Events: Iran, the last prince of suicide in the United States at Harvard, Dr.
Type of Event: Hot spot

Daily News: January 5, 2011 AD

Date: January 5, 2011 AD

Time Channel Today in History

Source: 世界日报

Event Details:

  Prince Ali, the last dynasty of Iran Bale Wei Renesas. Bale Wei (Alireza Pahlavi) shoot himself in the United States since the house was killed, aged 44 years. Studied at Harvard University Dr. Ali Renesas, has been unable to get out the pain of her sister committed suicide, it is difficult to adapt to Bale Wei dynasty was overthrown and forced into exile changes, long suffering from worry
  Renesas big Gerui Sha Ali. Bale Wei 4, confirmed in the personal web site, What Ali Renesas brother committed suicide. Rui Sha said: "We regret to tell our compatriots, Ali Renesas. Bale Wei prince had died. Like millions of Iranian young people, the suffering of his country, and the early loss of father and sister, deeply painful."
  The statement said Ali Renesas "efforts to overcome the psychology of grief for many years, he finally yielded, in the January 4, 2011 evening, at home in Boston since the end of his life, his family and friends to fall in endless sadness. "
  Bale Wei King of the Islamic revolution in 1979, was overthrown by the United States with his family in exile, died in Egypt in 1980. When the family dynasty was overthrown, Renesas Prince Ali is only 13 years old.
  Ali Renesas very motivated after exile in the United States, attending Princeton University, followed by master's at Columbia University, is currently studying at Harvard Ph.D. in philosophy and ancient history of Iran. He never married, and rarely appeared in public.
  His sister, Princess Layla is also committed suicide, Ali Renesas has been unable to get out the pain of mourning sister. Layla was the famous Italian fashion designer Valentino's models, but worry about the long-term risk of anorexia and
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