yīnyuè musicfēnlèibiǎo
yīnyuè Music

  yīnyuè běn yào yīnyuè de běn yào shì zhǐ gòu chéng yīnyuè de zhǒng yuán bāo kuò yīn de gāo yīn de cháng duǎnyīn de qiáng ruò yīn yóu zhè xiē běn yào xiāng jié xíng chéng yīnyuè de cháng yòng de xíng shì yào jié zòuqǔdiào shēng diào shì shìzhì děnggòu chéng yīnyuè jiā de xíng shì yào jiù shì yīnyuè de biǎo xiàn shǒu duànyīnyuè de zuì běn yào shì jié zòu xuán
  1、 jié zòuyīnyuè de jié zòu shì zhǐ yīnyuè yùn dòng zhōng yīn de cháng duǎn qiáng ruòyīnyuè de jié zòu cháng bèi wéi yīnyuè de jiàjié pāi shì yīnyuè zhōng de chóngpāi ruò pāi zhōu xìng yòu guī chóngfù jìn xíng guó chuán tǒng yīnyuè chēng jié pāi wéibǎn yǎn”,“ bǎnxiāng dāng qiáng pāi;“ yǎnxiāng dāng qiáng pāizhōng yǎnhuò ruò pāi
  2、 qǔdiàoqǔdiào chēng xuán gāo de yuèyīn 'àn dìng de jié zòu yòu zhì héng xiàng zhì láijiù xíng chéng qǔdiàoqǔdiào shì wán zhěng de yīnyuè xíng shì zhōng zuì zhòng yào de biǎo xiàn shǒu duàn zhī qǔdiào de jìn xíng fāng xiàng shì biàn huàn qióng de běn de jìn xíng fāng xiàng yòu sān zhǒng:“ shuǐ píng jìn xíng”、“ shàng xíngxià xíng”。 xiāng tóng yīn de jìn xíng fāng xiàng chēng shuǐ píng jìn xíngyóu yīn xiàng gāo yīn fāng xiàng jìn xíng chēng shàng xíngyóu gāo yīn xiàng yīn fāng xiàng jìn xíng chēng xià xíngqǔdiào de cháng jiàn jìn xíng fāng shì yòu:“ tóng yīn fǎn ”、“ jìntiào jìn”。 yīn jiē de xiāng lín yīn jìn xíng chēng
   wéi jìnsān de tiào jìn chēng xiǎo tiào shàng de tiào jìn chēng tiào
  3、 shēng shēng bāo kuò xián shēng jìn xíng”。 xián tōng cháng shì yóu sān huò sān shàng de yuèyīn 'àn dìng de zòng xiàngtóng shíchóngdié 'ér xíng chéng de yīn xiǎng xián de héng xiàng zhì jiù shì shēng jìn xíng shēng yòu míng xiǎn de nóngdànhòu de cǎi zuò yònghái yòu gòu chéngfèn fēn duàn zhōng zhǐ yuèqǔ de zuò yòng
  4、 yīnyuè zhōng yīn de qiáng ruò chéng
  5、 yīnyuè jìn xíng de kuài màn
  6、 diào shìyīnyuè zhōng shǐ yòng de yīn 'àn dìng de guān lián jiē láizhè xiē yīn yīn wéi zhōng xīnzhù yīngòu chéng jiù jiào diào shì diào shìxiǎo diào shì guó de shēng diào shì děngdiào shì zhōng de yīncóng zhù yīn kāi shǐ dào gāo pái liè lái gòu chéng yīn jiē
  7、 shìyīnyuè de héng xiàng zhì jié gòu
  8、 zhì duō shēng yīnyuè zuò pǐn zhōng shēng de xíng tàibāo kuò zòng xiàng jié héng xiàng jié guān )。
  9、 xuán shēng yīn jīng guò shù gòu 'ér xíng chéng de yòu zhìyòu jié zòu de xié yùn dòngxuán shì yuèqǔ de chǔyuèqǔ de xiǎng gǎn qíng dōushì tōng guò biǎo xiàn chū lái de
  【 yīnyuè lùn
   yīnyuè xué
   yīnyuè lùn
   yīnyuè lùn
   yīnyuè měi xué
   yīnyuè shǐ xué
   shì zuò pǐn fēn
   yīnyuè de gōng xiào
  【 yīnyuè gōng néng
   yīnyuè shì zhǒng hàoshēng yīn hàobiǎo rén de suǒ suǒ xiǎngshì rén men xiǎng de zài zhī yīnyuè shì yòu dídíshì yòu nèi hán de zhōng yǐn hán liǎo zuò zhě de shēng huó yàn xiǎng qíng huáiyīnyuè cóng shēng shàng fēn jiè zào shēng pín shuài biàn de chún yīn zhī jiāncóng xiào guǒ shàng jiǎng dài gěi rén měi de xiǎng shòu biǎo rén de qíng gǎn
   yīnyuè shì shè huì xíng wéi de zhǒng xíng shìtōng guò yīnyuè rén men xiāng jiāo liú qíng gǎn shēng huó yànzhè zài zhōng zhè zhǒng zuò yòng biǎo xiàn zuì wéi chū
  【 yīnyuè yuán
   rén lèi shè huì cóng shénme shí hòu kāi shǐ yòu liǎo yīnyuè chá kǎozài rén lèi hái méi yòu chǎn shēng yán shíjiù jīng zhī dào yòng shēng yīn de gāo qiáng ruò děng lái biǎo de gǎn qíngsuí zhe rén lèi láo dòng de zhǎnzhú jiàn chǎn shēng liǎo tǒng láo dòng jié zòu de hào xiāng jiān chuán xìn de hǎnzhè biàn shì zuì yuán shǐ de yīnyuè chú xíngdāng rén men qìng shōu huò fēn xiǎng láo dòng chéng guǒ shíwǎng wǎng qiāo shí biǎo yuèhuān zhī qíngzhè biàn shì yuán shǐ yuèqì de chú xíng
   xián de yuán chuán shuō
   qiū ( Mercury) shì shén huà zhōng zhū shén de shǐ shén shuō zài luó pàn sàn shíjiǎo chù chū měi miào de shēng yīn shí kàn xiàn yuán shì kōng guī nèi yòu tiáo gān de jīn suǒ chū de shēng xiǎng qiū cóng dào ér míng liǎo xián suī shuō hòu rén kǎo zhèng zài qiū qián jiù jīng yòu liǎo xián dàn néng shì yóu dào liǎo
   èrguǎn de yuán chuán shuō
   zhōng guó dài shǐ shù liǎo jīn qiān nián qián de huáng shí dàiyòu wèi míng jiào zuò líng lún de yīnyuè jiā jìn fāng kūn huà shān nèi cǎi zhú wéi dāng shí qià yòu zhǐ fèng huáng zài kōng zhōng fēi míng biàn yīn 'ér dìng suī rán zhè shì néng wán quán xiāng xìndàn shì jiāng kàn zuò shì yòu guān guǎn yuán de dài yòu shén cǎi de chuán shuō
   sānzhōng guó dài yīnyuè
   zhōng guó zuì chū de wáng héng héng héng huáng shì qiān nián qián chuàng zào liǎo wén de míng jūndāng shíchú liǎo qián shù de líng lún zhī wàihái yòu wèi míng jiào de yīnyuè jiā shuō shì rén shǒu shé shēncéng zài tāi zhōng yùn liǎo shí 'èr nián tánzòu liǎo zhāng yòu shí xián de qínyóu yīn diào guò bēi shānghuáng jiāng qín duàn bàngǎi wéi 'èr shí xián
   wàizài huáng shí dài de chuán shuō zhōnghái yòu wèi míng wéi shén nóng de yīnyuè jiā jiào rén gēng zuòbìng xiàn liǎo yào shuō shì niú shǒu rén shēn chuàng zào liǎo xián qín guǒ shè xiǎng dāng shí de yīnyuè shì shǐ yòng shēng yīn jiē me zhè shì suǒ dāng rán de
  【 zhōng guó yīnyuè
   zhèng shì de zhōng guó yīnyuè shǐ wén jìzǎishǐ zhōu cháo
   zhōng guó yīn cóng hěn zǎo jīng zhǎng shēng yīn jiēdàn zhí piān hǎo jiào xié de shēng yīn jiēzhòng diǎn zài shēng zhōng zhǎn yīnyuètóng shí jiāng zhōng xīn fàng zài zhuī qiú xuán jié zòu biàn huàqīng shì shēng de zuò yòngzhōng guó yīnyuè de zhǎn fāng xiàng fāng yīnyuè tóng fāng yīnyuè cóng de shēng yīn jiēzhú jiàn zhǎn dào shēng yīn jiēzhí dào shí 'èr píng jūn cóng dān shēng zhǎn dào yùn yòng shēngsuǒ fāng yīnyuè guǒ shuō xiàng hòu zhòng de qiáng shàng miàn lún kuò tóng xuán zhuān shí tóng qiáng shǐ lún kuò píng zhí zhǐ yào yòu shēng shì qiángzhèng xiàng hēng 'ěr de mǒu xiē zuò pǐnzhōng guó yīnyuè tónghǎo xiàng yòng xiàn tiáo huà chū de zhōng guó huà guǒ méi yòu lún kuòxuán chéng wéi yīnyuèdàn shēng shì yòu desuǒ fāng rén tīng zhōng guó yīnyuè tóng piāo zài kōng zhōng de xiàn”, ér cóng wèi jiē chù fāng yīnyuè de zhōng guó rén jué fāng yīnyuè tónghùn de zào shēng”。
  【 shǐ qián
   zhōng huá mín yīnyuè de méng mèi shí zǎo huá xià de shǐ shén xuān yuán huáng liǎng qiān nián jīn liù qiān bǎi nián zhì qiān nián de xīn shí shí dàixiān mín men néng jīng shāo zhì táo xūn zhì shàozhè xiē yuán shǐ de yuèqì zhì gào rén mendāng shí de rén lèi jīng bèi duì yuèyīn de shěn měi néng yuǎn de yīnyuè wén huà gēn dài wén xiàn jìzǎi yòu xiāng jié de diǎngětiān shì shì zhōng de suǒ wèisān rén cāo niú wěitóu quède yuèwǔ jiù shì zuì hǎo de shuō míngdāng shírén men suǒ yǒng de nèi róngzhū jìng tiān cháng”、“ fèn ”、“ zǒng qín shòu zhī fǎn yìng liǎo xiān mín men duì nóng xùmù tiān rán guī de rèn shízhè xiē wéi de yuán shǐ yuèwǔ hái yuán shǐ shì de téng chóng bài xiǎng lián huáng shì céng yún wéi téng de yuèwǔ jiù jiào zuòyún mén》。 guān yuán shǐ de gēqǔ xíng shì jiàn shì chūn qiūsuǒ shān shì zhī suǒ zuò de " hòu rén "。 zhè shǒu de jǐn zhǐ " hòu rén " ér zhǐ yòu " hòu rén " èr yòu shí zhè biàn shì yīnyuè de méng shì zhǒng yùn 'ér wèi huà de yán nán yáng xiàn jiǎ zhǐ de yuán gōng yuán qián 6000 nián zuǒ yòushì quán shì jiè zuì lǎo de chuī zòuyuè zhōng de zhī kǒng bǎo cún fēi cháng wán zhěngzhuān jiā men jìn xíng guò shí yàn xiàn réng rán néng shǐ yòng gāi yǎn zòu yīnyuènéng chū shēng yīn jiēdàn zhōng guó dài běn shàng zhǐ shǐ yòng shēng yīn jiē
  【 dài yīnyuè
   zhōng guó dàishī shì fēn de wén xué yīnyuè shì jǐn xiāng lián dexiàn cún zuì zǎo de hàn shī zǒng shī jīngzhōng de shī piān dāng shí dōushì pèi yòu qǔdiàowèirénmín zhòng kǒu tóu chuán chàng dezhè chuán tǒng zhí yán xià hàn dài de guān fāng shī chéngjiù jiàohàn 》, táng shīsòng dāng shí yědōu néng chàngshèn zhì dào liǎo jīn tiān yòu liú xíng yīnyuè jiā wéi shī yǎn chàng shì miáo xiě zhōng qiū jiā jié deshuǐ diào tóuhái yòu bái dejìng 》。
   zhōng guó dài duì yīnyuè jiā jiào qīng shì xiàng duì dài huà jiāyīn wéi zhōng guó huà shū lián jǐn huà jiā shǔ wén rén shì jiē céngzài sòng cháo shí shèn zhì huà kǎo guān”( shí shì yīn wéi sòng huī zōng rén duì huì huà de 'àihào)。 yuèshǒu wèi jiào zhǐ shì gōng guì delíng rén”。 táng cháo shí zhù míng shǒu guī nián méi yòu shénme zhèng zhì wèixiàn zài de rén zhī dào shì yīn wéi cháng chū xiàn zài táng shī zhōngshòu rén zàn yáng
   zhōng guó dài deshì jiē céng rèn wéi yòu xiū yǎng de rén yīnggāi jīng tōngqín shū huà”, suǒ wèi deqínjiù shì liú chuán zhì jīn de qín guò qín zhǐ xiàn shì xīn shǎng néng duì gōng zhòng yǎn chū qín yīn liàng jiào xiǎo shì wéi wèi jiào gāo de yuèqì
   zǒng jiézhōng guó dài de yīnyuè lùn zhǎn jiào mànzàizhèng shǐzhōng wèi gāoméi yòu néng liú xià gèng duō de shū miàn liàodàn yīnyuè wén xué yàngshì dài zhī shí fènzǐ jiē céng de xiū zài dài zhōng guó rén de cháng shēng huó zhōng yòu zhe zhòng yào wèimín jiān gèng shì chōng mǎn liǎo duō cǎi de xuán
   xiàshāng shí yīnyuè
   xià shāng liǎng dài shì zhì shè huì shí cóng diǎn wén xiàn jìzǎi lái kànzhè shí de yuèwǔ jīng jiàn jiàn tuō yuán shǐ shì yuèwǔ wéi shì gòng yòu de diǎn men gèng duō wéi zhù suǒ zhàn yòucóng nèi róng shàng kàn men jiàn jiàn kāi liǎo yuán shǐ de téng chóng bàizhuǎn 'ér wéi duì zhēng rán de rén de sòng xià zhì shuǐzào rén mín shì biàn chū xiàn liǎo sòng xià de yuèwǔ xià》。 xià jié dàoshāng tānɡ zhī shì biàn yòu liǎo sòng shāng tānɡ jié de yuèwǔ huò》。 shāng dài fēng shèng xíng shì chū xiàn liǎo zhuān de nán )。 men wéi zhù suǒ huàn yǎngzài xíng shí dǎo chàngshì zuì zǎo yīn wéi zhí de rén zhù yuèwǔ lái tiān xiāntóng shí yòu yuèwǔ lái fàng zòng shēn de xiǎng shòu men hòu hái yào yuèrén xùn zàngzhè zhǒng cán de xùn shā zhì fāng miàn bào liǎo zhù de cán tǒng zhìér zài guān shàng fǎn yìng chū shēng chǎn jiào yuán shǐ shí dài de jìn cóng 'ér shǐ yīnyuè wén huà bèi liǎo xùn zhǎn de tiáo jiàn shǐ liào jìzǎizài xià dài jīng yòu yòng 'ě méng zhì de tuó shāng dài jīng xiàn yòu qiāng mǎng shuāng niǎo tāo tiè wén tóng zhì zuò jīng liáng de tuō tāi shí huà de shí pánqīng tóng shí dài yǐng xiǎng suǒ shāng dài hái chū xiàn liǎo biān zhōngbiān náo yuèqì men duō wéi sān méi lèi yuèqì de chū xiàn xiàn liǎo yuèqì shǐ shàng yuèqì zhǎn zài qián de diǎnshǐ gōng yuán qián qiān nián de míng yuèqì táo xūn cóng dāng shí de dān yīn kǒngèr yīn kǒng zhǎn dào yīn kǒng chū shí 'èr bàn yīn de yīn liègēn táo xūn yīn tuī duànzhōng guó mín yīnyuè wéi de chǔ shēng yīn jiē chū xiàn zài xīn shí shí dài de wǎn ér shēng zhì shǎo zài shāngyīn shí jīng chū xiàn
