圖片名稱: 上巳日與二三子攜酒出遊隨所見輒作數句明日集之為詩故詞無倫次 Shangsi day trips with two or three children Xiejiu seen Noir operand sentence tomorrow with a poem so no word _set_ of coherence

相關詩詞: 上巳日與二三子攜酒出遊隨所見輒作數句明日集之為詩故詞無倫次 On the day and had All of you Xiejiu Outing With a comprehensive and balanced sentence, see Zhe Tomorrow _Set_ of words for the poetry so no the normal order of things, reasons, evidences, etc.

資料來源: http://img3.douban.com/

圖片描述:   蘇軾詩選(豆瓣) 頁數: 301 定價: 12.80元
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