教育 edificatory分类表
励志感悟 to pursue a goal with determination be moved and comprehend

  奋志,集中心思致力于某种事业。汉班固《白虎通·谏诤》:“励志忘生,为君不避丧生。”《旧唐书·李渤传》:“ 渤 耻其家污,坚苦不仕,励志於文学,隐於嵩山,以读书业文为事。”陈春生 《戊申熊成基安庆起义记》:“﹝成基﹞遂渡 江至安庆,入年徽武备练军学堂,励志学习,屏绝嗜好。”
  如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使天赋更加完善;如果你的才能平平,勤勉会补足缺陷。 ——雷诺兹
  要不是我自己为自己建立纪念碑,这纪念碑,它从何而来? ——歌德
  当一个人一心一意做好事情的时候,他最终是必然会成功的。 ——卢梭
  有些事情是不能等待的。假如你必须战斗或者在市场上取得最有利的地位,你就不能不冲锋、奔跑和大步行进。 ——泰戈尔
  成大事者,争百年,不争一息。 ——冯梦龙
  不要心平气和,不要容你自己昏睡!趁你还年轻,强壮、灵活,要永不疲倦地做好事。 ——契诃夫
  人生下来不是为了抱着锁链,而是为了展开双翼。 ——雨果
  我们的忠言是:每个人都应该坚持走他为自己开辟的道路,不被权威所吓倒,不受行时的观点所牵制,也不被时尚所迷惑。 ——歌德
  你要做一个勇敢的少年人,不可为一些芝麻小事在那儿大惊小怪。你知道,弱者在这世界上是不好过日子的。 ——彭托皮丹
  不要拿“他人”的标准衡量自己,因为你不是他人,也永远达不到他人的标准。“他们”同样达不到你的标准——也不想达到。一旦你明白,接受和相信这个简单明了的真理,你的自悲感就会消失了。 ——马尔兹
  智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 ——卡莱
  若要对一个人维持交谊,是决不可揭穿他的秘密的,尤其是那种和自尊心有关的秘密。 ——大仲马
  交朋友,贵在眼慈,横看成岭侧成峰——总是个好家伙。小疵人人有,哪个还不是也有,自己难道没有? ——三毛
  爱斗的、不安分的人总是跟性格温和腼腆的人合得来,前一类人可从性格的对比中寻求心境地安宁,后一类人则为自己的软弱寻求保护。 ——大仲马
  人不能老是行时,在你背时的时候,有人还了解你,就是知己了。 ——刘少奇
  朋友也是说好话的多,所以真肯提你缺点的人倒是你难得的好友。 ——盖叫天
  一个受了友谊的感动去办事的时候,本来胆小的变得勇敢了,本来怕羞的有了自信了,懒怠也肯动了,性子暴躁的也谨慎小心肯对待人了。 ——萨克雷
  与人交,不为人所信,义未至也。 ——《意林》
  志同道合的人并不需要永远呆在一起。有的人你和他长住一块,保持着亲密的关系,但从来不会推心置腹说心里话;而有些人,刚刚相识,就一见如故,彼此像忏悔一样把所有的秘密都泄露出来。 ——佚名
  他是我日常的伴侣,我只能对他倾诉,寂寞的时候,由于我们软弱,我对同情的渴望,我的缺乏自信,以及在困惑中我对他的忠告所怀的信任,我一次又一次投靠他。 ——纪德

  Inspirational is a science, science in no matter which many cattle people can not read can not learn the fine. Also read not tired, not tired of school
  Fenzhi, concentrated thought is committed to a cause. Han Ban Gu, "Bai Hu Tong Admonition": "motivational forgot Health, King and not to avoid death." "Old Tang Bo Li Chuan": "Bo ashamed of their home, dirt and hard neither an Official, inspirational in the literature, hidden in the Songshan Mountain, in order to study Business Writing for things. "Lawful" Shigenobu Xiong Anqing uprising in mind ":" ﹝ ﹞ then cross the river into the base to Anqing, Anhui and war preparation into practice in the military Academy, inspirational learning, Ping must preference. "
  If you have great talents, industry will perfect the gift; If you can average, industry will complement the defects. - Reynolds
  One can not live, and live content, we can not make it meaningless. Do one thing, say the word, no matter what size, how to speak, you had to first have their own plans, ask yourself do it, says that it has no meaning? You can do this, is the struggle laid the foundation.
  - Dale Carnegie
  If I had not for themselves, the establishment of monuments, this monument, where it comes from? - Goethe
  When a person do things wholeheartedly, he is ultimately bound to succeed. - Rousseau
  Some things can not wait. If you must fight, or in the market for the most favorable position, you can not charge, runs, and big road. - Rabindranath Tagore
  Do not calm, do not let yourself sleeping! While you are young, strong, flexible, and should never be tired to do good. - Chekhov
  Not to hold down the chain of life, but to expand wings. - Victor Hugo
  Love the hard-working, hard-working out the genius. No pain, no gain.
  Our good advice is: everyone should stick to open his own way, is not intimidated by authority, from the point of view and contain the row, not to be confused fashion. - Goethe-
  I want you to understand the meaning according to their own, do not underestimate yourself, to be led astray by other people's opinions.
  - Rabindranath Tagore
  You want to be a brave young man, there can not be too obscure for some surprise. You know, the weak is not good in this world live for. - Pontoppidan
  Do not take the "other" standards themselves, because you are not others, it will never reach the standards of others. "They" reach the same standards you - do not want to achieve. Once you understand, accept and believe that this simple truth, you will disappear from the sadness. - Maltz
  All seek their wise man, fool and looking for others. - Calais
  To maintain the friendship of a person is never to expose his secret, especially those related to the secret, and self-esteem. - Alexandre Dumas
  Love fighting, the restless man with a warm personality always shy people come together, former group may seek from the character contrast to the peace of mind, the latter type of person was his own weakness for protection. - Alexandre Dumas
  Can not always row, when your back when, it was also about you, that confidant. - Liu Shaoqi
  What on earth the most noble than those who lead to the decline of the fate of most of my friends even more hateful!
  - Shakespeare
  Friends also say a good word, therefore the shortcomings of the people you really gracious enough to reply your valuable friends Dao Shi. - Gai Jiaotian
  And people pay, unwanted letters, meaning not suggest too. - "Italy Lin"
  Like-minded people do not need to stay together forever. Some people you and he live a long and maintained a close relationship, but never confided feelings into words; while some just acquaintances, they became good friends with each other the same as repentance all the secrets are leaked. - Anonymous
  Friendship, loyalty to sow the total needed, with passion for irrigation, using the principles to nurture, and understanding to care.
  - Marx
  Meaning: be touched and understood.

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