   zhōudōng zhōu shí yīnyuè
   zhōu dōng zhōu shì zhì shè huì yóu shèng dào shuāifēng jiàn zhì shè huì yīn zēngzhǎng de shǐ shí zhōu shí gōng tíng shǒu xiān jiàn liǎo wán bèi de lǐyuè zhì zài yàn xiǎng zhōng tóng wèi de guān yuán guī dìng yòu tóng de wèi duì de biān zhìzǒng jié qián dài shǐ shī xìng zhì de diǎn zhāng yuèwǔ kàn dào suǒ wèi " liù dài yuèwǔ ", huáng shí deyún mén》, yáo shí dexián chí》, shùn shí desháo》, shí de xià》, shāng shí de huò》, zhōu shí de 》。 zhōu dài hái yòu cǎi fēng zhì ,, shōu mín guān fēng chá mín qínglài bǎo liú xià liàng de mín jīng chūn qiū shí kǒng de shān dìngxíng chéng liǎo zhōng guó shī zǒng -《 shī jīng》。 shōu yòu zhōu chū dào chūn qiū zhōng bǎi duō nián de shī gòng sān bǎi líng piān。《 shī jīngzhōng zuì yōu xiù de fēn shì " fēng "。 men shì liú chuán nán shěng wéi zhōng xīnbāo kuò jìn shù shěng de shí guó mín wài hái yòu wén rén chuàng zuò de " "、 " xiǎo ", shǐ shī xìng de gēqǔ " sòng " zhè zhǒng cáijiù liú chuán xià lái dídí wén fēn ,《 shī jīngzhōng de gēqǔ gài kuò wéi shí zhǒng shì jié gòuzuò wéi gēqǔ wěi de gāo cháo fēn yòu zhuān mén de míng chēng " luàn "。 zàishī jīngchéng shū qián hòuzhù míng de 'ài guó shī rén yuán gēn chǔ de gēqǔ biān chéngjiǔ 》, yòu nóng zhòng de chǔ wén huà zhēngzhì liǎng zhǒng tóng tóng yīnyuè fēng de zuò pǐn nán běi jiāo xiāng huī yìng chéng
   zhōu dài shí mín jiān yīnyuè shēng huó shè shè huì shēng huó de shí miànshí fēn huó yuèshì chuán tánqínzhōng zhī yīn de shì shǐ shízhè fǎn yìng chū yǎn zòu shùzuòqǔ shù rén men xīn shǎng shuǐ píng de gāo qín yǎn zòu zhōngqín rén hái zǒng jié chū " zhī xīnfāng néng yìng zhī " de yǎn zòu xīn gǎn shòuzhù míng de chàng yuèrén qín qīng de chàng jìzǎi néng gòu " shēng zhèn lín xiǎng 'è fēi yún "。 gèng yòu mín jiān hán 'é hòu " yīn ráo liángsān jué "。 zhè xiē dōushì shēngyuè shù shàng de gāo chéng jiù
   zhōu dài yīnyuè wén huà gāo de chéng jiù hái jiǔ nián běi suí xiàn chū de zhàn guó céng hóu zàng zhōng de wéi zhòng yào biāo zhìzhè zuò 'āi jīn měi de xià yīnyuè bǎo gōng liǎo dāng shí gōng tíng lǐyuè zhì de shìzhè chū de zhǒng bǎi 'èr shí jiàn yuèqìàn zhào zhōu dài de " yīn " yuèqì fēn lèi jīnshízhúpáojīhū lèi yuèqì yīngyǒu jìn yòu zhōng zuì wéi zhòng yào de liù shí jiàn biān zhōng yuèqìfēn shàngzhōngxià sān céng biān lièzǒng zhòng liàng qiān gōng jīnzǒng yīn yóu zhè tào biān zhōng yòu shāng zhōu biān zhōng zhōng liǎng yīn de xìng zhōng yīn shí 'èr bàn yīn bèi xuán gōng zhuǎn diàocóng 'ér zhèng shí liǎo xiān qín wén xiàn guān xuán gōng jìzǎi de kàocéng hóu zhōngpán yuèqì shàng hái yòu míng wénnèi róng wéi zhū hóu guó zhī jiān de yuèlǜ lùnfǎn yìng zhe zhōu dài yuèlǜ xué de gāo chéng jiùzài zhōu dàishí 'èr de lùn jīng què shēng jiē mínggōngshāngjiǎozhǐ [zhi sān shēng ]、 jīng què zhè shírén men jīng zhī dào shēng huò shēng yīn jiē zhōng gōng yīn wéi zhùgōng yīn wèi zhì gǎi biàn jiù jiào xuán gōngzhè yàng jiù dào zhuǎn diào de xiào guǒ xué shàng chū de chéng jiù jiàn guǎn yuán piānsuǒ jìzǎi de " sān fēn sǔn "。 jiù shì gōng yīn de xián cháng wéi chǔzēng jiā sān fēn zhī ), dào gōng yīn xià fāng de chún zhēng yīnzhēng yīn de xián cháng jiǎn sān fēn zhī sǔn ), dào zhēng yīn shàng fāng de chún shāng yīn tuī suàn jiù dào shēng yīn jiē yīn de xián chángàn zhào suàn quán nèi shí 'èr bàn yīnshí 'èr de xián chángjiù gòu chéng liǎo " sān fēn sǔn zhì "。 zhè zhǒng zhì yóu shì rán de yīn chéng xiāng shēng 'ér chéngměi xiāng shēng 'ér chéng de yīn jūn jiào shí 'èr píng jūn de wēi gāozhè yàng xiāng shēng shí 'èr dào shǐ de gāo yīnzào chéng suǒ wèi " huáng zhōng néng hái yuán ", gěi xuán gōng zhuǎn diào zào chéng biàndàn zhè zhǒng chōng fēn xiàn dān yīn yīnyuè xuán měi gǎn de zhì zhí yán zhì jīn
   qínhàn shí yīnyuè
   qín hàn shí kāi shǐ chū xiàn " yuèfǔ "。 chéng liǎo zhōu dài duì cǎi fēng zhì sōu zhěng gǎi biàn mín jiān yīnyuè zhōng liǎo liàng yuègōng zài yàn xiǎngjiāo cháo děng chǎng yǎn zòuzhè xiē yòng zuò yǎn chàng de bèi chēng wéi yuèfǔ shīyuèfǔhòu lái yòu bèi yǐn shēn wéi fàn zhǐ zhǒng huò de shèn zhì xiē xìqǔ yuè yědōu chēng zhī wéi yuèfǔ
   hàn dài zhù yào de gēqǔ xíng shì shì xiānghè cóng zuì chū de " rén chàngsān rén " de qīng chàngjiàn zhǎn wèiyòu zhú bàn zòu de " xiānghè dàqǔ ", bìng qiě " yàn -- -- luàn " de jié gòu duì suí táng shí de dàqǔ yóu zhe zhòng yào yǐng xiǎnghàn dài zài běi biān jiāng xīng liǎo chuī tóng biān zhì de chuī guǎn yuèqì yuèqì gòu chéng duō zhǒng chuī xíng shì héng chuī chuīhuáng mén chuī děng děng men huò zài shàng yǎn zòuhuò zài xíng jìn zhōng yǎn zòuyòng jūn gōng tíng yàn yǐn mín jiān jīn shàng cún de mín jiān chuī dāng yòu hàn dài chuī de zài hàn dài hái yòu " bǎi " chū xiàn shì jiāng juédǐxiàngpū zài biǎo yǎn de jié hàn dài xué shàng de chéng jiù shì jīng fáng sān fēn sǔn de fāng jiāng yīn chéng huá huá wéi liù shí zhè zhǒng lùn zài yīnyuè shí jiàn shàng suī dàn xiàn liǎo xué wéi de jīng wēi xìngcóng lùn shàng dào liǎo shí sān píng jūn de xiào guǒ
   sān guóliǎng jìnnán běi cháo shí yīnyuè
   yóu xiānghè zhǎn lái de qīng shāng zài běi fāng dào cáo wèi zhèng quán de zhòng shìshè zhì qīng shāng shǔliǎng jìn zhī jiāo de zhàn luànshǐ qīng shāng liú nán fāng nán fāng de róng zài běi wèi shízhè zhǒng nán běi róng de qīng shāng yòu huí dào běi fāngcóng 'ér chéng wéi liú chuán quán guó de zhòng yào zhǒnghàn dài láisuí zhe chóu zhī de chàng tōng zhū guó de gēqǔ kāi shǐ chuán nèi běi liáng shí guāng jiāng zài suí táng yàn zhōng zhàn yòu zhòng yào wèi zhì de qiūcíjīn xīn jiāng chē dài dào nèi yóu jiàn dāng shí rén mín zài yīnyuè shàng de jiāo liú jīng shí fēn liǎo
   zhè shíchuán tǒng yīnyuè wén huà de dài biǎo xìng yuèqì qín chéng shúzhè zhù yào biǎo xiàn wéizài hàn dài jīng chū xiàn liǎo jiě qín biāo de qín zhuān zhùqín cāo》。 sān guó shí zhù míng de qín jiā kāng zài suǒ zhùqín cāo shū zhōng yòu " huī zhōng shān zhī " de jìzǎizhè shuō míng dāng shí de rén men jīng zhī dào qín shàng huī wèi fàn yīn de chǎn shēngdāng shíchū xiàn liǎo wén rén qín jiā xiāng chū xiàn kāngruǎn děng,《 guǎng líng sàn》(《 niè zhèng qín wáng》)、《 lán cāo》、《 jiǔ kuángděng zhù míng wèn shì
   nán běi cháo nián hái shèng xíng zhǒng yòu shì qíng jiéyòu jiǎo huà zhuāng biǎo yǎnzài zài tóng shí jiān yòu bàn chànghè guǎn xián bàn zòu de zhè jīng shì zhǒng xiǎo xíng de chú xíng xìqǔ
   zhè shí xué shàng de zhòng yào chéng jiùbāo kuò jìn dài xún mào zhǎo dào guǎn de " guǎn kǒu jiàozhèng shù "。 nán cháo sòng chéng tiān zài sān fēn sǔn shàng děng chā dié jiā de bàn chuàng liǎo shí fēn jiē jìn shí 'èr píng jūn de xīn de chū jiě jué liǎo sān fēn sǔn huáng zhōng néng hái yuán de nán
   suítáng shí yīnyuè
   suí táng liǎng dàizhèng quán tǒng , bié shì táng dàizhèng zhì wěn dìngjīng xīng wàngtǒng zhì zhě fèng xíng kāi fàng zhèng yǒng shōu wài chéng wén huàjiā shàng wèi jìn lái jīng yùn zhe de yīnyuè wén huà róng chǔzhōng méng liǎo yīnyuè wéi zhù yào biāo zhì de yīnyuè shù de quán miàn zhǎn de gāo fēng
   táng dài gōng tíng yàn xiǎng de yīnyuèchēng zuò " yàn "。 suítáng shí de jiǔ jiù shǔ yàn men fēn bié shì fēn wài guó de mín jiān yīnyuèzhù yào yòu qīng shāng hàn )、 liángjīn gān gāo chāngjīn fānqiūcíjīn chēkāng guójīn 'é guó 'ěr hànān guójīn 'é guó tiān zhújīn yìn gāolíjīn cháo xiān děng zhōng qiūcíyuè liáng gèng wéi zhòng yàoyàn hái fēn wéi zuò yǎn zòugēn bái de shīzuò de yǎn zòu yuán shuǐ píng gāo
   fēngmǐ shí de táng dài dàqǔ shì yàn zhōng shù zhì de chéng liǎo xiānghè dàqǔ de chuán tǒngróng huì liǎo jiǔ zhōng yīnyuè de jīng huáxíng chéng liǎo sàn -- zhōng huò pāi -- huò biàn de jié gòu xíng shìjiàn jiào fāng zhù de táng dàqǔ míng gòng yòu 46 zhōng cháng wéi zhù míng de huáng yīnyuè jiā táng xuán zōng suǒ zuòyòu jiān yòu qīng de fēng wéi shì suǒ chēng dàozhù míng shī rén bái xiě yòu miáo huì gāi dàqǔ yǎn chū guò chéng de shēng dòng shī piān cháng 》。
   táng dài yīnyuè wén huà de fán róng hái biǎo xiàn wèiyòu liè yīnyuè jiào de gòu jiào fāng yuán shǔ chuī shǔ zhuān mén jiào yòu tóng de yuán bié jiào yuánzhè xiē gòu yán de kǎo zào jiù zhe cái huá chū zhòng de yīnyuè jiāwén xué shǐ shàng kān chēng jué de táng shī zài dāng shí shì yuègē chàng dedāng shí céng néng míng jiā shī wéi kuàishī rén de shī zuò hòu liú chuán zhī guǎng lái héng liàng de xiě zuò shuǐ píngzài táng dài de yuèduì zhōng shì zhù yào yuèqì zhī jīng jīn de xíng zhì xiāngchà xiàn zài jiàn nán běn de zài xíng zhì shàng yǎn zòu fāng shàng hái bǎo liú zhe táng de mǒu xiē diǎn
   shòu dào qiūcí yīnyuè lùn de yǐng xiǎngtáng dài chū xiàn liǎo shí diàoyàn 'èr shí diào de xué lùntáng dài cáo róu hái chuàng liǎo jiǎn de qín zhí yán yòng zhì jìn dài
   sòngjīnyuán shí yīnyuè
