圖片名稱: 登第後寒食杏園有宴,因寄錄事宋垂文衕年 After the board first with Apricot Cold Food Feast, Song for things to send down the text in the same year recorded

相關詩詞: 登第後寒食杏園有宴,因寄錄事宋垂文衕年 Registration no. After the Cold Food Apricot garden Youyanyinji Copyist Chui-Wen Song class

相關圖片: 登第後寒食杏園有宴,因寄錄事宋垂文衕年 After the board first with Apricot Cold Food Feast, Song for things to send down the text in the same year recorded

資料來源: http://www.xiancn.com/

圖片描述:   杏園宴和麯江流飲 杏園宴和麯江流飲
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