在辛亥革命後出現的鴛鴦蝴蝶派小說,正是依賴這種體製化的報刊雜志(文化産業和文化公共空間) 和滿足都市市民文化消費需要而大行其道的,鴛鴦蝴蝶派小說的炮製者也因此成為依賴報刊雜志、傳媒體製和稿費謀生的專業化、職業化作傢。(不過,儘管清末民初的這些文人在中國社會的現代化歷史變遷中已轉變為職業作傢,但是他們自己還沒有自覺意識到這種身份角色的現代性變化,也沒有將文學職業化、作傢職業化作為明確的目標公然提出和申明)。
梁啓超將小說提高到“大道中的大道”的高度,小說就成了“大”說,成為救國救民的靈藥。但在中國文學傳統中,小說一直被視為“小道中的小說”。新文學作傢朱自清是看到了這一點的:“在中國文學的傳統裏,小說和詞麯(包括戲麯)更是小道中的小說,就因為是消遣的,不嚴肅。不嚴肅也就是不正經;小說通常稱為“閑書”,不是正經書……鴛鴦蝴蝶派的小說意在供人們茶餘酒後消遣,倒是中國小說的正宗。中國小說一嚮以“志怪”、“傳奇”為主,“怪”和“奇”都不是正經的東西。明朝人編的小說總集所謂“三言二拍”……“拍案驚奇》重在“奇“很顯然。“三言”…… 雖然重在“勸俗”,但是還是先得使人們“驚奇”,才能收到“勸俗”的效果……《今古奇觀》,還是歸到“奇”上。這個“奇”正是供人們茶餘酒後消遣的。”
但是它也並非與知識分子讀者無緣,在知識分子階層中,比較明顯分成兩種類型:一種是喜愛新文藝的讀者,他們常為文學功能觀的矛盾而排斥通俗文學:另一種平日對新舊兩派的小說部涉獵例覽,又往往為通俗文學的趣味性和可讀性所吸引,為其引人入勝的故事情節、緊張驚險的懸念所牢牢控製,在富有兢力的優秀通俗文學作品面前,他們也手不釋捲,廢寢忘食。但問題是他們並不在公開場合中贊揚或介紹通俗文學,為其製造良性評價的輿論。似乎被通俗文學所吸引是有失身份的一種表現,因為部分知識分子一直視通俗文學是低級趣味的同義詞。這就構成了一種表裏不一的矛盾:“ 暗裏讀得津津有味,明裏卻不願津津樂道”,“感情上被它打動過,理智上認定它低人一等”。這種微妙的心態是一種“猶抱琵琶半遮面”的心理分裂癥。
不論是一般“俗衆”或是部分知識分子,被通俗文學所吸引的磁力皆來自趣味性,而趣味性正是達到遊戲、消遣目的的必備要素,也是娛樂功能的靈魂。趣味性還是通俗文學進行“勸俗”和“教化”的媒介和橋梁。但是趣味性一度被新文學家看成是“玩物喪志”、 ”醉生夢死”的麻醉劑,以致朱自清也發生這樣的感啃:“但是正經作品若是一味講究正經,衹顧人民性,不管藝術性,死板板的長面孔教人親近不得,讀者恐怕更會躲嚮那些刊物裏去。”魯迅也曾說:“說到‘趣味’那是現在確已算一種罪名了,但無論人類底也罷,階級底也罷,我還希望總有一日弛禁,講文藝不必定要‘沒趣味’。”同時魯迅還說:“在實際上,悲憤者和勞作者,是時時需要休息和高興的。”這正說明了趣味性和娛樂功能是無罪的。而通俗文學是着眼於可讀性、情節性。講究情節麯折,峰口路轉,跌宕多姿,高潮迭起。在中國的現代通俗小說讀者中出現過“《啼笑姻緣》、《金粉世傢》迷”就是從有趣味而逐漸進入陶醉的境界,以致達到了消遣娛樂的效果。這與我們七十,八十年代的“武俠”小說迷,“金庸”迷;“古竜”迷;以及“言情”小說“瓊瑤”迷等很是相似。這也說明通俗文學是有其存在的旺盛力的!
The so-called Butterfly, is the emergence of a Late Qing Dynasty literary genre. The school has been welcomed by the general reader, have widely affected by the new literary criticism, its impact is far-reaching, even to this day, also criticized the so-called "vulgar, vulgar culture" will he come up with as a synonym.