   sòngjīnyuán shí yīnyuè wén huà de zhǎn shì mín yīnyuè de xīng wéi zhòng yào biāo zhìjiào suí táng yīnyuè dào gèng wéi shēn de zhǎnsuí zhe shì shāng pǐn jīng de fán róngshì yìng shì mín jiē céng wén huà shēng huó de yóu chǎng " shè "、 " gòu lán " yìng yùn 'ér shēngzài " shè "、 " gòu lán " zhōng rén men tīng dào jiào shēngpiào chàngxiǎo chàngchàng zuàn děng shù de yǎn chàng kàn dào shuō chàng lèi yīnyuè zhǒng lèi táo zhēn zhū gōng diào yuàn běn de biǎo yǎn wèi zhēng dǒu yànbǎi huā fàngzhè dāng zhōng chàng zuàn zhōng de chán lìngchán liǎng zhǒng shì jié gòu duì hòu shì xìqǔ de shì jié gòu yòu zhe dìng de yǐng xiǎngér yǐng xiǎng dào hòu shì de shuō chàng yīnyuè zhū gōng diào shì zhè shí chéng shú lái de xíng shuō chàng qǔzhǒng zhōng chàng zhàn liǎo jiào zhòng de fènliàng
   chéng suí táng qǔzǐ zhǎn de sòng dài tiáoyīn huò liǎo kōng qián de zhǎnzhè zhǒng cháng duǎn de chàng wén xué cái fēn wéi yǐnmànjìnpāilìng děng děng pái xíng shìzài tián de shǒu shàng jīng yòu liǎo " tān "、 " jiǎn "、 " tōu shēng " děngnán sòng jiāng kuí shì huì zuò yòu néng de zhù míng jiāyīnyuè jiā yòu shí shǒu shǒu jiǎn de qín yuànchuán shìzhè xiē zuò pǐn duō biǎo liǎo zuò zhě guān huái guó rén mín de xīn qíngmiáo huì chū qīng yōu bēi liáng de jìngyáng zhōu màn》、《 méi lìng》、《 xìng huā tiān yǐngděng děngsòng dài de qín yīn guō chǔ wàng de dài biǎo zuòxiāo xiāng shuǐ yúnkāi qín liú pài zhī xiān zuò pǐn biǎo xiàn liǎo zuò zhě 'ài liàn guó shān de 'àng rán zài gōng xián yuèqì de zhǎn cháng zhōngsòng dài chū xiàn liǎo " mǎyǐ qín " de jìzǎi
   dào liǎo yuán dàimín yuèqì sān xián de chū xiàn zhí zhù zài xué lùn shàng sòng dài chū xiàn liǎo yàn yīn jiē de jìzǎitóng shízǎo de gōng chǐ shì zài zhāng yán yuán shěn kuò demèng tánzhōng chū xiànjìn dài tōng xíng de zhǒng gōng chǐ zhí jiē dǎo yuán shísòng dài hái shì zhōng guó xìqǔ chéng shú de shí dài de biāo zhì shì nán sòng shí nán de chū xiànnán yòu chēng wēn zhōu yǒng jiā yīnyuè fēng 'ér ránzuì chū shí xiē mín jiān xiǎo diàoyǎn chàng shí shòu gōng diào de xiàn zhìhòu lái zhǎn wéi qǔpái xìqǔ yīn shíhái chū xiàn liǎo zhì tóng qǔpái de ruò gān gòu chéng zhǒng xīn pái de " " xíng shìnán zài yǎn chàng xíng shì shàng yòu chàngduì chàng chàng děng duō zhǒngchuán shì de sān zhǒng nán běnzhāng xié zhuàng yuánděng jiàn yǒng dàqǔ》。 xìqǔ shù zài yuán dài chū xiàn liǎo yuán wéi dài biǎo de gāo fēngyuán de xīng shèng zuì chū zài běi fāngjiàn xiàng nán fāng zhǎn nán fāng xìqǔ shēng jiāo róngdài biǎo xìng de yuán zuò jiā yòu guān hàn qīng zhì yuǎnzhèng guāng bái lìng wài hái yòu wáng shí qiáo shì chēng liù jiādiǎn xíng zuò pǐn guān hàn qīng dedòu 'é yuān》,《 dān dāo huì》, wáng shí de xiāng 》。 yuán yòu yán de jié gòu měi zuò pǐn yóu zhé xiē huò zhě guò chǎnggòu chéng zhé nèi xiàn yòng tóng gōng diào yùn dào cháng yóu juésè huò dànzhù chàngzhè xiē guī yòu shí yòu wáng shí de xiāng běn 'èr shí zhéyuán duì nán fāng xìqǔ de yǐng xiǎngzào chéng nán yuán míng zhī jiào zuò chuán de jìn chéng shúchū xiàn liǎo liè diǎn xíng zuòbài yuè tíng》、《 děng děngzhè xiē běn jīng dài liú chuánzhì jīn réng zài shàng yǎndāng shí nán běi de fēng jīng chū què shēng yīn jiē wéi zhù de běi chén xióng shēng yīn jiē wéi zhù de nán róu wǎnsuí zhe yuán dài xìqǔ shù de zhǎnchū xiàn liǎo zuì zǎo de zǒng jié xìqǔ yǎn chàng lùn de zhuān zhù yàn nán zhī 'ān dechàng lùn》, ér zhōu qīng dezhōng yuán yīn yùn shì běi zuì zǎo de yùn shū běi fāng yán fēn wéi shí jiǔ yùn bìng qiě diào fēn wéi yīn píngyáng píngshàng shēng shēng zhǒngzhè duì hòu shì yīn yùn xué de yán jiū xìqǔ shuō chàng yīnyuè de zhǎn jūn yòu hěn de yǐng xiǎng
   míngqīng shí yīnyuè
   yóu míng qīng shè huì jīng yòu běn zhù jīng yīn de méng shì mín jiē céng zhuàng yīnyuè wén huà de zhǎn gèng yòu shì huà de diǎn míng dài de mín jiān xiǎoqǔ nèi róng fēng suī rán liáng yǒu dàn yǐng xiǎng zhī guǎng jīng dào " wèn nán ", " rén rén zhī " de chéng yóu rén shōu biān jikān xiǎoqǔ chéng fēngér qiě cóng mín xiǎoqǔ dào chàng běn wénqín jūn yòu rén kān běn wèn shì féng mèng lóng biān ji deshān 》, zhū quán biān ji de zuì zǎo de qín shén děng
   míng qīng shí shuō chàng yīnyuè cǎi fēn chéng zhōng nán fāng de táncíběi fāng de pái qín shūdào qíng lèi de shuō chàng qǔzhǒng gèng wéi zhòng yàonán fāng xiù de táncí zhōu táncí yǐng xiǎng zuì zài qīng dài zhōu chū xiàn liǎo chén gān wéi dài biǎo de cāng liáng xióng jìn de chén diào fēi wéi dài biǎo de shuǎng zhí hān chàng de diào xiù shān wéi dài biǎo de xiù róu wǎn de diào zhè sān zhòng yào liú pài hòu yòu fán yǎn chū duō xīn de liú pàiběi fāng de shān dōng zhōng de bǎn jīng yùn jiào wéi zhòng yàoér pái lèi de shuō chàng yòu dān xián nán diào qǔzǐ děngqín shū lèi shuō chàng yòu shān dōng qín shū chuān yáng qín děngdào qíng lèi shuō chàng yòu zhè jiāng dào qíngshǎn dào qíng běi děngshǎo shù mín chū xiàn liǎo xiē shuō chàng měnggǔ shuō shūbái de běn míng qīng shí yīn zài rén mín zhōng yòu jiào de zhǎn hàn de zhǒng yāng wéi 'ěr dēng zàngzú de náng zhuàng de tóng dǎi de kǒng què de tiào yuèmiáo de shēng děng děng shēng qiāng de liú wéi diǎnmíng qīng xìqǔ yīnyuè chū xiàn liǎo xīn de zhǎn gāo fēngmíng chū shēng qiāng yòu hǎi yán yáo yángkūn shān zhū qiāng zhōng de kūn shān qiāng jīng yóu jiāng tài cāng wèi liáng děng rén de gǎi qǔdiào liú chàng yīn jiǎng jiū tóu wěi 'ér yíng rén men de 'àikūn shān qiāng yòu jīng guò nán běi de huì liúxíng chéng liǎo shí wéi xìqǔ zhī guān de kūn zuì zǎo de kūn shì míng liáng chén dehuàn shā 》, zhòng yào de míng tānɡ xiǎn de dān tíng》、 qīng hóng shēng decháng shēng diànděng yáng qiāng líng huó duō biàn de diǎn duì de fāng yán xiǎo shēng zhòng yào yǐng xiǎngshǐ xiǎo zēng duō zhǒng gāo qiāng míng qīng chūběi fāng shǎn qín qiāng wéi dài biǎo de bāng qiāng dào hěn kuài de zhǎn yǐng xiǎng dào shān de zhōu bāng shǎn de tóng zhōu bāng běi bāng nán bāng zhè zhǒng gāo kàngháo shuǎng de bāng qiāng zài běi fāng shěng jīng jiǔ shuāiwǎn qīngyóu 'èr huáng liǎng zhǒng běn qǔdiào gòu chéng de huáng qiāngzài běi jīng chū xíng chéngyóu chǎn shēng liǎo yǐng xiǎng biàn quán guó de jīng
   míng qīng shí de zhǎn biǎo xiàn wèimín jiànchū xiàn liǎo duō zhǒng zòu de xíng shì běi jīng de zhì huà guǎn běi chuī jiāng nán zhúshí fān luó děng děngmíng dài depíng shā luò yàn》、 qīng dài deliú shuǐděng qín fēng de qín yáng guān sān dié》、《 qié shí pāiděng guǎng wéi liú chuán yuèqǔ yuán míng chū yòuhǎi qīng tiān 'é shí miàn mái děng míng wèn shìzhì qīng dài hái chū xiàn liǎo huá qiū píng biān ji de zuì zǎo de 》。 míng dài zhù míng de yuèlǜ xué jiā zhū zài suàn chū shí 'èr píng jūn de xiāng lín liǎng bàn yīnjiān de cháng zhíjīng què dào 'èr shí wèi shù zhè xué shàng de chéng jiù zài shì jiè shàng shì shǒu chuàng
  【 yīnyuè
   yīnyuè de zhǎn shì méi yòu xiàn zhì fàn wéi dedàn shì yīnyuè shì yòu shí jiān xìng desuǒ ruò zhǐ kào kǒu 'ěr xiāng chuánnán miǎn huì yòu xiē chā cuòjiǔ 'ér jiǔ zhībiàn bǎo chí yuán lái de yuán wèiyīn qián rén biàn míng liǎo zhǒng yīnyuè hào yòng zhè xiē hào chéng liǎo yuèpǔhòu rén jiù yòng zhè xiē yǎn zòu chū zuò zhě xiāng tóng de yīnyuèér zài yuèpǔ shàng de zhǒng hào guī jiù chēng wéi
   zhōng guó dài yīnyuè shǔ shēng yīn jiē shēng yīn jiē shàng de bèi chēng wéi shēng”, gōng( do)、 shāng( re)、 jiǎo( mi)、 zhǐ( sol)、 ( la)。 jiào zhù míng de zhōng guó dài yīnyuè yòuguǎng líng sàn》、《 gāo shān liú shuǐ》、《 méi huā sān nòngděng
  【 mín yuèqì
  《 zhōu · chūn guānzhōng yuèqì fēn wéi jīnshípáozhú lèichēng yīn”, shì zuì zǎo de yuèqì fēn lèi zhī
   jīn yīn bāo kuò biān zhōng zhōngnáo
   shí yīn bāo kuò biān qìng qìng
   yīn bāo kuò xūn
   yīn bāo kuò
   yīn bāo kuò qín
   yīn bāo kuò zhù
   páo yīn bāo kuò shēng
   zhú yīn bāo kuò xiāoguǎnchí
   biān zhōngqìng zhè liǎng zhǒng yuèqì suǒ chū de yīn xiǎng qīng cuì míng liàngbèi chēng wéijīn shí zhī shēng”, shì guān fāng rèn dezuì gāo de shēng yīn”。 xiàn zài suǒ shuō de zhú jiù shì yīn zhú yīn de jiǎn chēng
   dài yuèqì zhù yào yòu xūnfǒuzhùpái xiāokōng hóuzhēng qín děngyuèqǔ bān huǎn màn yōu yángzhù yào shì wèile shì gōng tíng shēng huó huò zōng jiào de yào
   dào hàn cháo táng cháo hòuzhōng guó tōng guò guó wài de jiāo liú pín fán fāng zhù yào shì lán jiào shì jiè yìn de yīnyuè héyuè liàng liú hàn táng shí zhōng guó qiáng xīn xiōng kuān guǎngshàn shōu wén huàyuán wài guó de yuèqì qín děng liàng wéi zhōng guó yīnyuè cǎi bìng bèi zhōng guó rén gǎi liáng zhǎnzhú jiàn dài liǎo zhōng guó yuán lái de běn yuèqìchú liǎo qín zhí bèi wén rén chǒng 'ài yuèqì liú chuánzhèng shì zàimín gōng zhòng zhōng yǎn chū de yuèqì jīhū dōushì wài lái dejìn nián láiyīnyuè gōng zuò zhě zhì juégǎi liáng dài yuèqìxūnzhēngpái xiāo děng yuèqì chóngxīn huī guāng cǎidàn jiào shǎo mín yuèduì de zòu
  【 jìn dài yīnyuè
  19 shì zhōng guó bèi kāi fàng nán fāng yán hǎikāi shǐ jiē chù fāng yīnyuè héyuè guǎng dōng yīnyuè shǒu dāng chōngshǒu xiān shōu fāng shēng fāng chuàng zào liǎo xīn yáng qín qín zhǎn liǎo yuèduì zòu de yīnyuèzhì jīn guǎng dōng yīnyuè réng rán yòu de mèi shì zhōng jié jiào chéng gōng de diǎn fàn
  1838 dào 1903 nián ( xiá dexué táng yuègēyùn dòng xīng qián de liù shí duō nián ) jiào huì yīnyuè duì zhōng guó xiàn dài yīnyuè jiào chǎn shēng liǎo yǐng xiǎngzài piàn zhàn zhēng hòuchuán jiào shì huá shù liàng zēng jiā fāng chuán jiào shì zài zhōng guó chuán jiào shíwǎng wǎng yòng chàng shèng shī lái zuò wéi zhù fāng yīn bàn yīn děng gài niàn dào liǎo chuán
   mín jiān yīnyuè jiā wéi zhōng guóyuè de yǎn zòu zhǎn chuàng zào liǎo xīn de jiē duànèr zuòqǔ jiā liú tiān huá chuàng zuò liǎo liàng de 'èr zòu liáng xiāo》、《 guāng míng xíng》、《 jiāng shuǐděngyǎn zòu jiā huá yàn jūnxiā 'ā bǐngchuàng zuò liǎoèr quán yìng yuèděng 'èr jìn guǎn dāng shí shí shì dòng luàndàn zhōng guó mín yīnyuè lùn zài zòu héyuè duì zòu fāng miàn dōuyòu hěn de zhǎn
  1910 nián dài dào 1920 nián dài de xīn wén huà yùn dòng jiānhěn duō dào hǎi wài liú xué de zhōng guó yīnyuè jiā huí guó zhī hòukāi shǐ yǎn zòu 'ōu zhōu diǎn yīnyuè kāi shǐ yòng xiàn xīn zuò pǐn chéng shì chéng liǎo xīn xīng jiāo xiǎng yuètuánhùn 'ōu zhōu diǎn yīn jué shì zài yīnyuè tīng shōu yīn fēi cháng liú xíngzài 1930 nián dài de shàng hǎi dào dǐng shèng shí
