《色情狂》《放蕩女人回憶錄》**《一位巴黎友人的來信》***《平原城市的罪惡》***《特來尼》**《我的秘密生活》**《唐。力昂》** 《無法無天》**《蜘蛛女之吻》**《麥田裏的守望者》《血與沙(鬥牛)》《好萊塢的王子們》*《好萊塢明星的生活》*《我十三歲。吸毒賣淫……》《錢商》《斯考持博羅案件》**《小偷日記》**《情奴》《十日談》《忘卻艾林娜》**《欲望狀態》**《馬剋思。德瑟一傢》**《第二個兒子》**《匹茲堡的故事》**《內布拉絲加》**《男人對男人》**《男人對孩子》**《喬凡尼的房間》**《第六戒》《灰色的西點》《血腥豪門》《幕後黑手》*《楊布拉德一傢》《我睡過的五十個男孩》***《哥兒》《花的聖母》**《一個工廠主的童年》**《捧花牌》**《秘密王國》***《玫瑰色的星》**《給欲望之泉》**《給女人憐憫》**《善良的魔鬼》**《麻瘋女》**《少年們》**《青年時代》**《罪孽》《美國公子》**《假設的無辜者》《硬漢不跳舞》《謀殺在雅典》《黑夜》《柏林的花》**《別的聲音,別的房間》**《萬有引力之虹》《戀愛中的女人》《不可兒戲》**《來自地獄的女人》《冒險與風流》《維尼斯之死》**《單身漢》《夜城》**《我們的鮮花女郎》**《柴把》**《羅體午餐》**《舞中舞者》**《單城記》**《尼金斯吉傳》**《王爾德生平》**《鬍佛秘史》**《狂歡史》*《東斯萊的童年》***《北方的暖屋》***《虎穴的日子》*《米開朗基羅傳》《達芬奇傳》《傑剋遜》《百花聖母》**《背德者》《追憶似水年華》《多拉維夫人》**《紫色》**《迷失的幻覺》《來自卡羅來納的混帳東西》**《重訪布萊德謝》《心靈是孤獨的獵手》《殺死嘲鳩》《小婦人》《莫裏斯》**《印度之行》《霍華德莊捨》《帶風景的房間》**《一個男孩的自述》**《美麗的房間空蕩蕩》《賽跑領先者》《城市故事》《羅體公僕》**《艾利斯·托剋拉斯傳記》《假面的告白》《哈德裏安的回憶》《贊米:我名字的新拼法》《夜之林》**《比利·伯德》《舞團來的跳舞人》《城市與柱梁》《紅果林》《重訪布萊德謝》《他們》《歷史》《假總統的秘密》《百年孤獨》《黃玉》《匿名電話》《情渦》《名人情史》《希臘的神話傳說》《莎士比亞全集》《一千零一夜》《兒子們》《女十日談》《北回歸綫》《多拉維夫人》**《紫色》**《迷失的幻覺》《來自卡羅來納的混帳東西》** 《重訪布萊德謝》《心靈是孤獨的獵手》《殺死嘲鳩》《小婦人》《莫裏斯》**《印度之行》《霍華德莊捨》《帶風景的房間》**《一個男孩的自述》**《美麗的房間空蕩蕩》《賽跑領先者》《城市故事》《羅體公僕》**《艾利斯·托剋拉斯傳記》《假面的告白》《哈德裏安的回憶》《贊米:我名字的新拼法》《夜之林》**《比利·伯德》《舞團來的跳舞人》《城市與柱梁》《紅果林》《重訪布萊德謝》《他們》《歷史》《假總統的秘密》《百年孤獨》《黃玉》《匿名電話》《情渦》《名人情史》《希臘的神話傳說》《莎士比亞全集》《一千零一夜》《兒子們》《女十日談》《北回歸綫》……
In ancient and modern literature, the gay literature can not be neglected, especially in China, ancient Chinese literature, gay fiction has a certain status.
Complete description of homosexuality: "Bian and Hong Chai "***" Yichun quality "***" Longyang Itsushi "***" Lizzie "***" Outsiders" ** "East Palace West Palace" ** ... ...
