Events: Baidu Post Bar testing products "Filmography"
Type of Event: Science & Technology

Daily News: January 5, 2011 AD

Date: January 5, 2011 AD

Time Channel Today in History

Source: 搜狐

Event Details:

  Sohu IT News】 【January 5, Baidu Post Bar, on a new product line, "Filmography", "Summa" by the user of a particular theme team will manually organize the resources to help visitors quick access to _select_ed information . "Summa" is currently only a small number of topics posted in the bar in the test.
  Editorial team, according to leaked information shows that Baidu suggest a topic within a document maintained by Daquan 2-3 ,20-30 edited by a team composed of editors, editors can edit the pages through the background, according to a predefined template for collaborative editing on a particular topic.
  In the famous cartoon "Conan" it, the new "Filmography" page is about the form like "Conan" and a navigation portal, editing integration with the essence of Conan-related content of all kinds, including fine discussion attached, video, photo albums, Manmi original, and many other resources.
  It is reported that Baidu Baidu Post Bar is learn from Wikipedia's editing mode, Baidu Post Bar launched millions of core users, edit with UGC in the tens of thousands of Internet information _select_ed popular keywords. (Lei wind)
  (Editor: Lin Fenglei)
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