   suī rán shǐ yòng fāng de yuèqì yīnyuè shǒu duàndàn tōng yīnyuè réng rán shì zhōng guó de fāng shì xuán wéi zhù shēng yīn jiē wéi zhùcái néng shòu dào zuì duō rén de 'àizhōu xuán shì dāng shí zuì shòu huān yíng de biǎo yǎn jiā zhī shì dāng shí tōng yīnyuè de dài biǎo wéi diàn yǐng tiān shǐyǎn chàng de zhù tiān shí wéi liú xíng dāng shí de mín zhòng de kàng qíng bèi chēng wéijīn sǎng ”。
   zhōng huá rén mín gòng guó jiàn zhī hòuliú xíng gēqǔ chú mìng gēqǔ zhī hòuyòu jiā fān chéng zhōng wén de lián liú xíng gēqǔ kāi shǐ jiàn jiāo xiǎng tuányǎn zòu fāng diǎn yīnyuè zhōng guó zuòqǔ jiā de xīn zuòdōng 'ōu de yuètuán céng duō dào zhōng guó biǎo yǎnzhōng guóyuè tuán cān jiā liǎo duō guó biǎo yǎn huìzhōng guó yīnyuè jiā cháng shì yòng fāng de yuèqì fāng xiě zuò yòu zhōng guó fēng wèi de yīnyuè jiào chéng gōng de yòu xiǎo qín xié zòu liáng zhù》, cǎi liǎo yuè de fēn xuán
   sān shì jiè de guó jiā jiāo wǎng duàn zēng jiāwèicǐ chéng liǎo dōng fāng tuánzhuān mén xué yǎn chàng zhōufēi zhōu dīng měi zhōu guó jiā mín de mín yuèqǔzài zhōng guó guǎng shòu huān yíngcóng zhǎn zhōng guó jiā de yīnyuè kāi shǐ duì zhōng guó yīnyuè chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎngzhōng guó mín yuèduì de pèi zòu fāng shì běn dìng xíngchǎn shēng liǎo shàochéng gōng de mín jiāo xiǎng
   jìn nián láizhōng guó de mín yīnyuè kāi shǐ shòu dào shì jiè guó de guǎng fàn guān zhùměi nián chūn jié huì bèi yāo qǐng dào wéi jīn tīng xíng zhōng guó xīn nián yīnyuè huìbìng zuò
   zài tái wān de xiào yuán gēqǔ xiāng gǎng dèng jūn kāi chuàng de yǎn chàng fāng shìshǐ zhōng guó tōng yīnyuè zhǎn dào gāo fēng yòu zhōng guó yīnyuè de fēng mèi dèng jūn zài měi guó kāi yǎn chàng huì shí yǐn duō tái měi guó rén zài hòu tái quán chéng xīn shǎngsuī rán men tīng dǒng zhōng guó chàng
  【 mìng yīnyuè
   zài běi zhàn zhēng shí zhōng guó de yīnyuè jiā pèi mìngzuò liǎo liàng de mìng gēqǔzài guó mín mìng jūn zhōng guǎng wéi chuán chàngyòu de shì yòng guó wài tōng gēqǔ xuán zhí jiē pèi mìng
   zài kàng zhàn zhēng shí yīnyuè jiā gèng shì tóng chóu kàixiě zuò liǎo liàng de kàng gēqǔxiǎn xīng hǎi dehuáng chàng shì bàng fǎn yìng liǎo dāng shí quán mín kàng de jīng shénniè 'ěr wéi diàn yǐng pèiqǔ zuò de yǒng jūn jìn xíng gèng shì xióng zhuàngchéng wéi kàng jūn mín de jūn bèi dào chù chuán chàngzhōng huá rén mín gòng guó chéng hòuwèile 'ān wēi wàng zhōng huá mín kàng wài guó qīn lüèjiāng yǒng jūn jìn xíng dìng wéi guó
  1942 nián yán 'ān huì zhī hòugòng chǎn dǎng kòng zhì de kāi shǐ dāng mín gǎi xiě chéng mìng gēqǔ shǎn mín dōng fāng hóng》。 gǎi xiě de mùdì shì zài duō shì wén máng de nóng mín rén kǒu zhōng chuán gòng chǎn zhù xiǎng
   wén jiān fāng yīnyuèyóu shì lián yīnyuè yòu liǎochóngxīn liú xíng mìng gēqǔ suǒ wèi de ”, jiā shàng cái deyàng bǎn ”, guó wài de jiāo wǎng jīhū tíng zhǐshèn zhì zài huān yíng měi guó zǒng tǒng sōng de yàn huì shàngyuèduì yǎn zòu měi guó gēqǔcǎo duī shàng de huǒ 》, dāng shí de wén huà cháng dōuyào xiàng zǒng kàng zhōng guó yīnyuè jìn shí yīnyuè de zhǎn shì wán quán tíng zhì qián
   wén jiān deyàng bǎn suī rán guò dàodàn jiāng fāng guǎn xián yuèduì yǐn wéi jīng bàn zòuchǎn shēng liǎo shū de xiào guǒzài hún hòu de guǎn xián bèi jǐng xià de jīng shēnggèng chū liǎo jīng yīnyuè diǎn shì zhǒng zhōng jié de zhǎnyóu shì shàng shānguò mén zhōng de yuán hào zòu hòu miàn jīng chàng qiāng hún rán tiān chénghěn zhí xīn shǎng
  【 liú xíng yīnyuè
   zhōng guó gǎi kāi fàng láiliú xíng yīnyuè shǒu xiān cóng xiāng gǎng tái wān jìn zhōng guóyóu shì tái wān de xiào yuán gēqǔ dèng jūn yǎn chàng de gēqǔzài zhōng guó shòu huān yíngcéng zài zhōng guó zhōng yāng diàn shì tái chūn jié lián huān wǎn huì yǎn chū de zhāng míng mǐn de de zhōng guó xīnzài zhōng guó pào zǒu hóngzhè shì zhōng guó gōng kāi de gǎng tái gēqǔ yǎn chū hòuzhōng guó de liú xíng gēqǔ shì jiè de zhǒng fēng zhǒng liú pài de yīnyuè jié chǎn shēng liǎo shǎo kuài zhì rén kǒu de gēqǔxiàn zàizhōng guó de liú xíng yīnyuè zhǎn xùn chéng wéi shì jiè liú xíng yīnyuè zhōng zhī de shēng jūn
   tái wān xiāng gǎng de liú xíng yīnyuè zhǎn fēi cháng xùn běn guó liú xíng shì tóng yóu shì xiāng gǎngyīn wéi zhèng gān rǎo yīnyuè de chuàng zuòchū xiàn liǎo duō zhù míng de shǒu hègē jǐn fēngmǐ zhōng guóér qiě shòu dào běnhán guó děng de chóng bài
   jìn nián lái tái wānxiāng gǎng quán qiú de huá rén liú xíng yīnyuè duàn jiāo liúkāi shǐ chū xiàn xiāng róng huì de shìyīn kāi shǐ chū xiànquán qiú huá liú xíng yīnyuède zǒng chēng wèi chū de biǎo xiànzhōng guó zuò wéi quán qiú zuì de xiāo fèi shì chǎng zhī gǎng táihǎi wài liú xíng yīnyuè bǎng dān de biān zhì yuè lái yuè duō kāi shǐ guān zhù shì chǎng
   zhí zhù de shìzài liú xíng yīnyuè dāng zhōngyòu zhe zhǒng mín yáo xìng zhì de yīnyuè men de diǎn xíng dài biǎo shì xiào yuán mín yáo shì mín yáojūn yíng mín yáozhè xiē mín yáo yīnyuè zài liú xíng yīnyuè dāng zhōng zhàn yòu zhī céng jīng dōuyòu guò huī huáng de suì yuèmín yáo chún de qǔdiàotōng de tóng yàng gǎn dòng liǎo hěn duō rén
  【 shuō chàng yīnyuè
   zhè zhǒng yīnyuè shì duàn dìng de xuán jié zòupèi shàng chéng guā chàngpiān kuài tīng dǒng de shuō chàng suǒ chénghěn duō rén jué tài guài tài dān diàosuǒ wéi chí liǎo duō jiǔ shì shì shí zhèng míngcóng zhǎn dào xiàn zài suǒ yòu zhèng shì de yīnyuè bān jiǎng gēqǔ páiháng bǎng shàng dōuyòu shuō chàng zhè xiàng mùdì fēnxiàng Billboard de nián shuō chàng zhuān ji jiǎng biàn shì liǎo jiě měi guó shuō chàng liú xíng shì de zuì jiā zhǐ nán duō rén rèn wéi suǒ yòu de shuō chàng yīnyuè tīng láidōu shì yàng de shí rán yào xiān tīng shuō chàng suǒ biǎo xiàn chū lái de jié zòu yùn de gǎn juézài liǎo jiě yào biǎo de nèi róng shuō bāng fěi shuō chàng men fǎn kàng shè huìdài yòu míng xiǎn de zhǒng zhù qīng xiàngzhèng zhì huàzhuān mén tiǎo zhèng shì fēiér qiě zhè xiē shǒu duō dōuyòu fāng bāng pài de bèi jǐngzài jiā shàng yòu shuō chàng de tiān cái néng chū chàngpiānyīn men de huà zǒng shì wéi rào zài qiāng xiè pǐnbào shēng cún de huà shàngdàn lùn zhè xiē shuō chàng fēng de xíng chéngchōng fēn biǎo xiàn chū měi guó hēi rén de xīn shēng mǎnrèn yòu huà xiǎng shuōqiě yòu cái huá de nián qīng réndōukě zài tóng de shuō chàng xíng shì zhōngzhǎo dào de tiān kōng
  【 mín yīnyuè
   xiá shàng de zhōng guó mín yīnyuè zhǐ de shì hàn yīnyuèjiǎn chēngmín ”。 zhōng guó de shǎo shù mín yīnyuè què yòu zhe gèng duō de yàng shì nèi róng zàngzú yīnyuèměnggǔ yīnyuèzhuàng yīnyuè děng
   zàngzú yīnyuè
   zàngzú shì néng shàn de mín men de gēqǔ xuán yōu měi liáo kuòwǎn zhuǎn dòng tīngzàngzú yīnyuè shàng fēn wéi jiào yīnyuè mín jiān yīnyuè jiào yīnyuè zhōng zuì zhù míng de shì chàng de de sòng qǔdiào
   zàngzú mín gāo kàng liáo liàngtīng lái jiù yòu gāo yuán lán tiān liáo kuò de xiàngqǔdiào yōu yángdàn shì shēng wéi zhù xíng shì yòuguǒ xié”、“ guǒ zhuó”( guō zhuāngděngzàngzú yīnyuè de xiē yuán bèi hàn fāng yīnyuè suǒ shōuyòu xiē hàn gēqǔ zuò zhě fǎng zàngzú yīnyuè de diǎn chuàng zuò liǎo xiē zhū guàng xīn chéng》、《 qīngzàng gāo yuán lèi de gēqǔjìn nián láixīzàng de zàngzú gēqǔ róng liǎo yīnyuè de yuán zhù míng de zàngzú shǒu chú liǎo cái dàn zhuó zhù yào yǎn chàng hàn de hán hóng wàihái yòu róng zhōng 'ěr jiá dōngqióng xuě zhuó děng liàng zài cáng zhī míng hěn gāo de shǒu
   zhèng guī fāng miànxiàn zài jīng jué zhěng yǎn chū liǎo zàngzú chuán tǒng 'ěr wáng》。
   mǎn yīnyuè
   zhōng guó de dōng běi běi jīng děng shì mǎn de mǎn zuì yòu míng de mín jiān yuèqì shì yuán qīng cháo de jiǎo mǎn de yáo lán yōu yōu zhāděng zuò pǐn hěn zhù míngjīng cháng bèi yòng xiàn dài de hàn fān chàng
   měnggǔ yīnyuè
   měnggǔ mín fēncháng diào mín duǎn diào mín ”。“ cháng diàoyòu duō de xié yīn cháng chàng qiāngyòu cǎo yuán kōng kuò de fēng zuì yòu de yuèqì shì tóu qínshì zhǒng xián yóu qín zhù shàng bān diāo tóu zhuāng shìsuǒ yóu mìng míng
   zhuàng yīnyuè
   zhuàng guǎng shì mín de xiāngnán qīng nián jīng cháng duì yòu rén shèn zhì shuō zhuàng rén shēng chàng de shí jiān shuō huà de shí jiān chángzhuàng mín běn hàn yīnyuè fēng xiāng shēng yīn jiē wéi zhù yòu míng xiǎn de duì zhàng shìnèi róng xiàng zhēng děng shǒu biǎo shù shēng huó zhōng de jiāo liú wéi zhùyòu shí yǐn yòng zhōng guó diǎn shì diǎn zhuàng yīnyuè zài diàn yǐng yīnyuè liú sān jiězhōng kuī miào
   dǎi yīnyuè
   dǎi yīnyuè nán miǎn diàntài guó de yīnyuè fēng lèi qǔdiào wǎn zhuǎn róu měidiǎn xíng de yuèqì shì xiàng jiǎo de yīn yǎn zòu jiù shì dǎi de yīnyuè fēng
   shì zài yún nán jiāng lǎo rén zhōng jiān yǎn zòu de yīnyuè shuō shì cóng míng cháo shí zhōng yuán chuán deyóu dāng yuán lái jiāo tōng biàn wài jiè jiāo wǎng duōshǐ zhōng yuán zhī yuán wèi liú chuán xià láixiàn zài zhǐ yòu lǎo rén yuèduì yǎn zòuzhèng zài péi yǎng jiē bān rénshì zhōng guó 14 shì yīnyuè de huó huà shíshòu dào yīnyuè jiè de guǎng fàn guān zhù
   dòng yīnyuè
   dòng shì zhōng guó wéi cǎi yòng shēng de mín tǒng běn wéi shēng bàn zòu chàngyóu shēng sǎng yīn de shēng pèi fēi cháng xiécéng zài guó yǐn hōng dòngbìng duō huò jiǎng
   wéi 'ěr yīnyuè
   wéi 'ěr yīnyuè běn shì 'ā yīnyuè fēng fēi cháng zhù zhòng jié zòuyòng shǒu chū duō shí zhǒng tóng de jié zòuyuèqì zhù yào shì shì zài shàng tánzòu dedōu 'ěr zuì de shì dōng wéi 'ěr de chuán tǒng yīnyuèshí 'èr bāo luó wàn xiàngshì duō mín jiān yīnyuè de yuán tóu
   yīn hàn yīnyuè yòu jiào de biéshàn yùn yòng bàn yīnxuán wǎn zhuǎn duō biàn tóng shān yīng gāo míngzuì diǎn xíng de shì zuòqǔ jiā léi zhèn bāng wéi diàn yǐngbīng shān shàng de lái pèi de gēqǔwán quán yùn yòng liǎo mín de xuán
   cháo xiān yīnyuè
