vocableTable of Classification
Fisherman's song son Twenty five Zisan Oblique tone (any of the three tones other than the even tone, i.e., rising tone, going tone, and entering tone) Fisherman's song Old fisherman cantus Old fisherman Old fisherman (surname)


  Tang Jiaofang Commissioned Work. By, "Tang Zhang, and" Biography: Chi and Home from the dead, claiming, "Jiang Bo fishing only" fishing every no Er, no desire to fish. Kenso map really ask its people are not able to, try Writing "Fisherman's Song", that is, the term also. Monotone body, this really begins. To two-tone body, Fang from the "Hua Jian" taking care of Factories, Sun Guangxian, there are classes Wei Cheng, Li Xun Zhu words to school. Sushi monotone if the word is and from two-tone words off of ears. And coagulation word was renamed the "Fisherman", Xu Ji word name "Fisherman Music."
  Monotone 25 words, 5 3 Zeyun
  The Factories and Gu, Sun Guangxian two words in a same idea, but the third sentence of the sixth, the fourth sentence as difficult to trace an ear. Because of its monotonous, so out front.

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