Pic Title: Uncle to the right of Wugang Chen Wei family has ancestral Enshrined simple but fast Heshan two different public and the world is difficult to pull together something special gentlemen both great sign to the statement Complex Deductive

Related Poetry: 武冈向权叔家有陈魏祠堂合祀简斋鹤山惟两公世异事殊实难牵合诸公既极推引复徵予言

Related pictures: Uncle to the right of Wugang Chen Wei family has ancestral Enshrined simple but fast Heshan two different public and the world is difficult to pull together something special gentlemen both great sign to the statement Complex Deductive

Source: http://www.pzhqx.com/

Pic Description:   Annals of Jane's "Second Edition Introduction," Annals of Jane's "Second Edition Introduction
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