   cháo xiān yīn cháo xiānhán guó de yīnyuè běn xiāng tóngzhù yào yuèqì yòu cháng qín qín lèi zhōng guó dài de zhēng xiàn dài de zhēng xiǎodàn yàngshì fàng dào pán zuò de gài shàng dànyīnyuè xuán yòu de fēng
  【 xìqǔ yīnyuè
  19 shì de jīng biǎo yǎn zhōng guó de xìqǔ qǔyì shì zài zhōng guó hěn shòu huān yíng jiào wéi de shù zhī guǎng dōuyòu de fāng xìqǔ qiánzuì dài biǎo xìng de shì zhǎn běi jīng de jīng zhōng guó xìqǔ yīnyuè tōng cháng gāo diào de chàng qiāng wéi zhùbìng bāng luó jīng děng xián bàn zòu de xìqǔ yīnyuè dài biǎo yòu běi bāng píng yuè yuè kūn qín qiānghuáng méi gāo jiá nuó děngquán zhōng guó gòng yòu 600 duō fāng pǐn zhǒngkūn bèi lián guó liè wéi shì jiè kǒu tóu wén huà chǎn bǎo
  【 yáo gǔn yīnyuè
   zhōng guó gǎi kāi fàng zhī hòu fāng xiàn dài yīnyuè tōng guò zhǒng jìng chuán zhōng guóyīnyuè qīng nián huò duō huò shǎo de jiē chù dào yáo gǔn yīnyuèbìng kāi shǐ jiàn yuèduìjìn xíng fǎng chuàng zuò
   zhōng guó de yáo gǔn yīnyuè dēng shàng tái yīnggāi shuō shì zài 1986 nián 5 yuè 9 dāng shí zài běi jīng gōng rén guǎn xíng niàn“ '86 guó píng niánde zhōng guó bǎi míng xīng yǎn chàng huìmíng jiàn jīngzhuàn de cuī jiàn shēn zhe cháng guàbēizhe jiǎo gāo bèng shàng liǎo táizài tái xià guān zhòng dèng kǒu dāi zhī hǒu chū liǎo céng jīng wèn xiū / shí gēn zǒu …”, shǒu zhōng guó yáo gǔn zuò pǐn de kāi shān zhī zuò suǒ yòu》。 suí hòucuī jiàn biàn bèi chēng zuò zhōng guó yáo gǔn rén
  80 nián dài 90 nián dài chūzhōng guó yáo gǔn yuètán chū xiàn liǎo táng cháohēi bàolún huíchāo zàizhǐ nán zhēnběi jīng 1989 děng yuèduìdào liǎo 1994 niánxiāng gǎng hóng kàn guǎn xíng dezhōng guó yáo gǔn shì yǎn chàng huìchéng wéi zhōng guó yáo gǔn shǐ shàng zuì qíng de dāng shí bèi chēng wéi yán sān jié de dòu wéizhāng chǔ yǒng táng cháo yuèduì jiāng zhōng guó yáo gǔn tuī xiàng liǎo dǐng fēngsuí hòu de zhōng guó yáo gǔn chéng xiàn liǎo fēi cháng de fēn huà shì zhǒng fēng dēng chǎng zǒu xiàng liú xíng de zhèng jūn wēi líng diǎn děngzǒu bǎo zhēn de péng yuèduì pán huā yàng bèi chū de cāng yíngzuǒ xiǎo zhòu wáng lěidiàn shuō chàng zhú jiàn liú xíng zhǒng fēng zhī jiān de xiāng yǐng xiǎngxiāng róng lǎo pái de yuèduì jiě sànzhù yào chéng yuán dān fēi dòu wéi kāi hēi bào yuèduì hòu jiàn guò zuò mèng yuèduìyòu duō yuèduì xīng yǎn chū zuò chàngpiān xīn duì chū xiàn huā 'érxīn zǒu yīng shì xiàn de mài tián shǒu wàng zhě qīng xǐng děngzhè zhī zhōng xiē liú pài shì zhí guān zhù de běi jīng de yuēxiàn gēngmíngyáo shì · yuē”) dōng běi de 'èr shǒu méi guī wéi dài biǎo de mín yáo gǔn zhèng shòu dào yuè lái yuè duō de guān zhùzhòng duō chàngpiān gōng dēng tiān kōngjīng wén chàngpiān gōng zài tuī chū xīn yuèshǒu héyuè duì bàn yǎn chàng huì zhōng zuò chū liǎo hěn duō cháng shì gòng xiàn
  【 fāng yīnyuè
   fāng yīnyuè shǐ shì zhǐ fāng yīnyuè de zhǎn chéngxiáng de shí dài fēn wéi luó shí de yīnyuèzhōng shì shí de yīnyuèwén xīng shí de yīnyuè luò yīnyuè diǎn zhù yīnyuèlàng màn yīnyuèxiàn dài yīnyuè xīn shì yīnyuè děng děng
  【 yáng yuèqì
   jiàn pán yuèqì
   gāng qín
   fēng qín
   guǎn fēng qín
   gāng qín
   guǎn jiàn qín
   shǒu fēng qín
   diàn qín
   diàn gāng qín
   diàn sān jiǎo gāng qín
   xián yuèqì
   shù qín
   guǎn yuèqì
   dān huáng guǎn
   shuāng huáng guǎn
   yīng guó guǎn
   kǒu qín
   sōng guǎn
   huáng fēng qín
   shǒu fēng qín
   guǎn fēng qín
   jué shì fēng qín
   tàn shǒu fēng qín
   pái xiāo
   sōng guǎn
   shé huáng zhí guǎn
   tóng guǎn yuèqì
   xiǎo hào
   duǎn hào
   chōng fēng hào
   guó hào
   cháng hào
   zhōng yīn hào
   shàng yīn hào
   yīn hào
   gōng xián yuèqì
   xiǎo qín
   zhōng qín
   yīn qín
   dìng yīn
   zhōng qín
   lín qín
   xiǎo jūn
   jué shì
   qīng cuì líng
  【 jué shì yīnyuè
   zài jué shì de qǔdiào zhōngchú liǎo cóng 'ōu zhōu chuán tǒng yīnyuèbái rén de mín yáo tōng zhōng de chéngfèn zhī wàizuì yòu xìng de shì yīn jiē”( guān zhè zhǒng yīn jiē de jié gòu men jiāng zài yòu guān de fēn zhuān mén jiè shào), ér jué shì de shēng shuō shì wán quán jiàn zài chuán tǒng shēng de chǔ zhī shàngzhǐ shì gèng jiā yóu shǐ yòng zhǒng biàn huà xián zhōng zhù yào de zhòng tóng zhī chù shì yóu xián dài lái de
   jué shì zài shǐ yòng de yuèqì yǎn zòu fāng shàng yòu wán quán tóng chuán tǒng yuèduìjué shì shí dài lái guǎn chéng wéi xiāo shòu liàng zuì de yuèqì zhī cháng hào néng gòu zòu chū tóng guǎn yuèqì zuò dào dehuá de huò shì guài dàn de huá yīnyīn 'ér zài jué shì yuèduì zhōng chū fēng tóuxiǎo hào shì jué shì yuèshǒu piān 'ài de yuèqìzhè zhǒng yuèqì jiā shàng tóng de ruò yīn suǒ chǎn shēng de xīn de yīn zuì gāo yīn de yīn jīhū chéng liǎo jué shì yòu de yīn zhēnggāng qínbān zhuó qín hòu lái chū xiàn de diàn shì de yòu yīn xiǎng yǎn zòu xián de néng 'ér zhàn zhòng yào wèixiāng fǎnzài chuán tǒng yuèduì zhōng zuì zhòng yào de xián xiǎo qínzhōng qín qínde wèi xiāng duì yào xiēyuán hào de nóng yīn zài guǎn xián yuèduì zhōng shì hěn rén dedàn shì duì jué shì yuèduì lái shuō de zhì tài wēn shùn liǎojīhū rén shǐ yòngzài guǎn xián yuèduì zhōngměi jiàn yuèqì zài yīn yīn liàng de kòng zhì shàng jìn liàng róng zhěng de yīn xiǎng zhī zhōngzài jué shì yuèduì zhōng què qià qià xiāng fǎnyuèshǒu men jié shǐ měi jiàn yuèqì zhàn lái”。
   yuèduì de biān zhì hěn líng huózuì běn de shì liǎng fēn héng héng jié zòu xuán zài zǎo de jué shì yuèduì zhōngjié zòu yóu yīn hàobān zhuó qín chénghòu lái yīn hào bān zhuó qín zhú jiàn bèi yīn qín suǒ dàigāng qín jiā jìn láizài 30 nián dàixīng zhǒng yuèduìdāng shí chēng wéi duì”, yòu sān fēn chéngjié zòu tóng guǎn guǎn jié zòu shǐ yòng de yuèqì réng rán shì yīn qín gāng qín tóng guǎn cháng jiàn de biān zhì shì sān zhī xiǎo hào liǎng zhī cháng hàodàn zhè shù bìng dìng guǎn tōng cháng yóu zhī guǎn chéngměi réndōu jiān chuī dān huáng guǎn huò shì bié de guǎn yuèqì guǒ biān zhì shì zhī guǎn bān shì liǎng zhī zhōng yīnliǎng zhī zhōng yīn zhī shàng yīnhái yòu zhǒng shāng xìng deyòu shí chēng wéitián měi xíng”、“ guǎn xíngděng děngde yuèduìbiān zhì duìchàbù duōdàn guǎn wǎng wǎng quán yòng zhōng yīn de guǎn huì jiào duō shǐ yòng de yuèqì cháng shuāng huáng guǎn), yòu shí hái jiā shàng sān xiǎo qínzài shāng pǐn yīn dài zhōng jīng cháng tīng dào zhè lèi yuèduì de yīn xiǎng
   chuán tǒng yīnyuè jiào 'ér yánjué shì de lìng zhēng shì de yīn fāng yīn lùn shì yuèqì hái shì rén shēngzhè xiē zhēng shǐ rén men jué huì jiāng men rèn chuán tǒng yīnyuè de yīn hùn xiáozhè xiē shū zhī chù duō lái yuán yòng yuèqì huò rén shēng duì měi zhōu hēi rén mín de fǎng guǒ men yòu huì tīng dào zhēn zhèng de hēi rén tián jiān gēqǔ líng jiù huì xiàn xiē yóu dào yuán huáyóu zhì mèn dào xiǎng liàngyóu 'ěr dào róu měiyóu mán dào shū qíng de de biàn huà shì duō me yòu dòng rén xīn ér zài jué shì zhōnggèng jiā liǎo fēi chàng de hǒu shēnggāo jiào shēn yín chū liǎo zhè zhǒng gǎn juéchú wài shū de yǎn zòu yǎn chàng qiǎo shì zào chéng xiào guǒ de zhòng yào shǒu duànzài zhè xiē qiǎo zhōng zuì cháng yòng de shì tóng chuán tǒng guān niàn de chàn yīn men zhī dàosuǒ wèi chàn yīn shì yīn gāoyòu shí néng shì de yòu guī de biàn huà zào chéng de xiǎo qín shàng de róu xiánjiù shì yòng zhè zhǒng biàn huà 'ér chǎn shēng yòu shēng mìng de yīn xiǎng xiào guǒ
   jué shì zhōng de chàn yīn shì yòu biàn huà debiàn huà de fāng xiàng bān shì yóu zhǎi dào kuān yóu màn dào kuàiér qiě cháng cháng zài yīn lín jìn jié shù shí zēng jiā dǒu dòng de gèng jiā qiáng liǎo zhè zhǒng qiǎo de biǎo xiàn tóng shízài yīn kāi shǐ shíjué shì yuèshǒu men huì cóng xià xiàng shàng huá dào dìng de yīn gāozài jié shù shíyòu cóng yuán lái de yīn gāo huá xià láisuǒ yòu zhè xiē biàn huà dōushì yòng yuèpǔ lái xiáng deyòu jīng yàn de jué shì yuèshǒu shú liàn zhǎng liǎo zhè lèi de fāng yóu shì zhè zhǒng guān niàn men gēn tóng de xuán huò bàn zòu yīn xíng jiāng zhè xiē xiào guǒzhì zàochū láiyīn zhè yàng shuōyóu xīng de chuán tǒng qiǎo de rén huījué shì shì yóu zuòqǔ jiā héyuè shǒu gòng tóng chuàng zào deshòu guò chuán tǒng jiào de yīnyuè jiā zhī suǒ hěn nán biǎo yǎn jué shì jiù shì yīn wéi men méi yòu péi yǎng chū zhè yàng de shū de yīnyuè guān niàn guǒ men xīn jiào xià zhēn zhèng de mín jiān shǒu shòu guò zhèng guī xùn liàn de shǒu yǎn chàng tóng shǒu mín de chā biéduì zhōng de hán jiù huì yòu gēngzhí guān de gài niàn
   cóng jué shì dàn shēng zhī chū jiù yǐn liǎo zhòng duō de zhuǎn zuòqǔ jiā。 1920 niánměi guó zhǐ huī jiā bǎo luó · huái màn zhì liǎo zhī zhù míng de yuèduìjiāng gǎi biān de jué shì zuò pǐn dài jìn liǎo yīnyuè tīngzhè zhǒng xīn cháo liú yǐn liǎo duōyán de jué shì 'àihào zhě de liè fǎn duìrán 'érzhèng shì cóng zhè hòujué shì zài měi guó 'ōu zhōu jiā xiǎoshòu dào guǎng fàn de huān yíng shí wēn delán kuáng xiǎng zài zhè shí dàn shēngwéi zhè zuò pǐn pèi de rén jiù shì huái màn duì de zuòqǔ jiā luó fěiàn zhào shǒu gǎo shàng de xiě zhè zuò pǐn zhǐ yòng liǎo sān xīng yǎn chū hòu jīhū shì yǐn hōng dòngōu zhōu zuòqǔ jiā yòu duō jué shì wéi chǔ huò shì shòu jué shì yǐng xiǎng de zuò pǐn biāo de gāng qín chǒu hēi guài tài 》( 1908)、《 yóu yín shī rén》( 1910)、《 guài rén wéi jiāng jūn》( 1910); wēi 'ěr de xiǎo qín zòu míng zhōng de màn yuèzhāng ); wén de《 11 jiàn zòuyuè de léi tài 》( 1919)、《 shì bīng de shì》( 1918)、《 hēi xié zòu 》; xīn deshì nèi hào》( zuò pǐn 24, diào xìng gāng qín ( 1922)。

  Basic elements of music: music that constitute the basic elements of music in a variety of elements, including sound level, sound length, the strength of sound and tone. By the combination of these basic elements to form a common music "form factor", such as: rhythm, melody, harmony, and the intensity, speed, tone, form, texture and so on. Elements constitute the form of musicians, music is the means of expression. The basic elements of music rhythm and melody.