"Nymphomania," "Memoirs of loose women," ** "A friend in Paris a letter from the city's crime "***" plain "***" special to Nepal," ** "My Secret Life" ** "Tang. Power Aung "**" lawless "**" Kiss of the Spider Woman "**" The Catcher in the Rye "" Blood and Sand (Bull) "" Hollywood princes "*" Hollywood Life "*" I 10 year-old. Prostitution, drug use ... ... "" money "," Sri Lanka hold Borrow test case "**" thief Diary "**" Love Slave "" Decameron, "" forget Elena "**" Sex and the status of "**" Marx. Desseux a "**" second son "**" Pittsburgh's Story "**" 内布拉丝加 "**" man on man "**" man child "**" Giovanni's Room " ** "Sixth Commandment," "Grey's West Point," "bloody giants," "behind the" * "Youngblood a" "I slept for 50 boys "***" brothers" "Flower Lady" ** "a factory owner's childhood," ** "bouquet card" ** "Secrets of the Kingdom of "***" rosy Star" ** "to the desire of the Spring" ** "to the woman mercy" ** "good The devil, "**" Leper Girl "**" the boys "**" youth "**" sin "" American Prince "**" hypothetical innocent, "" tough guys do not dance, "" Murder in Athens "" night "," Berlin's Flower "**" Other voices, other rooms, "**" Gravity's Rainbow, "" Women in Love, "" Importance of Being Earnest "**" woman from hell, "" adventure and romantic "" Vines, Death "**" The Bachelor "" Night City "**" Our flower girl, "**" fagot "**" Luo body lunch "**" Dance of the dancers, "**" single-Cities " ** "Nijinsiji Biography" ** "Wilde Life" ** "Hoover Secret History" ** "Carnival History" * "East Sly childhood "***" "***" ventured north of the warm house day "*" Michelangelo Biography "" The Da Vinci Biography "" Jackson "" Our Lady of Flowers "**" back to virtue, "" Remembrance of Things Past, "" Duo Lawei Lady "**" Purple "** "Lost illusions" "The bastard from the Carolina thing," ** "revisiting Brad DR" "Mind is a Lonely Hunter," "kill satirized Dove," "Little Women" "Morris" ** "India trip, "" Howard village homes "" A Room with a "**" a boy's readme "**" beautiful room empty, "" race leader, "" City Stories "," Luo body servant "**" Ellis * Tuokelasi biography, "" Mask of the Confessions, "" Hadrian's memories "" praise-meter: a new spelling of my name, "" Night of the forest "**" Bilibode "" Dance to the dance "and" City and and column "" red berries forest "" revisiting Brad Xie, "" them "" History "," fake President's secret, "" Hundred Years of Solitude, "" Topaz, "" anonymous call "" Love Eddy, "" Celebrity Love History, "" Greek myths and legends, "" The Complete Works of Shakespeare, "" Arabian Nights "," My sons, "" Women on the 10th on "" Tropic of Cancer, "" Duo Lawei Lady "**" Purple "**" Lost illusions "" from the Carolina's bastard thing, "**" revisiting Brad thank "" Mind is a Lonely Hunter, "" kill satirized Dove, "" Little Women "" Morris "**" India "," Howard Chuang house "" with a picture of the room, "**" a boy's readme "**" beautiful room empty, "" race leader, "" City Stories "," Luo body servant "**" 艾利斯托克 Las biography " "Mask of the Confessions," "Hadrian's memories" "praise-meter: a new spelling of my name," "Night of the forest" ** "Bilibode" "Ballet to dance" and "City of the column Liang, "" red berries forest "" revisiting Brad thank "" they "," history "" fake president's secret, "" Hundred Years of Solitude, "" Topaz, "" anonymous call "" Love Eddy, "" Celebrity Love Story, "" Greek Mythology Legend, "" The Complete Works of Shakespeare, "" Arabian Nights "," My sons, "" Women on the 10th on "" Tropic of Cancer "... ...