The authors of this genre have as many as two hundred people, scattered in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi area, was concentrated in Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, several big cities. There is no fixed organization began, and later established the Youth Club and Star Club. Package-day laugh as the host of this school, there are important representatives Xu Zhenya, Zhang Henshui, Wu dual heat, Strips, Xiaoqing, Sun Sheng, Li Han Qiu, Xu Xiaotian, Qin thin in Europe, Feng Yuqi so. These writers, writers have created works of wide range of topics, including "gracious in love with is not split open, Liu Yin spend the next, like a pair of butterflies, a pair of mandarin ducks as" the Romantic love stories, martial arts novels of iron Majin Ge , confusing the detective novel, revealers of secrets novelty of the social novel ... ... are they good at the subject. "Butterfly" is the name to refer to visualize and Beauty in the romantic novels that the Republic of China faction, but because the writers of this genre romance of Beauty and not just write novels, it can not be summarized with the Butterfly has many names subject characteristics, then, was sent to take the most representative publication "Saturday" name of the stops off entertainment, leisure functions known as "Saturday" faction.
In the development of modern Chinese literature, the emergence of many literary genres, Butterfly is one of the important and special one faction. That its important, because "54" before and after the revolution of the times literary trend, they are more conservative heavy inheritance and a literary school, repeated the new literary criticism. In the new camp and the camp literary debate and confrontation in the new literature in the literary world to expand their influence in the increasingly grow. On the new literary movement will inevitably involve the factions. That their special, because due to the new literature of the accused parties, to which some of the original a long time does not admit that he is a member belonging to the genre, highlighting the example of one of its representative writers deny packet-day laugh is the Butterfly. He said: "Today there are many comments in recent historical books on Chinese literature, are regarded as the Butterfly ... ... I do not know who I am, I do not know which of several novels written by me is Butterfly.". Some of the school admitted only that he is "Saturday" school, but denied that he was Butterfly, they are usually held one of the reasons is that Butterfly is limited Xu Zhenya, Li Ding Yi and a few some of the only people Parallelism who was 46 in early body of Name of Love Stories is consistent with the Butterfly.
Butterfly novel was a literary culture before exercise one of the most popular books in fashion. One representative Xu Zhenya's "Jade Pear", has _set_ a 30 second edition, sold hundreds of thousands of records. Profound and famous writer, "tick laugh cause" also has scores of print, its five authors, "Zhang Henshui, including day to laugh, Zhou Shoujuan, Li Han Qiu, Yan Duhe" series in the works in the newspaper, there have been people waiting in line newspaper published scene.
Why, then, a long time for this "genre", the existence of such criticism, as many do?
To re-evaluation of "Butterfly" and confirmed its correct position, we first need to know some history and background related to Butterfly.
1906, Shanghai was China's largest trading ports to 66 newspapers published in as many newspapers and periodicals published in the country at this time the total number of 239. these newspapers in his Political News also published articles in the nature of poetry and entertainment, the evolution of these elements later became the "Supplements" supplement led to the development of the emergence of literary magazines and a separate publication. Among them, Liang founded the "New Fiction" (1902), Li Jiabao editor of the "Portrait Novel" (1903), Wu Yao, Gui-Sheng editor of "Monthly Fiction" (1906), Miss Moses, editor of "novel forest" (1907 ) is now four literary publications. These rely on the treaty ports, urban and modern printing and publishing industry and mass media institutions and the emergence of urban literature publications, on the one hand to adapt to the city because of the public, "leisure", "Entertainment" Request to establish a market and audience, on the other hand for those who for various reasons, from the traditional "school excellence and official" cause of the format of the intellectual life, from traditional to modern professional writers scholars provided the material conditions change, so rely on newspapers and magazines, the reader market and the remuneration Mousheng's " writer, "the profession has been established, a group of professional writers gradually emerged in the late result. "History of Late Qing Fiction," addressed the prosperity of the late Qing fiction, said: "First, of course, because of advances in the printing industry, there is no book before this, as difficult moment: As the news industry developed, the applications need many produce. "Revolution greatly increased after the newspapers and magazines, according to statistics, only in 1911, reached 500 newspapers and magazines, from the late Qing Dynasty to the literary revolution of 1917 before the single is a novel named literary magazine on the nearly 30 species of this large number of newspapers printing and publishing magazines and the corresponding system of production and the formation itself is a product of modern society, which they constitute the cultural and literary production and consumption systems, the public media system and the "culture of public space."