  1, rhythm: the rhythm of music is the music the length and intensity of exercise Alto. Rhythm of the music is often compared to music of skeleton. Beat music in the remake and the weak beat periodically, regularly repeated. Chinese traditional music called rhythm as "methodical," "board" is equivalent to strong beat; "eye" is equivalent to second strong beat (the eye) or weak beat.
  2 tunes: tunes, also known as the melody. Ups and downs of musical rhythm by a certain lateral organized in an orderly manner, to form a melody. Tune is a complete music forms one of the most important means of expression. Tune to the direction is constantly changing, fundamental to the direction of three: "levels", "upstream" and "down." The same direction that the conduct of sound level; from the bass to treble, said upstream direction; from the direction of said treble down to bass. Conduct of a common tune: "Never mind repeatedly," "progressive" and "jump." According to that scale of the adjacent sound
  For the progressive three degrees jumped into that little dance four times and jumped more than four times said fauna.
  3, harmony: harmony, including "chord" and "Harmony for." Chords usually by three or more of the musical by certain rules of vertical (simultaneous) overlap to form the sound mix. Chord is the sound for the horizontal organization. Sound obvious thick, thin, thick, thin color effect; also constitute a clause, sub-paragraph and termination music music role.
  4, strength: the strength of music degree Alto.
  5, speed: Music for the speed.
  6, Mode: music sound using the relationship between a certain link, the sound of a voice-centric (vocals) constitute a system, called Mode. Such as the flat type, minor type, such as China's five-tone style. Mode of the sound from the vocalist began to line up from the low to constitute a high scale.
  7, form: music, horizontal organizational structure.
  8 Texture: Polyphonic music of various combinations of voices form (including the relationship between vertical integration and horizontal integration).
  9, melody: the idea of sound through the arts formed an organized, harmonious rhythmic movement. Melody is the foundation for music, music of the thoughts and feelings are shown through it.
  】 【Music Theory
  Music of his law
  Self-discipline of music
  Music Theory
  Music Aesthetics
  Music History
  Musical form and the work of
  The effect of music
  【Function】 music
  Music is a symbol, sound, symbol, expression of people are thinking. Is a carrier of people's thinking. Music is a purpose, there is a connotation, which implied the author's life experience, feeling. Music from the sound of it between the constant noise and frequency between the pure tone, from the effects of speaking, it can bring people of beauty and expression of human emotion.
  Music is a form of social behavior, people can exchange through music, emotions and life experience. This song was the most prominent manifestations of this role.
  【Origin】 music
  Since when human society with music, can not be traced. Has not produced in human language, have known the level of use of sound, strong or weak, etc. to express their own meaning and feelings. With the development of human labor, has the effect of a unified labor rhythmic chant and pass information between each other cry, this is the most original musical shape; when people celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of labor, they often beat stone, wood to express joy joy feelings, this is the prototype of the original instrument.
  First, the origin of legend strings
  Mercury (Mercury) is the Greek mythology the gods to God. He was reportedly walking along the Nile, the feet touch a thing given wonderful voice, he picked up, he discovered an empty shell was originally inside of a dry bar with the sounds. Mercury inspiration from this, the invention of the stringed instrument. Although research in the Mercury later generations ago already had strings, but it may be this was inspired.
  Second, wind instruments legend
  Account of the ancient history of China five thousand years ago the Yellow Emperor, a name known musician Ling Lun, he entered the mountains in western Queensland-based mining and bamboo flute. Phoenix was exactly five in the air Hita, he combined his voice and the law. Although this story can not be completely sure, but it could be seen as the origin of the instrument with a mysterious legend.
  Third, the ancient Chinese music
  --- China's first emperor Huangdi, is five thousand years ago created a calendar and writing the name of the ruler. At that time, Ling Lun in addition to the foregoing, there is one called "Fu Xi," the musician. Fu Xi was the first snake who is said to have given birth in the mother-to-twelve years. He played a 50 string, Zhang Qin, as tone is too sad, the Yellow Emperor Qin down to half its changed to 20 Wu Xian.
  In addition, the legendary Yellow Emperor, also called Shen Nong, a musician, he taught to farm, and found a medicine, is said to be the first person cattle. He created the banjo, then if the idea is to use the pentatonic music, then this is taken for granted.
  【Music】 China
  The official written record of the history of Chinese music began in the Zhou Dynasty.
  Prehistoric Ancient Music】 【
  Chinese music of ignorance during the early ancestor of the Huaxia Huangdi two thousand years of God. According to this 6700 years to 7000 years of the Neolithic Age, the ancestors may have been able to burn Pottery Xun, digging system bone whistle. The original instrument undoubtedly tell people, when the human already has the capability of the musical aesthetic. According to the ancient musical culture of ancient literature with song, dance, music combined with the characteristics of each other. Getian Shi clan in the so-called "three operating Shelter, eight songs enough to tie down vote," the dance is the best description. At that time, people are singing the contents, such as "Respect always," "Fen grain," "the extreme of total animal" reflects the ancestors of agriculture, animal husbandry and the world know the laws of nature. These songs, dance, music and dance music each other with one of the original totem worship like the original clan ties. Such as Huangdi Shi Yun Zeng Yi family totem, his music and dance called "Cloud Gate." Songs on the original form, can be seen in "Lu" Tu Shi Zhinv Recorded in the "Song of Waiting." This song only been "on Xi Yi-man," one and only "on" and the words have real meaning. This is the music of the bud, of a pregnancy without the language. Henan Wuyang Jiahu origin of the bone flute around 6000 BC, is the world's oldest wind instrument. One of a seven-hole bone flute preserved very complete, the experts carried out experiments and found that the use of the bone flute still playing music, can be issued seven sound stage. But basically only use the ancient Chinese pentatonic scale.
  【Music】 ancient
  Ancient Chinese "poetry" is, regardless, that is, literature and music are closely linked to the department. The oldest Chinese poetry collection "The Book of Songs" in the Psalms at all with a tune, as sung by the masses orally. This tradition continues, and such integration of the Han Dynasty official poetry known as "Han Dynasty", Tang, Song was also able to sing. Even today, there are pop musicians as poetry _set_ to music concerts, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival Sushi description of "Prelude to Water" also Li Bai's "Poem."
  Ancient China contempt musician, not to treat artists as Chinese painting and calligraphy are closely connected, the painter is literati class, even when in the Song Dynasty "to draw the examiner" (actually because of the extreme Huizong personal hobby of painting). Musicians of a lower status, but for the noble entertainment "actor." During the Tang dynasty in the famous singer Li turtles have no political status, now people know he is because he often appears in the Tang poetry, praised by others.
  Ancient Chinese "scholar" class that a cultivated person should master "poetry and painting", the so-called "piano" is popular since the qin. Guqin scholar alone, but only appreciate, not on public show. Guqin smaller volume, higher status is the only musical instrument.
  Summary: the development of music theory in ancient China slow in the "official history" of high status, not to leave more information in writing. But the music and literature as a compulsory subject in ancient intelligentsia, in the daily life of ancient China no doubt has an important position; it is even more full of colorful folk melody.
  Xia, Shang Dynasty Music
  Xia and Shang dynasties during slavery society. Literature from the classical view, when the dance music and dance have been gradually away from the original clan for the clan shared characteristics, they share more for the slave owners there. From the content point of view, they gradually left the primitive totem worship, instead of the conquest of nature for the people who carol. For example, Yu's water management for the benefit of the people, there will be a praise of the emperor Yu Dance "big summer." Xia Jie is no way, cutting the Shang Dynasty, and as a result of the praise music and dance Shang Tang Expending "big oblique." Shang Wu Fengsheng OK, so there solely on the worship of the Witch (Witch) and wizard (wizard). Nurtured by their slave owners, the line festival, dance, singing, was the first person to music as a career. Slave to music and dance to worship the Emperor of Heaven, ancestors, the same time have to indulge their own to enjoy music and dance. They died but also to musicians and sacrificial victims, the martyrdom of this brutal killing system on the one hand exposed the cruel rule of slave owners, and objectively reflects the progress of productivity compared to primitive times, making music culture with a rapidly growing conditions. According to historical records, the Xia has been a useful system Tuo crocodile Piemonte drum. Shang Dynasty have been found in wooden drums and double-cavity birds taotie Skin to drums, and the production of well-bred Shi Hua Shi Pan plow. Bronze Age As a result, the Shang Dynasty also appeared bells, cymbals musical instrument series, most of them three to one group. The emergence of various types of percussion instruments in the history of hit musical instrument embodies the characteristics of the development of the former. Years beginning in 5000 the body of instruments Pottery Xun Ming tone from the hole at the time, the development of two to five sound hole sound hole, it can issue 12 semitones of the sound out. According to Tao Xun pronunciation inference, Chinese folk music, the pentatonic basis of thinking in the late Neolithic period, while the sound of at least seven companies, Yin had already occurred.
  Xizhou Music
  Western Zhou is a slave society from prosperity to decline, the feudal system of social factors, the growing period of history. Western Zhou Dynasty court first established a complete music system. Enjoy entertainment at the banquet the status of officials of different provisions have different status, dance team preparation. Summary judgments before the ancient epic nature of the music and dance, you can see the so-called "sixth generation of music and dance", that is, when the Yellow Emperor, "Cloud Gate", when Yao's "salt pond" when Shun, "Shao", Yu when the "big summer" , when the business "big geometrid" weeks "big arms." Zhou also mingling system, to collect folk songs, in order to observe customs, police sentiments. Depends on it, preserving a large number of folk songs, _delete_d by the Spring and Autumn Period Confucius _set_ to form China's first poetry collection - "The Book of Songs." It collects from the early Western Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn Period 500 years into the middle of a total of 305 music poetry. "Book of Songs" the best part is "style." They are spread in Henan Province as the center, including the number of provinces around the country folk song 15. There are also literary creations, "Taiga", "Xiao Ya," and the Sacrifice epic song "Song" these types of genre. Handed down its text analysis, "Book of Songs" songs to form structure can be summarized as ten. As the song's climactic end, has a special name "chaos." In the "Book of Songs," a book before and after, the famous patriotic poet Qu Yuan's sacrifice according to Chu songs compiled into "Nine Songs", with strong characteristics of Chu culture. Thus, two different works of different musical styles into a north and south pavilions interest.
  Live folk music during the Zhou Dynasty social life involved a dozen side, very active. Shi-Chuan Boya piano, Zhong Ziqi Salon story that begins at this time. This reflects the performance technology, technology, and people appreciate the composition level. Guqin playing, the piano were also concludes that "purest heart of the device can only be" playing psychological feelings. QIN famous musicians singing the song, according to records to "Shaking the tree, ring containing Feiyun." More civil Genv Han E, after the song "Yin Yu Rao Liang, three days is not absolute." These are highly technical achievements in vocal music.
  Zhou's cultural achievements can also be highly developed in 1978 with the County of Hubei's Warring States period unearthed tombs of ancient musical instruments Marquis Yi of Zeng as an important symbol. This can be comparable to the pyramids of Egypt provide a treasure trove of underground music at the court music system model, where unearthed eight 124 instrument, according to Zhou's "octave" instrument classification (gold, stone, silk, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, wood) everything almost all kinds of musical instruments. The most important of 64 bells musical instrument, at the upper and the lower-ranking provision, the total weight of up to five thousand kilograms, the total up to five octave range. However, as the Shang and Zhou bells chime a bell with two tone hair features, including the Department of the pitch is 12 semitones in place, you can transfer spin palace, which confirmed the pre-Qin literature on spin palace reliable records. Tomb clock, there are inscriptions on the pan instrument, says the feudal theory of temperament between countries, reflecting the height of the Zhou Dynasty Musical Temperament achievements. In the Zhou Dynasty, Temperament theory has been established. 5 sound stage name (gong, shang, jiao, zhi [zhi three times], birds) also have been established. At this time, people already know five or seven voices sound in order to voice the main palace, Palace, Palace Music from place to place is called spin, so that you can achieve the transfer effect. Law school to highlight the achievements found in "tube - to members of Chapter" recorded in the "one-third of the profit and loss method." Is to house the chord sound basis, increased by one third (Yi I), by Palace Music sign four degrees below the pure tone; sign minus one third of the chord tone (loss of one), be levied Music five degrees above the pure sound business; inferior race continues to be projected on the tone pentatonic chord. Operator in accordance with this method all 12 semitones within the octave (Temperament) the chord length, constitutes a "one-third of the profit and loss law system." Because of this legal system is based on the five-degree intervals of natural made with students, and each time with students than those made of sound micro-tempered high-five degrees, so not sending twelve law students with high-octave tone, resulting in the so-called "brass bells can not be restored" to the spin transfer Palace inconvenience. However, this fully reflects the melodic beauty of tone tuning system continues today.
