Shu Zhong" of appreciation. He is known by scientists Han, text scientists, linguists, is the pioneer of Chinese Characters. In AD 100 (Han Yong-yuan Dili ten year) the "Dictionary", is the first dictionary.
House has served as Qiu Xu Shen Ji Jiu, where he studied classics master Jiakui. 21 years after his book into the "Dictionary", sum 540 radicals of Chinese characters. Xu Shen also with a "different meaning of the Five Classics", "explanations of Huainan Honglie" and other books, has been lost. Xu Jinjing said: Uncle severe, were cautious, Runan Shaoling people. Of pure Benedict, less erudite classics, often pushing Jingzhi Ma Rong, the language of the time people said: "" Five Classics "Hsu Shu Zhong unparalleled." Attack Cao for the county, held Xiaolian, then moved inter Xiao long. Died at home. Early, be careful of "Five Classics" legend rank different, so essays for "Five by objection." Yong Yuan Shi Youer years (100), before making the "Dictionary", order said: "In ancient package of Wangtian Xia Xi's also, saith the elephant in the day, overlooking the view of law in the land, as the birds Articles and to the wish of the last taken from the body, so before making the "easy" gossip, like to hang Constitution. and rope for the governance of Shennong system the event, Shu industry of its complex, decorated for the initiation. Huangdi of the positions Jie, see traces of distant hooves of animals and birds, can be known relative to other points of different reasons are, first made the book contract. "hundred public to qe, million products to detect, cover come from the husband," "Fu Yang Yu Ting." Man who made missionary Ming court of the king, a gentleman so Shi Lu, and the world, ranking Germany and the bogey as well. Changjei for the beginning of the book, covered by class of pictographic, so that the text. then shaped pan benefits, namely that the word . Man who of the images are; character who has made more than Ziru the Baptist. with all the books in the Bamboo and Silk, who like the book too. and until the Three Kings and Five Emperors of Shi, Gaiyi various body. sealed with seven persons in Taishan second generation, have the same extravagant Yan. "
Construction light year (121), book into. Received nine thousand three hundred and fifty three words; heavy paper one thousand one hundred and sixty three, points in the five hundred and forty. Disease when the offer was published at the Emperor Qian Zi Chong. Death, burial Yancheng Xian Xu Ji Shi Township, Village East. Gao tomb has five feet ten, forty a diameter of eight feet. Local people said: "Japan will move a PCT, three feet long night." Absurd also, anything too get out of the mound. "Han" Chan said: "Sven has not hills, but also have bearing. Tu Do triage, specialized and Hing. Jing Shu Shu will, through Ae phase sign. Golden without, who clarified origin." To clear, the age of Zhong Ding months after the date of the magistrate, school official to the memorial tomb of Master Xu, line three call-in ceremony of kneeling. Forty six of Kangxi (1707), Yancheng Xian magistrate Wende Yu Li, "Hau Lim Hui Tomb of the public," the monument. Dynasty period (1875-1908), Yan Cheng Li Wang Fengsen magistrate, "Master Xu monument from the Temple worship." Thirty-seven years after the founding of New China (1985), Xu Shen of the first meeting, the legislature, "Xu Shen gravestone rehabilitation in mind." Shiyou Er Zhi Bai hundred and eighty strains, this deposit has three hundred and fifty, the March of the few also. Currently, Xu Shen shrine located in Yancheng District, Luohe Xu Shen Road, Luohe four high (former Yancheng a high, Provincial Yan in the) next.
Chinese is the world's most ancient text, is the oldest hieroglyphics. Today, it is found that the ease of character entered into the computer, is the world unmatched by any kind of text, when people began to keen to study Chinese characters, the first thought of Xu Shen.
"Dictionary" - Book Description
"Dictionary", referred to as "the text says," is the first systematic analysis of the glyph and the etymology of the word elegant book. Text book included Zhuanwen received (ie Xiaozhuan), (Ancient wall in the book), Zhou Wen (Seal), or body, customs body. "Culture" refers to the overall pictographic ideogram, "word" refers to the guitar body shaped table with the table fit the sound of the word, so Xu Shen a "Dictionary" as the title, and their offspring are often referred to as "the text said" . Jian Xu Shen in Eastern Han Andi Light year (121) written. It laid the basis of ancient Chinese characters the book.