After the 1911 Revolution the traditional literary fiction, is dependent on this system of newspapers and magazines (cultural industries and cultural public space) and to meet the needs of urban public culture, popular consumption, the Butterfly has cooked up the novel has also become dependent on newspapers and magazines, the media system and royalties to earn a living in professional, professional writers. (However, although the Late Qing Dynasty, these scholars in modern Chinese society has been transformed into historical changes in the professional writers, but they themselves do not consciously aware of this status change in the role of modernity, nor the professional literature, professional writers of clear objectives as proposed and stated publicly).
Butterfly of the more famous Zhang Henshui, Yan Duhe, Zhou Shoujuan, Xu Zhenya, including days of laughter, Chen Xian and other butterflies. Both of them are creative editing it, in some cases and translator. Butterfly original literary ideas is the first taste, the main description of marital problems, some works reflect a degree of social content, has some positive significance. Butterfly with literary entertainment, recreation, fun for the signs, once literary sensation.
Butterfly certain critical conclusions, summed up, there are the following three points: First, the ideological tendencies, that the representatives of the feudal class (or the day dying landlord class) and comprador forces in the literature requirements, is Yilaoyishao literary genre, or a "general counter-current"; two, that this is miles foreign market the product of the colonial _set_tlements of the abnormal fetus, three, this school is Bangxian, recreation literature, is the game's entertainment money Doctrine Literary Concept derivatives. These arguments are more obviously biased, and a large number of works were "conclusive" and far from objective reality exists.
But in reality, there often is a ready-made criticism of the arguments of Zhuanzhan private copies. Much more private copies of some ready-made argument on a "unanimous" conclusion. So the conclusion then was that people "follow the learning phase", so the cycle, believe in solid. But the more in-depth understanding of the genre, it will inevitably hold the past against the "critical findings" should produce the necessary suspicion.
In fact, the correct interpretation for the Butterfly, should be: Late Qing Dynasty city occurred during the construction of an inherited tradition of the popular ancient Chinese literary genre fiction. This school has not recognized the new literary factions, there is a very complicated historical background: the surging trend of the times, the evolution of literary ideas, mind readers, and many other reasons for the variation, together with its own congenital defects, have decided it must go through a process repressed. The School and the "new style" debate between literature, said in essence, that is "popular" literature and "serious" literature, "civilian" literature and "revolutionary" product of the contradiction between the literature.
Butterfly of the representative writer of the package-day laugh talked about his creation is: "to promote a new system, the conservative old morality." Those words are generally very concisely represent the majority of the authors of this genre ideas live. This "54" before and after the rise of a new literary movement in the efforts to promote science, anti-feudal is contrary to the purposes. Formally, Butterfly Zeyi long chapter in the fictions of its character, and the most readable of the devaluation of short tales, but also that they still inherited the ancient tradition of vernacular fiction. The new literature in the initial stage of the initiative to abandon the body of Chapter I, and focus efforts on short stories of innovation. In this way, "54" kick off the new democratic revolution, the camp in the eyes of the new literature, they also "dragging an invisible old pigtail democracy" while they work in some traditional sense, inevitable and the formation of a new literary camp a contradiction. As the content and form of parting ways, "54" before and after the literary world of the camp to take the initiative is inevitable, is a historical necessity, but also the necessary innovation. In the process of historical development before we can fully understand the necessity and inevitability of this criticism.
Period in the 54 Butterfly Another serious criticism of the criticism it is the game of literary entertainment of the Marxist concept of money. This is the literary function of the difference of principle. School function should be multifaceted. It should have a combat function, educational function, cognitive function, aesthetic function, entertainment ... ... and so on.