  Qin and Han Dynasties Music
  Qin, start with "verse." It inherited the system of the Zhou Dynasty to the collecting folk songs, collecting, sorting changed folk music, the end results of a large number of musicians in the feast, Jiao Si, Asaga so on play. Such as singing the lyrics, known as the verse poems. Verse, and later be extended to all income refers to music or write it into music lyrics, even some of the more drama and gas are also called Yue.
  Three Kingdoms, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties Music
  Songs from the development phase and to clear up commercial music in the North get the attention Cao Wei, _set_ clear business department. Jin at the turn of the war, so clearly into the commercial music of the South, and South, Wu Ge, Western music fusion. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, the integration of this north-south commercial music back to clear the north, thus becoming the country's major popular genres. Han, along with the smooth flow of the Silk Road, Western countries have introduced the song to start the mainland. When Northern Liang Tang Yan Yue Lu Guang will occupy an important position in the Kucha (Kuqa, Xinjiang today) music brought to the mainland. This shows that people of all time music is already very popular on the exchange.
  At this time, the representation of traditional music culture instrument Guqin mature, mainly as follows: there have been problems in the Han Dynasty the title of the qin melodies solution monograph, "Qin Cao." Three Kingdoms, the famous qin Kang in his book "Musical Instrument" in his book the "emblem of Zhongshan of Yu" records. This shows that people already know that Qin was the emblem bit harmonics generation. At that time, there have appeared a large number of scholars qin, such as Ji Kang and Ruan Ji and so on, "Guanglingsan" ("Niezhengciqin King"), "Yi-Lan Cao", "Tune", a famous track came.
  Southern and Northern Dynasty is also a kind of popular story, their role and make-up performances, singing and dancing, while both accompaniment and orchestral accompaniment of song and dance drama. This is already a small prototype of opera.
  Temperament in this period's important achievements, including the Jin Mao Xun find wind instruments, "the number of nozzle correction." Southern Song Hecheng days in one-third of the profit and loss method, the arithmetic superposition approach to the creation of a new law is very close to the tempered. His efforts to solve the one-third of the initial profit and loss can not restore law Huangzhong problem.
  Sui and Tang Dynasty Music
  Sui and Tang dynasties, political unity, especially in the Tang Dynasty, political stability, economic prosperity, the rulers policy of openness, the courage to absorb the culture of the outer city, together with Wei has been bred since the laying the foundation of all music and cultural integration, and finally germination taking music and dance music as the main indicator of the overall development of the peak.
  Tang Dynasty palace feast of music, called "Yan Music." Sui and Tang Dynasty's seven-step music, nine belong to Yin Lok Lok. They are of all ethnic groups, and foreign folk music, mainly QingShang Music (Han), Western Liang (now Gansu) music, Gao (now Turpan) music, Kucha (Kuqa this) music, Kang country (now Russia Han Samar) music, Yasukuni (now Russian Bukhara) music, Tianzhu (now India), music, Korea (now North Korea) Theatre. One Kucha music, music Xiliang more important. Yan Yue was also divided into sitting and Li in the Department of Kabuki Kabuki play, according to Bai's "Legislative Department of Kabuki," poetry, the Department of trick the performer to sit higher than Li in Kabuki.
  Tang song and dance rage music is unique in the wonderful work of Yan. It inherits the traditional phase and koji, a unique blend of nine music in the essence of all music, forming a bulk order - in order or making order - broken or dance all over the structure. Found in "Jiaofang recorded" Recording Tang Daqu Commissioned total of 46, which "霓裳羽衣舞" the emperor of its renowned musicians as the Emperor's, but also combines elegant style of the French song for the World praiseworthy. The famous poet, wrote a description of the performance process Daqu vivid poem "霓裳羽衣舞 song."
  The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty's culture also finds expression in a series of music education institutions, such as teaching workshops, pear orchards, large music department, advocating the Department and specialized instructors do not teach young children Liyuan Park. Strict performance of these institutions, creating the groups of talented musicians. Literary History of Tang to none at the time is the concert singing. Geishas Zeng Yi was singing and faster famous poem; poet has his own poems into music after the wide spread measure their writing skills. Bands in the Tang Dynasty, the pipa is one of the main instruments. It has almost the same shape today's pipa. Fujian now, and the Japanese lute Nanqu in shape and playing on the method still preserved some features of the Tang pipa.
  By Kucha theory of music, appeared in 84 notes Tang, Yan music 28 tone music theory. Cao Tang Dynasty also created by the word soft spectrum Guqin notation, has been in use to modern times.
  Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties Music
  To the Yuan Dynasty, the emergence of national musical instruments sanxian noteworthy. Studies in music theory, music Yan Song appeared in the record scale. Meanwhile, the early spectral type notation is also Zhang Yan, "etymology" and Shen Kuo's "Meng Xi Bi Tan" appears. Recent passage of a musical score from the direct time. Chinese Opera Song or mature age. It is marked by the emergence of the Southern Song Shinan play. Southern Opera, also known as Wenzhou Dynasty, Yongjia Opera, the music rich and natural. Initially some non-minor, concerts can be transferred from house restrictions. Tune body was later developed into opera music, also emerged a number of organizations, different melody phrases constitute a new melody of "Song Collection" form. South opera in concert form, has been solo, duets, chorus and so on. Handed down three Southern Drama this, "Zhang Xie" and found "Paradise Daqu." Opera in the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Dynasty appeared to peak represented. The initial rise of Yuan Dynasty in the north, gradually developing to the south, and the Southern drama blending occurs. Representative writers Yuan Guan Hanqing, Ma Zhiyuan, Revival after, White Park, in addition to Wang Shih-fu, Qiao Jifu, the Bank said six people. Classic works such as Guan Hanqing's "Snow in Midsummer," "will single-handedly," Wang Shih-fu's "The West Chamber." Yuan strict structure, that each work by the Si Zhe (screen) of a wedge (off site or over) form. Within the limits of a discount house with the same tune, a rhyme in the end, often by a role (at the end or Jordan) lead singer, the rules, and sometimes there are breakthroughs, such as Wang Shih-fu's "The West Chamber" up to five 20 fold. Yuan drama of the South, resulting in the Southern theater (called the Yuan and Ming legend) for further maturation. Witnessed a series of classic plays, such as "Praying Court", "Lute" and so on. Experience on behalf of the spread of these scripts is still performed. North-South style of music at that time had been initially established, the voice of seven-order-based North Qu Chen Xiong; to Southern Drama pentatonic-based soften. With the development of the arts Yuan Dynasty, there has been a summary of the first monograph on the theory opera singing, which flourished on the Temple's "Singing", and Zhou Deqing's "Rhyme" is a song first Rhyming Dictionary of the North, he north Language is divided into 19 rhymes, and the tones of Chinese characters is divided into IA, IB and IIIA, rising tone, falling tone of four. This later phonology research and development of opera rap music have a great impact.
  Ming and Qing Dynasty Music
  Since the Ming and Qing society has a budding capitalist economic factors, the public sectors growing, the development of music culture is more secular characteristics of the Ming dynasty rich folk ditty, though mixed, but the breadth of its influence has reached "do not ask men and women "and" everybody learning the "level. As a result, the private collection of editing, publishing ditty has become a trend, but also from folk ditty to the libretto, opera text, melodies have come out of private Editions. If Menglong editor of "Folk Songs," Zhu Quan, the first editor of the Music of "Marvelous Mysteries" and so on.
  Rap colorful Ming and Qing Dynasties. One South Tanci, north lyrics to dagu, and brand music, piano books, affections Cantata kind of like that is more important. The beautiful south of Suzhou storytelling storytelling greatest impact. In the Qing Dynasty, Suzhou, Chen appeared to encounter dry desolation represented in bold relief, Chen notes; to Maru Fei represented frank Hearty duma; to the beauty represented by Yu Xiushan soften the tone of these three important school of Yu. And later proliferation of many new schools. The lyrics to dagu northern Shandong drums, wooden drums Jizhong, River drums, Jingyuntaigu more important. The brand of music like rap are chorded, Henan Major song, etc.; piano books piano books class rap with Shandong, Sichuan dulcimer, etc.; affections affections class rap in Zhejiang, Shaanxi affections, such as Hubei, Yu Gu, minorities have also been some rap Songs such as the Mongolian story-telling, Bai Big song. Ming and Qing period music and dance all the people in the greater development, such as the various Yangge Han, Uygur Muqam lamp, Tibetan capsule M, Zhuang copper encouraged Dai Peacock Dance, jump on the Yi, Miao Lusheng dance. To tune the flow of cloth as the characteristics of the Ming and Qing Chinese music emerged a new development heights. Fourth day with sea salt out loud cavity, Yuyao, Yiyang, Kunshan various cavity, which cavity in Kunshan, Jiangsu Taicang Weiliang Fu and others through reform, to fine tune and smooth sound stress prefix words abdomen, won the people's favorite suffix . Kunshan cavity has been the confluence of North and South music, forming a moment to the highest of the Kun Opera. The first Ming Liang Chen Kun plays the fish is "Washing Gauze", the remaining major repertoire, such as Ming Tang's "Peony Pavilion", Qing Hong Sheng's "Palace of Eternal Youth" and so on. Yiyangqiang its flexible features of the dialect of the opera took place around the major impact, making the growing parts of opera, such as a variety of pitched drama. Ming and Qing Dynasties, the North West Shaanxi Opera in Shaanxi Bangzi opera represented the development of very fast, it affects puzhou Clapper Shanxi, Shaanxi, with the state Clapper, Clapper Hebei, Henan clapper. This sonorous, easy-Bangzi opera enduring in the northern provinces. Qing Dynasty, by the Xi Pi and the two yellow skin composed of two basic tunes yellow cavity, formed in Beijing, thus, had an impact all over the country's opera.
  【Music】 music theory
  The development of music is no limit and scope, but music is time-sensitive, so if word of mouth alone, it is inevitable there will be some mistakes, over time, can not maintain the original flavor of music. Therefore, our predecessors have invented all kinds of music notation, use of these symbols of the music, and their descendants can use the spectrum, playing out with the same meaning of the music, while recorded music on a variety of symbols and rules, it said to music theory.
  Ancient Chinese music is pentatonic system, on the pentatonic scale of five levels is called the "five sound", that palace (do), business (re), angle (mi), sign (sol), birds (la) . Comparison of the famous ancient Chinese music "Guanglingsan," "Mountain and Flowing Water", "Plum Blossom", etc..
  National Instruments】 【
  "Zhou Li Chun officials" in the musical instruments are divided into gold, stone, earth, leather, silk, wood, gourd, bamboo eight categories, called "octave" is also one of the oldest musical instrument classification.
  Gold tone including the bells, special bell, cymbals
  Rock Music including chimes, special chime
  Accent, including Xun
  Leather drum sounds, including
  Sibilant including the qin, the ancient Joseph
  Wood tone including zhu, Yu-
  Sound, including Sheng Pao, yu
  Including bamboo flute sound, flute, pipe, bamboo flute
  Bells, chime issued by the two instruments sound crisp and bright, to be known as the "voice of stone", is officially recognized "the highest elegant sound." Now what is the silk string and wind sounds and short sounds of bamboo.
  Ancient musical instruments mainly Xun, Fou, building, pan, Harp, zither, qin, Joseph, etc., generally slow melodious music, mainly to fit the needs of court life or religion.
  【Music】 Modern
  The late 19th century, China was forced to open the south coast, came into contact with Western music and musical instruments, musical bear the brunt of Guangdong, the first sound absorbing Western ways, creating new musical instruments dulcimer and marimba, the development of the orchestra music, music still has its unique Guangdong charm, is more successful example of combining Chinese and Western.
  From 1838 to 1903 years (that is narrow "school music" movement before the rise of sixty years) church music music education in modern China had a tremendous impact. After the Opium War, missionaries went to China to increase the number of Western missionaries in China, missionary work, they often do with singing hymns as auxiliary method, the chromatic concepts have been spread.
  Folk musicians playing Chinese musical instruments creating a new stage, erhu composer Liu Tianhua created a large number of Erhu solo, such as "Good Night", "bright line", "river water", etc., performer Hua Yanjun (blind Bing) created a "Traditional" and so on erhu and pipa. Although at the time when the world turmoil, the Chinese folk music both in solo and ensemble band have great development.
  1910s to the 1920s, the New Culture Movement, many overseas Chinese to return home after the musicians began to play European classical music, also began to read music record new works. Formed a new orchestra in big cities, mixed European classical music and jazz, concert halls and radio are very popular. Shanghai in the 1930s reached its peak.
  Although the use of Western instruments and musical instruments, but still is a popular music form in China, that the main melody, pentatonic-based, can be most people's favorite. Zhou Xuan was one of the most popular performers, was the representative of popular music, its for the movie "Street Angel" sang the theme song, "The Wandering Songstress" and "Butterfly," a time of great popularity, the people at that time anti-Japanese sentiment , known as the "golden voice."
  The People's Republic of China established, pop songs than after the revolution, also added a translation into Chinese of Soviet pop. Began to build around the Symphony Group, played Western classical music, and Chinese composers of new works. Eastern European orchestra performing several times to China, Chinese Orchestra also participated in many international performances will be. Chinese musicians have tried to use the Western method of writing instruments with Chinese style of music, the more successful a violin concerto "Butterfly Lovers", adopted some of Shaoxing opera melodies.
  And third world countries are increasing contacts, this Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble was established, specialized learning, concerts in Asia, Africa and Latin America the nation's folk music, popular in China, from the music to begin developing countries China's impact. Chinese National Orchestra of orchestration, ensemble approach is also in shape, produced many successful instrumental music symphony.
  In recent years, China's folk music began to receive wide attention around the world, every Lunar New Year, will be invited to the Golden Hall in Vienna New Year Concert held in China, and packed.
  School in Taiwan and Hong Kong Teng create songs the concert, the Chinese popular music to a peak, with a unique style of Chinese music and charm, Teresa Teng, a concert in the United States, it attracted too many Americans in the background the whole stage, stage management appreciation , although they do not understand the Chinese lyrics.
  【Music】 revolution
  In the Northern Expedition, with Chinese musicians revolution, made a lot of revolutionary songs, the National Revolutionary Army, is widely sung, some with foreign direct popular melody accompanied by revolutionary lyrics.
