Events: Japanese media: -20 F in mid-flight this month will be delivered to the Air Force in 2017 (Figure)
Type of Event: Hot spot

Daily News: January 5, 2011 AD

Date: January 5, 2011 AD

Time Channel Today in History

Source: 环球网

Event Details:

  Japanese media: F -20 this month will be delivered in mid-air flight in 2017 (Figure) World Wide Web
  Five of China on the network machine photo spread
  Recently, some foreign media of Chinese 5th generation fighter "J -20" expressed a "high concern." Japanese media said on January 5, the Chinese 5th generation fighters have passed the test, will be delivered to the Chinese Air Force in 2017 to use; The Chinese air force is "hot pursuit the United States," the U.S. Air Force lost in the Pacific region "dominant position" only "a matter of time."
  Japan, "Asahi Shimbun" reported on January 5, according to Chinese military sources, the Chinese Air Force next-generation stealth fighter "J -20" high-speed taxiing runway has been completed testing its first flight in about the middle of this month, and the earliest program delivered to the Chinese Air Force in 2017, into the "real."
  Reported to the Chinese navy will build China's first aircraft carrier, strengthening the "ocean access" strength, the rapid development of Chinese air force also modernized. On the other hand, the Japanese government has been expected to introduce the U.S. Air Force F-22 fighters to enhance "air force", but the U.S. military was about to stop the F-22 production, as a "super sub" the F-35 development and import also " slow movement. " Report stressed that "it makes very embarrassing the Japanese Ministry of Defense" is also referred to as "a series of Chinese military movements, will likely affect the entire East Asian region's military balance."
  The report also said the Chinese Air Force "J -20" with a "high mobility" of the domestic engine; compared with the F-22, "J -20" missile can carry a larger body; and through the air refueling, it able to fly to the U.S. military base in Guam. Report also said that no matter is invisible nature, or the cruising speed, "J -20" can not achieve the standard Russian 5th generation machine, is a typical "with Chinese characteristics," the 5th generation machine. If you want to catch up with U.S. F-22, China still needs 10 years to -15 years of hard work.
  The report also said that China now has 400 air force to work with the U.S. F-16 fighter planes "comparable" fighter, "China's strength in the Air Force has been far beyond the Japanese Air Self Defense Force, the U.S. hot pursuit." Therefore, the U.S. Air Force in the Pacific, "the loss of dominant position" is only "a matter of time."
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