When the historical changes ushered in the revolutionary tide or large wave hit the night before, literary functions and educational functions of the fighting will always be stressed to the point of extreme importance. Liang in modern literature is the advocacy function of this representative. He said: "For the new one people, not without first new country of the novel. Guyu new ethics will be a new novel; For the new religion, will be the new novel: For a new politics, will be the new novel; For new customs, will be the new novel ; For new talents, will be the new novel; even want new people, want a new character, will be the new novel. Why is that? the power of fiction has dominated humanity so incredible. "
Butterfly members are conscious of this traditional concept of hereditary those functions. Hok Yao child in "Introduction to Fiction," in the quote the classics, he said: "according to Liu Xiang" seven strategic "and" Han Dynasty History ", the novel for 'Street on Gossip, hearsay', then it contains, of course, mostly 'chat wonders '; another view of the "seven strategic" and "Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi" was recorded, then the' where all the arts and wrote a little ordinary but who are slightly small, may apply attributed fiction '.' it bag held nothing but path '. "
And not only will Morohito literature, in the "54" historical and cultural context, culture camp, almost all regarded as Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School Literature Literature in the old feudal remnants, as new obstacles and opposition literature material from a crushing criticism and negative. Butterfly Literature New Literature that is not only a stumbling block to create a new literature, and their concept of leisure games and more harmful to the tendency of the transformation and reconstruction of national character, detrimental to the social life improved and updated, harmful to China from the "edge "return" center "of the effort, detrimental to the realization of the modern nation-state, word, harmful to the history of China's modernization goals and" dream of a powerful "implementation. Therefore, for this to the nation-state as the ultimate concern of the Enlightenment view of the position and the pursuit of literature, literary studies, and new literature will camp on the Butterfly and other popular games leisure class city issued a fierce criticism of literary voice, and, "54" after the new literature on urban contempt and criticism of popular literature is still no end to the martial arts film "Burning the Red Lotus Temple" as the representative of the novels, detective romance novels and so-called "citizen art", including Lu Xun and Mao Dun, including The New Writers also be a blow.
But "entertainment" since it is one of the functions of literature itself, one can only in a specific period of time constraints it away to deny it in order to highlight other features, but can not be completely deprived of this function itself. Even in the particular function to play the battle of literature the years, the city's other one-level reader, still remains at the novel as "the trail of the trail," the ladder on that general sense of the public, or "laity" will do. First of all, the "vulgar masses" seems to play a game and entertainment novel effect is a kind of life they need adjusting. With the new metropolis of molding and industrial machinery gear speed faster and faster, the demand for popular fiction urban surge. Unprecedented growth pace of life frequency, people feel that mental and muscles of the string stretched too tight, night after work, or need to relax by the neural machinery twisted too tightly. This requires entertainment break, and reading novels is one way of entertainment and regulation. Second, when the variation around life like a kaleidoscope-like environment, in particular the emerging metropolis such as Shanghai, bizarre, colorful, Hitomi Mian worry more, full of wonders. General "popular masses" and hope that through popular literature to understand the surrounding urban environment, to enhance adaptability, not quite knowing what to or living Xianbing. Third, these "popular masses" generally lack the emerging awareness, but they also receive some education in the popular literature, that Chayu drink read popular literature, in the end of surprises in the teachings and discipline are subtle. Therefore, the revolution in modern literature, this genre is not for the national elite, but mainly for the general sense of the public, and can say he is a public art, "civilian" literature.
Whether general "laity" or part of the intellectuals, was attracted by the magnetic popular literature are from interesting, but it is interesting to the game, an essential element of entertainment purposes, but also the soul of entertainment. Interesting or popular literature to "persuade vulgar" and "enlightenment" of the media and bridges. But the interesting new writers, once as "Wanwusangzhi," "tragic death" of narcotic drugs, which also occurred in such a sense of Ziqing bite: "But if the blind serious attention to serious work, only to the people, regardless of artistic, Si Banban long teach people not close to face, I am afraid the reader to those publications will go hide. "Lu Xun once said:" Speaking of 'fun' it is indeed now considered a kind of charges, but both matter whether the end of mankind, matter whether the end of class, I also hope there will one day Rescinding the Prohibition, art is not bound to say 'no fun'. "Lu Xun also said:" In fact, the anger and the laborers, are always needed rest and happy. "This illustrates the interesting and entertainment is innocent. The popular literature is to focus on the readability of the plot. Stress plot twists and turns, peaks I Road, and turn, the ups and variety, one climax after another. In modern China, readers of popular novels appeared, "" Sadness and Happiness Marriage "," Noble Family "fans" is interesting from a gradually into the enchanted realm, which reached the entertainment effect. This is our seventies and eighties of the "martial arts" fan fiction "Jin" fan; "Gu" fans; and "Romance" novel "Qiong Yao" fan so it is similar. This also explains the existence of popular literature is the strong force!
