Pic Title: Dr Wong Yee Ching Tong Jun epitaph First bodyguard Zuoling Nalan

Related Chapter: 皇清通议大夫一等侍卫佐领纳兰君墓志铭

Related pictures: Dr Wong Yee Ching Tong Jun epitaph First bodyguard Zuoling Nalan


Pic Description:   Nalanxingde epitaph cover - stone fossils - Booty Wikipedia, the collectors of Wikipedia Lights in Historic Museum in the exhibition, to see the Ting Yu Qing court painter famous for the portrait for the Nalanxingde, and precious greatest treasures - Nalanxingde Epitaph cover, above a Rhythm of the Fifth Seal "First the doctor through the guards into the Shina Lan Yee
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