图片名称: 秋日与张宾客舒著作同游龙门醉中狂歌凡二百三十八字 Autumn and Zhang Shu guests book tour with Dragon Gate drunk in every two hundred thirty eight characters Poets

相关诗词: 秋日与张宾客舒著作同游龙门醉中狂歌凡二百三十八字 Autumn And Zhang Guest easy Classic alike Swim the east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. Drunk in the Poets Van Two hundred thirty character eight

资料来源: http://upload.gtzyb.com/

图片描述:   硬笔锋尖蕴大美_鉴赏收藏_中国国土资源报网 白居易《秋日与张宾客舒著作同游
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