The original fourteen, a Syrian target. The main body of the Xiaozhuan, received nine thousand three hundred and fifty words, but also other classical ﹑ Zhouwen weight paper one thousand one hundred and sixty different words, interpreting the word one hundred thirty-three thousand four hundred and forty. Spread in the book, many times from channeling chaos, now the school is determined by Xu Xuan Song, and many out of the original book, Xu Zhi heavy to articles will each be divided into upper and lower volumes in a total of thirty volumes, revenue nine thousand four hundred and thirty word, re-word the text one thousand two hundred seventy-nine, explain one hundred twenty-two thousand six hundred ninety-nine words. The book changed the week ﹑ Qinzhi Han compilation method of the book of words, word about the closing statement prepared for the four forms of ﹑ Seven Rhyme, the first arrangement of the radical method, divided into five hundred and forty. Hsu has summed up the former "Six" theory, creating a systematic approach to explain the text, to explain the meaning of words, sub-analysis of physical structure, and then explain the pronunciation. Shape analysis method, is not the letter of the word before. The filing of the ancient book of ancient literature and ancient history have a significant contribution to research. But that solution is also complex and subjective assumptions and superstitions, need to refer to bones ﹑ ﹑ stone wood simple validation of text discussions. "Said the text" This a great book, the struggle is generated by the school. New Text Classics and Classical Learning Han academic dispute is the most important areas of thought a debate. Qin previous books are used when the text written by the six countries, six countries, said Han language as a "classical" by the books written by classical as Classical. Qin Shi Huang for the needs of obscurantism, these ancient words written with "Poetry", "book" and other books burned. Western Han Dynasty, some older scholars dictated from memory the Pentateuch to the disciples, disciples down with the official script. Han official script is the text passage, saying "New Text", with New Text written by the book, called New Text. Have been discovered by the ancient text was written by the book. So that scholars in the Han New Text to be divided into the classical scholars and scribes. The difference between the two factions is not just based on the performance of classical studies and text in different versions, but more importantly showed how to make the classics of the feudal rule of service. New Text scholars of classics like far-fetched explanation for the spread superstition and science of divination; Ancient scribes stressed to read classics, and truly understand the essence of Confucianism, and Explanations of Things for this focus, attention to linguistic facts, more concise simplicity. Xu Shen belongs to the Classical School, he edited "the text says," is to use language as a weapon, and expand Classical Learning in the political and academic impact.
"Dictionary" - Concept Development
From a historical point of view
1, the text originated early. Although the pottery unearthed there something like the early text, but what does it really belongs to the era, how to know, remains to be further study. Therefore, today can see the earliest records of systematic Chinese writing is Oracle. From the Oracle development to the text on the bronze inscriptions. Spring and Autumn period to the six so-called classical: early Zhou Wen Qin, money on the text, the text on the pottery and more. To the era of Qin Shi Huang, the Qin Zhou Wen simple as Xiao Zhuan. Then developed into official script, cursive, running, really the book (that is, regular script, is the book.)
From the point of writing style
Xu Shen monument to the development of character deformation and potential changes. Deformation of the shape has changed; potential change has changed the writing strokes. Deformation such as the Ancient Bronze with six very different
, Xiaozhuan compared with the inscriptions, there has been a great change. Seal is a round pen mostly Xiaozhuan has been little change in official script changed dramatically, the round pen into a square pen. "Big," "Day" into a box shape from the circle. This development on the one hand about the complex tends to trade, simplification, such as the Seal, Zhou Wen to Xiaozhuan; the other hand can be seen by the monomer into a fit, with different phonetic radical become words. Tend to write about on the complex easy to reproduce on the word meaning from the shape to form the phonetic direction. Representative of the earliest pictures first, the image of the picture as a text becomes simplified pictograph. Also refers to things, "said the text" move "on" and "down" for example, because nothing can be like, so it means something. There knowing, knowing is generally fit, such as "phase", is composed of two independent synthesis of knowing. This method is sometimes the poor, was made to phonetic development therefore has shaped the direction of the sound. You You turn injection, under the guise of, together several previous six books. Explanatory, "Wen said Syria" talk "building class a, .. always test it." There are various different interpretations of their predecessors. More accurate is the Liu arch of the argument: "From the Meaning of Health figures that the transfer note, to the word photo number meaning that the pretext; with the tone _set_ words, that the transfer note in accordance with sound in mind the word that the pretext." Zhen, Duan speaking turn is the Mutual Notes
, No, not the text Ziru each method of training. Defined in the Private legislation under the guise of not words, homonyms under the guise of, take a word, two different words. Transcription is the phonetic
, The name is phonetic, so the meaning is shaped to form the phonetic direction. Word use, word polymorphic
(Or body, the different wording of a word) slowly tend to fixed. Historically, the ancient words of the other characters present.
