Pic Title: Chen Shi Yin Jia Yucun dream dust pregnant lady psychic awareness

Related Chapter: CHAPTER I.

Related pictures: Chen Shi Yin Jia Yucun dream dust pregnant lady psychic awareness

Source: http://club.ggv.com.cn/

Pic Description:   "Dream of Red Mansions" is the four famous ancient China ("Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Journey to the West", "Dream of Red Mansions"), one case of Chapters novel, written in the Qing Dynasty Qianlong, Chinese classical one of four famous novels of ancient China one of the greatest novels, one of the world's great works of literary classics. "Dream of Red Mansions", also known as "Stones", is considered the most literary achievements of the classical Chinese novel, the novel is the pinnacle of creation. "Dream of Red Mansions" after more than forty chapters that continued into the high-E. The book by Jia, Shi, Wang, Xue four families as the background, Jia, Lin Tai-yu as the main clues to the tragedy of love, focusing on describing Jiajia Rong, Nanjing Second House from prosperity to decline process. Comprehensive description of the feudal state of society the world end of the world's human nature, does not reconcile these contradictions.
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