míngchèn: shì shǐ tái shāo jiàn qīn néng kān zhōng bié yóu zuò 'èr shī shòu liáng chéng yóuèr shǒu Be something censorate prison system, prison officials seemed to have invaded, since the degree is not worthy, died in prison, do not be a child by pretending to two beams into poetry granted jailer to left child by two

xiàngguānshīcí: shì shǐ tái shāo jiàn qīn néng kān zhōng bié yóu zuò 'èr shī shòu liáng chéng yóuèr shǒu

xiàngguāntúpiàn: shì shǐ tái shāo jiàn qīn néng kān zhōng bié yóu zuò 'èr shī shòu liáng chéng yóuèr shǒu Be something censorate prison system, prison officials seemed to have invaded, since the degree is not worthy, died in prison, do not be a child by pretending to two beams into poetry granted jailer to left child by two

zīliàoláiyuán: http://g-ec4.images-amazon.com/

túpiànmiáoshù:   dōng ( chā běn )/ shì - shū - xùn chā
/ 2 túpiàn

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