It is said that in the United States, as many scholars have held a negative attitude toward popular culture, that they only just vulgar literature and literary garbage. But after World War II, "American School" rise. Scholars of popular culture began to neglect to attention, from the subjective to the objective, from partial to full. They recognized, popular art can reflect a long history of the chain mentality and values of the change in the reader. "These best-selling book is a useful tool, we can, through them, see any particular time and matters of general interest within a certain period of time to change people's thinking." Hideki Ozaki of Japan in his "Popular Literature History "writes:" Speaking of popular literature, generally refers to mass production and mass dissemination of a lot of consumption of commercial literature. the content, is the literary entertainment for the public, but not simply interesting, also plays the way through the concrete to the public to provide the things they do not know the role of ... ... As the number of daily breakthrough in millions, news system, the imperative for weekly ... ... originally missed the class and the novel became a receiver, which look have been keen to adapt not only literature, but also the training of readers without a literary novel. ... ... Mass production together with the public literature, but is a reflection of the public consciousness. "The many achievements of Japanese popular literature scholar remarks , a good reference for us.
The rise can be described as untimely Butterfly, 54 days of the Chinese novel diversion from traditional to modern transition process, beginning always with the national trend to break the old forms were, in order to meet the global trend of new forms. This will open up a revolution, big drastic changes in the traditional sense of the content and form of the traditional framework, there must be some great innovation and breakthrough. This will inevitably and still insists that inherited the traditional Chinese literary genres have a big impact. New forms of consciousness and innovation always win in the big Bozhan in his literary territory, or it difficult to have almost deprived of accommodation. The spirit of the traditional product, it is always someone to carry out bold challenge to the authority of the hereditary literature always someone to shake its foundation, and will have great creative freedom. Literature declared in the declaration: "the art of the game as happy or frustrated when the pastime when the time has now passed. We believe that a work of literature, and also in the very life of a work proposal of Re : governance literature to this issue when people in his life-long career, working with farmers as workers. "is of course point to this passage Butterfly negative goals. Butterfly bear the brunt of it, actually made a negative example of revolutionary literature.
Objectively, the inheritance of traditional Chinese classical novel a strong sense of innovation in the development of urban popular literary genre of modern literature in the history of development, despite its limitations, it also made some contribution. Many of these literary works are very good, and the new literature than some similar themes, but also no less. "Inside Story courtesan" Butterfly literature, is essentially modern Chinese society, the pursuit of modernization and product literature, which itself is a modern thing.
In fact, the Butterfly had the time came, and even advertised the "new novel", a direct inheritance of the late Qing "new novel" came to accept the Western Novel, for the development of Chinese fiction, and have made important contributions: China The first description of a monk in love fiction front, known as the Butterfly was the patron god of ren shu book, "Wild Goose in mind." Widow praises China's first love in this novel, is the Butterfly's masterpiece "Jade Pear." China's first full-length novel diary is "Jade Pear" by Xu Zhenya book, "Tears of the history of snow-hung." China's first novels, is the Butterfly Lord Bao Tien laugh, "Ming-hung." Both in content and in form, Butterfly has the innovation. In the Republic of China's literary world, from the extensive use of classical Chinese art or the content and form of innovation from the point of view, Butterfly represents the level of Chinese literature at the time. It also created pure literature and popular literature. 54 The rise of new literature, an update of pure literature appeared, forcing the Butterfly entirely to popular literature. To resist this transformation Xu Zhenya, Li Ding Yi, Wu, who has dual heat left the writer team, adapt to this transformation pack day to laugh, Zhou Shoujuan popular literature such as the occupied. From a purely literary and popular literature of the two-habitat, into a complete popular literature, popular literature to accept the decision of the impact of pure literature, the performance of pure literature on the infiltration of popular literature. Such as China's popular novel, originally emphasis on the story, then make extensive use of psychological description, scene description, also pay attention to the inner world of characters displayed. From the 20's to 40's, popular fiction can be seen from the traditional "Chapters" to the modern novel, which is fraught with pure literature on the infiltration of popular literature. Developed to Qiong Yao, Jin Yong's novels, only in subject matter followed the traditional "Romance" "martial arts", the novel thinking and feeling, form and content, compared with the traditional popular fiction, has been completely modernized. Contemporary fiction, pure literature and popular literature is increasingly clear boundaries: some are seen as works of pure literature, according to Western standards should be considered popular fiction; something that has never been as popular fiction, such as Jin Yong's works, by some University of forum that is pure literature. Perhaps this in itself evidence of pure literature and popular literature, the gap between what has been narrowed to the point.