Finals of evolution. Should first understand the sound, rhyme is a system (system), is not chaotic. A language of initials, finals, there are several sub-classes of the number; Finals with a regular, is the system. For example: Modern Chinese ordinary '.. some with iy (iy medial or rhyme) juxtaposition, not juxtaposition with the AO. Finals of evolution is some development in this change within the system. Or from the simple to the complex evolution, such as the ancient "end through the _set_," under certain conditions, the development of "knowledge Toru Cheng" and "according to wear bed." Or from complex and simple such as "blue" is to the mother and the "prison" is to see the mother, the ancient voice calls are consonant consonant clusters
kl2. Why ancient consonant clusters? Such examples are not the individual. For example: "shu" from such sound. A word can have two pronunciations, such as the "rate" shuài, lǜ, the first two consonants, under certain conditions, the development of some preserved in front of consonants (such as "prison"), some preserved after the consonant (such as "Blue"). In addition to harmonic sound, the comparison from the Sino-Tibetan cognate can also be seen ancient consonant clusters. People do not agree with this. Fujian Dialect different. Due to political, economic, there are different times.
Phonological system from the Chinese perspective of the development of voice
Can be divided into several stages (p eriod): ancient, medieval, early modern, modern, modern. Ancient and can be divided into early (proto-Chinese), late (archaic Chinese). Time
To some stretching before and after behalf, this is a trend. , For the ancient pre-Shang Ming, cross cultural relations in all aspects, Dialect differences gradually by the integration, tends to a not general. Should be classified in different stages of the history of Yuan and Qing is the sound of modern party There are ancient, and is one of the earliest Chinese language, the dialect but the difference is the ancient Zhou and Qin late; if more than the ancient Zhou and Qin Now for the modern. REN, the ancient Han Dynasty can be said to be the later. For the Middle Wei, Tang, Song for the Late Antiquity branch only. Some American scholars believe that the Min dialect of Chinese is not the same with the early
, Have their own native language original of Min. Yue, Wu, then the north is the evolution from one of the early Chinese. Because a language can not be
To compare just from the voice, depends on its grammar and vocabulary. Min Dialect is also a syllable language, not a lot of form (p hono log2
ical) changes, grammatical structure is consistent with other Chinese dialects, tones can be related. Glossary of evidence for more, but some words if not the north. Between different ethnic groups and there are issues that affect each other, absorb some of the other national languages vocabulary. Language development is also uneven, and some faster, some slower. Dialect development is staggered, and some consistency. The same is relative, not absolute. Entering the North, then in general no, but if there Shanxi Tone, tone is different, and some have five, six tones.
In short, to build on the phonological evolution of two concepts: one is the different ancient and modern times, one side sounds different.
The development of semantic
The meaning of the text has the original meaning of a change in meaning. The original meaning of the text from the early form that reflected on the image is taken and what it represents meaning. Variable defined using the text in the table means that played by the development and changes. Change is multifaceted, escape, metaphors, by the righteousness of the original meaning changes in terms of meaning. Of semantics, can not be seen in isolation. First, look at the word in the earliest literature is how to tell the (the first appearance), some can not see from the shape alone. Second, we must root
"Dictionary" - the main content
"Dictionary" is the first great impact on future generations and a dictionary, but also China's first Chinese dictionary arranged by radicals. This book was written in Dili Yongyuan years (100), to build light Andi first year (121). Original has been lost. Spread to most of today's version of the Song Dynasty, or annotated version Duan Qing Dynasty. Original to Xiaozhuan writing, verbatim interpretation of the font source. Xu Shen writing, the dedicated to the Emperor Han'an. The book is divided into 540 radicals, to close the word 9353, while "heavy paper" that variant 1163, a total of 10,516 words.
"Dictionary" Xu Shen explained the title:
CJ is also the beginning for the book, covered by class of pictographic, so that the text. Subsequently shaped pan benefits, namely that of the word. Man those images of this; character who has made more than Ziru the Baptist.
"Dictionary" Book Film (Pavilion Books Pingjin this)
"Dictionary" of 15 volumes, including Volume 1 sequence present. Xu Shen in the "Dictionary" elaborated in the system of Chinese characters defined in the Private Law - Six.
"Dictionary" is listed first Xiaozhuan the style, if different from classical and Zhou Wen, listed in the back. Then explain the meaning of the word, and then solid shape with the words or the relationship between pronunciation. "Dictionary" is arranged according to radicals in the body similar to the principle of similar meaning, or arranged.
Xiao Zhuan as the main book to analyze the shape structure, depending on the radical, the separation for the 514, started the "one" part, and finally, "Hai" department. Where the radical or stroke font characters are attributed to a close, give the radical a first home. Arranged in the order of the Ministry and the Ministry of strokes and radicals in general to the physical structure is similar to the guidelines on the sequence of strokes with similar structures. Xu 514 part 14 books, not as a head end of this brochure and Syria, it is 15. The arrangement of each word in a three main principles:
① the meaning of the text in the application is good, good in front of the column are derogatory, bad columns in the back;
② are specifically within the terms of a column in front of the term belonging to the ordinary things listed in the back;
③ within a word, meaning a similar ordinal classes together in order to spider. Zhuanwen made under the first meaning of each, then made physical structure, or that the last time, if a.
