Pic Title: Milan Kundera

Related Personnel: Milan Kundera

Source: http://imgsrc.baidu.com/

Pic Description:   Milan Kundera (1929 -) * novelist, was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia; since 1975, has been _set_tled in France.
  * Novel "joke", "Life is Elsewhere", "Farewell Waltz", "Xiao Wang Lu", "Unbearable Lightness of Being" and "immortal" and short story collection "funny love", original to the Czech Republic be written.
  * Recently published novel "slow", "identity" and "ignorance", as well as collection of essays "The Art of Fiction" and "betrayed the will", the original written in French.
  * "Jacques and His Master", is representative of the drama.
  Czech Kundera has been used previously to create. But in recent years, he began trying to write in French, has published a "slow" (1995) and "Identity" (1997), two novels.
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