圖片名稱: 五花大綁 先用繩索套住脖子,又繞到背後仮剪兩臂的綁人方式 First with a rope tied to trap neck, arms tied behind their backs and tied around the back way people

相關詞條: 五花大綁: 先用繩索套住脖子,又繞到背後仮剪兩臂的綁人方式 Ropes neck first, then went around to the arms of the bind people behind Fanjian way

相關圖片: 五花大綁 先用繩索套住脖子,又繞到背後仮剪兩臂的綁人方式 First with a rope tied to trap neck, arms tied behind their backs and tied around the back way people

圖片描述:   五花大綁:::::::::: 五花大綁::::::::::       暫不公開
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