"Dictionary" - the value of contributions
"Dictionary" is the first systematic analysis of Chinese characters and learn the source of the word elegant book is the most widely circulated Chinese language will be borrowed books.
This book summarizes the Qin and Han literature results, to save the Chinese people's shape, sound and meaning, is the study of Oracle, inscriptions and ancient sound, and training essential to visit the bridge. In particular, "said the text" on the interpretation of the meaning of words generally save the most ancient meaning, the meaning of understanding of ancient books more helpful.
"Said the text" outstanding contributions to the book can be summarized as the following four points:
1. Xu Shen create radical is one of the great creation. Chinese characters are represented with physical meaning, therefore, to analyze Chinese Symbols, Chinese characters are all characters to be classified by their righteousness, which is the work of Chinese scientists, the work by Xu Shen was first completed. "Said Wen," was divided into 540, in addition to individual radicals can also be combined with the adjustment, in general, that are reasonable and are in line with created characters intent. Xu Shen in the arrangement of the order of 540 taken great pains to form rows with similar or similar, which is equal to 540 is divided into several categories, which can help readers gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of character, a more accurate understanding of the meaning of words. Each word belongs to the arrangement is not chaotic, but according to the principle of phase from class. Specifically, in three ways: First, words of similar meaning row together; second, meaning the top is the positive side, in the back row are negative; Third, the top edge of proper nouns, common nouns ranked behind. 540 Xu Shen created the word radical and an arrangement among the various methods, are learning from the perspective of the text, this method can reflect the arrangement of radicals and the radicals, the meaning between words link, which Law and later the word from the prosecution point of the segment and classified by the number of strokes is very different.
4. Six of the characters. Before the Xu Shen, a basis for the Six CJ defined legends. Argue that the modern text, the book is the sixth rule summary Chinese Character, rather than before the birth of Chinese characters defined in the Private mode. Before the Xu Shen, only the name of the Six: pictographs, indicatives, knowing, shape the sound, turn injection, under the guise of, not specifically addressed, but not for large numbers of Chinese characters. Xu Shen's theory of the development of six books, six books clearly defined and put into practice six books, one by one analysis, "said Man," which included the 9353 Chinese characters, the history of the development and research in the history of Chinese characters has a carrying forward significance, thus establishing the character of the national style, national characteristics.
"Dictionary" - its influence
Two thousand years, "Dictionary" is the first text book on science is the most authoritative book, it's the name of Xu Shen and his descendants to read ancient masterpiece as to explore the ancient culture of classical must essential bridges and key.
"Said the text" We Duan, "said the text" came later, and soon attracted the attention of scholars at that time, the classic often cited in the comment, "said Wen." Such as: Li Zheng Xuan Note III, Ying Shao, Jin Zhuo Note "Han", have invoked "the text says," to prove the meaning of words. "To the Northern and Southern Dynasties era, scholars have," said the text "has been more comprehensive understanding of the system. Provisions of the Tang Dynasty Imperial Examination to test, "said Wen." Since the Tang Dynasty, all the words book, phonology and exegetical notes in the book are based on the meaning of words, "said Wen."
"Said the text" came later, researchers uprisings. Qing Dynasty is, "said the text" of the peak period. Qing study, "said Wen," the scholar no less than 200 people, including dozens of experts who claim to many. Qing Dynasty, "said the text" of science, can be divided into four categories: First, is the collation and research work, such as strict to all ", said Wen school discussion", the money goblets of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi BOOKS COLLATION AND STUDIES interpretation," and so on; Second, on, "said the text" to remedy, such as the home of the wide hole, "said Wen doubt suspect," Yu Yue's "children Shan Lu," and so on; the Third, "said the text" a comprehensive research, such as Duan's "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Note, "Gui Fu's" Shuo Wen Jie Zi Explanation ", Jun Zhu sound," said Wen Tong training given sound, "Wang Jun", said textual reading "; its four predecessors or contemporaries Supplements scholars," said the text " research works, such as Yan Fu's chapter, "said Wen proposed school meeting," Wang Shaolan ", said Wen Duan _set_ up" and so on. The third most important of which, the four also claimed that "the text says Four." Each of the past to keep neighbor Dingfu, "said Wen," the books and other deals, "said Wen," the writing and the Oracle, inscriptions of the material and the "Explanatory Shuo Wen Jie Zi", and then compiled as a collection of left Yat "Supplement" is the book notes of the pool.
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