  Anti-Japanese War, the musicians is united in writing a large number of anti-Japanese songs. Xian Xinghai's "Yellow River Cantata" magnificent, reflected the spirit of popular resistance. Composing music for the film with the "National Anthem" is majestic, a Japanese army of liberation to be sung everywhere, The People's Republic of China established, in order to be prepared and not forget how the Chinese people against foreign aggression, the National Anthem, as the national anthem .
  Conference 1942 Yan'an, the Communist-controlled areas began to rewrite the local folk songs into the revolution, such as Shaanxi folk song "The East is Red." The purpose is to rewrite most of the population is illiterate farmers to spread communist ideology.
  During the Cultural Revolution, Western music, especially the Soviet Union's not illegal. Retro revolutionary songs and the so-called "quotation songs", with dictatorial "model operas", and foreign exchanges almost stopped, even in the welcome banquet in honor of U.S. President Richard Nixon, the band playing American music, "haystack on turkey" , the then Minister of Culture should protest to the Prime Minister, the mainland Chinese music into a low period. To the development of music is not completely stagnant.
  During the Cultural Revolution, the "model opera" Although too overbearing, but the opera will be accompanied by the introduction of the Western orchestra to produce a special effect, in the context of vigorous orchestral and skin tones of the drums, but also highlighted the characteristics of opera music, but also a Integrated Chinese and Western development. Especially the "Dahushangshan" interlude in the horn solo, and singing back tones of natural, very commendable.
  Pop music】 【
  Since China's reform and opening up, the first pop music from Hong Kong and Taiwan into China, particularly Taiwan, Teresa Teng singing school songs and songs popular in mainland China. In the CCTV Spring Festival Gala Performance of China's Ming-Min Zhang's "My Chinese Heart" became a hit in China, which is China's Hong Kong and Taiwan's first public music performance. Since then, China's pop music and the rest of the world's various styles, various genres of music combined, resulting in a number of popular songs. Now, the rapid development of China's pop music, pop music world in a new force should not be underestimated.
  Taiwan and Hong Kong's popular music developed rapidly, the basic synchronization and international trends, particularly Hong Kong, because the government does not interfere with the creation of music, there have been many famous singers and songs, not only across China by the Chinese, but also by Japan, South Korea, fans of the cult.
  In recent years, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of the world continue to share the Chinese pop music, began to convergence, convergence trend. Therefore, start with "Global Chinese pop music," the overall title. An outstanding performance: China as one of the world's largest consumer market, Hong Kong and Taiwan, overseas major pop music release list and start the preparation of more and more attention to the mainland market.
  It is noteworthy that, in the popular music which, with a kind of folk music in nature, they are represented by the campus folk, urban folk, barracks ballads, folk music they also have a place among pop music, have all had their brilliant years, simple folk tunes, popular lyrics also touched many people.
  【Music】 rap
  The music is based on a fixed melody, rhythm, accompanied by synthesizer, scratch records, and so fast that the composition did not understand rap, many people feel too weird, too monotonous, so predicting its short-lived, but proved from its development to the present all the formal music awards ceremony and have a rap song charts the breakdown of the project, such as the annual Billboard Rap Album award is about the best American rap trend guide. Many people believe that all rap music sounds are the same, does not. You have to listen to rap shown by the feeling of rhythm and rhyme, go about it to say. For example, gang rap to help them against the community, with the obvious racist tendencies, politicized, and specifically choose non-government. And most of these singers have a background of local gangs, coupled with the talents of the rap album. So they are always around the topic of firearms, drugs, violence and survival of the subject, but in any case, the formation of these rap style, fully demonstrated the aspirations of African Americans and discontent. Any have anything to say, and talented young people, can rap in a different form, to find their own sky.
  【Music】 National
  Narrow sense of Chinese folk music refers to the Han Chinese music, referred to as "folk music." China's ethnic music has had more style and content, such as Tibetan music, Mongolian music, Zhuang music.
  Tibetan Music
  Tibetan nation is sing and dance, their song melody vast, mildly sweet. Tibetan Buddhist music can be divided into music and folk music. Buddhist music in the most famous monks sing praise tunes without words.
  Tibetan folk songs resounding loud and clear, it sounds like there is a vast plateau blue sky weather, melodious tunes, but also to the five main sound. Song and dance form of "fruit harmony", "Guozhuo" (pot Zhuang), etc.. Tibetan music, some of the elements are absorbed by the Han Chinese and Western music. Some songs of the Han mimic the characteristics of Tibetan music created such as "visiting the Park," "Plateau," a kind of song. Recent years, Tibetans in Tibet are also songs of other musical elements into. In addition to the famous Tibetan singer Cedain Zhoima and singing Chinese songs mainly Han Hong, there Rongzhongerjia, East Asia, Jean Snow Dolma large number of high profile singer in Tibet.
  Regular theater now finishing excavation performed traditional Tibetan opera "King Gesar."
  Music Man
  Northeast China and Beijing is the Manchu _set_tlements. Man's most famous folk music is from the Qing Dynasty Bajiao Gu. Man's Lullaby, "a lengthy bar," and other works are well-known, often used in Chinese modern cover.
  Mongolian Music
  Mongolian folk song points "folk Long Song" and "short-tune folk songs." "Long Tune" There are many homophonic words meaningless stretch singing, there are grasslands Kongkuo style. The most distinctive musical instrument is matouqin is a pull strings, piano column as a Tau general decorative carving, so this name.
  Guangxi Zhuang neighborhood is the home of folk songs, often young men and women singing in antiphonal style, some people even say that the time singing Zhuang's life longer than the talking. Basic and Han Zhuang folk music style similar to the main pentatonic scale. Lyrics obvious antithesis format, content at nominal, metaphor and other techniques statements to the exchange-based life, and sometimes the lyrics are referring to the Chinese classical stories and allusions. Zhuang music can be in the movie musical "The Nutcracker" in a glimpse of its magic.
  Dai music
  Dai's and South Asia, Myanmar, Thailand's musical style is similar to mildly mellow tunes, typical musical instruments, and as the feet drum a Hulusi, Hulusi unique timbre of a musical style of playing is Dai.
  Naxi Ancient Music
  Lijiang Naxi Naxi ancient music is in the middle of playing old music, is said to be imported from the Central Plains during the Ming Dynasty, and since the original local traffic inconvenience, and little outside contact, and always genuine, handed down, there are only a group of old band can play, is training his successor, is the living fossil of the 14th century music by the music industry attention.
  Dong music
  Dong "Great Song" is the only use of acoustic folk songs, basic for the female a cappella, vocal harmonies by the voices are very harmonious with, caused a sensation in international and won numerous awards.
  Uighur Music
  Uyghur music is basically the Arab style of music, great emphasis on rhythm, hand drum can play dozens of different rhythms, musical instruments are mainly suitable for immediate playing of both Seoul and thermal tile just it, the biggest is Tamboura. The traditional Uygur music "12 Maqam" all-inclusive, is the source of many folk music.
  Tajik music
  Tajik music, and a greater difference between Han Chinese music, good use of chromatic, melody tactfully changing, as Eagle Gao Ming, the most typical of the composer Lei Zhenbang for the movie "tip of the visitors," with songs full use of Tajik folk songs.
  Korean Music
  Korean music and North Korea, South Korea's music is basically the same, the main instrument with a long drum and gayageum. Gayageum similar to the ancient Chinese zither, smaller than the modern zither, playing the law are not the same, sit cross-legged knee is placed on the bomb. Music melody has its unique style.
  【Music】 Opera
  19th Century Opera Opera Peking opera of China is very popular in China, also one of the more popular art, large areas have their own local opera. At present, the most representative of the development of Beijing Opera in Beijing. Music Music is usually the main high-profile singing and to flute, percussion section, clapper, gongs, and tones of other stringed accompaniment. Other representatives of opera music: A Night with Hebei, Henan, Pingju opera, Shaoxing opera, Cantonese opera, Kun Opera, Shaanxi Opera, Opera, high such a play and Nuo opera. The whole of China a total of more than 600 varieties of local theater. Kun orally by the United Nations as a World Cultural Heritage List.
  】 【Rock music
  China's reform and opening up, and Western music was introduced to China through various channels. Music youth more or less exposed to rock music, and began to build a band, imitation and creation.
  China's rock music for the first time on stage should be said that in May 9, 1986. At that time in the Beijing Workers Stadium Memorial "'86 International Year of Peace" concert in China 100 singers, Cui Jian dressed in little-known long gown and carrying a guitar, one high and one low trousers jumped on the stage, the audience stunned occasion Hou Chu, "I once asked a drag / when you come with me ... ...", that is, the first Chinese rock pioneer work as "nothing." Subsequently, the Chinese rock, Cui Jian will be the first person called.
  The late 80s and early 90s, rock altar has been found in China, such as the Tang Dynasty, Panther, reincarnation, overloading, compass, Beijing 1989 and other bands. By 1994, the Hong Kong Coliseum, Hung Hom, "China's rock influence" concert in the history of China's most passionate rock scene, when the three heroes of rock known as the Magic Dou Wei, Zhang Chu and He Yong, the Chinese rock band Tang Dynasty and push to a peak. China followed a very big rock show differentiation trends, followed by appearance of various musical styles. As to the popular Zheng Jun, Xu Wei, and 0:00, etc.; lower fidelity of the punk band Pangu; pattern times out of flies, left a small ancestral curse and Wang Lei; electronic music and rap music is gaining popularity and a variety of musical styles of interaction between each other fusion. The old band dissolved, the main members of the solo, such as Dou Wei left the band after the Black Panther, had formed a dream band, but also cooperate with many bands impromptu recording; and new bands appear, such as flowers, new pants and take the British line of Catcher in the Rye and sober, etc.; this among a number of schools is of concern to Beijing's Confucius said (now renamed "The Master said Yao release") and second-hand roses to represent the Northeast folk rock more and more attention is being . Many record companies, such as the Modern Sky, Jingwenchangpian and entertainment companies in introducing new musicians and bands to hold concert also made a lot of try and contributions.
  【Music】 Western
  Western music history is the development of western music history, a detailed time can be divided into: Ancient Greece and Rome during the musical, the music during the Middle Ages, Renaissance music, Baroque music, Classical music, romantic music, contemporary music and New Age music and so on.
  Western musical instruments】 【
  Electronic keyboard
  Electric piano
  Electronic Piano
  Stringed instrument
  Electric Guitar
  Bass guitar
  Reed organ
  Jazz Organ
  Tango Accordion
  Reed Straight
  Chong Fenghao
  French Horn
  Bowed stringed instrument
  Double Bass
  Chung Chin
  Snare drum
  Japanese drums
  Crisp bell
  】 【Jazz
  In the jazz tunes, in addition to traditional music from Europe, the white folk and popular songs in the lessons aside, the best character is the "blues scale" (the structure on this scale, we will be part of the specialist Bruce description), but it can be said of jazz harmony is completely built on the basis of traditional harmony, but more freedom to use a variety of chord changes, the main difference between them is caused by the blues chords.
  Jazz in the use of musical instruments and playing on a very distinctive way, completely different from the traditional band. Since the "Jazz Age" since the saxophone became one of the best selling musical instruments; trombone can play the other brass instruments can not be done, funny or bizarre glide, so the team steal the show in the jazz; Trumpet is also a favorite jazz instrument, the instrument with a different mute the sound produced by the novel and the highest pitch is almost a jazz a few sound characteristics unique sound; piano, banjo, guitar, and subsequently The electric guitar is its sound and effective combat style ability to play chords occupy an important position. On the contrary, the most important band in the traditional string instruments (violin, viola, cello) in a number of relatively minor status; horn's rich sound in the orchestra is very fascinating, but for jazz, it's temperament was so docile almost no use. In the orchestra, each instrument in tone and volume control integrated into the overall sound as much as possible among the opposite team in jazz, musicians are striving to make each instrument are "stand up."
  The establishment of the band is flexible, the most basic of two parts - the rhythm group and melody group. In the early jazz, the rhythm group number by the bass, banjo and drums as an afterthought, tuba and banjo bass and guitar gradually being replaced by a piano join. In the 30's, the emergence of a dance band, then called "big band", which consists of three components: the rhythm group, brass and woodwind group group. Rhythm group used instruments is still double bass, guitar, piano and drums; brass group is the establishment of common three trumpet and two trombone, but the number is not fixed; woodwind group is usually composed of 45 saxophone Everyone and clarinet or other woodwind instrument, if the establishment of five saxophone is generally two alto, two tenor, one on bass. There is also a commercial (and sometimes also referred to as "sweet-type", "hotel-type", etc.) of the band, compiled with the "big band" almost, but often all used saxophone tenor, and woodwind group will be more use of other instruments (such as the flute, oboe), sometimes with three or four violin, often in the commodity tape you can hear the sound of these bands.
  Jazz in the tremolo is a change of direction of change is generally ranging from narrow to wide, the speed from slow to fast, often in a tone near the end of the range and speed increased jitter, but also enhanced the expression of such techniques . Meanwhile, in a sound beginning, jazz musicians are scheduled from the next slide up the pitch, in the end, and from the original pitch slide down. All these changes are not recorded in detail with the music, experienced jazz musicians have mastered this type of approach, especially in this concept, they can depending on the melody or accompaniment Yinxing these effects, "Manufacturing "out. So you can say this: As the improvisation skills of the individual traditions and play, jazz composers and musicians from the co-creation. Received traditional education is difficult to show the reason why jazz musicians, because they do not nurture this special musical ideas. If we carefully compare the true folk singer and formal training, the first folk singers sang the same difference in the meaning of this will have a more intuitive concept.
  Jazz was born from the beginning, it attracted a lot of jobs composers. 1920, conductor Paul Luohuaiteman organized a well-known band to jazz works adapted into a concert hall. This new trend has been much "serious" jazz lovers of fierce opposition, however, this is after the well-known jazz in the United States and Europe, was widely welcomed. Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" was born at this time for this work who is the Whiteman band orchestration the composer Ge Luofei. In accordance with the manuscript on the record, write this work took only three weeks, almost immediately after the performance caused a sensation. There are also many European composers to jazz-based or affected by the works of jazz, such as: Debussy's piano piece "ugly black strange gait Dance" (1908), "il trovatore" (1910), "Frankenstein Ravi Namibia General "(1910); Ravel's Violin Sonata in the slow movement (Bruce); Stravinsky's" 11 solo instruments Leigetaimu "(1919)," The Soldier's Tale "(1918 ), "black wood Concerto"; Hindemith's "Chamber Music No." (Op. 24, atonal) and the Piano Suite (1922).

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